View Full Version : Gestalt concept- the denied sorcerer's heritage

2013-08-28, 07:16 PM
This is a concept I put together for a game where magic has been "shut off" (and the mission is to turn it back on) but I'm thinking about how it would have developed in the world with magic still available. Needless to say, the character will be suboptimal when it comes to the use of it's sorcerous half.

You are born with the potential for Sorcery- however, some cultures may frown on it's development. This gestalt build is taking a primitive warrior who denies his ability to use witchcraft(sorcery) but who's powers will not be denied- instead, he focuses on using his magic to enhance his fighting skills.

While I havnt been looking much at actual spells, the concept uses Arcane Strike and the Abjurant Champion's Arcane Boost to burn spell slots for single round bonuses. The actual progression is up in the air.

The other side of the build that I am actually using is a "homebrew" that looks -just- like the Pathfinder Mobility Fighter Architype. However, if I wanted to build this character using just 3.5 material, what would be the best way to build him as a melee monster? What would be the fluffiest approach to a tribal savage who slowly begins to learn about his magic side?

2013-08-28, 07:38 PM
For "slowly learning magic" you may be better off with another magic system - Words of Power perhaps, or the "Sphere Magic" featured in this kickstarter. (http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1708940685/spheres-of-power-a-new-pathfinder-magic-system)

Though maybe I'm not understanding exactly what you want.

2013-08-28, 07:56 PM
Part of the fluff for the sorcerer I'm going for, is that the character never wanted to be a magic user, but the magic in his blood wont be denied- his gestalt has to increase his sorcery casting in one slot every level (or every other level, at least), while the other side is the tribal warrior he really wants to be.