View Full Version : Compendium of Materials Hardnesses & HP!

2013-08-28, 09:51 PM
Please help me expand this list of materials. Right now I am only listing harnesses and HP per inch, but when the list is complete I will add the additional effects of the materials. If you see a missing material please post the name, book, and page reference. If you feel kind also list the effects. Please only post D&D listed materials. Thank you.

Need to Find

Also looking for 3.5 references for

HD / HP I already have
6 / 10 = Bone
0 / 2 = Cloth / Paper
1 / 1 = Glass
0 / 3 = Ice
2 / 5 = Leather
0 / 2 = Rope
8 / 15 = Stone
5 / 10 = Wood

Standard Metals
9 / 20 = Bronze
10 / 30 = Copper [3.0]
10 / 30 = Gold [3.0]
10 / 30 = Iron / Steel
10 / 30 = Platinum [3.0]
10 / 30 = Silver [3.0]

2 / 0.83 Earth, Packed - soil [3.0]
8 / 15 = Deep Coral - stone [3.0]
5 / 10 = Living Wood - wood [3.0]
8 / 7.5 = Masonry - stone
8 / 15 = Masonry Reinforce - stone + metal banding [3.0]
30 / 60 = Obdurium - metal [3.0]

Exotic materials [3.5] sources note if a 3.5 is the 3.0 it means I have not found the 3.5 reference yet.
20 / 40 = Adamantine - metal
10 / 20 = Bronze Wood - used as metal
17 / 35 = Byeshk - metal
10 / 30 = Calomel - metal
10 / 20 = Crysteel, Riedran - metal
5 / 10 = Darkwood - wood
8 / 20 = Densewood - wood used like metal
10 / 10 = Dragonhide - Leather
8 / 20 = Dragonshard - stone
10 / 30 = Iron, Cold - metal
10 / 30 = Iron, Flametouched - metal
6 / 10 = Livewood - wood
15 / 30 = Mithral - metal
10 / 30 = Mournlode, Purple - metal
8 / 10 = Silver, Alchem - metal
5 / 10 = Soarwood - wood
9 / 20 = Targath - metal

Exotic materials [3.0] sources
12 / 30 = Astral Driftmetal - metal
12 / 30 = Atandur - metal
8 / 15 = Blended Quartz - metal
5 / 10 = Chitin - big bug shell
10 / 30 = Dark Steal - metal
5 / 10 = Darkleaf, Elven - wood
10 / 30 = Dlarun - metal
10 / 30 = Dustwood - wood used like metal
10 / 30 Elukian, Clay
15 / 40 = Entropium - metal
2 / 30 = Green Steal, Baatorian - metal
10 / 30 = Hizagkuur - metal
12 / 30 = Iron, Fever - metal
9 / 20 = Iron, Gehennan Morghuth - metal
2 / 5 = Leaf Weave- Leather like leaves
12 / 30 = Living Metal - metal
13 / 30 = Mind Steel, Urdrukar - metal
11 / 25 = TrueSteel, Solanian - metal

Please help me add to this list. Thank you.

2013-08-28, 10:01 PM
Stronghold Builder's Guide, page 35, has wall stats (with thicknesses, hardness, and HP - you should be able to obtain per inch numbers for them fairly readily) for:
Adamantine, Bone, Deep Coral, Packed Earth, Glass, Ice, Iron, Living Wood, Masonry, Superior Masonry, Reinforced Masonry, Mithral, Obdurium, Hewn Stone, Unworked Stone, Force (sort of), and wood. Page 37 has a note about using lead... but it's assumed a 'thin layer'.

2013-08-28, 10:42 PM
Stronghold Builder's Guide, page 35, has wall stats (with thicknesses, hardness, and HP - you should be able to obtain per inch numbers for them fairly readily) for:
Adamantine, Bone, Deep Coral, Packed Earth, Glass, Ice, Iron, Living Wood, Masonry, Superior Masonry, Reinforced Masonry, Mithral, Obdurium, Hewn Stone, Unworked Stone, Force (sort of), and wood. Page 37 has a note about using lead... but it's assumed a 'thin layer'.

Thank you but that only really added
Deep Coral
Earth, Packed
Living Wood
Masonry Reinforce

Of these only Obdurium is a metal and few would be used non wall items.

2013-08-29, 04:52 AM
Magic of Faerun has copper, gold and platinum. Eberron Campaign Setting has some materials too.

2013-08-29, 06:25 AM
Obsidian is technically just glass. I would use the same stats.

2013-08-29, 07:58 AM
Obsidian is technically just glass. I would use the same stats.

Indeed. Obsidian has a Mohs hardness and specific gravity very close to window glass (which is largly made of fused quartz, quartz being actually higher on the Mohs scale) so I'd say it would be at most the same hardness/durability as glass. perhaps a bit less.

2013-08-29, 06:30 PM
Magic of Faerun has copper, gold and platinum. Eberron Campaign Setting has some materials too.

I know that was a 3.0 reference and perhaps that is why a bulk of the metals had a generic 10/30 statistics. Some how I find it hard to believe that Platinum (one of the hardest metals know to man) shares the same hardness as gold or silver ( some of the softest metals known to man). As you can see by post one. Bronze is the only standard metal that does not follow the pattern and it came from the DMG.

Magic of Faerun is a D&D reference but it doesn't seem correct.

2013-08-29, 06:48 PM
Indeed. Obsidian has a Mohs hardness and specific gravity very close to window glass (which is largly made of fused quartz, quartz being actually higher on the Mohs scale) so I'd say it would be at most the same hardness/durability as glass. perhaps a bit less.
But, but, I need a diamond pickaxe to get obsidian!

2013-08-30, 07:50 AM
But, but, I need a diamond pickaxe to get obsidian!

LOL that is just too funny. But remember you need to glue three of them together in the right order.

By any who I could use more materials please.

2013-08-30, 07:56 AM
Obsidian is technically just glass. I would use the same stats.

That might be true of real obsidian, but fantasy obsidian is usually much tougher and/or semi-magical.

2013-08-30, 08:00 AM
That might be true of real obsidian, but fantasy obsidian is usually much tougher and/or semi-magical.

Does this mean we can make **** up for any material then? I mean FANTASY gold might be stronger than steel!

2013-08-30, 08:52 PM
Does this mean we can make **** up for any material then? I mean FANTASY gold might be stronger than steel!

Your point is very valid, and I agree, but in the absence of a specific references we always have to find the closest comparison. [3.0] supports your position clearly with gold being every bit as hard as platinum. In fact the only common metal that has different stats is Bronze.

I would truly like to expand this compendium of materials. As I want to throw my players low magic alternatives. Materials provide a large host of advantages that can not be suppressed, and as I am finding there are almost as many mats as magical enhancements.

Please help me expand this compendium of materials.

2013-08-30, 11:57 PM
You mean HP per inch of thickness? I'm not aware of walls having HD.

Are you also going to include the uses for these materials? Like Aurorum (BoED) being used to rejoin the pieces of a weapon that had been broken, restoring the magic as well. (Same hp/hardness of steel)

2013-08-31, 12:13 AM
Does this mean we can make **** up for any material then? I mean FANTASY gold might be stronger than steel!

You completely missed the point of what I was saying.
Many fantasy setting specify obsidian as having incredible strength or magical properties. So doing so in the context of DnD is not unreasonable, as it has fair precedent in the fantasy genre, especially with DnD being the fantasy kitchen sink that it is.
It's the same reason Cold Iron and Silver have power against certain foes, even though in reality they are just mundane materials (in fact Cold Iron is... just regular iron). Though admittedly, their origin goes back to folklore rather than modern fantasy.

Gold on the contrary is almost always just money. Though it wouldn't surprise me if there were examples of it used as a magical substance either.

2013-08-31, 06:41 PM
You mean HP per inch of thickness? I'm not aware of walls having HD.

Are you also going to include the uses for these materials? Like Aurorum (BoED) being used to rejoin the pieces of a weapon that had been broken, restoring the magic as well. (Same hp/hardness of steel)

I planed on it but to list all the abilities prior to getting a complete list, would make it a very fat read. Ysgardian Heartwire does not even have a hardness or HP. Its a material upgrade to armor. For now I will list only HD/HPs When the list is complete I will add all the info to each material.

Believe it or not masonry is listed in the PHB. Strongholds a 3.0 book lists several walls.

2013-09-01, 12:26 AM
For what it's worth, any material can get an extra +2 hardness if it was created by a Paragonistic Apostle. Of course, that goes against your desire for low magic.

2013-09-01, 12:28 AM
Bamboo is a type of wood. It should be about the same unless you're picky. But then you gotta start differentiating between oak and pine.

2013-09-03, 08:47 AM
Bamboo is a type of wood. It should be about the same unless you're picky. But then you gotta start differentiating between oak and pine.
See that is just the thing. Bronze is the only common metal that different stats. [3.0] Gold is just as hard as Platinum, yet bronze is the only in between metal that is different. I agree in the absence of a reference Bamboo and wood would be good comparison, but for the purposes of this topic I only want to list book referable materials.

2013-09-03, 08:54 AM
So I have to ask... in what instance will the structural statistics of bamboo and gold come into play? What scenario prompted this?

2013-09-03, 09:01 AM
Does this mean we can make **** up for any material then? I mean FANTASY gold might be stronger than steel!

Unfortunately no, because there's actual precedent for the one but not the other. Both obsidian and jade are automatically Ghost Touch weapons, for example.

There's a nameless material, "the method of creation having been lost forever", which has like, 40 Hardness and 60 HP/inch, and the only surviving example is in an artifact staff of ilithids.

2013-09-03, 09:09 AM
So I have to ask... in what instance will the structural statistics of bamboo and gold come into play? What scenario prompted this?

How many DMs offer art, non-magical, or non-money rewards? I am sure there are some, but most offer only coins, magical gear, and the occasional Gem. Minor campaigns I can offer a guided-gold suit of armor from a crypt rather then the magical equivalent. If it is unwanted gear then either way their going to sell it. Or I could say the Doors to the red dragon's chamber are solid gold, and then offer them as part of the reward.

A great deal of these materials offer more minor advantages then magical enhancements. For example Holy Symbols made of special materials can offer bonuses to turn undead. The items HD and HP are commonly moot this compendium offers me more options to offer a verity of rewards to my players.

2013-09-03, 09:10 AM
Unfortunately no, because there's actual precedent for the one but not the other. Both obsidian and jade are automatically Ghost Touch weapons, for example.
No precedent? Gold is an equipment tier in minecraft which is better than stone. You can use a gold pickaxe to mine stone. Is that precedent enough? How many instances of a fantasy material are required before its valid?

I didn't realize obsidian automatically gained ghost touch. Where is that written?

2013-09-03, 09:12 AM
How many DMs offer art, non-magical, or non-money rewards? I am sure there are some, but most offer only coins, magical gear, and the occasional Gem. Minor campaigns I can offer a guided-gold suit of armor from a crypt rather then the magical equivalent. If it is unwanted gear then either way their going to sell it. Or I could say the Doors to the red dragon's chamber are solid gold, and then offer them as part of the reward.

A great deal of these materials offer more minor advantages then magical enhancements. For example Holy Symbols made of special materials can offer bonuses to turn undead. The items HD and HP are commonly moot this compendium offers me more options to offer a verity of rewards to my players.Good points all, I was simply curious. And now I kind of want to play in whatever game you're running.

2013-09-03, 09:39 AM
For what it's worth, any material can get an extra +2 hardness if it was created by a Paragonistic Apostle. Of course, that goes against your desire for low magic.Also +2 Hardness if Dwarvencraft (DMGII). Though, Dwarvencraft is only for items made predominantly from metal.

So I have to ask... in what instance will the structural statistics of bamboo and gold come into play? What scenario prompted this?There are ceremonial armour and weapons in… damn, say Races of Faerûn (for I can't recall exactly which book it was), that one might want to incorporate, and bamboo is fairly common material for buildings in the areas it grows.

2013-09-03, 10:59 AM
I was perusing the 3.5 rules for Dark Sun on athas.org looking for obsidian (more on that in just a moment...), and came across the following materials that you don't have on your list. I'll leave it up to you as to whether or not you want to add them. :smallsmile:

Agafari: Agafari is the Athasian equivalent of darkwood.

Dasl: A type of crystal made by thri-kreen - hardness of 7 and 15 HP per inch of thickness.

Drake Ivory: Claws and teeth of drakes - hardness of 10 and 30 HP per inch of thickness.

Giant Hair: In rope form, has a hardness of 5 and 2 HP per inch of thickness.

Now, as for obsidian, this is what they have to say (emphasis mine):

Due to the extremely high cost of metal weaponry, most weapons from the Player’s Handbook are constructed from inferior, but functional, materials instead on Athas. Most common are bone and stone such as flint or obsidian, but treated wood is sometimes used as well.

So, they consider obsidian a type of stone. While they don't list hardness/HP for stone directly, on the same page they have statisics for weapons made of stone:

{table=head] Weapon|Hardness|HP
Light stone blade|8|1
One-handed stone blade|8|3
Two-handed stone blade|8|5
Light stone-hafted weapon|8|3
One-handed stone-hafted weapon|8|8
Two-handed stone-hafted weapon|8|15

I don't know if that helps you with obsidian or not, but there it is.

2013-09-03, 07:26 PM
I was perusing the 3.5 rules for Dark Sun on athas.org looking for obsidian (more on that in just a moment...), and came across the following materials that you don't have on your list. I'll leave it up to you as to whether or not you want to add them. :smallsmile:

Agafari: Agafari is the Athasian equivalent of darkwood.

Dasl: A type of crystal made by thri-kreen - hardness of 7 and 15 HP per inch of thickness.

Drake Ivory: Claws and teeth of drakes - hardness of 10 and 30 HP per inch of thickness.

Giant Hair: In rope form, has a hardness of 5 and 2 HP per inch of thickness.

Now, as for obsidian, this is what they have to say (emphasis mine):

So, they consider obsidian a type of stone. While they don't list hardness/HP for stone directly, on the same page they have statisics for weapons made of stone:

I don't know if that helps you with obsidian or not, but there it is. Actually Blood Obsidian is listed as having a hardness of 12 / 30 HP per inch.


Page 39.

Now you asked if I choose to add them. Is not Dark Sun supported by Wizards of the Coast like Eberron & Faerun?

2013-09-04, 08:23 AM
Is not Dark Sun supported by Wizards of the Coast like Eberron & Faerun?

While WotC didn't publish any Dark Sun materials for 3.5 on their own, they did sanction athas.org as the official site for 3.5 Dark Sun material. Also, Piazo published their own take on Dark Sun in both Dragon and Dungeon magazines towards the end of the 3.5 era. :smallsmile:

2014-02-09, 12:13 PM
Any other good thoughts on materials?