View Full Version : horror adventures

2013-08-29, 10:52 AM
so i'm doing a horror campaign for my friend but i need some scary
adventures. any ideas?

http://www.nodiatis.com/pub/18.jpg (http://www.nodiatis.com/personality.htm)

John Longarrow
2013-08-29, 11:24 AM
Tomb of Horrors.

Wait, are you looking for something they can live through???

If you are just going for standard horror fair, there are a ton of neat things you can toss in.

1) Deal with undead looking for vengance.
2) Insane person on killing spree that needs to be identified / stopped. Works just as well for a recently turned lycantrope.
3) Necromancer is looking for "Parts" for something they are making. This involves collecting pieces from living people. PCs get to follow the trail of pieces to catch the villian.
4) Slavers are collecting children for evil cult to sacrifice. Once more PCs get to follow the trail and, hopefully, stop the cult from bringing something nasty to the world.

Good starting point?

2013-08-29, 12:42 PM
A little while back I based a side adventure on the song Drink with the Living Dead by the band Ghoultown.

My players enjoyed it.

Here's the song:


The dwarf won the contest, but the party still had to track down the legend of The Stranger and end his curse lest he rise again.

2013-08-29, 02:02 PM
On Ravenloft's Denizens of Darkness book there is a monster called Doppelganger Plant. It is a tree that lures people to it, traps them in a pod and expels a duplicate of the victims with all its memories. The only way to free the victims is to destroy the pod on the tree.

Once I entertained an idea of a low-level adventure where the PCs take refuge on a reclusive community because of the bad weather and most if not all of the citizens were podlings in a very Children of the Corn-like adventure.Maybe with the tree in a nearby clearing that was set up as some kind of nature-oriented shrine.

John Longarrow
2013-08-29, 07:57 PM

Sounds like a fun idea... Just need to make sure the PCs don't catch on too quickly though.

Closest I had was a dwarven community charmed by a succubi. Turned the place into "Happy Peopleville" and brought in charmed giants. Party left before they figured out something was weird though. When they returned they were greeted by the scent of barbequed Dwarf.

Succubi had the entire community come into the chapel to worship at a great celebration, locked everyone in, and torched it to become a Lilitu. PCs then kinda inherited the place. Took forever to get the smell of cooked dwarf out of it to.

2013-08-29, 08:05 PM
You might like some Ravenloft adventures:

