View Full Version : The Consumed [IC]

Ursus the Grim
2013-08-29, 12:37 PM
You remember your life. Your pokemon, your family and friends all remain firmly entrenched in your memories. But, that momentary panic emerges nonetheless, when you awaken and don't know where you are and how you got there. You inhale and smell only a trace of something a little like burnt plastic. There are others here, strangers to you, in an infinite plane of white tile floor and clear blue sky. You see no walls, no furnishings, no flora, but only a pair of large, pulsing discs of light, one blue and one red. The light of a nonexistent sun greets your eyes, causing you to squint briefly. Your head aches, but almost as soon as you notice it, it is gone.

This is not where you were going. You should not be here.

Here's a very rudimentary map. Feel free to place a letter connoting your character, or work some image magic and make it look better.

OOC (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnnQnSAQvg_0dC1LUEpNem1iR2o2LXZGNDhMNWFTb EE&usp=sharing)
Recruitment (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=299807)

Anyone who's gotten an intro pm is welcome to post.

2013-08-29, 01:46 PM
Maximilian Anderson

The older male rubbed his eyes earnestly, grimacing at the sudden change from his dark quarters to the blindingly bright plane of existence. This world didn't suprise him, he has seen more bizarre in his time as a mystic, but the way he was brought into the unknown did. Stroking his dark grey robe free of wrinkles, he looked back and forth at the other other only occupants of this space. Both younger then him, and possibly trainers like him. Or maybe he was dead, and these were his fellow prisoners in Limbo. Either way, there is no need to be rude.

"Hello there, nice to see I have something other then White to look at here" Max said dimly, looking over to the Bright colored..pillars? Discs? whatever they may be.

2013-08-29, 02:40 PM
Suzy Quinn, Jr.

Suzy blinks awake. This... this is not where she fell asleep. She is, in fact, almost certain that she has never been here before.

"Wh—what's going on?" she says. "Where are we? Who are you?

2013-08-30, 04:21 PM
Suzy Quinn, Jr.

Suzy’s breathing is rapid, shallow, just short of panicky. She reaches to her belt; when she finds her pokeballs still clipped there, she visibly relaxes. She runs her fingers along the pokeballs contemplatively, nods, and unclips the first.

“Bounce? Can you come out?”

The ball opens and a Riolu springs out, landing lightly on its toes. Suzy kneels down and gives her a quick, tight hug.

“Hey, girl, I’m glad you’re all right. Now, Bounce, I’m... I don’t know where we are. If you see anything dangerous, you tell me, okay?”

Suzy stands up, still resting one hand on the top of Bounce’s head.

Ursus the Grim
2013-08-30, 06:03 PM
The third individual, the musclebound young man, does not appear to be conscious yet. He rolls about on the floor, muttering in his sleep.

Batpope Scott is having some difficulties getting his post in. Act without him for now.

2013-08-31, 12:47 PM
Max peered over to the girl near him, quirking an eyebrow at the sight of the small blue pokemon that appeared beside her. Riolu are fairly rare from where he hailed from, so it could be considered good fortune to have met one here. That sense of mystique vanished, however, when he heard the name the girl had given it. 'Bounce? Hmmm...quite..'

Looking away from the two, Max did a quick check of his person. When he was spirited away he only had his nightwear on him, but now it seemed he was properly equipped for traveling. His robe was properly outfitted, his satchel on his side full of the supplies he held at his home for emergencies. And finally, and most importantly, three pokeballs hung loosely on his midsection. Nodding to himself, the man began to move towards the Red unknown disc of light in order to properly investigate it.

Any relevent Knowledge checks for it? I have a high Mind stat, and hopefully its not technology xD

Ursus the Grim
2013-08-31, 02:39 PM
As Max nears the light, it seems to pulse and then diminish, like the bulb of an Illumise. It's the size of a tall person, a six foot tall ovoid, the bottom extreme of which is roughly a foot off the ground. Upon closer inspection, it seems to be a two dimensional plane, with no depth to its appearance, and yet it appears to turn as you move. All you see is the same side of the strange disc.

Max detects feelings of warmth, both physical and mental. It is simultaneously comforting and unnerving, reminding you somewhat of a hot shower that threatens to scald. Roll either Occult or Pokemon education.

2013-08-31, 03:12 PM
Occult Roll: [roll0]

2013-08-31, 04:58 PM
Suzy takes a quick look at the blue light before walking over to the red. “You didn't tell me your name, mister," she says, the petty whine in her voice only half-hiding her fear. "I'm Suzy. Who are you? Where are we? I want to go home."

Moving to O10, then H10. Intuition roll, to maybe give me some clue if the discs are immediately dangerous: [roll0]. Bounce may be able to see something with Aura Reader, but her communication is limited.

2013-08-31, 05:00 PM
Curse you, forum dice roller. [roll0] By the way, do we have an OOC thread yet?

Ursus the Grim
2013-08-31, 05:34 PM
Suzy notices that the blue light is similar to the red, though she can smell the faint scent of brine and hear the lapping of waves seemingly emanating from it.

The discs remind Max of something, a story he once heard of the extradimensional place where the legendary pokemon Giratina was once banished. The portal the legends descriped were similar in appearance to these, though they were were supposedly pitch black in color.

Suzy doesn't detect any immediate danger, though the whole situation makes her extremely uneasy.

2013-08-31, 05:46 PM
"My name? Hmm..well that is the etiquette I suppose.." The man muttered, scratching his chin as he looked to the red portal, then to the blue where Suzy was located. "My name is Maximilian Anderson, Priest and occasional Exorcist. You may call me Max, if you prefer".

Max decided that, as always, waiting would not assist him in any way while in this odd place. Experimenting always caused changes, good or ill. Moving foreword, the man attempted to touch the red disc.

Batpope Scott
2013-08-31, 06:15 PM
Slade sits up abruptly with a gasp. His face quickly shows the confusion of being somewhere he doesn't remember going. He looks over at the two already moving around and loudly asks "Hey, do you two know where this is? I can't remember how I got here!"

Ursus the Grim
2013-09-01, 11:36 AM
As Max makes contact with the disc, he causes the light to pulse more rapidly as the light grows brighter.

The disc is exerting a strange pull upon Max. He can feel that there is still time to pull away from it, but it may not be a pleasant experience. On the other hand, he does not sense anything intelligent behind the force, neither malice nor friendliness. He can tell nothing else of the nature of the disc at this time.

2013-09-01, 09:19 PM
Max frowned slightly, looking back at the two younger people once more. This could be a solution to his predicament, so hopefully they would forgive his rashness. "Lets try this out.." He said grimly, pressing his body into and hopefully through the disc of light.

2013-09-02, 12:31 AM
[Contingent on Max disappearing]
Suzy yelps as Max vanishes into the disc. She quickly shrugs off her backpack and checks inside it: snacks, bandages, potions, spare pokeballs, everything she'd packed in preparation for the trip. This isn't quite the adventure she'd planned for, but...

She zips her pack shut, puts it back on, and turns to the only other human in the room. "I'm Suzy. That was Max," she says. "I don't know where we are, but I'm going to get out."

Suzy turns to the disc and grabs Bounce tightly by the paw. She shuts her eyes tightly, holds up her index finger—

And stabs it at the pulsing disc.

Ursus the Grim
2013-09-02, 07:24 AM
Max and Suzy

The disc hungers now, and Suzy is quickly sucked in, appearing on the other side mere moments after Max does.

The sky is now darkened, and countless stars dot the sky. Not far from the portal is another light, this one a light green. The red remains behind you. Around the small clearing where you find yourself is a dark forest, menacing in the sheer blackness underneath the boughs of the trees. There is a crispness to the air, and the smell of burning wood greets you. You can see the light of a campfire not far off to your right, and a small green pokemon watches you from nearby - a petilil.

Bounce seems nervous, or perhaps simply wary. He clutches Suzy's hand tightly.

Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnnQnSAQvg_0dHdHaVZsTjlTYm45Y0hLMnk3Z05XV 3c#gid=0)
The Dark Red 'south' of the portals is the campfire, the P obviously stands for Petilil.

Links to OOC now up in the first post of IC and Recruitment.

2013-09-02, 02:09 PM
Max smiled softly at the small green pokmon, only vaguely aware of the girl that traveled behind her. Holding his hand to pause the one behind her, the man slowly walked towards the Petilil in as much non-agressive fashion as he could manage.

"Hello there little one...Dont run, I wont hurt you.." Max said sweetly, holding his hands in front of him palm up in a show of pacifism.

Not sure what sort of ruling this would have in PTU, but I'm attempting to peacefully console with it. No need to get all murderboner right away with such a peaceful pokemon. Max will ready an action to use Hypnosis, if the Petilil decides to attack o flee

Batpope Scott
2013-09-02, 04:15 PM
"Huh... hey, don't leave me behind!" Slade jumps to his feet as the two disappear. He jogs over to the disc they walked through and walks into it himself.

Ursus the Grim
2013-09-02, 04:51 PM

The disc hungers now, and Slade is quickly sucked in, appearing on the other side mere moments after Max does.

The sky is now darkened, and countless stars dot the sky. Not far from the portal is another light, this one a light green. The red remains behind you. Around the small clearing where you find yourself is a dark forest, menacing in the sheer blackness underneath the boughs of the trees. There is a crispness to the air, and the smell of burning wood greets you. You can see the light of a campfire not far off to your right, and a small green pokemon watches you from nearby - a petilil.

Max, the other young is approaching it cautiously, trying to keep it from reacting out of fright.

Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/lv?key=0AnnQnSAQvg_0dHdHaVZsTjlTYm45Y0hLMnk3Z05XV3 c&type=view&gid=0&f=true&sortcolid=2&sortasc=true&rowsperpage=250)
The Dark Red 'south' of the portals is the campfire, the P obviously stands for Petilil

2013-09-02, 09:55 PM
"Hush, girl," Suzy says to Bounce. She takes a few steps forward, ignoring the petilil, instead peering past it at the campfire. "Is anyone there? Do you know where we are?"

Ursus the Grim
2013-09-03, 01:49 AM
As Suzy approaches the campfire, it seems to blink out of existence for the briefest of seconds. She realizes, too late, that something just crossed her vision in the darkness. It dashes from the woods and past the petilil towards the two young men.

As Max focuses on the diminuitive grass-type, he notices the figure sprint at him and slash at his neck. Something in the assailant's hand shines in the starlight. Its all he can do to react and turn the attack into something less fatal. After striking at Max, he keeps going, making a similar attack on Slade before pivoting and preparing for another pass. As he pauses, turning himself around, you behold -by the bright starlight- a shorter man, wrapped head to toe in dark, loose-fitting clothes. His body is heaving from the exertion, and blood drips from the long needle in his hand.

You were struck first in the ambush, but here is your chance for a counterattack.


Please adhere to Initiative. If you send out a pokemon as your Shift Action, remember that they have to wait until their initiative comes up to act. K is the attacker.

K Too high.
Bounce 20
Slade 13
Suzy 10
Max 7
P 3

Accuracy Check[roll0] versus AC 3. On a roll of 18-20, its a crit. On a roll of 17-20, Max is poisoned. It deals a significant [roll1] Physical Poison damage. Evasion and Defense have already been figured into the numbers. Furthermore, the needle that jabbed you is barbed, and rips at your muscles as he pulls it out, inflicting an additional Injury and dealing an extra 6 points of damage. And yes, I know that sucks.

Petilil has not had a chance to attack yet, but you can tell its about to. You may either take your readied Hypnosis action or act otherwise.

Accuracy Check[roll2] versus AC 4. On a roll of 18-20, its a crit. On a roll of 17-20, Slade is poisoned. It deals a significant [roll3] Physical Poison damage. Evasion and Defense have already been figured into the numbers.

You can declare Vital Throw, but if you post it after Bounce acts, I'll resolve it second so as not to screw over anybody.

2013-09-03, 12:32 PM
Bounce leaps into action, bounding after the dark figure. "Force Palm, Bounce!" Suzy shouts. Bounce takes a deep breath and draws back a paw to strike.


Bounce moves to I9, then uses Force Palm on K.
Attack: [roll0] 2+Evasion to hit, paralyzes on 18-20.
Damage: [roll1] minus target's defense.

Ursus the Grim
2013-09-03, 12:36 PM
The human barely has enough time to duck as the Riolu's tiny paw swipes at him with incredible speed. It narrowly misses.

Batpope Scott
2013-09-03, 05:12 PM
Slade feels the needle sink in and howls with a sudden fury, pumping his arms to throw the attacker with force. "UUUURAAAAH!"

Vital Throw, Insta-Hit and he's pushed 6 meters which I'm going to say is towards H2 but I think there's a tree there. [roll0] Fighting Damage

And I think it's my turn, so I'll follow up with my turn.

As his attacker flies to the foliage, Slade is rapidly closing on his attacker again to deliver a pair of kicks at the opponent.
Using a Shift action to move adjacent to K and a Standard action to use Double Kick.
Attack 1
[roll1] AC 3+Evasion
[roll2] Damage
Attack 2
[roll3] AC 3+Evasion
[roll4] Damage

Ursus the Grim
2013-09-03, 05:31 PM
Slade's response is impressive and devastating. The stranger goes flying into a tree nearly 30 feet away. He turns, staggering, just as the combat specialist drops him with a kick to the head. All that's left is the grass pokemon, which is now backed against the tree.

Her turn to act. She can tell that the petilil isn't nearly as aggressive as the human that just attacked.

Max can tell that the petilil really doesn't want to fight, and that it has no reason to now. Still sticking to initiative, just in case.

2013-09-03, 06:47 PM
Suzy winces at the thud of Slade's foot against the figure's head. She turns to the petilil and raises her hands. "Okay, we're sorry for doing that to your trainer, but he attacked first! We just want to know where we are!"

Making a charm roll to get the petilil to stand down, [roll0]. If K were still conscious, I'd have used Charm (the attack) on him, but Slade seems to have dealt with that problem.

2013-09-03, 09:29 PM
Max is still trying to calm down the Petilil as he can, looking over his shoulder but a moment to make sure that the man stays down.

"Keep us safe, Mister Slade, but please refrain from killing him. Do search him for supplies, of course" The man said with a somber drawl, extending his hand slowly to the petilil. "Just relax...calm your mind and know that we are not going to harm you".

As before I was interupted, empathizing with the pokemon with a hypnosis readied as backup. Can make another Intuition roll if it is valid.

Ursus the Grim
2013-09-03, 11:32 PM
The Pokemon, unusually enough, is actually calmed by the collective effort if Suzy and Max, and both trainers get the impression it will not be mourning the brigand. It ceases shaking and looks at Max, blinking slowly.

Combat is officially over, post freely.

2013-09-04, 06:41 PM
Suzy walks over to the fallen trainer. "He's not dead, is he?" she says. She pokes him with the toe of her shoe. "Hey, mister, you're not dead, are you?"

Ursus the Grim
2013-09-04, 07:26 PM
There is a distinct lack of any sort of response from the trainer. A slow, thick trickle of fluid runs from his brow, black in the night's low light.

Batpope Scott
2013-09-04, 08:36 PM
Slade scowls a bit at the blood running down the face of his opponent "I didn't think I hit him that hard." his mumbling is accented by the rustle of the grass as he kneels down to inspect the wounds of his attacker. He is prepared to unclothe the man, if need be, to get to his wounds.

Ursus the Grim
2013-09-04, 09:04 PM
Slade doesn't have to search very far when examining the wounded young man. He's still breathing, but barely. There's a gash on his head from where Slade's kick landed, a broken rib from the Vital Throw into the tree, and probably a dislocated shoulder.

Slade also notices a moderately large satchel attached to the man's belt, as well as a trio of pokeballs.

2013-09-04, 09:06 PM
Max attempts to nudge the Petilil away from the wounded trainer and towards the fire for a more relaxing venue.

Batpope Scott
2013-09-04, 09:14 PM
Slade sighs and continues to mumble to the downed man "This is why you shouldn't attack people. You could be inviting yourself to a dirt nap."

He looks over to the other two and says, a bit loudly, "He needs attention or else I've killed him. Either of you good with first aid?"

Ursus the Grim
2013-09-05, 08:03 AM
Max's efforts at moving the ushering the petilil away from the ugly scene are successful. . . until Slade loudly mentions that the trainer's life is in danger of slipping away. It scampers around Max and over to the would-be-murderer's side.

2013-09-05, 01:29 PM
"Really? Gods, fine..." Max said with a tired sigh, moving over to the still trainer that had just recently attacked them. Using some of his handy-dandy medical bandages, he patches him up to prevent his probable death, though it wasn't an instant solution. Looking down to the man, being kind enough not to touch his pokeballs, Max then did a quick inventory of what the assailant had on his person.

Ursus the Grim
2013-09-05, 02:25 PM
In the assailants hand is a long, blood soaked needle. Its exceedingly sharp. In the satchel he finds the following.

3 Enriched Waters
Empty pokeball
Pecha berry
Candy bar

Slade gains 1 Txp for his quick elimination of a dangerous enemy.

Bounce gains five experience for effort.

2013-09-05, 02:40 PM
Max proceeds to take the satchel off the trainer, dumping the supplies into his own bag. Wiping the needle off to remove the blood, the man examines it for any potential use it might have for him.

Ursus the Grim
2013-09-05, 05:00 PM
Max notices the needle is hollowed, and therefore structurally very weak. In the right hands, it could strike vital areas or be used to deliver poison, but in the wrong hands it would easily snap. There doesn't appear to be any poison still present in the needle. Perhaps it could be sold or traded to one proficient in its usage.

Batpope Scott
2013-09-05, 07:35 PM
Slade stands and looks at the needle Max is carrying and ten sorely rubs around the wound he still carries. "That needle sure hurt. I can't believe he caught me off guard like that."

He poses his next question with a jab of his thumb towards the silent attacker. "What do we do with him, now?"

2013-09-06, 03:32 PM
Suzy pokes the unconscious trainer again. "I... I guess we could wait until he wakes up, then ask him what he knows? But we'd have to, I don't know, tie him up or something. And I don't think he looks like a very nice person. Or we could just keep going, and hope someone else can help us in another room."

Batpope Scott
2013-09-06, 08:21 PM
Slade furrows his brow in confusion and states "Room? We're in a forest, miss."

2013-09-06, 11:10 PM
"Okay, not rooms, more like... places. Like the tile place we woke up in, and now this place. And I bet you that that"—she jabs a finger at the green light—"is going to be another weird thing that takes us another weird place."

Suzy sighs. "I'm going to sit down by Mr. Stabby's campfire. You two grown-ups can figure out what to do with Mr. Stabby."

Ursus the Grim
2013-09-07, 10:29 AM

The area around the campfire seems to have been meticulously picked clean of any dead brush, leaving a pleasant carpet of moss and grass, a few cooking implements sit on the ground not far by. A small brown tent is erected not far from the fire, its flaps closed.

2013-09-08, 11:37 AM
Before she sits down by the fire, Suzy unzips the tent flap and takes a quick look inside.

Ursus the Grim
2013-09-08, 05:52 PM
The tent seems rather empty, only a bedroll and a small book resting on top of it. It is, however, rather dark inside.

2013-09-10, 09:09 PM
Max frowns as he watches the girl with him bumbling about. He doesnt hate her quite yet, but the direction and pace of the other two's reasoning was becoming rather bothersome. To hell with the assassin, he reasoned, leave him protected by his pokemon and just move on ahead. Escape was the goal, not kindness and niceties.

Sliding his hand out of his bag, the man cracks open one of the few soda cans on his person. Drinking from it slowly, he smiled and began to walk towards the unexplored portal away from them. As he enters the bright light, Max casually takes a hold of one of his pokeballs in readiness.

Batpope Scott
2013-09-10, 10:39 PM
Slade hoists the injured man over his shoulder unceremoniously and comes to join the others at the campfire. He lays the unknown man down in his tent before sitting next to the campfire and taking off his shirt to inspect the wound he was inflicted.

After a quick glance, he remembers that he might be in danger still and calls out his Pignite. "Those two are okay, but watch for anybody else moving, would ya Hammer?"


2013-09-11, 12:00 AM
Suzy sees Max heading for the green light and jumps up.

"Wait! Wait for me!" she yelps. She follows Max, and Bounce follows her.

Batpope Scott
2013-09-11, 04:05 AM
"Wait? You two are leaving?"

Last to get to the portal again, Slade calls back Hammer and jogs after the other two, leaving the stab-happy man behind in his tent.

Ursus the Grim
2013-09-11, 11:49 AM
The trio emerges into a vastly different space. The sun is back, and even brighter then before, its light reflecting off of snow as far as the eye can see and rendering the group blind for a moment. For this reason, they hear panicked grunting and squealing before they can see a small herd of Swinub scurrying across the thick-packed snow.

A few frozen bodies of water dot the area, and the next portal is not far away, a pale violet color.

You can post freely for the moment, though in this situation I will soon be assembling initiative.

New Map here. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnnQnSAQvg_0dERCVEFSbkNCd01iNFZFV2ZVNTB1M EE&usp=sharing)I'll be experimenting with images and such. The arrows underneath the Swinubs indicate orientation, namely that they're scrambling south/down.

Max is the only one with a respectable Perception. He notices that there is a stretch of snow not quite on the same elevation as the rest. This rise of snow is indicated on the map in a shade darker. The Swinub look to have just come from there, and they are clearly fleeing from something. . . something other than the strange humans who just appeared.

2013-09-11, 12:45 PM
"Hmmm...." Matt muttered to himself, clicking the button of the pokeball closest to the side of his body and releasing his Sableye, Ruby. Looking down at the bejeweled creature, the man nodded to her with a slight smile.

"Watch out you two, I am thinking company is on their way fairly soon"

Batpope Scott
2013-09-11, 11:15 PM
"Hehe, I think I'll try and catch one of those; They look like fun."

Slade calls out his Pignite again, shouting "C'mon out, Hammer!"

Hammer comes out of the ball with a mischievous grin as he sees Slade running towards the Swinub.

Shift to H8, Standard to use another Shift and calling out Hammer to H9

2013-09-12, 01:24 AM
"Aww, they're so cute!" Suzy says, taking a few steps toward the fleeing swinub. When she hears Max's announcement, she pauses. "These aren't going to be nice company, are they, Mister Max. These are going to be more mean, scary company."

Ursus the Grim
2013-09-12, 08:11 AM
As if in answer to Suzy's question, a roar breaks the unnatural quiet of the snowy plains as a large, orange striped pokemon crests the rise. It's an arcanine! It doesn't seem to be concerned with the humans or their pokemon. Its unnaturally big, even for an arcanine, and seems exceptionally lean and ferocious.

It howls once, then pauses, as if waiting for something.

Initiative time? Again?
Note: Movement on the snow imposes a -1 penalty to Overland.

Suzy and Ruby (First to post, first to act)
Swinubs 2 and 4
Swinubs 1 and 2*

2013-09-12, 05:50 PM
Suzy grins. An Arcanine—it's big, it's strong, and it's fluffy. "You," she declares. "I'm going to catch you. Foresight, Bounce!"

Bounce is too far away to reach the Arcanine, especially with the snow on the ground, so instead she sets up with Foresight. It'll protect her from any Swinub using Mud-Slap, and it'll keep the sun on the snow from interfering with her aim.

Ursus the Grim
2013-09-12, 06:44 PM
As the riolu dashes across the snow, the arcanine seems to stop time. In a flash, its in front of the fleeing swinub, cutting off their escape. The speed with which it moves is breathtaking.

Batpope Scott
2013-09-12, 11:08 PM
Slade catches up to one of the swinub and tries to pick it up with both hands. "Hey there, little guy!"

Shift to J11 and Standard action to grapple Swinub 2.

Combat Roll [roll0]

2013-09-13, 01:41 AM
Suzy moves closer and waves her arms. "Yoo-hoo! Mr. or Miss Arcanine! You're going to be my new friend."

Moving to K7 and making a Charm roll. [roll0]

2013-09-14, 12:00 PM
Ruby moves in between the trainers, stopping near Slade while looking for an opponent to make the first move on. Seeing the ungrappled ice pig pokemon, it focuses its mind and projects upon them in a dazzling display of purple and spirals.

Using Nightshade:

Ursus the Grim
2013-09-15, 02:37 AM
Ruby's target squeals as its wracked by Night Shade, and Slade's prey wriggles but can not break free of his vice-like grip. Its growing more and more panicked.

One of the swinub pulls a full 180, trying to escape the arcanine now in front of it.

Hammer's up.
S2 is grappled.
S1 was hit for 15 damage.

Ursus the Grim
2013-09-16, 08:33 PM
Hammer moves up, assisting Slade with the grapple.

One Swinub, seeing its herdmate's plight, attempts to tackle Hammer!

[roll0] versus AC 3.
Deals [roll1] and knocks Hammer back a meter.

Another Swinub tries to break away, seeing an opening.

Back on the rise, a pair of smaller orange canines appear from over the ridge and immediatelybelch fire at one of the separated swinubs! Growlithes! The little ice pig doesn't stand a chance. . . .

Initiative now passes to Max, then Bounce.

Suzy and Ruby (First to post, first to act)
Swinub 2
Swinubs 1 and 3

Max realizes that this isn't necessarily a single Arcanine on a rampage - its a family hunt. . . which would explain why the Arcanine has yet to get directly involved. It also helps that it seems to be entranced with Suzy.

2013-09-17, 01:23 AM
Max cringes at the sight of even more pokemon entering the fray and, with a quick flick of his wrists. launches the remaining two pokeballs from his waist into the combat before moving into a more advantageous position.

Throwing pokemanz, since I cant help much from my position

2013-09-17, 01:57 AM
Bounce leaps forward. She bounds over to the injured swinub and strikes at it with a single, ferocious blow.

Bounce moves to K9 and attacks Swinub 1 with Force Palm.
[roll0] AC 2+Evasion, Paralyze on 18-20
[roll1], -Defense, x2 damage.

Ursus the Grim
2013-09-17, 01:00 PM
After Max brings out his other pokemon, Bounce the riolu darts across the snow and lands a solid blow against one of the swinub. The assault from Ruby and Bounce is too much and it collapses like a poorly-constructed igloo.

The Arcanine's eyes are locked on the fight between human and swinub, and its teeth are bared. It is, however, distracted by the swinub beginning to escape the chaos. It chases it down, roaring as it does so, and the swinub scurries right back towards the young growlithe.

Initiative now passes to Slade, then Suzy and Ruby.

Suzy and Ruby (First to post, first to act)
Swinub 2
Swinub 3

Batpope Scott
2013-09-17, 04:27 PM
Slade holds the Swinub over his head and points at it with an index finger as he looks over to the arcanine. "These yours?"

I'm not really doing anything this turn.

2013-09-17, 10:18 PM
Charm flies up into the cool winter air, inspecting the battlefield and aiming herself towards the last uncovered Pig pokemon amongst the Growlithe. Her eyes glowing a unsettling purple, coy smile upon her face, the Misdreavus slammed its will onto the Swinub in a fierce gust of ethereal violet wind.

Ruby rushes foreward next to Slade and his pokemon, entering the fray to end this.

Charm uses Ominous Wind on the Northeast Swinub

Ruby uses Fury Swipes on the piggy, thematicaaly jumping off Slade's shoulders and attacking the piggy
[roll3] Five Strike Roll
Will post damage once I know the Damage base

2013-09-17, 10:20 PM
Damage Roll for Ruby: [roll0]

2013-09-17, 11:26 PM
Suzy takes a few steps forward, picks up the unconscious swinub, and lobs it in the direction of the arcanine. "Here you go, puppy! Is this what you want?"

Then she wipes her bloodied hands on the front of her dress. "Eww. Sticky."

Suzy moves to L9 and throws the unconscious swinub towards the Arcanine. This isn't an attack, just a friendly "Hey! I can hunt, too!" thing. I think this should be an athletics roll, but it might be an accuracy check instead. Both are given below; drop whichever one is unnecessary.

Athletics: [roll0]
AC: [roll1]

Hopefully, they interpret this as "Look! The human has demonstrated kindness and generosity, as well as skill in leadership! We should do what she says," rather than "Look! The human is attempting to bludgeon us to death with an unconscious swinub! We should kill and eat her."

Ursus the Grim
2013-09-18, 02:35 PM
As Slade catches the arcanine's attention with the grappled swinub, it bares its teeth once more and growls. This time, however, it is quickly distracted by the flying pig that lands at its paws. The great, shaggy pokemon picks up the motionless ice pokemon and trots over to where its smaller companions are worrying at the body of the other two swinub.

The swinub to the northeast is quickly subdued by Charm's attack, and the one in Slade's arms has ceased fighting altogether. It would be an easy matter to simply whisk out a pokeball and clinch a capture.

Initiative over for now. The growlithe and arcanine are not aggressive towards you.

2013-09-18, 06:47 PM
Suzy walks closer to the trio, her hand held out for them to sniff. "Hi, puppies," she says. "Aww, you're such good hunters, aren't you?" She kneels down and looks at the two growlithe. The arcanine is big, and fast, and strong... but it also has puppies. If she captured it, its puppies would be all alone!

She nods and slowly pulls out a pokeball, being careful not to threaten any of the pokemon with it, and places it on the snowy ground. "I know you have to stay here to take care of your family," she says to the arcanine, "but do you think you could let one of your puppies come with me? I promise, I'd raise her big and strong!"

Batpope Scott
2013-09-18, 10:09 PM
"Oookay, then. I suppose I'll snatch this one." Slade takes out a pokeball and pokes the swinub in the nose with it.

Ursus the Grim
2013-09-20, 07:30 PM
Slade easily catches the now-submissive swinub. There is no resistance and the ball clicks closed without any fuss.

Suzy has difficulty reading the arcanine's response. It seems guarded, but not yet aggressive. Its clear that its not warmed up to the idea of letting some strange humans take its pups away.

The swinub has the following stats.
Level 5. Female. Ability: Ice Body. Nature: Skittish. Moves: Odor Sleuth, Mud Sport, and Tackle. Full health. Also, relatively friendly because you captured it without actually hurting it.

Don't forget your automatic TXP.

2013-09-21, 10:49 PM
Bounce lopes over, and Suzy points first at her, then at the swinub lying in the snow. "See, look at Bounce. She's so big and strong!" She digs one of the snacks out of her pack, a small bag of dried meat, and pours it out for the growlithe. "I promise, I absolutely promise, I'll make sure your puppy grows up to be as big and strong as you are."

Charm roll: [roll0]. Also giving the trio one of the Adventure Snacks. Come with me, puppies, you know one of you wants to. Joooiiiiin meeeeee.

Batpope Scott
2013-09-22, 12:34 AM
Slade lets the Swinub out of it's pokeball and waves his hand in greeting. "Figured I'd say hi. You up for some fighting?"

Ursus the Grim
2013-09-22, 07:46 PM
The adventure snacks seem to help break down the remaining barrier. One of the growlithe exchanges a series of short barks with the arcanine and, with some sort of approval, pads forward and takes the treat. It would likely be receptive to capture now.

Slade's swinub seems to be in good spirits. It shuffles cautiously away from the hounds, but soon focuses on its new master.

2013-09-22, 10:24 PM
Suzy solemnly picks up the pokeball and captures the volunteering growlithe. She holds the ball to her chest. "Someday," she says to the arcanine, "when your puppy is as big and strong and fast as you are now, I'll come back. I'll show you what a good job I've done."

Suzy turns to the next portal, casting its violet light over the snow and ice. She has her own mother she needs to get back to. Suzy walks to the portal and presses her hand against it, Bounce following close behind.

Batpope Scott
2013-09-22, 11:01 PM
Swinub at his heels, Slade goes to catch up with Suzy. "I'm not going to be last through this time!"

He calls the Swinub back to it's ball, deciding he'll give it a name when he has the chance to sit down. He pushes through the next portal.

Ursus the Grim
2013-09-26, 08:18 PM
Conclusion of the Prior Chamber
Each trainer gains 3 TXP in addition to any dex XP they got.
Ruby and Bounce each gain 15 xp.
Charm gains 30 xp.

Suzy's got her mother's eyes. . . for pokemon. There's definitely potential in these pups.

Her growlithe has the following stats.
Level 10
Gender: Female
Nature: Brave
Ability: Flash Fire
Current Moves: Twister, Roar, Leer, Odor Sleuth, Ember

Make the following subsitutions in her movelist.

1. Bite with Twister
19. Reversal with Dragon Rage
30. Agility with Dragon Dance.
32. Retaliate with Dragon Breath
45. Flare Blitz with Dragon Rush

The next portal takes you to a mesa, a flat mountaintop sitting high above ocean that stretches out in all directions.

The weather is pleasant, a warm summer sun hangs low in the sky while a gentle breeze comes in off the ocean. Bird pokemon fly in the distance.

There is no other portal here. There is, however, a fifteen foot-tall pyramid, seemingly crafted from wood. On the face nearest you are a series of carvings and squares dug out from the wood. The carvings are borne on wooden tiles that look like they could be removed, most likely leaving behind the squared sockets seen elsewhere on the face. A large footlocker, nearly 2 feet tall, sits in the grass nearby.

No map required for this one, at least not immediately. Here's a visual representation of the carvings. I allow skill checks for clues, though I can't always give good ones.Click. (https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1KvcJsD-qb-lWoqgbsGXCu768WZxzz0w20ByYHuH4pbc/edit)

2013-09-26, 11:53 PM
Suzy pats Bounce on the head. "You can rest for a little while now, Bounce," she says, and returns her to her ball.

She then walks over to the monument, leans against it, and releases her new growlithe. She holds out her hand for it to sniff, and stares for a moment. "Wow," she finally says, "you really are strong. I'm going to help you get even stronger! I think I'll name you... Fang."

Suzy walks over to the foot locker to open it, the newly christened Fang following her.

By the way, do we get 'Dex XP for our starters? I included it, but I'm not sure if I was supposed to.

I also put in height and weight for Fang. I'm assuming the Dragon shift doesn't noticeably affect either; I just did what I've been doing with Suzy's other pokemon and made her an inch and a few pounds bigger than average.

Ursus the Grim
2013-09-29, 11:59 AM
The footlocker is filled with tiles similar to those already on the monument. Each one bears the image of a Pokemon, with some duplicates. Without fail, however, each is one of the first several dozen Pokemon in the dex, namely all are starters.

Yep. Starters count for the experience. no, no physical changes due to type shift.

2013-10-06, 12:41 AM
Suzy picks up a handful of tiles and carries them over to the pyramid. Lacking any better ideas, she starts sticking tiles in. "Let's try... this!"

Fang barks.

Attempt one: the gen 2 starters and their evolutions in each corner.
Quilava, Typhlosion
Feraligatr, Feraligatr, Bayleef
Totodile, Croconaw, Meganium, Chikorita.
And an Intuition check to help her with her next WAG: [roll0]

Ursus the Grim
2013-10-07, 04:20 PM
Despite appearances, the tiles already on the pyramid don't budge. Suzy can't help but feel like she's stuck in math class. Yes, this definitely involves numbers.

2013-10-11, 06:40 PM
Fang growls at the monument. "I agree, girl," Suzy says. She pulls out her pokedex; glancing back and forth between the pokedex and the tiles, she picks a new arrangement.

Charmeleon, Grotle
Combusken, Snivy

The pokedex numbers on all three sides add up to the same number—forty, in this case.