View Full Version : Cavalier Questions

2013-08-29, 03:13 PM
My uncle and I are working on creating characters for a 3.5 game, and after some shenanigans he decided on using a Barbarian into Bear Warrior. He thought it would be cool if I played as the "opposite" of him, which to my more literary mind means "Play a foil". After a lot of thinking as to what would work as a foil to the Barbarian, I decided on a Knight, building into Cavalier. I would like the Playground's expert opinion on the build, as I've built a mounted character before. The concept I'm shooting for is that both characters will charge the enemy as heavy hitting juggernauts of awesome, via similar but very (technically) different methods.

I've only gone to the first level of Cavalier, and I'd like some input as to whether I'm building in the right direction and what tweaks I should make. I didn't include the class features for each level, since I'm focusing on what feats I should take/skills I should probably work on.

Requirements for Cavalier:
Lawful (I’m cool with that).
BAB: +8
Skills: Handle Animal 4, Knowledge Nobility and Royalty 4, Ride 6.
Feats: Spirited Charge, Weapon Focus (Lance), Mounted Combat, Ride-By Attack
Concept: Use Deadly Charge Ability to replace Spirited Charge, and Spirited Charge if I run out of Deadly Charges.
Skills I think I need to focus on: Intimidate, Handle Animal, Ride.
Level One: Knight
Feats: Weapon Focus (Lance), Power Attack (Human)
Level Three: Got Mounted Combat from Knight level 2, get Ride-by Attack.
Level 5: Bonus Feat. Improved Bull Rush for Shock Trooper.
Level 6: Shock Trooper
Level 9: Have my +8 BAB, get into Cavalier. Also pick up Heavy Armor Optimization or Leadership (I hear you can use it to get a better mount).

2013-08-29, 06:13 PM
As a related question, if I get a source of Pounce (full attack at the end of a charge), does the whole full attack gain the damage bonuses of Spirited/Deadly Charge?