View Full Version : [PF] Tiefling Inquisitor build help

2013-08-30, 02:36 AM

I finally decided on a class and a few other things.

I would like to build a Tiefling Inquisitor with the Feather Subdomain but I am a bit torn between what I should switch out and what feats/route to take. With Traits I could possibly get a weapon other than my god favoured as the "best" looking one is Gozreh with his Trident. (Alignment wise as I would like to fall somewhere between Neutral and CG)

Things I would like to switch out:
Darkness SLA (I can actually choose from that list and thought about going +2 Wis)
Fiendish Sorcery (getting +2 Cha if I take abyssal or fiendish bloodline as a sorcerer)

And I have no clue how to distribute my 25 points from Pointbuy.

Any recommendations or advice will be appreciated.

2013-08-30, 03:40 AM
Well, you can replace Fiendish Sorcery with either Soul Seer (which also replaces Darkness) or a Prehensile Tail.

Soul Seer gives you Deathwatch at will, which lets you know (vaguely) the health of the enemy you're fighting, and whether it's alive, undead, or neither.

Prehensile tail gives you the opportunity for lots of euphemisms.

If Racial Heritages are permitted, I'd suggest Oni-spawn (+2 str, +2 Wis, -2 Cha) or Devil-spawn (+2 Con, +2 Wis, -2 Cha). Don't go with any of the -Int versions because Inquisitors want all the skill points they can get.

It doesn't look like Gozreh gets the Feather domain. The Deities I see are:

Curnunos (favoured weapon club) Chaotic Good. Empyreal Lord of Fertility, Seasons, and Wild Animals.

Erastil (favoured weapon longbow) Lawful Good. God of family, farming, hunting and trade.

Lamashatu (favoured weapon Falchion) Chaotic Evil. God of Madness, Monsters, and nightmares.

Rowdrosh (favoured weapon Quarterstaff) Neutral Good. Empyreal Lord of herd animals, husbandry, and shepherds. (Note: Could be fun to roleplay this. Keep trying to set your party-members up with people in towns that you deem appropriate matches. Try to separate them from people you don't think are good matches)

Shub-Niggurath (favoured weapon Dagger) Chaotic Evil. Outer God of Fertility, Forests, and monsters.

Tanagaar (favoured weapon Kukris) Lawful Good. Empyreal Lord of night, owls, and watchfulness. (Less fun to roleplay. You take Keep Watch and just stand guard all night. Get a ring of sustenance when you can afford it so you only need 2 hours of meditation.)

Uskyeria (favoured weapon Scimitar) Neutral Good. Empyreal Lord of hunting, prudence, and slumber. (This one seems like it would be fun to play too. "Excuse me, I must go participate in my sacred rites" then wander off and take a nap. With Scimitar you could go with a Dervish Dance build.)

Ylimancha (favoured weapon Longbow) Neutral Good. Empyreal Lord of coastal waters, fisherfolk, and flying creatures.

2013-08-30, 07:48 AM
Speaking of this... I will go with Lamashatu and the Heretic Archetype to actively having left the "cabal of Lamashatu" but still getting the domain and favoured weapon bonus.

Asked if I have to blow a feat for being another spawn but I am waiting for a reply.

Still missing 1 Trait and how to really allocate my ability points and what special quality I can take to give up my SLA (meaning the Table: Variant Tiefling Abilities)

2013-08-30, 03:10 PM
Good news.

I don't need to spend a feat to get any of the other racial things.

Devil spawn with another +2 Wis bonus or Oni-Spawn with Alter Self? Or yet another +2 Wis bonus? (I can't raise an ability score above 18 even after racial bonus).

2013-08-30, 08:31 PM
Speaking of this... I will go with Lamashatu and the Heretic Archetype to actively having left the "cabal of Lamashatu" but still getting the domain and favoured weapon bonus.

Asked if I have to blow a feat for being another spawn but I am waiting for a reply.

Lamashatu doesn't have the Animal>Feather domain.
If your main goal is having an animal companion, then Scalykind is also an option (must be a Snake-type, but only a -2 effective level penalty).

If you don't like Teamwork feats, then you can throw Preacher on there as well. It has a minor Fluff conflict with Heretic though...and Spellbreaker would be the other "non-teamwork" but can't be taken with Heretic (Monster Lore).

As for stats, definitely high STR, CON, WIS, DEX partially depends on the Armor you'll be wearing.

2013-08-30, 08:45 PM
Lamashatu doesn't have the Animal>Feather domain.

Oh, my mistake. Sorry.

The search filter caught everything that even had "feather" in the description, and I read through the domains to make sure the ones I posted all had feather, but it seems I didn't do a bang-up job of it.

2013-08-30, 09:06 PM
Oh, my mistake. Sorry.

The search filter caught everything that even had "feather" in the description, and I read through the domains to make sure the ones I posted all had feather, but it seems I didn't do a bang-up job of it.

It happens....
If it helps any I have a quickie guide to the (official) major deities in my signature.
I made it cause trying to match deity A to Domain B to Weapon C is a major pain in the tuchas.

2013-08-30, 10:31 PM
Good news.

I don't need to spend a feat to get any of the other racial things.

Devil spawn with another +2 Wis bonus or Oni-Spawn with Alter Self? Or yet another +2 Wis bonus? (I can't raise an ability score above 18 even after racial bonus).

Is that a DM thing that you can't go higher than 18 or is there a RAW reason?

2013-08-31, 01:31 AM
Lamashatu doesn't have the Animal>Feather domain.
If your main goal is having an animal companion, then Scalykind is also an option (must be a Snake-type, but only a -2 effective level penalty).

If you don't like Teamwork feats, then you can throw Preacher on there as well. It has a minor Fluff conflict with Heretic though...and Spellbreaker would be the other "non-teamwork" but can't be taken with Heretic (Monster Lore).

As for stats, definitely high STR, CON, WIS, DEX partially depends on the Armor you'll be wearing.

Damn it. It even made sense... but I think my DM is ok with it as it is now. Lamashatu for Fav weapon, Feather Domain for Divine Juice Mumbo Jumbo.

Stats Oni Spawn:

STR 17
DEX 14
CON 14
INT 13
WIS 18
STR 18
DEX 13
CON 14
INT 14
WIS 16

Devil Spawn:
STR 16
DEX 13
CON 16
INT 14
WIS 16
In both cases switching the SLA for +2 Wis.

It happens....
If it helps any I have a quickie guide to the (official) major deities in my signature.
I made it cause trying to match deity A to Domain B to Weapon C is a major pain in the tuchas.
Nice work, only missing Subdomains but really: Good work. Sadly the only weapons I would get from a god with the Feather subdomain is: Bow, bow, Longbow, Spiked Gauntlet, Kukri. But I think thanks to the Heretic Archetype I have some leeway on Domains.

Is that a DM thing that you can't go higher than 18 or is there a RAW reason?

DM specific thing that I think isn't that bad, tones down full casters slighty.

Still missing Feat (no clue)
Traits (have Chance Savior [+2 Init], ???)
Spells (4 Orisons, 2 1st level spells)
And what to do with the Favoured Class Bonus.

2013-08-31, 04:31 AM
Nice work, only missing Subdomains but really: Good work. Sadly the only weapons I would get from a god with the Feather subdomain is: Bow, bow, Longbow, Spiked Gauntlet, Kukri. But I think thanks to the Heretic Archetype I have some leeway on Domains.

Well, not entirely. grarrrg's list seems to not include Uskyeria. Her favoured weapon is the Scimitar, her domains are listed as Agathion, Ancestors, Animal, Feather, Ferocity, Friendship, Fur, Good, Redemption, Repose, Resolve, Souls, and Strength.

If you wanted to go with Uskyeria, I'd suggest going Devil.

Str 10, Dex 17, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 18, Cha 8 (that's with the +2 Wis replacing the Spell-like ability.) Then pick up 2 ranks in dance, Weapon Finesse and Dervish Dance.

2013-08-31, 04:53 AM
If you're able to stick with Lamashtu and still get the feather domain, I think that "Religious Reformer" would be a good trait to grab. Not because it offers great bonuses, but it fits with the rest of the character.

You have spent many years studying the tenets of your faith, and now believe that the dominant factions within the church have deviated from its true meaning and purpose. Rather than breaking with your misguided church, you’ve decided to stand up and fight to reform the organization you love. You have fervently studied scripture and steeled your will to combat the divergent beliefs of your peers. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Knowledge (religion) checks that pertain to your own religion or spiritual practice, and you gain a +2 trait bonus on saving throws against spells cast by others who worship your god or adhere to your philosophy.

"Lamashtu is really just misunderstood. She's about the cuddliest demon you could ever meet once you get to know her. Also, she's huge on feathers. She's even got a scarf made out of them, but she calls it a boa for some reason."

2013-08-31, 05:51 AM
If you're able to stick with Lamashtu and still get the feather domain, I think that "Religious Reformer" would be a good trait to grab. Not because it offers great bonuses, but it fits with the rest of the character.

Already have gotten the OK from my DM. Taking the trait anyway. Thanks.

"Lamashtu is really just misunderstood. She's about the cuddliest demon you could ever meet once you get to know her. Also, she's huge on feathers. She's even got a scarf made out of them, but she calls it a boa for some reason."

I love it!

Any recommendations for a feat? And (Devil or Oni)Attributes for not going Dervish Dance Route (must follow sarenrae... for that sadly).

2013-08-31, 10:30 AM
Well, not entirely. grarrrg's list seems to not include Uskyeria.

Nice work, only missing Subdomains but really: Good work.


I have a quickie guide to the (official) major deities in my signature.

Just doing the "important" (original) ones was a pain in the behind.
And the tables look nice-enough as-is, trying to cram in Sub-domains _in an easily readable/searchable/handy format_ would be another pain.
And as for all the "lesser" (later) deities...oy... the lessers outnumber the major by about 3 to 1 so.... yeah.

Link (http://pathfinder.wikia.com/wiki/Abadar) Scroll to the bottom.
Which that doesn't list any of the "demon-lords" or anything, which are minor deities that only grant 4 domains and such.
Can also try this link (http://pathfinder.wikia.com/wiki/Portal:Religion) < same site, but different page.

2013-08-31, 04:12 PM
As I said I really appreciated it.

Went with the 18 Str, 13 Dex route. Taking Chance Savior (+2 Init) as Trait, and I still have a feat and Trait open (although really thinking about that Reforming Trait). Alignment is now CN instead of CG as planned and he is older (74 Years) is there a table where I can see what age categories exist for Tieflings?

Favoured Class Bonus was spent for +1 HP/level.

Spells: Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Create Water, Light.
Magic Weapon, Wrath.

2013-08-31, 05:42 PM
Alignment is now CN instead of CG as planned and he is older (74 Years) is there a table where I can see what age categories exist for Tieflings?Advanced Race Guide pg. 249. Tieflings go middle-aged from 150 and usually live over half a millenium.

2013-09-01, 01:13 PM
Is Combat Expertise a good choice for a first level feat?

Also thinking about going for an Intimidate route, taking Power Attack on level 3 and then Furious Focus and Dazzling Display or similar. Maybe taking +Str on Intimidate as a first level feat...

Dusk Eclipse
2013-09-01, 03:02 PM
Is there any feat you are planing to take that has Combat Expertise as pre-requisite? If not, then I would avoid Combat Expertise.

Since you are planning on going the intimidation route Antagonize is a pretty strong (broken to some people) option.

2013-09-02, 08:34 AM
Is there any feat you are planing to take that has Combat Expertise as pre-requisite? If not, then I would avoid Combat Expertise.

Since you are planning on going the intimidation route Antagonize is a pretty strong (broken to some people) option.

Disarm, Trip or Dirty Trick seem like they need Combat Expertise. As well as Whirlwind Attack. But I don't think that it would be worthwhile to go for one of them. (Disarm seems lackluster in this campaign due to being more horroresque, Trip and Dirty Trick too although Dirty Trick would fit the character).
Whirlwind Attack has too many prereqs and Gang Up... I don't really know.

Antagonize... I am unsure. I don't think I really want to take the attack, rather spend my action to demoralize my enemies. Although the debuff option through Diplomacy seems fitting.

2013-09-03, 09:39 AM
The Decision fell for Armor of the Pit.

Giving me an effective +3 Natural Armor, and Resistance 5 in Cold, Fire and Electricity.