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View Full Version : Kyaieeeee! [Race; Star Control]

2006-12-19, 11:29 PM

This tiny creature stands an imposing three feet tall, looking for all the world like a civilized wolverine. The image of ferocity is only magnified by the warpaint dyeing its fur and armor, the fearsome visage carved into its shield, and the creature's beady, gleaming eyes. It grins wide, displaying its unnerving canines, and stands proud and defiant before you.

Before the birdlike Yehat discovered the race to be called Shofixti, they were feral but intelligent marsupial hunters, living off of the wilderness at the top of the food chain. The Yehat 'uplifted' them, giving them language, art, and civilization in which to grow and succeed. In return, the Shofixti gave their patrons the gift of their loyalty - and their fanatic sense of honor and duty to clan. The two races existed and fought together right up until the First War of Dominance against the Ur-Quan, when the Shofixti gloriously annihilated themselves against the Ur-Quan armies in the futile defense of all free races. The Shofixti were thought extinct for many years... until a tiny number of their kind were found still alive, ready to throw themselves into the line of duty once again.

Shofixti (1st-level warrior)
Small Monstrous Humanoid
HD: 1d10+5 (11 hp)
AC: 17 (+1 size, +2 Dex, +3 studded leather armor, +1 small wooden shield
Initiative: +2
Speed: 30 ft.
Base Attack/Grapple: +1/-2
Attack: Scimitar +3 melee (1d4+1, 18-20/x2)
Full Attack: Scimitar +3 melee (1d4+1, 18-20/x2)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: None
Special Qualities: Low-light vision
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +2, Will -1
Abilities: STR 13 DEX 15 CON 14 INT 8 WIS 5 CHA 8
Skills: Hide +6, Spot +1
Feats: Diehard*, Toughness
Environment: Warm hills
Organization: Solitary, band (5-10), or tribe (26-50 plus one 8th-level chieftain, 3-5 4th-level champions, and 25% noncombatants)
Alignment: Usually lawful good
Treasure: Standard
CR: 1/2
Advancement: By character level

Physiology: Shofixti resemble wolverines or particularly bad-tempered raccoons. They stand about three feet tall and weigh approximately 50 pounds. Their fur is a striped, masked pattern of white, black, and earth tones ranging from beige to deep umber. Shofixti are marsupials, who carry their young in pouches; they are also possessed of a stupefying rate of reproduction, allowing them to expand their numbers at speeds unimaginable to most humanoids. (Indeed, most Shofixti consider it a duty to their race not to raise children of their own, unless the need is exceptionally dire.)
Shofixti are considered mature at 2 years of age, and one lucky enough to die of natural causes usually does so around their fortieth year. The most common cause of death for Shofixti, however, is seen on the battlefield.

Weight: 45+3d6 pounds
Height: 2'6" + 2d6"

Middle Age: 16 years
Old Age: 25 years
Venerable: 35 years
Maximum Age: 35+2d6 years

Culture: Honor and bravery are paramount in a Shofixti clan. Nearly all Shofixti are perfectly willing - eager, even - to die for the cause of their clan, their race, or an ally. Death is an ever-present force in clan society, regarded as both an ultimate end and an ultimate goal. Shofixti as young as three months are taught weapon forms, combat maneuvers, and battlefield tactics, and all adult members of a clan can be expected to do battle when the time comes.

Race Relations: Shofixti respect dwarves for their brute strength and deep-running honor, and humans for their sheer will to thrive; they in turn hold at least a grudging respect for the fiery Shofixti spirit. The same single-minded drive spurns more moderate halflings and clever gnomes. Elves find it extremely difficult to identify with such rapid, all-too-short candles of life, and Shofixti don't bother with "nosy immortals".
Goblins and kobolds quake with terror if a Shofixti clan elects to compete with them for territory. If a clan holds out for long enough, it can simply propogate itself into a force of overwhelming numbers and crush their slower-maturing enemy. Gnolls manage to hold uneasy stalemates with Shofixti when they clash in battle, and bear a grudging respect for the tenacity of the "minor devils".

Names: Shofixti take on their own names at their coming of age; they prefer short, dramatic-sounding names, but some borrow from orc tribes or particularly heroic dwarven or human lineage. Most Shofixti names give the listener no clue as to whether their bearer is male or female.

Example Names: Amak, Daruk, Surgan, Tanaka, Tatro, Vakra, Yeevat

Languages: The Shofixti clans all speak Yehat, the language of their patron race. Most also speak Common for trade purposes. The more learned of the clans may teach Sylvan, the language of the forest, and every clan ttends to have at least one member who can speak Gnoll and Goblin - if only to more effectively taunt their opponents in melee.

Adventurers: Shofixti who adventure likely do so out of a sense of duty to other free races, and fight for the good of all civilization. Successful Shofixti adventurers are also composed of less impulsive self-sacrifice than the majority of their race, and are at least somewhat capable of realizing that dying for a cause isn't always the smartest thing to do.
Shofixt take to the barbarian class best, ignoring cunning or guile in exchange for monstrous battle prowess. Fighters are somewhat common among Shofixti closer to civilization, and a few rogues and bards manage to make do with their meager minds. Although rare, Shofixti sorcerors have been known to exist, and stories of their terrible arcane rages are famous throughout the clans.

+4 Dex, +2 Con, -2 Int, -4 Wis: Shofixti are amazingly nimble and hardy, but also notoriously brash, short-sighted, and impulsive. They frequently depend on others for insight and intellect.
Small size: +1 size bonus to AC, +1 bonus to hit, +4 bonus to Hide, carrying and lifting capacity 3/4 that of Medium-sized characters.
Land speed 30 feet.
Low-light vision.
Extra Feats: Shofixti gain the Diehard feat for free at 1st level.
+2 racial bonus to Will saves: Shofixti may be creatures of impulse, but they are staunchly defiant of tyranny and domination.
+4 racial bonus to Diplomacy checks with Yehat: The Yehat and Shofixti still hold a deep bond of comradeship, and both races find it difficult to oppose each other.
Languages: Common, Yehat. Bonus Languages: Draconic, Gnoll, Goblin, Sylvan.
Favored Class: Barbarian.