View Full Version : Kobold Merchant King (Eventually) -- Character Creation Advice

2013-08-30, 12:05 PM
https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/1185591_10200420566377199_447560708_n.jpg Commissioned from Zenrumi (http://fiverr.com/zenrumi/draw-a-sketch-portrait-of-any-character-in-my-style)

We have a new campaign, and my character, Feckle, is a Dragonwrought (Silver) Desert Kobold Beguiler. The game is pretty low OP, and the rest of the party is: Human Cleric, Warforged Artificer, Elf Druid, and Half-Elf Ranger. We're starting at level 3, and I am looking for suggestions for my build. My alignment is Chaotic Neutral.

Fluff: Feckle served his tribe for a long time by posing as a Gnomish merchant to fence the goods his tribe was producing. His tribe was discovered and wiped out, although he has survived and has fled his homelands due to a bounty on his silver head. He has decided to pursue a higher destiny, and although adventuring is a means to that end, his true end game is to amass political and economic power to carve out a place in the world for kobolds.

I am thinking straight Beguiler, although I've also considered the Sand Shaper PRC or the traditional one level dip in to Mindbender. Shadowcraft Mage is off the table for me.

My stats (can't move them around and after race/age modifiers for being Old):
Str 6
Dex 14
Con 9
Wis 9
Int 18
Cha 16

1) Dragonwrought
1) Versatile Spellcaster (?) | Flaw: Short of Breath
3) ? (Darkstalker? Spell Focus Enchantment or Illusion? Dragon Wings? Improved Initiative?)
4) +1 Constitution
6) Leadership? (To start a trading company and obtain a body guard/sentient gear and loot carrier)

I'm mostly looking for suggestions for feats and PRCs (or skills, if they matter for one of those suggestions). Merchant-fluffed things get bonus points. I don't know how long this campaign will last, but high level play is a long way away, and immediate playability is more important now.

We are also getting WBL for Level 3, but are not allowed to buy anything costing over 500gp. Equipment/item suggestions given that stipulation?

Assume the super-cheese Dragonwrought stuff is unavailable (like qualifying for epic feats).

One other question, with Versatile Spellcaster, can I take Advanced Learning for a higher level spell (under the interpretation that I can cast Level 2 spells a level earlier than normal with the sacrifice of two Level 1 spell slots)?


2013-08-30, 12:21 PM
There are trading rules in the DMGII use them, and you can leave your normal stats almost unchanged. Letting you be less of a drag in combat then if you specced for merchanitilism. NOTE: The trading mechanics take a lot of in game time to pass. If the campaign is gonna be a hurried adventure, just backstory fluff it.

2013-08-30, 12:23 PM
I don't see a need to change my stats anyway, unless you're referring to my taking of Leadership at Level 6?

2013-08-30, 01:50 PM
I don't see a need to change my stats anyway, unless you're referring to my taking of Leadership at Level 6?

Well, very few games let you get away with leadership, but you can pretty much just put some points in profession and trade for only a monetary cost, and if you do well, it turns a profit.

2013-08-30, 04:01 PM
Yeah... still looking for build advice for this beguiler.

2013-08-30, 10:27 PM
Mercantile Background-Faerun Campaign Setting- Helps with sale prices of items, good fluff.

Leadership-Player's Handbook/Dungeon Master's Guide- as you have already stated, helps you gather a legion of followers to get some cash for ya. Make your lower level ones warriors to protect your shipments and deal with any "loose ends" in your "illicit dealings". Make the higher ones experts, to make your sales. Make a 5th or 6th level "captain" of each branch of your company. Consider making a third branch dealing with smuggling, bootlegging, drug dealing, etc. if your that kind of merchant. Make your cohort something that compliments your build, and head of your organization in your stead.

Consider switching beguiler to enchantment/illusion wizard. Simply better spell selection.