View Full Version : The Natural Order (IC)

2013-08-30, 08:46 PM
Large iron doors swing open as the Alesian Soldier guides you into what you believe to be a waiting room. The city of Alensia was well known for its tall elaborate buildings. A luxury afforded to it through the centuries since it's founding.

As you pass into the room you're both motioned to large oaken chairs, designs of a stag sprinting through the woods decorates the top of each chair. "Please be seated, the conclave will be with you momentarily" said the soldier in an old raspy voice before returning toward the entrance through which you came.

The ceiling was high, and the floor made of embellished green marble. The room stretched 80 maybe 90 feet wide and was adorned more lavishly than one would expect at first. Red oaken chairs and tables lay carefully placed throughout. Fauna grown out of ancient clay pots stood side by side the oaken furniture, their leaves and vines growing up toward the ceiling proving its own canopy of leaves against the brass finished veiling.

Uncountable spheres hang from the ceiling with small fish swimming in them, lighting the room as if it was a summer's noon. In the center of the room rests a large crystal fish tank and inside it, conjured by divination magic, strange figures dressed in deep green and gold robes are seen shouting speeches to a crowd of people.

The room itself buzzed with commotion. A group of female gnomes known by all citizens in Alensia as the 'Magus Sisters' scurry back and forth working magic over the apparent scrying pool in the center of the room and strolling in and out of other rooms tending to tasks unseen from your seats. Many other faces are seen about in this grand waiting room. Amongst the tables and chairs sit many famous and infamous adventurers and mercenaries all seemingly awaiting their turn... and odd sight to see so many apt individuals all together here at one time.

Some time passes and at the other end of the room, large brass doors are opened and a magus sister emerges, and with a swift gesture of her hand, motions the both of you into the next room. As you enter the doors are closed behind you. Before you stands a 'u' shaped table. At the right sits the biggest ogre either of you has ever seen. He is not only tall, some rumors say that there is some giant blood in his veins, but he is obese. Bigus Magnus Enormus has eaten more things that any mortal would ever know, and some things that haven't been seen for centuries. Garbed in a white tunic decorated only with the stains of past meals and kept in place by a big belt embellished with a big red round shield as a buckle. His face is as big as his body, with a nose that resembles a rebellious potato due to his custom of head butting enemies. Being completely shaved several scars are visible most of them around the mouth, when food resisted. Small cunning eyes and a laurel crown over his bald temples giving him a refined touch that contrasts with the brutality of his shape.

Masked behind his master's shadow stands Jorel "The Average". Garbed in a red tunic from head to toe. His face and his perpetual grin hidden by a hood. In his manly strong hands a quill dances over a long parchment that falls to his feet and gets lost in the beyond.

At the table besides the ogre there is a spherical fish tank. Its crystal is clear and a red fish with dark blue stripes glides trough it leaving a trail of bubbles at its rear.

Staring Intently at the fish is a short dwarf female, "Tiny" Enrietta Cutler. Her hair is kept in two braids and died brightly orange. Her head is topped by a black tricorne decorated with long colorful feathers. The rest of her vestment remains hidden behind the table but it is a long aquamarine leather duster covered by two rows of bandoleers filled with pouches. Her legs are fit into two loose brown pants kept in place by a red sash. Her feet are bare and show the callouses of one who has spent most of her life over a ship.

The third member of the conclave, Lucanor Rotchild, sits at the left end of the table. He wears an undertaker's formal attire, well kept and well cut by the best tailors of the city. Shiny black leather shoes, tight black cotton pants, fresh white linen shirt, black long cotton coat decorated with tiny buttons of dull brass, and finally a top black hat in his head. Still there is something wild to the man. His black hair is braided and kept in a ponytail at his back giving him the appearance of a raven pointing its white bony beak towards the prey. Small totems and tokens decorate his persona, be it the tiny skull that keeps his tie in place, the yellow flower in his hat or the beads bracelet in his right hand.

Behind the man, and slightly obscured in shadows that somehow the lights of the room seem to be afraid of breaking rests a female figure clad in armor. Her armor is black as the darkest night, decorated only with some bone ornaments at the metal borders. Her gaze is lost in the crystal pool, and only the left side of her beautiful face is visible. Her white skin is without imperfection, remarking the red of her lips and highlighting her black eyelashes and hair. Altered by the sound of the door she tilts her head towards you, and looks you in the eye. Her left side, before hidden from view is inhuman. Her face is contorted in a smirk where her lips have been peeled by fire. Her left eye is a perfect glass sphere contrasting with the burned destruction around it. Her nose is just a pale reminder of what it once was. Her voice rasps as smokey velvet.

"Welcome. Please come in."

2013-09-02, 10:56 PM
As you're led into the room skeletons in white robes carry large wooden chairs for you to sit in on the opposite side of the scrying pool as the large u shaped table.

"All this waiting is making me hungry... Bring me food." The voice of the ogre is loud, almost a bark. While he speaks Jorel approaches him leaving aside the piece of parchment and raising a hand. His cloak pulls back to reveal an intricate tattoo covered with several gold bracelets. He snaps his fingers and a loaf of dark bread appears in his hand which he passes to the ogre.

While the man chomps its food distractedly one of the magus sisters moves towards the scrying beacon and begins preforming a ritual spell. Taking advantage of the moment of relative silence, Jorel clears his throat before looking again at the parchment.

"The both of you have been chosen to undertake a mission on behalf of the city" he said with a wry grin. "Recently there has been a resistance group, going by the name of "The Natural Order" and they have been causing small riots throughout the city of Alensia. Threatening the expansion the city has been hard at work towards and claiming to demolish the whole city in place of some natural eutopia." Jorel's face turns to a grimace as he finishes the sentence.

"We've elected groups of 2-man cells to not only gather information but to exterminate and squash this resistance before it is able to cause a coup or any serious damage to the city or her people." Interjected the lady in black clad armor. "Your success and helpfulness will depend on your reward" her smokey voice was cold and concise.

Jorel gave the lady a snark look before continuing "Have you any questions then?"

2013-09-03, 01:20 AM
"What do you have planned for our cell?" Toshiro says with a devilish grin."Infiltration? Sabotage? Assassination? They must be something special for me to get the invite after all these years. Level with me, What are we up against?

2013-09-03, 08:59 PM
Enrietta tipped her tricorn hat up to look at Toshiro. "For this task yer t' find and kill a lass by the name of 'Ellillon Sith' a priestest o' this so called order" she shifts in her chair a moment and rest an elbow on the arm of the chair, her head held in her palm. "Damned bitch has been causin quite o' ruckus in town and she needs to be put down."

Jorel nods to Enrietta and continues"We do not know much on Ellillon Sith. She comes and goes with an entourage of fey creatures but has never once cause a formal quarry within the city." Jorel studies his sheet a moment before continuing "Furthermore every time she has appeared in town she has been seen wearing a wooden mask made of bark over her face. She has not once been seen without said mask so her actual appearance is unknown."

For his part when Enormus finishes his loaf he burps loudly and looks Toshiro in the eye.

"We have more trouble on our plate that we can eat. And we can eat a lot. We don't need these overgrown salads causing trouble with our city. Each of you mercenaries will be given tasks until this Order of the Truffle or whatever it is is dealt with. Should you succeed we shall feast in your names should you fail we will feast on your corpses. Don't think that I.... can't... -"

The ogre loses its breath and throws a deadly glare at Jorel who suppresses a chuckle, and finishes what his master started.

"What his magnificence is trying to say is that failure of these tasks is not an option. We have reason to believe that Ms. Sith will be protesting here in town in a week from today. Should you find a way to find and kill her before her protest you will be awarded a bonus otherwise during or after her protest she is to be eliminated." Jorel finished, wrapping up his paper and tucking it under his sleeve.

Lucanor remains silent the entire time, staring and watching you two intently as if looking for weakness.

2013-09-04, 01:25 AM
"do the holy men of the order wear anything that you could identify them with? don't want to be torturing the wrong priest now, also we are going to need a safe house for the interrogation?" looks at the one who has not talked "you did say torture ...right?"

2013-09-04, 07:21 AM
The lady looks to Ender "It matters not if she is dead or kept for torturing however should you find yourself able to capture her and get vital information out of her, you will be rewarded accordingly. She cannot however be allowed to escape. In the event you require a room one will be provided for you." The lady moves over to Lucanors side and leans over the table. "The order is seen usually sporting a cloak of green and gold colors or a pendant of a green and golden leaf. That's not to say however that there aren't members within the city herself that are apart of the order that are merely hiding in broad daylight."

2013-09-04, 12:51 PM
"Have your spies heard any whispers about their location? With all of this at your disposal..." Points at the gnomes and their weird fish tank of +4 seeing "You must have at least an idea of her movings or routine. Those will be key for an abduction if you want the information, this is known."

2013-09-04, 01:37 PM
"Also the safehouse, we will need that before hand. we cannot be walking around the city with a body waiting for you so set us up in a house."

2013-09-04, 09:51 PM
Lucanor smirks a moment before motioning to the lady in black.

"Very well, the safehouse will be at the house adjacent to the blacksmith towards the edge of town" The Lady motions to one of the magus sisters who moves over to the pool of water and chants a few words under her breath. Colors begin to swirl together in the pool for a moment then the colors begin to shape into an image. Seconds pass as the image grows sharper revealing a map marked with an 'x' as to where the safe house will be along side an image of the house itself. "A guard will be posted outside at all times to inform us when you've arrived" she finishes, motioning for Jorel for the next part.

Jorel clears his throat a moment "The location of Ms Sith in the forest is unknown to us. Scouts report various spots the order is scene being lead off to but its never the same place twice. It's hard to believe they could just simply give us the slip so it's very possible there is magic at work there"

Enrietta shifts again in her seat a few times before being able to stay quiet no longer "Aye yer either gonna have to tail one of them tree lovers and see for yeself or figure out a way on your own."

2013-09-04, 10:11 PM
"no information what so ever on there movements inside the forest... that makes it a bit more difficult." pauses for a moment. "we are going to need money for bribes and information gathering, no more than 20 gold a day, whens the protest scheduled?"

2013-09-04, 10:23 PM
Jorel frowns a moment "For the second time, the protest is scheduled a week from today. As far as bribes go however I believe Ms. Enrietta will be able to handle that request."

Enreitta stands up and walks over to the both of you. Despite her small size she moves swiftly from her chair over to you. Her bare feet almost making no noise at all on the wooden floors."Not like ye deserve it. Back in my day we worked on much less!" Enrietta removes a bag from her belt and tosses it to Ender "The bag be sentient. If fer whatever reason ye decide to double cross us and spend the money in there for anything other than business I'll know." The bag rustles by itself and a small gurgle is heard from its depths. "Trust me lads I'm the last mate you want 'o problem with ya hear me?"

2013-09-04, 10:34 PM
takes the bag
"will that be all?"

2013-09-04, 11:06 PM
"That'll do boy" Enrietta says signaling for the magus sisters to lead you out of the room. As you go to exit the chambers you are passed by two figures. One an elven female with a devilish grin and a rose pommeled long sword strapped her hip and the second a towering Minotaur following close behind, a large axe strapped to his back. "You gents finally done?" her voice sarcastic as she swept by and enters the room behind you.

You find yourselves now back on the streets of town, your objective known. It is mid day now in Alensia and the streets are as busy as always. People aimlessly shuffle to and from various stores and houses.

2013-09-04, 11:18 PM
"take this and start talking to the homeless"
Gives Toshiro the bag
"We need to let them know to keep there eyes and ears open too. let them know when they want to meet us to leave a message with the guard at the blacksmiths, and meet with us at the next sunset in town square"

2013-09-05, 10:07 PM
Toshiro prowls the streets, approaching the homeless seeking information on the whereabouts of the order as well as any pertinent information that may aid in the orders identification. The better part of the day goes by as the two walk the streets chatting up the 'lesser folk'.

Compiling the information received the two adventures find themselves at their inn at night scanning over what they now know.

2013-09-07, 12:26 AM
"You...Guard, where can we acquire a horse and closed cart?" Toshiro asks the guard. "You...Demonoid, let's start a stake out of entrance one"

2013-09-07, 10:07 PM
The guard silently fetches you a horse and cart and you two move out to location one after a short nap to scope out the area. With only two hours of sleep you find yourselves rather tired but none the less keep an eye out for anyone coming and going.

First you see a trio of people in green and golden robes slink through the woods whispering to one another as they near location one. One steps in front of the rest, and scans the area.

After assuring himself that no one is around you see him chant a few arcane words then step into the base of a large oak tree and seemingly disappears. The others quickly follow behind, stepping into the tree and vanishing.

2013-09-08, 10:48 PM
i signal Toshiro that im going to step out. Then sneaking out casting *blight*. Looking wildly left, then right, then left again, then right again, then left again, then right again, turning around and running out past Toshiro. As im passing him i say "Cheese it"

2013-09-08, 11:00 PM
After retreating from your position in the woods you retire for the rest of the morning/day to rest. Afternoon/evening approaches as you leave your room at the inn and head out to location three. The sun begins to set and the woods begin to grow dark.

Roll a hide check

Hours pass as you vigilantly watch for members of the order. Eventually two men are seen walking through the woods headed to your location. Neither of them are wearing the orders colors but Ender spots a golden leaf broach on one of the men as they pass through the woods.

They seem to be complaining about having to escort a package two weeks from now. They approach a tree and the one wearing the broach looks over to the west a moment, his eyes narrowing then looking back at his companion. "We need to get you inside, else they will attack you." he said with a grin before whispering a few words and stepping into the tree. The gent with him following suit.

As you watch the two a stench reminiscent of hot garbage flares into your nostrils. Ender looks to see a large pile of what seemingly appears to be rotting vegetation slowly moving around the trees and over bushes in the general area of this location.

2013-09-09, 12:08 AM
i reach into my bag of rust and throw out the first little fuzzy ball i feel towards the Mound, then have my dust Bro use his Blur and fly up and get a better look at whats around us.

2013-09-09, 12:24 AM
Toshiro unslings his bow nocks and arrow and shoots wildly off into the distance. The arrow snugly lands into a tree, not even close to its target. Ender then chants a few arcane words and hurls a fireball at the mound. Exploding into a fiery display of magic as it begins to sear away the rotting vegetation of the sluggish creature.

Unwavering, the mound continues to shamble (see what I did there?) forward slowly closing the distance between itself and Ender.

Toshiro puts away his bow and holds his hand out toward the mount, expunging a ray of heat at the creature, searing more of the vegetation from its body.

Meanwhile Ender's Dust mephit and wolverine step forward to engage the plant mass. Swiping clawing and biting but all in vain. Finally Ender summons forth an Ape which also fails to meet fist with proverbial "flesh" as it too tries in vain to harm the vegetation.

2013-09-09, 12:43 AM
With a persistence unlike that of any animal, the mound presses forward and assaults the ape in front of it. With two giant swings from the mound, the creature smashes the ape into the ground, leaving its body lifeless for a moment before it vanishes back to its extra planar dimension.

2013-09-09, 01:01 AM
Toshiro fires another arrow, this one finally biting the vegetations body, while Ender unleashes a scorching ray of his own. Bits and pieces of the mound are seared off again or fall from the creature as its onslaught presses forward, this time toward the badger.

The mound punches the wolverine down to the ground then crushes its head with its other hand as blood splatters in every direction. the mount continues on its path with malicious intent.

2013-09-09, 01:09 AM
cast the no see me spell and start to move away from the thing a mac boober

2013-09-09, 01:14 AM
And Toshiro shoots some magic missles for great justice

The mound swings at Ender and on its second swipe catches the mage and knocks him hard out of his concealment. The dust mephit breaths out a cone of dust and earth on the mound as Toshiro steps up and unleashes a flurry of sword swings.

2013-09-09, 01:17 AM
my dust guy is going to use his breath on this jerk and im going to run like a panzy till its not attacking me any more

2013-09-09, 01:31 AM
another thing from my bag of rust

2013-09-09, 01:38 AM
With a miss of a sword swing followed by the magical touch of frost and Ice the overgrown vegetation seizes a moment before going lifeless and slumping lifelessly to the ground.