View Full Version : Godling Campaign Help Needed

2013-08-31, 03:03 PM
Me and a few of my players are wanting to do a Godling Rp using the Godling Classes from Super Genius Games.

How would you guys go about joining the godlings together in a party. We do not know if they would start knowing of their godling blood or if they will so we need to decide on that.

My players tend to favor more wide choices in their classes, we have had gunslingers, cavaliers, inquisitors, monks, clerics, etc. So they dont tend to play the same classes each time. How do I pitch this to those who are not in on it already?

Has anyone played the godlings and have good field test info for me to use. I know the generics that Mighty is akin to those who favor fighter, barbarian, and paladin classes, Clever is a Rogue, Bard, etc style class but what about the casters?

The group has a known minmaxer, anyway to cripple his efforts in min maxing a godling?

To Quote a great heroine "You're our only hope"

Platymus Pus
2013-08-31, 03:18 PM
Give the min maxer the worst possible combination?
They say destiny draws those who are of godhood together to join or conflict, you could do that bit.

2013-08-31, 03:41 PM
Well more I want to know what could be min maxed or exploited easily for him to be OP.

We do allow traits o be traded in for bonus feats.