View Full Version : How to politely ask a DM to include PF into a 3.5 game?

2013-08-31, 06:45 PM
So, what or how do you think you should ask a DM to include PFSRD, if they have banned 3rd party material?

2013-08-31, 06:50 PM
"Hey [Name], there's this [Thing] in in PF I'd like to use for my next character, how about it?"

2013-08-31, 06:52 PM
The whole PFSRD? That's a straight up system change (from 3.5 to 3.p) I wouldn't ask for that change in an already existent campaign. You might try asking your dm to make the change for your next campaign. If he's not amenable to that, try offering to dm a 3.p one shot yourself.

2013-08-31, 06:52 PM
"Hey [Name], there's this [Thing] in in PF I'd like to use for my next character, how about it?"

ya that, pathfinder is, at least feat wise, so close to 3.5 it really doesnt matter. So id just show them what you want and hope they approve it.

2013-08-31, 06:54 PM
I hear there is a magic word for asking things politely. "Please."

Mad Wizard
2013-08-31, 06:58 PM
I'm going to echo others in suggesting that you only ask for a few specific things that are important for your character, rather than the entire PFSRD. I'd also focus on things that aren't already in 3.5 - I think you're more likely to get your DM to accept something like a prestige class with no 3.5 parallel. If I was your DM, I would be unlikely to let you play a Pathfinder version of a base class that's included in 3.5 if everyone else is using 3.5 material. Pathfinder stuff tends to be at a higher power level than 3.5 in general, so it would lead to a non-negligible imbalance.

2013-08-31, 06:59 PM
I hear there is a magic word for asking things politely. "Please."Oh yeah, if your language has a word like that, you should probably use it. :smalltongue:

2013-08-31, 07:18 PM
I would try running a one shot as well. It might be better not to have him see the material at all (on of my DMs decided some of the changes made were openly detrimental, like I have), but this way is the most balanced/fair/likely way of getting it to work if the DM is reasonable.

What are you planning on using?

2013-09-02, 07:04 PM
hey dude/dudet can we use PF stuff? Please?

2013-09-02, 07:50 PM
Buy him sundae. It always works.

2013-09-02, 08:15 PM
Buy him sundae. It always works.

Cream soda and SweeTarts are the more effective bribery method when I'm DMing.

2013-09-02, 08:29 PM
Cream Soda and SweetTarts, Really? That's an interesting combination!

Cream soda and SweeTarts are the more effective bribery method when I'm DMing.

2013-09-02, 08:57 PM
I'd recommend asking about something in particular that you want to use (i.e. you want to use the PF Paladin, the Oracle, the DSP Soulknife etc.), rather than asking for a blanket "OK" for everything on a website that includes a mix of underpowered, overpowered, and perfectly balanced material. Pick a just a few things that you want to use, and ask them to look over those things.

2013-09-02, 09:18 PM
So, what or how do you think you should ask a DM to include PFSRD, if they have banned 3rd party material?
If you're asking for an exception for yourself for 3rd party material, what do you think other players should get? Your proposal should be equitable.

2013-09-02, 11:53 PM
i had a player ask this question. of corse I absolutely loved his character concept, so I looked over the class and tried to adjust it to fit the system. unfortunately, pathfinder does not transfer well to 3.5 so it ended up being a bust. depending on specifically what you are trying to do, your dm might know a different route to the same end that can be found within 3.5 and there is always the option of creating a new class. never hurts to ask, the worst he can say is no and if so its likely to be followed by some info to help get where you want to be

2013-09-02, 11:59 PM
I showed a new DM some PF stuff and he converted that same day.

I would show PDFs though if you have them rather than the SRD - the art is key to grabbing attention and making one curious enough to read/learn the mechanics.

Once you have him hooked with a few class entries and/or statblocks, then just show him the free conversion guide.

2013-09-03, 08:32 AM
unfortunately, pathfinder does not transfer well to 3.5 so it ended up being a bust
Hmm? 90% of the time you can just convert the skills, translate CMB/CMD modifiers into arbitrary bonuses, and call it a day.

2013-09-03, 08:53 AM
Personally, I find that most of the martial and mostly-martial classes (fighter, barbarian, ranger, paladin, monk, etc.) translate fairly neatly backwards into 3.5. The ones that have the most trouble are the ones with 0th level spells, because you need to make sure to give spells-per-day of that level, since 3.5 doesn't give free-cast 0ths.

2013-09-03, 09:02 AM
Buy him sundae. It always works.

Cream soda and SweeTarts are the more effective bribery method when I'm DMing.

So, "pretty please with sugar on top"?

2013-09-03, 09:06 AM
Forget candy. Give them beer.

2013-09-03, 09:09 AM
I hear there is a magic word for asking things politely. "Please."

Isn't that a 5th level Wizard spell, or something?

2013-09-03, 09:11 AM
But seriously, what is difficult about it? I'm not asking facetiously or anything, here; what specifically are you concerned about in asking? Lay out what you are asking for and why, and politely and calmly answer his questions about it. If he still says "no," you've lost nothing, and if he says "yes," you get what you wanted.

I get the feeling there are more specific concerns that are as-yet unspoken that you need to overcome, or you'd not be asking for advice. I don't know what to suggest, though, without more details.

2013-09-03, 09:26 AM
Isn't that a 5th level Wizard spell, or something?

Third, actually. Second if you are a bard.:smallwink:

2013-09-03, 02:06 PM
Also be totally cool if your DM says no. Nothing is more aggravating than someone appearing to be chill and then deciding not to be when they don't get their way.