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2013-08-31, 07:44 PM
Episode 1: Akio's first day

In an old, dusty house a boy awakens before dawn, readying himself for his first day at his new school. He makes a small wish just before dawn, that his two years here will be uneventful and that he will be able to makes friends like any normal student. He walks down the stairs past the unopened boxes he has yet to unpack to makes himself breakfast with hopes that his bad luck has finally subsided...

As the early morning sun rises it awakens the rest of the small town of Rugnasa to a new day. The birds chirp eagerly as they gather food and life seems to be just like normal. You all prepare for school as normal, may it be through groans or pleasant smiles before leaving home. Spring is in the air as flowers and plants awake from a cold winter slumber filling the world with their colors once more. You all travel to school normally, talking with friends or not as you choose. As you arrive you hear people talking about a new transfer student who is starting school here today. You all head to your classroom talking and such as you hear the homeroom bell go.

Just before you walk into the classroom the principle calls out to you from down the hallway. He is out of breath as he runs over to you. You can see he is unfit and needs to exercise. However, whenever the subject is brought up he comments on a heart problem he has that stops him from doing so.

After catching his breath he looks up at you and says "You left the teachers lounge before I could catch you Shibata-chan. We have the transfer student entering your class today remember?" A boy walks out from behind him and you recognize him as the boy named Akio whom you were introduced to a couple days ago. "Anyways, now that he is with you I have other matters to attend to." He says as he walks away still holding onto his chest.

Akio turns to face you and bows saying "Please take care of me sensei!"

2013-08-31, 08:49 PM
Aika was stretching in her seat. This early in the morning. Her brain wasn't fully awake. Upon seeing the new kid. She shouts out and waves her arm.

Hey, new kid!

2013-08-31, 08:50 PM
Ah, the school year resumes. Suzume Okazaki is in a chipper mood today, ready for her last year in secondary school, and for swimming afterwards. She makes small talk with a few of the other students, looking for any other students who actually wanted to be there.

As Aika yells, Suzume turns. Wait, that idiot was gonna be in their class!?

2013-09-01, 02:58 AM
"Get up, silly! You've slept in late again!"

Keiko bolts upright as her sister yanks the covers off her. Rolling over, her nose smacks the corner of her desk, which bolts her upright in pain and shock.

Then she see her clock.

Thirty minutes!? To get to school!?


two minutes later...
Hastily throwing on her school uniform, Keiko runs downstairs, grabbing her school bag and running through the house, arms flailing about as she tries to simultaneously brush her hair, tie her tie, straighten her skirt, and eat an egg sandwich.

six minutes after waking.
Keiko dashes out the door, making sure her hair is tied down tight. She has got some running to do...

Twenty eight minutes fifty-seven seconds after waking.

The classroom door slams open and a blur of purple bolts across the classroom with a storm of "Hi!Morning!Hello!sorry!Heya!Hi!"

Only one foot stamped on today.

Getting better!

2013-09-01, 06:51 AM
"Just in time, Keiko-chan?" Okazaki chides. Keiko was one of the brighter kids, bit forgetful and clumsy at times, but comparatively not bad.

2013-09-01, 07:14 AM
Jessie was having a sh*te day, and it was only going to get sh*te-ier, she decided as Keiko moved across the classroom like a purple whirlwind- but, considering how hard her foot had been trodden on earlier, rather more destructive.

She eyed the rest of the class over the top of her copy of American Gods. Ugh. Ugh. Ugh. Not so bad, she guessed. Ugh. Ugh. And... hello.

She didn't sit up straighter or put down her book. but her eyes did follow the new boy into the room. Now, there's a piece of alright...

2013-09-01, 07:52 AM
Kokoro had just finished setting up her desk with her pencils, erasers, and papers in their proper places. She looked toward the front of the class with a small smile on her face as a purple blur came into the classroom and apparently trodden on someone's foot. A shy smile comes over her as she knows that it can only be one person. "Ohayōgozaimasu (good morning), Keiko-chan. It's good to see you made it on time. I'm glad." Her soft voice was often a reason she was overlooked, but when it came to Keiko she could speak just a little bit louder.

As the new student came in Kokoro's eyes widened in recognition. She thought she recognized him. He looked kind of like he did, but she couldn't be for sure until he told them his name. After all she didn't want to make a fool of her self. Besides it might just be someone who looks similar. Why would he come back now?

2013-09-01, 08:08 AM
"Just in time, Keiko-chan?"

With a huge grin, Keiko pushes her glasses back into place with her finger, and with her other hand throws her arm forward with a huge thumbs up.


"Ohayōgozaimasu (good morning), Keiko-chan. It's good to see you made it on time. I'm glad."

Yup, and with only thirty minutes to get here today too! I think that's a personal best!

Keiko takes a moment to look around the class, partly because she likes to keep an eye on everyone, but mostly because today they all seem to be focusing on something, err, someone new.

Keiko lowers her voice to a whisper as she turns back to Kokoro. Who is that?

2013-09-01, 06:55 PM
Shibata-sensei couldn't help but blush as Akio addressed her. Cute and polite, she thought to herself, giddily putting her fists her mouth. Wait, what are you doing woman! Keep acting like this and he will be on to you in a second. she thought shaking her head and giving herself a smack on the temple. "I'll take care you in a teachers capacity, but I'm not your mother." She explicated with forced temperament. That ought to do it she thought to her self proudly with a sigh of relief. She even had the added benefit of hopefully being looked at as a mother figure, that would kill any potential they had together in a heart beat. "Now come with me I'll show you to the your class room." With that she pivoted on her toe and continued walking forward, expecting Akio to follow behind.The two make their way down the hallway, Shibata taking a glance backward in a vain hope that he might be taking a peak at her butt.

The two step into class to a number of curious eyes. Aika wasted no time in trying to get to his attention, yelling out to him almost as soon as they walked into the room. Shibata ignored it for the moment turning to Akio, "Class will start in a few minutes, I'll have you introduce yourself after the bell rings." With that, Keiko bursted into the room with a load slam. Her entrance was rather aburpt and ungraceful, but she did manage to beat the bell. "Lucky timing Miss Watanabi, we'd hate for you to be late now wouldn't we." Those in the class know that Shibata-sensei has little tolerance for tardiness, even for an exemplary student such as herself.

2013-09-01, 07:11 PM
Rei had fallen asleep at her desk again. She stretched, not really excited about the new school year, then got ready for school. She still wasn't over the embarrassment of fainting in front of the boy next door. When she came to he was sitting next to her asking if she was okay. She only nodded. He introduced himself and told her that he was going to be in her class and looked forward to getting to know her better. That was why Rei was excited to be going to school. She arrived early and sat at the back of the class and got her sketchbook out. She started drawing random things until Aika had arrived. Rei ignored her, just as Aika ignored her. Slowly the other students began arriving, then he came in. Rei felt her cheeks burning as he waved at her, well at least she thought he waved at her. As she had turned her attention back to her sketchbook the classroom door burst open. Rei sighed, "Great, it's Cake-o.".

2013-09-01, 08:46 PM
Eri is chatting with some boys in the back of the class, back to the door. She has yet to notice Akio's arrival; she doesn't even know he's back in town.

2013-09-01, 08:57 PM
Suzume gives a smirk to Rei. "At least she can interact with people. Doesn't hide behind a little notebook constantly."

2013-09-01, 09:07 PM
Rei doesn't even look up from her drawing when answering Suzume, "Ignoring you."

2013-09-01, 10:18 PM
"Just in time, Keiko-chan?"

With a huge grin, Keiko pushes her glasses back into place with her finger, and with her other hand throws her arm forward with a huge thumbs up.


"Ohayōgozaimasu (good morning), Keiko-chan. It's good to see you made it on time. I'm glad."

Yup, and with only thirty minutes to get here today too! I think that's a personal best!

Keiko takes a moment to look around the class, partly because she likes to keep an eye on everyone, but mostly because today they all seem to be focusing on something, err, someone new.

Keiko lowers her voice to a whisper as she turns back to Kokoro. Who is that?

Kokoro looks at Keiko as she says, "I'm, not quite sure. He looks familiar but...it can't be him."

2013-09-02, 06:07 PM
After hearing Izumi sensei's teacher-mother remark Akio-kun tilted his head slightly in confusion before following her to the classroom. Upon hearing the bell Akio-kun walks into the room and is startled slightly by Akia-san yelling at him and then as Watanabi runs into the room.

Back to the class and writes his name on the board before turning to face the them. "My name is Akio Natsui. I used to live in this town 10 years ago, before I had to move to Tokyo with my parents because of work." A shadow dances across his eyes when he mentions his parents before he continues. "I... I moved back here due to certain circumstances. Please take care of me!" He says the last part while bowing to the class. He then straightens up and looks around at the faces of the people who he would be in the same class as.

2013-09-02, 06:36 PM
Akio has Eri's complete attention, the boys she was talking with now forgotten. He was back. He was back, and he hadn't told her.

Happiness and hurt and anger are fighting for dominance inside of Eri, and she can do nothing but stare at Akio with wide eyes, mouth agape.

2013-09-02, 06:45 PM
Take care of you? We're not your parents. Suzume just scowls at him. Dumb, unaware, helpless... Why wasn't this kid in kindergarten? Seems more proper to his abilities. "Sensei, may we start the lesson now that the new student is introduced?" she says dryly.

2013-09-02, 07:13 PM
Hmm. He was kinda cute. Very cute in fact. Aika thought with a giggle.

He wanted to be taking care of, Well she could do that.

2013-09-02, 08:02 PM
Rei shoots Suzume a scathing look. And as far as Akio needing to be taken care of, well Rei had an answer for him. "I'll take care of you.", but she had said it a little louder than she had intended. Her cheeks burned red as she tried to hide.

2013-09-03, 02:57 AM
"I'm, not quite sure. He looks familiar but...it can't be him."

Well, that doesn't help me much, silly.

After Akio speaks to them, Keiko makes a note in her notebook.

Natsui Akio. Learn everything about him, and find out why he needs to be taken care of.

There. That should take care of that. Keiko doubts anyone else in the class could come anywhere near to her ability to lean about this guy. Though he does seem a bit... sad? Happy?

Ooooh. Why am I so bad at reading people!!!

2013-09-03, 06:57 PM
Kokoro's eyes widened as the new student spoke his name and his background with the town. D-Did he remember her? Wait, that flash across his face. Was something wrong with his parents? Were they having problems? All of these thoughts ran through Kokoro's head as her face colored and her eyes locked with his.

"Akio-kun." she whispered softly.

2013-09-03, 09:40 PM
There was that take care of me line again. It really was a strange thing to say for a boy his age. Suzume was certainly eager to get started, but this was still homeroom time. "If that is all Natsui-san would like to say, and no one has any appropriate questions to ask him, then we will carry on with the remainder of our morning announcements. We shall start the actual lesson once we've finished home period, so just be patient ." Shibata-sensei appreciated her willingness to learn, but she knew the rules. Aside from that their seemed to be many of the students whispering among themselves, nothing Shibata could hear from up at the front. She decided not to dwell on what ever idle gossip they were having, its typical when high school students meet new people.

2013-09-03, 11:19 PM
Suddenly the door slams open as Hanoko walks into class, glaring at the entire classroom. She then turns to Shibata and says What's the punishment today?

2013-09-04, 02:45 AM
"Rei couldn't take care of a mouse." Jessie announced, tearing her eyes away from the boy. She glanced across at Kokoro. "You know him?"

2013-09-04, 04:34 AM
Rei looked down at the foreign girl, "Uh, excuse me, but if I can make a replica plug suit and win a costume contest with it, I can most certainly take care of him." It was the best she could come up with, she just hoped it was enough.

2013-09-04, 06:50 AM
"I'm told the gentlemen don't like to be pinned tae your clothes." Jessie replied, her command of the japanese language somehow undermined by her thick scottish accent.

The Rose Dragon
2013-09-04, 05:01 PM
Ōka sits in her desk, silently, patiently. She is the class representative, after all, and the first time Akio-kun has questions (as all new students inevitably do), she intends on appearing by his side, like a good class representative should. She already had some social interaction with him before this class, so it should make her even more approachable than she usually is.

2013-09-04, 05:17 PM
Though it could just be terminology from wherever he was from, a "Nice to meet you." It may not be particularly nice or significant, but it was what you said. Or he might actually not be well in some way, though he appears... physically fine. Well, best to watch and learn before making further assumptions.

Still, she (somewhat unintentionally) glares at him the entire class.

2013-09-05, 06:46 AM
"Rei couldn't take care of a mouse." Jessie announced, tearing her eyes away from the boy. She glanced across at Kokoro. "You know him?"

Kokoro gives a small squeak at the fact that she was heard as she ducks her head a little and nods. "W-We were friends when he were little. That was a long time ago. I-I hope he still remembers me.

2013-09-09, 08:18 PM
Hanako really broke up the atmosphere in the room with her blunt entrance. She could already tell is was in trouble. Shibata took one look at her vicious face, it was if it was as which she was trying to challenge her, if not the entire room. The initial shock of her entrance had Shibata recoiling in horror, but when she got her composure back and stamped her foot down. Being late was one thing, but the girl was being down right rude. With an aggravated sigh she turned to grab a pair of buckets filled with water in the corner of the room. "It's an old favorite. Lucky for you, you made before the regular class started. Just take these to the back for the rest of homeroom and hold them there, then you'll get to join us for the math lesson, isn't that great." She ended with a bit of a song in her voice.

2013-09-10, 05:15 AM
After Izumi-sensei had told Hanako what to do Akio can see that the only empty seat in the room one which is next to a young looking girl with black hair tied into a ponytail. Akio walks over to the seat hanging his bag on the side of the desk before he turns to look at the girl and gives her a big smile before saying "I'm Akio, but you already knew that, what's your name?"

The Rose Dragon you get +2VP
Illven, Clarkson, LeSwordfish, theskorpionking and RandomEncounter you all get +1VP each

Akio will be in the third row from the front next to the window.
Obviously Ōka is next to Akio.
Akia and Hanako, you get to be in the seats behind or in front of Akio as you choose.
Jessie and Hayashi your both two seats away from Akio in whatever direction you wish.
Shibata's desk is at the front of the room in front of Akio.
And Ishida, Matsuki, Watanabi and Suzume, I'm sorry to say you are all on the other side of the room from Akio

2013-09-10, 10:26 AM
The unintentional glare towards Akio is redirected to the girls that he's surrounded by. Suzume gives a quiet "Hmf" and opens her workbook.

The Rose Dragon
2013-09-10, 02:00 PM
"Shizukawa Ōka." She doesn't know whether to be happy that Akio is sitting next to her, or upset that he doesn't seem to remember her name - not that anyone can tell which one she is feeling. Then again, it is entirely possible she forgot to tell him. She adds, barely more audible than a whisper: "I'm the class representative. If you have any questions about the school or anything, feel free to ask me. It is my duty to help my fellow students." She quickly produces a small card with her name and "class representative" written on it and offers it to Akio.

2013-09-11, 02:19 PM
We really should be starting class, shouldn't we?

2013-09-11, 09:11 PM
Great... Hanoko heads for the back of class with the buckets. She then stands there glaring at Shibata. With glances toward Akio every so often.

2013-09-13, 01:11 PM
Rei doesn't pay any attention to Hanoka as she heads to the back of the classroom. Her attention is now solely on Akio. His seat was near the window, which had caused Akio to be hit by the morning suns rays. Rei sighed, then flipped her sketch pad to a new page. Her previous drawing of a cake monster eating Keiko was forgotten. She started drawing him immediately, just the way he was, perfect. And if any of the others girls were to disagree with her, she'd..... Well, she didn't know exactly what she'd do, but it would be awful, well it probably would be.

2013-09-16, 10:10 PM
I apologies for my tardiness, a lot of things have been happening.

Akio accepts the card from Ōka with a smile as the rest of the class quickly calms down about the new boy and the first class begins.


After many hours of class and school work the bell finally tolls for the start of lunch. The school becomes a much louder place as students begin walking around the classes to sit, eat and talk with their friends. Outside it is lovely and sunny with a handful of clouds in the sky. Wouldn't it be perfect to spend this time with Akio?

MAIN ROLL: Allure, Conflict, Luck, Skill. Make a D6 roll to find Akio at lunch and sit with him. Highest roll(s) will get +2VP and second place(s) will get +1VP. In the event of a tie for first I will re-roll to see who gets the first and the other(s) will get the +1VP. The advantages you can apply will depend entirely on your description on what you want to do.

OPTIONAL ROLL: Conflict - you may take a-1 on your roll to try and interfere with someone else's roll impeding them -2 on their roll if you succeed.

2013-09-23, 12:44 AM
Aika eventually finds Aiko.

So Aiko. What's the new kid eating on his first day? As she sits across from him, she makes sure to present her chest as she sits.

2013-09-23, 02:58 AM
Suzume is stopped for a moment in the halls by Hanako, but doesn't pay the girl any mind. The girl can get as hot and bothered as she liked, but it wasn't going to interfere with Suzume.

She had her preconceived notions of the boy, but she wasn't ready to act on them just yet. She sprints through the halls, perfectly ducking and weaving through the crowds as she looks for Akio. He seemed nice, and was certainly attractive. Perhaps he wasn't as ditzy as he let on? Only one way to find out, and that's to talk to the boy.

As Suzume makes it out of the crowd, she spots a rather handsome object underneath a tree. Hm... not too forward. You'd look needy, and a bit slutty, possibly. An interaction that appears to be initiated by him would work best. She quietly heads in his direction, siting on the opposite side of the tree. Yep, just as if you didn't know she was there... Perfect. Suzume pulls out her lunch and quietly eats, seeing what Akio does... Ah, ****. Someone else. This may ruin things a bit.

2013-09-24, 09:47 AM
The lunch bell caught Shibata off guard, having been fairly inthralled by her own math lesson. One does need a break but sometimes she found it hard to pull her self away. She started considering just where to have lunch, the teachers lunge would be the normal option, but perhaps she could find Akio this time. She wouldn't mind the noise and chaos of the cafeteria if she had a chance to spend time with him. She could just make an excuse that she was making sure he was adjusted.

Thinking all would be easy she made a confident strut down the hallway. Unfortunately for her Akio was no where to be seen in the cafeteria. Her under-thought plan had completely fallen apart. She really should have taken the time to understand him more to read his movements. Her failure made her slunk with depression as she stood motionless and cut off form the out side world in the middle of the crowded cafeteria.