View Full Version : 4E: The Orcus Storyline: Red Box (IC)

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2013-09-01, 06:49 AM
This will be where the Maps/Battlegrounds are at (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Apld7KjNj7FHdFI1SEw5S081eGNZcXpUMEdLMzJpa lE&usp=sharing)

Table of Contents

Red Box (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=300962)

"The Goblin lair was too much for just one of you to handle, but there's strength in numbers. Now your group is ready to handle the goblin menance and retrieve the merchant's stolen box. In the town of Fallcrest, you met up with other adventurer's - each of you brave and talented enough to take on the swarm of goblins.
You're on a lonely road, approaching the site of the goblin lair. The distant howl of wolves has followed you since you set out from Fallcrest, and now you see three of the beasts emerge from behind some rocks along the side of the road. The wolves growl menacingly. With a shrill cry, three goblins appear from behind a ruined tower and rush to attack."
Place your characters in the PC Starting Area (aka tell me the square, letter(s) then numbers).
Then you can go along with your attacking/moving/planning.

2013-09-01, 08:28 AM
Joe says to his companions, "How did all of you come across this goblin lair?" He asks.

Edit: Oh crap whoops, I forgot that the battle starts as soon as the DM starts talking.

2013-09-01, 09:44 AM
Isaak's nostrils flare and his eyes grow wide with righteous anger as green abominations emerge from behind rocks and the ruined tower. The gods had freed him from his bonds at the caravan so that he could slay monsters such as these, and he had no intention of disobeying a divine command.

"You creatures know not the power you have awoken! I am the savior of this world! The divine will of the gods made flesh! Fall to your wretched knees and beg for forgiveness," he gestures wildly as he hollers at the goblins, whirling his arms to and fro, swinging his staff with abandon, "and perhaps you shall be spared!"

He looks down for a moment, arms still raised high in the air. "What's that, oh most divine protector? You wish me to...of course. It shall be done," he speaks quietly - as if to himself - then to the creatures once more, "The mighty Kord, lord of war and of the echoing thunders, has demanded your deaths! Repent now, and perhaps you may enter the afterlife with a clean soul!" he pauses another moment, listening, "Or not!"

2013-09-01, 09:57 AM
Joe, having said an extremely stupid thing in the middle of a battle stops himself and says, "Ahh Finally a chance to use my arcane POWER!!" and as he yells his dagger hums with electricity, his whole body pulsing with energy as he starts to chant ancient words.

Bounty Hunter
2013-09-01, 11:58 AM
As the newly formed adventuring party had been marching down the dusty dirt road, Graxaan had found himself lost in thought. This would be his first true test since leaving the temple of Pelor and he wonders if he will prevail against the evils of the world. As if to answer his musings, suddenly there is a shrill shriek and Graxaan snaps back to reality to find goblins pouring from behind some ruins. Hearing a snarl to his right he spins on his heel to find a grey wolf approaching from around a boulder. Drawing his mace, he mutters a pray er to himself and braces for battle.

2013-09-01, 12:02 PM
Joe glances over at Graxxan and says, "Ready" bracing himself for his 3rd battle

OOC:Um, guys by the way, this is actually our third encounter.

Bounty Hunter
2013-09-01, 12:12 PM
"Quite ready." Graxaan half-snarls over his left shoulder to Joe. He digs the claws on feet into the dry dusty ground and prepares to meet the oncoming wolf head on, should it come any further down into the road.

2013-09-01, 12:18 PM
Joe, waiting for the rest of his companions to follow him to get to this spot, is waiting, watching out for the wolves and the goblins

2013-09-01, 01:05 PM
Ezhera clutched her staff with both hands as she moved to stand in the middle of her companions, warily keeping an eye on the goblins and wolves as they closed in. Breathing deeply, she disciplined her mind, ready to bring its powers to bear on these creatures.

2013-09-01, 01:11 PM
Joe, not waiting a second longer quickly lashed out at the goblins, Throwing a bolt of cold at the wolf that was to his right.


To hit: [roll0]

Damage: [roll1]

If I hit I push the wolf on P4 to P3

It's a basic attack

BTW: I'm using dragonfrost

2013-09-01, 01:53 PM
Luke quickly shoots the goblin across from him with his crossbow.

Sneak attack and Sly Flourish:

To hit:[roll0] vs AC
Sneak attack damage:[roll2]

2013-09-01, 02:07 PM
Ezhera focused her will on one of the wolves, seizing it in a telekinetic grip.

Kinetic trawl vs. wolf P15

To hit: [roll0] vs. Reflex.

Damage: [roll1] and pull target to P14 if I hit.

2013-09-01, 02:24 PM
Isaak raises his staff to the sky. "Mighty Kord, grant your favored son power so that I may lay low these beasts that impede my righteous journey!" The sky darkens and the clouds crackle with lightning. Three bolts arc down and strike the three grey wolves eying the group.

Thunder of Judgment (Encounter)

Wolf P3
[roll1] on a hit, and the wolf is dazed until the end of Isaak's next turn.

Wolf T13
[roll3] on a hit, and the wolf is dazed until the end of Isaak's next turn.

Wolf Q15
[roll5] on a hit, and the wolf is dazed until the end of Isaak's next turn.

2013-09-01, 02:55 PM
Dalekor moves closer to Fjarr and commands with a friendly voice.
"There's an opening, strike now!"

Moving to Q7 and using Direct the Strike on Fjarr against Gray Wolf.

Bounty Hunter
2013-09-01, 04:09 PM
As his allies begin to fan out and attack the imposing foes, Graxaan grits his teeth and begins to focus his energy. He raises his mace and it begins to glow with a radiant aura, dim at first but quickly grows to white-hot. Swinging his mace down and leveling it at his foe he unleases a glowing lance of energy that erupts towards his foe. Radiant energy lashes out and flies towards the wolf north of the trail, which had just been victim to an icy attack at the hands of Joe.

Graxaan attempts to hit Gray Wolf in P3 with At Will : Lance Of Faith

Attack: Wisdom vs Reflex
Hit : 1d8 + Wisdom modifier radiant damage, and one ally
you can see gains a +2 power bonus to his or her next attack roll against the target.

[roll0] vs Reflex
[roll1] Radiant Damage

If this attack hits, Joe gains +2 to next attack roll against this Wolf

2013-09-01, 07:09 PM
Joe looks at his dragonborn kin fjarr, as he seems to be immersed in deep thought. "What is he doing?" Joe yells as he is immersed in the thick of battle.

Bounty Hunter
2013-09-02, 01:54 AM
The lance of radiant energy leaps towards it's target and finds purchase along the animals front right shoulder singing a burn mark into the animals fur. Graxaan maintains his readied stance facing northward towards the wounded animal. Glancing back over his left shoulder he motions to Joe with his free hand and instantly a radiant light begins to dance around the Dragonborn's green scales. Here! A blessing! Let the gods guide your blows against this creature." Just as he withdraws his mace from pointing at the wolf Dalekor clomps by, his mail amor clinking as he calls out past Graxaan to Fjarr to strike at the wolf as well. With any luck the animal would be disposed of quickly, that they might focus their attention to the more pressing threats to the south.

2013-09-02, 08:35 AM
As the holy light comes down upon Joe, he feels he strength grow and his power almost double. He yells back to Graxx "I feel it, I feel the power!!!! Thank you."

2013-09-02, 03:10 PM
Fjarr snarls at his enemies, barring his teeth, and gnashing. His claw closed around the symbol "Four" on his palm. Unjust beasts, let's end them before they rain suffering on innocents. Inspired by Dalekor, he hurls a gout of dragonfrost at the indicated wolf, and then steels himself against the incoming threats.

[roll0] (+5 Cha, and +3 for using dagger as implement) vs Fort, Push target down one square.
[roll1] Frost Damage

Ready action to use the same ability on the first target to get within 2 squares of myself or a Dragonborn ally.
[roll2] vs Fort
[roll3] Frost and push back 1 from the direction of it's last movement.

2013-09-02, 10:18 PM
Joe, not waiting a second longer quickly lashed out at the goblins, Throwing a bolt of cold at the wolf that was to his right.

Rolls: To hit: 29 vs FORT, Damage: 12
If I hit I push the wolf on P4 to P3, I'm using dragonfrost
The attack hits dealing 12 damage and pushing the grey wolf from p4 to p3.

Luke quickly shoots the goblin across from him with his crossbow.
Sly Flourish: To hit: 18 vs AC, Damage: 11

The attack hits the goblin on f8 for 11 damage.
(Next time please make sure you label which one you are attacking, easier reference.)

Ezhera focused her will on one of the wolves, seizing it in a telekinetic grip.
Kinetic trawl vs. wolf Q15
To hit: 15 vs. Reflex, Damage: 12 and pull target to Q14 if I hit.
Hits dealing 12 damage and pulling target to q14.

Isaak raises his staff to the sky. "Mighty Kord, grant your favored son power so that I may lay low these beasts that impede my righteous journey!" The sky darkens and the clouds crackle with lightning. Three bolts arc down and strike the three grey wolves eying the group.
Thunder of Judgment (Encounter) vs FORT
Wolf P3: To Hit: 13, Damage: 5 on a hit, and the wolf is dazed until the end of Isaak's next turn.
Wolf T13: To Hit: 12, Damage: 8 on a hit, and the wolf is dazed until the end of Isaak's next turn.
Wolf Q14: To Hit: 19, Damage: 6 on a hit, and the wolf is dazed until the end of Isaak's next turn.
The attacks against p3 & t13 fail. wolf on q14 takes 6 damage and is dazed.

Dalekor moves closer to Fjarr and commands with a friendly voice. "There's an opening, strike now!"
{Moving to Q7 and using Direct the Strike on Fjarr against Gray Wolf on p3}
(remember to label who you are using that on, i added the wolf you were attacking in the quote.)

As his allies begin to fan out and attack the imposing foes, Graxaan grits his teeth and begins to focus his energy. He raises his mace and it begins to glow with a radiant aura, dim at first but quickly grows to white-hot. Swinging his mace down and leveling it at his foe he unleases a glowing lance of energy that erupts towards his foe. Radiant energy lashes out and flies towards the wolf north of the trail, which had just been victim to an icy attack at the hands of Joe.
Gray Wolf on P3 with At Will : Lance Of Faith
To Hit: 16 vs Reflex, Damage: 8 Radiant Damage.
If this attack hits, Joe gains +2 to next attack roll against this Wolf[/SPOILER]
Attack hits dealing 8 radiant damage and joe gets the +2 on his next attack against that wolf.

Fjarr snarls at his enemies, barring his teeth, and gnashing. His claw closed around the symbol "Four" on his palm. Unjust beasts, let's end them before they rain suffering on innocents. Inspired by Dalekor, he hurls a gout of dragonfrost at the indicated wolf, and then steels himself against the incoming threats.
To Hit: 23 (+5 Cha, and +3 for using dagger as implement) vs Fort, 13 Frost Damage.
- Effect: Push target away one square.

Ready action to use the same ability on the first target to get within 2 squares of myself or a Dragonborn ally.
To Hit: 11 vs Fort, Damage: 16 Frost and push back 1 from the direction of it's last movement.
The first attack hits the wolf on p3 pushing it to p2.


Enemy damage taken
Grey wolf on p2: 33 damage.
Grey wolf on q14: 18 damage. Dazed.
Goblin on f8: 11 damage.


Enemy turn:
Grey wolf on p2 moves to q6. (Readied Attack from Fjarr fails against the Wolf)
- Attacks Dalekor: Bite vs AC
-- Attack: 23 - Hits, Damage: 10
--- Shifts from q6 to o9.

Grey wolf on t13 moves to q9.
- Attacks Fjarr: Bite vs AC
-- Attack: 17 (+2 from C.A.) - Hits, Damage: 8
--- Fjarr is now prone.

grey wolf on q14 moves to p10.

Goblin on f8 moves to L8.
- Attacks Luke: Short sword vs. AC
-- Attack: 21 - Hits, Damage: 8
--- Shifts from L8 to m7.

Goblin on j13 moves to m9.
- Attacks Luke: Short sword vs. AC
-- Attack: 25 (+2 from C.A.) - Hits, Damage: 12
--- Shifts from m9 to L8.

Goblin on k14 moves to m9.
- Attacks Luke: Short sword vs. AC
-- Attack: 15 (+2 from C.A.) - Misses


Hero Life left (those that got hit)
Dalekor: 14/24 HP
Fjarr: 18/26 HP
Luke: 6/26 HP


Heroes, your turn.

2013-09-02, 10:26 PM
"No you don't," Ezhera snarled at the wolf that was now beside her, slamming it with as much telekinetic force as she could muster.

Force Punch vs. Wolf O9.

To hit: [roll0] vs.Fortitude.

Damage: [roll1] and slide Wolf to O10 if I hit

2013-09-02, 10:29 PM
OOC:Having just re-read the description of "Force Punch", if I hit I also get to slide all other adjacent enemies without doing damage. Slide Goblin M7 to M6 and Goblin M9 to L10

2013-09-02, 10:44 PM
Joe, yells "There everywhere! " and watching his moves, Joe moves over and shoots a breath of acid out of his mouth, spewing it all over his enemies and allies alike, he then flings his arm in a circle and fire erupts all around everyone.

Rolls, there are going to be a lot of them:


Shifts to O8

Damage for Dragon breath: Vs REF [roll0] acid damage

To hit with dragon breath: vs. the three wolves


vs. the 3 goblins


Issak [roll7]
Luke [roll8] I hope it misses you!
Ezhera [roll9]
Graxxan [roll10]
Fjarr [roll11]
Dalekor [roll12]

Damage for burning spray [roll13] Vs. FORT

Vs. 3 wolves
1. [roll14]
2. [roll15]
3. [roll16]

Vs. 3 goblins
1. [roll17]
2. [roll18]
3. [roll19]

Issak [roll20]
Luke [roll21] I hope it misses you again!
Ezhera [roll22]
Graxxan [roll23]
Fjarr [roll24]
Hope this works!/SPOILER]

2013-09-03, 02:48 AM
Whoa, man, whoa. Good thing you only hit me with the acid splashing. Did you spend a feat to make your breath larger? I think it's 3x3 right? How did you nail everyone? Or... looks like you confused burst and blast.

Fjarr looks at the sky from the small of his back, confused about how he ended up there for a moment, but he quickly regains his focus and kicks his feet up, regaing his footing, before clawing at the air, and sending vicious blue claws of arcana and anger out to rend the wolves.

Move, stand.
Standard action: Tearing Claws: Close Burst 1, Enemies only: [roll0]

To hit: vs Reflex
[roll1] West of me Wolf
[roll2] South of me Wolf
[roll3] East of me Wolf

If hit, push west to M10, east to R9 and not pushing south.

2013-09-03, 07:35 AM
((he confused blast with burst, so i'm ruling that he is attacking all the goblins, Luke, Isaak, and Ezhera))

2013-09-03, 08:14 AM
Isaak quickly disengages the goblin that was attempting to goad him into comflict with it. He twists his arms, splaying out his fingers and readying his mind.

"Though we have only just met, I regret what I must now do, friend," Isaak wails to the dragonborn between holy incantations, "but know that your sacrifice shall not be in vain!" A red light gleams in his eyes as he opens the minds of those before him to visions of their own deaths.

Shift to O8

Visions of Blood
Close blast 3 emanating from O9

Wolf O9
vs. Will
[roll1] and the target takes a -1 penalty to all defenses until EoNT

Wolf Q9
[Roll]1d20+5 vs. Will
and the target takes a -1 penalty to all defenses until EoNT

Wolf P10
[Roll]1d20+5 vs. Will
and the target takes a -1 penalty to all defenses until EoNT

[Roll]1d20+5 vs. Will
[roll4] and the target takes a -1 penalty to all defenses until EoNT

2013-09-03, 08:17 AM
Dice roller had an aneurysm, apparently.

Wolf Q9
[roll0] vs. Will

Wolf P10
[roll1] vs. Will

[roll2] vs. Will

2013-09-03, 09:06 AM
((he confused blast with burst, so i'm ruling that he is attacking all the goblins, Luke, Isaak, and Ezhera))

((Oh, yeah whoops))

2013-09-03, 12:27 PM
Shift to O7

Visions of Blood
Close blast 3 emanating from P8

Grax P8
(the first roll above) vs. Will
[roll1] and the target takes a -1 penalty to all defenses until EoNT

Wolf R9
(using the Q9 roll) vs. Will
[roll2] and the target takes a -1 penalty to all defenses until EoNT

Wolf P10
(P10 Roll) vs. Will
[roll3] and the target takes a -1 penalty to all defenses until EoNT

(Fjarr Roll) vs. Will
[roll4] and the target takes a -1 penalty to all defenses until EoNT[/SPOILER]
Just updating so it works clearly...

Grax and Dale still need to go i believe...

2013-09-03, 01:04 PM
"On your feet soldier, you are not done yet." The Dragonborn screams at the unconscious Githzerai.
"I will show you how to fight this beasts." He barks as he attacks the last Grey Wolf.

Minor action-Inspiring Word +[roll0]
Move action-moves to R8
Standard action-Intuitive Strike
Attack [roll1]
Damage [roll2]

2013-09-03, 01:11 PM
Joe says quietly to the fallen Elf, "I'm sorry friend, may the Raven Queen help guide you through death." (free action)

2013-09-03, 01:21 PM
Graxaan is left.

Bounty Hunter
2013-09-03, 07:31 PM
Graxaan exhales with a heavy sigh as combat around him quickly spirals out of what he would deem "controlling the situation". "How will I ever protect people from the forces of evil in this world, if I cant protect them from their own friends?" He thinks to himself. With a stern look on his face his shoves past Joe without a word and approaches the two goblins. He inhales a deep breath and then exhales a gout of fire at the pair of greenskins. He levels his mace again and lets loose another burst of glowing energy that flies towards the goblin.

Move Action: Move though O8 to N9
Minor Action: Dragons Breath: STR+2 vs REF. 1d6+Con Fire Dmg

Damage For Dragon's Breath: [roll0]

Dragons Breath to Hit:
Goblin in L8 : [roll1]
Goblin in L10 : [roll2]
Luke's Corpse : [roll3]

Standard Action: Lance Of Faith : Wisdom vs Ref

Damage for Lance Of Faith: [roll4]

Lance of Faith To Hit:
Goblin in L8 if alive. Otherwise, goblin in L10 [roll5]

Edit: Naming Ezhera to get +2 against target if hit.

Here goes nothing....

2013-09-04, 07:31 AM
Force Punch vs. Wolf O9.
To hit: 25 vs.Fortitude.
Damage: 8 and slide Wolf to O10 if I hit
if I hit I also get to slide all other adjacent enemies without doing damage. Slide Goblin M7 to M6 and Goblin M9 to L10
Wolf is dead and goblins slide back.

Shifts to O8
Damage for Dragon breath: Vs REF 5 acid damage
To hit: M6. 23
To Hit: L8. 23
To Hit: Issak 12
To hit: Luke 23 I hope it misses you!
To Hit: Ezhera 14
Damage for burning spray 16 Vs. FORT
To hit: M6. 23
To Hit: L8. 20
To Hit: Issak 7
To hit: Luke 15 I hope it misses you again!
To Hit: Ezhera 17
Luke Dies completely, Ezhera is prone and dying. You killed Goblin on M6, and bloodied Goblin on L8.

Move, stand.
Standard action: Tearing Claws: Close Burst 1, Enemies only damage: 15
To hit: vs Reflex
23, P10 Wolf
25, Q9 Wolf
If hit, push Q9 to R9 and not pushing P10.
both attacks hit, Q9 is pushed.

Shift to O7
Visions of Blood
Close blast 3 emanating from P8

Grax P8
18 vs. Will
6, and the target takes a -1 penalty to all defenses until EoNT

Wolf R9
22 vs. Will
8, and the target takes a -1 penalty to all defenses until EoNT

Wolf P10
19 vs. Will
10, and the target takes a -1 penalty to all defenses until EoNT

25 vs. Will
6, and the target takes a -1 penalty to all defenses until EoNT
everyone takes a hit and wolf on P10 dies. -1 to all defenses to those alive.

Minor action-Inspiring Word Heal: Player surge value+4
Move action-moves to R8
Standard action-Intuitive Strike against Grey Wolf
Attack 13
Damage 9
it hits the wolf.
((Also, you had two different "roll"'s in the [] you had Roll and roll, they need to be the same))

Move Action: Move though O8 to N9
Minor Action: Dragons Breath: STR+2 vs REF. 1d6+Con Fire Dmg
Damage For Dragon's Breath: 7

Dragons Breath to Hit:
Goblin in L8 : 8
Goblin in L10 : 24
Luke's Corpse : 26
Standard Action: Lance Of Faith : Wisdom vs Ref
Damage for Lance Of Faith: 6

Lance of Faith To Hit:
Goblin in L8 if alive. Otherwise, goblin in L10 13
Naming Ezhera to get +2 against target if hit.

Here goes nothing....
Dragon breath hits goblin on L10 and Luke's Corpse. If Luke's corpse takes 4 more damage, it'll become a fine powder dust which will make him unable to be revived.
Lance of Faith misses goblin on L8.

Enemy Damage so far
M6 Goblin: Dead
L8 Goblin: 21 Damage, Bloodied
L10 Goblin: 7 Damage
O9 Wolf: Dead
P10 Wolf: Dead
R9 Wolf: 32 Damage, Bloodied


Enemy's Turn:
Grey Wolf on R9 attacks Dalekor
Attack - Bite: 24 vs AC - Hit
Damage: 10, Wolf shifts back (possibly having cover) to T13

Goblin on L8 moves to M7 and attacks Prone Ezhera
Attack - Short sword: 17 (+2 from C.A.) vs AC - Hit
Damage: 14, Goblin shifts back to L7

Goblin on L10 Shifts to M10 and attacks Graxaan
Attack - Short sword: 26 (Nat 20) vs AC - Hit
Damage: 11, Goblin shifts back to L11

Hero Life Left:
Luke: -22/26 (4 more damage and he can't be revived)
Ezhera: -5/21 (Prone & Dying, needs to make a Death Saving Throw the next time Gandalf posts)
Graxaan: 10/27
Fjarr: 12/26
Dalekor: 4/24


Heroes, your turn...

2013-09-04, 07:55 AM
"You're not done yet, and neither am I"

Standard action-Second Wind
Minor action-Inspiring Word-Ezhera[roll0]

2013-09-04, 09:08 AM
Joe yells with grief and, with the death of his friend summons up a large amount of energy throws it at one of the remaining goblin.

Rolls:Attack Goblin L11 with Thunder Slam
[roll0] VS. Fort
[roll1] and I push him to J14

2013-09-04, 10:24 PM
Isaak's hand erupts suddenly in radiant light. "Yes, my lord Pelor, I can hear you!" he bellows to the sky, "I shall use this great power to smite thine enemies in your name!" He turns in place and surveys the battlefield, his blazing hand held aloft.

"The mighty Sun wishes you dead, vile creatures," he stretches his hand out before him, "and I am compelled to oblige!" Radiant light jumps from his fingertips and races towards the creatures around him.

Hand of Radiance

Goblin L7
[roll1] radiant damage on a hit

Goblin L11
[roll3] radiant damage on a hit

Wolf T13
[roll5] radiant damage on a hit

2013-09-04, 10:36 PM
Ezhera groaned as she lay on the ground in a pain-filled daze, struggling to keep from slipping away into the dark. Somehow, the groggy thought flitted across her mind, this isn't how I imagined this going...

Saving throw vs. death: [roll0]

2013-09-04, 10:44 PM
Ezhera groaned as she lay on the ground in a pain-filled daze, struggling to keep from slipping away into the dark. Somehow, the groggy thought flitted across her mind, this isn't how I imagined this going...

Saving throw vs. death: [roll0]

you failed the throw so that's mark one, but now you are healed so you can attack normally again.

2013-09-04, 10:54 PM
Leaning on her staff, Ezhera stumbled back to her feet. "All right," she said, "I'm not out of this quite yet. Focusing her will on the nearest goblin, she called forth the strongest power she knew. No more games.

Telekinetic Anchor vs. Goblin L7

To hit: [roll0] vs. Fortitude

Damage: [roll1]. If I miss, the power still does half damage, and if the goblin is still alive, it will take 5 force damage if it tries to move.

Bounty Hunter
2013-09-05, 05:07 PM
Graxaan grits his teeth and begins to focus his energy once more. He raises his mace and it begins to glow with a radiant aura, dim at first but quickly grows to white-hot. Swinging his mace down and leveling it at his foe he unleashes a glowing lance of energy that erupts towards his foe, the final remaining Goblin.

Lance of Faith

To Hit : [roll0]

Damage : [roll1]

+2 to Joe's next attack on Target

2013-09-05, 11:26 PM
Fjarr feels as if his foes might try to flee, so he runs south and then blast his foe backwards.

Move, N-13

Standard, Dragonfrost

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

If hit, push to k10

2013-09-06, 06:57 AM
Standard action-Second Wind
Heal 6 points and +2 to all defenses until start of next turn.
Minor action-Inspiring Word-Ezhera
Healing Surge + 5
ok, Ezhera heals 10 bringing Ezhera to Prone and at 5 HP. you heal 6 points bringing you to 10 HP.

Attack Goblin L11 with Thunder Slam
6 (Critical Miss) VS. Fort
Damage: 24 and I push him to J14
Thunder Slam is wasted and you completely miss the target.

Hand of Radiance
Goblin L7
To Hit: 15, Damage: 6 radiant damage on a hit

Goblin L11
To Hit: 18, Damage: 7 radiant damage on a hit

Wolf T13
To Hit: 20, Damage: 8 radiant damage on a hit
All three attacks hit, Grey Wolf is dead.

Telekinetic Anchor vs. Goblin L7
To hit: 22 vs. Fortitude
Damage: 17. If I miss, the power still does half damage, and if the goblin is still alive, it will take 5 force damage if it tries to move.
It hits and kills the goblin on L7.

Lance of Faith
To Hit : 19
Damage : 6
+2 to Joe's next attack on Target
It hits and ok.

Move, N-13
Standard, Dragonfrost
Attack: 21
Damage: 11
If hit, push to k10
And with that attack, the Goblin drops dead.

Encounter Over

As the last of the enemy dies, the group finally sees the end result of their hard work. One of your own is dead and looks close to not having any chance at be revived unless its soon.

2013-09-06, 10:10 AM
Joe, having completed the encounter isn't sure what to think. He feels like he has two sides inside him and one is feeling the grief for his friend and the other, is happy that he has completed the encounter.
"We should continue." He answers after coming up from his dilemma.

Bounty Hunter
2013-09-06, 11:03 AM
"Continue...?" Graxaan asked sarcastically with a bit of mixed gruffness in his voice. He motions to the scene around them with a clawed hand; sprays of blood painted across the sand and grass, drizzled among the bodies of friend and foe alike. "I think our efforts would be better spent on tending our wounds, to make sure we're fit to continue, and to addressing the issue of our companion you so easily disposed of without a second thought." The dragonborn approaches the crumpled body of Luke, lying in the middle of the dirty road; he rolls him over onto his back to assess his wounds which are beyond severe. Graxaan sighs heavily and stands back up, grabbing the nearby corpse of a goblin he begins to drag the foul creature towards the ruined tower.

2013-09-06, 11:16 AM
"My friend is right, we should get our fallen companion's remains to the nearest town to revive him. Every second counts, so we should leave immediately. As for you" he turns towards Joe "the next time you do that I will personally return the favor."

Bounty Hunter
2013-09-06, 11:38 AM
"Lets see here" the cleric mutters to himself as he props the golins corpse at the base of the ruined tower and begins to pat the creature down searching for any thing of value on the foul creature.

--Drag goblin from L7 to J8

--Check the corpse for anything of value.

--Will be healing once my question in OoC is answered.

2013-09-06, 11:57 AM
Still leaning heavily on her staff, Ezhera glared at Joe. "I'm not going anywhere until we can get some healing," she snapped with uncharacteristic heat. "And we certainly can't just leave Luke lying here; in the shape he's in, if he takes much more abuse we won't be able to have him raised." Having said her piece, she limped over to watch Graxaan as he searched the dead goblin.

Move to K8

2013-09-06, 12:14 PM
"All that has happened here has been the will of the gods," Isaak declares. He gestures grandly at the carnage around them, "I know not why one of iur own needed to die, but there is purpose to everything in life." He falls to his knees beside Luke's corpse, reaching out and gently caressing what remains of his face.

"It is as the Meloram Malificarum says: 'Though thee may lay thine enemies low, those thee lets close are truly to be feared,'" he closes his eyes, a righteous tear sliding down his cheek, "Worry not, dear friend, the next world shall greet you warmly. Melora - oh divine mistress - has spoken to me and wishes to offer you sanctuary within her realm,"

Isaak falls on his belly in the dirt beside Luke's corpse and moves his head close to what remains of Luke's. "Who was it you served, again?" he whispers. He lies staring at the elf for several long moments, awaiting a reply.

Bounty Hunter
2013-09-06, 12:44 PM
As he finishes searching the body of the deceased goblin Graxaan stands back up and turns to Ezhera who has limped up near his left side. "Come, help me gather the bodies if you are able..." Just then Isaak begins to speak, standing over the body of the deceased rogue.

"All that has happened here has been the will of the gods" I know not why one of our own needed to die, but there is purpose to everything in life." Graxaan scoffs "I know not of the wills of your God, but rest assured that mine had no part such wanton desctruction caused by a careless fool. I've spent years in the service of the Gods, and even I know that some things are caused soley by the actions of mortals, you need look no further than the center of the road to find the cause." Kneeling beside the second goblin, Graxaan grabs the creature by the arm and begins to drag it towards the tower as well. "Clear the road... and start looking for some manner at which to transport Luke's body back to town. I scarely believe Joe can make the trip with him on his shoulders. Perhaps a gurney can be fashioned from branches...?"

2013-09-06, 01:31 PM
Isaak stands to his feet and turns towards the towering dragonborn searching the bodies. "You may be an instrument of the gods, noble sun-servant, but I am their will made flesh. They speak their words to this world through me," he looks upward a moment, his golden eyes reflecting the mid-morning light.

"The Lord of Light speaks highly of you, Graxaan Ironhide. You have done many great things in his name, and shall no doubt do many more," Isaak looks now to the cleric, "But he has bestowed upon me the great and terrible burden of saving this world. I am to bring His light to the darkest reaches! I am to speak the word of the gods to every living soul, so that they might be saved!" A radiant glow surrounds him as he speaks.

2013-09-06, 01:50 PM
"Bahamut grant me patience to deal with his arrogance." Dale whispered while helping Graxaan.

2013-09-06, 03:22 PM
Private Dalekor and Graxaan
You two notice the radiant glow around Issak is actually fire that is spread across his backside, whether Issak knows of this or not yet is unclear.

(What you find will be in next post.)

2013-09-06, 04:05 PM
Joe says, "I guess you're right, but it may be expensive for Luke to be raised. Who knows how much it might cost." He then get's up and notices that Fjarr is still all the way to the south of him, while he is still in the middle, he then walks over to where Ezhera, Dalekor, and Graxxan are. After that he tries to refresh himself.

Move to K7 take short rest

Bounty Hunter
2013-09-06, 04:49 PM
"The Lord of Light speaks highly of you, Graxaan Ironhide. You have done many great things in his name, and shall no doubt do many more," Isaak looks now to the cleric, "But he has bestowed upon me the great and terrible burden of saving this world. I am to bring His light to the darkest reaches! I am to speak the word of the gods to every living soul, so that they might be saved!" A radiant glow surrounds him as he speaks.Dragging the second goblin along the road to the base of the tower near the first, Graxxan looks back over his left shoulder at Isaak as he speaks. As he finishes the dragonborn snorts sharply from his nostrils and remarks "I'm glad to see you're afire with such conviction... I have nothing but faith that the Gods chose wisely, though personally I'd like to see you shoulder a little of that burden rather than just preach about it. There are wounds to heal, bodies to clear from the road, and I feel I need not remind you we must find a way to transport our companion back to town without further desecration." He props the second goblin against the base of the tower beside the first and begins to pat through its armor and clothing for anything of value or interest and then throws its sword on the ground near the first.
"I guess you're right, but it may be expensive for Luke to be raised. Who knows how much it might cost." Looking up from the bodies and turning to Joe who's sitting in the middle of the road only a few feet away Graxaan gives him a stern look before returning to work with the bodies. By this time all three goblins lay propped at the base of the tower. "Yes, which is something you should have considered before you carelessly torched friend and foe alike. I'm suprised you've managed to survive this long by yourself without either learning some sort of constraint or killing yourself in your 'excitement'. Now when you've had your rest check the woods to the north for branches sturdy enough to hold him."

--Drag the corpses of the goblins to J8, K8, and K9, against the base of the ruined tower and search them for valuables.

--Piled their weapons in the road (probably about J7), if their armor is anything we'd be able to sell in town I'll strip that too. If its just crumby goblin stuff I'll leave it be.

2013-09-06, 05:02 PM
Joe does what Graxxan tells him to.

2013-09-06, 05:11 PM
Ezhera watched Joe leave to collect wood and knelt beside the nearest goblin body. She began to search it for anything valuable, keeping her head turned slightly to the side out of disgust at the creature's smell.

2013-09-06, 05:48 PM
Fjarr snarled at the idea of pressing on. We have a man down, and you fools are bickering about the wills of Gods? Don't be so damned arrogant that think you can comprehend the will of the Gods, or which Gods will which events. I'm going back to town with our companion, and I know some of you have honor enough to come with me. The Dragonborn with any honor will remember the 11th code: "Never neglect your family, your Clan, or your friends. Have the fierceness of a Dragon in their defense and always be certain they are provided for before starting any endeavor."

Fjarr spat on the ground. Only depraved men, unworthy of our loyalty would leave a man who bleed to death, who died defending us, and who deserves our aid to rot on the side of the road. Bahamut knows, I won't. Graxxan, I trust you will do the right thing as surely you follow the Draconic Code of Honor. Or do you not? Joe, you have acted without regard to the code. You are a disgrace. I hope you find your honor again. I've struggled with all the tenets myself, but nobody should be anything but harsh on you for your sins. Fjarr gently touched his palms, where the number four was carved, then formed a fist. With that, he joins the work of looting the corpses, ignoring the smell. Perhaps, to help pay the fee, we could bring the wolf corpses. Their hides are not so badly damaged. And their meat is good for some to eat, even if stringy.

Stop assuming Fjarr does nothing just because I haven't posted, man... I can't post as often as I like because I am on a tight deadline at work.

Bounty Hunter
2013-09-06, 06:02 PM
Stop assuming Fjarr does nothing just because I haven't posted, man... I can't post as often as I like because I am on a tight deadline at work.To whom is this directed? I've not assumed what you have/havent done. And normally adjust my posts for when others have named their actions.

Edit: Nevermind, I see now that its directed towards Zing (I think.) In which case I've already mentioned to him in the OOC to not post actions of other characters unless they name them first.

2013-09-06, 06:12 PM
Private Graxaan
Searching the three dead goblins finds you with 70 GP (10 GP per player), 6 Daggers, and 3 Short swords.
(Roll 9d2 with the Rollv command so i can tell you how many of them are actually intact and sellable)

2013-09-06, 06:14 PM
Isaak moves some feet away from the carnage to a patch of clear ground, quickly dousing a small fire that had begun singing his backside. He kneels upon the grass and withdraws a battered book from his pack, as well as several small vials. He opens the book and quickly finds his page, then goes about uncorking vials and pouring their contents - various leaves of ground plants, ichor from dead creatures, blessed wine, and so on - upon the ground around him.

He looks to the sky for a brief moment, then intones several words in a low voice. The patches of grass where he had emptied the vials comes alight with brilliant blue flames. Isaak stands and takes a long step over one of the flames, careful not to be caught alight again. Moments later a silvery disk materializes in the center of the arcane flames. It is a bit over three feet across and concave, an inch deep at it's center.

Isaak turns and calls to the group, "Perhaps we may transport our fallen brother on this. It may be a tight fit, but it will hold him."

Isaak uses the ritual Tenser's Floating Disk, expending 10gp worth of ritual components.

Arcana roll to determine the weight the disk can hold
Edit: And with that result, the disk can hold 1,000 pounds. Sweet!

Bounty Hunter
2013-09-06, 06:19 PM
Graxaan continues emptying the pockets and pouches of the goblins, with the aid of his companions, and soon they have a small mound of gold pieces on the ground. They've also got a small pile of assorted blades that they might be able to pawn to the merchants in town.

Private D.M.

2013-09-06, 06:28 PM
Private Graxaan
2 of the daggers break and one of the short swords break as well.
Giving the group 70 GP, 4 Daggers and 2 Short swords

Bounty Hunter
2013-09-06, 06:34 PM
Having finished with the bodies, the cleric looks up at the remains of the ruined tower and squints slightly. "Hmmmm"

Details on the tower? I asked in the OOC, but I'll ask again here.

2013-09-06, 06:39 PM
(if you looked at the map, you would have known the height a long time ago)

There appears to be no good spots for anchoring.

Bounty Hunter
2013-09-06, 07:23 PM
OoC: Except as mentioned, I can only access the google drive map via phone while at work. And on mobile you cont get the chat function or the mouse over info. =X

Realizing his plan wont work with the lousy shape of the ruined tower wall, Graxaan mutters under his breath and walks away a few meters and sits down in the middle of the road. He examines his wounds more closely now to see which if any are still bleeding and does his best to rest for a moment.
"Perhaps we may transport our fallen brother on this. It may be a tight fit, but it will hold him." Graxaan looks over at the floating disk that Isaak had summoned and nods in agreement. Straining slightly against his sore limbs he stands and walks over to help with their fallen ally, thinking how they might fit him onto the disk properly. "A solid plan...lets see what we can do. Hopefully we will begin heading to town within the next half hour...once everyone is ready. What of the wolves? Did you have a plan Fjarr? I must warn you I will not allow them to be carried on the disk..."

2013-09-06, 08:43 PM
Fjarr snorts, then thinks. Hmm. How many dead wolves are there, and how many strong adventurers are we? We can easily carry them, I'd wager. I've no skill at removing fur from flesh, or I'd say we can just take the pelts. You shame me in implying I would have them carried by the tool which carries our fallen comrade.

2013-09-06, 08:47 PM
Joe, having not been raised among dragonborn, has no idea what this 'code' that Fjarn speaks about. He then asks "Graxxan, I've seen holy men like you preform strange magics with bodies to preserve the flesh to be later healed, do you have any knowledge of doing this?" He then was unsure about this honor, honor was new to him having been raised among halflings he was taught to have friendship and to be kind to others. He didn't know what Fjarn was talking about but he hoped to reclaim this 'honor' that he spoke of.

Joe was raised among halflings having no code of honor.

2013-09-06, 09:05 PM
"I also know the ritual of the floating disk," Ezhera said. "If you think it appropriate, I could summon another to carry the wolves so that we don't have to place them on the same one as Luke.

Bounty Hunter
2013-09-06, 10:26 PM
Hmm. How many dead wolves are there, and how many strong adventurers are we? We can easily carry them, I'd wager. I've no skill at removing fur from flesh, or I'd say we can just take the pelts."Its a few miles yet to town I'd wager, and I had no intention on carrying a full grown wolf in our current state, and would not ask such from anyone else still freshly wounded from combat. Skinning them here would take too much time even if someone had the skill, thus my desire to carry them along some how. Dragging them though, would ruin any value that the pelts hold."
You shame me in implying I would have them carried by the tool which carries our fallen comrade. Graxaan shakes his head hastily and motions with a clawed hand. "No, no... Apologies. I didnt mean offense by it, I simply felt the need to make my intentions clear considering the events that have recently transpired."
"I also know the ritual of the floating disk. If you think it appropriate, I could summon another to carry the wolves so that we don't have to place them on the same one as Luke.As Ezhera chimes in Graxaan nods in agreeance and adresses the group. "Does this sound like a solid enough plan? Load the wolves and the weapons, and then we set out at once? Graxaan motions towards Isaak to help him place Luke's body on the first disk. Bending down beside the rogue he grabs under each arm with his hands and waits on Isaak to grab Luke's feet.

2013-09-06, 10:34 PM
Ezhera uses the ritual "Tenser's Floating Disk", expending 10gp of components.

Arcana check: [roll0]

2013-09-06, 10:47 PM
Isaak bends and grabs hold of the rogue's feet. Together with the dragonborn, he hoists his fallen comrade onto the disk. It's a tight fit, but they are able to position him well enough.

"I suggest we take care returning to town. We wouldn't want to damage our dear friend any further," Isaak pats the top of Luke's head gently.

2013-09-06, 10:49 PM
Fjarr gnashes his teeth with renewed vigor. Ah! Good. Good. It's good to have valuable allies to depend on. Although, I would have carried one or two had I the need to do so, but now that I think of it, my wounds might need to be tended. I'd almost forgotten my own wounds, small as they are, in light of our nearly dead companion.

Unless someone has a spare healing ability, I will just take a normal healing surge. Also, Zing, in character, I have no way of knowing you were raised by halflings, and will continue to act under the assumption that you weren't.

Bounty Hunter
2013-09-06, 11:49 PM
As the wolves are loaded onto the second disk, Graxaan tightens his pack and prepares for the next length of their journey.

"The corpses of the goblins will serve as a warning to others. If everyone is ready to press on, shall we continue...?"

2013-09-06, 11:53 PM
We should hurry, let's go. Fjarr says, and starts walking.

Ok, spent my own healing surge. Five minute break like everyone else took earlier, assume I healed before all the chatter about moving and disk summoning.

2013-09-07, 08:34 AM
"I'm ready, let's continue."

Darklink I know that your char does not know, he'll tell it later when it seems more... Appropriate.

2013-09-07, 05:28 PM
(calling it as it appears everyone is going to be moving...)

The trip north was a rather quick one to get to the city of Fallcrest. Luckily near the main gate, the church of Pelor was nearby. The guards stop you for a moment at the gates, they notice the groups fallen comrade and the dead wolves. Two more guards show up to escort them where they need to go. The first guard takes Issak, Dalekor, Joe, and the body of Luke on the disk to the church. The second guard takes Ezhera, Graxaan, Fjarr and the floating disc that has the wolves to the nearby marketplace to get the wolves dealt with quickly.

At the Church
Luckily there was no service in the church at this time. Mainly for the fact that the guard made the doors burst open, smacking against the walls that supported them. The guard quickly said, "Marla... We have one on the edge of annihilation, please help bring him back."

A young good-looking woman turned around; apparently she was the local Priestess for the church. She responded while saying in a soft tone, "Quickly, put him on the altar." she then looked at the three adventurers and said in the same soft tone "place your right hand on one of his shoulders please."


At the Marketplace
The guard points to a stall that is a couple of stalls away saying, "There is the stall that will buy those things from you. I'd hurry if i were you, it's almost the end of the Business day."
How quickly are you getting there? I need to know from each player


2013-09-07, 05:46 PM
Joe does as marla tells her to.

2013-09-07, 06:01 PM
Dale nods slightly to the priestess and follows her instruction.

2013-09-07, 06:41 PM
Thank you, Sir Guard. Fjarr says as he follows. We're hoping to raise funds to pay for a revival of an ally who was slain in combat against the goblin menace.

How quickly? Hustle at least.

2013-09-07, 06:51 PM
Isaak's hands come alight with golden radiance. He looks to the priestess. "Tell me what you require of me, dear one."

2013-09-07, 07:26 PM
Ezhera remained quiet as she kept pace with her companions and the guard, hopeful that they could rid themselves of these carcasses- and raise some funds- quickly. Her mind wandered to Luke, and she found herself hoping that the resurrection was proceeding smoothly.

2013-09-07, 07:39 PM
At the Church
'Pelor doesn't like show-offs' she thought to herself before she began chanting in an Ancient language. after a couple of lines in she abruptly stops. "Something's amiss... Is there something one of you needs to get off of your chest?"

Bounty Hunter
2013-09-07, 09:12 PM
At The Market

As the small group of adventurers enter the town of Fallcrest the sun hangs heavily in the sky and night approaches quickly. They split into two groups in an attempt to quickly deal with both the resurrection and the selling of their spoils. Isaak volunteers to accompany Luke's body, so Graxaan opts to deal with the wolves. He heads to the market with a few of the others, led by one of the guards.
"There is the stall that will buy those things from you. I'd hurry if i were you, it's almost the end of the Business day."Graxaan hurries along, a few steps behind Fjarr and slightly ahead of the disk.

2013-09-07, 09:25 PM
At the Church
'Pelor doesn't like show-offs' she thought to herself before she began chanting in an Ancient language. after a couple of lines in she abruptly stops. "Something's amiss... Is there something one of you needs to get off of your chest?"

"A secret?" Isaak looks taken aback, "My soul lies bare before the Gods. I have no secrets from them!"

2013-09-07, 11:07 PM
At the Marketplace
When you reach the stall, you take notice that this man doesn't look anything like a normal merchant. In fact he looks to be more a scholar of sorts.

Bounty Hunter
2013-09-07, 11:42 PM
At The Marketplace

Graxaan approaches the stall, and slightly taken aback by the look of the man he hesitates a moment. He nods to the man and greets him kindly, though slightly out of breath from his recent rush.

"Good afternoon...er...evening rather sir. Still conducting business, or are we too late?"

2013-09-08, 12:07 AM
Fjarr smiles at the scholar-merchant, but seeing his ally take the social lead, he allows him to begin the conversation. However, Fjarr places a clawed hand on the man's stall, and catches his breath.

2013-09-08, 06:30 AM
"evening" the man says, "you only just made it. My name is Parle Cranewing, I'm a Scholar by trade and Merchant by choice." The man then looked at the floating disc and the stuff on it. "Hmm, so you're using Tenser's floating disk to carry your items? May I point out that you might be missing something?"

2013-09-08, 08:35 AM
Joe says "Well, I don't think I know what you're talking about but if you would consider this a secret than I'll guess I'll share it with you. I was not raised among dragonborns, I was raised in a halfling tribe, I know nothing about honor, just how to be friendly and give your friends respect, I hope that this doesn't mean that I cannot be in this group, I'm just..." He pauses trying to find the right word, "Different."

2013-09-08, 09:19 AM
Missing? Something? Fjarr asked hesitantly. What do you mean?

Bounty Hunter
2013-09-08, 09:57 AM
At The Marketplace

Graxaan turns to look at the disk in response to the mans comment. "Missing something?" he thinks, as Fjarr asks the same aloud. His mind races as he looks over the disk, which is still only covered in wolves and goblin weaponry.

2013-09-08, 10:17 AM
"I can't think of anything we're missing," Ezhera said to her companions, "Unless he's talking about, well, Luke, but our friends should be taking care of him." She turned back to the merchant. "I'd be interested in being enlightened as well about what we're missing."

2013-09-08, 12:10 PM
Joe says "Well, I don't think I know what you're talking about but if you would consider this a secret than I'll guess I'll share it with you. I was not raised among dragonborns, I was raised in a halfling tribe, I know nothing about honor, just how to be friendly and give your friends respect, I hope that this doesn't mean that I cannot be in this group, I'm just..." He pauses trying to find the right word, "Different."
At the Church
"There are no secrets being shared here, only the truth. As for holding it against you, that is for your friends to weigh themselves in their minds." Marla stated with no expression of her own. She then begins to chant again in the Ancient language.

A few minutes later, Marla finishes chanting and tells you you can remove your hands from Luke's shoulders and he only needs rest now. However, as soon as you remove your hands, you all begin to feel light-headed and soon feint.

Missing? Something? Fjarr asked hesitantly. What do you mean?

At The Marketplace

Graxaan turns to look at the disk in response to the mans comment. "Missing something?" he thinks, as Fjarr asks the same aloud. His mind races as he looks over the disk, which is still only covered in wolves and goblin weaponry.

"I can't think of anything we're missing," Ezhera said to her companions, "Unless he's talking about, well, Luke, but our friends should be taking care of him." She turned back to the merchant. "I'd be interested in being enlightened as well about what we're missing."
At the Marketplace
"You only have three goblin daggers there, now unless one broke, i would think you would have had four due to them always being in pairs" Parle said while lightly pointing to the disk where the goblin weapons laid.

Bounty Hunter
2013-09-08, 12:21 PM
At The Marketplace

With another glance back at the pile of weapons on the disk, Graxaan thinks aloud for a moment. "Well some of the weaponry did break, when we left the crossroads we had in our possession four daggers and two swords.." He scratches his chin and thinks. "But regarding them being in pairs, they only numbered three when they attacked us on the road."

2013-09-08, 12:37 PM
At the Marketplace
Parle slightly chuckles at what Graxaan had said in which he responded, "No no, you misunderstood. I said the daggers come in pairs unless one breaks, not that goblins attack in pairs. I'm a Scholar after all, i collect information like this to show how this world evolves." Parle then patiently waits for it to click in Graxaan's head while the other merchants around them start to close up shop.

Bounty Hunter
2013-09-08, 05:18 PM
At The Marketplace

"Ah, right..." Graxaan mumbles a bit. "Given the events that have transpired today, you'll have to forgive my misunderstanding. I very dearly need to find the comfort of a bed and a solid days rest." Turning the conversation back to the goblin daggers, Graxaan works the math out loud. "There were three goblins, each had two daggers once we disposed of the threat. However, due to the shoddy craftsmanship, two of them were already broken... which leaves us to the four we have." Graxaan points to the three daggers on the disk. "Wait... where is the other dagger...?" He asks openly of the his two companions with a slightly confused look on his face.

2013-09-08, 08:35 PM
Fjarr scowled at Graxaan. Was it actually three that broken then? I wasn't paying any heed to the looting, I was more interested in our downed man and the wolves. Well, it's no matter. Maybe we left one behind, maybe it was three that broke, or maybe one is still lodge in Luke. Regardless, Fjarr turns to the scholar. Are you interested in buying?

Bounty Hunter
2013-09-09, 09:45 AM
At The Marketplace

Quite positive that there were in fact four daggers and two swords still useable when they left the crossroads, Graxaan remains lost in thought for a moment as he replays the events in his mind from the crossroads until now. In this moment Fjarr speaks up, reminding him of their need to be hasty.
.......regardless; Are you interested in buying? Snapping out of his thoughts the dragonborn turns back to the merchant; "Yes, we wouldnt want to hold you up any longer, it looks like all the other merchants have pretty much closed for the day. Would you be interested in either the weaponry or the wolf pelts and meats?

2013-09-09, 09:31 PM
At the Marketplace
Parle nodded in response to the two. After quickly looking over the animals and weaponry he said, "I can offer you 5 gold pieces and 5 silver pieces."

Private @Zing, Ardur, Tman, and Asteron
Watch your Inbox, i'll be sending you changes to your characters that you'll need to fix on your sheet

Bounty Hunter
2013-09-09, 09:52 PM
"Eight gold pieces...". The Dragonborn counters the merchant quickly. "I understand your need to make a profit, but you can easily fetch three gold for each wolf between the meat and fur. The weapons aren't much, I understand, but that's nine gold pieces at the least from the wolves. We took great care in transporting them here as you can see, and they're scarcely a few hours old."

Just throwing this out, in case you want it:

Diplomacy: 1d20+9

Bounty Hunter
2013-09-09, 09:53 PM
Guess who cant type

Diplomacy: [roll0]

2013-09-09, 11:14 PM
Parle stops to think for a second and then responds with, "Hmm good offer but i am not a fool. My final offer for you is this: 6 gold pieces and 5 silver pieces. I have no intention of selling the meat as it provides me with food, and depending on how well things go for you, you may want to check back with me later. I'm your best bet at a fair price."

Bounty Hunter
2013-09-09, 11:36 PM
Graxaan mulls it over for a moment before speaking again. "Six gold pieces and fives silver pieces for the wolves and weapons now... on the condition that should we return from our adventure bearing more goods, we dont play the silly haggling games and you give us a fair deal; one that allows for both parties to make the profit to be had. And with this you have our word that we come to your shop first, rather than any other fine establishments." The dragonborn halfway motions to the, now mostly empty, marketplace tents around them and then extends a clawed hand towards the man to see if he accepts these terms.

Diplomacy : [roll0]

2013-09-10, 12:22 AM
"hmm..." Parle says thinking it over until finally he agrees and shakes the dragonborn's clawed hand. "Agreed, now why don't you bring the stuff here into my warehouse so you can be on your way, alright?" Parle moves from the stall to the building right behind his stall and unlocks the door waving for them to bring the stuff in.

The walls on this warehouse are neatly organized and even dust and dirt free. While some of the walls bear Jars of different liquids or materials, other walls hold books that could possibly be read.

2013-09-10, 02:40 AM
Hmm... that's a lot of books. Who on the Material could ever read so many books in one lifetime. Fjarr comments, more to himself than anyone else. With a shrug, he sets to unloading the wolves. What all do you study, Mr. Cranewing?

2013-09-10, 05:53 AM
At the Marketplace
Parle had removed items off of a table for the stuff to be placed upon. "Why, I study and make note of the entire world my friend" he says with a smile. "I am fortunate enough to talk to adventurers like yourselves from time to time to learn how certain creatures now act. I've also collected maps of different areas that build on the world as we know it."

2013-09-10, 06:19 AM
The whole world? Ha, well I bet you have some stories to tell and interesting theories to discuss, then, haven't you? I'm sorry, in our haste to close a deal, I believe we out ran our manners. I am Fjarr Kahla. It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Cranewing. Fjarr rubbed his hands together and then on his robes before offering a claw. I'd say I'd have likely made you my preferred merchant even if my friend hadn't already made promises on my behalf without my consent. It really is nice to have meet an intellectual man such as yourself. Perhaps some other time you can show me these maps, or share some insight into the world.

Good old diplomacy to raise influence levels!

2013-09-10, 07:49 AM
Parle shakes his hand while saying, "nice to meet you Fjarr, but yes, if you ever have time, i'd be glad to show you some of my maps and tell you some interesting facts about this world and some about the elements even." He then continued to even help with unloading the rest of the stuff to speed things up.

Bounty Hunter
2013-09-10, 03:13 PM
In Parle's Warehouse

I'd say I'd have likely made you my preferred merchant even if my friend hadn't already made promises on my behalf without my consent. "All a part of business...it was important that we reach agreeable terms so that we could be rid of the goods and focus on the more important matters at hand. A sentiment that I'm sure the scholar could appreciate, considering everyone else had already closed up shop for the evening and he found himself still in the street haggling over a few dead wolves. I remind you that the agreement made was to the benefit and profit of all parties involved, to include you, and looks to provide further profit both monetarily and otherwise." The dragonborn unloads the final wolf carcass from the floating disk and takes a moment to look around at the items in the warehouse around him as the others finish up with the weapons, hoping to soon collect the payment and be on their way. Hopefully the others were as successful as they had been and had brought the body to the temple in time, if not gone so far as having started whatever ritual was required. How they'd ever afford it with the few measily gold they've manage to scrape up though...

2013-09-10, 08:11 PM
At the Marketplace: Parle's Warehouse

Parle handed 6 gold and 5 silver pieces to Graxaan but asked politely, "I've learned of one Dragonborn's name, would it be possible to learn the rest?" He smiled politely as he then grabbed a few small things off of different shelves and placed them carefully in a backpack that he would later take with him.

2013-09-10, 08:32 PM
Ezhera stepped forward and extended a hand."I am Ezhera, Githzerai and psion," she said. "It is a pleasure to have met you. I'm sorry I didn't speak more; this has been a long, hard day for me. "

Bounty Hunter
2013-09-10, 08:51 PM
In Parle's Warehouse

"I've learned of one Dragonborn's name, would it be possible to learn the rest?"Graxaan counts the coins quickly before handing a single gold piece to each Fjarr and Ezherra, the drops the rest into a pouch on his belt. Extending a now-open hand towards the merchant, after he places the things into his backpack, Graxaan nods and introduces himself proper. "Graxaan ... cleric in the service of Pelor... a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

2013-09-10, 09:28 PM
"Ah, no doubt you'll be visiting the Church of Pelor here next, am i correct?" Parle asks after nodding and shaking both of their hands. He then gathers up his backpack from the table and then presses on the corner of the table. He then walks away politely ushering the three out of the warehouse as he leaves and closes the door while still listening to what they might be saying, all while politely smiling.

2013-09-11, 12:15 AM
We are, if you are headed that way. Well, even if you aren't we would still be. That phrase is strange. We need to take this gold to pay for a revival, unless the church is feeling generous. Fjarr eyes the coin in his palm, then holds it in his claw for a moment before slipping it into his belt pouch.

2013-09-11, 12:26 AM
At the Marketplace
"Ah, yes. Well, a donation to the church is always appreciated in many ways", Parle said as he started to walk toward the direction of the church. "I have a few moments, I can pay my respects to one of the many gods. Though i don't worship him like you Graxaan, I still respect him as a god..." Parle slowly then trails off in thought.

2013-09-11, 12:31 AM
Hmm? Fjarr grunts, questioningly. Who do you respect but not worship?

Bounty Hunter
2013-09-11, 12:50 AM
Their business completed; Graxaan marches through the streets at a brisk march. Half paying attention to the town and villagers around him, and half listening to the two behind him discuss dieties.

2013-09-11, 07:12 AM
Hmm? Fjarr grunts, questioningly. Who do you respect but not worship?
(And here was me expect Graxaan would have chimed in... Oh well)

Parle looked slightly confused at this, "do you not know who your fellow adventurer worships?" Parle then politely pointed toward Graxaan.

Bounty Hunter
2013-09-11, 01:09 PM
(Was a quick post from phone sorry.)

As the group talks to their new acquiantance they near the Church of Pelor, a large stone building on the opposite side of the King's Road than from the Fallcrest marketplace. As Graxaan turns back to the group to comment on the sheer size of the building, he notices Parle had just said something and pointed to him. "I dont think he was asking about me sir, I think he was asking about you. He should know where my allegiance lies, especially considering I mentioned it, not ten minutes ago." As if for emphasis, he taps a single claw on the holy symbol of Pelor hanging on a chain around his neck.

2013-09-11, 03:55 PM
Ezhera shrugged. "If we are discussing deities," she said, "My prayers have always gone to Ioun, though I am perhaps not as devout as I should be. That said, I respect most of those gods and goddesses who are not champions of darkness, Pelor included."

2013-09-11, 05:37 PM
Fjarr nodded. It is known to me that our cleric has been torn from the God of Dragons to worship the God of the Sun, but Bahamut is forgiving, and Pelor is an honorable diety to worship. I did mean, you, Mr. Cranewing. As a loyal clansmen of my tribe, I recognize Bahamut as the prime target of my worship, and my guardian. I respect all dieties, and have some praise for many, but Bahamut is chief among the Dragonborn pantheon. Perhaps other clans are different, or perhaps Pelor is more generous in his gifts to the clerics he holds. But seeing as I got my power from my blood, and my blood from my ancestors and my ancestors from Bahamut, it would seem a dishonor to hold anyone closer to my heart than the God of Dragons. Fjarr places his hand on the symbol of Bahamut dyed into his leather armor. Perhaps it is so, that all people worship most strongly the God who gives them the most favor. Mutualism, I suppose.

2013-09-11, 05:41 PM
Joe is still uncouncious? :smallconfused:

2013-09-11, 06:04 PM
Fjarr nodded. It is known to me that our cleric has been torn from the God of Dragons to worship the God of the Sun, but Bahamut is forgiving, and Pelor is an honorable diety to worship. I did mean, you, Mr. Cranewing. As a loyal clansmen of my tribe, I recognize Bahamut as the prime target of my worship, and my guardian. I respect all dieties, and have some praise for many, but Bahamut is chief among the Dragonborn pantheon. Perhaps other clans are different, or perhaps Pelor is more generous in his gifts to the clerics he holds. But seeing as I got my power from my blood, and my blood from my ancestors and my ancestors from Bahamut, it would seem a dishonor to hold anyone closer to my heart than the God of Dragons. Fjarr places his hand on the symbol of Bahamut dyed into his leather armor. Perhaps it is so, that all people worship most strongly the God who gives them the most favor. Mutualism, I suppose.
Parle nodded in agreement saying, "Yes, i do respect all the gods but to service myself under just one, that i have not chosen to do so." The journey toward the church doesn't take much longer as the group does a brisk walk to the church. The group stops at the doorway and Parle states to Graxaan, "A worshiper of Pelor should be the first to enter."


Joe is still uncouncious? :smallconfused:
Dude, put this in the OOC the next time you ask. Yes he is still unconscious.

Bounty Hunter
2013-09-11, 06:32 PM
"A worshiper of Pelor should be the first to enter."Having scarely broken stride to walk up the steps and to the large wooden doors of the Church of Pelor, Graxaan hardly even hesitates when the scholor speaks. He finds it ironic that the man gave him 'permission' to go first, though he was already at the head of the group; He holds his tongue even though, there are more important matters at hand. Putting his weight into his shoulder he pushes open the door and walks quickly through the threshhold.

2013-09-11, 06:45 PM
As Graxaan steps over the threshold, the door makes a solid bang sound against the stone wall. What he sees is a woman dressed in priest robes and the other guard that had escorted the rest of the group moving the Unconscious body of Joe. Once the door hit the wall though, the bang startled the woman enough that she dropped Joe's head onto the floor then causing the guard to lose his grip on the rest of Joe's body causing Joe to roll a little right into the fireplace nearby. This is now enough heat and pain to wake up Joe from being unconscious with his backside (including his ass) hurting a lot.

2013-09-11, 07:12 PM
Careful, he's a delicate flower. Fjarr said, mildly mocking the only one of them to fall. Walking over with some haste, he grabs Joe's arm and hoists him up. Good morning, brother. I hope you slept well. Do you feel up for another bout with the hordes of evil? Without waiting to hear an answer he grins and pats Joe on the shoulder. Yes? Good. Let's lay up here until morning, and head back out into the fray.

2013-09-11, 07:22 PM
Ezhera entered the church behind Fjarr and looked around. "Where are our other companions?"

Bounty Hunter
2013-09-11, 08:16 PM
At the sight of a priest and guard hauling off the unconscious body of Joe, and a noticeable lack of the rest of their adventuring party several questions jump into Graxaan's mind. Focusing more on what shady activities are going on within the church, than the fact that the seat of Joe's trousers still have flames dancing across them, Graxaan reaches for his mace while pointing with his free hand. "You! Halt! What sort of wickedness is this?!?"

2013-09-11, 08:19 PM
"What is this!" Joe yells as he is on fire, he quickly falls from Fjarr's grasp and tries to roll on the floor (not near a carpet) to douse the flames.

2013-09-11, 08:23 PM
At the Church
"They're in the other room" The woman says in response to Ezhera's question. "Follow me" she says but doesn't move just yet when Graxaan speaks up or when Parle enters. "Hello ma'am, these are friends of mine. They'd like to be on their way soon so they will be needing the rest of their group now" Parle says, hiding any hit that they actually know each other. Parle puts a hand on Graxaan's shoulder to try to calm him a little. "R-right..." she says and then leading the group into a side room where Dalekor, Issak, and Luke lay asleep.

At the Church: Side Room
As (whoever follows the Priestess) and Marla enter the room. Dalekor, Issak, and Luke slowly begin to awake.

Private: Dalekor
Your skin has seemed to toughen up, your speed at which you've understood other people have seemed to have gotten better, and while your skin may have toughen up it also feels much softer and seems like it would be easier on the eyes.
Private: Issak
You seem to have gotten stronger, better breathing, tougher skin, a bit smarter and people may possibly like you more... You think this might be a gift from one of the gods (P.S. your HP should have gone up by 2 as well if you hadn't done that)
Private: Joe
As you finally awake, you notice your breathing has gotten better, and you've seem to become a bit smarter and wiser. (your HP increased by 1 HP if you haven't made that adjustment yet.)
Private: Luke
As you finally awake from being dead so long, you find that you have no memory of what caused your death or the fact that you were even dead. Your skin has slightly softened up and you know you used to breathe a little bit better in the past. (P.S. You've lost 2 HP if you haven't marked that yet.
((OOC: Give the three a chance to read and respond first before you guys chime in please))

2013-09-11, 08:34 PM
"Wha... Where am I?" Luke says as he staggers to his feet gasping for air. "I feel strange." He steadies himself against the wall.

2013-09-11, 09:39 PM
Joe, it's just a little fire, nothing to roll around about. Fjarr helps the man up again, then turns to Graxaan. It is so odd that they would have left during the ritual revival of our ally? I wouldn't know. Or where they just now moving the body of our friend. Priestess, I hope you are not planning trickery. I loathe trickery. I really do. I lose my cool, and forget the articles of faith that keep me from violence. But, you are off the cloth, why would you trick us?

I cant access my sheet right now, so I don't know my modifiers off hand but:
Intimidate on the priestess
Sense motive on the priestess, the guard and our dear friend Parle
Intimidate [roll0] +12 = (13)<- Ouch, but I think I have something like +12 to this, and 1's are only auto fails on attacks, so maybe it'll still be good. Use this as an aid other to Joe's intimidate (+2)
Sense motive [roll1] -1 = (12) P
Sense motive [roll2] -1 = (11) G
Sense motive [roll3] -1 = (14) Parle

I'll throw modifers in later if I can. Probably not for 2-3 hours from now though.

2013-09-11, 09:45 PM
"I am curious too as to what is going on here," Ezhera said, approaching the priestess and regarding her intently.

Insight, sense motive:[roll0]

2013-09-11, 09:58 PM
Isaak rouses slowly, rubbing his head gingerly.

"What happened? I feel very strange." Isaak looks around the room, examining each person therein, "I dreamt of hellfire and darkness. Is everyone alright?"

2013-09-11, 10:21 PM
"I feel strange to, maybe this priestess can tell us what's going on."

Initimidate if needed


2013-09-12, 08:20 AM
Waking up Dale was disoriented, both his vision and memory were blurry.
"What happened?" he asked while reaching for his head, trying to sooth the splitting headache.

Bounty Hunter
2013-09-12, 09:23 AM
The dragonborn cleric slowly proceeds to the other room, still wary of what’s happening here in the church, and not looking to walk into some sort of trap. As he enters the small side room he sees the 'bodies' of three of his companions laid out on the floor; "Wha..." he starts, but trails off when he sees Luke stir and begin to get up.

As the others begin to rise as well Graxaan is relieved to find that he adventuring party is fully accounted for. With a small sigh of relief he states, “I see the resurrection was a success, but what happened to the rest of you?” He keeps a wary eye towards the priestess and guard in the meanwhile, and shifts uncomfortably away from Parle who was uncomfortably close to him in the doorway.

2013-09-12, 09:46 AM
“I see the resurrection was a success, but what happened to the rest of you?"

"I remember nothing past bringing dear Luke here," Isaak attempts to stand. The floor seems to tilt and sway beneath his feet. "Is everything alright? The village..." He trails off. His golden eyes are unfocused, but fear is visible within them.

2013-09-12, 02:08 PM
((OOC: Sorry, forgot to mention they were actually on beds, but now thanks to Graxaan, they're on sleeping bags on the floor))

Marla turned toward the group after she went into the side room. "They helped me in resurrecting your friend Luke here. The spell was a bit too powerful for myself right now but with their help, I was able to successfully cast it. But you", she says now pointing toward Joe. "Learn to apologize correctly. Luckily Pelor was forgiving enough to let your comment about you growing up among halflings slide. Now i would think would be the time to truly apologize to your friend."

Parle then walked toward Marla saying, "Ma'am, you need not get so worked up, you are a priestess after all." Marla nodded slightly at this and started trying to calm down as Parle stood a foot away. "Now, i think everyone should have a bit of understanding as to what happened now?"

Private: Ezhera
You sense that she does speak the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth so help her god XD

2013-09-12, 05:23 PM
Ezhera breathed out a soft sigh of relief; she could hear no lie in the priestess's voice, and as alarming as finding her companions unconscious had been, it seemed that all was well after all. "Well, I am glad that you were able to bring Luke back to us," she said to the priestess, folding her hands and inclining her head in a gesture of respect. "And I also hope that Joe has learned his lesson about dropping dangerous combat spells with his friends in range," she added more quietly, unable to keep a slight edge from her voice.

Well, I almost died, she thought. Maybe I am entitled to a slight edge; but if Joe does mend his ways, I promise he'll hear no more of it from me.

2013-09-12, 05:49 PM
Joe sighs, he faces Luke and says: I acted rashly, I will not act like that again.

Joe then kneels down and gives a prayer of apology to Pelor.

Sorry I didn't realize it was Marla, thought it was some crazy priestess trying to ransack my uncouncious body.

2013-09-12, 06:02 PM
Halflings? Bah. No wonder you... nevermind. You've a lot to learn about your own kind, though, I'm afraid. Things Halflings can't teach you. Priestess, Fjarr turns towards her. It seems all of our company is in fine health. Thank you. I'm glad nothing sinister happened. I hope you'll excuse my mistrust, but from where I stood things looked rather strange.

Hearing the bitterness in her tone, Fjarr address the Gith, politely, hoping to make peace between his kin and his ally. Ezhera, I hope Joe won't make that mistake again. I'll take it upon myself to pass on the Draconic code to him, and should he follow it, he will always act with due honor. But please, forgive him. It is not easy to be a sorcerer at times. Your blood screams magic at things. We've much less training in our talents than most magic users. Arcana is volitile, unlike the divine or even the primal magic. Joe should be reprimended, but not unjustly so.

Fjarr places a claw on Joe's shoulder. At least in my clan, we learn to control the blood frenzy of angry magic by following our code of honor. And he has had no chance to learn. Giving Joe an empathetic look, he sighed. If you are willing that is. Being clanless is a terrible thing. It's akin to being a wingless sparrow. You are less than half of yourself. But before any respectable clan will take you now, you've got to prove yourself. Learning the Draconic Code of Honor will help. Luckily I carry a copy of it in my mind, always, and a physical copy of it in my bag when I travel.

2013-09-12, 07:00 PM
Ezhera processed Fjarr's words in her mind, then inclined her head to Joe. "Forgive me if I caused offense," she said. "I didn't mean to contribute to further conflict among us." She held out a hand. "Peace, then?"

2013-09-12, 07:19 PM
Joe responds first to Ezhea,"It is ok, I did not take your words as a sign of offense, I know that I deserve this punishment."

Then he looks at Fjarr,"It seems that I have much to learn, teach me the ways of this honor you speak of and this will not happen again."

2013-09-12, 07:20 PM
You said nothing out of place. You are justified in your anger. I was hoping to explain, not justify, the lack of honorbound adherance to the Code. Leaving his one hand on Joe, he holds Ezhera's in the other. Peace among allies, death to out enemies. You have honor, Gith, and we enjoy your company in the warband.

Fjarr squeezed Joe' shoulder, and looked at Joe with a nod. Tonight, we can discuss things. I'm sure we will have time before sleeping. But now is not quite the right moment.

2013-09-12, 07:27 PM
"I don't understand. What's going on? What did Joe do?"

2013-09-12, 07:33 PM
Marla Begins murmuring a small ritual while the group talks, but is done in a few minutes. All of a sudden the group feels the rest of their wounds healed and feel themselves alive with more vigor. "There, that should help let you continue adventuring for the rest of the day. There's still enough sunlight outside that you should be fine for a bit", Marla says as she smiles lightly at the group.

((Everyone is at full HP, Full Healing Surges, and Any spent AP has been replenished, basically you got an extended rest from a ritual))

Bounty Hunter
2013-09-12, 07:37 PM
Graxaan exits the room without a word, now seeing that all members of the adventuring party were accounted for and more importantly alive, he had matters to attend to. Walking through the main auditorium, his chain mail armor clinks and jingles as he approaches the altar. He kneels and prays to Pelor seeking both guidance and protection on the journey ahead; the harsh reality of the wide world was beginning to sink in on the slightly sheltered cleric. He remains in silence for several minutes, trying to shut out the conversations coming from the next room, and meditates.

Intent: Once it becomes apparent that the rest of the party is coming back into the main room, he grasps the holy symbol around his neck, whispers a few words and rises, turning to meet the group.

2013-09-12, 07:38 PM
Joe, feeling refreshed, says "I feel like I just woke up from a nice sleep. What an interesting ritual. I propose that we leave to the caves, is everyone ready?" He then prays to Pelor at an alter for good luck on his next journey.

OOC: I want that ritual XD

2013-09-12, 07:42 PM
"Hold on. Wait a moment. I don't know what's going on. Last I remember... We... We had been ambushed by goblins right? I don't remember what happened next. What are we doing here?"

2013-09-12, 07:45 PM
Ezhera glanced nervously at Graxaan and Fjarr. "Will either of you tell him, or shall I?"

2013-09-12, 07:56 PM
Fjarr chuckles a little. Not overly observant, are you? We were fighting goblins, and now we aren't. You can't remember what happened in between and now you're in a church. Connect the dots buddy, you died.

2013-09-12, 08:03 PM
"Oh! Well, I guess we should get going again?" Luke suddenly frowns and puts his hand to his chest. "I fell odd."

2013-09-12, 08:03 PM
"Ahh, the blissful clutch of the Raven Queen," Isaak muses. Having regained his bearings, his boisterous attitude has returned. The fear he had felt some minutes before is gone, replaced by the burning zeal he is accustomed to, "I have oft sken with the dark mistress. Perhaps we shall discuss you when next we meet, Luke."

He opens his mouth as if to speak further, but becomes entranced by a large candelabra burning against one of the walls. He wanders over to it, stretching his arms out at his sides and closing his eyes. He soaks in the light and the sanctity of this holy place.

2013-09-12, 09:35 PM
The Guard waited by the Fireplace but looked in the direction of the side room As Marla was kindly moving the group back into the Main church hall, the main entrance door had been recently closed by the guard while they were in the side room.

Bounty Hunter
2013-09-12, 10:03 PM
Once it becomes apparent that the rest of the party is coming back into the main room, Graxaan grasps the holy symbol around his neck, whispers a few words and rises, turning to meet the group. As the groups chatters among themselves he nods towards the guard hoping he'd understand to open the door. At the first break in the conversation, he interupts:

"So then, what is our preferred course of action now? Will we be looking for room and board for the night? Or shall we press on with our mission in the wilderness? Though the sun would most likely be down by the time we reach the caverns, the cover of darkness might aid in our endevours. He lets out a long sigh. "And it seems a shame we only made it as far as The Crossroads before being repelled off by the creatures and needing to return to town. Hopefully this was not a precursor to our entire adventure.

2013-09-12, 10:12 PM
You're a man of faith, do you believe that sometimes the Gods will bad events to occur so as to reveal a truth that must be acted upon? Had we not yet learn about the dangers of friendly fire, who knows if the caverns would have been a tomb for the victoms of untrained allies? Perhaps the entire event was only so that Bahamut could reveal a student without a teacher. There will be no mishaps like the one before. The path of honor and glory is before us now, and we are all, Fjarr smiled contently, eyes shifting to Joe alll, on that path now.

With that in mind, I feel invigorated thanks to our hostess. Let's at least make it to the caverns now. Fjarr clasped his hands together, eager to be out and about.

Bounty Hunter
2013-09-12, 11:11 PM
As the group walk out through the large wooden doors of the Church of Pelor the cleric slings his back pack over his shoulders and tightens the straps again, preparing for the journey. As he checks his belt to make sure his pouches and weapon is secured he suddenly remembers the coins from Parle. He reaches in the pouch and pulls out the rest of the gold coins, leaving behind the silver; as the group walks he hands out a gold piece to each Luke, Isaak, Dale, and finally Joe.

"Well here we go again..." Graxaan says as the group walks down King's Road and towards the southern gate of town.

2013-09-12, 11:40 PM
As the Group starts to leave, Parle says just in a reminder "Remember, a donation to the church of Pelor always shines on those who donated, no matter who they truly worship." At this point Graxaan also remembers the 70 gold from the goblins, and gives 10 gold to each member of the group. It looked like Marla wanted to say what Parle said but was now too shy to say it.

(Note: Everyone got 10 GP from the fight with the wolves & goblins and 1 GP from the stuff sold to Parle {Graxaan however took the 5 Silver instead of a gold coin})
(EDIT: Everyone can post their donations in the OOC to save room in the IC thread)

2013-09-12, 11:55 PM
As the group prepared to leave, Luke felt a little off and absent minded. He doesn't say much until Parle gave her parting words. At this, he stops."I am truly in your debt. Take this." Luke hands the Priestess all of his money. A few tears roll down his face. "I was dead" he says as if he was realizing it for the first time.

2013-09-13, 09:22 AM
Joe, trying to amend his ways, says "I am sorry priestess, I should not have talked to you that way." and he hands her 40 gp.

2013-09-13, 11:42 AM
The Priestess politely nodded thanks as she gathered the group's donation and as they left she put the money in a box on the Altar.

As the group walks, the sun seems to be setting quicker than it should. As the group reaches what they believe to be what is the goblin cave, the moon has fully risen and provides only Low-Light.

To All
Players, see Monster Lair in the Map, you can re-find the link in the first page off OOC.
Players, pick a square inside the Red starting area box. No one is set yet so you can choose any space even if it has someone there. Note: Luke is on grass currently but because of his text color and the grass color, he wouldn't be seen. Also, everyone roll Initiative.

2013-09-14, 11:02 AM
Cave: Entrance
As the group approaches the mouth of the cave, they are only met with silence and a mixture of light and darkness. As the group begins to enter the cave, Dalekor and Joe makes out what appeared to be small fire pits that were used today but were now put out. With a little bit of trouble seeing to his left, Joe still manages to make out a stone statue holding out his hand as to say stop. The statue stands near a set of double stone doors. On Dalekor's right, it looks like there might be another set of double stone doors.

((OOC: Note - Everyone except Luke has normal vision, so read the Notes on the side of the map.))

2013-09-14, 11:45 AM
Joe says to the rest of the team: "I see a strange statue holding up its hand to stop. Should we continue?"

Bounty Hunter
2013-09-14, 06:20 PM
Graxaan shifts his backpack and tries to make it more comfortable. And scans the dark cavern around him. The scent of smoke still hangs heavy in here, the fire pits couldn't be more than half a day old." He keeps his voice hushed and just loud enough that those around him can hear as they venture into the low cavern and they come to a split, with one tunnel opening to each side of them.
"I see a strange statue holding up its hand to stop. Should we continue?""Its holding up its hand and trying to stop? Or trying to stop us? Where is it, I cant see a damned yet..." He strains his eyes a little to see if he can make out the statue that Joe mentioned. "Which tunnel are we taking...?" He asks of those in front of him.

2013-09-14, 10:05 PM
"Where ever it is, I think we should go investigate it."

2013-09-14, 10:30 PM
Fjarr, looks around, then stays silent, keeping a wary eye out for attackers.

2013-09-15, 03:39 AM
"It appears we have reached a fork in the road my friends. I think I see a door on my right. Do you have any preference to which way we should go?"

2013-09-15, 08:54 AM
As the adventurers talk amongst themselves concerning what they should do, Isaak withdraws his battered book from his pack. H;s hand comes alight, providing a bit of reading light, and he begins leafing through the pages until he finds what he is looking for.

As the conversation continues around him, he begjins a strange amalgamation of prayer and arcane ritual. He dances about the emptiness of the cave, hopping on one foot, then the other. He falls to his knees and throws his hands in the air. He waves them back and forth, gyrating his body as if he doesn't care.

After several minutes of this, there is a flash of light and a translucent blue hand appears between him and his comrades. He stands from the cave floor and brushes himself off.

"Fellow adventurers, the Gods have sent us aid!" he whispers excitedly before addressing the hand, "Now, oh great and noble lords, which way should we go?"

Isaak uses the ritual Hand of Fate (PHB1, page 306).

2013-09-15, 09:05 AM
The Blue hand's palm quivers for a moment as if thinking but Issak can't tell for sure. a few seconds later though, the hand then points down the tunnel that Joe had mentioned he saw a statue. The hand then becomes a third less bright than it was before.

2013-09-15, 09:12 AM
"Have you any further questions, my friends?" Isaak gestures towards the apparition. "I grant you each the righteousness needed to commune with the Gods, though they will only answer another question or two."

2013-09-15, 09:49 AM
"I have no questions, I say that we continue the way that the gods said to." Joe says to Issak.

He starts to walk in the direction that was gestured to by the gods.

2013-09-15, 10:26 AM
Bah. Which way should we go? That's not a decisive question at all! Who knows what that even means. Which God responded? Some God who thinks our ultimate goal should be to feed his own vile creations? Maybe the God of Giant Spiders picked out path. Or the God of Sentient Mold. I think you should try again, and ask something far more specific. Like, "Which path should we take here to most quickly and with the least friendly bloodshed lead us to the merchant's missing lockbox." Not something as vague and open to interpretation as "Which way should we go." Fjarr laughs. Then again, I wanted to go that way anyways. Maybe it was the God of "Do-What-Fjarr-Wants."

2013-09-15, 10:39 AM
As the group walks through the tunnel the smell from the burnt wood gets to everyone for a bit as they pass through. When they finally reach near the stone statue, they see a double set of stone doors currently closed.

2013-09-15, 01:02 PM
Luke walks up to the statue to examine it for anything interesting. "I wonder what this is doing here," he murmurs to himself.
Perception: [roll0]

2013-09-15, 01:08 PM
Nothing stands out to luke, either his eyes are really bad or there is truly nothing out of the norm with this statue.

Bounty Hunter
2013-09-15, 01:35 PM
Studying the statue for a moment as he walks pass, Graxaan approaches the large stone doors for a closer look in the low light. As he gets near he tries to ignore the noise of the others and listen through the door to whats beyond.

Quick look at the statue but not studying it.
-Is it made from the stone of the walls? Or a is it loose and its own piece
-Whats it shaped like? Human? Goblin?
Looking at the doors
-Roughy how tall and how side?
-Any door handles? Do they appear to open in our out?
Listen : [roll0]

2013-09-15, 01:53 PM
Taking a slight look at the statue, Graxaan makes out that the statue is made from stone from the cave but stands alone from being built into the cave at all. It also appears to be Humanoid but without further studying Graxaan can only assume it's a Human.

When he puts his ear close to the door to try to listen, the only thing he hears is his fellow adventurers. But looking at the doors, he finds no signs of a doorknob or hinges but could only assume it opens inward. The Doors appear to be about 7 feet tall and 8 feet wide (4 feet per door).

2013-09-15, 02:14 PM
Josh asks Graxxan, "Do you hear anything beyond that door?"

Bounty Hunter
2013-09-15, 03:04 PM
"Do you hear anything beyond that door?" At the sound of the pestering question Graxaan sighs and hisses back, "As a matter of fact, I heard the sound of six clumsy adventurers muttering about statues and asking blatantly obvious questions."Turning his focus back to the door, the dragonborn cleric puts a single clawed hand on it and slowly applies pressure to the right-hand door to test its weight and see if it opens.

2013-09-15, 04:02 PM
The door moves about a half an inch before making a click sound saying it's locked. Immediately afterwards, the Stone Statue comes alive and starts running into the group, slamming into them with such speed.

Entering Combat!

Stone Statue goes on a rampage running through the group attempting to slam into them with its fists.

Slam against Luke.
-Attack: {24} vs AC - Hit
-- Damage: {9}
--- Moves to P22/23 and Slams against Dalekor and Graxaan.
- Dalekor Attack: {14} - Miss
- Graxaan Attack: {18} - Hit
-- Damage: {5}
--- Moves to Q22/23 and slams against Fjarr and Joe.
- Fjarr Attack: {23} - Hit
-- Damage: {7}
- Joe Attack: {18} - Hit
-- Damage: {5}
--- Moves to R22/23 and slams against Issak but provokes AoO from Luke (free basic attack)
- Issak Attack: {22} - Hit
-- Damage: {9}
--- Moves to Q/R21 and slams against Ezhera but provokes AoO from Luke (free basic attack)
- Attack: {11} - Miss
--- Moves to Q/R20 provoking AoO from Graxaan, Luke and Joe (free basic attack).
--- Moves to Q/R19 provoking AoO from Dalekor, Luke and Fjarr (free basic attack).
--- Moves to P19/20 provoking AoO from Issak (free basic attack).
--- Moves to O19/20 provoking AoO from Issak (free basic attack).

Attacks of Opportunity Totals: Luke = 4, Graxaan = 1, Joe = 1, Dalekor = 1, Fjarr = 1, Issak = 2

Player Hit Points
Luke: 16/25
Graxaan: 22/27
Joe: 26/31
Dalekor: 24/24
Fjarr: 19/26
Issak: 22/31
Ezhera: 21/21

Note: Player's Turn. Everyone do the Attack of Opportunity first and wait until all attacks have happened before continuing with your regular turns.

2013-09-15, 04:08 PM
Joe after the creature comes alive and rampages through the crowd sees a spot in its unguarded defenses and strikes!

Attack roll for quarterstaff: [roll0] (22 since low-light)
Damage roll: [roll1]
Initiative: [roll2]

I only saw a 5 damage roll, how'd I take 15?

Bounty Hunter
2013-09-15, 04:21 PM
As the large statue lumbers by and slams into the party of adventurers, Graxaan swings clumsily with trying to strike it.

Attack Of Oppurtunity
Attack : [roll0]-2 for low light.
Damage : [roll1]

2013-09-15, 05:14 PM
Luke is strikes the statue with his sword four times as it passes by.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] (critical hit! 7 damage)
Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]
Attack: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]
Attack: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7]

2013-09-15, 08:14 PM
Oh ho? Maybe this statue really is here to stop us. That's too bad. Whoever built this probably never intended it to be used to protect goblin bandits.

As the golem swing's its fists at Fjarr, he stiffens, ready for the impact, and ready to retaliate as soon as the statue moves to retreat. When the statue drops its guard to move, Fjarr spit a bolt of Dragonfrost at him.

[roll0] -2 for lowlight; vs fort


2013-09-15, 10:29 PM
"What devilry is this?!" Isaak is barely able to swipe at the construct as it slams into him.

Melee Basic Attack with Isaak's staff.

[roll1] damage on a hit.

2013-09-16, 06:40 AM
{AoO's are done, commence with regular attacks.}

2013-09-16, 09:35 AM
Joe, trying to recompense for the murder of Luke moves away from the group (to L23) and shoots a bolt of cold (dragonfrost) at the statue

Attack roll: [roll0](-2 for low-light)
Damage roll: [roll1]

2013-09-16, 10:05 AM
Ezhera felt her eyes widen in fear as the statue loomed over her. Drawing on her deepest reserves of will, she lashed out at it and then darted away.

Spending two power points to augment Force Punch.

To hit: [roll0]-2 for low light. Vs. Fort.

Damage: [roll1]

If successful, statue is knocked prone and pushed to squares O19, O20, N19, and N20.

Ezhera moves to O23.

2013-09-16, 10:12 AM
Ezhera felt her eyes widen in fear as the statue loomed over her. Drawing on her deepest reserves of will, she lashed out at it and then darted away.

Spending two power points to augment Force Punch.

To hit: [roll0]-2 for low light. Vs. Fort.

Damage: [roll1]

If successful, statue is knocked prone and pushed to squares O19, O20, N19, and N20.

Ezhera moves to O23.

The Statue took notice of Ezhera's movement and used it to its advantage.

Attack: Slam {16} - Hit
- Damage: {6}
-- Hit Effect: Pushed 1 square (not affecting as Ezhera is moving to O23), and Dazed (Save Ends)

2013-09-16, 08:15 PM
Luke raises his sword as if to strike at the statue, but quickly retreats and shoots it with his crossbow.
Move to P23
Sly Flourish
Attack: [roll0] vs. AC
Damage: [roll1]

2013-09-16, 09:48 PM
Isaak rushes off from the group, attempting to gain a better position. "Vile creature, you shall find no solace in the darkness!" He quickly lights a torch, casting much-needed illumination throughout the corner of the cave. He extends his staff towards the construct. Lightning crackles around the golden crystal at its peak.

"Mighty Kord, smite this unholy creature with your thunder and fury!" The lightning leaps through the air and a deafening burst of thunder follows.

Isaak moves to L22, then uses a minor action to draw and light a torch.

Isaak uses Thunder of Judgment.
[roll0] vs. Fort.
[roll1] thunder damage on a hit, and the Statue is dazed until the end of Isaak's next turn.

2013-09-16, 10:27 PM
Ah! I see him now, thank you, bright one. Fjarr hisses as he advanced on his foe, unleashing a spew of icey death.

Standard: Dragonfrost [roll0] vs Fort Damage: [roll1]
If hit, push it back one square, straight back.
Movement: Go between Ezhera and the Golem
Minor: Dragonbreath [roll2] vs reflex [roll3]
Dragonbreath is aimed so as to hit only the golem and the walls.

2013-09-17, 09:27 AM
{Graxaan and Dalekor Left}

Bounty Hunter
2013-09-17, 08:08 PM
Not wanting to remain in the corner with the large thing rampaging about, Graxaan scrambles to move through the others and in the direction of Isaak. Once there he, he turns and fires off a blast of radiant light energy towards the statue.

Move : L23
Lance Of Faith
Attack : [roll0]
Damage : [roll1]
Effect : If this attack hits, Isaak gains +2 to next attack roll against this foe.

2013-09-19, 04:42 AM
The statue surprised Dale, but he still managed to block the attack. Surveying the battlefield to make sure that nobody is seriously injured he moves towards the statue. He focuses his mind and strike with his hammer.

Move action: Move to P19
Standard action: Intuitive Strike
Attack(Will) [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
If it hits until the end of my next turn allies who have CA get +4 instead of +2.

2013-09-19, 08:25 AM
The battle rages on as the group deals with the new threat.

Joe attempts to cast a spell that would blast his foe with cold air but he doesn't hold the spell long enough before he fires it. It ends up going half-way before it withers to nothing.

Ezhera attempts to use her mind to forcibly punch the statue and even spends all of her mental abilities to try and make it stronger. Unfortunately she tried too hard and lost concentration causing the punch to hit the wall nearby.

Ezhera then tried moving out of the way but it caught the statues attention as she was moving and slam its fist into her backside causing her to be dazed.

Luke tries to fake the statue with his sword as he then moved away and fired a bolt straight in-between two stone plates. though it hurt the statue, the statue then shifted, snapping the bolt in two.

Issak moved away from the fight for a moment to try and light a torch to make it better for others to see. In his hurry, he fumbled with the torch but eventually got it lit. Unfortunately, because of his now unsteady hands he attempted to strike his staff perfectly on the ground but misstepped. When his staff hit the ground, no response from the gods were heard as nothing hit his enemy.

Fjarr, seeing both the torch that issak managed to light and the spell joe failed at, Fjarr attempts to cast the same. When he cast it, he held it for almost the perfect amount of time needed and then fired it hitting the statue and pushed the statue back about 5 feet from the icy blast. Fjarr then moved up a little and unleashed the breath of his dragon heritage upon his enemy. While it didn't slow the statue down any, it did manage to reach into certain areas dealing some damage.

Graxaan's unused hand starts shining with a radiating ball of light. eventually it forms into a spear made of light... and that's when Graxaan threw it at his enemy. It struck the statue dead on and caused a bright light to form around the statue, but it could only be seen by issak.

Dalekor then attempts to move up and catch his opponent off guard to allow others to strike. Unfortunately, the only thing he caught was his balance as he then left himself wide open to any attack.


The statue would have moved but he found an easier target that went straight toward it and exposed himself to the statue. The statue raised both of his hands and slammed it left fist into the ground mere inches from dalekor but its right fist slammed into dalekor so fast that dalekor became dazed.

Slam from left hand on Dalekor
- Attack: {17} = Miss

Slam from left hand on Dalekor
- Attack: {25} = Hit
-- Damage: {9}, Dalekor is now Dazed (Save Ends)

Private: Ezhera
You are currently Dazed, Roll it in your IC post for your Dazed roll. It's a 1d20 with the DC being 11. if you save, it happens at the end of your turn.

Private: Issak
You grant Combat Advantage to all enemies until the end of your next turn.

Private: Dalekor
You grant Combat Advantage to all enemies until the end of your next turn.

You are currently Dazed, Roll it in your IC post for your Dazed roll. It's a 1d20 with the DC being 11. if you save, it happens at the end of your turn.

Private: GM - do not look

2013-09-19, 09:34 AM
"Dalekor, get out of there!" Joe yells as once again he summons a bolt of frost and throws it at the stone statue. Gotta get him this time. He thinks to himself as he shoots the bolt.

[roll0] -2 from Low-Light

2013-09-19, 10:18 PM
Luke runs forward striking the statue with his sword timing his motion with the statue's motion so as to through it off balance, knocking it backwards.

Move to P21
Positioning Strike
Attack: [/roll]1d20+6[/roll] vs. Will
Damage: [/roll]1d6+4[/roll]
Hit: Slide it to J17-K17-J18-K18

2013-09-20, 11:47 PM
Fjarr pauses for a moment, and then unleashes another burst of Dragonfrost, not saying or thinking anything except the need for his foes to perish.

[roll0] vs fort
[roll1] frost damage
On hit: Push back one square.

2013-09-21, 05:27 AM
Dale laughed at Joe comment. "Don't worry about me that was just a scratch, I'll be just fine." He said while trying to regain his senses.
"As soon as the ground stops spinning." He whispers to himself.
"Let's try this one more time." He swings his hammer once again, hoping to hit this time.

Standard Action:Intuitive Strike
Attack(Will) [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
If it hits until the end of my next turn allies who have CA get +4 instead of +2.

Daze save [roll4]

Bounty Hunter
2013-09-23, 02:01 PM
Graxaan grits his teeth and holds up his free hand again. Just like before a large spear of radiant light forms in his claws and he hurls it at the statue with an accompanying roar. The symbol of Pelor swings back and forth on the chain around his neck and the blood runs from his knuckles as he clenches his mace tightly.

Lance Of Faith
Attack : [roll0]
Damage : [roll1]
Effect : If this attack hits, Fjarr gains +2 to next attack roll against this foe.

2013-09-23, 02:56 PM
Ezhera shook her head, trying to clear the ringing from it as she bent her will once more upon the statue.

Kinetic Trawl

To Hit: [roll0]vs. Fort. -2 for low light.

Damage: [roll1]

If successful, pull statue forward to O21 and N21.

Save vs. Daze: [roll2]

2013-09-24, 05:05 PM
Joe formed a ball of fiery frost in his hand and threw it in the direction of the statue. Unfortunately, his aim was completely off and it flew out the hole in the cave.

Luke rushed forth and tried timing his swing with the movement of the statue but to no avail. Even his elven senses failed in his attack as his blade glanced off the statues body.

Fjarr saw joe's poor performance and attempted to up him one by doing the same thing. However, Fjarr's ball of fiery frost had actually hit the statue doing actual damage to him.

Dale still dazed by the hit attempted a swing against the statue with his hammer. Though he managed to hit the statue, it just merely glanced off the side having no effect.

The light faded from around issak as Graxaan formed and shot of another lance of light. This lance, just like the one before, hit the statue's slow response time. fjarr however was the only one this time who could see the light left over.

Ezhera suffering from being dazed tried to pull the the statue toward her with her mind but sadly her state put her mind without power.

Issak raised his free hand at the statue as it glowed brightly. All of a sudden the light that was radiating from his hand shot out of his hand and was aimed directly at the statue.

Attack: Hand of Radiance vs REF
- Attack: {11+4} = 15 - Miss

The ball of radiating energy flew just past the backside of the statue as it moved out of the way in just enough time.


The statue begins to go on another rampage attacking the whole group.

Attack: Rampage
- Slam Attack: Dalekor vs AC
-- {10} = Miss
- Slam Attack: Luke vs AC
-- {11} = Miss
- Slam Attack: Issak vs AC
-- {18} = Hit
* Damage: {6}, Issak is now Dazed
- Slam Attack: Fjarr vs AC
-- {15} = Miss
--- Moves to N/O21, Grants AoO to Dalekor
- Slam Attack: Graxaan vs AC
-- {17} = Hit
* Damage: {8}, Graxaan is now Dazed
- Slam Attack: Ezhera
-- {16} = Hit
* Damage: {10}, Ezhera is now Dazed
--- Moves to O/P22, Grants AoO to Fjarr and Luke
- Slam Attack: Joe vs AC
-- {13} = Miss
--- Moves to Q21/22, Grants AoO to Ezhera
--- Moves to R20/21, Grants AoO to Joe

Player HP:
Dalekor: 15/24
Luke: 16/25
Isaak: 16/31
Graxaan: 14/27
Fjarr: 19/26
Ezhera: 5/21
Joe: 26/31

Private: Graxaan, Isaak, Ezhera
You are Dazed. You get ONE standard action (not including APs).
After your action roll a d20 to see if the Daze ends. (DC 11)

Private: DM, DO NOT READ

EDIT: AoO's go before regular attacks.

2013-09-24, 08:13 PM
Luke swings at the statue as it charges past.

Using the rolls from my OOC post: attack 15, damage 6

2013-09-24, 08:50 PM
Joe, seeing an opening strikes at this strange statue he strikes with his staff. I must concentrate on this!



Now, once more, he shoots a bolt of dragonfrost at the statue, hoping to hit him this time.


Darn you horrible statue!

Bounty Hunter
2013-09-24, 09:52 PM
Graxaan's head spins, the cave walls around him loom in and out as his vision reels. He tries to focus, now is not the time to falter, he places his weapon arm against the wall for support. Ezhera is only a couple of strides away along the same wall, blood dripping from the Githzerai is visible from this distance even with the dim light of the torch. Continuing try and he holds up a clawed hand like before and another a large spear of radiant light forms in his claws and he hurls it at the statue.

Standard Action: Lance of Faith
-Attack : [roll0] vs REF
-Damage : [roll1]
-If Hit : If this attack hits, Fjarr gains +2 to next attack roll against this foe.

Saving Throw [roll2]

Lance Of Faith
At-Will ✦ Divine, Implement, Radiant
Standard Action Ranged 5
Target: One creature
Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex
Hit: 1d8 + Wisdom modifier radiant damage, and one ally
you can see gains a +2 power bonus to his or her next attack
roll against the target.
Increase damage to 2d8 + Wisdom modifier at 21st level.

2013-09-25, 10:34 AM
"Where do you think you're going!" Dale yells while swinging his hammer.

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2013-09-25, 06:25 PM
Fjarr focuses on his target, and finds an opening, and attacks.

My basic attack is dragonfrost, so, more of that!
[roll0] (Does this lance of +2 hit last one or two attacks? If my opportunity attack is claimed to have happened first, my actually attack this round could get it too.)

Bounty Hunter
2013-09-26, 05:24 PM
Shaking off the ringing in his head, Graxaan beckons towards Ezhera to move along the wall towards him. "Quickly! Put some distance between you and it, you dont look to be in the best of shape!" Calling out to his allies, which echoes even through the noise of the statue Graxaan yells : "Someone put an end to the damned thing! We cant risk another one of those rampages!"

2013-09-26, 06:40 PM
Ezhera reeled, her head ringing and blood dripping from her body. Stumbling backwards, she tried to get as far from the statue as she could while struggling to clear her mind. Stopping by a dead fire, she attempted to strike at the statue with her will once again.

Move to K19.

Kinetic Trawl:

To hit: [roll0] vs fort

Damage: [roll1]

Save vs. daze: [roll2]

2013-09-26, 08:18 PM
Fjarr focused even more dragonfrost into the golem, chaining one after the other as rapidly as he can.

[roll0] vs fort
[roll1] cold damage
Push back one
If I push him, I will advance shift to be next to him again.

You will let us know when we bloody it right?

2013-09-28, 05:15 PM
(Read the OOC if you haven't already.)

2013-09-29, 05:27 AM
"Stand up soldier, you're not done yet." Dale yells at Ezhera. He then moves to the corner hoping that the others will surround the statue. Seeing that his attack made some dent he strikes once again.

Minor-Inspiring Word-Ezhera can spend HS and regain additional [roll0] HP
Move-Move to R19
Standard-Basic Attack
Attack [roll1]
Damage [roll2]

2013-09-29, 11:56 AM
While Dale has the statue distracted on one side, Luke swiftly dashes behind it striking for its weak spots.
Shift to Q22.

Sly Flourish
Attack: [roll0] vs. AC
Damage: [roll1]
Sneak Attack: [roll2]

2013-09-30, 02:52 PM
As it passes by everyone attempts to attack it but only Fjarr was able to hit it. This for just a moment, caused the body of the statue to start lightly shaking.

Ezhera though dazed again, she managed to find a position to swing and attacked with her quarterstaff.

Attack: Quarterstaff vs AC
{4+2=6} = Miss

Joe tried to form another cold fiery ball but it whimpered out in his hands. Enough said...

Graxaan faith currently faltered as he attempted to form more light in his hand in his dazed state. Though he got over the daze quickly, it ruined him to the point where he couldn't even summon the light this time.

Ezhera in her dazed state again from the attack, found herself withdrawing from combat for the time to hopefully escape the statue's wrath.

You being dazed, i took the first option you stated before the attack. You are still dazed, roll 1d20 to see if it ends (DC 11)

Fjarr forms and throws another ball of fiery frost with deadly accuracy making the statue stumble backwards. Fjarr then moves slightly towards to be able to hopefully attack from behind luke.

Dale slightly encourages Ezhera as she runs past him making her slightly feel more alive. he then attacks with his weapon dealing a critical blow.

Fjarr pushed the statue back so you couldn't move. but hey you got a Crit.

Luke hoping the statue was distracted attempted to attack. His blade bounced off the statue as quickly as he had hit it dealing no seen damage to the statue.

I didn't move you because you got no combat advantage...

Issak, now dazed attempted to raise his hand again and fire a blast of radiant energy at the statue.

Attack: Hand of Radiance vs REF
- {18+4= 22} = Hit
-- Damage: {(3)+4= 7} radiant damage.

Saving Throw: Dazed {3}

Issak's attack hit the statue in the chest luckily but unfortunately he couldn't shake the effect of being dazed.


The statue focuses on Dalekor and Luke and attacks them.

Attack: Double Slam
- Slam Attack: Dalekor vs AC
-- {27} = Hit
*Damage: {5}, Dalekor is now Bloodied and Dazed.
- Slam Attack: Luke vs AC
-- {14} = Miss

Player HP:
Dalekor: 10/24
Luke: 16/25
Isaak: 16/31
Graxaan: 14/27
Fjarr: 19/26
Ezhera: 13/21
Joe: 26/31

You are Dazed, you can only do a standard action (or the equivalent) without using any APs. at the end of your turn, roll 1d20 to see if you are still dazed (DC 11)

Bounty Hunter
2013-09-30, 08:56 PM
Graxxan holds tight the pendant of Pelor on the chain around his neck, and runs north in the direction Ezhera went, then points his mace at the statue in an attempt to unleash a gout of holy fire on the thing


Move: L20
Standard: Cast Sacred Flame at the statue.
Attack : [roll0]
Damage : [roll1]
Effect : Ezhera chooses either to gain 3 temporary hit points or to make a saving throw.
Sacred Flame
At-Will ✦ Divine, Implement, Radiant
Standard Action Ranged 5
Target: One creature
Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex
Hit: 1d6 + Wisdom modifier radiant damage, and one ally
you can see chooses either to gain temporary hit points
equal to your Charisma modifier + one-half your level or
to make a saving throw.

2013-09-30, 09:35 PM
Seeing his foe falter, Fjarr lets loose a more powerful spell, hoping to knock it further away from his allies. Angry claws ripple from Fjarr, rear up and slam into the golem. It's begining to falter, to crack let's keep it away from our injured! Fjarr calls out with a low hiss.

Tearing Claws
[roll0] vs reflex
[roll1] damage
Push it back 3 squares.

Move Adjacent to the Golem, prevent it from recovering the group I've taken from it. (Assuming I hit)


2013-09-30, 10:20 PM
Joe yells and tries once more to throw a bolt of dragonfrost at the statue.



2013-09-30, 10:54 PM
Luke leaps back away from the statue slashing at it with his sword as he does.
Sly Flourish
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Shift to O22

2013-10-01, 12:00 AM
Seeing his foe falter, Fjarr lets loose a more powerful spell, hoping to knock it further away from his allies. Angry claws ripple from Fjarr, rear up and slam into the golem. It's begining to falter, to crack let's keep it away from our injured! Fjarr calls out with a low hiss.

Tearing Claws
[roll0] vs Reflex
[roll1] Damage
Push it back 3 squares.

Move Adjacent to the Golem, prevent it from recovering the group I've taken from it. (Assuming I hit)


And I went before Joe

2013-10-02, 09:24 PM
Having been silent for several long moments due to the fact that his head was spinning, Isaak suddenly rouses himself.

"Back! Back to the darkness with you, harbinger of evil!"

The deva shouts as another blast of light shoots out of his hand towards the large statue.

Standard: Hand of Radience vs. the Statue.
To-Hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] Radiant

Saving Throw vs Daze: [roll2]

2013-10-03, 03:26 PM
"I'm not done yet!" Dale screams at the lifeless statue, trying to convince himself.
Second Wind, spending a healing surge and +2 to all defenses until the start of my next turn.
Daze save [roll0]

2013-10-04, 03:22 PM
Graxaan moves over by Ezhera and attempts to set the statue ablaze with fire but sadly his movement caused his accuracy to fail and the ball of heavenly fire hit the nearby cave wall.

Fjarr swipes his hands in the air toward the statue sending invisible claws hitting the statue dead on. The statue is slammed into the side of the cave wall causing the cave to shake and the roof starts to slightly crack and bits of rock start falling all over the place.

Make a Dexterity Check, DC 11 to dodge the falling rocks otherwise you take 2 damage. This roll is to go before the Statue's final attack.

Joe tried to form and shoot another cold fiery ball but it whimpered out three-quarters of the way. Enough said...

Your Charisma Modifier is +4 according to the sheet not +5 to attack.
Plus IF you had it you would have only had a +4 modifier from your charisma as well. How you managed to get +8 is beyond me.

Luke manages to swing at a vital spot before moving away. Enough said.

Isaak, though dazed, managed to successfully pull off another attack by shooting a ball of radiant energy square in the statues chest. Unfortunately, Isaak still couldn't shake the dazed effect from the statue's fists... He might not be thinking clearly for a while... or maybe he'll start thinking more clearly than ever before.

While dale gets his second wind, it sadly isn't enough to shake the dazed feeling he has as well.

Ezhera let's loose a Kinetic Trawl with her mind that manages to deal the final toll on the statue...

The statue is pulled forward, sending Dale and Fjarr backwards as well. the statue rumbling in place as it no longer has control over its own body. as its rocky flesh start moving all over the place by twisting and turning, light can be seen emitting from it.

All of a sudden it blasts apart with shards of rock flying in anyone's direction that was immediately around him (Dale and Fjarr).

Stone Shards vs Dale's AC
-Attack: {26} - Hit
*Damage: {14}

Stone Shards vs Fjarr's AC
- Attack: {23} - Hit
* Damage: {9}

The rubble the statue leaves behind is now difficult Terrain until cleared


Player HP:
Dalekor: 2/24
Luke: 16/25
Isaak: 16/31
Graxaan: 14/27
Fjarr: 10/26
Ezhera: 13/21
Joe: 26/31

Have Isaak ask the group which door's the group is going through. Once i know that and the group has completed the short rest I'll be taking over Isaak. You don't need to spend any healing surges as i'm going to be killing him anyways XD

Short Rest: First, everyone but Joe needs to do the above (See Private: Everyone but Joe). Then if you're alive and not unconscious, spend as many healing surges as you need/want to refill your health. You gain back any back any EP's you've spent.

2013-10-04, 07:01 PM
Luke jumps out of the way of the falling rocks.
[roll0] vs. 11.

Then, he lets out a sigh of relief when he sees the statue finally defeated. He watches the rubble that remains, making sure it won't move again. When he sees that the rocks remain inanimate, he sheaths his sword behind his back. Exhausted, he leans against the nearby wall. "That was a challenging fight. I didn't expect to be attacked by a statue"

1 healing surge.

2013-10-04, 07:10 PM
Fjarr noticed the crumbling rocks and sent a bolt of energy to blast aside a larger rocking coming after him, and stepped to the side to dodge the others.

I did not expect to be attacked by a statue either. I thought the goblins went in here. If they did, why did the statue not attack them? They must have gone the other way. Pausing to inhale deeply, he closes his eyes and wills his wounds to mend.

[roll0] Dodge

(Spending 2 healing surges, and fully healing (8+8=16; 16+10 = 26 and thats my max!)

Bounty Hunter
2013-10-04, 07:37 PM
Graxaan scuttles to try and dodge the bits of rock that fill the air as the creature is felled.
[roll0] vs. 11.

Afterwards he takes a seat, leaning against the cave wall, and begins to tend to his wounds, and trying to clear his head.

Consume 2 healing surges to return to full HP.

2013-10-04, 08:05 PM
"Praise be to the gods!"

Isaak yells, wobbling on his feet before falling straight back onto the floor like some sort of jester. As the ringing finally starts to clear from his head, the deva looks around, suddenly uneasy.

"The gods . . . they are silent to me as to where we should go now. It is up to us to interpret their will! Which door shall we open first, my friends!?"

2013-10-04, 08:19 PM
The one the statue was not guarding must be the way the goblins went. So either we go that way and hope to ambush them because the paths merge, or we go the other way, the way we know leads to them. I for one do not want our battle with the statue to be meaningless, so I would prefer to go down the guarded way. Fjarr says, thinking out loud.

2013-10-04, 08:28 PM
"I agree. But, first, I would like to examine this rubble."
I search the rubble from the statue.

Bounty Hunter
2013-10-04, 10:26 PM
"Well, the statue only activated once the door was pushed into position. A clever trap, but a trap none the less, and while gallivanting about in dungeons is not exactly in my repertoire, I don't see the logic in trapping a door with nothing of value behind it." Graxaansays as he tends to the wounds beneath his mail. Light from his fintertips dances about the wounds working to close them, then he wipes away the blood that remained. "And besides, what if another trap lay built in to the other door?" He muses to himself for a moment before speaking aloud again, more to himself than anyone in particular. "Of course, there is always the notion that they used the other door knowing this one was trapped." Once hes done with healing and bandages he works to stand again.

2013-10-04, 10:46 PM
Fjarr grab's Graxaan's hand and helps him stand. Goblins are tricky little devils. I bet they know of the trap and avoid it. But you bring up a good point: something of value must be this way. Fjarr gestures at the no-longer trapped door. Let us advance go in that direction. I'll take the rear and protect our squishier party members. Someone with good eyes should lead.

2013-10-04, 10:52 PM
Luke healed to 22/25, Fjarr heals to 26/26, Graxaan heals to 27/27.

You notice some markings on the shattered bits that you know are not from sword strikes. However, you cannot tell what they are exactly.

Bounty Hunter
2013-10-04, 11:07 PM
"Assuming that the door didnt lock for good once we sprung the trap." Graxaan says, as he walks back towards the door, motioning for Isaak to bring the light closer. "Though I didnt see any sort of keyhole or the like, so I'm not sure if there was a way around the trap to begin with." He starts to study the door once again, looking for any sort of clue, but doesnt yet touch it.

2013-10-04, 11:20 PM
"Hey! I found some strange markings on these rocks. Can anyone here identify them?"

2013-10-04, 11:25 PM
"These blows are killing me! But what are the markings in? " Joe then spends 1 surge healing 9 HP

2013-10-04, 11:29 PM
Fjarr moved to follow Graxaan, but stopped when elf asked for help, Fjarr sighed and moved to look at the rocks that were so interesting. Squating down, Fjarr picked up one. Markings? Like what? I just hurled as much magic as I could at it, so it better be a little scratched up.

Nevertheless, Fjarr examined the markings.

[roll0] Arcana
[roll1] History

And just incase this isn't a knowledge based check:
[roll2] perception

2013-10-05, 12:03 AM
As you take your time looking over a few different shattered pieces, you take notice that they are Arcane Runes used for Golem creations.

The particular runes are usually used in a Stone Golem creation. You figure out that whoever stole the box from the caravan must have built this golem and has somehow gain control over a group of goblins.

OOC: Yes, i combined both of your knowledge checks together.

2013-10-05, 12:06 AM
Fjarr hisses, and stands up. Graxaan, come here, Joe you too. When they approach, he shows them what he sees. Do these look like the arcane runes for golem creation to you? This is a newly minted golem. Whoever is behind this is working WITH the goblins!

2013-10-05, 02:43 PM
"Coming." Joe says as he walks over to Fjarr and examines the markings. "This golem was controlled by the goblins? They must have some powerful type of magic to create this. We should be much more careful."

Arcana: [roll0]
History: [roll1]

Bounty Hunter
2013-10-05, 03:13 PM
Graxaan sighs and rolls his eyes, though this would have been mostly unnoticed in the gloom of the cave. "Were you not listening to what he said Joe?" The cleric stands, but remains near the door for the time being. "He didnt say that the goblins were controlling it, he said that whoever was in control of the golem must be in league with the goblins. Though I find it more likely that whatever force that may be would more likely be controlling the goblins as well." The dragonborn knocks the dust from his clawed hands, and then turns his attention back to the door. Leaning in close he listens once more, trying not to be distracted by the chatter behind him, and also looks for any sort of clue as to the trapping mechanism.

"If anyone was on the other side of the door, surely they would have heard the noise of the golem..." he states. He places a hand on the door and gives a light push. "Prepare yourselves."

Move to Q23

Perception : [roll0] To try and hear anything beyond the door.

Dungeonneering : [roll1] To see if I can notice how the trap mechanism was activated, and if there are any further traps.

Push lightly on the door to see if its still locked, but not enough to open it fully.

2013-10-05, 03:27 PM
Fjarr hisses again and picks up a larger shard with a more telling symbol on it and stows it in his pack. When Graxaan goes to open the door, Fjarr walks beside him and then prepares himself as instructed.

Ready Action:
Trigger: I perceive a threat
Burning Spray
Move: To Minor:

Plan is to aim both into the hall way, hitting the enemies that may be inside. Of course, only if I perceive a threat.

2013-10-05, 03:47 PM
Luke readies himself next to the door, preparing to strike any foe that comes near him.
Move to P23.
Readied Action: Sly Flourish on any foe that moves within reach.

2013-10-05, 07:56 PM
Graxaan sighs and rolls his eyes, though this would have been mostly unnoticed in the gloom of the cave. "Were you not listening to what he said Joe?" The cleric stands, but remains near the door for the time being. "He didnt say that the goblins were controlling it, he said that whoever was in control of the golem must be in league with the goblins. Though I find it more likely that whatever force that may be would more likely be controlling the goblins as well." The dragonborn knocks the dust from his clawed hands, and then turns his attention back to the door. Leaning in close he listens once more, trying not to be distracted by the chatter behind him, and also looks for any sort of clue as to the trapping mechanism.

"If anyone was on the other side of the door, surely they would have heard the noise of the golem..." he states. He places a hand on the door and gives a light push. "Prepare yourselves."

Move to Q23

Perception : [roll0] To try and hear anything beyond the door.

Dungeonneering : [roll1] To see if I can notice how the trap mechanism was activated, and if there are any further traps.

Push lightly on the door to see if its still locked, but not enough to open it fully.
You hear the sounds of what sounds like metal and claws scraping against the ground and being sharpened.

When you look at the door you figure there was no trap, it was just a simple Golem order to kill anyone to entered in this way. Otherwise as you lightly push on the door again, it is just simply locked.

Fjarr hisses again and picks up a larger shard with a more telling symbol on it and stows it in his pack. When Graxaan goes to open the door, Fjarr walks beside him and then prepares himself as instructed.

Ready Action:
Trigger: I perceive a threat
Burning Spray
Move: To Minor:

Plan is to aim both into the hall way, hitting the enemies that may be inside. Of course, only if I perceive a threat.

Action readied.

Luke readies himself next to the door, preparing to strike any foe that comes near him.
Move to P23.
Readied Action: Sly Flourish on any foe that moves within reach.
Action readied.

2013-10-06, 11:06 AM
"I'm sorry Graxxan, I just misheard him. But now I am ready." He says as he draws his staff. Preparing for anything that might come in his way.

Move to R20, ready dragonfrost at the first enemy who comes through the door.

Bounty Hunter
2013-10-06, 11:44 AM
Noticing the keyhole in the door, the cleric turns to back towards Luke and Fjarr, but then notices Joe as well. "No, no, I'm not standing between whatever is on the other side and this damned fool" he points a claw towards Joe. "No way in the nine hells." Graxaan steps back away from the door moves around past Luke.

Move to O22

Ready a Lance Of Faith for anything that comes into sight if Joe figures out how to open the door.

2013-10-06, 12:01 PM
"I'm sorry Graxxan, I just misheard him. But now I am ready." He says as he draws his staff. Preparing for anything that might come in his way.

Move to R20, ready dragonfrost at the first enemy who comes through the door.

Noticing the keyhole in the door, the cleric turns to back towards Luke and Fjarr, but then notices Joe as well. "No, no, I'm not standing between whatever is on the other side and this damned fool" he points a claw towards Joe. "No way in the nine hells." Graxaan steps back away from the door moves around past Luke.

Move to O22

Ready a Lance Of Faith for anything that comes into sight if Joe figures out how to open the door.

Actions have been readied and characters moved... (Allergic to the door much?) XD

2013-10-06, 01:35 PM
"Stand back! I shall call upon the gods to remove this obstacle in our path!"

Isaak announces, approaching the door. For a moment, the deva concentrates, and then palms splayed, he unleashes a massive blast into the door itself!

Use Silent Malediction against the door, Close Blast 3 (aimed to miss anyone and just hit the door).
Damage: [roll1]
Hit: The door is Stunned (Save Ends)
Effect: Isaak is Dazed until the end of his next turn.

Bounty Hunter
2013-10-06, 02:02 PM
Graxaan shields his face from the blast set forth by Isaak.