View Full Version : Advice of an admittedly novice DM? (Journey to the West)

2013-09-02, 05:18 PM
A while back I tried running an oriental D&D 3.5 campaign based on the chinese epic Journey to the West.
My group included a home brewed Half-oni hexblade, a fox hengeyokai sorceress, a vanara shaman, and a lizardfolk monk. My setting was a world of my own design, which used the spirit world/living world cosmology.

Other than what i've stated above, I did everything wrong. So I have decided to reboot the campaign and correct the mistakes I made last time.

Last time, for example, each member of the party above had been contacted individually by the bodhisattva Guanyin, each given a reason to leave their homes. I consider this a tremendous mistake, especially since they were all low level at the time and Guanyin is a goddess(as much as that means in a setting without divine ranks anyway).

This time I want to give each player the freedom to decide for themselves why they all happen to meet up in the same town even though their homes are hundreds of miles apart, and two of them from overseas. The hexblade is a well-to-do mercenary, the sorceress, while not particularly well behaved, is comfortable in the wilderness of her home, the shaman has his village to take care of, and the monk his monastery.