View Full Version : Fey Times

2013-09-02, 08:57 PM
Ever since I first saw the Eldarin in 4e I loved their themes and background, elves always seemed to be missing something and the Eldarin fixed that perfectly.

Again, since way back looking at 4e, its setting and races I was particularly struck with the idea of the Feywild bordering on the material plane in certain places, but more particularly different times.

I initially began with the idea of a small town that each year sees a huge influx of merchants for Midsummer when an Eldarin palace appears nearby and for one day(? Or perhaps 3?) the Eldarin descend from the Feywild to trade with the mortals of the material realm... and mingle of course.

This has slowly been building in my mind; the village has a steady population of half-elves (or more specifically half-eldarin) from unions taking place on these nights at the masked festival. As such many do not know their fathers and are given the surname Summerchild.

My question is, what about other towns who are visited? Perhaps one is visited twice yearly on the Solstice or Equinox? What sort of visitors would they have? Perhaps their Neighbouring Eldarin come in Spring but come winter the Fomorian King or some other fey tricksters arrive for halloween? Or perhaps its not the Feywild but the Shadwfell that comes to visit?

Has anyone else used these themes in their games? Any advice on using them effectively? How about getting a party together from denizens of both sides?

I'd also love to hear more ideas on this theme, its been in my head too long now and some fresh insight might help push this past being a curious idea into something usable.

Lord of Shadows
2013-09-02, 09:16 PM
For the Midsummer event, I sense a Quest, Mission, Thing...

Something was taken from the Fey at the last Midsummer, or, sometime, and a mixed group is needed in order to get it back. The trick is, the "something" must be recovered before night's end, or there will be dire consequences.

It might end up being a 1st level introductory scenario rather than a campaign, but it could include campaign hooks.


2013-09-02, 10:06 PM
What if it were only one day, but that day passed more slowly, so that the one day felt like three. You would complete an hour's task like normal but relative to the day's length, only twenty minutes will have passed. So you'd get a nine-hour day done by noon, have lunch, go to bed, wake up late afternoon.

2013-09-15, 12:32 PM
This is a really cool idea,especially because I love fey,
And have been toying with the idea of a faeryland type world myself.
I like the idea of a sort of "king of Halloween" type charecter.

2013-09-15, 01:14 PM
Halloween and Midsummers Eve seem like good opportunities, and also maybe all of the equinox things.
Maybe in halloween, the Fall Equinox, and the longest Day of Winter, the Unseelie Fey pop up, and during Midsummers Eve and the Spring Equinox, the Seelie Fey pop up.
So if you wanted a more horrory feel, you did a campaign on halloween, but if you wanted a more adventuristic feel, you did a campaign on Midsummers.

2013-09-16, 04:20 PM
Okay, wow. this is similar to what I was working on for a setting (the one I mentioned in the "We Need More Halloween!" thread). So... just warning you, if you see something on here with a similar theme, it's not because I snipped it from here.

(I'm not using eladrin anyways. Human, shadar-kai, gnoll, and scarecrow. Maybe eladrin if the playgrounders really want it.)