View Full Version : Knight RP

2013-09-03, 01:27 AM
Okay I have to questions about being an Evil Knight and their code. The Knights Code to me is tailored towards good. But say you are an evil knight. I can understand the not taking a Flanking bonuse I can RP that for an Evil Guy. Also the never attacking a Flatfooted opponent I can come up with reasons in my head for that. Where my Imagination fails me is the not dealing leathal Damage to a helpless opponent. For some reason I can find away for an Evil Knight to not deal leathal damage to a helpless opponent. Other then the Well I was taught that and I am Lawful so I do it or my Order demands that no member shall. I can't find a reason why an Evil person would not do this. Would some one please give me some RP reasons why I would up hold this part of the code?

I know that breaking the Knights code is just one loss of Knights challange for the day and is not really a big deal. However I would like a reason why one would do such a thing.

P.S. I am working on a "Dragoon" Style Knight idea so there will be a few more Knight questions and a building coming at some point.

2013-09-03, 01:34 AM
The Knight's code revolves around the idea of fighting with honour. An evil character can still be honourable. The reason an evil knight won't hurt a helpless opponent isn't due to some sort of mercy, but because the evil knight considers attacking a helpless opponent to be cheating. And even though they're evil, theblawful side of them hates the idea of cheating.

2013-09-03, 01:41 AM
Just make sure you have a use of Knight's Challenge left, then do it anyway.

Isn't that the definition of good roleplay anyway?

"I'm such an evil hardarse that I am willing to take a mechanical penalty just to coup de grace your helpless (soon to be) corpse!"

2013-09-03, 09:50 AM
Like Blueiji said, it's an honour thing.
One way I'd play it is "I'm not a cold hearted murderer, I give them a chance to face me like a man. If they don't (or can't) fight, they're not worth my spit."
This allows you throw round challenges left and right to try and provoke them into attacking you. If they don't, you have a reasonable excuse to beat them unconcious.

2013-09-03, 04:52 PM
Could play it up another way too. Go for the typical villain's swagger sort of thing.

You know what I mean, it goes kinda like this:

"Go ahead... pick up your sword. Stretch a bit. All limbered up, ready to smite me oh mighty smiter of evil doers? Channel that self righteous bravado. Go pray to your gods to give you the strength to take me down... because guess what... only way you're going to do it is if some divine agent comes in and pops a miracle in my ass. Look at you? Disgusting, weak. I won't even use my left hand, that's how little of a threat you pose to me. Now... go on... man up. Strike me down, if you can. But know if you fail in that first strike, I will rip your heart out before you can even begin to beg for mercy."

There, you just took an otherwise helpless foe, sleeping, whatever, got him armed, taunted him into attacking you, no longer making him helpless and free to kill. Even if he decides that you are just that good at RPing or throw in an Intimidate check and he pisses his pants and decides to run? Well, he still picked up his sword. He's not helpless. Go stab him in the back. You totally fulfilled your knight's code. And still kept to obvious villain territory in the imperious badass type.

2013-09-03, 10:47 PM
Thank you now I kinda wanna play an Evil Knight who is a tottal Dush Bag cocky SOB! I think I will design one after I figure out how to make my Knight Dragoon.

2013-09-03, 10:55 PM
I've seen an evil knight played once, and the guy playing it handled it really well I thought. I played an evil melee type (I forget exactly what) and I remember I asked him once IC why he refused to kill his opponents once they fell to the ground, nearly dead. his response is something that was exceptionally evil, and something that I distinctly remember. This took place immediately after a battle while my character and the others looted through the corpses/unconscious foes.

"Look at them, they lie there defeated and broken. Why should I break a sweat even raising my blade to end their pathetic life? They've been beaten and broken, dishonored and destroyed. I have bested them and anything more is a waste of my energy. Maybe one day they will pick up their weapon again and be fueled by revenge, casting aside their valorous beliefs and letting the darkness spoil their soul. Then truly they will be defeated by my actions because they joined my army, even if they fight against me, they fight for darkness."

So...something like that.

2013-09-04, 12:05 AM
I've seen an evil knight played once, and the guy playing it handled it really well I thought. I played an evil melee type (I forget exactly what) and I remember I asked him once IC why he refused to kill his opponents once they fell to the ground, nearly dead. his response is something that was exceptionally evil, and something that I distinctly remember. This took place immediately after a battle while my character and the others looted through the corpses/unconscious foes.

"Look at them, they lie there defeated and broken. Why should I break a sweat even raising my blade to end their pathetic life? They've been beaten and broken, dishonored and destroyed. I have bested them and anything more is a waste of my energy. Maybe one day they will pick up their weapon again and be fueled by revenge, casting aside their valorous beliefs and letting the darkness spoil their soul. Then truly they will be defeated by my actions because they joined my army, even if they fight against me, they fight for darkness."

So...something like that.

that.... thats the most evil/beautiful/awesome thing i've ever heard... :'l