View Full Version : What can pass through force cage?

Oko and Qailee
2013-09-04, 12:40 PM
Hey, just curious. So force cage says that spells cannot pass through it. A friend mentioned that basically, how it works is, a spell with Line-of-effect cant pass through it, but things that only require Line-of-sight can?

Is this correct? So, could a caster in a forcecage use something like Summon Monster while trapped in one to summon a monster outside of it?

2013-09-04, 12:52 PM
There's no exception to needing line of effect in summon monster; there are a few spells that don't require line of effect, but that's not one of them.

But as to the basic premise, yes; only spells that don't require line of effect can be cast out of a forcecage with solid walls. If you use the barred cage version, all spells can pass through it. There are very few spells like this other than teleports, though.

Gaze attacks, as far as I understand (I may be wrong about this, but don't think so) only require line of sight, so they're one of the few things that goes right through a forcecage/wall of force.

2013-09-04, 12:56 PM
It depends on the type of cage. If it's the barred variety, you have line of effect. If it's the walled in version, you are completely blocked off by walls of force. Spells that target you through the bars, or spells aimed outward, have partial cover to deal with. The other version would provide total cover.

Oko and Qailee
2013-09-04, 01:17 PM
There's no exception to needing line of effect in summon monster; there are a few spells that don't require line of effect, but that's not one of them.

But as to the basic premise, yes; only spells that don't require line of effect can be cast out of a forcecage with solid walls. If you use the barred cage version, all spells can pass through it. There are very few spells like this other than teleports, though.

Gaze attacks, as far as I understand (I may be wrong about this, but don't think so) only require line of sight, so they're one of the few things that goes right through a forcecage/wall of force.

So gaze attacks? are there any other spells that can pass through?

2013-09-04, 02:20 PM
So gaze attacks? are there any other spells that can pass through?

In general, spells that don't require line of effect don't "pass through" anything because they don't have a range for which that sort of question makes sense. Scry and Teleport, for example.