View Full Version : Rate my campaign concept: Pre-campaing Poll

2013-09-05, 05:44 PM
TLDR: What do I want to know as a DM about my players play preferences before the campaign starts?

So I'm hoping to start a campaign soon as a DM and I'm going to be ending up with all new players to me. Some of them will be friends, others friends of friends. While I may know something about them I will have no knowledge of them as gamers, what they like, or what they want. Some of them will have no D&D experience.

I'm going to have some information from their character sheets. I'm going to have a full day or two I spend as an open house sort of thing in a shop where they stop by and build their characters. Many if not all of these characters will have no prior gaming experience, so I will helping them a lot, probably to the point that I will be building characters for them with their input.

Before I start this I want to ask them some questions to get some sort of idea about what sort of game an world to build. Since this will probably be in an email or something, I'd like to make it a simple list of fairly open ended questions people without prior gaming experience might understand that would be helpful for me as a DM to know the answers to.

I'd like the ask them another set of questions after they have their characters to help place their characters in the world.

So what should I ask them?

Please give me questions and how I might react to their answers if it seems non-obvious.

List of questions I like so far:

Have you ever played a roleplaying game? What made it fun?
What is (are) your favorite character(s) from fiction? Why? (and if I might not have heard of them, what are they like?)

2013-09-05, 06:22 PM
Here's a questionnaire that I like to ask players before a game. I'm not sure how much of it will be relevant, since my players have all played D&D before, but maybe it'll help a bit.

What power level do you prefer? (High - pretty much anything goes; Medium - No restrictions on classes, but not too much optimization; Low - class restrictions and little optimization)

What campaign should we run? (Skull and Shackles, Rise of the Runelords, Shattered Star, jade regent, way of the wicked)

What motivations/alignmentdo you like for your characters? (dependent somewhat on campaign, but do we want to allow evil characters, should they be good, greedy, etc.)

How much material should be available to use? (core only?, core + a few?, everything?)

Should subsystems be available? (psionics, ToB, incarnum, ToM, legacy weapons, etc.)?

What mix of combat/roleplaying do you like?