View Full Version : Snap kick feat RAW

2013-09-06, 09:49 AM
I think a lot of people have misread this feat, and want to know if an idea works real quick. for 1 snap kick never says an attack action as some claim, it says a melee attack. BIG difference in wording, so as written doesn't a fighter with +6/+1 get two attacks? (aint how I use the feat jw).
anyways, if not and they only get one, lightning fist feat literally says "You can make two extra attacks in a round. All attacks made this round suffer a -5 attack penalty. This feat requires the full attack action" so I am confused, that feat calls using a full attack action, snap kick calls for each melee attack.
wouldn't snap kick allow an additional kick with each melee attack?

snap kick- When you make a melee attack with one or more melee weapons (including a standard attack, full attack, or even a strike maneuver), you can make an additional attack at your highest attack bonus. This attack is an unarmed attack that deals damage equal to your base unarmed attack damage + 1/2 your Str bonus. You take a -2 penalry on all attack rolls you make this round.

2013-09-06, 09:54 AM
It works any time you make at least one melee attack, and explicitly calls out standard action melee attacks and strike maneuvers as times it's applicable. This means it is one of the best ways to GET an extra attack, as it's +1 attack even when TWF and the like wouldn't give you one. It also stacks with TWF.

However, it says you get an extra attack. It does not say "for each attack." Thus, any action you take that gives you at least one melee attack will get a snap kick's extra attack, but it won't give you more than one snap kick attack.

Full attack, and you get your iteratives, any hate/speed attacks, TWF attacks, and one snap kick.

Use a strike, and you get that strike's effects plus the snap kick.

Assuming the "including..." list is not exhaustive (and nothing in its language suggests it is), you'd even get a snap kick in addition to your AoO(s).

It imposes a -2 penalty on "all attack rolls you make this round," however. So it could be detrimental if it applies that cumulatively. That is, if each AoO with a snap kick applies an additional -2 to all attack rolls.

Probably not, since it's a penalty from the same source. Not clear, though, and I could be remembering how penalties stack incorrectly.

2013-09-06, 09:59 AM
so those two feats together would work as giving you 3 extra attacks then? also, how does snap kick work with roundabout kick and circle kick?

2013-09-06, 10:02 AM
roundabout kick- If you score a critical hit on an unarmed attack, you can immediately make an additional unarmed attack against the same opponent, using the same attack bonus that you used for the critical hit roll. For example, Ember the 15th-level monk can make three unarmed attacks in a round, at base attack bonuses of+11, +6, and +1. If she scores a critical hit on her second attack, she can make an additional attack using her +6 base attack bonus. She then makes her third attack (at +l) as normal.

circle kick- A successful unarmed attack roll allows you to make a second attack roll against a different opponent that is within the area that you threaten. This feat requires the full attack action.

2013-09-06, 10:06 AM
so those two feats together would work as giving you 3 extra attacks then? also, how does snap kick work with roundabout kick and circle kick?

roundabout kick- If you score a critical hit on an unarmed attack, you can immediately make an additional unarmed attack against the same opponent, using the same attack bonus that you used for the critical hit roll. For example, Ember the 15th-level monk can make three unarmed attacks in a round, at base attack bonuses of+11, +6, and +1. If she scores a critical hit on her second attack, she can make an additional attack using her +6 base attack bonus. She then makes her third attack (at +l) as normal.

circle kick- A successful unarmed attack roll allows you to make a second attack roll against a different opponent that is within the area that you threaten. This feat requires the full attack action.

If you critical with your Snap Kick, you can apparently use Roundabout Kick to get a second unarmed attack at the same bonus as the snap kick.

If you're making a full attack and hit with Snap Kick, Circle Kick gives you one more attack against a different target.

Does Circle Kick specify anything about what happens if you make multiple successful hits with unarmed strikes in one full attack action?

Does it replace the full attack entirely? If so, it wouldn't allow you the snap kick to begin with, so you'd need a separate unarmed strike to trigger it (which would then re-trigger the snap kick). If not, then... is every unarmed attack you make a free non-lethal great-cleave?

2013-09-06, 10:09 AM
the descriptions posted are all the feat says, I literally copied and pasted them. some of these start to get a little confusing, and before I put my players up against this monk I wont to make sure how to use him.

Edit: and yes circle kick is usably on every strike in a full attack, otherwise it wouldn't be usable as written. but apparently, can only be used during a full attack. and its lethal if your a monk then all unarmed strikes are considered lethal right?

Edit: also confused on why lightning fist, and circle kick say this requires the full attack action. the way I understand it this means these only activate when using a full attack action, that's their trigger, is that right?
if so, then lighting fist would allow 2 additional attacks with a -5 and snap kick with allow an additional 1 at -2, so used together that would be a -7, but five attacks with my character who has a normal 2, no accounting for any circle kicks or roundabout kicks.

2013-09-06, 10:21 AM
Hmm....you know, if you were to play (for whatever ridiculous reason) a monk 8/Warblade 5 with Circle Kick, Snap Kick, Roundabout Kick, Aberration Blood, Inhuman Reach, the and the Dancing Blade Form stance, you could double your attacks in a round as long as you have two opponents within fifteen feet of you. Now, wield an Aptitude Keen Kukri (or two, if you can afford to TWF). You get 3 attacks (BAB), an extra attack (Flurry of Blows), an extra attack (Snap Kick), five extra attacks (Circle Kick, must be against a second opponent), and an average of two extra attacks per 4 attacks you make (so five).

I feel as though I've goofed somewhere, but if I'm right, this is about 15 attacks a round.

2013-09-06, 10:25 AM
think your close, and ya point being an outrageous amount of attacks, and this monk has a partner designed to use spells to immobilizes targets. and on that point the monks other feats are hammer fist (2 handed unarmed), flying kick (+1d12 on charge), manties leap (charge 1 person in range of jump check, for x2 str damage), fiery fist (+1d6 fire damage), fist of iron (+1d6), and has claws dealing 1d6 added to unarmed strikes thanks to beast strike feat allowing right now a 1d10+1d6 on hits without other feats.
on and knockback and close quarters fighting, knockback allows immediately trip when you do 10 or more damage with unarmed strike.
RFLS- wouldn't lightning fist be good addition to that built, would be two more attacks?

2013-09-06, 10:27 AM
I'm AFB, but how would Snap Kick interact with the War Mind's Sweeping Strike? (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/prestigeClasses/warMind.htm#sweepingStrike) Would it be a Snap Roundhouse Kick as I'm picturing it?

2013-09-06, 10:29 AM
psyren- um ya exactly...and at 10th war mind level with that 10d some extra damage holy ****and my players will now hate you lol think he might of just got some more levels...atleast 5 in that one.

2013-09-06, 10:30 AM
RFLS- wouldn't lightning fist be good addition to that built, would be two more attacks?

6, actually. Two from the feat, two more from Circle kick, and two more from your criticals.

EDIT: Using Psyren's suggestion, you might be able to double your attacks in a round, at least. It might be more >.< I think we've crossed into infinite attacks/round with that one, actually.

2013-09-06, 10:31 AM
ok RFLS so you confused me again...how do you think circle kick works? jw because you came up with what I did with the feat.

2013-09-06, 10:31 AM
Okay. Going by utter, strict RAW, here, and ignoring what I suspect is RAI...

Circle Kick says "a successful unarmed attack allows a second [emphasis mine] attack roll against a different opponent that is within the area that you threaten." "Second" is a specific number, so it does not allow a third or fourth.

There are two ways to interpret the "requires the full attack action" clause, and, oddly, the stronger of the interpretations is also the mechanically more powerful:

(weaker) Using this feat is, itself, a replacement of the full attack action, and thus you get one unarmed attack and one extra one against another opponent if that hits.
(stronger) If you take the full attack action, you can use this feat, so a successful unarmed strike gets you a second attack against a separate opponent, and you have your full iteratives because this is a full attack

The second is a stronger interpretation because "a full attack" does give you iteratives and the feat doesn't say it's a "full-round action" of its own, but rather that it "requires" a "full attack." Full attacks are specific things.

The "second" attack it grants can also be interpreted in one of two ways; neither is stronger as an interpretation, but one is a little more sensible and is also more powerful.

(weaker) If you hit with your first attack, you get a free second attack roll. If you don't hit with your first attack, your next iterative is your "second" attack roll. If it or subsequent ones hit, you've already HAD a "second" attack roll, so the feat can't activate.
(stronger) For each unarmed strike that lands, you get one "second" attack roll.

I find the second more sensible because it doesn't treat your first attack as if it's the only one that matters. But it's definitely stronger: each of your attacks gets a free cleave just for hitting, not even having to kill the target. Technically, I think you can even cleave off of both attacks if both kill something.

But it does say "a second" attack, so under no circumstances can you get another off of the Circle Kick's granted attack. That would be a third attack roll, and you don't get a third one from the feat.

So, then...

You can make two extra attacks in a round. All attacks made this round suffer a -5 attack penalty. This feat requires the full attack action

Lightning Fist + Snap Kick gives you +3 attacks on a full attack that includes at least one unarmed strike, but every attack in the round is at -7 to hit.

Circle Kick potentially doubles these attacks, assuming you manage to hit with all of them despite the -7 to hit. And assuming you have at least two separate opponents, since Circle Kick must be used on a different foe than the triggering attack.

Roundabout Kick grants you a bonus attack every time you crit with your unarmed strike; if you hit with the bonus attack, Circle Kick once again kicks in (pun unintended, but gleefully used).

If you throw in two-weapon fighting, you can get another "bonus" attack for another -2 to hit on all attacks (total: +4 attacks, -9 to hit). Picking up the rest of the TWF tree gives you +1 attack per iterative at no additional penalty. This does explicitly stack with Flurry of Blows's extra attacks.

So yes, you can get a ton of attacks on a monk with the right feats.

2013-09-06, 10:37 AM
I actually forgot flurry of blows in my build. He mainly uses fiery fist hammer strike to deal (1d10+1d6+1d6 fire+7) at the moment.
so segev you actually came up with exactly how I have him built, which is good, since I really didn't want to change anything right now.
additional +1d12 If he charged to attack.
also- doesn't a partner magical immobilizing and boasting this monks attack make the build a little better? or still just at bad at hitting?
oh ya he has deft strike to use to ignore ac completely before attacking the target the next round.

oh, and I knew that you never get a third hit with circle kick. it does say second, and your (stronger) interpretation is how I actually understood it, idk why really both made sense, but the stronger one fitted monk play style I think. fast and agile.

all of this came up In last play session against this characters minions where my players stated that none of those feats stacked, or else the character would be cheese with all its attacks. but as you guys seem to think it works that way...and I really don't see why It wouldn't, I tend to think I got it right. I usually look to this sight for support, as you guys are pretty logical most of the time.

2013-09-06, 10:51 AM
A highly mobile ally with Benign Transposition could run about the battlefield to place himself as a move action, then cast BT to swap places with his monk friend. The monk can then take a full round action on his full attack.

If that ally is a full-on caster, getting Greater Magic Weapon cast on the monk will greatly off-set the penalties to hit (at least, at level 20, it will off-set the -5 from Lightning Fist). (It also will give +5 damage/attack.)

A decent UMD and a wand of Divine Favor is another +3 to hit and damage, if it's a 9th level caster wand (6,750 gp for a fully-charged one, but it lasts for a full minute per charge, which is usually going to be one whole combat). Unfortunately, unless you can find a way to reduce Spell Trigger to a swift action for a swift-cast spell, you won't be able to do the same for Wraithstrike. It would let you target touch ACs for one round.

Fax Celestis
2013-09-06, 10:52 AM
I'm AFB, but how would Snap Kick interact with the War Mind's Sweeping Strike? (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/prestigeClasses/warMind.htm#sweepingStrike) Would it be a Snap Roundhouse Kick as I'm picturing it?


2013-09-06, 10:53 AM
wait, isn't there a hit that lets unarmed strikes ignore ac when used?
and a druid with brilliant aura to cast onto him wouldn't be too bad.

2013-09-06, 10:58 AM

I'll take that as a yes :smallbiggrin:

And while we're on the subject, the DSP War Mind still gets Sweeping Strike - which works with strikes as written, letting you triple up on them. I won't tell Chris if you guys won't :smalltongue:

2013-09-06, 11:02 AM
I'm AFB, but how would Snap Kick interact with the War Mind's Sweeping Strike? (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/prestigeClasses/warMind.htm#sweepingStrike) Would it be a Snap Roundhouse Kick as I'm picturing it?

I believe so, yes. The snap kick is just an attack, and would thus be applicable to Sweeping Strike just fine.

Circle Kick would also (counterintuitively) stack with it by allowing, assuming the attack hit both squares' occupants, a second attack against each of them. (I say "counterintuitively" because the picture evoked is of the circle kick hitting one guy then continuing to hit another. Same as Sweeping Strike, really. But the RAW does not specify that it can't involve coming back around. So you wind up with the martial artist raising his foot and bapping back and forth between the two guys' heads rather than moving in a "circle." Unless he spins around such that he just hits them on two passes.)

But yeah, if you're willing to put 5 levels into War Mind, you can, indeed, use Sweeping Strike with these feats.

2013-09-06, 11:06 AM
oh how about the unavoidable strike feat, since he does have the wild talent feat to get to fist of zouken, that will allow him to bypass their AC.
then you have an fiery fist hammer fist (1d10+1d6+1d6 fire+7) with an additional +1d12 on charge, and an additional 1d6 is I use fist of iron, +additional +1d4 if psionic fist active, that ignores AC, and if bound they will lose their dex.
sounds painful, and that's on one strike

2013-09-06, 11:07 AM
so my master monk just got some war mind levels. you guys are awesome lol, actually that sweeping strike goes with the entire martial arts master thing I was trying to invoke. players going to hate this.

2013-09-06, 11:17 AM
Unavoidable Strike requires you to spend your psionic focus for that one attack. It would thus be useful at most 2x in your attack routine (if your psicrystal can maintain a focus for you), and would take two move actions to re-ready afterwards. Sadly, not really useful. Psionic Fist is likewise only useful on one or two attacks. And won't be usable on the same attack as Unavoidable Strike unless you expend both foci on the one attack, leaving you with none for even a second unavoidable strike.

2013-09-06, 11:19 AM
so only the fist strike would be unavoidable then right? also the focus thing completely slipped my mind, that aint part of his build was jw if worth changing out to, but apparently not for the reasons you stated. wouldn't be worth it, since I don't have a psicrystal anyways.
only wild talent to get to fist of zouken.

2013-09-06, 11:26 AM
ok so apparently I overlooked something else, doesn't the monk of enabled hand get shim shoo that lets me bypass AC lol

John Longarrow
2013-09-06, 11:27 AM
If possible, dip into SwordSage for Shadowhand (adds dex to unarmed when in a shadowhand stance) and take weapon finesse (dex to hit for unarmed) since having a high dex would be needed for this build.

If you go something crazy like whisper gnome you can get extra cheese filling.

NOTE: Now I'm thinking about building a whispergnome Rogue (martial variant), fighter, swordsage that will TWF and use both improved unarmed and superior unarmed. Wait, I've already started one... :smallcool:

Yes, I'm going to keep an eye on this to help work out my leveling and feats.

2013-09-06, 11:28 AM
I'm not sure to what you're referring, there, sorry. Source?

2013-09-06, 11:33 AM
out of dragon compendium segev, although I got mine out of the magazines so now I have to make sure its updated to what the compendium has. also, I rebuilding him now for new, more martial arts/dbz monk lol. after I done will you see if it even seems reasonable as an opponent and an interesting fight?
on a side note, my players all want a feat per level, and I told them sure if the major NPCs get same treatment. and they said ok. so...more feats yay

2013-09-06, 11:35 AM
Ah. I have no access to that book right now, so can't look at it, myself.

I'll be happy to look it over, but I warn you that I am actually rather bad at telling if to-hit bonuses and ACs are appropriate for a given level. We'd need somebody else to check that.

2013-09-06, 11:37 AM
I actually meant if the mechanics all work out, not about to hit ratios, I don't care really about those, our game more about story then anything, with the pathfinder critical and fumble roller, so to hit takes a back seat when characters can break their knee caps and lose half dex bonus and other things to increase hit chances.
oh ya we roll 4D6 per state and allow what you roll to be kept. thought it would make PC over powered but hell, they die almost every other session so works out fine, also stats
Str 17 (+3), Dex 20 (+5), Con 16 (+3), Int 14 (+2), Wis 19 (+4), Cha 9 (-1)
and he a Vanara from pathfinder, so +2 wis, +2 dex, and -2 cha already added in.

2013-09-06, 11:50 AM
oh, question from my players, is fractional BAB worth using or not? they have a rogue and something else with crap BAB and wanted to know if fractional will help them out, or will it steal spotlight from melee classes with full BAB?

Fax Celestis
2013-09-06, 11:52 AM
Fractional BAB and saves are one of the best variant rules ever.

2013-09-06, 01:05 PM
I actually tend to forget they're not the actual rules, because the actual rules make so much less sense. Fractional BAB doesn't steal thunder from anybody. It doesn't even change anything unless you're multiclassing.

2013-09-06, 01:10 PM
The best use for Snap Kick is Improved Trip, as you get a free trip attempt and then an extra free hit if it succeeds.

2013-09-06, 01:12 PM
How does that work especially well with Snap Kick? I'm not sure I follow.

2013-09-06, 01:16 PM
Monk 5/Warmind 10 with Tashalatora Feat (Monk levels stack with one psionic class for the purpose of determining Unarmed Strike damage). Would also work with Unarmed Swordsage if your DM is nice about what an effective "Monk level" is. Throw in a few more effective or actual size and reach increases (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=7081777), and you're set. It's actually a fairly nice Tier 3ish build. High damage output, high AC (Monk bonus + Inertial Armor), Evasion, decent Saves, Skills, battlefield control from AoO and Sweeping Strike, Hustle for Swift Action movement, and whatever else you can squeeze from your (somewhat limited) psionic powers. You could easily throw in a Flaming Homer (Shock Trooper->Directed Bull Rush->Trip->Improved Trip follow up) or King of Pong (add in Scorpion's Grasp and Knockback) combo in there as well.

2013-09-06, 01:16 PM
oh, question from my players, is fractional BAB worth using or not? they have a rogue and something else with crap BAB and wanted to know if fractional will help them out, or will it steal spotlight from melee classes with full BAB?

You can never "catch up with" full BAB using fractional rules, much less pass it, so I don't see how any spotlight stealing can happen.

2013-09-06, 01:24 PM
How does that work especially well with Snap Kick? I'm not sure I follow.

Snap kick often does mediocre damage, and it lowers the to-hit of the attack. The trip nullifies both disadvantages and lets you trip while moving without losing your attack.

2013-09-06, 01:38 PM
Snap kick often does mediocre damage, and it lowers the to-hit of the attack. The trip nullifies both disadvantages and lets you trip while moving without losing your attack.

I think I'm still missing something, here.

Let's take two guys: one has both Improved Trip and Snap Kick, and the other has only Improved Trip. They both walk up to somebody and make a Trip attempt. Both succeed. The first guy makes an unarmed strike based on his successful trip, and another with snap kick. The second guy makes an unarmed strike based off his successful trip.

The first guy got +1 attack for a -2 attack penalty. The second got only the one attack.

If neither has Improved Trip, they both walk up to their target and attack with an unarmed strike. The guy with Snap Kick gets a second attack.

I'm not seeing how Improved Trip is synergizing with Snap Kick, here. I mean, yes, it's nice having the "get an additional attack" feat, but it doesn't seem to be doing more for a tripper than for a guy who just attacks. What am I missing?

2013-09-06, 01:42 PM
I think I'm still missing something, here.

Let's take two guys: one has both Improved Trip and Snap Kick, and the other has only Improved Trip. They both walk up to somebody and make a Trip attempt. Both succeed. The first guy makes an unarmed strike based on his successful trip, and another with snap kick. The second guy makes an unarmed strike based off his successful trip.

The first guy got +1 attack for a -2 attack penalty. The second got only the one attack.

If neither has Improved Trip, they both walk up to their target and attack with an unarmed strike. The guy with Snap Kick gets a second attack.

I'm not seeing how Improved Trip is synergizing with Snap Kick, here. I mean, yes, it's nice having the "get an additional attack" feat, but it doesn't seem to be doing more for a tripper than for a guy who just attacks. What am I missing?

Free trip on every AoO along with normal hit, and they can make a normal standard attack and the trip each round instead of simply making an attack.

2013-09-06, 01:44 PM
Free trip on every AoO along with normal hit, and they can make a normal standard attack and the trip each round instead of simply making an attack.

You can't normally trip on an AoO and on every attack in a full attack action?

2013-09-06, 01:58 PM
I think the idea is that you use your regular hit with a weapon to do damage, and then use your Snap Kick (which is probably lower damage) to make the trip attempt.

2013-09-06, 02:00 PM
Ah, for those who don't use trip weapons and DO do more damage with weapons than unarmed strikes. Gotcha.

Speaking of... do "natural weapons" count as "unarmed strikes?" e.g., could a dragon with Snap Kick use a claw attack as his extra attack?

If so, Graft Weapon could be interesting with this feat. And others.

Fax Celestis
2013-09-06, 02:16 PM
Ah, for those who don't use trip weapons and DO do more damage with weapons than unarmed strikes. Gotcha.

Speaking of... do "natural weapons" count as "unarmed strikes?" e.g., could a dragon with Snap Kick use a claw attack as his extra attack?

If so, Graft Weapon could be interesting with this feat. And others.

No. Natural attacks are not unarmed strikes. That's why monsters get Improved Grab.

2013-09-06, 02:18 PM
Speaking of... do "natural weapons" count as "unarmed strikes?" e.g., could a dragon with Snap Kick use a claw attack as his extra attack?
No. Unarmed strike is a type of natural weapon attack (albeit one with special rules); natural weapon attacks are not types of unarmed strikes.

2013-09-06, 02:34 PM
ok here is the characters. think it turned out ok, just needs magical items available to level, and psionic powers

Sun Wukong Monk 8, Sun soul monk 2, Zerth Cenobite 1, Aracnopath Monk 1, Fist of the forest 1, Monk of the enabled hand 1, War Mind 5, Acolyte of the fist 1 CR20
Lawful Neutral Medium Humanoid (Vanaran)
Init: +11 (5 dex, +6 feat); Speed: 80 ft, climb 30ft; slowfall 40ft
Senses: low-light vision,
Languages: common, vanaran, elven, sylvan
Immunities: natural disease,
Resistance: evasion,
AC: 28, touch: 28, flat-footed 20; (+2 dodge, +1 all others) (+2 cumbrous dodge)
(+6 wis, +5 dex, +2 monk, +3 con, +2 dodge)
DR: 1/-
HD: 8 (8D8+24, 2D8+6, 1D8+3, 1D8+3, 1d10+3, 1D8+3, 5d10+12, 1d8+4) HP: 170
Fort: +23, Ref: +29, Will: +25 (+2 will vs. enchantments)
Base Atk: +12/+7/+2; Grp: +17
Melee: unarmed strike +17 (2d10+5+1d6)
Melee: claws +17 (1d6+5)
2 handed melee: hammer fist +17 (2D10+7+1d6)
Additional: snap kick +17 (2D10+2)
Ranged: ki blast +17 (3D6+5, 60ft)
Offensive options: Full Attack: flurry of blows +9/+9/+9/+4, lightning fist (2 additional atks, -5 penalty),
Swift Action: fiery fist (1 SF, +1d6 fire),
Standard: stunning fist 11/day (fort DC10+1/2 level+ wis mod or stun 1 round), power attack, fist of iron (1 SF, +1D6), clap of deafness 1/day (Su: Fort DC16 or deaf 1 round), shim shoo “mind over hand” 2/day (touch atk), ki blast (2SF), fist of speed 1/day (+1 partial action?)
Charge: flying kick (+1d12), knock-down (unarmed dmg>10, trip chance)
Other: circle kick (success crit, atk 1 threatened target), roundabout kick (crit allow additional atk with same BAB), snap kick (+1 atk per round)
Defensive options: deflect arrows 1/round,
Swift: fiery ki defense (1 SF, +1d6 fire when hit)
Special Actions: feral stance 1/day, wholeness of body 14/hp,
Psionic powers (4/ level 2, PP 23/23):
Spell-like ability: sun soul 1/day (CL9, daylight, 6 minutes), sun soulray 1/day (CL9, searing light)
Supernatural Abilities: temporal distillation 1/day (extra move action)
Extraordinary Abilities: Free: chain of personal superiority 3/day (1/minute, +2 str and con), chain of defensive posture 3/day (1/minute, +2 ac)
Abilities: Str 20 (+5), Dex 20 (+5), Con 16 (+3), Int 14 (+2), Wis 22 (+6), Cha 10 (-1)
Flaws: shaky (-2 ranged), inattentive (-1 listen, -1 spot)
Traits: poverty stricken (survival +1/class skill)
SQ: prehensile tail, ki strike (magic), still mind, student of perfection, feral stance, primal living, wholeness of body, sweeping strike,
Feats: stunning fist, improved unarmed strike, deflect arrows, athletic, power attack, wild talent, fiery fist, dodge, circle kick, flying kick, hammer fist, improved disarm, beast strike, mobility, great fortitude, roundabout kick, combat expertise, lighting fist, snap kick, fiery ki defense, ki blast, improved dodge, cumbrous dodge, knock-down, improved initiative, combat intuition, superior unarmed strike
Skills: (22) +6 Autohypnosis (Wis), +6 Balance (Dex), +2 Climb (Str), +9 Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), +6 Escape Artist (Dex), Hide (Dex), +8 Jump (Str), +8 Knowledge (arcana) (Int), +4 Knowledge (religion) (Int), +2 Knowledge (History) (int), +8 Knowledge (Psionics) (Int), -1 Listen (Wis), +6 Move Silently (Dex), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Psicraft (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), -1 Spot (Wis), +2 Swim (Str), +8 Tumble (Dex), +4 survival (Wis), +4 Handle Animal (Cha),
+1 wis 4th, +1 str 8th, +1 str 12th, +1 wis 16th, +1 wis 20th

Note: he got claws by being warp touched thanks to the PCs messing around with a vat of strange magical liquid in previous campaign)

Feral Trance (Su): Once per day, you can enter a feral battle trance. While you are in this state, the raw power of the beast flows through you. Your hands and feet become clawlike (destroying any shoes or gloves you are wearing), and your teeth lengthen and grow pointed. For the duration of the trance, you gain a +4 bonus to Dexterity and a +2 bonus on damage rolls with your unarmed strikes. You can also make one bite attack per round at your highest attack bonus whenever you attack as a full-round action.
The damage for this attack is 1d6 + your Str modifier, re-gardless of your size. A feral trance lasts for a number of rounds equal to 3 + your Con modifier. While in a trance, you cannot perform certain actions, and afterward you are fatigued. These restrictions are the same as those for the barbarian's rage class feature (PH25—26). If you have the ability to enter a rage, you can do so while in a feral trance, using your increased Constitution score to determine the duration of both effects.
At 3rd level, you can use this ability twice per day.

(Feral Stance, 6 rounds)
Sun Wukong Monk 8, Sun soul monk 2, Zerth Cenobite 1, Aracnopath Monk 1, Fist of the forest 1, Monk of the enabled hand 1, War Mind 5, Acolyte of the fist 1 CR20
Lawful Neutral Medium Humanoid (Vanaran)
Init: +13 (+7 dex, +6 feat); Speed: 80 ft, climb 30ft; slowfall 40ft
Senses: low-light vision,
Languages: common, vanaran, elven, sylvan
Immunities: natural disease,
Resistance: evasion,
AC: 30, touch: 30, flat-footed 20; (+2 dodge, +1 all others) (+2 cumbrous dodge)
(+6 wis, +7 dex, +2 monk, +3 con, +2 dodge)
DR: 1/-
HD: 8 (8D8+24, 2D8+6, 1D8+3, 1D8+3, 1d10+3, 1D8+3, 5d10+12, 1d8+4) HP: 170
Fort: +23, Ref: +31, Will: +25 (+2 will vs. enchantments)
Base Atk: +12/+7/+2; Grp: +17
Melee: unarmed strike +17 (2d10+7+1d6)
Melee: claws +17 (1d6+5)
2 handed melee: hammer fist +17 (2D10+9+1d6)
Additional: snap kick +17 (2D10+4)
Ranged: ki blast +19 (3D6+5, 60ft)
Offensive options: Full Attack: flurry of blows +9/+9/+9/+4, lightning fist (2 additional atks, -5 penalty), bite +7 (1d6+5)
Swift Action: fiery fist (1 SF, +1d6 fire),
Standard: stunning fist 11/day (fort DC10+1/2 level+ wis mod or stun 1 round), power attack, fist of iron (1 SF, +1D6), clap of deafness 1/day (Su: Fort DC16 or deaf 1 round), shim shoo “mind over hand” 2/day (touch atk), ki blast (2SF), fist of speed 1/day (+1 partial action?)
Charge: flying kick (+1d12), knock-down (unarmed dmg>10, trip chance)
Other: circle kick (success crit, atk 1 threatened target), roundabout kick (crit allow additional atk with same BAB), snap kick (+1 atk per round)
Defensive options: deflect arrows 1/round,
Swift: fiery ki defense (1 SF, +1d6 fire when hit)
Special Actions: feral stance 1/day, wholeness of body 14/hp,
Psionic powers (4/ level 2, PP 23/23):
Spell-like ability: sun soul 1/day (CL9, daylight, 6 minutes), sun soulray 1/day (CL9, searing light)
Supernatural Abilities: temporal distillation 1/day (extra move action)
Extraordinary Abilities: Free: chain of personal superiority 3/day (1/minute, +2 str and con), chain of defensive posture 3/day (1/minute, +2 ac)
Abilities: Str 20 (+5), Dex 24 (+7), Con 16 (+3), Int 14 (+2), Wis 22 (+6), Cha 10 (-1)
Flaws: shaky (-2 ranged), inattentive (-1 listen, -1 spot)
Traits: poverty stricken (survival +1/class skill)
SQ: prehensile tail, ki strike (magic), still mind, student of perfection, feral stance, primal living, wholeness of body, sweeping strike,
Feats: stunning fist, improved unarmed strike, deflect arrows, athletic, power attack, wild talent, fiery fist, dodge, circle kick, flying kick, hammer fist, improved disarm, beast strike, mobility, great fortitude, roundabout kick, combat expertise, lighting fist, snap kick, fiery ki defense, ki blast, improved dodge, cumbrous dodge, knock-down, improved initiative, combat intuition, superior unarmed strike
Skills: (22) +6 Autohypnosis (Wis), +6 Balance (Dex), +2 Climb (Str), +9 Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), +6 Escape Artist (Dex), Hide (Dex), +8 Jump (Str), +8 Knowledge (arcana) (Int), +4 Knowledge (religion) (Int), +2 Knowledge (History) (int), +8 Knowledge (Psionics) (Int), -1 Listen (Wis), +6 Move Silently (Dex), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Psicraft (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), -1 Spot (Wis), +2 Swim (Str), +8 Tumble (Dex), +4 survival (Wis), +4 Handle Animal (Cha),

2013-09-06, 02:37 PM
thanks for the fractional BAB rules, I didn't think it would by two of my players being weaker characters wanting it, and my other pc is being a minotaur knight and was afraid he wouldn't look as badass with those rules.
also no unarmed are not natural weapons (oddly if you think about it) but beast strike lets you add claw or slam damage to unarmed.

2013-09-06, 02:39 PM
side note, I just realized epic monk says unarmed strike doesn't increase after 16th level...but it does on the monk chart at 20th. lol

2013-09-06, 02:47 PM
feat progression
1. Wild Talent
2. Dodge
3. Circle kick
4. Fist of iron
5. Flying kick
6. Hammer Fist
7. Beast Strike
8. Mobility
9. Great Fortitude
10. Roundabout kick
11. Combat expertise
12. Lightning fist
13. Snap kick
14. Fiery ki defense
15. Improved Dodge
16. Cumbrous dodge
17. Knock back
18. Improved initiative
19. Combat Intuition
20. Superior unarmed strike

• Back ground-Athletic
• Flaw 1- deflect arrows,
• Flaw 2- power attack
• Monk bonus 1: Improved unarmed strike
• Monk bonus 1: stunning fist
• Monk bonus 2: fiery fist
• Monk bonus 6: improved disarm
• Monk bonus 8: ki blast

2015-11-06, 01:28 PM
I'm AFB, but how would Snap Kick interact with the War Mind's Sweeping Strike? Would it be a Snap Roundhouse Kick as I'm picturing it?

I'm actually pretty sure this means you can hit four squares. Sweeping strike says you can use each attack to hit two squares, not get an extra attack to hit the next square. With Snap Kick, that means you get one regular attack at your choices of two adjacent squares, and then snap kick gives you an extra attack at another two adjacent squares. That's it. Of course, this isn't mentioning anything about any other attacks you might get, such as iterative attacks from high enough base attack bonus or flurry or anything like that. That is my understanding of what synergy there is between those two. What that might mean is that you could target the same two squares, first left to right, then right to left, and hit two targets twice. Perhaps. That would be cool.

Sorry I lost your link, I can't post links with the low number of posts I've had so far.