View Full Version : Eberron: d's and ir's

2013-09-06, 10:46 AM
Sure I'm not the first to ask but seeing as I can't find it anywhere else, when do you use (and how do you pronunce) the " d' " and " ir' " found in the dragonmarked houses and nobility of Eberron?

2013-09-06, 11:05 AM
D' means the person is a Dragonmarked member of a house... I don't know what Ir' means.

Can't really describe pronunciation through text.

2013-09-06, 11:16 AM
Found http://eberronunlimited.wikidot.com/eberron-names

The royal families that trace their roots to the original kings and nobles of the Five Nations, as well as those granted land and titles in more recent times, add an ir’ in front of their surname. So, Queen Aurala of Aundair carries the name of Galifar’s kings, ir’Wynarn, while a vassal lord identifies himself as Lord Darro ir’Lain. This practice extends to the Mror Holds and Zilargo, where some dwarf and gnome families were granted titles by the Galifar rulers.

In a practice that predates Galifar and was introduced after the War of the Mark, those born of the blood of the dragonmarked houses add a d’ to their surnames. Merrix d’Cannith, Orum d’Kundarak, and Elsen d’Medani are all blood members of the dragonmarked houses.

As an example of how to pronounce, you might be familiar with d'Artagnan from the 3 musketeers. For d' in front of vowels, just flow the sound in. In front of consonants, it sounds similar to 'dih' (I'm sure there's some pronunciation symbol for it, but I don't know it). It comes from the French "of", so Orum d'Kundrak would be "Orum of [house] Kundrak."

2013-09-06, 11:19 AM
d'(house) means a dragonmarked member of on of the dragonmarked houses, ir' means just a noble family,

For example; a character can be Bob ir'Smith d'Cannith if he were Bob ir'Smith, a dragonmarked member of house Cannith, if he were from a non noble house he would be Bob Smith d'Cannith (aulthough I can't remember if dragonmarked house members are allowed to be nobles as well)

Generally though dragonmarked members just go by the house name as it's more prestigious unless they need to let someone know their family name or they want to hide the fact that they have a dragonmark.

As for pronunciation, I recall a character in one of the books remarking that d'Deneith sounds like someone has a stutter so I usually pronounce it as a hard 'Duh' sound as in 'done'. Ir' I pronounce like 'ear' (british english pronunciations so may differ from your local dialect)

2013-09-06, 11:42 AM
minor nitpick but technically you can't have both titles in your name according to the Treaty of Wroat. Dragon Marked heirs can't hold noble titles and nobles can't retain their titles if they marry into the family. It's generally a pretty big decision when nobles and dragonmarked heirs marry on which family they're joining into, since in many cases the dragonmarked houses hold even more power than the average noble family.

Craft (Cheese)
2013-09-06, 12:14 PM
Sure I'm not the first to ask but seeing as I can't find it anywhere else, when do you use (and how do you pronunce) the " d' " and " ir' " found in the dragonmarked houses and nobility of Eberron?

d'Cannith [dəˈkænːɪθ]
ir'Wynarn [ɚwɪˈnaɹn]

No idea what the official pronunciations are (if any) but that's how I say them.