View Full Version : SC Universe ("World of Starcraft") Kickstarter last days

2013-09-06, 11:19 AM
Hey GitP!

I'm really excited about SC Universe Kickstarter campaign getting funded. They're pretty close but I wouldn't say it's guaranteed.

Here's a boss raid gameplay (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=do2lefwCLdE). The first chapter (which is free to play) of the story is very well produced too, but I was reaally interested in the project's stretch goals like the Zerg character and the MOBA arena. They're probably not making any of the stretch goals, though.

But the best thing that could happen if this project gets funded is that it could help the Starcraft 2 custom map scene to grow and become as interesting and full of life as the Warcraft 3 custom map scene was.

In the very very least, we'd have a 3D RPG campaign based on Starcraft Lore! Who needs Starcraft:Ghost anyway?

So what do guys think about it?

EDIT: oops, here's the Kickstarter (http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/747939120/starcraft-universe/) link. 4 days to go right now, 87% funded.

2013-09-06, 12:15 PM
I dropped $50 bucks on it last week. I may pledge more on the final day if things look grim.

Even a small donation gets you some pretty cool stuff. Worth it for the Upheaval Arts soundtrack alone, those guys do great music.

Seriously people, this is a project by fans, for fans, run by a great group of people. Please help keep this dream alive! If not for you than for someone else who loves Starcraft.

2013-09-06, 10:37 PM
Hey, I just noticed we have a gaming forum here too! I'm sorry, I'm not smart :P

So I'm posting this to the other forum, I wouldn't mind if the mods delete this one.

Btw, Karoht, I pledged 10 bucks but I'll donate 5 more if it is needed. That's all I can do to help.

2013-09-09, 09:28 AM
Btw, Karoht, I pledged 10 bucks but I'll donate 5 more if it is needed. That's all I can do to help.You are a scholar and a saint!
As is anyone else who donates.

I think today is the last day?