View Full Version : [PF] Panic Buttons

2013-09-06, 12:10 PM
So here's the situation;

My DM seems to like tossing the party into a no-holds-barred smackdown with powerful enemies. My last character was an ill-conceived AC/HP tank, who blocked a single attack over two sessions with an AC of over 40, then proceeded to permadie horribly (along with two other party members) at the hands of the latest boss.

Now, this is not a bad thing; the fights aren't just artificially difficult, and don't devolve into contests of bull****tery between DM and player, they're just hard. However, I'd like to have a slightly higher survival rate.

Thus, I'm trying to load up my character with contingency plans, emergency strategies, and what-have-you. For example:

Normally, my character would be just a Cleric 1/Hungry Ghost Monk 11 flurrying away with his Kukri, critical hitting, draining life, et cetera. With all switches flipped, he's hitting 8 times per turn, channeling Gentle Rest through his Conductive weapons to chain into Medusa's Wrath and a Punishing Kick topped off with Vicious Stomp, while Dimension Dervish-ing around the field (yes, I know I shouldn't be taking it yet, home rules don'cha know).

The Relevant Part:
In deference to the will of the almighty DM, I'm trying to avoid a straight overpowered character; instead, I'm trying to organize a set of limited powers such that I can whip them out in times of emergency, without disrupting normal play.

This, my friends, is what I'd like your help with; my knowledge of the game is lacking, and I'd like to know if there are any under-utilized or overlooked options I could take to stuff a few more tricks up my character's sleeve.

Limits are thus; the levels I've taken (Cleric 1, Monk 11) are static, though I can still choose archetypes and other variable class features. Nothing else is set in stone, though the game *is* tomorrow evening. I have WBL for a level 10 to work with, and point buy 28. The Crusader's Flurry and Dimensional Dervish lines are both at the core of my character, so that's 5 feats down the drain. Anything else could be readily abandoned for other ideas.

So, suggestions?

2013-09-06, 12:26 PM
If 40 AC isn't enough to protect you in melee then you should probably avoid melee entirely. I would switch to Zen Archer and let somebody else be the tank.

What are your stats?

2013-09-06, 12:31 PM
Miss Chance is your friend.

2013-09-06, 01:08 PM
If 40 AC isn't enough to protect you in melee then you should probably avoid melee entirely. I would switch to Zen Archer and let somebody else be the tank.

What are your stats?
That was my last character, I'm considering just buffing constitution and relying on Life Funnel/support to keep me alive this time around. Also, Zen Archer is terribly overdone.

Currently my stats are planned out as:
STR 11
DEX 12
CON 18
INT 10
WIS 24

(Devilspawn Tiefling with the Middle Aged stat adjustment)

2013-09-06, 01:21 PM
Quick question: Is there a reason you aren't also Quiggong Monk? Since, ya know, it stacks with everything, and is also very good at giving a character randomly helpful powers.

2013-09-06, 03:03 PM
Quick question: Is there a reason you aren't also Quiggong Monk? Since, ya know, it stacks with everything, and is also very good at giving a character randomly helpful powers.
I forgot to mention, I'm hoping to take that too.

2013-09-06, 06:25 PM
Just looking at your stats, I have to admit, I'm not really sure how you're going to be able to hit enemies, let alone hit. Did you take the feat that lets you use wisdom as your attack modifier with your deity's favored weapon?