View Full Version : [3.5] An RP use for Green Star Adept?

2013-09-06, 01:45 PM
Ok, hear me out. Was trying to think of a fun "corruption" arc for a character and hit on this:

The capstone ability of the Green Star Adept is generally regarded as a major step back. But what if the PC was trying to escape something worse?

Becoming a Vampire mid-campaign (https://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/sp/20030824a)

According to following this template, you wouldn't "become" an undead bloodsucker until you reach 7th level.

If you were a Lawful Good 4th level Duskblade (mostly qualifying you for GSA) when you were sucked dry, and you came back as an ECL 5 Duskblade4/Vampire1, wouldn't you want to avoid a complete alignment reversal (to say the least :smallwink:)? Scrambling to destroy your sire and acquire starmetal, because it meant taking yet another vampire level if your brew wasn't prepared yet.

What do you think? Would becoming a construct negate ascending to undeath? Is there another acquired template idea this may better suit?

Is it better to drink Starmetal than blood?

2013-09-06, 05:46 PM
I don't remember if GSA has any type requirements (I'm away from my books atm), but if there isn't, than that is what would happen. Vampires can't be contructs. Any afflicted template that changes your type away from humanoid would have a similar affect.

That being said, I usually give my players a way out of nasty stuff like vampirism and lycanthropy because those can really derail a character. I had one of my characters inflicted with vampirism, and it actually turned out pretty awesome. However, others might not feel this way.

As far as your second question, maybe starmetal and negative energy have a strange reaction. Perhaps your sample duskblade become a freak vampire/GSA hybrid?