View Full Version : Why is he not statted out?

2013-09-06, 08:47 PM
Maglubiyet, hes a freakin Greater Diety, and Chief god of a major race of antagonists, but yet all he gets is a slot on a list of monster dieties. Hes apparently a god of war and battle yet he doesnt have the War domain? What the hell is this??

Btw goblins are one of my favorite races and im a little annoyed that i have almost no info for their chief deity who, up until yesterday, i thought was a freakin wimp.

2013-09-06, 08:50 PM
Goblinoids in general have very little coverage. They never got a Races Of book, for one. I think part of the problem is that they're not the chief rival of any particular race, since Orcs and Kobolds fill those roles.

2013-09-06, 09:00 PM
A valid point i guess, but gnolls at least got mentioned in Races of the Wild and they're kinda in the same boat, but even so you would think that a race that is as heavily used as it is would get something, i mean since 1st ed goblin coverage has been slipping more and more. In 4e Maglubiyet is apparently subservient to Gruumsh, i mean what the hell is up with that??

The only book outside of KoK material that i know of that has goblin specific stuff is Races of Stone, which is the Stone Death Assassin, where the little buggers probably should have been since dwarves hate them.

Edit: Which reminds me of a somewhat related topic, why do goblins have -2 Cha, i get it they are not people persons, but they have the same issue half-orcs and full orcs have, they dont get anything thats worth a second negative stat, i get that not all races should be good at everything, but why are they not even close to balanced (which im aware is not something to be expected in 3.5, but come on!)

Lord Vukodlak
2013-09-06, 10:54 PM
Edit: Which reminds me of a somewhat related topic, why do goblins have -2 Cha, i get it they are not people persons, but they have the same issue half-orcs and full orcs have, they dont get anything thats worth a second negative stat, i get that not all races should be good at everything, but why are they not even close to balanced (which im aware is not something to be expected in 3.5, but come on!)

Just as there are races more powerful then standard PHB races there are also races that are less powerful. Goblins are found in the monster manual not the PHB they aren't presented as a traditional PC option so there is absolutely zero reason to balance them against anything. Stat wise Kobolds are even weaker then goblins

But I would point out that unlike Halflings and Gnomes, Goblins are a small race with a speed of 30ft.

A valid point i guess, but gnolls at least got mentioned in Races of the Wild and they're kinda in the same boat, but even so you would think that a race that is as heavily used as it is would get something, i mean since 1st ed goblin coverage has been slipping more and more. In 4e Maglubiyet is apparently subservient to Gruumsh, i mean what the hell is up with that??
Goblins are supposed to be weak pitiful creatures bullied by bigger stronger monsters so it only makes sense they have a deity to match. In 4e Maglubiyet is subservient to Gruumsh in the Forgotten Realms he's subservient to Bane. They simply changed the deity to better reflect the race he represented.

If you want Goblin love convert to pathfinder.