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View Full Version : Adam Warlock build help

2013-09-06, 10:59 PM
My friend and I are in a tower climb campaign. The DM has allowed several d20 options in the game aside from just 3.5. We can use d20 modern, future, a few others. My friend's character recently died and we ended up using another thread on here to build Thanos a new character (though we had to nerf him back to lvl5). My current character is a little subpar so I had the sudden idea today to kill him off and replace him with Adam Warlock (Adam and Thanos should make a fun team). However I'm unsure of the best way to do it. Does anyone have any ideas?

Alternatively, if anyone wants to try to help me optimize my current character, that could always help, too. However, it's using some 3rd party rules that I spent several days hunting down. He's a Yautja (predator) Soul Reaper.

2013-09-06, 11:07 PM
What is a tower climb campaign, what do you want Adam Warlock to be able to do - I guess he's based off some fictional character? - and what 3rd party rules exactly are you using for your current character?

2013-09-06, 11:28 PM
By tower climb I mean that we're climbing a tower. It has 999 floors filled with monsters (like a dungeon crawl). We can't go back to a town, we only have what we start with and what we loot.

Adam Warlock is a fictional character from Marvel Comics. He possessed superhuman strength; speed; durability; stamina; agility and the ability to manipulate cosmic energy for energy projection, flight and recuperation when he dies, he grows a cocoon around himself and regenerates). In his latest incarnation in the comics, he uses "Quantum magic" and can manipulate energy; create force fields; teleport; travel faster than light and detect or produce wormholes and other irregularities in space on a cosmic scale.

The energy projection and a couple of the other powers I think I can do by taking levels in warlock.

I just realized I might have made a mistake in my previous post. They might not count as 3rd party. They were netbooks made by different groups. I don't seem to have the links to where I found the books.

The Yautja race are monsterous humanoids with +4 strength, +4 constitution, +2 dexterity, -6 charisma, +2 natural armor, +2 racial jump and listen bonuses. They have dark vision. And they get resist 5 fire, electricity, acid, and radiation. And it comes with a +5 ECL.

Soul Reapers are from a Bleach d20 book I found. He's a warrior soul reaper which gives him d12 hit dice, full bab, and bonus feats. He also gets a special weapon that does 1d6 damage (it goes up in damage as he goes up in level).

The ECL is killing me. The rest of the party is level 6. While I started with awesome stat bonuses, now I'm falling behind the rest of the group.

2013-09-07, 12:02 AM
Given that variety of things, you probably want a broader class than a warlock. Psion (egoist) would cover the buffing, blasting and teleporting better than a warlock IMO. If you'd prefer to favour blasting go for a psion (kineticist), if you want to teleport now rather than at level 7 a psion (nomad) would work, or you could take the Expanded Knowledge feat.

ECL +5 is probably completely unworkable, yes. With that list of bonuses I couldn't justify more than +2. If you could change your race half-orc, half-giant or goliath can give the big ugly tough guy feel without crippling your character.

2013-09-07, 12:13 AM
Looking at some stuff, giving Adam's origins (artificially created), I'm leaning towards the Elan race. I guess that would go well with psion, though I'm not sure how much 2 pp matters. I haven't played a psion since 2nd edition.

2013-09-07, 12:25 AM
At 6th level you'll have probably 47 pp so an extra 2 won't matter much. The resistance ability is nice though.

Note the vigor power for the superhuman durability BTW. Works regardless of which discipline you go with.

2013-09-07, 12:58 AM
Oh, the +5 ECL for Yautja included 2 levels of monsterous humanoid, so it's not that bad, but it still hurts.