View Full Version : A couple questions.

2013-09-07, 11:22 AM
Okay first one. Is there a feat, or a skill that allows you to sheath a weapon as a free action? My brother is wanting to know. We can't seem to find one. Failing on finding one, he is going to make a feat that allows him to do that, he just wants a cool sounding name for the feat. Any ideas for the name?

Second, I don't know if is correct. But, In Pathfinder can you really wear a Body, Chest, and armor magical Item?

2013-09-07, 11:42 AM
Technically there isnt, but my group rules that Quick Draw allows you to do this.

Keld Denar
2013-09-07, 11:48 AM
EWP: Gnomish Quickrazor will allow you to use a Quickrazor, which can be drawn and sheathed as a free action. Otherwise, no. It is a common house rule to allow QD to quick sheath, though. It doesn't really affect the game much outside of really low levels.

Yes, apparently in PF, they seperated all of those slots out. Check this out:

It lists 15 body slots, and in order to get to 15, you have to count EACH of chest, armor, and body.

2013-09-07, 12:40 PM
Thanks for the quick responses. Follow up, Does Pathfinder go off the old rule of Armor Bonus. Where if something gave you Armor Bonus, you could enchant it with an Enhancement bonus and give it Special Abilities?

2013-09-09, 02:47 PM
you could call it "noto"