View Full Version : Psion (Blaster)

2013-09-07, 08:02 PM
Ok, My character died and im starting a fresh new character at level 4.

Most everything is allowed except dragon magazines and anything suspicious.

My stats are 14, 18, 16, 18, 15, 17

Im playing a desert kobold so my stats are after racials are str 10, dex 20, Con 16, Int 24 (+2 chaos bonus, +1 level bonus, +3 Racial), wis 16, cha 20.

Flaws: non combatant, murky eyed, Vulnerable.

Gear: 2 healing belts, hewards handy haversack, 50 alchemist fire, 50 acid flask (Mainly for ranged combat when needed or when to melt a lock).

Feats: Quick draw, psi meditation, enlarge power, empower power, and EK: Repair damage (No one around to heal the force golem in our group).

Powers: 1st Repair damage, Entangling ectoplasm, energy ray, crystal shard. 2nd: Energy Adaption (Not sure on this one), Swarm of crystals, and ego whip.

I dont know how to do the power points or bonus power points can someone break those down for me level by level?.

Havent worked out a build, but I do know when im not keeping the golem repaired ill be blasting unless im back stabbed again *rolls eyes*.

2013-09-07, 08:37 PM
Since you're taking Repair Damage anyway, why not make shaper your discipline and head toward the constructor PrC (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20040625b)?

Trade in some of those alchemical items for thunderstones and tanglefoot bags, since they have some BFC/debuffing potential. And if you have Craft (Alchemy), you can make them yourself for 1/3 the price.

As far as power points go, there are two lists: A.) under psion (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/classes/psion.htm) and B.) based on your manifesting score (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/classes/index.htm#tableAbilityModifiersandBonusPowerPoints ). Look at the 4th level line under chart A. It says you get 17 pp from your class. Now look at the 23-24 line under the 4th level column on chart B. It says you get 14 pp from your Int score. Add those together, along with any other power points you gain from any other source, including feats and race. If you multiclass into another manifesting class, add those pp in, too. That's how many pp you have available to spend. (But never more pp in one manifestation than your manifester level -- ie, 4. You can't blow all of those in one go.)

Consider taking the Psicrystal Affinity feat and the Share Pain and Vigor powers. If you share both Vigor and Share Pain with your psicrystal, you gain the equivalent of 10 temporary hp per power point you spend on Vigor (+5 thp and half-damage). Note that since psicrystals have hardness 8, they take 8 less damage from every hit you share this way. That should improve your survivability greatly. Also note that psions don't gain arcane spell failure, so you can wear mithral chain shirts without any penalties to anything.

2013-09-07, 09:35 PM
I already considered taking shaper, however, I believe the menu stuff for the astral constructs would confuse me further and I would spend more time figuring that out than actually playing.

2013-09-07, 09:55 PM
There's an easy-to-use spreadsheet (https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B7XkmnK-DY9YRkU5SVhCNWZqS0U/edit?usp=sharing) you can download that will help with statting them up. Check it out. You'll have to download it to use it.

Anyway, metacreativity can provide blasting. It can also do tons of utility stuff. And it also grants Use Psionic Device, which will allow you to access every psionic power in the game through the use of power stones.

Just an idea.