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2006-12-22, 10:41 AM
Fleshcrafter's Gift
Level: Sor/Wiz 3
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 hour
Range: Touch
Target: other, Hematite Amulet
Duration: until discharged
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
Spell Resistance: Yes

With a prick of the target's blood the necromancer takes one hit point from the target and seals it in an amulet. This creates a powerful protective magic item keyed only to that target. If in the presence of this item the target's new hp total falls between 0 and -9 the Amulet returns the hp and automatically stabilizes the body. This discharges the spell. If, in the presence of this item, the target dies (drops below -10 hp) the amulet crumbles to dust with the affects of a gentle repose spell lasting the caster level/days.

The reduction must be at least one hp. So long as the amulet exists this hp is subtracted from the target's upper total. The in game affects of this are a weary resolve, that some portion of you is spent preparing to defeat death. The keyed amulet is intimately connected to the target, beyond his\her closest possessions.

The caster can lift his own spell of this type at any time, for the cost of a day's 3rd level spell slot. Any necromancer can try to free the hp of previous castings and destroy the amulet, wherever it might be, with a repeat of this spell and a successful dispel magic. A caster cannot have two concurrent instances of this spell on the same target.

The material component for this spell is a piece of hematite jewelry enchanted beneath the light of a new moon and 100gp in consumed materials.

I'm trying to balance the spell. It's very handy and something that I think my players would use. I don't want it to be entirely safe though - or cheap.
I also think it could be used by necromancers to bind servants - they would cast the spell and then keep the item themselves.

I'd appreciate any constructive comment and opinion if you think its fair and balanced.


2006-12-22, 10:47 AM
It sounds like an interesting spell and seems balanced, though I originally thought about Tzimisce Vicissitude when I read 'fleshcrafter's'.

Does the permanent reduction in HP work like non-restorable CON damage, then?

2006-12-22, 11:21 AM
The idea is that the HP is bound to the item. If the item is discharged it gives back the hp. If the item is held captive it must be destroyed to release the hp. Otherwise, it can be a powerful item for further magic against the target.

I want to balance use and danger. If you trust your necromancer its a great spell. If not....

Originally I was going to have the duration last a lunar cycle but so many games have no calendar etc.... Besides I like the risk the players take for preparing themselves against death. They should put something on the table.


2006-12-22, 11:44 AM
I like the flavor of it. Like a phylactery for the living. And heaven help you if you can't trust your necromancer. It could be like offering yourself up for a daily dose of Vampiric Touch.

2006-12-22, 08:50 PM
You know what they say: A lawyer a day keeps unethical necromancers away!

2006-12-23, 11:36 AM
Fleshcrafter's Gift
Level: Sor/Wiz 3
Components: V, S, M, F
Casting Time: 1 hour
Range: Touch
Target: Other; see text
Duration: Permanent until discharged (D; see text)
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
Spell Resistance: Yes

With a prick of the target's blood the necromancer takes one hit point from the target and seals it in an amulet. This creates a powerful protective magic item keyed only to that target. If wearing or carrying the amulet the target's current hp total falls between 0 and -9, the amulet heals the target of one hit point and discharges the spell. If the target dies while wearing or carrying the amulet, the amulet crumbles to dust and the body of the target is affected as if a gentle repose spell was cast on it, discharging the spell as well.
As long as the spell isn't discharged or dispelled, the target's maximum hit points is reduced by one. This cannot be cured in any way except by ending the spell. The amulet used in the casting of this spell is intimately connected to the target, beyond the target's closest possessions.
The caster may dismiss this spell at any time, at the cost of a third level slot. Any arcane caster may dispel this spell by casting it and making a dispel check as if you were using Dispel Magic, Greater. Successfully dispelling the spell in this manner destroys the amulet. Multiple castings of this spell on the same target do not stack or overlap. They instead dispel previous castings as above.

Focus: A piece of hematite jewelry enchanted beneath the light of a new moon.
Material Component: 100gp in diamond dust.

Edited it to have better grammar, and fit better with spell descriptions from the SRD. Looks perfectly balanced for me.