View Full Version : Okay, so why do I care what others think of my RPG choices?

2013-09-07, 10:13 PM
I keep going down rabbit holes following the next new best game ever, and part of this process for me is to go and see what the online RPG community thinks of the games I get excited about. I am wondering why that is. What kind of crazy am I? And just what is my level of talent for picking games that very few others are enjoying?

So my latest rabbit holes, in case anyone might care:

Barbarians of Lemuria (I got the Legends of Steel book because it has no exposed female chests, which are a deal breaker for me.) has a wonderful simple system and simple but elegant character creation. There is a lot of temptation in a number of the offshoots to call them other rabbit holes, but as yet I only have the one book.

Qags is a really simple game system that uses a d20, but has very little to do with the d20 set of games. Also amazingly simple and even quicker to make characters than the BoL system. I do not have the main book, Qags 2nd edition, but I do have their Qik start rules and the Sindbad setting book. So very cool.

So the funny part is that I'm playing two games entirely on the other end of the scale. Both on Google Hangouts.

Star Wars, Edge of the Empire is a very pretty book in the game store, but for a full sixty bucks (and me with a family of five on less than twenty grand a month) it ain't coming home with me! Good thing the guys and a few you tube videos could pretty much teach me enough of the rules to muddle through and Hangouts has an app for the dice that keeps running for two hours at least. Seriously, though, I like the d6 Star Wars rules better.

The 5th edition of Shadowrun is the other game, and a friend in Sweden was kind enough to buy me a twenty buck pdf of the book. The game system is good and the book is pretty but falls down in the scattered rules and tables and the thing would be exorbitant to print at home making it more feasible to go buy the sixty buck hard copy. It took me a week and half to sort through all my options making my character, but now it is done, I reckon I'll have a lot of fun.

Anyway, weird how I was not even looking at those because of the price, and nobody is playing the first two because they are not popular enough. Maybe I'll get a one shot of each and throw a session at my Friendly Local Game Store, Dangerous Gentlemen Gamesellers.

2013-09-08, 12:09 PM
Only real issue is that you need to get enough other people interested enough to play the game with you. My shelf is pretty well stocked with various games, and there's a couple that I think look grand, but don't interest those I game with.