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2013-09-07, 10:42 PM
The inside of the Willowbark Apothecary reeks of death. Oh, the herbal undertones are there, the sage and time, mugwort and marjoram, even some exotic spices like cinnamon and cardamon contribute their own aroma, but the stench of Yuln Orstag's gangrenous leg won't be cowed.

"I'm tellin' ye, we're needin' to saw it off now!" Rumbles Argus Goldtooth, Heldren's resident barber, dentist, and sawbones. "We've nay got time for more jaw flapping. Give 'im the tincture of poppy while I apply the leeches above the knee."

"Not yet, Argus." Responds Ionnia Teppen, the village headwoman, "We're asking these people to track down Lady Argentea and look into the...strange happenings in the Border Wood. They'll need to speak with Mr. Orstag today."

A middle aged half-elf, Elder Safander, the town's priest of Erastil, rests a hand on Argus's shoulder. "He is indeed in dire straits, my friend, but not so dire that another few minutes will end him."

"Tsch, yer damned right. I ain't dead yet, so stop talking like I'm not here." Yuln spits out in a horse whisper. "Ask yer questions and make it quick."

Out-voted, Argus retreats to wipe down his bone saw with alcohol and choose the healthiest-looking specimens from his jug of leaches, all the while eying Dreybur's beard with a mixture of awe and disgust.

2013-09-08, 02:24 AM

Lucius is grumpy and his eyes are tired. He slept late again last night, reading the Journal. He is getting better, he knows. In a short period, he will be ready.
He also knows these people, after living in this town than for a month, even the dwarf. Lucius has seen many people and has made it a rule not to judge on appearance, not after a spitting hunchback saved him back in the Rivers, in the fortress campaign of Duke ...Cheljard was it? Never the matter. Old man Greybour, despite his appearance and manner was a kind soul. Plus, he liked dogs.

Outwardly, however, Lucius is composed, chewing a small cinnamon stick, adding that smell to the general olfactory melee. Lucius had often stopped by Willowbark, the smells reminding of home. But now, he had been summoned here, with vague talk of work. He sure needed it. His new hobby, alchemy, had proven expensive. And now that he sees the others here, his instincts screamed "Mercenary work!"

"OK then, Madam Teppen. I have come, as you requested. Now would be a good time to be more explicit. Lady Argentea? Border Woods? Incidents? Why are we here, looking at a man who definitely needs his peace?"

2013-09-08, 03:44 AM
"Well...you see...um...we decided not to talk about certain things, so as not to frighten people..." She stammers and fidgets through the first line of a length explanation before Yuln cuts her off.

"The stutterin' fool means the false winter in the woods south of town. The snow's fallin' knee deep or higher in the height of summer, and the place is infested with the cold fey." The injured Ulfen man spits the words out through gritted teeth. "If you don't believe it, look at me mits!" He hold out his hands, now permanently clinched into claws as a result of the frostbite blackening each digit to the second joint.

"Nobody said anything of, what was it, 'cold fey'? Just odd weather, the Stilson boy's illness, and Old Man Dansby's yammer about vegetable thieves." The headwoman explains meekly. "Not until Lady Argentea's caravan was attacked, at least. We thought it was just freak weather driving some animals into the fields. Nothing sinister."

2013-09-08, 04:49 AM

Lucius can just keep himself from sighing. He grits his teeth, the cinnamon stick crunching. These are prospective employers.

" Let's go from the beginning. You say that for some ...days?...weeks? there have been events concerning winter, in the middle of the summer. Somebody about a Stilson boy and Old Man Dansby? But they were not important enough.

But then a certain Lady Argentea 's caravan has been attacked. Where? In the Border Woods south of town? And this man here was part of that? How long ago?

And finally. What do you want me to do? Am I to be with a team or alone? Is time an issue? And of course, what would all this mean in terms of compensation? As is standard in these cases, the longer it takes and the more vague the mission is, the greater the compensation required."

Lucius shifts his weight on his legs. It was good that he had taken the time to dress a bit better. One of those days, he must buy a good set of clothes for these kinds of things.

2013-09-08, 06:46 AM

Marth is a large man, taller than most and heavily built. Years as a butcher have given him a form resembling a blacksmith. He is easily in his mid-thirties and his face has the beginnings of wrinkles tugging at his eyes. His dark hair, swept back, is peppered with grey. His beard is rough and scraggly, as though he hasn't had a decent shave since his journey began. His eyes are a piercing blue that stare out from his weathered face. On his left hand he is missing his index finger and pair of rings sit together. His attire is filthy and ragged, he almost looks like a beggar. A rough, matted poncho covers the stale apron that pokes out from beneath and under that breeches and boots, far too sturdy to belong on a beggar. Rum hangs on his breath and variety of peculiar odours hang about him, none of which are pleasant.

He had gotten as far as Heldren, but to get any further he needed more gold. He was broke, penniless, a pauper. When he had heard the village was seeking help he had immediately put himself forward. Paying work was best, but it was getting close to feeding work being acceptable. Besides disappearances hinted at something exciting.

Marth entered into the Willowbark Apothecary and breathed in deeply. The scent of herbs met him and he smiled. The gangrenous leg didn't seem to bother him that much, but when he looked at it his nose wrinkled in disgust. He stands back slightly for a moment, allowing Lucuis to ask his questions while his own eyes dart around the interior, running over the Apothecaries stock.

"And finally. What do you want me to do? Am I to be with a team or alone? Is time an issue? And of course, what would all this mean in terms of compensation? As is standard in these cases, the longer it takes and the more vague the mission is, the greater the compensation required."

Marth speaks up. "No. Not alone. Call me Marth, I'll be helping you."

Stats:Marth (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=650374)
Male Neutral Evil Human Wizard, Level 1, Init +1, HP 9/9, Speed 30ft
AC 11, Touch 11, Flat-footed 10, Fort +2, Ref +1, Will +3, Base Attack Bonus 0
Dagger (1) +2 (1d4+2, 19-20/x2)
(+1 Dex)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 13, Cha 10
Condition None
OOC:Craft (Alchemy): [roll0] Can Marth determine ingredients within this Apothecary that could cure the Gangrene or Frostbite.
Knowledge (Arcana): [roll1] Are there any magical means at his disposal to effect the same thing. What effect would the use of Share Essence have?
Knowledge (Arcana): [roll2] What does Marth know that could be useful concerning the Cold Snaps.
Knowledge (Local): [roll3] What does Marth know about the Border Woods.

2013-09-08, 12:54 PM

Muji's head was reeling. He'd arrived in the small village looking for little more than a bit of cheap food in exchange for a little simple magic and a place to tie his musk ox for the night. Instead, he'd been ushered in a bustle-y fashion- bushered?- into the apothecary. That was the trouble with magic. Everybody assumed you could do anything. He wasn't quite sure what was going on yet, but it smelled rank. His nose wrinkled, and he was tempted to shift into a human just so the scent of rotting flesh wouldn't be quite so strong.

The plump white kitsune nodded, glad that they weren't asking him to magic away the rotting flesh or something. "I would be glad to help address your trouble with these fey." He gave a short, formal bow to the headwoman. Habits from working the tavern died hard. Unusually cold weather was good, though. It would get him some training to deal with the cold North better, and there'd probably be decent food at the very least as a reward. Magic could flavor things to taste good, of course, but you had to know what you wanted it to taste like. Trying new food improved your options later, which was good- you'd get sick of the same delicious meal if it was all you had.

2013-09-08, 12:59 PM
Standing near the back of the room, Magessek listened to the discussions that seemed to border on arguments. He had been in the town for a couple of weeks, and had heard about the superstitious events surrounding the woods. He had at the request of Teppen, who was now treating the rumors seriously.

He would have moved closer, but the smell nrar the injured man was cloying - a mix of spices and the sickly sweet smell of decay. Additionally, he tried to keep his distance from the strange naked dwarf who always seemed intent on trying to pet him and offer saucers of milk. But when the hurt man mentioned cold fey, the hunter's interest was peaked.

Approaching the man (but keeping his distance from the dwarf) he leaned in and asked "What's that about fey? And what sort of creatures did you fight?"

Magessek looks like an average catfolk. His fur is dull silver, with dark grey spots, smooth and soft to the touch. His eyes are bright green, staring out from a cat-like face with small whiskers. His tail is long and slim, currently wrapped close to his body. At his hips were a longsword and shortsword, and he wore studded leather armor.

Knowledge checks for anything on local fey, creatures Yuln mentions, and info on the Woods.
KS (Nature): [roll0]
KS (Local): [roll1]

2013-09-08, 04:28 PM

Lucius almost winces when the other people in the room start offering their help. This would definitely lower the pay. Alas for good meaning people! One could hope that the spokeswoman would not notice.

But answers were important. If only these people could put the tale in order...

2013-09-08, 04:38 PM
-No combination of mundane herbs would cure this man's ills. Only a timely amputation or powerful divine magic could save him (such as Cure Disease). Share essence would ease his pain for a time, but its effects are temporary.
-Marth knows little of the cold snaps beyond their existence and that they're not likely natural.
-The only thing Marth knows about the Border Wood is that it's a wood on the border between Taldor and Qadira.

-The cold fey, or winter-touched fay, are creatures of the First World who have allied themselves with Baba Yaga and the winter witches of Irrisen. They're known to possess cold-related powers and a wicked disposition.
-The Border Wood is a forest south of town, on the border between Taldor and Qadira. It's patrolled by a troop of rangers called the High Sentinels, who serve as a border guard and check on banditry. Otherwise, it's unremarkable.

"Just a week ago is when we noticed the strange weather in the woods south of town, though it might have started before that. Then Dansby comes to town raising a fuss about missing crops, and the Stilson boy has some fevered dream about a talking elk. Who knows if there's a connection."

"Aye, on the edge of the woods we were ambushed, just after dawn yesterday. We thought they were naught but bandits at first-outlaws who hide like wolves in the forest. They were no match fer us."

"But then came the cold fey of the north. They appeared among us and the battle turned quick." Yuln is pale from battling his injuries, but he turns lighter still as he talks. "My people speak of the winter-touched all the time, but I never expected to meet them this far south."

"They're foul creatures who have sworn themselves to the White Witches of Irrisen, those who stole our lands in the Winter War. Tiny sprites no taller than the length of a man's forearm. But don't be fooled by their stature. Legends hold that they've taken a sliver of ice into their hearts, and their touch bears the harsh bite of winter."

"Please, this must be investigated, and quickly. Lady Argentea is a noblewoman of the Malassene family in Oparra. The town can offer you little, but her kin will pay a great deal for her safe return, or at least the head of her killers. And if you figure out what these cold fey are doing here, and the strange weather, all the better."

Knowledge (nobility) DC 10, (local) DC 15
The Malassene family is indeed a rich and powerful noble clan from Oparra.

Morbis Meh
2013-09-08, 04:40 PM
The hunched over figure that was Dreybur was happy as a clam! People were talking to him (none of them even mentioned a bath or pants either), they let him inside a building and best of all the primal gods had granted him a boon: they reincarnated his beloved Captain Majestic for him. When he first laid eyes on the massive tabby Dreybur had openly wept but something was off, CM had the ability to speak and also protested against being pet. Initially it cut the poor, lonely dwarf deep but he knew with enough patience he would win this new kitty over despite it turning down bowls of warm milk.

Currently Dreybur was focusing on the cat man, resisting all urges to stroke that luxuriant fur but the heavy smell of decay and the mention of fey garnered the Dwarf's attention. He had always been wary of the fey, never able to truly tell whether they were the good kind or the bad kind but he could always sense the damn things because his nose would itch something fierce when they were around. He knew that the bad ones had taken his dear friend away from him because the cat would 'play' with the tiny beings. Scratching his rotund belly Dreybur looks at the others with a big smile on his face "Not to worry folks! The townsfolk asked me to take you out into the forest for them, you have nothing to worry about with me as your guide. I know this place like the back of my hand!" To emphasize his point he lifts up his hand then suddenly intently focuses on the back of it "Now what in tarnation is that?" Moving it towards his face he gives it a deep sniff then licks it, mulling over the taste of it before smiling "Nothing to worry about friends, only a bit of moss!"

2013-09-08, 05:12 PM
Muji started as the rug-thing in the corner spoke. He hadn't noticed that it wasn't a rug-thing, but a dwarf. With a sinking feeling, he realized it was nothing but a dwarf. The sinking feeling began digging as he realized that the unclothed, unbathed dwarf was their guide. Well… if he could survive a transitory cold patch established by some minor fey while being led by this idiot, then he could survive the bitter far North by himself. He'd only be putting up with him for a little while, after all.

Hmm. He'd take an early watch. While the dwarf was sleeping, he'd magic him clean, simple as that. That would take care of the smell, at least.

He said nothing of his thoughts, and kept the smile on his face. "Very well. I'm journeying further north- if I am not prepared for the cold, it is better to learn while I am within a day's journey of summer."

2013-09-08, 05:18 PM
"Yes, um, Mr. Dreybur knows the woods around here better than anyone. I'm sure he'll make an excellent guide for your group."

Under her breath, Ionnia adds, "and it will get him out of town..."

2013-09-08, 11:56 PM

Lucius gets a sinking feeling as the discussion goes on. The talk of payment is too vague and the details of the mission also. Perhaps there is a way to salvage this. After all, the other fellows seem to recognize the names said here.

"It seems like an urgent matter. It could be that we could help, at least if the other ...gentlemen and ladies? here agree. But, even if the town has little to offer, there are expenses in such cases and provisions to make. Horses would help a great deal, as well as someone to tend them. Cold weather provisions and rations would also be quite handy. Finally, some arrangement with our landlords here, to take care of our accommodations?"

And at a bit delayed,also to see if the town can pay anything
Local [roll0]
Geography [roll1]

2013-09-09, 12:33 AM
"Yes, um, surely we could outfit you for the trip, and provide lodging and healing, if you need it." The headwoman explains, obviously nervous that you might refuse. "I don't know about horses, but I think the town can afford fifty gold each if you find what is causing the strange weather, in addition to whatever Lady Augustea or her family will offer for her safety."

Heldren is not a wealthy town. There are perhaps 125 residents, and that's generously including the outlying farms. It's not even large enough to have a proper guard, or support more than one drinking establishment. The 250 gold you're being offered wouldn't bankrupt the town, but they'd certainly feel its loss.

2013-09-09, 01:05 AM
Reaching down to draw forth one of his bales halfway from the sheath, Magessek revealed a dark blade. "Best find some cold iron, warm clothes, and trail food. Fey hate the dark metal, and it sounds like anyone hunting them will need cold weather gear and food."

Leaning over to the greedy one, he whispered, "Best save your efforts for the Lady's family; they're the rich ones, not these townsfolk."

2013-09-09, 01:44 AM

Hearing the whisper in his ear, Lucius shruggs and whispers back

"I am not one of the rich people, either. Help comes with a price. ButI think that this payment should be enough"

Then Lucius addresses the spokeswoman.

"OK then. It is a deal from my part."

He seems about to spit in his hand and shake it, but at the last minute he thinks better of it.

"Now, big man, do you have anything to say? How many people were there and how did these fey ...thingies attacked you? We will give them a good trash for you"

Lucius is almost tender when he talks to the man. He is, after all, one of his kin, an unlucky mercenary. If Lucius ever comes back, he will make a point of looking for the man and share some of his coin.

2013-09-09, 01:59 AM
"Yer cat friend is right about the cold iron. The fey hate the touch of it. It blisters their skin and delivers cuts they can't shrug off. I know of one place where you can get some, and that's my sheath. You'll be needing my sword sooner than me." He holds up his frost-blackened hands once more, gesturing towards a sheathed sword leaning up against a nearby wall.

1x cold iron longsword

"As fer numbers, that's hard to say. They hid in the forest, and some of them are right tiny." He hold his tongue for a moment and thinks. "I've been lookin' back, tryin' to count in my head, but it's no good."

"I'm thinkin' there were a dozen of the human bandits. They weren't worth much, and me and the other nine guards would have killed 'em quick enough if it weren't for the fey. They hung back shootin' little icy pins and magic. I don't know, maybe dozen of them, too."

2013-09-09, 04:30 AM

Marth stood silently happy to let the others talk. His fellow human at least seemed to know the status quo. Hard cash was what they needed. His mind mentally checked the catalogue of minor herbs noting with disgust that nothing here could save the Ulfen's leg. Short of divine intervention and Marth wasn't holding out hope of that. Not any more. His hand clenched at his side. He looked around at the the three hairy companions he seemed to have acquired. He didn't quite know what to make of them, the short one was quite obviously a dwarf, at least so Marth hoped. However the other two looked like animals. Standing true, but Marth found his mind wandering to his butchers trade and for a moment he caught himself wondering what they would taste like. No, he shook his head clearing his thoughts and focusing on the ailing fellow. No the herbs wouldn't work, but neither would his magic, it would only help shortly, but wasn't that better than nothing. His clenched hand rubbed the pair of rings that sat there.

Marth broke from his silence speaking up. "Right then. I'm in. A dozen or so bandits, they'll be dead soon. The fey won't fair much better. Nothing for it sept' to head out there and hunt them down. I hope Mr Dreybur is a good as he believes. I can't speak for my fellows, but I can set of at first light tomorrow. Right then, that should give time to gather the supplies and pray to the divine. I won't be needing thick furs against the cold, but trail grub would be good and a stout crossbow if you can provide one." Marth walks across to the Cold Iron sword picking it up and wrapping the belt around his waist, an action that causes him lift his poncho. It is clear that beneath it he wears a butcher's apron stained dark with old blood.

"Now. Yuln that leg needs to go or it'll take the whole with it. We know enough, now your leg can not be left any longer. I will stay, I have magical talents which will guard against the dark."

Marth intends to stay and use Share essence to help Yuln survive the amputation.

Morbis Meh
2013-09-09, 08:56 AM
Dreybur looks at Ionna with a sorrowful expression "I won't take your money, not at a time like this but I would be grateful if people didn't mind if I came around for a pint or two every now and again... He looks to the mercenary and beams "You all don't need to stay here, y'all can shack up with me in my cave! I promise it's cozy yet spacious! Oh and I really do know the forest better than anyone around I have been traversing it for the past half century."

2013-09-09, 08:59 AM

"You are generous, friend. I have a blade just like this one, but only longer, taken from the cold hands of an Ulfen. Now, I know what the damn bugger wanted it with it. And as I said, I will be sure to sent your regards to the feys when we meet them. In cold iron. And I will come back to share a drink over the tale."

Lucius looks at the others. They all seemed like capable people. Even Dreybour.

"Well then. It seems we will all be travelling together. What say you that we go over the tavern nearby and share a meal, make plans and get acquainted with one another. I for one would like to know what each one of us can do, before I find out inside a damn forest"

Lucius hopes they agree. It is dangerous to go into battle with companions you know nothing about. Ignorance can kill faster than enemies with swords, he has learned.

No need to go into full RP mode if you do not want to. Just some basic introductions and then the rest OOC.

2013-09-09, 09:31 AM
Of course the dwarf lived in a cave. He had moss growing on him- although mold seemed as likely. The crevices would be filled in with insects, the nooks with bats, and the crannies with cobwebs. A private purgatory of stagnant water and the danker aspects of nature, if his imagination was to be trusted. "The offer is… noted," Muji replied, not sure he could say "appreciated" in a convincing tone. "But it has been long enough since I have had a bed that I would not pass it up lightly."

He turned to the money-grubber, who at least seemed self-assured enough that it was likely he had earned the privilege. "A warm meal would not go amiss. The mind thinks best when the stomach speaks less," he added with a pleased smile.


Once they were seated and orders had been placed, the pale kitsune nodded to the others. "I am Muji, son of Han. I command a few simple spells. I am glad of company if there are indeed cold fey about- it does me little good to put them to sleep if there is nothing with which to finish them. As is true of most mages, my bark is a good deal worse than my bite," he said, flashing a grin to show his fangs. "I have little training in magic, but you may count on me to put them to sleep and to look after my own safety well enough."

2013-09-09, 09:41 AM

Marth smiles at the mention of a drink.

"I would be glad to spend a meal with you, but I must first attend to Yuln. As I have said I have magical talents and some lie in healing. I'm afraid I can't cure the rot, but I can make sure the pain doesn't break your spine."

Marth gives a weak chuckle hoping that Yuln can still find mirth.

"Go, I'll join you in the tavern. Besides you seem capable with money perhaps you could assist Ms Teppin in gathering the supplies we'll need."

Right then. Marth will use Share essence to ease his pain for a short while. And if possible use Polypurpose Panacea to let him sleep afterwards. Then join every one in the Tavern...

Morbis Meh
2013-09-09, 09:48 AM
Dreybur was positively ecstatic, this was the first time he was ever allowed to eat in the tavern! Picking up the sheet of cloth placed next to the metal implements he pondered its use. It had been a long time since he had eaten with company in a formal setting and as a young dwarf his table manners were already terrible. Suddenly it hit him and he eagerly began to blow his nose into the cloth then he gingerly began wiping his arm pits with the used napkin before throwing it behind him. With that little pesky bit of dinner ettiquete out of the way the dwarf began digging into the meal with his bare hands. With a mouthful of food, also a generous portion stuck in his beard, the dwarf began recanting his life "You can just call me Dreybur, most folks prefer to call me old man Dreybur but I aint that old to be honest. As ye can tell I am a dwarf but saddly I have no home or hearth I was stripped of both a long time ago..." A sad expression crosses the dwarfs face before he notices what the fox is eating "Oy Muji, what'ja eating? It looks mighty tasty, mind if I try some?" With a hopeful expression the dwarf raises one of his grubby hands and points it in the direction of the disgusted man's bowl. "You can have some of mine if ye like, I always believe in sharing! That be nature's first lesson, the world is bountiful and if one is kind to it it will share its blessing with ye! I myself have listened to the stones and waters of this land and unearthed its mysteries. For my patience I have been granted the power of its magicks, also I make a mean stew if I do so so myself." The dwarf grins at everyone with his hand stilled raised in hopes Muji will allow him to sample the dish.

2013-09-09, 10:11 AM

Marth sat at the table he looked ragged, it was obvious that whatever assistance he had rendered to Yuln had taken a toll on him. Despite this he seemed in good spirits when he sat. His order consisted of the best cut of meat the tavern had, still slightly bloody, and the strongest drink they had, preferably green.

"Well, count our magic thrice. Call me Marth. I'm a wizard and have been properly tutored in the arcane arts. In the correct words there lies power, power I can tap. I've recently completed my study and was out here hoping to get to the bottom of these cold snaps, right unseasonable they are. It was good fortune that I've found payment as well for it. Though I think I have you to thank for that."

At this Marth looks to Lucius.

"More specifically my previous area of study has led me to be acquainted with certain arcane methods of repairing the frailties of flesh. Healing, is what I speak of. Though I should warn you it isn't as neat as that bestowed by the divine. The arcane often has a price. So what about you two, what is the manner of your power if you don't mind the query."

Stats:Marth (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=650374)
Male Neutral Evil Human Wizard, Level 1, Init +1, HP 9/9, Speed 30ft
AC 11, Touch 11, Flat-footed 10, Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +3, Base Attack Bonus 0
Dagger (1) +2 (1d4+2, 19-20/x2)
Cleaver +2 (1d4+2, 19-20/x2)
(+1 Dex)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 13, Cha 10
Condition None
OOC:Non-lethal Damage Marth Took for Sharing Essence, [roll0]

2013-09-09, 10:11 AM

Finding himself in the tavern and in strange company, Lucius tries to create a friendly atmosphere.

"Dreybur, I will gladly buy you what Mister Muji is eating. But perhaps you should stick to your plate. And, since we are to travel together, I will also give you one of my handkerchiefs. For your nose, I mean.

Now then. I am Lucius Milvonis, a blade for hire until recently, from the River Kingdoms. I have fought in a great many pointless skirmishes. I can keep the front line and I can cripple a front line. Recently, I begun to study a strange Art, but I am still learning. Until then, consider me your first line of defense. Guard my back and I will guard yours until the end.

I may have seemed callous and cruel before. But my few years in the trade have taught me that morals are the first to go when need presents itself. So I like to make clear from the start where I stand and why. These people have paid me. I will fight for them, even if things go bad, to the end. You people will fight alongside me. I will then keep you safe, as long as I can hold my weapon and beyond. I have given my word and that is it.

As for our mission. I say we get supplies for a week, cold weather clothes and shoes, if you do not have them and proper weapons, if you plan to use them. And we can devise a marching order when we all know what we can do."

Edit: Simu-post

2013-09-09, 10:27 AM
Muji held up a hand. "Simpler than that," he said, and cast the simple spell that had served him so well as a tavern worker. He passed his hand over the dwarf's food. "Go on- try it. It tastes like my food now." Lucius rose several notches in his good graces for his offer, though.

"As for supplies, I am mostly ready. The only things that might come in handy would be a small mace and perhaps some cleats. The rest I have already."

2013-09-09, 10:40 AM

Marth nods at Lucius.

"I'm glad to know you Lucius and I will guard you back, though I'm afraid I'm not much to speak of regarding martial training. I can bury my cleaver in a bandit good as anyone, but I wouldn't trust myself to say I had any real skill with blade, unless it was at the butcher' block.

I won't be needing any cold weather gear, I've magic enough to keep myself warm. However I think snow shoes, may be in order if the stories, I've heard are true. Anyhow what is the strange art you study? Is it perhaps one of these foreign styles of sword play that one sees at fairs?"

Marth smiles warmly at the Kitsune as he works the minor magic. It was a spell he knew well and had worked it himself discretely at quite a few poorer inns. The source of Muji's magic was unknown to Marth however and his eyes, though tired, he tried to catch as many of of the subtleties as he could.

"A nice trick, but magic can only do so much. Give me a nice cut any day. Besides there are some meats that just can't be matched."

Marth smiles and tucks a piece of his food neatly into his mouth. Despite his starving stomach he ate the meal slowly and delicately. It was certainly the best he had in a while.

Morbis Meh
2013-09-09, 10:41 AM
Dreybur grinned at Lucius "No thank you, that would make me a glutten and that just ain't me sir. Supplies aren't that big of a deal, I can provide food and shelter for you kind folks out in the wilderness though you don't look as thick skinned as me so it would probably best that you wear warmer clothes." Dreybur notes the foxes action with mixed feelings "Thanks for the gesture but what if I don't like your food? No matter, I always eat what's put in front of me being picky out in the wilds is like writing your own death sentence."

He looks at the big man claiming to be some sort of arcane healer and shrugs "Healing be healing out here in the sticks, as long as the intention is proper and it don't hurt no one else in the process then it be fine with me. "

2013-09-09, 10:54 AM

"Oh my intent is proper. It won't hurt no-one, but me. The debt of magic must be paid."

2013-09-09, 11:08 AM
Muji just managed to resist the reflexive urge to offer to reflavor Dreybur's food if he didn't like it. He didn't want to flavor all the dwarf's food for the entire job. Maybe he'd avoid grabbing at the sorcerer's food after this.

He frowned a little at Marth's comment. The point of magic was that there wasn't a debt. You'd discovered the unguarded dragon hoard- things were already paid for. Of course, there were the dreams… maybe there was some cost to his power after all. He finished his food a little more subdued than before, but it wasn't long before he was smiling warmly again. Warm food had that general effect.

2013-09-09, 05:46 PM
As your meal winds down, Headwoman Teppen pushes her way into the Silver Stoat (the only watering hole in town) and to your table.

"It wasn't easy, but I've managed to acquire the list of items you wanted. Food for a week, warm clothing for those who need it, snowshoes, and even a crossbow and quarrels from the militia supplies for master Marth." She puffs, still sweaty from the exertion of running about town on errands. "I'm sorry that I couldn't get any horses, but managed to talk the stable-master out of a pack mule to carry all this extra gear."

"Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to explain to Menander why your meals will be on the house." She sets her eyes on the portly man scrubbing tankards behind the bar and sets off to explain your arrangement with the town.

2013-09-09, 06:43 PM
Muji hastily put down his fork as the headwoman appeared, swallowing his food. He bowed his head as respectfully as he could manage in his current position at the table. "Thank you. I shall do everything I can against these intruders."

Looking at the other, he nods at the door. "Well then. If we have no further business to attend to, I would have this matter at my tail sooner rather than later."

2013-09-09, 07:04 PM
Magessek had waited behind for a bit letting Marth tend to the hurt soldier. Once the leg was removed and the strange wizard was gone, the cat folk entered back in and approached the apothecary. "Pardon me, but I have a somewhat ... sensitive request. Do you have any ...uh ... catnip?"


Back in the tavern, Magessek joined the others, eating quietly as they all introduced themselves. When it was his turn, he simply nods to the others, and makes a quick intro of his own. "My name is Magessek. I'm just a hunter a trapper to be specific. I've had run-ins with fey before, and have no love lost for the little fairy bastiches. I have no reason to betray any of you, and hope the same holds true you. I've hunted around this part. Not as much as the dwarf, but enough to get around.

Here's to a quick and safe return for us all." . He raised his glass in toast to the others.

2013-09-09, 07:43 PM

Marth smiled at Ms Teppen as she greeted them with the news. He nodded a greeting in return before returning to his meal.

When Magessek raised his glass in toast Marth joined in, a smile on his face. It had been too long since he had enjoyed a meal at a table with other people to pass the time with. Yes too long. This job meant more than simple coin. Of course this also got him closer to the mystery of the cold snaps and that made him grin wider.

When morning rolled around Marth stood in the early summer air holding the crossbow slung over his shoulder in what he imagined looked rather dashing. Beneath the poncho a bandoleer, intended for flasks and the like, housed the many bolts for the militia prize. Yuln's longsword sat on his hip and a wickedly sharp cleaver hung beside, clearly meant for butcher's work. He took a deep breath of the morning air and smiled. Yes indeed very dashing, now if only he were ten years the younger man. He pulled his mind from his thoughts and slung the crossbow on it's strap. He had forgone the thick furs, in favour of arcane methods besides he was damned if he was going to march to where ever these illusive fey were sweating from his ears.

Stat:Marth (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=650374)
Male Neutral Evil Human Wizard, Level 1, Init +1, HP 9/9, Speed 30ft
AC 11, Touch 11, Flat-footed 10, Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +3, Base Attack Bonus 0
Dagger (1) +2 (1d4+2, 19-20/x2)
Cleaver +2 (1d4+2, 19-20/x2)
Cold Iron Cold Iron Longsword -2 (1d8+2, 19-20/x2)
(+1 Dex)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 13, Cha 10
Condition Endure Elements

2013-09-10, 12:41 AM

Lucius stood with the others in the table for quite a while, exchanging stories. He however retired early enough, to spend some hours reading and deciphering the Journal. He was getting better, he knew, but they were still things to understand. Finally, he went through the breathing exercises that Selacius recommended and proceeded to get his gear in marching order for tomorrow. Bright breastplates were for parades, but armor needed to be kept rust free, leather to be oiled and weapons to be sharpened and cleared.

Early during the morning, he is ready, his backpack loaded with military efficiency. He has his winter garments ready, but not wearing them yet. When they get closer, then it will be time.

Morbis Meh
2013-09-10, 08:26 AM
The was practically bouncing with joy at having dinner inside a real building, he almost felt like a Lord presiding over a feast. When the headwoman began walking to pay his bill he noticeably blanched, standing up he followed her and placed the cost of the meal down on the counter in front of the proprietor "Here is my meal, just being able to sit and enjoy the experience makes it worth it since I know you folks don't exactly like me being here. By the way sir your meal was delicious and I look forward to partaking in such a feast again, if you would have me of course." A sad but hopeful smile graces the dwarf's lips as he quietly returns to the table where he silently sits for as longs as he is allowed then he will head outside to a place of suitable shelter for the night.

2013-09-10, 05:19 PM
As soon as Lucius got up from the table, Muji followed suit. He'd stopped at a few inns along the way, of course, but he'd been slept in a tent most of the time. They'd be out in the wilderness in frigid temperatures for however long it took to deal with the fey. But for now, he was going to relax in a nice, (relatively) comfortable bed and practice non-pyrotechnic cantrips until he drifted off to sleep.


Muji was ready at what he considered a reasonable hour- perhaps half an hour after what most people would settle on. Much of his gear was loaded onto a stalwart musk ox, although he had on a little more of his winter gear than Lucius. He made another pass with his hand, the spell he'd cast earlier allowing him to chill the stones carried under the dark blue coat and keep him cool. When they got to the spots of winter, he'd get another coat and reverse the gesture to heat the stones. He leaned against the musk ox, smiling amiably and waiting for the others to arrive.

2013-09-10, 06:27 PM
You set out early, so much so that even the denizens of the farming town are mostly still in bed. There's a bit of a chill in the air, not enough that you can see your breath, but it's certainly unusual for a latitude and season that should be uncomfortably hot and humid even at midnight.

After an hour of walking, the unseasonable cool has turned down right cold. You turn a bed in the path and suddenly it's autumn. The deciduous trees in the forest have turned gold and red and brown, quickly shedding their leaves to cope with the unnatural weather. Another few minutes and there's actually snow on the ground. It's only a dusting, but that changes quickly. By the time your each the remains of Lady Augustea's traveling party, it's ankle deep.

The site is littered with debris and the corpses of humans and draft horses, all rimed in frost. One carved and guilt carriage sits upright, its team of horses stolen or cut free. A second, even more ornate, lies on its side near the tree line. To the south, more bodies are sprawled about what at first appears to be a statue, but, upon closer inspection, proves to be a man frozen in mid-stride and encased in a thin layer ice. Behind the 'statue', a snowy trail thick with tracks winds into the Border Wood.


2013-09-10, 09:20 PM
Muji brought his ox to a halt, frowning deeply at the scene. It was getting harder to trudge through the snow, so he began pulling equipment out of the saddles. Snow shoes and the rest of his outfit features prominently amongst these. Another casting of his heating spell, and finally he turned his attention to the grim scene. He passed a hand in front of his eyes, barking out the incantation to extend his vision to see any hidden magic. Not likely, of course. Nothing here looked like an active spell, and anything that left a trail of magic strong enough to still show up… well, he didn't care to think about that too much.

"Check for more cold iron," Muji said, a little detached as he swept the scene. "They wouldn't have taken that, right?" Returning things to the family could happen later.

Detect Magic.
Knowledge: Arcana rolls to identify spells if needed. (In order, ignoring spells on his companions)

Followed by a perception check to inspect the nearest body.

2013-09-10, 09:47 PM
Muji kneels down to examine the nearest body, but he doesn't need to take such a close look to tell that it's already been stripped of valuables. Whatever armor the poor fellow wore has been removed, along with his belt and whatever pouches or sheathes were attached to it.

Oddly, there's no obvious mortal wound on the man, just scores of tiny pin pricks and slashes. Needle-thin slivers of ice are still imbedded in the wounds in some places.

2013-09-11, 01:07 AM

Lucius was ready at dawn, his backpack bagged and loaded on the mule. As they went on, he quickly put on his winter clothes and he can be seen frowning.
It seems that there was indeed winter in the midst of summer. Deep inside, he was still not convinced.

When they get to bodies, he looks around in disbelief.

"Well, well, I 'll be damned..."

But he quickly recovers and tries to search for tracks, for loot, for any sign of what happened

Perception [roll0]

2013-09-11, 01:32 AM

As the snow deepened Marth donned the snow shoes, with a smile that showed he thought them comical. The snow didn't seem to bother him at all, in fact whenever it landed on his bare skin it turned to a wispy cinder and floated away. Marth was smiling glad his magic was working so well.

On reach the site of the attack, Marth remains smiling. His eyes dart around taking in the frozen corpses and the tracks leading away. He takes a moment to scan the tree line, loading the heavy crossbow. His muscles bulge as the weapon strains and finally clicks.

Safely loaded he walks over to the man frozen and inspects the 'statue' silently wondering what magic could of worked such a transformation. He casts a spell, in fact the same one that Muji was using and begins chanting in an ancient language, not often uttered by the living. He passes his hand over the 'statue' several times waiting to see it melt. While he does this his other hand holds the crossbow pointed straight at the thawing corpse. When the body is thawed Marth gives it a quick check over.

Then Marth checks the ornate looking carriage performing the same rite on the ice there before poking through it cautiously looking for something.

Loading crossbow, donning Snow shoes.
Casts Prestidigation chanting in Necril, hopefully preventing Muji from figuring out that Marth is using the same spell.
What spell was used on the corpse: [roll0]
Perception on the frozen corpse after melting: [roll1]
Perception on the ornate carriage after melting: [roll2]

2013-09-11, 01:49 AM
Lucius moves about the scene of the ambush, taking in the details. As with the body Muji examined, all the dead have been stripped. A few bear the marks of normal-sized arrows, spears, or swords, but most are peppered with tiny shards of ice like the first body.

Unlike the others, the corpse frozen mid-stride still bears some of his equipment, including a breastplate emblazoned with the heraldry of House Malassene. Something has hacked chunks off the body, including its right arm, which sits in the snow still gripping a handsome watered steel longsword.

The carriages have been plundered, and the overturned one contains the bodies of two young women. Likely they were the Lady Augustea's handmaidens, as neither is outfitted for battle or well enough dressed to be a Taldan noblewoman. Examples of such finery litter the area, tossed aside by the blackguards as they rifled the Lady's luggage. Three of the dresses seem salvageable, and should fetch a fine price with a little cleaning.

The luggage strapped to the upright carriage has also been looted, but the doors are wedged shut with a broken spear and the window shades drawn. The whole thing begins bouncing on its suspension as you approach, and you can hear something thrashing about inside.

If you want it...

3x courtier's outfits (90 gp)
1x breastplate
1x MW longsword

2013-09-11, 02:18 AM
@Anyone with detect magic active
No auras

Marth cautiously approached the ornate carriage with crossbow ready and slips the broken spear from the door handles. The well-oiled hinges slip open silently to reveal the animated bodies of two guardsman clawing great bloody gouges in the interior of the finely appointed conveyance in their mindless desperation to get out.

It seems to take a moment for the milky-eyed corpses to realize that the door has been opened, giving most of you the split second of warning needed to act first.

DC 11 knowledge (Religion)
These are a pair of zombies, one of the most common type of undead. They're known to be laggardly in combat, but notorious for shrugging off crushing or piercing damage.

Map and info

The zombies are inside the carriage labeled A2 on the map. To get at them, you'll have to have a clear shot through the doors on the south side of it (facing Marth). As long as they're inside, they get partial cover against anyone who has line of sight on the south side of the carriage, and total cover from those who don't.

Everyone but Dreybur can take their first full round actions right now. I use block intiative, so don't worry about posting in specific initiative order, just worry about what your initiative is relative to your enemy.

I'll adjudicate any conflicting actions that arise in the interest of expeditious play.

2013-09-11, 02:48 AM

Marth looks slightly surprised, but it doesn't last for long. He unloads the crossbow into the closest walking corpse, before ducking to the side and pulling his meat cleaver from his belt. In the same unnatural tongue he shouts out a single word.

Actions:Standard Action: Fire crossbow [roll0]Damage:[roll1]
Crit Confirmation:[roll2]
Extra Damage:[roll3]
Move Action: Ready Cleaver
Free Action: Yells "Stay" in Necril
5 foot Step into the square to the right.
Stats:Marth (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=650374)
Male Neutral Evil Human Wizard, Level 1, Init +1, HP 9/9, Speed 30ft
AC 11, Touch 11, Flat-footed 10, Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +3, Base Attack Bonus 0
Dagger (1) +2 (1d4+2, 19-20/x2)
Cleaver +2 (1d4+2, 19-20/x2)
Cold Iron Cold Iron Longsword -2 (1d8+2, 19-20/x2)
(+1 Dex)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 13, Cha 10
Condition Endure Elements

2013-09-11, 07:36 AM
Magessek woke up early and joined the others as they set out. He followed the dwarf, keeping an eye on the trail to make sure they were headed in he right direction. The strange hermit seemed to know his stuff, since he led hem right to the woods. When the weather took a turn or the decidedly odd, he signaled to the others to change, and get heir shoes handy. Within a matter of minutes, his premonitions proved correct, and he found himself donning the wide snow shoes.

Arriving at the seen of the ambush, Magessek let the others start investigating the carts and strange statue - he was focused on searching the edges of the clearing for tracks and any clues to the numbers and types of attackers. Eyes scanning the forest floor, he turned in surprise at the strange shout from Marth and the sudden commotion from one of the carts. Drawing his sword, the trapper moved up to support his new companion.

Perception check: [roll0]
KS (Nature): [roll1]
Survival (tracks): [roll2]
Add +2 with regard to fey creatures

Once the fight begins, Magessek will draw his sword (free action w/move), while moving to K6 (move action), and will attack one of the zom-biatches (standard action).
Attack w/cold iron longsword: [roll3], damage: [roll4]

AC: 17
HPs: 12/12

2013-09-11, 07:55 AM

Lucius was ready to pick up the breastplate when the sudden commotion alerted him that something was amiss. He turns only to find his companions crowding the carriage. He starts to move towards the melee as he readies his bardiche.

He has no time to think that he is actually fighting dead people.

"Step away from there, let them come to you! That way we can all engage!"

Hoping his advice will be heard, Lucius stations himself in a suitable distance that would enable him to use his reach.

Move to H5 so that when the zombies come out, Lucius will engage. Ready action? People, step back, let them break cover and come to us!
Atk when needed, with PA 1d20+6] dmg [roll0]

2013-09-11, 08:02 AM
Muji lets out a squeak of panic as he sees the dead bodies moving. The walking dead! Of all the embleer elil, it had to be the ones that didn't sleep. He shouted, "Flickum bicus!" and the curtain shreds at the feet of the undead burst into flame. They'd done him a favor by tearing up the interior of the carriage. Small things caught fire more easily, then burned faster and hotter, so they were better at setting other things on fire.

With little else available to him, Muji retreated behind Magessek, ready to add more fire. The dead things didn't have snow shoes on, so they wouldn't be able to catch up with him, he realized.

Spark cantrip more or less at the carriage door.
Move to I9. Muji is wearing snow shoes, so he can move that far in the snow.

2013-09-11, 08:31 AM
Marth unloads his crossbow, but the moment of surprise costs him his aim. Rather than impeding itself deep into cold zombie flesh, the bolt shatters a window on the opposite side of the carriage and careens into the trees.

Seeing the door open, the first zombie makes for the opening while Magessek sprints up and skewers it through the thighs with his longsword. It stumbled forward, where Lucius, bardiche raised and waiting, beheads the thing with a single stroke.

Searching for some way to hurt the mindless undead, Muji sparks the pile of shredded curtains on the floor of the carriage. In time it will rise up into a might blaze, but, for now, it isn't even enough to give the second zombie a hot foot as it staggers out to meet your waiting blades.

@Marth, Lucius, and Magessek
roll an AoO on the second zombie in addition to your normal attacks

Everyone is uphttp://i1230.photobucket.com/albums/ee498/Bhaakon/zombiemassacre2b.jpg

2013-09-11, 08:50 AM

Marth grins as he sees Lucius behead the first of the foes and swings his cleaver at the shambling monster's neck, hoping to copy Lucius' success. He isn't used to his meat moving however and his practised aim misses each time as the undead lurches unpredictably.

AoO: Cleaver
Standard Action: Attack with Cleaver
Move Action: hope it's dead, someone will of killed it hopefully.

Morbis Meh
2013-09-11, 09:09 AM
Dreybur walks with a cheery song in his heart and bounce in his step, as much as he enjoyed visitng the townsfolk his heart belonged to nature. The brisk morning air was refreshing despite it being completely unnatural, a little fact that did bother Dreyburn, causing frost to form on the Dwarf's impressive mane. He slowly led the others to the macabre sight but merely stood while the others poked around. Saying a silent prayer to the slain the dwarf resolves to give them a proper burial and later plant a tree in their honour. The sudden appearance of the ghastly creatures startled the gentle dwarf, it was true he was a seasoned guide and fair woodsman but this was far out of the realm of his ken. Disturbed, Dreybur watches his companions butcher the first of the rising corpses with the efficiency of battle hardened warriors. All the poor druid can do is silently weep at the horror, the blaspheme of nature before him.

2013-09-11, 09:32 AM
Magessek swung at the foul creature as it advanced, then stepped quickly to the side in order to flank the beast with Lucius. He didn't shout orders or call tactics ... he simply did his best to return this poor soul to its much needed rest.

AOO: Attack [roll0]; damage [roll1]
5ft step to K5 (free), flank attack w/Lucius (standard): [roll2], [roll3].

Here's hoping we take it down quickly!

EDIT: Hmmm ... not with back to back craptastic rolls!

2013-09-11, 09:39 AM
As the second zombie lurches free of the carriage, Lucius's polearm is waiting. The heavy blade of the bardiche dives down a second time, and a second zombie cranium rolls free. The headless corpse twitches a bit as half-congealed blood oozes from its neck, but it doesn't get back up to fight.

80 each

2013-09-11, 09:46 AM
Marth moves as soon as the second walking corpse drops leaping into the carriage and extinguishing the small fire that Muji had started with his magic. He then turns to Lucius and smiles returning the cleaver to his belt and reloading the Crossbow as he talks.

"Well, Lucius you spoke truthful. Well fought. Though the living dead is a sure sign that evil is at work here. We should burn the corpses, all of them. To be safe, the next to fall prey to their foul tastes could be unprepared. This carriage could serve as a pyre, Muji got it going once. I want to check it first though."

Marth proceeds to search through the interior of the ornate carriage...

Yay XP, By the way what XP track are we on?

2013-09-11, 09:53 AM
Like its overturned sibling, the ornate carriage has been stripped of anything of value. The thieves even went so far as to rip out any fittings made of precious metal and scrape off most of the gilding. Some of the finer textiles lining the interior might have been worth salvaging, if they hadn't been torn and soiled by the undead.

2013-09-11, 09:58 AM

Marth shakes his head, nothing. He hops out from the carriage and turns to the others.

"There ain't nothing, Damn thieves took everything, their lives, their belongings hell they even ripped out the fixtures. Ain't no clue in there neither."

He looked around, turning his attention to the corpses at his feet.


Anything on the two zombies, or any hints as to how they became... zombies.

2013-09-11, 10:00 AM
Muji breathed a sigh of relief as the body collapsed. He walked over, bowing towards Lucius. "Thank you. I am sorry I could not be of more assistance. The dead do not sleep, and there is little else I can do." Of course, when they were fighting flittering pixies, his magic would be much more useful- you didn't dodge a sleep spell however small you were. "I will start the pyre when you wish. No raising ashes."

Morbis Meh
2013-09-11, 10:07 AM
Dreybur closes his eyes as the second foul being is decapitated "If they were attacked by bandits or dark fey I doubt you will find much of anything, both have a love for shiny metals and other material wealth. I would prefer a proper burial instead of cremation, everything deserves to return to the soil from which they came from but I suppose for the sake of expedience it will have to do. Excuse me Captain... *cough* I mean Magessek, time is of the essence I believe we could use your expertise to find the whereabouts of the missing lady. Judging from the wounds or lack there of, Dreybur probably assumed it was the evil fey that did this and not wanting to be caught out in the open he silently scans around him to make sure that wasn't the case.

Using spirit sense to detect whether there are Fey, undead, outsiders etc etc in the immediate area.

2013-09-11, 10:26 AM

Marth nods at Dreybur.

"Fire served well enough for mine, it will serve these poor souls well enough too. Dead we are all just meat."

Marth's voice comes out slightly harsh, with a bitter edge. He doesn't meet Dreybur's eyes a second time and begins loading the corpses up onto the carriage, thawing those frozen to the ground with more magic and guttural chanting.

2013-09-11, 10:45 AM
"Well," Muji added, "barring being friends with a wealthy and powerful cleric. But I doubt I'll ever see the kind of money it takes to bribe a god to send you back." He went over, helping to thaw out the spots where the bodies were stuck. "Is there… something wrong with your magic?" he asked as they worked. He couldn't put it very delicately. "Normally, the spell's enough for an hour. Cast and forget." He couldn't imagine working in the tavern, having to chant harsh-sounding syllables every time he wanted to flavor something.

While he wasn't strong enough to be much help in moving them, but once they were in the carriage, he snapped his fingers with an odd little twist of his hand and the fire started up once more.

2013-09-11, 11:50 AM

Marth ceased his chanting for a moment to answer Muji. The ice around the corpse continued to slowly melt.

"Nothing is wrong with my magic. The magic of the spell as far as I can tell works the same way as yours. I would suppose your master taught you the common Cantrips too."

He looks a little confused for a moment continuing to weave his hands over the ice and feel the magic flow through him. After a short refrain from the chanting, working in silence, he slips back into the weird syllables. The odd phrases repeating as he works. They were comforting, for such a recent addition to his repertoire they felt, almost natural. As natural as the snow beneath his feet.

2013-09-11, 12:49 PM
Muji shrugged as they finished up their work. Wizards, making even cantrips complicated. "No master. I just… do it. It's magic; I'm a kitsune. Don't even need to speak or wave my hands for some of it- like lights or moving little stuff." Plenty of kitsune could work more powerful magic without you knowing. Of course, the number of tails was a clear indicator, so it was something that worked better when they were in human form.

2013-09-11, 01:04 PM

Marth rises an eyebrow.

"No master, No teacher you mean you just pull the power into the right shape, without the formula. Is it this way with all of your kind?"

2013-09-11, 01:10 PM
Magessek rolled his eyes before moving over to check the tracks the old dwarf had mentioned. As the others searched the carriage and came up with nothing, something struck the hunter as odd.

"Wait ... if the carriage was stripped, how did those zombies get in there?"

OOC - Here's the skill checks from previously ... I don't remember an answer, but I can always roll again if you want ....

Perception check: [roll0]
KS (Nature): [roll1]
Survival (tracks): [roll2]
Add +2 with regard to fey creatures

2013-09-11, 01:16 PM

"I suspect they were locked in there to freeze to death. It was locked from the outside after all. A more apt question is why they didn't stay dead."

Marth yells over to the hunter as he hefts the corpse and begins lugging it over to the carriage. He seems not to care that the body once belonged to someone and handles it with all the grace reserved for a sack of grain.

2013-09-11, 01:24 PM

As the second zombie gets felled, Lucius yells

"And this time, stay dead!"

He mechanically wipes his brow, though no sweat was there. When the others come to thank him, he just slaps them in the back.

"Hey, I did say I am here to keep the line and break the line. Let's see if next time will go as smoothly.

By the way, I would like to try this breastplate on. It is better than my armor and with a bit of shining it will be like new. And that sword there looks well made. Hey, Magessek, interested?"

Then the search starts.

I am putting thne breastplate on, if noone minds and giving my scale armor to the loot pool. Also, Perception again for the cart, the carriage and everything


Morbis Meh
2013-09-11, 01:24 PM
Dreybur sighs, his expression notably sad "The dark fey may have those gifts or even the learned ability to do such montrous things but I can't be sure since they keep to themselves as a matter of principle. Also can you show a little more respect for the dead man!? They may not be among us but they still were alive at one time!"

2013-09-11, 01:26 PM
Muji gave a compromise of a shrug and a nod. "Yes and no. It depends. I mean, all but the weakest kitsune- maybe those from families that have been sleeping with humans for a few generations- can do lights. The powerful kitsune don't even speak, don't even move, and they can break a man's will, disappear, set a crowd to trying to kill one another. The more tails a kitsune has, the dumber you'd have to be to mess with them. The ones that are born with other magic, though, like me- yeah. The hidden magic, it's called. No books, no master."

2013-09-11, 01:35 PM

Marth dumps the corpse into the carriage and gives Dreybur a look. He climbs into the carriage with the dead man and crosses his arms over his chest, strokes his hair away from his eyes. With an almost sarcastic delicacy. He then puts his hands together and speaks some words in the same unnatural language as when he was chanting. The words this time are softer, sounding almost sad. A prayer.

Hoping off he glares at Dreybur and silently walks over to the next corpse grunting with the effort of lifting him, though he does it with a little more care than the last, though he might just be tiring.

For Lucius as he dons the dead man's armour Marth also has a look. It seems as though he disapproves, perhaps about to say something, but then the look fades and he trudges past with the body loading it alongside it's kin. Again he crosses the arms across the chest and speaks a soft prayer though he doesn't repeat the caress.

Marth then repeats this for the next corpse, aiding Muji in working the minor magic to separate it from the frozen ground. He nods at Muji's words and stops chanting for a bit to make a point of counting Muji's tails, though his magic continues to work while he does so.

"So you have no arcane tome to contain your power, only your mind. A shame I would of loved to compare notes, perhaps I can still learn from you though."

Something in Marth's tone seemed to convey a certain sinister note and perhaps a small grin found it's way to his lips, but then it was gone as he carried yet another dead man to his final pyre.

2013-09-11, 02:48 PM
Magessek frowned. "So, these fey killed or stole everyone else, but kept these two prisoners, robbed the carriages, then put them in there with some fairy trick that turned them into walking dead?"

He shook his head for a moment. "If that's true, then we are dealing with some truly evil fraggers, cuz that mean's they left them for whoever would come looking. That also means it's entirely possible the Lady is dead - no note, a zombie booby-trap, not good ..."

At Lucius' question, he moved over to check the blade. Shrugging, he took the offered sword. "I can at least hang on to it until we can return it to his family."

2013-09-11, 03:04 PM

"Truly Evil."

Marth whispers the words, they sound hollow, empty. He shakes his head and seems to stir from whatever thoughts he was mulling over.

"The Lady. I hadn't thought to find her alive truthfully, but now that you mention it. It could be the bandits wish a ransom for her. Nobles are always worth more. Or perhaps the Fey need her alive for some ritual. Blue blood must have something to it. Did anyone see a female corpse amongst the dead? No? Well whether she lives or doesn't, I don't intend to see the filth responsible for... this live."

Marth sighs and then shrugs, moving to lift the next previously living person.

"Can you track them?"

2013-09-11, 03:07 PM

Lucius all this time has been helpinh move the dead.

2013-09-11, 03:12 PM
Magessek nodded to Marth. "Aye, there were two girls under that cart ... perhaps ladies-in-waiting. I agree that bandits would want money, but they wouldn't leave behind a surprise like this. The fey, on the other hand ... they may indeed need blood to cast some vile spell.

Either way, I should be able to track them ..."

As soon as the DM tells us the results of Magessek's checks :smallsmile:. Let me know if I need to roll again ...aw, heck, here we go, just in case. Track: [roll0]. +2 for tracking the fey, for a total of 21

2013-09-11, 03:23 PM

Marth moves the last of the corpses onto the Carriage with Lucius' help. Before conducting them a little prayer. Then he goes over to the other cart and almost reverently moves the bodies of the women, placing them also in the cart. He then moves back, standing next to Muji with his arms folded and his head bowed.

"Dreybur, do you have any words to pronounce over them?"

Morbis Meh
2013-09-11, 03:35 PM
Dreybur lifts one of his bushy eyebrows, puzzeled by the question "I ain't no priest, my words would be hollow but if you insist... ugh Ashes to ashes and dust to dust?" The dwarf shifts around awkwardly while scratching the back of his head.

2013-09-11, 03:46 PM

Marth looks solemn at Dreybur's words and keeps quiet for a while after he has finished, perhaps expecting more. Before muttering to Muji.

"Right, Torch 'em. May their souls find better than this."

Marth looks at Dreybur. Slightly embarrassed.

"Forgive me, Dreybur, but I was given to thinking you were a priest of some sort. I thought your... um choice of undress was due to religion, I'm sorry if I put you out."

2013-09-11, 03:54 PM
Muji shrugged at Marth's suggestion that he could still learn something. "Best advice I have is to not add unnecessary chanting. Looks silly to anybody who knows the spell."

He stepped back, snapping his fingers with a twist of the wrist to start the pyre burning. He should get some flour or sawdust, really, he thought in the back of his mind. Much flashier pyrotechnics, like a grain storage fire.

2013-09-11, 05:50 PM
Magessek returns to scouring the clearing for tracks once the battle is completed, but it's a waste of his skills. In the snow, tracking creatures that walk is so pitifully simple that an untrained child could do it.

The area around the carriages has been trampled down by an indistinguishable multitude of humanoid feet: the bandits and the guards fighting, then the former looting their prize.

Things become much less confused at the trail head behind where the captain of the guard was frozen into a statue. A dozen sets of booted feet trudging to the ambush site, and a dozen trudging back, dragging with them one lighter, likely feminine tread in footwear unfit for the wintery conditions.

Of the fey, there's nothing to be found. But flight is a common trait among their kind, and leaves no tracks to follow.

Dreybur has no luck with his casting. If there's anyone watching you, they're beyond the range of his spell.

2013-09-11, 06:28 PM
Muji starts along the trail with the others, a smile on his face again despite what they'd seen. "Those of you with snow shoes should get them on, you know. Hard to move through this thick snow otherwise."

2013-09-11, 06:55 PM
Magessek snorted, pointing in the direction the men took off. "Twelve men, one woman in fancy footwear, headed that way. Like Muji said, get your shoes on and let's move out."

Time to follow the trail ... but he knew it was probably best if he ranged out in front, and let Dreybur follow the trail from behind.

2013-09-11, 07:37 PM
Actually, it's 12 men. I see my mistake, since I said a dozen booted prints instead of a dozen sets of boot prints

2013-09-12, 01:08 AM

Lucius is just finished putting on the new armor (wincing from the cold) when the ranger comes back.

"Twelve men, huh? Well well well, aren't they quite a group... OK then. I am ready to go. Did we take those fancy dresses with us? We did? Ready when you are."

2013-09-12, 02:08 AM
The forest trail is wide enough that it must have be well-traveled, though the bandit's tracks are the only ones showing in the snow. It's clear and easy to follow, and the brigands made no effort to disguise their passage--not that there's much to be done about leaving tracks in deep snow.

After twenty minutes of trudging awkwardly through knee-deep drifts in your snowshoes, the path begins weaving its way through stands of towering conifers. You round a bend to find hefty iron-bound chest half-buried in the snow, apparently discarded by the thieves in their haste to return to their camp.

2013-09-12, 07:47 AM
Magessek raised a hand to signal stop as they came upon the chests. "Interesting choice of metal ..." . It seemed there might not be a lot of trust between the bandits and the fey.

He let the others look to the loot while he began a search of the perimeter, looking for anything that might signal a trap ... Or another ambush.

Perception check: [roll0] (+1 vs traps, +2 vs fey)
Survival check for tracks: [roll1]

2013-09-12, 07:57 AM
Magessek's decision to halt the advance and take closer look around the chest proves prescient. Someone has smashed a small hole in the back of the chest, just large enough to feed a rope through. Even an amateur trapper could surmise that the end inside the chest is attached to the lid, and the other end, which snakes up a tree several paces away, serves as the trigger to some sinister deathtrap.

2013-09-12, 08:13 AM
Waving the group around the chests, the catfolk hunter pointed out the trap. "I could try and undo the trap, but we may be best served pressing on and coming back later," he whispered to the others. If they agreed, he led on, following the heavy tracks and keeping his eyes open for signs of trouble.

As you probably already know, Magessek's bonus to perception is +6, with an additional +1 vs traps and +2 vs fey - just in case you want to make the perception rolls as we move, Bhaakon.

Morbis Meh
2013-09-12, 09:02 AM
"May as well keep moving forward, that chest won't be going anywhere anytime soon but before we move on let us see if any of them little buggers are around watching. They just love to pull pranks and trap people...

Spirit Sense... I have a feeling this may get on your nerves since I am spamming it it we should work something out about it lol

"If them bandits are this reckless we probably stand a good chance of sneaking up to them. I am not exactly one for killing but you reap what you sew and it's harvest time for these bandits."

2013-09-12, 09:08 AM
There's nothing to be sensed out there.

Just keep spamming it, otherwise I'll forget (though, based on the description, it's a constant ability instead of something you have to announce).

2013-09-12, 02:11 PM
Muji walked around the chest carefully, giving it a wide berth. Nasty business, although a trapped chest was a tad heavy-handed. Who had that kind of time, though? Setting up something like that. He just nodded in agreement to the dwarf. Twelve of them, though? That would be difficult. Impossible to knock out more than four with a sleep spell- and that would be lucky- leaving eight to rouse them.

2013-09-12, 03:14 PM

"Press forward, there's no point wasting time with their trap, it isn't as though it's going anywhere... Although we could trigger it and lay an ambush for whoever comes back to inspect it. Can't say I have much hope in that idea though, too much to consider, too much to go wrong."

Marth shakes his head and continues following close to Muji, also giving the chest a wide birth. Marth has his crossbow held in his hand and plods through the deep snow, seemingly uncaring of the cold. He looks around keeping his eyes searching amid the trees for any hidden threats.

2013-09-12, 06:29 PM
You ease past the trapped chest and continue forward, following the unbroken string of tracks in the snow. You're even more wary, if possible, now that you know the bandits have made preparations to deal with anyone following them.

But it's hard to stay attentive in the numbing cold. The temperature has fallen steadily as you've trudged deeper into the strange pocket of winter weather, and now the trail brought you to a relatively exposed are where a wind-swept gully carves through a forested ridge. A blast of air straight out of the arctic howls through the cut, piling up waist-high snow drifts and piercing through your furs like an icy dagger.

120 each, for bypassing the trap

Rolls to be made
Fortitude save to avoid non-lethal cold damage and fatigue (anyone using Endure Elements is immune, anyone in cold weather gear gets +5 to their save)

Roll perception

2013-09-13, 08:18 AM
Muji hiked through the freezing pocket of winter. It was strange, though. It wasn't like normal winter- you could still see frozen flowers here and there, for instance. He refreshed the heat on the stones inside his coat, glancing back. Lucius didn't seem to be holding up very well in the cold despite his heaving coat. "You okay? Dreybur, Marth- can either of you cast that protection spell again? I don't think he's doing very well."

Morbis Meh
2013-09-13, 08:23 AM

Dreybur ploughed comfortable through the snow drifts without a care in the world, the powder snow sticking to his matted beard giving himself a comical appearence. He notices the others shivering and feels bad though there isn't much he can do about it at this point in time.

"Oh I be fine, don't you worry bout little ole me... though unfortunately I don't have the ability to releive Marth from the cold. I didn't think it would be this big of a problem, I just keep myself protected out of habit, wouldn't want to get frostbite on my cheeks, eh?" The dwarf lets out a hysterical barking noise that sounds similar to the death throes of a hyena being put through a meat grinder.

2013-09-13, 08:29 AM

Marth wades through the snow with a certain amount of determination. As the wind and snow pick up he continues to plod on with any ill effect. The clothes he is wearing are obviously not thick enough to protect him from the cold yet he doesn't show even the slightest signs of cold. The wind swept snow seems to find no purchase on him, briefly glowing like a cinder and floating away. As they continue through the snow this effect persists. However the snow still manages to claim a foothold coating his hair, beard and rugged poncho in a fine layer of frost that gently steams.

"Don't fret Dreybur, I've taken similar precautions to you. My magic keeps my blood warm. I've got enough in reserve to help any of you should you need it. Lucius, the cold seems to be affecting you perhaps I could offer my aid."

2013-09-13, 08:45 AM
As you stop to help Lucius, Dreybur, thoughtful guide that he is, busies himself keeping watch (or maybe he's just enjoying the splendor of winter in a forest, however unnatural).

Regardless, he's the only one to spot the matched pair of slitted, serpentine eyes staring up from the snow bank filling the gulch alongside the path. There's no telling exactly what has buried itself there as long as it body remains hidden, but there's no mistaking the classic strategy of an ambush predator.

No map. Dreybur acts first, move OR standard action. He's a 5' step away from the creature, the rest of you are a move action away.

Morbis Meh
2013-09-13, 09:34 AM
Dreybur watches the glittering snowbanks peacefully and his eyes finally stop on another pair of eyes "By my ancestors beard WE ARE UNDER ATTACK! A dart of acid appears in his hand then is launched at the creature.

Know: Nature to identify it [roll0]

2013-09-13, 09:55 AM
At the dwarf's cry of ambush, Magessek launched himself forward, his sword at the ready. With cat-like reflexes ([i[OOC Oh yes I did![/i]), the hunter slashed down at the lurking creature, searching for signs of any more attackers.

Partial charge - Attack w/MW longsword: [roll0], damage: [roll1]

AC: 17; HPs: 12/12

Morbis Meh
2013-09-13, 10:24 AM
With his shot go completely wide, and taking out a tree, Dreybur retreats back 25 ft and launches another dart at the creature.

well lets try this again with a -2 to hit or is it -4 for shooting into melee... what ever nothing better to do and I am not wasting my spells on this thing.

attack [roll0]
damage [roll1]

of course it hits for minimum damage :smallsigh: oh well!

2013-09-13, 10:35 AM

Lucius thought himself no stranger to cold. He had his winter clothes on and he was pretty sure that no winter was going to deter a seasoned veteran. But he was wrong. The new armor was colder than the old one, and the cold seemes to slip through the cracks of his clothes. Slowly, his cheecks started to burn and his hands to tremble. But he kept on, careful not to show anything.

"Do not worry about me... I will be fine..."

As Lucius was ready to protest the ministrations, he saw Dreybour jump. Well, if the battle did not warm him up,, nothing would. He unjacks his bardiche as he runs towards the predator

Charge at the thingy, with -1 due to the cold, PA [roll0] dmg [roll1]

2013-09-13, 10:40 AM
Muji threw his hands up, uttering "Neru!" and making a pass with his hands at the thing in the bushes.

Sleep spell, DC 16
10 ft. radius., centered 5ft. behind the predator.

2013-09-13, 01:00 PM

Marth is busy approaching Lucius, the sudden warning from Dreybur has him spinning around bringing the crossbow up, but hesitates from firing for a moment, worried about hitting one of his new comrades. Even as Lucius rushes in to deal with the creature, Marth is still stood holding the crossbow...

If the creature is still up when Marth's initiative arrives he fires.
Standard Action: Fire into Melee with Crossbow.
Critical Confirmation:[roll2]
Extra Damage:[roll3]
Move Action: Draw cleaver.
Spellcraft on Muji's spell (if he casts it.): [roll4]
Knowledge (local) on the beastie. Is it native to this region? [roll5]
If the creature gets put to sleep by Muji and Marth succeeds in his spellcraft Marth doesn't fire, he instead approaches the sleeping creature then shoots point blank into his skull, assuming no-one else gets the honours first. Coup de Grace.

2013-09-13, 01:19 PM
Dreybur's bolt of acid splashes harmlessly against the wall of snow blasted into the air as the white-colored serpentine creature erupts from its hiding place. It snaps viciously at the bearded woodsman, but only gets a mouth full of the dwarf's second shot of acids for its troubles.

The creature rears back, spitting and retching to get the caustic goo out of its maw, and providing a perfect opening for Lucius and Magessek. Sword and bardiche strike hard, cleaving free two great chunk of alabaster-scales flesh.

Muji hangs back and launches a spell to to put the thing to sleep, but it's about as effective as the bolt that Marth launches wide of the entire melee.

2013-09-13, 01:55 PM
It looked like some giant white snake, but nothing Magessek had ever seen. Sliding to the side, he tried to put the snake between himself and Lucius, hoping to flank the beast like the undead before.

5ft step to the side to try and flank w/Lucius.
Attack w/MW longsword: [roll0], damage: [roll1]

Morbis Meh
2013-09-13, 02:25 PM
The bearded wonder wends his way back to Lucien and taps him on the shoulder "It be a Tatzelwyrm lad, a stunted dragon of sorts, go right for its gizzard!" A slight magical pulse comes out of the dwarf and into the warrior as he finishes speaking.

Casting guidance on Lucien for +1 to his next roll

2013-09-13, 02:47 PM
With one last thrust, Magessek piecres through the tatzlwyrm's leathery hide and skewers it's heart (or maybe some other vital bit. It's hard to tell where the organs are in a herpetiform). In any event, the injured, angry, jaw-snapping beast suddenly becomes limp, and still, and rather dead.

The adrenalin fades, and all that's left is the bitter cold, now given a sharper bite by the sweat of your exertions.

120 each

2013-09-13, 03:02 PM

Marth smiles and tries to hide the startlement on his face. Twice now something had caught him off-guard and he had lost a bolt to the frozen forest.

"Aye, it is a Tatzlewyrm, unusual to see one here. Is anybody hurt? It's poisonous see. Now I think I find some safe meat on it to cook later. I would love to try it, don't worry I'm a professional at this."

Marth slings the crossbow over his shoulder and walks up to the dead monster. As he passes Muji he smirks and comments.

"Chanting might make be look silly to some, but you should know that spell is ultimately useless against it's kind. Besides what if you had caught Lucius, take more care. I dare say it'll be good against those we hunt though."

Reaching the warm corpse of the Tatzlewyrm Marth proceeds, assuming no one objects to butcher the carcass. He works swiftly obviously not wanting to delay the group to long. He strips off the poncho while he works, underneath he is clearly wearing a butcher's apron.

OOC:Proffesion (Butcher):[roll0]
Craft (Alchemy):[roll1]

Attempting to harvest nice cuts of meat, not the entire thing, and obtain the poison glands.Stats:Marth (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=650374)
Male Neutral Evil Human Wizard, Level 1, Init +1, HP 9/9, Speed 30ft
AC 11, Touch 11, Flat-footed 10, Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +3, Base Attack Bonus 0
Dagger (1) +2 (1d4+2, 19-20/x2)
Cleaver +2 (1d4+2, 19-20/x2)
Cold Iron Cold Iron Longsword -2 (1d8+2, 19-20/x2)
(+1 Dex)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 13, Cha 10
Condition Endure Elements

Morbis Meh
2013-09-13, 03:12 PM
The dwarf watches the large man butcher the animal "I don't mean to be critical of you while you're doing your craft but those be it's poison glands, if you want to harvest it than I suggest you let me our Tracker do it... poison is a messy business."

Last time I check craft alchemy wasn't used for harvesting poison, that falls under survival if I recall correctly. I can roll it if our 'butcher' wants to but he will have to ask.

2013-09-13, 03:18 PM
Magessek cleaned his sword off in the snow, looking over the beast they had slain. "I've never seen one of these ... anyone know what in the abyss it's doing here?" He was never a believer in coincidence, and the fact that this thing had been lurking around the chests left him wondering. Perhaps this was a common set-up, and the snake-thing knew a free meal when it saw one. Or maybe the bandits set up here on purpose, knowing the beast lurked nearby. Either way, it was dead and the bandits were still up ahead.

As Marth moved to work his mundane magic on the thing, Magessek simply shrugged and looked about for any tracks or items of interest.

Perception: [roll0]
Survival: [roll1]
Wow ... crappy rolls!

2013-09-13, 03:24 PM

Marth looks up from his work and then down at his tools. True enough he had never actually handled harvesting raw toxins from such a beast. Or any beast for that matter... Marth hesitated. Then he smiled and passed Dreybur a blade.

"Might as well, truth be told I've never carved up anything as exotic as this. Besides if you can tell what I'm trying to do I'm obviously making a hash of it."

"My guess is it was drawn here by the abnormal weather. It might be connected with why, but I simply suspect is an opportunistic hunter."

OOC:Crack on Morbis. Though I'm still going to carve up some steaks for us. Omnomnom. Oh and feel free to assume Marth gives you any tool you may request. Blade, vial and weird squiggly thingamabum.

Morbis Meh
2013-09-13, 04:07 PM
The dwarf shrugs "They be common enough if these parts, just a local hunter so nothing to get uppity about. Lets have a look see, gonads... intestine, stomach... ah! There be those little buggers, probably not going to get much from them just enough to coat one blade at most." Hunching over the slice open beast he uses his bare hands to extract the gland while taking a vile to allow excess poison to spill inside of it.

Officially Dreybur shall be known as the Dragon Milker! Unless he fails XD survival [roll0] please don't let me have starbin's luck XD

2013-09-13, 04:11 PM

It was all over in a second. Lucius whispers a "And stay down!" and then gets back to trying to warm his fingers. It is only later that he takes a good look that he shakes his head. In a few hours he has seen more strange things that in his whole life so far.

"We attract the strange, don't we?"

2013-09-13, 04:32 PM

Marth stands there watching Dreybur work holding the offered knife. When he realises Dreybur doesn't intend to use it he busies himself instead with fetching a suitable container for the gland. From within his pack his finds a suitable vial and places the gland within before tightly sealing it.

"Thanks, Dreybur you certainly know your way around a creature's insides."

With his prize in hand Marth returns to removing some choice cuts of meat from the deceased monster.

Still covered in the fresh blood of the wyrm turns to Lucius.

"Well then, did that warm you up. Ready to push forward or do you require some magical assistance?"

2013-09-13, 04:37 PM
Anyone who thought the tatzylwyrm smelled bad on the outside is in for a shock when Martch slits it open. The bitter stench of its poisonous breath seems to permeate the creature's vitals, particularly its bloated liver. A few moments of fishing around in the viscera yields the creature's poisons glands, just ahead of the lungs, and Dreybur deftly extracts them while Marth goes to work cutting a few steaks from the wyrm's fatty tail.

2013-09-13, 05:17 PM

Despite the stink of the beast Marth seems unfazed, perhaps he is just used to the stench or has another spell protecting him. Marth straightens up from his work and wipes his hands and his blades on his apron, before throwing his poncho back on. The steaks are quickly wrapped in brown paper and stowed away. Before he does this however he chants for a moment, causing the dripping blood to whisk away ensuring the fresh steaks don't leak. Tools packed and his borrowed crossbow reloaded Marth waits, looking to Lucius and the others.

How many doses of poison. And any check I can perform to ID the posion. I'll make the roll and leave the appropriate skill up to you.


2013-09-14, 12:48 AM

"Nine hells, if I knew the stench, I would have let it leave!"

Lucius covers his nose, while still trembling.

"Let 's go lads. The cold is not getting better."

2013-09-14, 01:28 AM
The march continues, and while the conditions aren't getting much better, the temperature seems to have stopped falling. But that's cold comfort, as the chill is already enough for your breath to form icicles on facial hair and mufflers.

Another mile finds you off the exposed ridge and back among the trees, where the wind can't bite at you. It also find you faced with a strange sight. The trees in this copse are decorated with odd little fetishes, bundles of feathers bound with leather thongs and pierced through with little pins. They dangle from the lower branches like some kind of macabre orchard.

Your spirit sense is tingling. There's something out there, but you'll need a couple more rounds to sort it out.

2013-09-14, 06:20 AM

Marth looks a bit worried about Lucius as he shivers in the cold, but decides not to press the issue. The mercenary surely knows his own limits better than he. As the weather worsens Marth scratches his beard snapping of some of the icicles that have formed there. In his fingers these quickly flare and diminish. When they reach the strange fetishes Marth stops and begins to look about, searching the tree line for watchers or an ambush. Their prey was out there somewhere.

The fetishes intrigued Marth, after waiting a short moment he approaches one and then stops short. A thought occurs to him and he turns to ask Muji.

"Muji, these could be some kind of low witchcraft. I noticed earlier today at the site bandits attack you used a cantrip that could reveal magical signatures, do you mind using it again here, if you have the strength. I just want to be sure before I touch one of them that my hand isn't going to dissolve."


2013-09-14, 06:37 AM
A closer examination suggests that the hanging fetishes are less talismans of arcane might and more disturbing monuments to their creator's perversity. Each bundle of feathers is in fact a crow, bound in leather, pierced with miniature arrows, and left dangling in the frigid air to freeze to death.

2013-09-14, 07:27 AM

Despite Marth's caution he was almost certain that the hanging talismans weren't harmful. Almost...

2013-09-14, 08:25 AM
Muji examined the fetish, trying to keep the sick feeling in his stomach from rising any higher. Crows… dead crows. This was unthinkable in the literal sense that he couldn't have imagined this kind of perverse sacrifice. Crows were smart, which made it even worse. A sweep over them didn't reveal any magic, much to his surprise. He'd expected pinpricks of necromantic energy all over, the crows serving as fuel. But there wasn't even that much reason behind it. It was for sick pleasure or in honor of a cruel deity.

Muji shook his head. "They're pointless. No collecting the pain, no spell waiting to raise the corpses, nothing. Somebody did this because they wanted to." Assuming, for a moment, that it had been himself- that he'd been the sort of person to, probably with a group, string up countless crows as painfully as possible… what would he do?

He'd watch them.

Muji started backing up slowly, moving out away from the crows and back towards the area exposed to the wind. He'd have watched the crows from somewhere comfortable.

2013-09-14, 09:02 AM

Marth watched Muji work intently, his eyes following the subtle hand gestures of the incantation. As Muji sweeps over the fetishes he makes sure to stand slightly behind him so as not to interfere with the spell.

"No magic. Must be a warning then. Here starts there territory. Here starts our hunt. Well then we must be close, Yuln said there was a dozen of each, might be a tough fight straight up. Even for you Lucius. We could attack at night, Muji's magic could take out the guards and we could slaughter them in their sleep. Besides anything else it has less risk for the Lady, an open fight could see her hurt."

While he talks he approaches one of the fetishes and cuts it down examining it closely, before throwing it aside in disgust. He doesn't pay any mind to Muji's retreat, dismissing it as squeamishness.

2013-09-14, 11:56 AM
As the group approached the fetishes, Magessek frowned. The two mage-types were discussing the possible mspystic nature if the crows, but he just shook his head. He knew it was the work of the winter fey - cold, cruel, and inhuman. Pulling free his own longsword, the trapper searched around to see if there were any other signs of the little monsters ... and to double-check that the traks continued through here.

"These bandits may be working with the fey. But it is just as likely they are working for ... whether by choice or by magiks."

KS (Nature): [roll0] to validate these are fey markings, and remember any other useful info about their nesting/camping habits.
Perception check: [roll1] for signs of traps or other markings, etc (+1 vs traps, +2 vs fey)
Survival: [roll2] to verify the tracks go through here ... And +2 for any fey related tracks.

2013-09-14, 12:12 PM

"You think they could be ensorcelled?"

Marth considers what Magessek said for a moment before speaking again.

"If they were leashed by magic, why would they rob the valuables. Do the fey care for worldly wealth? No I think these bandits are just rotten to the core, as rotten as these vile fey."

Knowledge:[roll0] If the bandits were under magical control would Sleep still effect them?

2013-09-14, 06:24 PM

Knowledge:(1d20)[15] If the bandits were under magical control would Sleep still effect them?

Barring some obscure spell interaction rule I'm unaware of, yes it would.

You know of no particular reason why the fey would target crows, but the tiny arrows are unmistakably their handiwork.

no traps, nor any new tracks beyond the ones you're already following.

The bandits' tracks continue right through this area.

2013-09-14, 06:32 PM
"I doubt the bandits did this- unless the fey ensorcelled all the crows as well. No way for clumsy humans to catch this many. More likely it's fey territory that they foolishly ran into, and the crows have been like this for some time," Muji suggested. If the fey could catch all these crows, they would be fast and nimble. Unpleasantly so.

2013-09-15, 04:56 AM

"Aye, the fey. Lets hope they find us more difficult than some crows. I intend to ram this sword up one, till it taste's the cold iron."

2013-09-15, 11:21 AM
"You think they could be ensorcelled?"

Magessek shrugged. "It's possible. Or they could just be money-grubbin', opportunistic thieves."

"I doubt the bandits did this- unless the fey ensorcelled all the crows as well. No way for clumsy humans to catch this many. More likely it's fey territory that they foolishly ran into, and the crows have been like this for some time," Muji suggested.

The catfolk hunter frowned. "Of course the bandits didn't do this. I'm talking about why they're working together ... fey usual don't need big folk, so there has to be a reason. Best be getting on, while that lady is still alive.

But keep your eyes open."

Turning back to the trail, Magessek noticed a strange look on the dwarf's face. "What's the matter, Old Man? Frost finally getting to your tenders?"

I'm ready to press, but want to make sure MM has a chance to respond ...

Morbis Meh
2013-09-16, 09:33 AM
Dreybur's nose soon begins to itch like crazy, at first he doesn't pay much heed to the warning and scratches it idly while examing the crows. Though he eventually realizes what is going on before he exclaims "We have company laddies! Give me a moment or two and I will be able to tell you a wee bit more of the nature of said company. I would ready my weapons if I were you, cold iron just in case."

Perception [roll0] also will take more time to focus on what is in the area

2013-09-16, 09:43 AM
Muji puts his hands up, making the warding gestures and speaking the words to conjure up a layer of force to protect himself against whatever lurked in the crow-hung trees. Hopefully the crazy dwarf knew what he was talking about, but the spell was good for an hour.

2013-09-16, 09:58 AM
Magessek snorted, his cold-iron longsword already out. "Tell me something I didn't know ..." he muttered to himself, as his eyes searched the shadows and branches of the trees, looking for the tell-tale signs of fey.

Taking 10 on perception, if possible - 16 for normal stuff; 18 vs fey

2013-09-16, 10:05 AM

Marth tries to spot the unseen enemy. His fingers drum against the side of the crossbow as his hand inches closer to the release mechanism. Marth shifted slightly making sure that Yuln's longsword was within grasp and not hidden beneath his clothes. He didn't want to look like a fool when he drew it. Muji's spell intrigued him and he found himself wishing he had something similar, but if the pain was to come he would just endure it.

Stat:Marth (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=650374)
Male Neutral Evil Human Wizard, Level 1, Init +1, HP 9/9, Speed 30ft
AC 11, Touch 11, Flat-footed 10, Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +3, Base Attack Bonus 0
Heavy Militia Crossbow (38) +1 (1d10, 19-20/x2)
Cleaver +2 (1d4+2, 19-20/x2)
Cold Iron Yuln's Longsword -2 (1d8+2, 19-20/x2)
(+1 Dex)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 13, Cha 10
Condition Endure Elements

2013-09-16, 10:54 PM
Dreybur's warning carries far among the decorated trees, and while his words have put you all on your toes, it's also served to warn any enemies who might understand the common tongue. There's stillness for a few heartbeats as the news sinks in to both side, while Dreybur strives to refine his search.

There are three auras in the area, all faint. One more round of studying the area (ie: doing nothing but looking) and you'll know their locations.


Lucius and Magessek may act, full round actions. Though they don't know where the enemies are, they can still draw weapons, reposition as desired, ready an action, or anything else they can think to do.

2013-09-17, 12:50 AM

Lucius has been watching grimly, lips silently stuttering, at the gruesome sight, trying to scan the perimeter. The dwarf 's shouting propelles him into action. Drawing his bardiche, he goes to stand where he can cover most ground.

"Lads, get behind me and Magessek. This smells trouble"

Moving to J8. I suggest that we reform behind the frontliners.

Morbis Meh
2013-09-17, 09:34 AM
Dreybur calmly stays still, focusing intently on the auras around him "Stay sharp lads, there be three of them, give me a little more time and I can pinpoint them for ye."

Dreybur shall make his full round action to locate said enemies

2013-09-17, 03:09 PM
While Dreybur concentrates and you prepare for what's to come, the fey act. Icy needles shoot down from the trees ahead, pricking Lucius and Dreybur. The tiny arrows themselves are virtually harmless, but a sinister cold seeps from the tiny wounds, numbing flesh and stiffening joints as it quickly spreads

@Dreybur, Lucius
1 damage each, DC 11 fort save or staggered (1 move or standard action only) for one round)

Much closer to the group, a tiny figure drops out of the tree near Muji and Magessek. He halts at eye-level on lazily flapping moss wins and points. A rainbow swath of color jumps from his extended finger, shrouding the pair in scintillating lights.

@Muji, Magessek
DC 12 will save or...
Muji: unconciouis [roll0], blinded and stunned[roll1], and blinded for one additional round
Marth: unconciouis [roll2], blinded and stunned[roll3], and blinded for one additional round


DC 11 knowledge (nature)These are winter-touched sprites. Similar to typical sprites, including their resistance to non-cold iron weapons, but with a cruel, territorial streak where their more common cousins are skittish and shy. Like all winter-touched fey, their preternatural relationship with frost grants them immunity to cold and gives their attacks a temporary numbing effect.

DC 8 Perception
one of the archers, another diminutive fey, up in a tree at D8, out of reach of anything but missile weapons.

DC 15 Perception (use the same roll)
There's another such archer in the sapling at G3. This one is close enough to the ground to attack with a reach weapon.

2013-09-17, 03:29 PM
Muji saw a faerie drop out of the tree, shooting out a cone of rainbow colors at them. For once, poor eyesight came in handy, and the shifting colors did little to faze him. "My turn," he muttered, flicking his hands at the faerie, weaving the spell to ensnare the little bug. "Step up and finish him if he's down!" He moved back, trying to distance himself from the group.*

Sleep spell, centered at eye level, intersection J-K 11-12, ten foot radius. Move to H6*.

*EDIT: If the ally next to Muji is knocked out AND the faerie is knocked out, then Muji doesn't move.

2013-09-17, 03:41 PM

Lucius feels the cold again, but this time he is too angry to care. He at last sees an enemy

"You want colors? I will show you colors!"

Lucius advances at the fey, his bardiche whooshing in the air

Move to H11, attack
PA atk [roll0] dmg [roll1]

2013-09-17, 03:42 PM

As the fey creature fell out of the tree weaving shifting colours about it Marth caught sight of another movement. The colours washed over Marth and he immediately began chanting again in the foul language. Almost as a reflex. Marth turned ignoring the scintillating fey in favour of the hidden one. As the colours faded and Marth's rapid chanting ceased he yelled loudly.

"There's one, in that tree."

As if to point, Marth fired the crossbow the bolt sailing into the branches. Before tossing the crossbow in the soft snow and pulling Yuln's sword. The cold iron blade unsteady in his hands.

OOC:Standard Action: Fire Crossbow at D8 [roll0]Damage:[roll1]
Confirm Critical:[roll2]
Extra Damage: [roll3]Move Action: Draw Cold Iron Longsword

Spellcraft on the icy needles. [roll4]
Spellcraft on the scintillating colours. [roll5]Stats:Marth (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=650374)
Male Neutral Evil Human Wizard, Level 1, Init +1, HP 9/9, Speed 30ft
AC 11, Touch 11, Flat-footed 10, Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +3, Base Attack Bonus 0
Heavy Militia Crossbow (38) +1 (1d10, 19-20/x2)
Cleaver +2 (1d4+2, 19-20/x2)
Cold Iron Yuln's Longsword -2 (1d8+2, 19-20/x2)
(+1 Dex)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 13, Cha 10
Condition Endure Elements

2013-09-17, 05:38 PM
Magessek knew their foes were winter-born, which made sense for the weather ... if only the weather made sense for these woods! As the first one appeared, he caught to flickers of movement ... two fey hiding in the trees.

"Ware yourselves! They carry cold in their touch, and there are two more in the trees, there and there!" Then he rushed forward to attack the closet one. He knew of their penchant for sliding to the left, so he aimed his blade to catch just to the left as he swung, intent on cutting the small, cruel creature in half.

I rolled in the OOC - let me know if you need anything else! If it makes more sense, Magessek could charge the one at G3, too!

2013-09-17, 06:34 PM
The sprite's color spray spell sputters and dies as Magessek slinks forward in the blink of an eye and cleaves its extended arm clean off with a single stroke. The diminutive fey creature spouts a chain of foul language in sylan as it clutches its abbreviated limb, but Lucius's bardiche separates its head from its body before it can spit out the the final conclusion of its thesis on Magessek's mother's ancestry. Muji, seeing the creature fall, stifles his own casting.

The sprite hiding in the sapling fires ineffectually at Marth as the man shouts out its location, but the third archer manages to squeeze another freezing missile through a chink in Lucius's armor.

1 damage, DC 11 fort of staggered

Dreybur, meanwhile, has finished reading the energies of the forest, and the disrupting influence the fey have on them. He spots the final sprite's hiding place, and hastily informs the group.


Morbis Meh
2013-09-17, 06:54 PM
Fort save, also question regarding the damage is it cold dmg or just regular? [roll0] I will type up my response after I see the result of the save
Dreybur feels a slight itch on his belly but nothing much, his majestic mane did its job of insulating him from any adverse affects. He spots the tiny fae archer and begins chanting summoning a ball of flame into his hand.

His action either way is going to be casting produce flame... now I am a little fuzzy on the details, do I get to attack this round or do I have to wait for the next round to lob my flaming sphere of fiery death? If I can attack in the same round here is the ranged touch attack roll
[roll1] damage [roll2]

if not then ignore it

2013-09-18, 05:45 AM

Seeing one of the fey tumble from the tree at Muji's casting he hustles across the snow in order to finish it off.

OOC:Full Action: Move to H3
Stats:Marth (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=650374)
Male Neutral Evil Human Wizard, Level 1, Init +1, HP 9/9, Speed 30ft
AC 11, Touch 11, Flat-footed 10, Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +3, Base Attack Bonus 0
Heavy Militia Crossbow (37) +1 (1d10, 19-20/x2)
Cleaver +2 (1d4+2, 19-20/x2)
Cold Iron Yuln's Longsword -2 (1d8+2, 19-20/x2)
(+1 Dex)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 13, Cha 10
Condition Endure Elements

2013-09-18, 08:13 AM

Lucius curses his stupidity of not taking arrows capable of hurting the fey. Well, nothing to do about it now. He shouts at the others as he moves towards the closest archer

"Got anything to make them come down from the trees?"

Moving somewhere close to A8 so that L can throw a dagger. It seems we lack ranged attacks.

2013-09-19, 06:01 PM
My bad!

Magessek growled as he realized he had run out of iron-tipped arrows. With only silver ones and normal ones, he started slogging forward to where the last fey remained, swapping his bow for his sword.

Sheath longsword (move action), draw bow in combination with moving forward (free action + move action)weapon. Scanning the glade, grove, trees, snow, etc, to determine if any more surprises await
Perception (taking 10) - 16 (+1 vs traps, +2 vs fey)

2013-09-19, 09:44 PM
The remaining sprite lets out a pathetic shriek as flame sprouts into being in Dreybur's hand. His throw falls short, but the tiny fey has already taken flight before it sputters out in the snow. It zips off to the west as quickly as it can, disappearing into the frost-tinged canopy almost immediately.

You can take a shot at it as it flees if you like, but it's 240 ft from its previous position already)

The sleeping sprite flutters down to the base of the sapling it was hiding in, landing lightly in the snow.

You can kill is for free, since it's helpless and combat is essentially over, or do wahtever else you wish with it

2013-09-20, 01:00 AM

Lucius runs as fast as he an towards the fallen sprite, and starts to bind it as tightly as he can.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here... You little freak, I got you now"

It was time to have answers. He motions to the others.

2013-09-20, 01:33 AM
120 each

32 gp

Lucius wraps the diminutive sprite in stout hempen rope, producing humorous results. After only a few loops, the winter-touched fey is little more than a tiny head sticking out of a knotted ball of cordage.

It wakes up partway through the proceedure, spouting a stream of invective that could strip the bark from a tree. It's nothing a seasoned mercenary hasn't dealt with before.

2013-09-20, 08:38 AM

Lucius casually slaps the little thing and drops it uncaring at the ground, pinning it with his foot.

"Now listen, you little piece of fey dung. I am cold and I am angry. I have killed two of your friends and I am just barely holding from doing the same with you.

You are alive because I need answers. I have no patience so I will not ask twice. If you say you know nothing, I will stomp you to death and move on. If you tell me even a single lie - and I will find out-, I will light you up with oil and smoke my pipe by the flame you make. Tell me what I need and you will live to tell others of your kind why they should not mess with humans.


The questions are these. Where is the lady you ambushed down the road. Why did you attack her. What are you doing so far south. And what have you done with the weather.

Quickly now. I am getting impatient and you look more and more like pipe kindling"

Intimidation, that was. Let's see. [roll0] EDIT: Damn. I really liked the speech. But an 8?

2013-09-20, 03:47 PM

Marth stands ready to end the sleeping fey's life, but seeing Lucius take charge of it, Marth Stands down. He gives Lucius a grunt before running back to where he had dropped the crossbow, picking it up, reloading it, taking careful aim at the fleeing fey and Firing. Squandering another bolt on the vain chance of hitting...

Seeing the bolt sail off into the distance Marth calmly reloads his crossbow and walks back to Lucius, slinging the crossbow back over his shoulder and retrieving the sword. He watches with feigned disinterest as Lucius interrogates the awakening fey. Internally he mentally notes all the expletives the fey uses filing them away for later use.

OOC:Full action: Return to Crossbow L7
Round of fleeing Fey
Move Action: Ready Crossbow
Move Action: Start reloading
Round of fleeing fey.
Move Action: finish reloading
Standard action: Fire

2013-09-20, 03:57 PM
The winter-touched sprite continues mumbling obscenities in defiance of Lucius, right up until the mercenary threatens to dip it in oil and smoke it. That threats shut the little bugger up, and pales it's blue-cast skin.

"Orders, big man, just orders. We all got bosses." the pipsqueak croaks. "Izoze tells us to jump, we jump, you ken? She says 'go through the portal,' and we do it. She tells us to bring back the noble lady, and we do it. We don't ask why, 'cause we like keeping our heads."

"The whys and the hows, that's above little Pym, eh? The witches and their lackeys don't tell us what we don't need to know.

2013-09-20, 04:02 PM

Marth looks at Lucius, and raises an eyebrow.

"Is that satisfactory to you? I could always take it and perform a little Haruspex?"

Marth's tone is clear what he is suggesting. Torture.

2013-09-20, 04:25 PM

"What, torture little Pym here? Now that he was being helpful and all? Now that he was going to tell us how to get to the pretty lady? It would be a shame. Because Pym is going to tell us.

Aren' t you Pym? You are going to tell us, right? And since you are such a good friend, you are going to tell us what to expect there.

Otherwise, my friend here may stop believing me that you are a friend"

2013-09-20, 04:35 PM
"Of-of course Pym is your friend! Pym can take you to the woman. Yes, just let Pym loose and he'll lead you right to the sneak-thieves' lodge. Izoze wanted her alive, so she must be there. You warmbloods can't survive the cold for long."

2013-09-20, 04:50 PM

Marth makes a *hrumph* sound looking at the creature in disgust.

2013-09-21, 12:26 AM
OOC - Sorry bout the delay, but if we can still take a shot or two Magessek will do so.
Magessek watched in frustration as the lone fey flew off into the distance. He already had his bow out, so he plowed through the snow as far as he could and took a shot at the fleeing fairy.

Move and attack (normal arrow): [roll0], damage: [roll1]
At 240ft, that would be -6, I think.

Grinning with fierce delight, Magessek gauged the distance, wondering if he could fire another shot before the fey was out of range.
Not sure he'll do any damage, but here's hoping the thing slows down!

2013-09-21, 01:42 AM

"No Pym. This is how it will go. You will walk with me and direct us to the lodge. Once there, we will get back the pretty lady. And only after that, I will let you go.

One final question, as we ge ready. Who is Izoze?"

Meanwhile, Lucius motions to the others.

"It seems that me friend Pym here will lead us to the lodge. I say we leave now and scout when we get closer. Pym will tell when we are close, yes Pym?
Before we go, does anyone has anything to keep the cold away? I believe I am only a knock away from collapse."

2013-09-21, 02:11 AM
"Walk? WALK?!" The little sprite give Lucius an incredulous look. "Do you know how long that would take on my legs? You might as well carry me and follow those tracks. I only know how to get there by air, anyway. Walking is so confusing, with all the twists, and turns, and obstacles.

Pym shudders at the mention of Izoze's name. "Izoze gives the orders, warm blood. That's who she is. If you want to know what she is, you'll need someone with book smarts, eh? She's not from the first world or the prime. She's got blue hide, nubby horns, leathery wings, and spits ice. I don't know more than that."

DC 13 Knowledge (planes)
He's describing an ice mephit, a small outsider from the elemental plane of air.

2013-09-21, 10:07 AM
Muji looked at the bundled fey. "We could tie some rope to each ankle, letting him fly tethered. One to each, so if he cut one, we'd have time to use the other." He turned to the faerie, adding in Sylvan, "Meaning no disrespect by such measures, but your compatriots killed several humans, leaving them as corpses or worse, and you yourself ambushed us in a field of mutilated crows that I am inclined to attribute to your and your compatriots. So you are fortunate to not be joining the crows."

2013-09-22, 02:27 AM
Magessek frowned for a moment at the disappearing fey, then turned back to the others, catching the last exchanges between his companions and the winter sprite. He snorted in disgust, pointing at the trail the bandits had left behind. "We don't need a fairy guide to follow that. But we should hurry, since they'll be forewarned."

2013-09-22, 03:05 AM

Marth nods at Magessek.

"I hate to agree, but we really don't need it alive. We have a job to do."

It doesn't sound like Marth is really torn up about it, but he at least tries to hide his eagerness.

"I'll do it if you haven't the stomach for it."

2013-09-22, 03:18 AM
"Um, no, it's, er... bad luck." Squeaks the desperate sprite as it squirms in its hempen prison. "Killing one of my kind like this, it will make your beard fall out, and, um, freeze off your nethers! It's the Ice Queen's curse, you ken?"

2013-09-22, 03:35 AM

"Kill him? Well, I did say that I will let it live if he told the truth. And I am a man of my word. So I say we leave it here, tied up, up in a tree. If it is still here when we get back, I will free it.

Since you are so sure we can follow the trails, let 's move on. I am freezing. Got anything for the cold?"

2013-09-22, 12:00 PM
Magessek shook his head. "I didn't say kill him. I said we don't need him. I can follow the trail, but going will be slower if you want me to handle the cold."

The trapper turned back to follow the trail.

If he can Magessek will start with taking 10 to track (total of 17).

PS - My character is NOT down for an execution, even for all his dislike of the fey. Fighter, hunter, trapper, but not a straight out killer.

2013-09-22, 03:49 PM
I'll assume you're following Muji's plan, then, since no one offered a different idea. Just say different if you disagree

Having given his word, Lucius abstains from killing Pym, and instead leaves the sprite dangling from a tree like one of the scores of dead crows. Pym's in no danger of dying from exposure, but his glare communicates just how displeased he is with the arrangement. He's smart enough to keep his mouth shut, though, for fear of summary execution.

Leaving the foul-mouthed fey behind, you continue to follow the trail. As it winds among the trees, you come across the first real sign of natural life you've seen in the frozen forest. The tracks of an elk meander off a game trail and follow the boot-prints of the bandits for a few hundred yards before splitting off again. Judging by their placement, the animal passed through some times after the robbers.

Did anyone ever cast Endure Elements on Lucius? Here's your chance now if you forgot.

Everyone w/o an endure elements spell needs to roll another Fort check (+5 for winter clothing)

2013-09-22, 06:47 PM

Marth clearly isn't happy about leaving the fey, living. He is however unwilling to go against the others so remains silent instead when they turn to leave. After they have gained a distance from the fey, Marth pulls Lucius to one side and weaves protective and bolstering spells over him. He removes a plain looking dagger and makes a small cut across his palm. Crimson blood staining the soft snow. The chanting lasts about a minute and soon Lucius is enveloped by a warm sensation, finding the snow no-longer finds purchase on him, falling away in slight cinders. Marth trudges on through the snow silently until they arrive at the elk tracks where he pauses. He seems to be tiring or maybe he is just more wary now that he has seen the magic of the fey first hand.

OOC:Sorry bout the delay, I've not got internet set up at the new place yet.

Casting Endure Elements on Lucius
Using Share essence on him to give him Temp hitpoints for an hour.[roll0]

2013-09-23, 01:27 AM

Lucius watches in barely concealed awe as Marth suddenly makes the cold go away. He thanks him with a serious nod. In a short while he will be able to do so himself. Patience.

"That is much much better. Thank you, big man. Let us move on"

2013-09-23, 04:01 AM
Even for those protection from the biting frost, the silent monotony of the hours-long trudge combined with the constant state of alertness is taking its toll. Still, you don't expect what you see next. A large elk, nearly a man's height at the shoulder and sporting a 14-point rack, stands astride the trail, lazily chewing its cud (only the gods know where it found grass in this landscape).

Its turns its head slowly from left to right, examining each of you with its big, brown eyes. "Hold there, wanderers. What brings you so deep in the forest this day? It is a dangerous time to be about. Like the other creatures I have tried to herd out of these woods, you'd surely be better off in warmer climes."

@Muji, Dreybur
Something is off about this elk. Its actions don't quite fit its speech, and the voice is a bit higher pitched than one might expect from such a large animal.

2013-09-23, 04:22 AM

Lucius has a look of frozen disbelief. He looks around the others.

"Did the elk does talk?"

2013-09-23, 08:39 AM

Marth brings his crossbow up as soon as he sees the elk, only is sudden speech prevents him from firing. The crossbow remains pointed though while he waits for someone to explain this to him.

Stats:Marth (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=650374)
Male Neutral Evil Human Wizard, Level 1, Init +1, HP 9/9, Speed 30ft
AC 11, Touch 11, Flat-footed 10, Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +3, Base Attack Bonus 0
Heavy Militia Crossbow (36) +1 (1d10, 19-20/x2)
Cleaver +2 (1d4+2, 19-20/x2)
Cold Iron Yuln's Longsword -2 (1d8+2, 19-20/x2)
(+1 Dex)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 13, Cha 10
Condition Endure Elements

2013-09-23, 08:54 AM
Muji stared at the deer. "I appreciate the warning, but I hope you'll forgive my skepticism." You should never trust talking woodland animals. They were terrible liars, if his personal experience had taught him anything. He looked back at his companions, shrugging. "C'mon. Ignore the alleged talking deer. Dreybur, can you sense any more fey nearby, or is this our little guide's doing?"

Morbis Meh
2013-09-23, 09:58 AM
Dreybur looks at the elk, he knows elk, he has hunted them and also grazed with them on occassion. This was just fishy, the dwarf approaches the elk and attempts to lay a hand on it in a friendly manner while speaking in druidic. Sure it wouldn't understand him but from his experience it usually calmed animals down.

So just let me know if anything pings on my spirit vision

Here be what Dreybur says "Good day to you sir elk, may I say that you have a mighty fine rack that I could just stare at for days on end! Oooh boy if I knew any other with such a magnificent pair of those I would keep them around so I could play with them all day long!"

Alright enough of the awkward innuendo XD Dreybur will also cast detect magic for fun

2013-09-23, 12:27 PM
Magessek stared at the elk as well, waiting to see what Dreybur figured out. Blowing on his cold fingers, he shivered as he watched, eyes darting about as he looked for more of the fey.

2013-09-23, 01:46 PM
There is something odd about, as well as a a magical aura. At first you think it's the elk itself, but a further look shows that there's something with a faint aura of illusion on its back.

The elk stands there, still chewing. "Ho-ho, a giant fox is skeptical of talking animals? Wait until I tell the others of this." The elk's eyes stay flat despite the humorous tone. "Really, though, friends, you should head out. I fear that the forest is no place for the living these days."

I don't think it was ever explicitly stated whether Muji is in kitsune or humanoid form. I looked back and there are some hints in your descriptions that it's the former.

2013-09-23, 03:15 PM
Muji rolled his eyes. "I am skeptical of talking animals because I am a talking fox. When I talk, it all matches up. When you talk, not so much." Muji waved his hands over his eyes, muttering the words to reveal any magic. "Magic. Not unexpected. If it sounds like fey, acts like fey, and looks like something else, it's probably fey. Now can we leave the magic deer alone and keep moving? It's probably here to get us to go back or to stall us."

2013-09-23, 05:09 PM
Magessek eyeballed the elk, curious if it seemed ... feyish in nature.

Perception: [roll0] ... cuz I can!

2013-09-23, 05:13 PM
Magessek favors the elk with a hard stare, going over every strand of the beast's hair in search of some fey aspect...

But, as far as he can tell, it's just a big elk.

Morbis Meh
2013-09-24, 08:34 AM
Dreybur reaches out to touch the location of the aura on the elks back, he had a feeling that he was dealing with something that was merely pretending to be an elk.

2013-09-24, 03:14 PM
As Dreybur reaches for the odd aura, there's a sudden shift in the thick fur pelt on the animal's back and a squeaky cry. The large elk responds immediately, spinning about and goring Dreybur with its massive horns.

6 damage

Lucius, meanwhile, hears soft chanting behind him. He turns to find a tiny fey floating a hand-span from his eyes on delicate dragonfly wings. The creature completes its spell and reaches for the mercenary's bardiche.

You get an AoO for the casting (but not the movement, as it was invisible at the time and the perception check to spot him was beyond you). Being a diminutive creature, it's inside your square and therefor within the reach of your pole-arm, so you'll have to attack with something else.

Roll a Will save with your AoO, in case you don't disrupt his spell.

DC 11 Knowledge (nature)
The creature in front of Lucius is an atomie, fey known for their large egos, skill with their blade, and the ability to shrink their opponents.


2013-09-24, 03:48 PM

Marth wastes no time in firing the crossbow he has aimed at the creature. Squeezing the trigger before drawing Yuln's blade once more. With a little more confidence this time.

OOC:Standard Action: Fire Crossbow


Move action Draw Cold Iron Longsword.

2013-09-24, 04:28 PM

"Nine Hells! What the..."

Lucius fumbles with the polearm realizes that the fey is too close and swats it with his gauntlet. At the same time, his mind feels funny.

Well, drawing a weapon is a move action. That leaves the gauntlet only. If I am mistaken, then substitute a dagger or heavy flail

Atk [roll0] dmg [roll1]
Will save [roll2]

Morbis Meh
2013-09-24, 04:38 PM
Dreybur reels from the blow and takes a quick step back, he wasn't doing anything (in his mind anyway) to provoke such hostility. Quickly he shoots forth a bolt of acid in self defense.

Well... this isn't going to end well, may Dreybur rest in peace if the over grow tasty meatbag takes him down!

ranged touch attack [roll0]
damage [roll1]

So no will save to negate the illusion spell... you would think getting that close would allow a save. A trend that i have noticed in most PF AP's is that they really hamstring the PC's at level 1, this game has invisible at will enemies, Carrion crown has incorpreal undead, skulls and shackles writes it in that everything is stolen right from the get go. Man Paizo just doesn't like PC's lol

2013-09-24, 04:41 PM
Muji huffed in annoyance. "This is why you leave the suspicious talking deer alone," he muttered, stepping back a bit to get a few people between him. He completed the charm to drop the large creature into slumber. He would have preferred to use it on the faerie, but it wasn't a precise spell.

5-foot to H4 and Sleep on the elk. (It's all deer to Muji. :smalltongue:)

2013-09-24, 06:22 PM
Magessek growled, stepping to the side to flank the small creature that was trying to attack Lucius. "Fraggin' faires!"

If the sword wasn't already drawn, Magessek will drawn his cold iron longsword, step to H5 and attack. Attack: [roll0], dam: [roll1]
KS (Nature) vs fey: [roll2]

Sigh ... attack of the crappy rolls ...

2013-09-25, 03:08 PM
Lucius swats at the atomie as it reaches for his bardiche, and while he doesn't score much of a hit, making contact with the creature is enough to prematurely discharge the spell.

"Fine, if you want it that way" the creature squeaks while easily dodging the attacks of Magessek and Marth, and casts again.

Another AoO in addition to your normal round, and DC 15 fort save or be reduce personed

Dreybur stumbles back from the elk's bloody antlers, reflexively firing off a glob of acid that flies wide and ends up fizzling in the snow. The animal seems ready to close in and finish the job when lets out a snort and collapses in place, Muji's spell having sent it into a magical sleep.


2013-09-25, 04:22 PM

Lucius more or less punches the fey as he tries to get away from it far enough to use his bardiche. Gaining his distance, he swings the big weapon at the fey. It is like trying to kill a fly.

"Now do you like the south, you moth?"

Bardiche PA [roll0] dmg [roll1]
AoO with bardiche, if applicable [roll2] dmg [roll3]
If not, punch again [roll4] dmg [roll5]

2013-09-25, 05:54 PM

Marth makes a wild swing at the fey fluttering around. It's obvious the big man can handle the weight of the blade, but he handles it with all the skill of a club and unsurprisingly misses the tiny fey by a wide margin.

Standard Action: Attack fey in G6
Critical Confirmation[roll2]
Extra Damage[roll3]

Morbis Meh
2013-09-26, 08:06 AM
Dreybur walks over towards the kitty man and strokes his fur almost lovingly as chants a minor spell. When done he takes his hand off "Time to go a hunting Cap'n, give em hell!"

Casting guidance and moving to touch Magessek

2013-09-26, 08:52 AM
Having used the last of his spells, Muji was left with little choice but to flank the faerie and nip at it- more as a distraction than anything else.

Bite: [roll0] [roll1] Damage
(Crit on 20: [roll2] [roll3] Damage)

Whoops, +2 attack for flanking.

2013-09-26, 09:01 AM
Magessek spared a quick glance that said What in the nine hells? to the naked dwarf that just stroked his back. However, the fey still held his focus as he moved to ensure they had flank on the tiny terror.

Step and attack to get flank (should be possible now)
Attack w/cold iron longsword (BAB+3, Fav Enemy+2, Flank+2, Guidance+1): [roll0], dam: [roll1]

2013-09-26, 04:41 PM
Lucius backs away from the atomie with three long strides, bringing his bardishce up to shield himself from the creature, which foolishly charges through the weapon's swing-path to deliver its latest spell. It's the last mistake the cold fey makes, as the massive blade slices across to bisects it. The top half manages to keep cursing for a few seconds as it floats to the ground on the remains of its wings, but the battle is effectively over.

200 each

The only question left is what to do with the enormous elk, which lies snorting in its sleep across the trail.

2013-09-26, 04:53 PM

Marth watches with a slight awe as Lucius expertly slays yet another foe. He wastes little time in walking over to the sleeping elk, ignoring the bisected faerie. He takes a firm grip on his blade and positions it ready to kill the sleeping creature.

"Can you think of a reason to keep it alive?"

Marth asks with a cold tone.

Morbis Meh
2013-09-26, 05:27 PM
Dreybur looked at the bloodthirsty man "Well it was charmed by them wicked half pint pixies so it not at fault and not to mention it wasn't the best idea of mine to reach for whatever was commanding it... My guess is that another one of the wee buggers was sitting atop the elk's rump jabbering away to make us look foolish while the other shrank us.

2013-09-26, 05:54 PM

Marth looks embarrassed and sheaths the blade, looking at Dreybur awkwardly.

"Oh right, I didn't realise that. Um... Okay then."

Marth shuffles away reloading his crossbow again and watching the trees to keep his eyes from meeting Dreybur's. Yet another Fey Trick, that he had fallen for. The illusions and manipulations this fey dealt in were alien to Marth and he felt foolish for not considering that this was another one.

2013-09-27, 12:26 AM

Lucius takes a while to make sure that no more fey are forthcoming and then shoulders his bardiche.

"What I do not understand is their bravery. This fly attacked a large group of armed men. Who controls them so absolutely?

But move on, I say. Fighting makes me forget the cold"

Did anyone of us make the check back then, the one in spoilers? Is it common kncowledge?

2013-09-27, 01:52 AM
Magessek shook his head. "Arrogance, not bravery. They assume mortals are no match for their magiks ... especially 'weak-minded warriors' like you and I." He grinned at the joke, then nodded to the trail.

"Best we keep on traveling ... and be ready for more ambushes. In ones and twos, they can be troublesome with their spells. Fighting with a group of bandits? They will be lethal. It's no wonder the Lady's men were slaughtered."

Magessek didn't make his KS (Nature) check, if that's what you're asking. A shame, since he actually has a +7 for it :smallsmile: Maybe Dreybur will!

Ready to press on ... but someone should probably search the little buggers for items ...

2013-09-27, 03:13 AM
9 gp

Also a diminutive rapier, but what are you going to do, sell it as sewing needle?

Morbis Meh
2013-09-27, 08:35 AM
Dreybur rumages through his beard and produces a thick vellum scroll, takes a moment to cast a cantrip then reads it to himself causing his wound to knit up.

[roll0] ouch lol the dice gods deem it fit to hide this relatively simple piece of info from dreybur.

2013-09-29, 10:56 PM
While you mill about and cast your spells, the elk begins to stir. In a matter of seconds it goes from snoring peacefully on its side to struggling to its hooves in the deep snow. It swings its head about in confusion for a moment, but without its fey rider giving commands it reverts to its skittish nature and gallops off into the trees.

Continue on?

2013-09-30, 12:46 AM
With nothing left here to hold your interest, you push forward into the frost-rimed forest.

The trail begins an easy decent that lasts for a few hundred paces before you hit a steeper section and it works its way down a rocky escarpment with a series of switchbacks. At the base of the cliff there's a brief, flood-scoured flat before the path crosses over the frozen main channel of a small river.

At the edge of the ice sits a human-sized snowman. A smiling face peers out from beneath a jaunty tricorn, a rather jolly scene if you didn't suspect that the eyes, nose, and grin were painted on with blood. A wooden placard rests against its base with the words "Trespassers Turn Back!" painted on in a rusty crimson.

2013-09-30, 04:36 AM

Marth walks over to the snowman and plucks the tricorn from it's head. He gives it an experimental twirl looking on the inside before planting it on his head. At a suitably jaunty angle, of course. He fixes the bloody snowman with a hard stare before poking the eye and rubbing the suspected blood between his finger and thumb.

"We must be close, now. Time to make the bandits in to snowmen... well corpses. Well you get the idea. Um... Anyone see anything here worthwhile."

Marth falters as he speaks, obviously trying to make a joke of the situation, but failing to find the right words. Still he manages a smile in spite of, and perhaps due to, the macabre snowman.

2013-09-30, 04:44 AM

Lucius also eyes the snowman, his finders wrapped in his weapon.

"Well, well, isn't that cute. When our scout says the go, I can wait to show the bastards how much I admire their humor"

2013-09-30, 05:12 AM
As Marth waltzes up and plucks off its tricorn, the snowman's mouth springs to magical life. "Can't you read? The sign says turn back. Now get lost!" It belts out its message in an impressive baritone, but the final line dissolves into a deep drone that only grows louder and louder--or so it seems to Marth, the only one close enough to feel the magical force behind the cacophony. The frequency seems to reverberate in his skull, threatening to crack it open from the inside.

7 damage and DC 18 will save or be stunned for one round

DC 11 Spellcraft
It was a magic mouth spell.

DC 12 spellcraft (use the same roll)
somehow the spell was modified to include a sound burst spell when triggered.

Before anyone can leap forward to help the beleaguered mage, two liquid forms literally bubble up through tiny faults and pressure cracks in the ice. Two columns of animated water, constantly crashing down and reforming themselves like stationary surf, take shape out on the frozen river.

DC 11 knowledge (planes)
These creature are water elementals, and rather small examples of their kind. They have trouble fighting on land, where they have a strong disadvantage, and prefer to lure opponents into in the water, where they can form a powerful vortex and batter their targets to pieces.


Squares that are all ice have 2x movement cost (snowshoes don't help)

2013-09-30, 05:45 AM

Marth's grin dissolves instantly as the noise envelopes all his senses. Blood begins to dribble out of his ears as he struggles to bring the crossbow up. The noise ceases and Marth stands there for a second as still as the snowman. Then the crossbow shakes in his hands and finally slips free from his grasp. Marth grits his teeth and staggers forward, his feet failing him as the pain overwhelms his senses. First to go are his eyes, which roll into his skull, then his knees buckle and the hulking butcher topples into the snow. The magics which protect him send up a spray of fiery motes as the crisp snow meets his face. Then he just lies there, unmoving as oblivion claims him...


2013-09-30, 05:54 AM

As Marth stumbles from the cacophony, Lucius swears as he sees new enemies.

"I do not think we should try and fight them on their turf, unless someone knows something else. Stay here and pummel them from afar. At least until they get closer to the shore!"

Lucius changes weapons and gets out his shortbow. He lets an arrow loose at the snow thing at the right.

Atk [roll0] dmg [roll1]

2013-09-30, 07:44 AM
Muji swore angrily under his breath in Sylvan. This was just what they needed right now… He hurried forward, grabbing Marth by the shoulders and hauling him back as far away from combat as possible. He might be able to grab the wizard's crossbow and use it, but for now he had to keep the idiot from getting himself killed by his own stupidity.

Dragging Marth back to P6. That's probably a double move because of the snow. He's dropping his sack after that. Did the crossbow come with, or is it left by the snowman?

2013-09-30, 08:24 AM
At Lucius' comments, Magessek stared down at the tracks, trying to see if they went crossed here, or diverged at all. He was also curious to see how far behind the bandits they were.

He was studying the snow when the nine Hells broke loose. Glancing up, one hand on his sword, he saw the man wearing the hat, the snowman howling, and two waterspouts forming on the frozen ice.

"Great ...."

With the call to stand their ground, Magessek pulled free his bow and fired at the same creature Lucius did.
okay, Survival for the tracks: [roll0]
KS (Nature): [roll1] for ID. EDIT: Whoops, thought it said 'plants' :smallredface:
Draw (move action), attack w/normal arrow: [roll2], dam:[roll3]

Morbis Meh
2013-09-30, 08:47 AM

Dreybur stomps along merrily and watches the big man almost blow his head up when putting on the hat "Ach, didn't your mum tell you to never put things on your head that you found on the ground as a child?" When his question is met with silence he looks around embarrassed "Oh... I gues it was just me then. The sudden appearance of the elementals cause more flailing from the dwarf, he didn't have much he could do other than shoot acid at it.

attack [roll1]
damage [roll2]

2013-09-30, 04:56 PM
Yes, Marth still has his crossbow

While the first volley of missiles doesn't seem to do much--Magessek's arrow draws a splash, but it's always difficult to tell when such creatures are hurt--it does seem to drive home that you're not foolish enough to face the elementals on the ice.

The roll forward, pausing at the shore but ultimately pouring up onto the frozen land as Muji drags Marth clear.


2013-09-30, 05:07 PM
Magessek continued to move back, glancing only briefly behind them to make sure they weren't being flanked. Looking forward, the cat folk hunter fired another arrow at the same waterspout, uncertain if he was hurting it or not ...

Okay, any thing from the survival check?
Perception check: [roll0], to 'check six'
Moving back to try and keep the water-things out of move range!
Attack w/normal arrow: [roll1], dam:[roll2]

EDIT: Ah, nice kick to my tenders!

2013-09-30, 05:22 PM
Nothing beyond the bandit's tracks.

2013-09-30, 05:25 PM

"Welcome to the ground, icicles. You are on my turf now!"

Lucius moves just a bit, switching weapons as he does. He then brings his weapon in a whooshing arc at the thing already grazed.

Move a bit to N6 so that I have the proper reach.

Atk PA [roll0] dmg [roll1]

Another kick to the tenders!

2013-10-01, 07:40 AM
Muji grabbed the leaded heavy crossbow from the ground and, after a moment to aim, fired at the elemental not immediately engaged in combat.

Not much to say. Move action to retrieve it, move action to load it.

Morbis Meh
2013-10-01, 08:29 AM
Dreybur noted that the things had now decided to saunter on land "Bad idea laddies, taste the spray of nature! Dreybur begins making hand gestures and grunts making him look and sound like a convulsing, epileptic badger but despite that suddenly plants shoot up from the ground and grab for the evil snowmen.

Casting entangle in a way that will hit the elementals but not anyone else engaging them. DC is 16

2013-10-01, 07:47 PM
Previously unseen vine tendril and blades of grass force their way up through the snow under the magical coercion of Dreybur's spell, forming wriggling masses of vegetations that insinuated themselves into the elementals' liquid bodies and manage to anchor on of the creatures to the ground.

The second flow forward, beneath Lucius's sweeping bardiche, to landing bruising slam to the warrior's midsection with a jet of cold water.

2 damage


Purple = unconscious
Green = entangled
Green line = boundary of Entangle spell (it only works where there's vegetation,which is why it ends at the edge of the ice. It continues on to the other side of the river, but that's unlikely to be relevent)

2013-10-01, 11:02 PM
Muji fumbled with the unwieldy crossbow, reloading it as fast as he could. Why on earth did Marth use something this cumbersome?

Reloading a heavy crossbow is a full-round action, so no surprises here. :smalltongue:

2013-10-02, 01:02 AM

Lucius grunts as his breath is taken out by the hit. He shifts a bit back to keep the thing in range and sends the bardiche flying at it.

PA [roll0] dmg [roll1]

2013-10-02, 01:44 AM
The bardiche cuts through the elemental as easily as any normal water, blasting free a tremendous splash of liquid that doesn't run back to the creature's main body like it did with the arrow hits. The elemental is visibly diminished, and the remainder of its body soon collapses into a quickly-freezing puddle as it looses the ability to maintain cohesion.

2 more turns to go, but that one's dead

Morbis Meh
2013-10-02, 08:31 AM
Dreybur shouts in triumph as the vines prevent the other water... thing from moving, making him an easier target.

attack [roll0] at least its AC should be somewhat diminished
damage [roll1]

Edit: Well that doesn't matter if you can't roll above a 6... oh boy oh boy~!

2013-10-02, 10:07 AM
Magessek slipped to the side and fired another arrow at the entangled water figure.

5ft step, fire normal arrow: [roll0], dam: [roll1]

Ah ... it's the "You Suck" clause of the die roller ...

2013-10-02, 10:51 AM

Lucius yells in excitement as the snow water thing falls.

"Back to the river, you snowball!"

He then moves just enough for the other to also get in range, his bardiche whistling in the air

PA Atk [roll0] dmg [roll1]

2013-10-02, 04:26 PM
The remaining elemental remains stuck fast in Dreybur's animated underbrush, unable to loosen itself from the tangle of weeds and brambles that have insinuated themselves into its body.

Not that being stationary is helping you hit the thing.

It's still stuck and can't hit you, so I didn't bother updating the map.

Lucius already took has attack for this turn, but everyone else can go.

2013-10-02, 04:46 PM
Muji finally managed to get the absurdly powerful crossbow loaded and took aim at the beast.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Crit: [roll2]
Crit Damage: [roll3]

Morbis Meh
2013-10-03, 08:36 AM
Dreybur calmly saunters over towards Mr. Kitty and gives some words of encouragement then touches his shoulder almost in a loving manner.

Casting guidance on our creeped out ranger... just wait for the bowls of milk and fish offerings to appear!

2013-10-04, 08:18 AM
My bad ...I was going to ask a question about reach weapons and shooting into melee, but I think I still get a penalty. So ...

Magessek shuddered again at the creepy dwarf. "Would you please stop touching me like that! It's more than a little weird!".

Holding the bow in his left hand, the hunter drew his sword with his right as he moved forward to aid Lucius. He could still feel the cold pulling at his limbs, slowing him down, but there wasn't much else he could do right now.

Move and draw MW longsword.
Attack water creature: [roll0], dam: [roll1]

2013-10-04, 04:46 PM
The elemental may be caught, but it's naturally sinuous form proves quite adept at dodging even while anchored. Magessek's slash comes closest to hitting, but that's probably because he's closed within the thing's reach and it's eager to strike. A liquid pseudopod darts out at the ranger, but Magessek show some moves of his own by easily side-stepping.

No map again, everyone is up

2013-10-04, 05:03 PM
Magessek frowned and attacked again, slashing with his blade to try and hit it.

Just for the record, entangle lowers the dex, right?

Attack w/MW sword: [roll0], dam: [roll1]

2013-10-04, 05:06 PM
Grumbling, Muji begins fumbling with the crossbow again.


2013-10-05, 01:24 AM

Lucius continues to hack through the elemental, his bardiche cold and wet.

Atk PA [roll0] dmg [roll1]

2013-10-06, 04:12 PM
The elemental take the hit from Magessek, but shrink back, perhaps showing pain for the first time in the fight. It's reaction ruins its own attack, which sputters out well short of the ranger.

I'm NPCing Dreybur to cast guidance again, same as his last turn

Now if we could just get someone to roll above a ten or so

2013-10-06, 04:38 PM
Muji aimed the crossbow once more, trying to finish off the ever-shifting creature.

[roll0] (a -4 penalty to that if he's firing into melee)

2013-10-07, 01:15 AM

Lucius has stopped swearing a while ago and now silently moves around the elemental, making the most of his reach.

PA [roll0] dmg [roll1]

Morbis Meh
2013-10-07, 08:53 AM
Sorry people, weekends are touch and go for posting especially when I only have 5 weeks until my wedding...:smalleek:
Dreybur continues to pet the kitty "Soft kitty, warm kitty... little ball of fur.

2013-10-07, 10:05 AM
No worries, MM ... I'm sure you'll have more time to post after you get married :smalltongue:

Besides, weekends are ALWAYS spotty for me!

Magessek launched another attack at the watery demon, his skin crawling as the naked dwarf continued to stroke his fur. Of course it was helping, so maybe he should just get over it ...

Attack a/MW longsword: [roll0], dam: [roll1]

2013-10-07, 04:33 PM
Magessek exchanges blows with the elemental.

1 damage

2013-10-07, 08:35 PM
Magessek hissed slightly at the bludgeoning blow from the monster, slipping to the side to make another sweeping blow with his blade. "Just die already ..."

Attack a/MW longsword: [roll0], dam: [roll1]

2013-10-08, 02:28 AM
Magessek is too busy dodging the elemental's relentless assault to get off an accurate strike, but Lucius, waiting just out of reach, is more fortunate. The bardiche comes down again, neatly bisecting the aqueous outsider. The water thrown free of the creature's body splashes the ranger, who is already damp from the earlier hits. The frigid air is already freezing the soaked sections of his pelt and clothing.

Lucius is wet as well, since he was hit, but he has the benefit of endure elements and I don't believe Magessek does (I could be wrong, though.

320 XP

Good thing walking right up to a trap and setting it of counts as defeating it for XP purposes. If you survive.

1 jaunty tricorn of dubious value

2013-10-08, 09:06 AM
Muji sighed in relief, stopping his loading of the crossbow. "We need to set up camp. We need a fire going before anybody freezes to death," he said, noting the wet members of the party. "Let's get a little ways from the trail. I have kindling, firewood, and a tent that will fit one other person- which should be the person most at risk of succumbing to the cold," he added. He wasn't going to have the unwashed dwarf in his tent, and since he had magical protection, it wouldn't be him.

2013-10-08, 09:39 AM
Shaking his head, he nodded towards the frozen river. "So, you don't think that anyone heard the snowman? Cuz I'd hate to set up camp and let the fey and bandits set fire to our tent."

Then he remembered something, and he looked at Marth, who was still unconscious. He looked around at the others. "Next time, let's take a moment to think before we act, yes? That could have been a lot worse."

Finally, he walked over to the dwarf, who kept eyeballing him surruptitiously. "And what is your deal? Why do you keep petting me like that? It's creepy!"

Morbis Meh
2013-10-08, 09:41 AM
Dreybur nods "Alright Mr. Fox, I shall find us a suitable camp and build us a fire, though it would be best to keep it small we are in enemy territory and a big fire would lead them to us. We could always strip down the wet ones and have them be in direct body to body contact to warm em up. I am a pretty warm person so I can volunteer for the job!" The dwarf looks around to see if anyone would prefer his alternative, which will probably be met with looks of disgust at best and pure horror at worst.

[roll0] this is for finding a place to camp/starting a fire
Edit: Damn Dreybur put's survivorman/man vs nature to shame.

Dreybur blushes out of embarassment and lowers his head "I don't mean anything by it... you just look so much like my dearly departed friend... the only friend I have had out here in the wilderness. It gets lonely out in the woods you know..."

2013-10-08, 10:00 AM
Blinking a bit, Magessek stared at the dwarf for a moment, then nodded. "Well, sorry to hear that. But just try to be a little less ... 'feelie' if possible. Thanks."

He walked over with Dreybur to see what he could do about helping with the fire when he realized the dwarf knew MUCH more about this than he did.

I'm betting you just built a wood-burning stove that produces twice as much heat with zero smoke!

2013-10-08, 10:28 AM

Lucius leans on his bardiche when the animated water thing falls.

"Next time, stay in the water, icecube!"

He makes a warding sign against eveil as he turns to the others. Camp seems like a good idea. The dwarf seems to know what he is doing, so Lucius just helps along. After the fire gets burning, he unfolds his chair, sits close to the fire and puts over extra clothing.

After they are all settled and discussion has died, he takes out a strange book and starts taking notes, reading it and transcribing it to another book.

2013-10-08, 03:22 PM
Drawing on his vague memories of a trip along this waterway some years ago, Dreybur leads the group to a small crevice in the cliff above the river. It's a bit of a squeeze to enter, but quickly widens into a space large enough to comfortably host a party twice your size.

Enclosed and sheltered from the cutting wind, a modest fire is all it takes to warm the cavern to positively balmy temperatures. With such a fine hidey-hole, you almost feel comfortable enough to forgo a watch. Almost.

Before we go on, I'm going to point out that you're setting up camp around noon (you left early in the morning, it was a littler over an hour to reach the caravan, and you've only marched through the woods for a couple hours)

So I guess the question is whether you want to get up in 8 hours (which would be a touch after dark) or wait until morning? I'll repeat this in the OOC.

2013-10-10, 10:37 AM
Magessek took the opportunity to dry off in the cave. Cleaning off his weapons and check his gear, he waved to the others. "I'll be ready in a c-couple of hours. Just let me warm up m-my hands."

Ready to go when anyone else is. I like the idea of recouping enough to keep going; not sure that 8 hrs is going to do us any good ... you can still only cast a certain amount of spells per day (not per 8 hrs). So we either stay for a couple of hours or for an entire day, which I think is a waste.

PS - If I read the rules right, we get a +1 to our Fort checks for each previous check (doesn't say whether successful or not) ... so we should all be getting bonuses by now. Would that be +3 for our next one?

"An unprotected character in cold weather (below 40° F) must make a Fortitude save each hour (DC 15, +1 per previous check) or take 1d6 points of nonlethal damage."

Morbis Meh
2013-10-10, 11:01 AM
Dreybur didn't care he wasn't tired and could still venture forward a little longer. He just wanted Mr. Kitty to get all warm, he would have offered his lap but he figured it might be a little bit creepy.

2013-10-10, 11:12 AM

Marth lay unmoving for quite a while. The large man proved quite a heavy burden to maneuver inside the shelter. He didn't rouse immediately, but it soon became clear that he was in no danger. Feverish murmuring a clear sign of returning conciousness. Even felled he muttered in the dark tongue, too quiet to distinguish much. However one word kept reoccurring:


Marth (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=650374)
Male Neutral Evil Human Wizard, Level 1, Init +1, HP 2/9, Speed 30ft
AC 10, Touch 10, Flat-footed 10, Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +3, Base Attack Bonus 0
Heavy Militia Crossbow (32) +1 (1d10, 19-20/x2)
Cleaver +2 (1d4+2, 19-20/x2)
Cold Iron Yuln's Longsword -2 (1d8+2, 19-20/x2)
Cool, Awesome, Fabulous. Jaunty Tricorn of Dubious Value
Abilities Str 14, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 13, Cha 10
Condition Endure Elements
Unconscious (Stable)

2013-10-10, 01:00 PM
With the shelter of the cave, Muji didn't bother to unpack the tent. He gathered some of the firewood he'd brought and started a small fire going with a snap of his fingers.

2013-10-11, 01:34 AM
The small fire is more than enough to heat the small cave, and even the smokey cloud that builds up in the stagnant air of the place isn't enough to dampen the moral boost of the first real warmth you've felt in hours (though it seems much longer).

By late afternoon, you've shaken the chill from your bones and damp from your clothes. Marth is awake, and the rotation of guards watching the entrance of the cave has spotted nothing more sinister than some distant thunderheads building too far to the south to threaten you.

It's still mid-summer, despite the local weather, and the sun promises to hang in the sky for hours yet. It's a difficult decision, but the urgency of your mission drives you out of your shelter and back to the edge of the frozen stream. The snowman, now hatless and mouthless, slumps dejectedly over its sign as you consider crossing the ice.

A 4 hour rest was enough to heal all the NL damage. It's now around 4 PM, and you have 4 hours of good light left

Morbis Meh
2013-10-11, 08:40 AM
Dreybur resumes guiding the odd group of folks through the woods, keeping an eye out for anything suspicious. Something is VERY wrong with the forrest: Undead carriages, possessed snowmen and all this snow! I can't feel the cold but these guys sure can, maybe when we stop for the night I can give them a few pointers on how to keep warm...

survival [roll0]
perception [roll1]

2013-10-11, 09:12 AM
Magessek followed, providing any support to the tracking and keeping his own eyes open. It was late in the afternoon, but once the sun dipped below the horizon it would get much colder. Not exactly a great prospect while facing winter fey, but there wasn't much for it.

With his cold iron sword in hand, he pressed forward with the others, his shoulders and neck tight with tension.

Perception: [roll0]; Aid to Survival: [roll1] vs DC 10

... of course I roll a 2 to aid. Sigh.

2013-10-11, 02:23 PM


Marth opens his eyes, the pain swimming at the edge of his waking mind. A brief check proves to himself, he is in fact intact. For the moment he ignores the pain and takes stock of the situation. Safe and whole, his new comrades were sturdier than he it seemed. Pushing the shame to the rear of his mind he set to work cooking the meal on the small fire. He produced the Tatzylwyrm Steaks from his bag and did what he could to make it edible. Chanting softly with magic to season the fatty meat. With the small fire he cooked them one at a time, leaving his own till last. His own steak barely touched the hot iron and was practically raw when he ate it.

The Jaunty Tricorn on his head seemed ill-fitting with Marth's face long drawn and pensive, but as they all rose to leave Marth forced a smile and pinned the tiny rapier from one of the earlier fey through the brim.

"Muji, Keep the crossbow for now if you wish, I've yet to hit anything with it so far, I might fair better with my simple cantrips. I have offensive powers, weak though they may be. Speaking of power, I think now would be a good time to prove my worth."

Marth hands the bandoleer of ammo over to Muji, if he accepts the crossbow. Then he begins chanting again in the foul arcane language, he cuts his palm and glows briefly. Healing power fuelled by the infernal arcana seizes him and he goes among the others spreading what temporary respite his powers can manage. He starts with Dreybur channelling his energy into the wounded dwarf. As Marth finishes the incantation on Dreybur he sways slightly as though he is about to lapse into unconsciousness again, but the his magic obviously is sustaining him.

Casting Infernal Healing on Marth.
Casting Sanguine Transference on Dreybur.