View Full Version : [3.5] Defending Ally

2013-09-08, 12:30 AM
Hi there.

Is there some way, via feat or maneuver or item or spell, to divert a melee hit from an adjacent ally to yourself?

2013-09-08, 12:34 AM
Dutiful Guardian (DotU) allows you to instant swap places with an ally when the ally is attacked. You'd have to declare a single ally for it beforehands, though.

2013-09-08, 12:36 AM
Dutiful Guardian (DotU) allows you to instant swap places with an ally when the ally is attacked. You'd have to declare a single ally for it beforehands, though.
That is exactly what I needed. Thank you.

2013-09-08, 12:41 AM
Devoted Defender has similar mechanics too (from sword and fist).
Swap yourself and the person you want to protect, or even foil attacks against them outright.

2013-09-08, 12:49 AM
Isn't there also a spell called Shield Other or something that does something similar, where you take damage on their behalf? ... can't remember the name. Pretty sure it's a Paladin spell though... dammit. Now I"m going to have to find it.

2013-09-08, 01:49 AM
Cleric and Paladin 2.
Helps with damage, but it won't protect your target from poison on the blade. And if you've got more HP than your target, they'll still die before you.

That said, it does help. DMG also has the friendship rings, which create a shield other effect.

2013-09-08, 12:35 PM
The Guardian Mantle (Mantles are sort of like domains for Ardents, from Complete Psionic) gives a similar ability.