View Full Version : [PF] The witch coven

2013-09-08, 03:35 AM
I've been kicking around an idea for a group of witches working together via the coven hex. The coven would be a organisation working as a BBEG in a game yet to specify. So this is so far just a thought experiment so please feel free to suggest whatever comes to your mind.

So far I liked the idea of the coven being filled with very different characters, each with a very unique feel. Being a big One Piece fan in my head the coven feels kinda like a crew in one piece with very colorful and different personalities. Since witch is Tier 1 I want to avoid multiclassing and so far i can imagine this to work on any level, but want all witches to be able to contribute individually as well, so i guess around level 10 will be the working ground.

So far this is what I gathered in my mind. These are not set in stone, but i want every archetype and race only be used once (maybe even patron). Everything paizo is fair game, no 3re party stuff:

Ratfolk [Dimensional Occultist][Patron?]
Focusing on Slumber increasing the range via Favored Class option.

Orc Scarred Witch Doctor [Strength Patron]
Gish or beatstick. Maybe focussing on Fear and Intimidation or Buffs.

[Race?] Gravewalker [Patron?]
Pretty much self explanatory. Coven can animate really nasty stuff although may not be able to control it afterwards (who cares if all you wanna do is wrack havoc).

Samsaran Beast bonded [Animal Patron]
Getting some druid spells via the racial trait trying to work your way into a beast focused witch.

Undine Sea Witch [Patron Water but irrelevant]
Any fun in that oth than the racial traits?

[Race?] Hedge Witch [Healing]
Here I am rather clueless what to make out of it other than a healbot.

Changeling Dreamweaver [Patron Enchantement but irrelevant]
Again fairly obvious and self explanatory.

Half Elf Bonded Witch [Wand Patron]

[Race?] Winter witch [Patron]
Not sure what i want to do here.

White hair witch replaces all hexes so she is pretty much out of the picture.

Feel free to add any ideas regarding builds, personalities or how to make use of the coven hex. Also a lot of witches use magic jar mechanics, maybe you know of fun uses for that too. Thanks in advance.

2013-09-08, 04:28 AM
Remember that you need at least one actual hag in a coven as well as the witches.

If you're looking for variety, remember that magus includes a hexcrafter archetype.

Hedge witch and the Healing patron seems like overkill. Ancestors or Endurance makes a witch who cares about protecting others without being so one-dimensional.

2013-09-08, 04:40 AM
Remember that you need at least one actual hag in a coven as well as the witches.

While I always assumed the same the wording is different:

In addition, whenever the witch with this hex is within 30 feet of another witch with this hex, she can use the aid another action to grant a +1 bonus to the other witch’s caster level for 1 round.

It was pointed out to me that this isn't related to the coven part. Only when forming a hag's coven you need the hag. Not for pushing the caster level.

2013-09-08, 03:08 PM
A Sylph would make a good Winter Witch if you play up the freezing winds angle.

A Dhampir would make a good Gravewalker - they can heal themselves and their minions with Inflict spells (which are on the Witch list) and Gravewalker lets them "heal" their minions at range.

2013-09-08, 03:16 PM
In a funny bit of irony, a Changeling doesn't actually don't make very good witch.

2013-09-08, 04:12 PM
In a funny bit of irony, a Changeling doesn't actually don't make very good witch.

Likewise, the Dreamweaver archetype (Changeling only), isn't all that great either.

Ratfolk [Dimensional Occultist][Patron?]
Focusing on Slumber increasing the range via Favored Class option.

Boundaries for Patron seems most appropriate.

[Race?] Gravewalker [Patron?]
Pretty much self explanatory. Coven can animate really nasty stuff although may not be able to control it afterwards (who cares if all you wanna do is wrack havoc).

I second Dhampir.
For Patron, Death, Occult, Plague, and Spirits all make sense to some degree.

[Race?] Hedge Witch [Healing]
Here I am rather clueless what to make out of it other than a healbot.

Gift it the Wisdom Patron instead, make it more of a "group buffer".
Make the race Halfling, they have a good "for the good of the group" vibe going on.

[Race?] Winter witch [Patron]
Not sure what i want to do here.

I second Slyph.