View Full Version : Handful of Dust [IC]

2013-09-08, 01:17 PM
OOC Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=15984966)

It’s September 8, 2013, and the sun has just set over Gary, Indiana. Given how rundown the city is, it’s a wonder the sun shows its face at all. The six of you, through varied means, have carved out small havens for yourself. Some dwell in the withered heart of downtown, surviving on pure grit and guile. Others have retreated to the lake, to the insulated second-homes of the 1%. No matter how you’ve done it, you are safe. You and the city survive, but survival isn’t the same as life. You must risk the former to attain the latter.

You rise for the night. What will you make of this gift?

Charlotte & William
Your current abode is a half-million dollar lakefront cottage at Miller Beach. Francine arranged the rental for a fair price due to the season. It’s not Charlotte’s haven in Chicago, but few places are, and there are bedrooms enough for everyone.

Francine stands at the foot of your bed when you wake. Her hair’s frazzled, and the bags under her eyes look heavier than normal.

“I… I let the dogs out like you asked, Mister Borden,” she muttered, suddenly very fascinated by the floor. “But… I can’t find one of them. I looked everywhere. I even double-checked the yard, but- I’m so sorry.” Francine looks to be on the verge of tears. “I’m sure he’s somewhere in the house. There was just so much to do for Miss Bathe today, and I looked away for a minute…” She takes a deep breath and straightens her glasses. “Right. Well, now that you’re awake, could you perhaps have a look? I’m… not much of an animal person. Don’t think they like me.” She twists her fingers into knots, looking very much out of her element.

Instead of Francine, this greets you when you wake:


You hear the shop bell ring, then the creak of the staircase. William Bryant ducks his head into your room. “Hey, kid,” he grouses. “Time to go meet Juggler. He hunts at the K-Mart.” Will chuckles wryly. “That’s why ya should shop local!” He wanders back downstairs, most likely to do inventory.

The stories William has told you about Juggler don’t speak of a very patient man.

The store’s empty when you come downstairs, save for its particularly tired manager. No doubt it was busy earlier in the day. The Eye of Horus wasn’t far from the dorms, now bustling with students. “I hate back to school season,” Slick groans, resting his head against the counter. “If it’s not the hipsters gigglin’ and wantin’ to touch every damn thing, it’s stoners wanderin’ in all,” his mouth hangs open, “‘Do you have, uh, Intro to Philosophy textbooks?’ Does this look like Barnes & Noble? How these dumbasses got into college, I’ll never know.” He looks up at you. “I’d rather sell to people who know what the hell they doin’, but that doesn’t pay rent, yanno?”

The front door opens, and a very pale woman strides in. She’s wearing a pinstripe suit and chatting animatedly into a bluetooth headset. Speaking Spanish or Italian if you had to take a stab at it.

Slick perks up, friendly salesman smile in place. “How can I he-” The woman raises a finger to silence him. “...Aight, I need a smoke. Back in a few, Coop.” He sidles out the back door, leaving you alone with the potential customer.

Your blood tingles with energy. It’s a little past seven, according to the clock at your feet. Display's kinda bright, but better than stumbling into the sun, eh? The boys should signal once the street's deserted. Just have to wait...

The minutes tick by, and after what feels like forever, there's a rap against the side of the trunk. Shave and a haircut... It's them. The lid lifts upwards.

In case it's not clear, this (http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d9/Shave_and_a_Haircut_percussion.mid) is the "shave and a haircut" knock. Also, here's (http://fav.me/d31h6qv) how I picture Ashley and the bullyboys. Minus the broad and the surrender. :smallamused:

You’re staying in a small cottage in Miller Beach. Mr. Wright had a client whose summer home was in Gary, just a block from the lake. You’ve barely unpacked, but there’s no time to get settled in. You’re a man on a mission, and that mission is to not get killed. Knowledge. Knowledge is power. You vaguely recall a bookstore. Not a retail chain, but serious occult-type stuff. Kindred owned and operated. Here’s hoping it’s still there. If it’s been bulldozed into a parking lot… Stupid Andre! Why couldn’t he have told you more before he died?

Whatever hope you have for survival, it won’t be found standing here with your **** in your hand.

2013-09-08, 07:59 PM
Dustin rises to his feet, stretching out of habit than any real need. Dusting himself off, he makes his way downstairs where William is indeed working on the inventory, not even looking up as he enters. Dustin looks at him for a moment, shrugs, and heads over to the door, leaning against it.

"Whenever you are ready."

2013-09-08, 11:25 PM
Charlotte grumbles...

"... evening mutt..." She's not rude, just casually indifferent to the dog. They tended to not like her, and she tended to just avoid them.

She climbs out of her bed, letting her silk nightgown drape over her legs. Small feet drum against the floor as she moves to her packed belongings. She takes the case into her bathroom and closes the door. She pulls out her phone from her things and informs Francine that William's dog got into her room. He should probably come get that. When that is done she can come meet her in the private bathroom, and if she was able to acquire a "meal" for her to have that brought up as well.

She draws a hot bath and works to clean the stink of this town off her for this night, knowing she'll have to do it again tomorrow. The city was where she belonged, not some backwater town that was failing. Oh well, sacrifices must be made in order to become Primogen, and if she was going to one day be a Prince, she had to make the tough sacrifices.

"Gary ****ing Indiana..." she muttered as she let the water caress her.

2013-09-08, 11:55 PM
William slips from his bed and walks to his closet as Francine stammers. He nods along and affect a slight look of concern to comfort her, mostly ignoring her as he goes through his mental itinerary. Fishing a pair of carpenter cut jeans and a green flannel work shirt from his clothes he begins to dress with no apparent concern for his own nudity.
"I'm sure the dog is fine, Francine. No cause for concern or to damage your hands like that. If he doesn't turn up within a half hour I'll send the rest of the pack to find him."
He turns his full attention to her for a moment and smiles as warmly as he can without a pulse.
"And the dogs like you just fine. They told me so just the other day."
As he smiles at her William's trying to read Francine's aura, just to get a better understanding of her mood a the start of his evening.

2013-09-09, 04:15 PM
Ashley disconnects the glaring clock as soon as he awakes, counting to himself the minutes until his ghouls arrive. The shadowy compartment looked bigger on the inside. Each second dragged on like a stretch to occupy that space.

As soon as the lid's popped, Ashley climbs over the trunk and onto the bed of his truck, then reaches back in to pull out his suit and waistcoat. As he buttons the outer layers over his braces and shirt, Ash rolls his head back and watches the night sky for the evening stars. He hops off the side to take his place in the cabin at the driver's seat. Ash jabs at the touchpad of his latest cell with cold, fat fingers. He rereads his Calender app as his cohorts open the passenger side to climb in.

"I hate out-of-state jobs."

2013-09-10, 01:54 PM

Mac opened his eyes, rubbed the non-existent sleep in them out as force of habit, and climbed out of bed. He went to the shower as he had in life, turned it on, and let the dull throb of water wash the grogginess out of him.

As he washed himself with shampoo, then soap, then bodywash, he took stock of his plans for the night. He was going to the bookshop, hopefully to find some more information on the Clan Founders. Briefly, the idea came to him that he might find one of their locations, but dismissed the idea immediately. That was so improbable as to be well-nigh impossible, and even if it were, he would need time to grow and develop before he could face even a vampire a hundred years older than himself, much less ten thousand or so. He was powerful, but he'd seen enough in Chicago to know that even an elder could smash him like an ant.

His mind changed gears; he had no particular desire to remember Chicago. Instead, he focused on what he would do afterwards. He needed to find a nice bar, and a waitress seemed like it might be nice tonight. She would help herself, he would help himself, and they'd both go their separate ways. Fair trade, really. He might even throw in a little for her trouble if she was talented. He finished, turned off the water, and towelled himself dry. In the mirror, the towel bobbed as if suspended by a ghost, which brought a smile to his face and allowed him to . . . well, he needed to save that for later. He left the fan humming to keep the humidity down.

He dressed quickly in his usual low attire, black t-shirt and jeans, raked his fingers through his thick brown hair, and left, car keys jingling in his pocket.

2013-09-11, 08:47 PM

"Tell me 'baht it," Timmy grunts, then scowls at the Italian canzone on the radio. He turns the dial, muttering under his breath about that 'dago shyte.' Tom smirks from the backseat.

"Chuckles's down at the K-Mart," he chimes in while lighting a cigarette. "Kind of lame town can't even get a Wal-Mart?" He and Tommy laugh, one eye always on the boss.

Your calendar's fairly uneventful. There's a smattering of non-urgent business calls to be made and the all-day event simply labeled 'Gary' stretching on for weeks. You start the car and make your way down Broadway Ave. The boys chatter idly about the tits on some hooker. To be fair, it's the only view this "main" street provides. Most businesses are deserted, storefronts covered in graffiti.

Two miles later, Ashley turns into the parking lot. He slowly creeps through the aisles until a sharp-eyed Tim points to a group of figures huddled by the cart return. "There, boss. Dat's Juggler. No idea who the other two are."

"Do we get to go say hi, boss?" Tom grins manaically and reaches for the gun at his feet.


The dog trots from the room with purpose, leaving tufts of fur in its wake. Francine answers after a single ring, in a particularly breathy voice. "Oh thank goodness! William'll be so relieved. I'll come to you straight away. "

Shortly thereafter, Francine appears before you. She looks exhausted and on edge, though she's never had a problem with your nudity before. "Hello, mistress. I... managed to secure you a meal. It wasn't easy. Full House wouldn't send anyone to Gary - it's too dangerous - so... I had to find someone local." Francine rubs at her arm, and you notice a sizable bruise. "I don't mean to be forward, and I know my monthly feeding isn't for a week yet, but..." She gives you a pleading look. (Regardless of your response, Francine thanks you, bows, and makes for the door.)

Five minutes later, a tall woman in a strapless blue dress shuffles in, a sleep mask over her eyes. "Hey, rich lady. I know your assistant or girlfriend or whateva's payin' triple and I don't judge, but could ya get me to a chair before I break my ankle?"


He looks up, loupe still wedged in his eye. "Oh. I expected ya to parkay off or somethin'. If ya want an ol' man slowin' ya down, I can't argue." William returns the gems to the case, then checks and double-checks each lock. He pats the holster under his armpit. "All right. Let's go." William throws on a jacket and holds the door open for Dustin.

He pulls down the front shutter. Fortunately, your destination's not far. That doesn't make the blocks you must walk any more pleasant. Only a few streetlamps are lit, and the two of you wander alone past the burnt out husks of buildings. Eventually, you arrive in the K-Mart parking lot. It looks fairly elegant compared to its surroundings, but even the new construction has started to show wear. William laughs. "Someone musta got real rich buildin' this dump." In the dim light, you can barely make out a slender blond man lounging by the cart return.

He catches William's eye and beckons both of you over. "Well, 'bout time you showed your face, old dog." Juggler fixes his gaze on you. "This must be Fang's new puppy. Welcome! Nice town, ain't it? Well, it blows, but at least Ivory Tower goons aren't breathin' down our necks." He scratches his hairless chin. "How's your sire holdin' up, by the by?"


The car starts, and you head south. It's a fifteen-minute drive from your residence to the bookstore, much of it on the expressway. However, the downtown area of Gary looks nothing like the lakefront neighborhood you left. With some GPS assistance, you eventually locate the Eye of Horus. The establishment seems respectable. There's even parking in the rear.

As you park, a muscular man watches while taking a drag from his cigarette. Once the light hits you, comprehension floods his face. "'ey, my man! Ain't seen you 'round here before. You new in town?" He extends his fist for a bump. "Name's Slick. I manage this here establishment. There somethin' in particular I can help ya find?"


Your Reading
Her initial aura has a lot of white noise in it, but you can discern the rose/orange hues with pale blotches typical of a ghoul. When you deliver your compliment and her boss calls, the static and orange color fade, to be replaced with more light blue/vermillion tones.

"Really? They did. That's... Thank you." Francine gives you a hug once you're fully dressed, but winces slightly. Before you can ask, her phone rings. "Hello? ... Oh thank goodness! William'll be so relieved. I'll come to you straight away." She turns to you, grin on her face. "He got into the mistress's room. Thank goodness." The doorbell rings. "That must be her dinner. Excuse me." Francine dashes off, only to return with a rather comely woman in a blue dress. "Right this way."

The woman waves at you, then laughs as your misplaced dog tears into the room. "Heeeeeeey, pretty pup." She scratches the dog under the chin until Francine clears her throat. "Right. Gotta go. Later, dog." The woman sniffs then wanders down the hall, sadness lingering in her eyes.

2013-09-11, 08:56 PM
Dustin looks over the vampire called Juggler. This is the first time they have met, so he is not too sure what to make of him just yet. Fang didn't tell him much, of course. A big believer in learning things for yourself, Fang was.

Realizing Juggler was still looking at him and waiting for a response, he replies, "It is nice to be fairly independent again, though hunting is a little sparse. And I am sure Fang hasn't changed a bit from when you knew him. Still a hunter, all the way through."

Glancing about him to see if anyone else was around he added, "He is just as closemouthed as ever, also. Told me that you had called in a favor and sent me here, but 'forgot' to tell me any details. Mind enlightening me?"

2013-09-11, 09:28 PM
Charlotte knowing her ghoul is a bit overworked smiles and stepping out of the tub, motions her over. "You don't ask for this often, so I don't mind. You're out of your element." her hand gestures Francine down to her level, and strokes her cheek before she bites into the wrist till it bleeds.

She takes Francine s hand in her other hand and holds the bleeding wrist up to her lips. She let's the girl top off.

When Francine finishes Charlotte kisses her ghoul on the forehead. "You work hard and should be rewarded for your hard work, if that's an extra dose every now and again certainly you may ask."

Charlotte does indeed care about her ghoul. While she has major aspirations, one is indeed allowed to greatly care for another. Francine does her job and very well. "I will eat my meal then you can arrange the removal, after that I expect you to get some sleep. I need you at your finest or else I'll be lost. Do not worry about my transport here, I can deal with a cab tonight if i must."

Charlotte begins to dress. She picks out a finely tailored suit and is in the midst of buttoning up the jacket when her meal enters. "Of course, right this way" She leads her meal to the bed and sits her down. "And do not worry, you will probably enjoy this. the small vampire not one to mince words or let someone know somethings up in such a case makes for the bite.

She feeds slowly, letting the victim enjoy it.

After a few moments she releases, letting the euphoria take effect. She licks the bite closed and after adjusting her cuff links and exits the room, smiling at Francine as she passes her.

She's taking no more than 3 blood points, enough to put her at 10 after feeding her ghoul.

2013-09-12, 12:51 AM
William kneels and scratches the dogs behind the ears, and gives him mock stern look.
"Did you scare the nice lady, Buddy? You really gave Francine a fright. Let's try not to freak her out, alright? She's a friend. Yours and mine."
As the mutt leaps up to lick his face he laughs, standing up to get out of tongue range.
"You're damn right I'm the boss. Now let's see about getting you and the pack the evening meal."
Leading the dog at a light jog he runs to the rest of the dogs. He pours their feed into a small trough and lifts his wrist to his lips, tearing a jagged line with one of his fangs. Blood wells up and he goes about sprinkling it over the food.
"Makes its own gravy, right kids?"
With a slight laugh he sits among the dogs, enjoying their company for a few moments before he's inevitably called to help deal with Charlotte's latest mission.

2013-09-13, 03:35 PM
Charlotte is glancing over her phone as she comes to William's kennel. "Evening Will" The young ventrue says while looking over her schedule. "I trust you managed to sleep well?" She looks up at the malkavian. Her demeaner cold and businesslike as per usual.

2013-09-13, 06:48 PM
Ash laughs along with his boys. He feels his stomach sink beneath his seat and the Beast well up in him. His faded eyes follow the nervous darts of his subordinate operators. His mimic of breath cracks as he clears his parched throat and speaks.

"It's been a long road."

The domitor yanks Timmy's arm to him where he takes a bite of his palm of the hand. Tom puts a living hand out in offering which Ashley kisses on the back. Ash lightens up like a fresh druggie. He basks over his drained retainers as they collect their wits and arms.

"Stay in the cahr. If we hit the road, tail me unless I phone ya."

Ashley exits the vehicle alone. He adjusts his cuffs and tightens his tie. He approaches the Juggler and his two guests in the lot.

"Fellas. What can I do for you this fine evening?"
Drain 2 BP from either ghoul

2013-09-15, 02:46 PM
Down amongst the dogs William does his best not to smile at the fact that he is just barely shorter to Charlotte from a sitting position. He reaches over to scratch behind the ears of a German Shepard. He rolls his head a little as though considering her question with the utmost care, enjoying the chance to throw a moment of pointless quiet into Charlotte's busy schedule.
"I slept alright. No nightmares. You? Any troubles in the daylight hours?"
He drawls the words, taking his sweet time with small talk.

2013-09-15, 03:38 PM
The small vampire shrugs. "It isn't home. I can say that much. I just say the sooner we do this job and get back to Chicago, the better. I much prefer the highrise and having my flock. Francine's job should not be difficult here and yet apparently this town has issues with that oldest of professions."

She glances at the dogs. Then back to William. "I told her to take tonight to rest, so you might be the one driving tonight, or we take a cab."

2013-09-15, 06:21 PM
Nodding along with her words William takes a knee and then slowly rises to his feet. Stretches a little.
I can drive. So long as you don't need some wiz bang street racer. What sort of vehiculars we got to choose from?

2013-09-15, 06:55 PM
She clasps her hands behind her back and begins walking and talking. "We have the limo, and i'm fairly certain francine contacted a local dealer to get us a car thats less, ostentatious... if not i suppose we can take the limo."

2013-09-16, 06:06 PM

MacKenzie felt no particular desire to tarnish the fist bump by extending it to someone he'd just met, but he was the owner of the store, so MacKenzie extended a fist and tapped this "Slick." "Nothing in particular. It's more of a 'know it when I see it' kind of visit, but I'd heard your store was good for that."

His eyes cast their glance on the door before flicking back to him. I imagine he'll want to make some small talk.

Sorry for not posting sooner. I have to say that I'm not really a fan of this character; he's really not a nice person. The less time I'm in his head, the happier I feel, at least until I can find some way of giving him some more redeeming qualities or experiences.

2013-09-17, 11:21 PM
"Nah, wouldn't want to get dog hair in your nice shiny new limo."
As he heads for the garage Will whistles and spins one of his fingers in the air. The pack hops to attention and splits to disperse into the night, the shepherd falling into a trot at his heels. As they get to the garage the shepherd breaks into a brief run and flies into the back of Will's rusty blue pickup truck. Will gives him a scratch behind the ears as he walks past, slamming open the driver's side door and kicking open the passenger side.
"Well hop up."

2013-09-17, 11:38 PM
Charlotte cringes at the site of the truck. "I'm getting a towel... I don't know what's been in that seat. She heads inside and is back out a few moments later with a towel to place on the seat. Also since it's clearly not spent on cars, what do you do with the money I pay you?" She asks somewhat incredulously.

2013-09-20, 11:14 PM
"Lot of dog food. A few real estate investments. Tools for the work I suspect I'll have to do for you. You know I live, or rather don't, off my own money."
Takes a moment to check his mirrors. Flicks the lights on and off and checks his high beams are working. Glances in the rear-view and gives a quick thumbs up to the dog. Dog barks once. Will grins and slowly eases his way out of the garage, building speed as he rumbles down the driveway.
"See that big toolbox in the back? It's new. Bought it with some of your money."

2013-09-21, 10:54 AM
"Did you at least bathe tonight?" She says pulling her legs up to her chest after sitting, not wanting her skin touching anything in this vehicle. She was willing to sit in discomfort for this trip.

"Just get us here..." She hands him a small sheet of paper with the address, and adjusts her briefcase to act as a barrier between feet and unpleasant truck floor.

2013-09-24, 09:08 PM
OOC:Oh praise the Lord, I can start doing team posts for (some of) you dudes.

Ashley & Dustin

Juggler wrinkles his nose. "Spoke too soon 'bout the Cam, maybe." He peers more closely at Ashley. "Nevermind, you're that Boston neonate, uh... some girl's name. Anyhow..." Juggler clears his throat. "I scraped with a Sabbat pack huntin' in downtown. From what their leader mumbled around my fist, some rich brat dusted a few of her goons in Chicago then booked it here." He chuckles at the memory. "The kid's probably layin' low in Miller Beach, if the limo I eyed goin' that way's any sign. First stop for any wide-eyed rich fledglin's gonna be the prince for a little protection. Our "Glorious Leader" should be in Midtown doin' his... public outreach... Once you've got that settled, head into the downtown and clear the shovelheads out. Think you can swing that for me?"

Okay, lads, make Charisma + Etiquette checks to see how much Juggler loves you. If you can justifiably impress him with some other social skill, feel free to roll that.

You might also see a bit of a contrivance to get you united with the other group. Feel free to jump upon it, or not, as the mood strikes you.

Charlotte & Will

The address you've been given is a dreary little street in Midtown. It's almost pitch-black due to the number of dead and dying streetlamps, and scorched buildings surround you. Several people shuffle along in worn, tattered clothes, headed out of a nearby homeless outreach center. One woman has been pulled off to the side and now stands uncomfortably within the grasp of a very peculiar fellow. Dressed in a silken overcoat, vest, and ascot, the man looks like he stepped straight out of Pride and Prejudice. This must be Modius. "Now, my dear, if you'd just follow me down this alleyway, I'd like to discuss a business proposition with you." The woman nods pliantly, the discomfort now gone from her face. They make for the alley.


Tell you what. You don't fret about posting frequency/length and I'll try to do the same. :smallsmile:

"Like porn, eh? I feel ya." Slick leads you into the backroom, past a teenager in deep conversation with a Mediterranean woman. "Now, listen, I can let you poke around the regular stuff, but the serious bid'ness..." He sucks air through his teeth. "Coop made a deal with the Prince that no outside Kindred touches those books without his approval. Feel free to look through this stuff though." Slick gestures at the bookcase with a flourish. "Need anythin' else, just holler. Gotta help the owner up front."

Several titles pop out at you, now that you're alone with the shelf and your thoughts. The Camarilla Throughout the Ages, An Annotated Guide to the Six Traditions, and several other basic texts which detail Kindred life and society. Any proprietary information must be in the restricted section.

2013-09-24, 09:42 PM
Dustin eyed the newcomer. He seemed rather foppish, but hunters usually know how to camouflage in their own environment. He would reserve judgement until he could see what he could do.

"Midtown for...introductions and a little scouting, yes? I think we," he said glancing at the other vampire, "can handle that. Especially with a fight to look forward to later."

Dustin could almost feel the adrenaline surging through him at the thought, though of course that was impossible. He was dead and things like that didn't happen anymore. But the excitement was the same. A small smile teased his lips. It wasn't the fighting that he was looking forward to, but the contest. The chance to do what he had been training for, with everything on the line. Well, time to see if he was good enough. But slowly. A good hunter doesn't startle the prey.

Glancing at the newcomer again he raised an eyebrow questioningly, his eyes still hidden behind his dark glasses. "Shall we?"

2013-09-24, 10:38 PM
"Charming..." Charlotte sighs and gets out of the truck. She waits till he returns from his meal, standing by the door of the Vehicle, holding her briefcase in front of her. Were it not for the fact that she's in designer clothes one would mistake her for a schoolgirl.

She isn't concerned about the transient population, she could pretty easily get them to go away, and keeping her safe is the thing she pays Will for anyway.

2013-09-24, 11:13 PM
"It's Ashley. But my friends call me Mister Connolly."

The lone stranger grimaces through the Juggler's chiding. Otherwise his expression stays as slight as the margin on his collar. Ash leans in as he follows the topic of conversation intently. He nods in assent at the open-ended commands. Ashley catches Dustin's interjectional glance and answers the assembled Kindred in turn.

"Yea, 'we'. I brought along my own crew, for daytime handiwork. I'll tag along wit'cha boy while we're both new in town."

Ash turns to face Dustin. He takes off his own pair of Locs and places them in his coat pocket.


2013-09-25, 01:44 PM
Hopping out the driver's side door Will walks to the back of his truck. Using the trailer hitch as a stepping stool he jumps up into the bed and sits with his back to the large black tool chest. With one hand he scratches behind the shepherd's ears and with the other he flips the tool box open. Just in case.

2013-09-25, 07:01 PM
Charlotte & Will

No one gives Charlotte any trouble, though her odd appearance does garner a few stares and a mutter of, "Izzat a midget?" The gauche speaker steps as if to approach, but two of his more lucid friends notice Will and pull their companion away.

Several minutes pass. Modius and his meal exit the alleyway. "Perhaps you should go lie down inside. You look absolutely exhausted." The woman nods feebly, then toddles back into the building. The prince grins broadly... until his gaze falls on you two. Anger flickers in his eyes, but it vanishes so quickly that one might wonder if it wasn't a trick of the light.

"Visitors! Welcome!" Modius hastily licks the blood from his lips. "This is no place for a conversation. Let me take you to the estate, where we can have an introduction in proper...Kindred fashion." He cranes his neck to look behind you. "Friends of yours, I take it?"

You follow his gaze and notice a pickup truck idling a bit further down.

Charisma + Etiquette checks to see if Modius likes you. :smallwink:

Ashley & Dustin

"Good. Got business in Chicago, and I don't have time for those assclowns." Juggler offers a dismissive wave, then skulks over to a man struggling with an unwieldy box. You pile into Ashley's truck. (I assume. Lemme know if that wasn't the plan, and I'll retcon this.) Will takes this opportunity to head off, citing an early morning.

The beefy man in the front seat cranes his neck to look at Dustin. "Sup?" Tim grunts. Meanwhile, Tom casually kicks something under the bench, then holds out a cigarette. "You smoke?"

Dustin's aware of Brother's Keeper, a large homeless shelter located in Midtown. He can easily give Ashley directions to get there.

If you two feel like being chatty bros and getting to know each other, feel free to do so and then continue on. Otherwise, I'd rather not leave the game in the lurch if you're not interested in idle RP-chats. :smallsmile:
You pull up on Madison Street. There's a dandy addressing two strangers. One is a stocky gentleman, and the other is a young girl in a well-tailored suit.

Tim lets out a whistle. "Damn. She dresses almost sharp as you, boss." Tim mutters. The dandy notices you, and the other two do shortly there after. "Now what, boss?"

2013-09-25, 07:32 PM
Charlotte politely curtsies, seeing the man may appreciate some of the older traditions given his attire. "Greetings Prince Modius, I see you are aware of our coming. I do hope we are not late for this meeting."

She glances behind her

"And I'm afraid i do not know the gentlemen in the truck behind us, are you expecting others? or should we make haste indoors? I would very much like to discuss in a more habitable place, and i do so abhor ruffians. Weak of mind and quick to anger. "

2013-09-25, 07:54 PM
Dustin doesn't particularly care for riding in cars, but if they will be working together, he may as well play nice. For now anyway.

After sitting quietly for a moment he says, "It is Dustin, by the way. Not boy." He turns his head slightly in Ashley's direction and you get the barest glint of golden eyes over the rims of his sunglasses.

He shakes his head at the thug's question and returns his gaze to the front, telling the driver where to turn as it comes up, but otherwise not saying anything.

As they pull up, he notices the three standing on the sidewalk. He definitely notices the look the small girl gives him and smiles slightly to himself before getting out of the car.

2013-09-25, 08:40 PM
Ashley parks the truck and lights a Basic Red between cupped hands. He fumes and sneers in the direction of the strikingly dressed pedestrians.

"Kids..." groans Ashley. He burns through his first cig in under half a minute, then reaches for another. Ash leaves his goombahs in the ride as he slips out and onto the street. Standing beside Dustin, he picks out his second smoke and uses it to chain-light a third. The gray exhaust of his smoking hangs overhead like an eraser mark over deep shading.

"This the drop then?"

2013-09-25, 08:57 PM
Will frowns, narrowing his eyes a little to peer at the pickup. He chuckles softly at Charlotte's overly stylistic speech. He reaches back and roots around with one hand until his hand closes on the handle of the right tool for the job.
"Ain't polite to talk about me like I'm not here, Charles. Want me to go take a look, Prince? Wouldn't dream of doing anything in your town without your say. But it seems to me that people shouldn't be eyeballing you without your consent."
Will's peering is him using Auspex.
Etiquette and Charisma [roll0]

2013-09-25, 09:51 PM
Modius looks down at Charlotte, a paternal smile on his lips. "Indeed they are, but this is my home, and I shall not be chased away. Feel free to wait inside if you are frightened." He straightens his lapels, a proud crazed look in his eye.

He grins at William, but regains his composure and offers a small nod. "Yes, go see what they want. Don't be too harsh, though. They may be trying to marshal the courage to approach me." Modius sighs wistfully. "I remember what that was like, once."

2013-09-25, 10:13 PM
Charlotte nods and waits, her gaze listing over to the other group. She was not one to be bullied, and she would assume it quite rude to just wait inside the Prince's domain.

So she stood, pale legs pressed together, holding her briefcase in front of them. She watched, curious to see how Will handled things.

2013-09-25, 11:40 PM
In a show of initiative Ashley preempts the envoy by approaching the Prince.

"Modius, is it? Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Ash Connolly. My partner and I just blew into town. We're here to ask for your leave to hunt in the domain of Miller Beach."

2013-09-26, 06:54 AM
Will simply pulls a hatchet from his tool chest. Keeps his eye on Modius for a sign. He's not about to start anything without the prince's word. He taps the back of the hatchet against his shoulder as he waits.

2013-09-26, 08:44 PM
Modius' brows knit together. "I admire your audacity, Mister Connolly, but the answer is no. There exists a healthy police presence within that neighborhood, not to mention my own residence. If you must feed on the wealthy, I suggest you try Chicago." He looks askance at Ashley. "Or is there some other prey you hunt?"

2013-09-26, 10:13 PM
Dustin hangs back, watching how his new...partner handles the situation. The prince exudes the air of nonchalance in keeping with someone who is quite confident they can handle any situation, so it would be best not to tangle with him. As for the other two, well...

The girl, going by what he had seen before, probably had no interest in being out here talking with them, had no interest in them at all, not as people anyway. More as one would look at an animal or a television. He shrugged inwardly. Not his problem.

The man though, well, it was funny the way he was ready to offer violence so blatantly. Could be a sign of insecurity or maybe he felt that he needed to prove himself. That could be a little dangerous, but for now, Dustin would just hang back and watch and maybe learn something about these people that could be useful later. If there was a later.

2013-09-26, 10:28 PM
"Just getting by in this small world. I ain't no blue-blood. When you're a Caitiff you pick up what scraps you can. Charming Court, by the way."

Ash blows a little kiss in Will's direction. He sucks his third coffin nail to the filter and steps it out on the sidewalk.

"Your fief, your rules, Elder. But I think you have me mistaken. I get along just fine with the boys in blue. In fact, I'm like an officer for folks who can't go to the police."

2013-09-26, 11:15 PM
Charlotte tilts her head slightly to the side. "A Mongrel? you poor dear." The voice emanating from the small kindred is fully formed. Unlike her body her speech is that of a full grown woman's.

"Where are you from if you don't mind me asking?" Her concern is shown, uncommon for a Ventrue. Despite the typical views of the clan, Charlotte learned to call upon caitiff, they were usually more interested in doing work due to their status. She had hired more than one on occasion to help her with a project that needed doing, and she usually wasn't disappointed with the results.

2013-09-27, 03:26 PM

Mac pulled out the Annotated Guide and breezily flipped through it. He sucked on a cheek. The buying trip wasn't a complete waste, since at least he had a lead on the larger community and a hint that maybe some of the information he was looking for was here, just not in a section he could access right now. But it was clear that the particularly good stuff wasn't forthcoming. He sighed in exaggerated fashion.

Still, no reason not to make nice. He had more than enough money to buy every book on the shelf, but that wasn't necessary for this little run. He pulled out some of the basic books, thinking idly that maybe there was something scribbled in the margins that was new, and went up to the counter. "I'll take all of these Slick. Make sure to talk to Coop for me about seeing what's in the restricted section." He fished one of his credit cards out of his wallet and handed it over.

2013-09-27, 05:03 PM
"Actually I'm a purebreed Caitiff. And I do mind, like most Clanless I was sired without permission. I learned from my regnant that fascists are the only true Anarchs. So I'm here on my own behalf."

Ashley's right hand lingers in his pocket. He forces a toothless, sh*t-eating grin.

"Now that that's explicit, let's talk domains. Where are the commons?"

2013-09-28, 11:16 PM
Charlotte nods. If he doesn't want to talk she will allow him his privacy.

2013-09-29, 08:50 PM
The Fab Four

Modius sighs. "Anarchs... I sense Juggler's hand in this. He may be a brute and a fool, but he cares for this city. Very well. I will grant your request under one condition." He grins toothily at Charlotte. "You allow my two representatives to accompany you. They will render what assistance they can and ensure your continued friendship with the boys in blue, as you say." Modius flashes a more subdued smile. "My manor is on the hill. Come find me once your task is complete. Good hunting."


The Annotated History contains the Six Traditions and a compilation of events that pertain to each. There are a slew of Masquerade violations given as example, none of which ended well for those responsible. Petty squabbles over domain and childer... Blah blah blah. Say hi to the Prince or there could be trouble, and finally, The Tradition of Destruction. The final section is also the lengthiest and regularly mentions 'diablerie'. The Camarilla executes all known perpetrators, and yet the problem still plagues the Kindred community. Tremere himself created an entire bloodline through diablerie.

When you return to the front, the elusive owner is nowhere to be seen. Slick nods at your request and slides an old receipt towards you. "Write down your cell, and I'll call to set somethin' up." He runs the credit card through without trouble. "Here ya go. Night." Slick wanders into the back.

Once out the door, a very familiar woman, Cooper's client, waves to you. Two men in black t-shirts stand a fair distance away, but they watch you both intently.

2013-09-29, 09:01 PM
Charlotte looks a little agape at the prince as he leaves. The anger wells up in her and she climbs back into the truck, slamming the door closed when she gets in.

2013-09-29, 09:40 PM
Ash walks back to his ride briskly. He puffs through two more Basics as he zooms through Miller Beach on Google Maps. The cabin was hazy and the ash tray full.

"Look alive, boys. We're cruising with a tail," announces Ash to his capos.

When Dustin piles into the Dodge Ram, Ashley turns to confer with him, "Eyes out for our mark, yea. Play it casual though. Let's get a bite to eat, keep our Cammie friends up."

2013-09-29, 10:05 PM
The pack was just growing larger and larger now. Dustin wasn't quite sure how he felt about that. Yes it would make things somewhat easier, but at the same time...Dustin was used to hunting alone. These other people still needed to prove themselves to him.

Still lost in his own thoughts, he responded to Ashley's comment.
"Once we get close, I will do a little recon. By myself, if you don't mind. Give me your number and I will let you know if I find anything, or if you see anything you can let me know."

2013-09-29, 10:57 PM
"Sure thing," Ash shares the number to his prepaid BlackBerry. He waits for Dustin to dial him, then saves his number to contacts.

2013-09-30, 12:07 AM
Slipping into the drivers side a good deal quieter than his companion, Will checks his mirrors to see if the other car is watching them at all before he speaks.
"What was that? Because I could have sworn it looked like a tantrum."

2013-09-30, 08:20 AM
"It was vented frustration..." She looks over at him. "I don't pay you to be my psychiatrist and would in fact be considered crazy to do so. Now drive so we can do this task quickly and be done with it. The sooner we are out of this crummy little town the better."

Charlotte didn't say it but she was completely insulted, at her age being told to run with the rabble. She would certainly have words when she got home.

2013-09-30, 08:48 AM
"Excellent point. I'd forgotten that we were mortal and therefore short on time. Silly me."
With a slight smirk, Will slowly turns the truck to start following.

2013-09-30, 07:43 PM
Mac did his best to keep his face relatively pleasant, masking the "Oh for the love of. . ." that crossed his mind. He walked over to the woman. "I'm sorry, but you seem familiar. Have we met?" Mac knew that honesty was usually the best policy, but he hoped like heck this wasn't a one-night stand of his.

2013-10-02, 09:00 PM
Gah, sorry. Got two calls for interviews today, and I'm so excited I could flip a table. :smallbiggrin:

The Fab Four

You drive around for fifteen minutes. It feels like an eternity to Charlotte. Ashley has to drive below the speed limit to avoid police attention and search carefully. Your pickup convoy garners a few stares, but nothing comes of them. Chalk that up to the lily-whiteness of your drivers if you feel really cynical or humanity's self-absorbed nature if you feel slightly less cynical.

Over time, the houses and cars start to blur together. M-Class... C-Class... is a Bentley a limo? Do you care? Finally, Ashley spots a bona fide limousine in front of a lavish lakefront house.

Charlotte and Will, your Anarch friends have stopped only one house down from your own.


The woman laughs, an icy yet melodic sound. There's a noticeable point to her canines. "Nope. Just saw you were a new face in town. Didn't worry you too much, did I?" She extends her business card to you with a flourish. "Maria DiMatto. I'm here to shoot my next project, and I needed a prop." Maria drums her fingers against the spine of a particularly worn text. "This is just a bunch of nonsense, though your Baron - President - Prince! That's it - did grant my request for access to the restricted section." She smiles coyly. "Maybe... we can help each other out. You get me some help for my project, and I'll loan you my library card. How does that sound?" Maria winks. "Remember. It's After. Sunset. Films." She leans over and taps each word as she utters it. "Tell your friends."

Make a Cha+Etiquette check.

2013-10-02, 11:48 PM
"Will? Am i seeing this right? are we at our house right now? because I could swear this looks just like the lake house we left earlier this evening."

Charlotte masks her concern with sarcasm. despite her promise otherwise, she pulls out her phone and texts Francine, hoping the girl didn't put her phone on silent.

"Francine darling, sorry to wake you, but we potentially have company, and not the pleasant kind. i would suggest hiding, I'm outside the house with William and will try to make sure nothing happens."

2013-10-03, 12:52 AM
Ash drives in silence. The stereo plays a list of Ella Fitzgerald tunes: "Someone To Watch Over Me", "How High The Moon", "Round Midnight." He parks along the curb across the limo and turns off the engine. The music plays on, over which Ashley speaks, "Think we should do the neighborly thing and knock?"

2013-10-03, 01:01 AM
"Keep going, don't stop too close, let's park around the block. Then I will hop out and check things out, with you close enough for back up should things go sour."

Dustin looks out the back window at the following car.

"Hopefully they have enough sense not to make it too obvious either."

When they pull around the corner, Dustin will hop out of the car and begin working his way back to the house.

Activating Obfuscate once he is out of sight.

2013-10-03, 01:44 AM
"Your call. I thought we could do this the easy way."

Ash drives on. He gets out of the car around the corner and nods to his goons to follow.

2013-10-03, 03:44 PM
Charlotte climbs out of the truck and makes her way to the lake house where she had been residing. Since its her haven she simply unlocks the door and walks in, making a B-line for Francine's room. "Francine, darling are you up?" She doesn't show it but she does indeed have worry in her voice. Francine wasn't just a ghoul, but a one of a kind ghoul to her. Common thugs were a dime a dozen, someone as financially gifted and economically smart as Francine were a gift. If her thoughts were correct and this was indeed the house they were entering, she wanted to get her out.

2013-10-03, 05:41 PM
Ash pats Tom on the shoulder as he climbs out of the back.

"Cover Rambo from the cab. Tim and I are going in the front door."

Connolly and Keegan walk back around the corner. They linger at the intersection for a minute, watching the street for a getaway.

"I'm knocking." Ashley texts Dustin.

2013-10-03, 07:34 PM
"God damn it."
Kicking his door open Will whistles and whips a finger to point at Charlie's back. The dog dutifully barks once and then races after her to follow on her heels. Rustling through his truck Will grabs a sturdy steel full ax, following them at a determined walk.

2013-10-05, 08:02 PM
*whistle* That's a lot of zany action. Might need to divvy this up, but I'll try to keep everything together.

The Fab Four

Francine peeks up from behind a chest of drawers, a massive flashlight clutched in her hands. "Yes! What's going on? Who's-" The sound of footsteps cuts her off. Fortunately, only Buddy romps into the room. He lets out an authoritative bark, then sits before Francine. She laughs despite the situation and ruffles the dog's head absentmindedly.

Will arrives a few minutes later, deadly axe in hand. Shortly thereafter, Ashley knocks on the front door, which elicits another bark from Buddy.

Dustin, meanwhile, has begun his approach on the house. He could hear a flurry of activity and clearly sees his partner-in-not-crime standing on the front porch.

2013-10-05, 08:40 PM
Connolly lingers on the porch in silence. Hearing the dog, he draws a .38 Smith & Wesson from his chest holster and flips the safety. Ash knocks again with the butt of his piece.

"Anybody home?" he asks entirely rhetorically.

2013-10-05, 09:23 PM
Charlotte knowing her thoughts were right, makes her way to the door. She opens it just looking up at him. "Come in... and please put the gun away. I have a no firearms policy in my havens unless it is in the possession of someone in my employ." She holds the door open and gestures him to come in. "I'll overlook its presence for now."

"I also suggest contacting your friend and tell him I would much prefer civilized discussion over boorish physical conflict." There isn't malice in her voice, in fact she sounds quite civil. She just uses a rather blue blooded vocabulary when speaking.

2013-10-05, 10:42 PM
Ashley stuffs the revolver in his waistcoat and steps inside the vestibule. He declines to mention his disappeared accomplice skulking in the hedgerows, texting to him from his pocket instead, "Use the door, Animal."

"That your limo outside? The Baron would like to offer you and yours his protection. There've been Sabbat spotted downtown. My new friend and I are the cleaning crew. Excuse our manners, but my mans have to do or die."

Ash's placid eyes blink. He looks hurried and hungry.

"Let's keep rolling. Prince Modius is having us over for dinner," Ashley remarks presciently.

2013-10-06, 12:26 AM
Dustin sighs to himself. Games within games. Give him a straightforward nut over these power plays. Ashley could handle this.

He sent Ashley a text.

"I will wait at the car. Let me know when you are done."

2013-10-06, 05:25 PM
"No need to thank me, miss. Just doing my job," Ashley adds bitingly.

The Caitiff lights a cigarette as he walks over the driveway and back to his car. He turns on the radio, then the engine. Ash lounges in the driver seat as he burns through five more smokes.

"What helpful friends we have in the Ivory Tower. From their eyes the night of the world hangs out toward us."

2013-10-06, 05:40 PM
She shrugs and makes her way back to Francine. "Francine, dear I am terribly sorry about waking you. I just want you safe, you should be fine from here out. If something happens do not hesitate to contact myself or Will." She kisses her ghoul again on the forehead. "Sleep well my dear."

She waves for Will to follow her back as she locks up the house.

Moments later she and her bodyguard are back out at the truck.

2013-10-11, 06:27 PM
On the ride to Modius' mansion, Ash gets chummy.

"Now, seeing as we're about to do work together, I want to know that I can trust you in the clutch, trust you to not do anything stupid. I'm not here to go hand-to-hand with a gang of shovelheads, hoping against hope to survive and impress the Prince of Bumf*ck. Gary's a dumpsite for Chicago Kindred and their illegitimate childer. Some of those bastards are probably running the show downtown."

"What I'm saying is take it easy, block by block; let's case the joint real quiet-like and have my boys burn it down in the morning. We ain't here to be heroes. More like, arsonists."

2013-10-12, 12:26 AM
Dustin frowns slightly, finding the suggestion distasteful. It isn't that he wants to get hurt, but going and burning down everything during the day just doesn't seem right.

"I can see why that might make things a little easier in some ways, but don't you think people will find it suspicious if a bunch of houses randomly burn down? And if such things haven't happened before, odds are they will start looking for any newcomers to town - of which group we both belong to. Not that I particularly have anything against it, mind, just wanted to know if you thought it through. Also, I am perfectly capable of casing this place 'quiet-like', though anyone can be caught, myself included. I hope you don't expect me to just give up in that instance."

2013-10-12, 04:08 AM
"Don't hurt yourself for anybody. Especially me. I'll sell Mr. Darcy the plot, Sabbat always mean collateral. I'm afraid smoking out one nest may not be enough. Say there's a straggler that embraces a book club the following night. You gotta catch 'em all," remarks Ash without a shred of lightness in his tone.

2013-11-09, 06:38 PM
OOC: All right, it's a lazy Saturday, and the internet's gone quiet. Guess it's my job to put up some content.

Timmy and Tommy snicker to themselves while the latter idly flicks the wheel of his cigarette lighter.

Barring any further in ca-RPs...

Everyone arrives at the Prince's mansion in short order. The yard is somewhat overgrown, a stark contrast to nearby homes. The front double doors are flanked by what you would guess were lion statues under all that ivy. A Mercedes-Benz sits parked in front of the door. Those with an eye for cars would peg it as an early nineties model. This house definitely belongs to old money, with emphasis on old.

2013-11-12, 08:53 PM
Mac closed the car door, looked around, and casually sniffed the air. He ruffled his hair, uncertain, and then headed for the door. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed the others, but aside from a brief nod, he paid them no great heed.

2013-11-13, 06:16 PM
Charlotte climbed out of the vehicle. The appearance of the mansion was welcome in this town. It wasn't a highrise but it was a sign of someone with class. Or at least someone with delusions of such.

She stood outside the vehicle, milk white legs pressed together like she was at attention with her hands holding her briefcase in front of her. She looks like a girl ready to get into school. She waits till Will rounds the truck to walk in with her.

2013-11-13, 07:42 PM
Dustin stands to one side, relaxed in a way that implies readiness to spring, to pounce. He eyes the group, waiting for someone to make the first move.

2013-11-13, 08:50 PM
Ash steps onto the curb and onward up the walkway to Modius' manor. He walks ahead of the trickling line of Kindred forming on the front lawn. The confident operator rings the doorbells, thumb peeking out of his back pocket on the other side. His eyes wander back to the driveway where they longingly loll over the late model, S-class Benz.