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2013-09-08, 03:34 PM
Asvru Sinquiltiu's was waiting in her office, appearing to float.

It was an intentional effect, brought about by a thin crystal desk and clearplas posture chair, that permitted a splendid view of the city's lightshaft and the Collegium of Divine Incandescence.

Sinquiltiu did not fill her office with relics or ostentatious decorations. Its burnished walls, floor, and ceiling, all served to underscore how empty it was. As the champions were ushered in she lifted her palms from her desk and her formerly glazed expression sharpened.

"By now you have all completed charm outfitting and equipment certifications. Were there any difficulties?"

2013-09-08, 04:32 PM
Apostle frowns.

No technical problems, but it was difficult to choose a loadout without knowing what we'll be doing. Are we going into battle, doing research, or what?

2013-09-08, 04:38 PM
"No difficulties, Autocrat Sinquiltiu," the Champion known as Eruditely Transcendent Enigma answered firmly. "I would not have it otherwise; I am an artificer by nature and by design. My charms and equipment are in optimal condition." Rarely seen without armor, Enigma cut an imposing figure. She bore her superheavy plate with the ease a mortal bears cloth. Radiant starmetal filaments traced their way across her entire body like a spidery tattoo, signifying her enhanced acumen, agility, and resilience. "I, too, would like to know the purpose of our assembly, but I expect that that information will come in time." Enigma glanced over at her comrades, prepared to avail them of her crafting skills should they have the need.

2013-09-08, 11:28 PM
It was most unnecessary. A high-class formal message like that, for such a basic and obvious instruction. And they misspelled things at that. Hopefully this is not a sign of things to come. There is respectful, and then there is hopelessly bound in formality.

Entering her office does nothing to reassure the soulsteel. Song of the Ages focuses on the Autocrat, ans shakes his head. "No problems. My comrade speaks accurately; while I should be acceptably prepared for any situation, we would be better served knowing the nature of our task before our outfitting."

And he does look fairly well prepared, a heavy coat and a pair of coiled scourges would come in useful in a fight, a belt is full of tools, a variety of gear-themed jewelry draws a bit of attention.

2013-09-09, 11:18 PM
The salute is a parody of perfection; the uniform - tunic, greatcoat, skirt, pants, gloves, boots - most thoroughly nonuniform - exaggerated beyond the limits of even the Estasia professional military until it borders on bad taste, glowing with lines of black and gold, blue and silver. It is neatly combined with a snazzy cap that stretches the Executive's already impressive height to almost touch the ceiling, somehow not clashing with her blue-jade skin and silver hair. She seems on the verge of exploding into a cheerful flurry of discipline, which the small four-metal monocle over her right eye merely enhances.

She is also completely and utterly unarmed, unarmored and lacking any tools whatsoever aside from some small pockets sewn into the uniform. Whatever modifications she may have are almost completely concealed beneath her resplendent outfit; only a few orichalcum streaks visible over her collar speak to enhanced vocal skills.

"None whatsoever, Autocrat!" she says with an energetic grin. "I have a balanced loadout and prepared arsenal ready for whatever situation may confront us, and I eagerly look forwards to meeting my new teammates!"

She catches sight of the other Champions in the room and gives each of them a quick salute.

2013-09-10, 01:10 AM
Seeker steps into the room almost nervously, though the trained eye would see each step as deliberate and calculated. It is not fear that influences her stride, but simply a trained caution that is difficult to part with, even for occasions such as this. Compared to the likes of Imposition of Mercy, she appears startlingly underdressed, appearing in her simple grey armor - bow and quiver strung across her back, but it only suited her to be prepared to serve upon arrival. "I see my invitation was not the only one." She joined the others where they stood, and crossed her arm over her midsection before bowing slightly. "Seeker of the Hidden Truths, reporting as requested."

Scarlet Dragon
2013-09-10, 07:48 PM
Hundredfold Tactical Praetor walks into the room with the all the discipline of a battlefield commander. In response to the question "I had no problems getting outfitted for this venture, though it would be helpful to know what that is so that I may properly prep the people under my command."

2013-09-12, 04:33 PM
The Autocraft regarded the champions, as though debating weather to say something. Finally she seemed to give up the idea, perhaps filing a mental note for later, she pulled something the size of a shot glass out of a pocket and set it on her desk. A single tiny flake drifted within, occasionally catching the light.

"As you may have noticed, all requisitions for new charmslots are being denied at this time. This ..."

She indicated this object on her desk

"... is why. It is a suspension of crystal and thought lightning in oil that is produced intermittently in the reaches. Every charmslot, new charm installation, and submodual attachment requires a small amount. Current civic needs have outstripped domestic extraction. Your first mission will be to secure additional supplies."

As she took a breath a holiglyphic image appeared depicting Wisant as well as the Near and Mid Reaches. On point was highlighted at the very edge of the easily monitored reaches.

"Our explorers came across survivors of a caravan from Kamak. Among the material they were transporting was a significant supply of this material. You are charged with locating this caravan, securing all valuable resources it contains, and returning them to Wisant. Time is an issue.

Do you require any additional information?"

2013-09-12, 04:47 PM
"You refer to them as survivors. Do we have information on who or what caused their numbers to decrease?" Enigma posed the question without hesitation. She notes internally that the Autocrat summoned no fewer than six Champions for this one sortie. Perhaps she was simply compensating for their youth, but there must have been a reason that Enigma and the others were chosen, instead of a smaller, less conspicuous group of more experienced Champions.

2013-09-12, 05:57 PM
"Our best guess is that they encountered a blight zone. I can forward you the transcripts, but the account is neither complete or coherent. They described it as coming upon them with great rapidity which is indicative of a number of things."

2013-09-12, 05:58 PM
"What was protecting the caravan?" Mercy asked eagerly, the first and most obvious question already having been asked. "Did they have Champions, too?"

2013-09-12, 07:09 PM
"It seems more indicative of a gremlin, if anything of the blight."

Song looks around at his fellow companions.

"Are we ready to go?"

2013-09-12, 07:11 PM
"Well, yes, of course, the attackers were." She speaks on the assumption that no-one else would ever attack caravans. "But did the defenders have champions? If so, do we know if they survived? Is this a rescue mission, or only recovery?"

2013-09-12, 07:40 PM
"Debriefings mentioned the names of several champions. Archive of the Stranger was the champion most commonly mentioned, but our records indicate that she became the metropolis Archanger over five hundred years ago before becoming lost when the chamber it was located in drifted away from the the others of Kamak.

As for the question of rescue or recovery, this caravan was not bound for Nurad."

2013-09-13, 01:28 AM
Apostle looks thoughtfully at the glass.

Charms, charm slots, and submodules...

He turns back to the Autocrat, choosing his words carefully.

You're describing how it's useful to Champions. Does it have any other uses? Would it be valuable to gremlins, or nations without Champions?

2013-09-13, 10:41 AM
"Could have been simply a wrong subroutine, or a natural disaster like a failed pressure lock." Song shrugs. They don't know enough yet.

"The location of an isolated metropolis would be important if we could acquire it from them, no? And there may be a use for the survivors even if we need seize the cargo."

He looks over the flake in the oil. "Presumably it is useful in the construction and repair of municipal charms as well as our own."

2013-09-13, 11:12 AM
"You are correct, it is necessary for the installation of municipal charms. That fact is why we find ourselves in such need of it. Progress on Wisant's newest municipal charm is stalled for the time being because of this shortage. In the interests of speed we began constructing it and its charmslot concurrently. That is a decision now under review.

We would of course welcome the rediscovery of Archanger and the return of one of the Maker's champion's to his people that is not the primary or secondary objective of this mission. Pursue it only if it does not interfere with recovery of the growth factor or other usable assets."

2013-09-14, 12:48 AM
Apostle is lost in thought.

So it's valuable to anyone from a patropolis or metropolis, which does not include...

He trails off, and looks around at the assembly, particularly at Enigma and Song. He seems more and more worried as he studies them, but says nothing. Finally he forces a smile and addresses the others.

So, what's the plan?

2013-09-14, 01:56 AM
"Why don't we just head out now, collect the caravan, blow up the gremlins, and then head back? If Archanger is around, we can bring him friendly greetings from Wisant! If not, this should be no problem! I'm sure we can carry however much there is!"

Mercy's gaze turns from one teammate to the next, smile still on her face, waiting for someone to respond.

2013-09-14, 12:12 PM
Enigma nods slowly. "As the Autocrat said, time is an issue. I trust that we need only a few moments more to pick up our weapons and other equipment, but otherwise I believe we should make our way to the Reaches." She turns toward the door, but stops to look at Song. "I understand that you possess a battle skiff, Song. It may be time to put it to use. I am capable of performing maintenance on it if need be; all you need to do is ask. I shall return with my shield and razor claws. You can find me at the docks."

And with that, the starmetal clad in armor took her leave. Enigma walked briskly back to her residence in nestled in the higher class region of Wisant. Her arrival was met with a flood of aides and assistants, most of whom she waved off with a hand. "Bring me my shield and razor claws, and my visor as well. I have need of them. Also, locate the battle skiff of the Champion Song of the Ages. We will be sortieing soon." Enigma swung her shield unto her back, and clipped the claws onto her belt. The visor she placed upon her brow. Thus equipped, she awaited news of Song's battle skiff.

2013-09-14, 12:59 PM
Song glances over to Apostle, noticing the concern. "You suspect an Apostate Champion? Autocrat, has there been any activity to suggest a Void Lord anywhere near this area?"

Then he slowly turns to look Mercy, appalled. How could anyone be that optimistic? He's all for confidence, but that's...that's something else.

"That's the plan." He tries to answer with a smile.

And the soulsteel gives the practical one a quick nod. "It is as you say, Enigma. This should be about the quickest way through the tunnels from what we can see. I'll gather the last of my supplies and meet you all at the docks." He hastily sketches out a planned path in the holographic map, and turns to stride fro the room.


"Get moving; we've got a job. I want crash fang and edge fang, down at the docks. 1500 seconds. No tech needed, that's being covered by a fellow champion." That message sent, the militia should gather up and be there on time. Best to be prepared when they don't know what they're up against.
That done, Song turns to the machine skulking in the corner of the rooms. "Nothing to worry about, Dev. Should be a simple equipment recovery. But this is our first mission. You should come along. Set a peaceable example along with Mercy."
The champion doublechecks everything. Scourges ready, jacket fastened, pilot's goggles intact, elemental core channeling correctly. Finally, they set off for the hangar where his skiff should be.

2013-09-14, 03:37 PM
"What, you didn't hear? There was one who got away a few months back. Don't know where he went," she said cheerfully, "But we ought to be able to waste him if he shows."

She looks at the path he sketched. "Thanks for the map!"

She throws more salutes and rushes off dockwards.

All equipment was already on her person, hidden in concealed pockets.

2013-09-14, 11:46 PM
Apostle is briefly shocked by what Song says, then recovers.

Er... yes, the cargo would be immediately useful to a Champion, and combined with this report of a blight zone, an Apostate is a possibility. I'm sorry, I'm still used to Apostates being kept secret. So we can talk about them openly? Anyway, we can continue this conversation on the skiff.

Apostle returns to his quarters. Keeping his charm loadout, he gathers up his equipment, then joins the others at the skiff hanger.

Attuned to Reinforced Breastplate and Daiklave. Carrying all other equipment.

2013-09-16, 06:00 PM
When the champion's reached the upper dock they found it filled with people. Though too young to remember the never ending flurry of activity which had characterized it in the heydays of old, all the Alchemicals could easily see that it had been designed for a much greater volume than was now utilized.

Hexagonal storage cells held unused skiffs, or gaping blackness where vehicles had been sold or disassembled. Flight control personnel crowded in maintenance bays and crowded over temporary glyph panels, the dim light accentuating the darkness of the rest of the room. In the rooms center the shadowed depths of the Sympathetic Entanglement Orrery hinted at the time when Wisant had performed many of the tasks humans now struggled with.

The same young Plutarch has another set of hand written messages.
Adress Reply to:
Wisant Municiple Tripartite
Glazen Stoa

From: Asvru Sinquiltiu, Autocrat of Wisant

To: [Recipiant], Champion

Subject: Last Minute Order Change

1. On further consideration the matter of the lost Metropolis has been upgraded in priority. Additional time has been authorized if it appears that its location might be rediscovered.

2. Investigate any Apostate activity thouroughly, but do not engage. Prepair hand written reports and deposit them in the message que of Plutarch second grade Notissueu. Do not speak of these matters to others.

3. Destroy these orders upon reading.

T.G. Notissueu
T.G. Notissueu
Plutarch (2g) Wisant, Narud

For Asvru Sinquiltiu
Autocrat of Wisant

After that, your departure was uneventful. For two days the map you were shown proved accurate. Eventually what should have been a narrow, vertical shaft terminated in a large chamber with a massive and ornate bulkhead in the direction you wish to go. Small access corridors branch off the side, none of them large enough for the skiff. Based on your map, the caravan's last location is on the far side of the bulkhead. A flat platform suitable for landing is situated along the right side of the chamber near one of the corridors.

2013-09-17, 02:38 PM
Apostle sighs at the sight of the bulkhead.

Everything has to be a puzzle box... Is there an easy way to open that up?

He turns to Mercy.

Can you tell me more about that Apostate that escaped? I didn't hear about that.

2013-09-18, 05:04 PM
"Had we a team of weavers, the Theoplastic Engineering Protocol would make for easy passage. As we have no such luxury, we must make our way on foot." Enigma moves to one of the skiff's portholes. "Song, I suggest that we land on that platform there and begin disembarkation. I also recommend that you leave your squad here as a reserve force, and as a contingency should something bar our return to the ship. In the worst case scenario, the skiff's weapons should have some effect on this bulkhead."

"The possible presence of an Apostate is a worrisome prospect," she continues, pacing back to her colleagues. "And all the better reason to not leave this skiff unattended. If one of the Void Lords is in fact present beyond that bulkhead, all of the Champions will be needed to fight him. That is why we can only afford to leave the militia. As for your familiar, Song, it is up to you whether he be left to guard the skiff or to accompany us." Enigma is uncertain about taking the initiative in suggesting such a course of action. Though possessed of greater raw processing power compared to her colleagues, she had no actual training in tactics. For that kind of expertise, she focuses her attention on Praetor.

2013-09-18, 05:49 PM
Apostle looks around at the skiff, and then at the assembly.

I suppose we're not giving up much firepower by leaving the skiff behind. We'll be slower, though.

He leans forward, staring at the bulkhead.

We should at least check there isn't some mechanism to open that before we go on foot.

2013-09-18, 09:19 PM
Should have been an open tunnel, but instead it's been reconfigured to perfectly and non-destructively deprive them of their transport. Stranger things have happened, but that's no reason to trust this occurrence. "This is unusual. It's a wall, and looks to have been here a while. A retraction mechanism would be...most unlikely." All that aside, he has only one real choice, and brings the machine down to a smooth landing on the platform.

"You've all got it right. Let's spread out and look around."
As the ship powers down, he head back to the transport bay to inform the militia of the plan.
"Edge Squad, you do stay with the ship. Crash Squad, follow after us with Dev. The mission got expanded a bit, we might need numbers for exploration."

Back outside the skiff, he points out the door near the platform. "This is the obvious way around. We're not taking it unless all the others are dead ends or unmappable. That one over there should make a good first attempt."

Perception+Awareness for ways to open the wall or information about the passages.

2013-09-18, 10:32 PM
Apostle leaves the skiff and examines the decorations on the bulkhead, trying to find some clue to opening it.

Perception+Lore for the significance of the decorations:[roll0]

Scarlet Dragon
2013-09-18, 11:31 PM
Hundredfold Tactical Praetor also has his pilots set down his skiff and since there is very few practical ways around this obstacle he sets off of for his remaining troops and brings them up into proper tunnel traversing formation. "I want all of you to break up into three groups of five. I want one group with me while the other two standby here and act as a base camp. I want a pair of messengers sent back and forth frequently, we are in unknown terrain with possible hostiles anything could go wrong. I trust that all of you have read up on the mission details, I don't need to remind you of the importance of what we are doing. Now hop to it."

I edited my post because I realized the logistics of having a couple hundred people here already with only two skiffs was impossible. Now it is down to 15 which I can totally fit into my skiff

2013-09-19, 08:28 PM
As you land, tiny exmachina swarm up and over the skiffs expectantly before retreating just as quickly. Lightning and steam conduits are bolted to the walls, floor, and ceiling. Some divert through the passages but most head toward the bulkhead wall. The normal groan of flexing metal is noticable by its absence. Sparks of electrical discharge flash across the bulkhead periodically, sending expanding ripples of sparks across the textured surface.

While you cannot identify the decorations, they resemble deep ridges and valleys in blocks of alternating orientation. Lines of Old Realm glyphs travel through the valleys in maddening complex and overlapping patterns.

There does not appear to be any control machinery, though exposed panels reveal unmoving gears the size of city blocks which may be related to the opening mechanism. None of the passages branch off at right angles. If you had to guess, it appears that they are fairly direct bypasses around a larger chamber.

2013-09-19, 09:03 PM
Enigma was alarmed by the sudden appearance of the exmachina, but her concern was somewhat allayed by their withdrawal. Excusing herself from the other Champions, she moves back towards the skiffs to check for any damage or tampering. The mortal technicians stepped away at her approach, deferring to her knowledge.

(Intelligence 6 + Lore 5 + Savant 2) to examine Song's skiff. If time allows, a second roll using the same pool to examine Praetor's.

2013-09-20, 03:19 PM
Nothing obvious here, but- Argh!

Apostle jumps in alarm at the exmachina, then relaxes when they leave.

Did they do any damage?

2013-09-20, 05:14 PM
The exmachina appear to have opened everything that wasn't bolted shut, and a few things that were, as though looking for something. No damage appears to have been done.

2013-09-21, 07:32 AM
"No damage," Enigma calls to Apostle, "Though it is appears that they were looking for something." She looks over the places that were forced open and tries to see a common thread between them.

(Perception 6 + Investigation 3) to determine a pattern in the exmachina's search.

2013-09-21, 10:48 PM
There is no pattern in so much as they opened everything they had easy access to.

2013-09-21, 11:22 PM
"There is nothing to indicate what they were searching for," Enigma announces to her assembly. "The exmachina simply opened what they could and left once they knew we did not have it. Perhaps the clue lies in the writing on the bulkhead. I am versed in enough lore to recognize the glyphs as Old Realm, but I cannot read them. That is a mistake I must soon correct."

Rather than attempt to decipher the writing, Enigma joins Song in examining the exposed panels, where her talents could be put to better use. As the writing on the bulkhead might constitute a warning, it would be imprudent to do more than analyze until further notice.

(Intelligence 6 + Lore 5 + Savant 2) to determine the purpose of the gears.

2013-09-22, 11:39 AM
"The wall opens, but not from this side. This is looking worse and worse. But on the smooth side, these tunnels here," Song points out a few with a wave, "should go right around. And we gotta get over no matter what's on the other side, so..." He takes a first step into one of the passages, motioning for Enigma and the others to follow.

2013-09-22, 03:32 PM
Apostle shakes his head.

They are Old Realm, but they don't make any sense to me. It's as if they're just being used as decoration. It could be a code, but I can't break it.

He takes a final look around at the bulkhead and the tunnels, and then follows Song.

2013-09-23, 09:28 PM
Can you tell me more about that Apostate that escaped? I didn't hear about that.

Mercy is busy looking around eagerly. Her first - well, second - trip out of the city, and then Enigma was talking, and then, well...

She got distracted.

She hurries to catch up to Enigma and Song. "Bringer of Dawn. An Orichalcum caste. He was supposedly un-defiling void-touched territory; turned out he was making things worse. He ran for it when Call of Justice caught him. Nailed some of his friends, but then he took Call down. Sneaky, but not too bright."

2013-09-26, 02:55 AM
Apostle looks troubled.

Huh. That's all new to me. Any idea where he went?

2013-09-27, 05:13 PM
"Sorry," Mercy apologized, "I was a bit busy being dead. I assume someone's looking into it, though!"

"Anyway, if we find any dead ends, I have mining equipment.

She grinned, reaching into one of the concealed pockets on her uniform. Out comes the tip of a ten-inch-wide tube of jade and orichalcum and adamant and fine machinery, and then the hilt of it, and then with a little effort out comes a bulky essence cannon, sized for an artillery emplacement.

She braces it on her shoulder, looking around at everyone.

"Also for shooting people. But mostly mining equipment."

2013-09-28, 03:50 AM
Apostle cringes, and shakes his head.

You just saw those things come out of the walls. How do you think they'd react to us shooting holes in their infrastructure?

2013-09-29, 04:45 PM
"Not well," she admits. "But we might eventually need to mine through the walls of less friendly people."

2013-09-29, 10:27 PM
The corridor you follow curves gently and consistently. It appears to have been hastily assembled from prefabricated sections, with new welding obvious at the joints. After about a mile the corridor ends in a T intersection where the section is rotated ninety-degrees.

To the right you see a dim light about forty feet down. To the left the section ends in a void.

2013-09-29, 10:47 PM
"It seems that this corridor has not been around long. Who or what built it and why is yet to be determined." Enigma follows along with the assembly to the end of the intersection, where she takes a look down the left section. She slides down her Essence-scrying visor over her eyes, where a quick infusion of Essence brings it to life. "I wonder what lies beyond here."

Rolling (Perception 6 + Awareness 5) to examine the void. A commitment of 3 motes peripheral grants Enigma Essence sight and a +2 bonus to Awareness, which would otherwise be 3.


2013-09-29, 11:33 PM
The open space is a spherical void nearly a mile in diameter. An extremely bright and very energetic essence source in the exact center is emitting invisible pulses of essence which break into incoherence when they reach the textured walls. The pulses appear to be slowly increasing in power and frequency.

2013-09-29, 11:46 PM
Enigma steps back from the edge and faces the assembly. "Friends, I may have discovered something of great importance. This void is a spherical hollow, in the center of which there is a high energy Essence source. Its emissions are steadily increasing in intensity and rapidity."

2013-09-30, 02:48 AM
Apostle immediately points to the right.

Let's go this way.

2013-10-06, 07:22 PM
"We should investigate it." Song immediately turns to the left and starts down the hallway.

2013-10-06, 11:02 PM
Apostle sighs.

Fine. I'll... guard the rear.

He lets the others pass, then reluctantly follows them down the left side.

2013-10-08, 05:02 PM
A walk of ten feet brings you to the end of the corridor. There is no rail and the drop is significant. Those of you with some form of light enhancement can see the space is indeed spherical and that there is something in the middle of it. As you stand there a significant pulse sweeps over you, bringing with it the industrial scent of smoke and ozone.

Roll your Essence+Clarity.

2013-10-08, 06:39 PM
Enigma peers out into the emptiness, focusing on the sensation passing over her.
Rolling (Essence 2 + Clarity 0):

2013-10-08, 11:08 PM
Apostle peers out into the darkness, but sees nothing.

We're wasting-

He falls silent as the pulse sweeps over him.


2013-10-09, 10:48 AM
"It's...familiar. I feel like I do the moment I first awoke in the vats." Song carefully approaches the edge, focusing his enhanced eyes to try to make out the distance to the ground and any details about the object.


Scarlet Dragon
2013-10-09, 03:25 PM
Praetor follows with his men and his eyes straining to make out what the object could be.

2013-10-10, 11:05 AM
An illustration and answer to some questions

At this distance, the object would have to be 220 feet tall for it to be as distinct as the characters of the 20/20 (6/6) line on an eye chart. As it is neither that big nor that simple, none of you can make out anything besides the fact that it is there.

2013-10-18, 03:51 PM
Song takes a step back from the edge, and lifts his arms. His soulgem lights up, and sparks run from the crystal down his body to energize soulsteel plates, gears, and tiny mechanisms.
In a few moments, the matrix of machinery has slithered out to his fingertips and assembled itself into a small aerial custodian.

"Go out to the center of this cavern and investigate the object(s) there, carefully, before reporting back." The thing leaps off from his fingertips, propellers carrying it out into the vast space until it's just a dot of light, then out of vision.

4 Peripheral motes on Transcendent Multimodal Artifact Matrix: Clockwork Companion. This pattern can fly, has an integrated welding torch, can speak broken Autochthonic, and is as smart as Song (Int 2).

2013-10-24, 10:32 AM
After some time, the drone returned.

"Travel difficulty approaches infinite as distance approaches zero.

Crystal mass, roughly spherical, one hundred foot diameter.

Large humanoid internal to crystal: one hundred hands, one eye, maimed leg.

Message ends."

2013-11-06, 03:49 PM
"What could that be?" One hundred hands, a single eye...and damaged.

"Did the humanoid appear to be an alchemical colossus of exceptional size? Is it a custodian, destroyer, or other machine spirit?"

"Is it in a prison? And is it getting out then, with the pulses ramping up? Or is it maybe something under construction, and the leg is being finished..." It's troubling not to know anything.

"Eh, whatever it is, we need the cargo of suspension whatever happens here." Song directs the drone to convey instructions back to his squads who are following, that they should set up to observe this sphere, carefully, and gives it directions where to find them.

How is the object 100 yards around but also less than 220 feet? :smallconfused: