View Full Version : [PF] two-weapon combat control Fighter? Viable?

2013-09-08, 05:03 PM
I know the system heavily favors Two-hander style but I like me my two weapon fighters.. so I was wondering if the extra attacks from TWF could be put to good use as control instead of damage.

the combat maneuver roll to trip or disarm someone is the same no matter which of your attacks you use. So if you have TWF, you take combat expertise and improved trip as a way to control/tank versus dishing out 2-hander damage.

Then you use your primary attack for damage and then secondary attack to trip or disarm or something...Are there any maneuvers out there besides trip worth taking?

Sure, it's odd build (2 weapon tank) but are there other pathfinder maneuvers out there that could make this interesting?

2013-09-08, 05:12 PM
Reposition and bull rush would both be good to look at. Possibly disarm or sunder of you'll be facing more NPCs than monsters.

Edit: how are you making combat maneuver checks as part of a full attack?

2013-09-08, 05:33 PM
Ah I see now that only *some* combat maneuvers can be taken in place of an attack.

The others are considered to be standard actions..It looks like only disarm and trip can be used as part of an attack. too bad.

Thanks. :)

2013-09-08, 06:00 PM
TWF Tripping works fine. Kusari-Gama or the Knock-Down (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/divine/divineAbilitiesFeats.htm#knockDown) feat is really your best bet. It's feat intensive as hell tho and you don't have a good way to use PA so you don't benefit of the enemies losing AC quite as much.

2013-09-08, 11:02 PM
Is it viable? Not really.

But if you want to try it, Brawler archetype is probably your best bet. Or Lore Warden simply because it's the best Fighter archetype at everything.

You could dip Maneuver Master Monk in order to use the standard action combat maneuvers on a full attack, but if you're also two weapon fighting, the penalties to your CMB are going to be pretty bad. MM Monk is a solid dip all the way up to level 6, I'd bail after that. You don't need to go to 6, though. The best break points are 1 (imp. maneuver feat w/o pre-reqs and flurry of maneuvers), 4 (use a ki point to take the higher of 2d20 on a maneuver check), 5 (add wis to one combat maneuver check per round), or 6 (greater maneuver feat w/o pre-reqs).