View Full Version : Quick and easy stat block generator?

2013-09-08, 07:26 PM
If there's one thing I never look forward to when designing an adventure in my campaigns, it's hunting down stats for every single creature that my players will encounter, and slowly transcribing them into stat blocks that, in the end, only I get to read in the first place. Surely, by now, there's an easier way?

What I'm asking is, is there a resource somewhere in the expanses of the webosphere that has all these fine-grained details ready to copy and paste into my DM notes? That will save hours of work that would otherwise be spent grinding my day away.

(And sorry for the fanciful language - I've been writing dialogue all day and I think it's beginning to effect my casual writing style; positively or negatively, only time will tell.)

2013-09-08, 08:00 PM

That is one option-- I've seen a few others over the years, but that's the only one I had in my favorites for some reason.

2013-09-08, 08:04 PM
Huh, you know, I never knew the encounter generator there could do that. I was hoping for something searchable, but at least in the meantime this will do well enough. Thanks!