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View Full Version : A Cowboy of Sorts?

2013-09-09, 04:07 PM
So, I woke up this morning with an idea for a character concept that I've not seen proposed before and it's been bugging me all day because I really have no idea where to even start with it which is why I turn to the Playground for help.
Essentially it's a cowboy of sorts as mounted combat and lassoing are paramount to the build but it doesn't require any gunslinging or anything of the sort so no worries there. Also, I won't pretend it's anywhere near optimized and fails fairly quickly against anything very large or four legged so I'm imagining a setting in which most enemies consist mostly of humanoids and likely and E6 world at that.
Okay, so, without further ado here's the concept. A mounted, quick, strong character who goes around lassoing people and then dragging them behind her mount as her main damage dealing method/capturing method (perhaps she's a bounty hunter?). Both disgraceful for the dragged person, damn funny to watch, and something I haven't heard of before as far as concept goes (though I by no means am certain if that's true).
I've done a tiny bit of research and seen that a lasso does exist within the BoED of all places but it seems more for the Wonder Woman type fighting than the drag them through the dirt and rocks type fighting I'm discussing but it still may be a viable option as far as a weapon goes. What I haven't been able to find, perhaps because it doesn't exist, is any rules on being dragged quickly on the ground or through rough terrain or really anything of the like. Am I correct in assuming this doesn't exist and if I am does anyone have any reasonable ideas on a way to homebrew a damage method?
I'm also interested to hear thoughts on the build idea and any directions towards other interesting things to possibly include.

2013-09-09, 07:25 PM
Still haven't been able to find any definitive rules for the damage inflicted by dragging someone behind a mount which is rather key here but I've been assembling other things.

It seems Ride by Attack (and therefore Mounted Combat) would be required feats as well as Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Lasso) but I don't know what else would be necessarily helpful. Improved trip?

I've never done a mounted build before but it seems clear that a small character (IE a halfling) is the way to go for practicality in dungeoneering and whatnot. While I think strength is going to be important to the character for beating opposed strength checks not to fall off one's mount I was thinking one could conceivably tie the rope around the pommel of the saddle and then you just need a strong mount.

I have no idea what class to go for though, I'm currently thinking fighter of all things, to get the feats as quickly as possible, but I obviously don't want to stay in fighter for any extended period of time. I was thinking possibly Druid in order to pick up an Animal Companion but is there a better way to get a good mount? Are there any good mounted PrCs you guys know of?

2013-09-09, 07:53 PM
If you're going with Halfling,the PrC Halfling Outrider comes to mind. About the Lasso, as you pointed it out well, BoED is the source to go to, but you can also refluff the net as your weapon of choice.

And about the gunslinging part, the mental picture of an halfling riding a warbeast dog while dual-wielding eager quickloading hand crossbows of force bolts sounds awesome :smallbiggrin:

Edit: I've just read that the Eager enchantment can only be applied to melee weapons, but you can always attach a small bayonetta to them anyway... :smalltongue:

Edit 2: Found out this (http://rpg.stackexchange.com/questions/270/rules-for-lasso-capture), might help with Lasso things.

2013-09-10, 12:11 AM
Dang, I really want a cowboy halfling now...

The net's actually an interesting idea and seems slightly harder to escape from but in all honesty the mental image of the lasso is too much fun for me to pass up and they work pretty similarly.

I saw that lasso thing too but it didn't really have anything about jerking someone off their feet and dragging them about doing damage. Maybe it just plain old wouldn't and so the character would just be decent at making people prone but it still feels like dragging someone through the rocky dirt or rough terrain wouldn't be good for them.

I've been thinking maybe 1d6 of damage per 10 feet they're dragged through? Does that seem over/underpowered at all?

The more I think about it the more I can see why this hasn't been a build before, it isn't exactly heroic, and as I said doesn't work against anything that isn't two legged or dumb and four legged (ie cattle) but I'd still love to see more ideas.

John Longarrow
2013-09-10, 12:25 AM
Unless the target that is dragged is unarmored (even natural armor), dragging them isn't going to do a lot of damage at the low speed a horse can get up to. About the only real effect would be fatigue from being dragged.

Unarmored the damage is highly dependent on the surface. Something relatively soft like dirt or sand wouldn't do too much damage. Gravel would be able to rip their skin off, assuming the horse got going fast enough and you dragged them far enough.

Houserule I'd guess would be 1d6 fatigue per round.

If being dragged over solid objects (read being ran into things) I'd give them a reflex save each round to avoid 1d3 to 1d6 real damage from hitting objects at about 15mph. Anything with an armor bonus of +2 or better gives immunity.

With armor (at least leather) about all you could do is give them fatigue. Reinforced leather and a helmet is about what a motorcycle rider is in (if they have their riding gear on) and they can take a fast skid on a lot of surfaces without injury.

2013-09-10, 12:52 AM
True enough, I suppose armor would actually protect you. I was thinking rolling around getting beaten up by your full plate armor would hurt but actually I imagine it would be beneficial and protective. You make a good point about motorcycle riding gear.

So I suppose it could still be an interesting build for prone-ifying people (not on a spiked chain level but flavorful if nothing else) I might have to build this guy and throw him at a party, maybe have some handcrossbow wielding fellows with him to shoot the prone folk. Though, they'd actually get AC bonuses against that so maybe no hand crossbows :(

Thanks for the help guys, I think this might be a fun fight. Somewhat unorthodox if nothing else I hope.

2013-09-10, 08:19 AM
I've been thinking maybe 1d6 of damage per 10 feet they're dragged through? Does that seem over/underpowered at all?

The battering/bruising of being dragged like that would probably be best represented by nonlethal damage.

Also, there are lasso rules in Pathfinder (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/equipment---final/weapons/weapon-descriptions/lasso) that you could poach for this idea, or just play it there.

The Viscount
2013-09-11, 11:00 AM
Justiciar is good for subduing and restraining enemies and has a strong cowboy theme, if that's what you're looking for.

2013-09-11, 03:36 PM
Justiciar is good for subduing and restraining enemies and has a strong cowboy theme, if that's what you're looking for.

That is an awesome class and actually fits the idea as it has evolved in my mind pretty well. Ride in, lasso one guy, jump off horse and start bashing heads with manacles and dragging people down to the ground to arrest them. Awesome. Time to make a Texas Ranger.

Piggy Knowles
2013-09-11, 05:59 PM
Why would you need Ride-by Attack? Nets and lassos are ranged weapons, and you can already make a ranged attack in the middle of your move, no Ride-by Attack required. (You might, however, want to snag Mounted Archery to reduce your penalty when throwing - although it's a touch attack, which helps.)

If I were building this, I might go totally Str-focused and pick up Brutal Throw, so that I can make sure I'm winning most opposed Strength checks to drag my enemy behind me.