View Full Version : Zendikar 3.5E

2013-09-09, 05:55 PM
Sharkala a well known and respected explorer and sea captain, sent out an order recently, an open call for any and all explorers, adventurers, and treasure seekers. The call was open ended and only gave a time and the docks of the seagate for information, but As each of you arrives you see the scarred old man, standing at the ramp to an equally grizzled and battle scarred ship. His eyes surveying a milling crowd of people representatives of every race, culture and profession on Zendikar, their bags and blades ready, and packed. He waits for a few stragglers, and then, with a nod begins speaking in a loud voice, like rocks scraping together,

"I can't share how I came by this knowledge, nor can I tell you all I know. But Zendikar's anger is growing. Its heart bludgeons the bars of a failing cage. Those of us with a sharp machete and an appetite for danger—well, now's the time for us to chase any quest that feeds our aspirations. The rest of you should find some out-of-the-way hovel, put your heads down, and pray. For those who wish to find the truth of all this, We will be setting sail for the Island of Agadeem, and riches beyond measure, and maybe just maybe... Some understanding of our past.”

(DC 15 Geography, Dungeoneering, or 20 Religion)
Nestled into the canyons on the island of Agadeem is the Crypt of Agadeem, a natural cavern converted into a heavily trapped burial site. The mouth of the cavern is a huge natural archway lined with innumerable small, etched hedrons. The entrance chamber, called the Crypt Maw, is a cavern the size of a cathedral. It is home to thousands of bats and is believed by some to be haunted by malevolent spirits.

As his voices subsides, a few of the explorers begin shouting questions at him, some even turn away to leave, but Sharkala, simply turns to the ramp and walks onto the vessel without another word.

2013-09-09, 06:56 PM
Tratil just quietly walks on board the ship, ignoring the question callers. The captain was quite clear after all. And if what he said was true, there would be no excuse to not go.

2013-09-09, 08:24 PM
The large brute of a man shoulders his way through the crowd, not interested in any threats or objections. Most of these people were weak, and looking for an excuse to leave, thus all the questions. The captain had told them everything they needed to know. At least he could respect those that turned and walked away; at least they were honest with themselves.

As he walked up the gangplank, the barbarian glanced at the others joining him. These would be his compatriots and so far, he was not impressed.

2013-09-09, 08:27 PM

Knowledge (religion): to see if Leah remembers this place's significance. [roll0]

The steel-clad Aasimar strides to the front of the group, using the butt of her pole-arm to help her maneuver people out of the way. If she gets any dirty looks, she greets them with a smile and a wink. Once she's on the deck of the ship, she faces the crowd a stern look over at the crowd, pointedly looking at those that are walking away. She looks down at Tratil, winks at him, and prepares to speak to the crowd.

2013-09-09, 08:40 PM
As Sharkala turned his back to the crowd, many of the assembled rabble shouted questions, demands, or pleas, while others milled about in every direction. More than a few shook their heads and shifted away from the boat, pushing past those brave few who pressed forward.

Krev said nothing, standing still for a while, and simply taking in everything. Every predator, great and small, knew the value of patience, and of understanding its surroundings, and while no man could ever hope to match the scale of calm watchfulness a dragon could endure, the dragon shaman attempted to emulate as best he could that which he saw as perfection.

He watched impassively as some shouted their questions louder to deaf ears, their voices growing angry or desperate. Some shifted in place, looking about themselves, their insecurities and anxiousness coming off of them in waves. There were few among the many who knew where they stood, and what they were made of, and most of them made their way unerringly to the boat, pausing for nothing. They didn't seem to speak, either to one another, or to the masses around them. Krev could respect that.

Hefting his spear, minor fetishes and talismans jingling from the haft, the dragon-obsessed man shouldered his way past the dispersing crowds, unaware or uncaring of those who took offense to his brusk ways. He made no move to offend, but nor did he make any effort to be polite. The shaft of his weapon clacked softly on the wet wood of the boat as he made his way aboard, never once looking back.

2013-09-09, 08:43 PM
The milling crowd glares up, clearly agitated by this delay from some no name nomad woman. Shouts and a few disgruntled insults pepper the air as the ships crew readies for cast off. The sails unfurling and the heavy arbalests strung and readied in case of krakens or other sea troubles


2013-09-09, 09:17 PM

She waits as Krev walks up the plank after her. In a powerful voice, she interrupts the deluge of insults. This is our time, people, to step into greatness! I pity the men that are too afraid step up when the world is in danger. You speak as if you know how to live your lives, but when opportunity rears its head, you are going to insult me?!?

Leah pauses for a moment to giggle, her eyes glimmering with humor, and before anyone can retort, she says I have Faith in the greatness of these two companions here, that they will aid me, and that we can cause greatness together!!

She hefts her pole-arm, points it at the ship and then the crowd, and says This ship departs soon! Who among you has faith that we can rout this evil and become stronger to face the adversity before us? I challenge you all to come with us to face the danger with us.

She lowers her Guisarme, challenging the others in the crowd with her stare.

2013-09-09, 09:26 PM
Stunned by the presence and power of the woman before them, the crowd silently divides in two. Some shuffling away, while others nod, striding toward her, the ship, and the promise of glory, One, an old frail looking elvish man claps her on the shoulder and nods quietly as he boards the ship.

2013-09-09, 10:10 PM
Tratil nods awkwardly at Leah after her speech, and goes to find a decent place to sit on deck.

Grim ranger
2013-09-10, 04:21 AM

Having arrived among the latest arrivals and thus at the back of the crowd, Calar sighs in annoyance before getting his second-best rakish grin on his face and beginning to push his way towards the ship through the crowd. He does not look like much at first glance: a man in longcoat and wide-brimmed hat, carrying a worn travelling pack and simple wooden staff. He looks more like a traveling merchant than anything else currently, lacking even as much as armor, but his confidence is unabated by the fact. He doesn't really need armor anyhow: it would only get in his way.

"Excuse me, coming through, sorry, give way" he called out as he strides forward, his quarterstaff giving people in front of him small taps of showing them aside ever so slightly so he can walk to the gangplank and onto the ship. He does not need to sport massive musculature, oversized weaponry or magical armor to cut an interesting figure.

Casually leaning against the railing of the ship, he gives thumbs-up to Leah. "Nice speech there: very nice if it was a spur of the moment thing. Looks like at least some people besides us are going to join in on this little venture." he says in somewhat amused tone, taking his hat off momentarily and bowing slightly to her. "Now what does so virtuous of a warrior as you do in place like this, hmm? I'm sorry if I am prying too much, but my curiosity is just killing me."

Karl Prosek
2013-09-10, 07:00 AM
When the crowd parted after Leah's speech, one of the few who didn't move in either direction was a ruddy skinned man with long black hair parted into two loose braids. Short and slight, there wasn't much about him to catch the eye, though the leather of his breastplate was an odd color. His companion, though, was quite notable.

At the man's side was a huge dog. The massive beast stands well above the small man's waist, easily three feet tall at the shoulder if not more. It has short grey fur, visible where it wasn't covered in what looks like armor made of overlapping leaves. If the creature wore a saddle, a gnome, halfling, or human child could easily ride it like a horse.

After a moment, the man and his dog follow Calar up the gangplank. He nods at Leah and Calar by the rail but says nothing, instead moving to take a place near the bow so he can watch the ship's progress.

2013-09-10, 07:03 AM
Hearing Calar (though he doens't know the name yet), Tratil pauses, and stays within hearing distance. He too is curious, yet he could never be so forward about it.
And after nearly being tripped over for the third time, and being sniffed by a dog taller than him, he moves near a rail, and sits down.

2013-09-10, 12:12 PM

The silvery-haired woman nods to the older elven man who claps her on his back.

CalarCasually leaning against the railing of the ship, he gives thumbs-up to Leah. "Nice speech there: very nice if it was a spur of the moment thing. Looks like at least some people besides us are going to join in on this little venture." he says in somewhat amused tone, taking his hat off momentarily and bowing slightly to her. "Now what does so virtuous of a warrior as you do in place like this, hmm? I'm sorry if I am prying too much, but my curiosity is just killing me."

Leah looks over to the fine specimen of a man leaning against the railing and gives him a winning smile. I am of the Faithful from Emeria, and a gift from the Angels to this world. I'm here to sell my services to those that need them. She plows on, I've got the power of the Divine on my side, and muscle to back it up. Looks like that poor old sailor needed some help, and might be willing to pay. Speaking of, did anybody see him? She looks around, and if no one replies to her question, she will ask one of the deckhands that arrived after her speech.

2013-09-10, 04:50 PM
The frail looking elven man approaches Leah and gives her companions a curt nod, his discomfort apparent, though what over seemingly a mystery. A few more adventurous types filtering on, some hookmasters as well as a woman who looks to be just a random peasant, one man who nods reverently to the angelic woman as he passes,

The elven man looks up from his work binding some netted down cargo and looks to Leah, before gruffly speaking up Captain is in his quarters, along with the crew master and our navigator, I've seen enough o' these expeditions ta know.. You don' wanna be disturbin that meetin. 'tis bad luck to interrupt the captain prevoyage preparations. You lot would do best to go below decks and stay out from under foot till we're out in the water,

2013-09-10, 05:56 PM
Tratil quietly gets up, brushing dust off his cloak. "The "Faithful from Emeria" despite talking often seems likely to survive any trouble. I'll stick to her for now." Tratil muses.
When Leah goes below decks, Tratil will follow, but making sure he steps loud enough to announce his presence.

2013-09-10, 10:21 PM
The elven man looks up from his work binding some netted down cargo and looks to Leah, before gruffly speaking up Captain is in his quarters, along with the crew master and our navigator, I've seen enough o' these expeditions ta know.. You don' wanna be disturbin that meetin. 'tis bad luck to interrupt the captain prevoyage preparations. You lot would do best to go below decks and stay out from under foot till we're out in the water,


Upon hearing the man's instructions, she muses to herself, well, I'm not much of a use on the deck anyways, so I might as well listen. She glances around to the lot of adventurers around her, and announces I don't know about you lot, but I'm curious to hear what the captain's preparing for us.

Leah looks around, and then spies the gnome. You look like you know how to sneak around. Wanna listen in on the Captain's plans? We don't have to interrupt him to hear what he's saying. She gives a wink Of course, we'll have to be quiet.

2013-09-10, 11:09 PM
The crowd gives way, revealing a most unusual procession. Flanked by three happy, barking dogs is a goblin astride a wolf larger than a man. Neither the rider nor the wolf with grizzled and braided fur seemed half as content.

None of the animals were eager to climb the gangplank onto the ship. The wolf needed only a word of reassurance to make the climb; the dogs required cajoling, swearing, and bribery with bits of dried meat.

Once the whole pack is on board, the goblin relaxes and surveys the ship. His eyes soon fix on his soon-to-be crewmates, and he breaks out in a grin. "Hey! Any of y'know anythin' about what live where we're goin'? And where we're goin', again?" he yells over the nervous barking of the dogs and low growling of the wolf.

Apologies for the lateness, everyone; I hope you don't mind me playing dumb with poor Krigul here; I figure it's easier than trying to retcon in his presence, and he does have pretty miserable int.

Grim ranger
2013-09-11, 12:16 AM

"Oh, a holy warrior actually willing to sneak about in order to satisfy her curiosity? Positively scandalous" the bounty hunter says with a grin, placing his hat back upon his brow. "I have to say, I too am curious on the captain's plans, but alas my skills at sneaking around are not that good... And you, oh lovely lady, are burdened with abundance of steel. But perhaps the gnome could indeed be subtle enough to listen in on it and share the news?"

Glancing over at the goblin leading what appears to be a small kennel worth of canines onto the ship, Calar leans somewhat on his quarterstaff, shifting only slightest amount to make sure his crossbow is ready for a quick draw if necessary. One never knows whenever or not the beasts will remain in check at all times, after all.

2013-09-11, 02:29 AM
The crowd gives the pack of dogs a wide berth asthe gangplank is dropped and the ship gets under way, a quick glance around shows a little under two dozen adventurers on board, along with somewhere around ten or so crew members, though the way they scurry back and forth across the ship, it's hard to keep an accurate count.

As the sails unfurl and the ship grts underway, most of the adventurers and explorers have ended up below decks, storing their items, and claiming bunks, a small group of rather rowdy sounding men have begun a game of dice on an overturned shipping crate. The ship itself seems to be breathing with the flurried movements of the crew.

2013-09-11, 05:43 AM
Tratil shrugs, awkward under the attention, and quietly says "No point, senior crew should know by now. None of the crew left when told where we were going, or looked nervous, unlike much of the crowd."

Karl Prosek
2013-09-11, 08:14 AM
The small man's huge dog turns when it catches the wolf's and dogs' scents, and the enormous wolf's growl is soon echoed by the wolfhound's own expression of unease. Seeing his companion suddenly uncomfortable, Bas turns to regard the goblin and his small pack and drops a hand to his friend's shoulder.

At Bas's touch, the big, leaf armored dog stops growling but doesn't stop staring at the wolf and its three companions. His human companion, however, turns back to the rail to watch as the water runs by under the ship.

2013-09-11, 08:18 PM

The dragon shaman barely moved as the ship cast off, his eyes never looking back to the coast, nor up into the billowing sails, but rather fixed on the far horizon. He gripped his spear tightly, leaning on the fetish-laden staff to help steady himself against the rise and fall of the boat underway.

He was vaguely aware of the presence of others like himself present, others who sought out riches and glory and personal betterment. Idly he wondered at their mettle, but he quickly pushed such thoughts aside. Such questions would be answered quiet definitively in due course.

After some time nearly motionless, Krev turned, his long hair blowing across his wind and heat beaten features, and took stock of those he sailed with. His life might well lie in their hands, or theirs in his, and while he made no motion to better know them in conversation, he began to note much from afar.

2013-09-11, 08:22 PM
Tratil shrugs, awkward under the attention, and quietly says "No point, senior crew should know by now. None of the crew left when told where we were going, or looked nervous, unlike much of the crowd."

She raises an eyebrow to the gnome's reaction, glad that he practically muttered his response to her.

Alright, then, if that's what you think is best... Leah wanders down the steps, sure to make every step she descends makes a satisfying thunk. She follows the latest adventurer to his room, waits for a brief second, and then throws open his door.

In a booming voice she announces, Bold adventurer! If we are off on a dangerous and treacherous mission! Grace me with your presence on deck, and let us familiarize ourselves with each other. We may be strong, but we are ever stronger with all of our hearts and minds working under one will!

She will proceed to do this to all of the other adventurers that have since gone down to the deck, and will physically drag any adventurers that are unwilling to go on deck at this time.

2013-09-11, 08:46 PM
After several moments of boisterous and borderline violent conversations, most of the adventurers, have, some begrudgingly, others quite content for a meet and greet have ended up on the top deck, milling about, spme in agitation, others in almost festive moods, a pair of rangers having found and opened a keg of strong gin, much to the crews discontent.

Several crew members are throwing rather agitated glances at the growing gathering on deck, others simply ignoring them and going abput their duties as best they can.

2013-09-11, 11:21 PM

The Aasimar waits until the majority of the group has gathered to begin her speech. In the mean time, she takes advantage of the din to instruct the rangers to pass the around the keg. Of course, she promises to repay them later for their generous donation with a wink and a suggestive smile.

As the crowd settles and nearly everyone has either tasted some of the alcohol or is eagerly anticipating some, she starts.

My brave companions, My name is Leah. I come to lead us all out of this dark and terrible time and to bring us together so we may have the strength to crush whatever the Vastness beyond the Roil may send our way. First, though, I would like us to offer thanks to the wonderful crew that are granting us passage and giving us safe voyage. Let us have them share in our libations so they, too, can be included among our circle.

She only pauses long enough to see that the kegs will pass.

We all heard what the Captain has told us: Zendikar hungers, it grows restless, and more dangerous. I know this better than most.

She pauses just long enough for that statement to sink in before continuing,

But I am not here to tell you about myself. I see in all of you, in all of us, the stirring of the adventuresome spirit, the longing for greatness, for glory, and for glorious rewards. In order to do that, however, I truly believe we must all know each other and we must know each others' strengths, we must know each others' names, and we must work together. So, to start us off, I am Leah, a former Angel who brings the power of the Light to empower us all and to bring Wrath upon all who oppose us. I am a Crusader for our great cause.

Finally she pauses, giving others the space to speak.

Karl Prosek
2013-09-12, 09:03 AM
The small man with the huge dog turns to listen to Leah, but doesn't step up to introduce himself immediately. Instead, he waits to see what others might say. His impassive expression gives the impression that he could out-wait a stone if he had to.

2013-09-12, 11:48 AM
Tratil tries to speak up, but chokes on the words. He'll try again later.

2013-09-12, 02:09 PM
A pair of hookmasters step forward from the milling crowd, both lanky and with eyes that seem to glimmer with untold laughter, I am Yvon of Musara, the woman announcesThis is my husband Kayul we are both masters of the climb, and of course of calculated risks.

Grim ranger
2013-09-12, 02:18 PM

Seeing some people, including the most intriguing aasimar lady, introduce themselves, the bounty hunter decides to follow suit. Stepping forth and taking his wide-brimmed hat off once again with a small flourish, he offers a smile to everyone present. "I am Calar Ormes, and I am a bounty hunter" he says casually, raising his hands before anyone who may possibly dislike his profession can speak up. "Now, I know some of you may not be too fond of those on my career path, but rest assured, I am not going to be claiming bounties from any of you... Even if such opportunity would be presented to me" he reassures the onlookers with a chuckle. "The reward to be claimed from completing this task will be enough... And it will be difficult enough to obtain without angering any of you fine gentlemen or ladies. I look forward to working with you."

Placing the hat back onto his head, he studies the other members of this imputy team of hired swords with interest, especially Leah. She is very interesting case indeed... Perhaps there is something to whole "working for angels" thing? He'll have to ask.

2013-09-12, 02:47 PM
Finally finding the words, Tratil speaks up. "I am Tratil Rhogar, Scout and trapfinder. I am proficient with a bow." He says, starting to fidget under the glances sent his way.

2013-09-12, 03:46 PM
The ranger party who had aqquired the cask, raise some mugs (though no one seems quite sure where they found them, since none of them brought packs) and introduce themselves happily Zepheria here, Im probably gonna be the only bastard to survive this expedition, but best o' luck to the rest of you! cries out a blue haired man with scars on his face and a pair of eloquently curved swords on his right hip,

Atsumori, I guess speaks up a smaller woman with braided hair and a sturdy longbow before returning to a whispered conversation with one of the sailors,

Loftner Beams a massive barrel of a man, his beard matching that of any dwarves, his laughter heavy and hearty as he finishes off another mug of beer

2013-09-12, 06:01 PM

The dragon shaman listened intently as those around him became more than just faces, though he passed on the drinks as they made their way around. He had never been one for drunken revelry, even before his awakening.

When a silence rose, he filled it with a single word: "Krev." He made no motion as he did so, still leaning on his spear, and still staring into the faces of the others present.

2013-09-12, 06:29 PM
When a silence rose, he filled it with a single word: "Krev." He made no motion as he did so, still leaning on his spear, and still staring into the faces of the others present.


Upon hearing each person speak up, she turns and greets the person with a hand sign of peace and welcome. When she hears this man speak up, she looks disappointed. She chides him encouragingly, Come now, Krev, surely you understand that we must all speak of our talents. There is a majestic air about you...so what powers do you possess?

2013-09-13, 06:33 PM
Upon waiting for the man to speak, and hearing nothing, Tratil is confused. "Krev, you must know that this undertaking is dangerous. How can we trust you in combat if we know nothing about what you can do in combat? He questions.

2013-09-13, 06:44 PM
The blue haired swordsman lifts a mug in silent agreement as all eyes fall to the shaman, a chilling hush gripping the crew and revelling adventurers as they sense something more serious than mere names

2013-09-13, 08:17 PM
"Wanna know his parents' names too? Who cares? Or knows he ain't lyin'? We get in a fight, we'll find out what he does." The large man with the equally large sword strapped to his back leaned against the ship's railing near the rangers, sharing in their ale with gusto. He had several small animal skulls, strings of beads, and other little trinkets randomly sewn about his clothes, hanging around his neck and wrists, and even a small skull as an earring.

He takes another swig of ale and then let's out a loud burp. "I'm Raor, and I kill things."

2013-09-13, 09:53 PM

He watched in silence as the conversation turned to center about him, and many eyes faced him. For a fleeting moment he wondered as to whether or not he should try to intimidate them; to make them feel the majesty of the dragon. He dismissed the idea as quickly as it had come. There was no sense in it, nothing but idle ego stroking. Practicality, and common sense, won the day.

He still stood for a few moments longer, listening motionless as others postulated about him, and letting an awkward silence take over for a handful of extremely long seconds. "I am Krev."

The silence dragged on.

"Devotee of the dragon. I seek to master the greatest majesty in all of Zendikar, and become closer to their perfection."

2013-09-14, 02:55 PM

Bowing to Krev, she smiles warmly.An incredible aspiration for anyone. She looks around, meeting everyone's eyes as best she can. We are all here for Greatness in some regard, whether it is perfection, like Krev, or for gain of another kind!! Riches, power, Fame...

She seeks out those two many adventurers whom have yet to speak, daring them to speak up as well, but in the enduring silence, she tucks the blade of her weapon behind her back and levels the haft end of her guisarme towards the toeless goblin and the other Druid. One of you two asked what we're going to be doing! Our journey begins on this ship, traveling to the Island of Agadeem. Here, the captain has told us, we will find an answer to why Zendikar itself grows restless and angry.

She pauses to make sure they're listening.

As for me, there was a time when I could have told you all about Agadeem and more. Such is the price of becoming a mortal. Among other reasons, I, too, seek answers. But whom are you, and for what reasons have you come to join us?

Leah levels her stare at the rest of the adventurers that have yet to speak up as well, challenging them to voice their reasons.

2013-09-14, 04:03 PM
"All of my tribe was taken by slavers or killed. I came here because it gave a way off the continent to look for them. I stayed due to the need. " Tratil says shortly, before turning away. "Now when will we depart?"

Karl Prosek
2013-09-14, 04:33 PM
The small man with the big dog just looks calmly back at Leah when she levels her weapon at him. He remains silent, apparently unmoved by a stranger yelling questions at him. He doesn't seem angry, though. Quite the opposite, in fact- he seems as placid as a still lake, his face impassive and body language giving nothing away. He just lets his silence answer for him.

At Krev's reluctant introduction, though, he finally nods and speaks. "I am Baz." He pats the huge dog on the head. "This is Fel." It doesn't seem likely that he will elaborate even as much as Krev has.

2013-09-14, 04:41 PM
The goblin, his pack of wild dogs pacing about him, nervous about the open sea replies Krigul is from grotag, my erm.. pets! Are nervous, please forgive any biting as they get to know you!

Before the remaining Adventurers get the chance to introducr themselves, the captain appears on deck, sparing a stern but quietly bemused glance at the rangers party before lifting his voice to address the adventurers, Agadeem... the island holds a crypt,which til now was barely exploable, i have discovered the key to an ancient door there however. We have food and drink enough for all presrnt for 2 weeks, the trip there is little under a week. Meanwhile, with your approval ladies and gentlemen, we will not be leaving the island for sometime. I suspect many of you have your own rations, which is fine, save them until we reach our destination, until then, keep an eye out for The Roil, and try not to kill anyone while we're at sea. I have a lot of work to do, as does the crew, so if you have anyneeds, I will be on deck to help if possible, until we reach Agadeem, try to keep yourselves sharp and fit.

Brief explanation as to what you would spend most of your time doing

2013-09-14, 04:52 PM
Tratil spends his time on deck, in full gear, waiting... He knows that the seas have violent beasts inside them, And that every second counts if that happens. He occasionally talks with Leah, if shes on deck, but mostly waits.

2013-09-14, 09:30 PM
The goblin frowns deeply as he hears how long the journey will take. "Hey, a week is more than two days, right? I don't think we're gonna like that." Indeed, Krigul is already looking ill from the boat's motion, and the dogs are looking more agitated than ever. With a sigh, Krigul dismounts to calm them. He promptly falls flat on his face and vomits.

The next few days are miserable. The crew quickly bully Krigul into cleaning up after his pets and himself. Though at first he hates the mop he has to carry around with him wherever he goes, he soon finds that it makes a passable walking stick. His pack also manage to find their sea legs, but are less successful in learning how to use chamber pots.

OOC:Sorry for not posting in forever, guys; I kind of got out of the habit of checking the forums when my other games all died. :smallredface: I'll do better in the future. Also, don't worry that the scatological humor will continue; it's just that I've been wondering how Krigul would take care of his pets' business.

2013-09-14, 09:43 PM
Tratil spends his time on deck, in full gear, waiting... He knows that the seas have violent beasts inside them, And that every second counts if that happens.

Krigul's pets are racing about the deck, each animal fighting to be the one to return the piece of rope before he throws it again. The goblin is about to hurl it once again when he spies Tratil looking out over the railing. Curious, he steers Rile (the wolf) towards the edge of his ship and looks himself.

Krigul is puzzled when he fails to see anything but ocean. "Hey! Wotcha lookin' at?" he yells to the man.

2013-09-15, 01:33 AM
Krigul is puzzled when he fails to see anything but ocean. "Hey! Wotcha lookin' at?" he yells to the man.


Looking at the goblin, the Aasimar gives him a flat stare. We're pondering how the ocean looks when people are actually quiet.

She pats the deck on her right side. Join us.

2013-09-15, 09:50 AM
"I am not watching the ocean. I am waiting for something to come from the ocean, and try to eat us." Tratil says, unmoving.
He shifts slightly. "...you can join us if you want." he says eventually.

Karl Prosek
2013-09-15, 11:22 AM
Baz spends virtually all of his time as close to the bow as he can get, where the wind blows constantly in his face and the sea lashes him with salt spray. The big grey dog stays near his master, politely keeping out from under the sailors' feet.

The exception to this is when he eats with his fellow passengers and the few hours a day he spends working with Fel when the decks are clear enough to allow them to train.

2013-09-15, 11:54 AM
"I am not watching the ocean. I am waiting for something to come from the ocean, and try to eat us." Tratil says, unmoving.


She chuckles at this comment, thinking, It's the Roil that will probably attack us, and there's little we can do about THAT. Angels preserve us...

2013-09-15, 02:20 PM

Krev stood very much apart from the other travelers on the ship. He ate alongside them, slept in his berth, and made no motion to avoid or dissuade anyone from being near him, but he made no effort to ingratiate himself either. He took to spending much of his time either at the bow, watching the distant waves, or in the upper rigging, above the salt spray, where only the wind moved his braided hair.

2013-09-15, 03:18 PM
For his part, Raor spent his time taking his ease. He talked and drank with the rangers. He slept far into the morning. He ate every meal like it would be his last. They were going into the unknown, on a quest to fix the world. Most likely most of those on board would die, perhaps even himself. He was convinced he would enjoy himself before the end. And if he survived, well there was time enough to worry about that later.

2013-09-15, 04:02 PM

After her lukewarm success of rallying the adventurers together for the meet and greet, Leah has spent time getting to know the other adventurers as best she can, especially the ones that seem like they might end up on the sidelines.
As in, especially the NPCs

Moreover, she has tried to understand everyone's motivations for the journey that she may better turn to motivate them lest they falter or their conviction wavers.

She finds herself on this day at the bow of the ship beside the strange gnome, trying to perform mental Concentration exercises while maintaining an active gaze upon the ocean. After several hours of practice without the successful purge of her thoughts and worries, she stands up to make her way back to her room.

Tratil. I'll be back in my room for a few hours to rest and pray. She him an amused look and says, Don't let anyone die on your watch. We all have our purpose to fulfill yet

2013-09-15, 05:48 PM
×+×+ Slightly less than a week later +×+×
After 3 days of storm dodging, near misses, this morning is quiet, the sea, abnormally still, and a soft morning spray rises off the prow. All is decent and for once, benevolent.

DC15 Spot (Krev +1 Leah, not allowed)
Up ahead, a thick, writhing mist seems almost alives with energy, moving against the wind back and forth,
DC20+Hidden in the mists, and seemingly the source of this mysterious smoke is a hedron field, directly ahead of the ship, large shapes, move at odd angles through outmthe field

2013-09-15, 06:08 PM
Tratil squints his eyes, looking at the mast. They suddenly widen, and he shouts:"Hey Lookout! Are we supposed to be sailing into a HEDRON Field? before quickly moving closer to the center of the ship.

2013-09-15, 07:24 PM
Several of the other adventures are below decks, but the 2 hookmasters run to the prow and begin readying to call out course corrections to avoid a collision. SOMEONE GET THE SAILS DOWN NOW! cries the male, as his partner begins unwinding her ropes.

Despite the warnings, and the call from the hookmaster, the sailors seem to be slowing down, lines sitting in slack hands as they stare at the hedrons

2013-09-15, 09:18 PM
Krigul laughs at Tratil at first. "Ha! Don't you know I'm the greatest beastbreaker who ever lived? That's why I'm on the journey, y'know, to find monsters to tame. Anything tries to eat us, I'll make my pet." His smug look drops as he has a sudden realization. "Hey, I'd have prob'ly have t'go swimming to tame a sea beastie, wouldn't I? I'm not too good at that. Maybe we'll just have to fight it." Now looking quite worried, he accepts Leah's invitation to sit and begins putting the barding on his dogs.

[Slightly less than a week later:]

After several days spent in abject terror, Krigul and his dogs seem to be enjoying themselves again, until the ruckus starts. Peering over the side, he begins to wail. "Guys! There's something big out there! Y'think we can hide? I don't wanna be lunch!"

2013-09-16, 01:00 AM

shows up half a moment before the Captain, red-cheeked and cheery.

She peers into the watery depths, a little light-headed but functional nonetheless. At seeing the blank-faced sailors staring at the hedrons, she yells Look alive, sailors, captain on deck!! and as she does, she goes over to assist the sailor who probably needs the most help.
note: she does not have her armor on O.o

Grim ranger
2013-09-16, 03:00 AM

Knowing nothing about sailing or strong enough spells to help the ship to slow down or realign itself, the bounty hunter merely looks at the storm with somewhat worried expression. "Oh, this is most likely going to suck... Alas" he muses with a sigh before glancing at Leah and smiling at her somewhat. "Just an idle observation, but it seems that this event caught you in middle of something, oh virtuous lady. I don't know much about sailing, but I'd gladly help in whatever way I can."

2013-09-16, 03:09 AM

Muttering If something comes, I need my weapon, Leah finds herself turning towards the bounty hunter, not the door back to the ship!!

She looks a little queasy. Have you ever helped a tipsy woman don her armor on a ship that's rocking like this?
Con check to avoid throwing up:
Edit: heh. Made it, I think, unless there are circumstance modifiers.

Would you mind lending me a hand?

Grim ranger
2013-09-16, 03:41 AM

Bowing ever so slightly, Calar uses his quarterstaff as walking stick to remain steady on his feet even on the currently rocking ship, offering his hand to her. "But of course I would: I mean, what kind of person would I be if I wouldn't be willing to do that much? Real scum and absolutely appalling team player, that is what!" he says with a roguish grin, beginning to help her below decks. "We will indeed need you in your armor if there is battle in the horizon... And facing death in one's undergarments would hardly be dignified either if we will just end up getting crushed by that thing in the sky."

2013-09-16, 03:56 AM

She gives the (rougish indeed!) bounty hunter a flat stare. I'll have you know, Calar, that these undergarments are the same vestments an Angel herself would wear most of the time. Are you saying that I'm under-dressed in this shift and... She nearly trips over herself in the rocking boat and grabs onto the bounty hunter's shoulder. As soon as she realizes what she's doing, Leah blushes, lets go, and smacks his shoulder instead. And insinuating that i'm undignified!! Calar, you are are wicked indeed!

As they reach her room, she puts her ear to the door.

Grim ranger
2013-09-16, 04:03 AM

Giving her an innocent smile, he rolls his eyes somewhat. "Oh, I have indeed made a grave error, oh angelic lady... forgive my brusque manners and lack of knowledge concerning celestial undergarments, although now I of course am somewhat more knowledgeable on the matter" he says in tone that almost oozes amusement. "At any rate, shall we get to it? Time is short, I fear, and as noble as you look even without suit of shining armor, that armor might come in useful shortly."

2013-09-16, 04:20 AM

looks up from listening at the door. I don't think the armor has escaped its stand. We are not in fear of being ambushed...so sure, let's get to it

* * *

...are you sure that your ribs will be okay? I didn't mean to slam that greave into your chest, I swear!! Leah gives him another concerned glance as she walks out onto the deck. Though I'd love to have your problems, she says softly, wincing as she rubs her jaw.

Grim ranger
2013-09-16, 04:26 AM

Still in good cheer (although rubbing his chest somewhat now), the bounty hunter shrugs and gives her a shrug. "Eh, it happens. Not something to worry or hold a grudge over, really... Helping is it's own reward sometimes" he replies modestly, his smile returning for a moment as he considers the time they had spent on putting Leah's armor onto her. Somewhat hurried as it might have been, the experience had been interesting one given that she is quite very attractive indeed. "I'll gladly help you again when you need it. Now, let's hope that we won't end up getting killed here."

2013-09-16, 05:25 AM
think I am placing an initiative and turn rotation thru the end of this encounter, so, full turn posts, I will post last, and the turn order will basically ammount to, no postin until there has been a full roation, and then keep that rotation, I may have slight interupts here and there but will give a big end of round post after the last "turn" each round, Leah and Calar are below decks currently, Krev is in the rigging, Raor is below decks, just being roused by the noise. Bas is on the prow, near the two hook masters. Tratil is still midshipmtop deck, and Krigul and pets are likely vomiting somehwere near the aft section~

A loud thump resonates through the haul and shouts begin to ring out through the air, as some of the men on the deck begin to slump to the deck (While on deck roll DC14 fort save, per turn or take D4-1 Dex dmg, Dc20+ saves you the rest of the encounter)

DC15 spot
Large, almost human sized crabs are scuttling about on the hedron, s gulping down the thick mists that are spouting from them, and gnashing pincers as the boat passes under or past the hedrons

Karl Prosek
2013-09-16, 07:24 AM
As soon as the hookmasters run forward, Baz and Fel scramble to get out of their way. That stops as soon as the big dog starts to waver on his paws, the mist getting to the animal just like it has the sailors. Baz stops and tries to convince the dog to move, but Fel, feeling his balance get thrown off, refuses.

Edited because apparently I can't read.

2013-09-16, 10:46 AM

She finds herself blushing again. As she's strapping on the last greave, A...anyways, let's go find out what that bump was

Using her Guisarme to steady herself, Leah makes her way to the deck, confident that she can vanquish any foes threatening the ship.

Fort save: [roll0]
Dex damage if no success: [roll1]

Grim ranger
2013-09-16, 10:53 AM

"Agreed. If the ship is under attack, our presence will be required" the sorcerer agrees. Only pausing for a brief moment to cast a spell that brings armor of force into being around him, he follows Leah, opting to stay behind her and draw his crossbow. He is far from powerful yet, after all, and she is likely more survivable in melee if it comes down to that.

Casting Mage Armor on self before following Leah to the deck and drawing crossbow.

[roll0] (Fort save)

[roll1] (Dex damage if save fails)

2013-09-16, 01:05 PM
As Tratil doesn't yet see anything, yet has heard the noise, He will draw his bow and move silently(roll in OOC) to the main mast, reading an attack for the first foe he sees. (If he can, he hides with a roll of hide (in OOC), on opposite side from the thump.) Moving behind the main mast, Tratil waits for whatever made the thump to show itself.
"The first strike is the deadliest, and if done right, can be the last strike. But you have to see them first." He whispers, remembering his tribes teaching.

2013-09-16, 02:50 PM
Leah stumbles on the stairs and all but faceplants into the deck, barely maintaining her balance, but watching as her pole arm skitters across the deck, looking up ih time to see one of the old sailors slumped to the ground,

RAISE YERSELVES LADS! FIND YOUR STRENGTH OR WE'LL BE FINDIN THE DEEP BLUE HERE TODAY! MAN YOUR WEAPONS BOYS LETS SEE WHAT FOUL BEASTIE CARES TO TRY US NOW! screams the captain, pulling one of the sailors up and all but throwing the man at the arbalest on the port side of the ship, several more thumps resounding as he does so, coming from several different directions along the ship.

Tratil silenly finds a small collection of barrels, all bound together around the main mast and quietly ducks behind them, allowing him a 360* hiding place as well as a view of the entire main deck,]

2013-09-16, 06:34 PM

The shaman looked into the hazardous mists, and knew that untold dangers could lurk unseen to feeble human vision. Closing his eyes for a moment, he opened them again, this time honed with the senses his draconic devotion had lent him. He looked up, to the great hedrons, and knew the danger that awaited them.

All but sliding down the rigging in his haste, Krev landed somewhat unsteadily on the shifting boat, regaining his balance with the haft of his spear. He looked up again, confirming to himself the faint forms he saw getting closer. He knew as well as felt his aura permeate those around him, gifting him with the sight that he saw. It would make things easier.

He lifted his spear and pointed to the closest of the approaching crabs, and yelled to the crew, "Beware the hedrons! We are not alone here!"

2013-09-16, 09:51 PM
Krigul may not know exactly what's going on, but the shouting gives him some idea. "C'mere, boys!" he yells, and the dogs cluster in, though two of them look queasy as well as grimy and mangy. Atop Rile, the goblin utters a few guttural syllables and makes a mystic gesture.

Krigul calls the dogs to him, so they're all adjacent; I'm imagining them filling a 10x10 square and facing outward.
Krigul casts Cat's Grace, which gives +4 dex to himself and his companion.

Stat Block:

Krigul: AC 17 (Cat's Grace)
HP 16/16
Dex 12/8 (Cat's Grace)
Ride +12 (Cat's Grace)
Handle Animal +14

Rile: AC 19
HP 30/30
Dex 20/16 (beat DC 20, Cat's Grace)
+6 Bite (1d6+3)

One: AC 18
HP 13/13
Dex 12/15
+3 Bite (1d6+3)

Two: AC 19
HP 13/13
Dex 15/15
+3 Bite (1d6+3)

One: AC 19
HP 13/13
Dex 14/15
+3 Bite (1d6+3)

2013-09-16, 10:19 PM

With Krev's announcement, Leah is...almost ready. She scrambles after her Guisarme, thinking, Angels preserve me!! This can't just be that liquor, can it?!?

Fort save: [roll0]
Edit: now 7 Dex, -1 AC, Initiative, Reflex.

Edit: Hopefully she can reach her guisarme? :smalleek:

2013-09-16, 11:37 PM
With a loud thump, a pair of massive crabs, nearly 4 feet tall land on the deck from a hedron which passes over the ship narrowly missing the main mist, the vaporous blue gasses leaking from cracks all about the hedron.
The mists are tied to the hedron field somehow, and are some sort of paralytic

Hedrons have all sorts of odd effects, but only when they are in large numbers, this mist could very well be a hedron effect.

At the same time a scream from one of the paralyzed crewmates announces the arrival of 3 more crabs over the rear deck rail, the paralyzed man sits helpless, barely able to move as the 3 crabs descend upon him.

DC 10 Nature
Crabs, even these massive crabs are scavengers by nature, and are clearly planning to go for the weak or disable on board,

DC 15
These crabs are obviously feeding off the hedrons energies, and are likely immune to these mists

2013-09-17, 12:06 AM
Trail stands from behind his cover, and looses the arrow he had prepared at the nearest crab (Using his readied action), face twisted in a silent snarl.
to hit: [roll0]
If i get sneak attack: [roll2]
.... Thats terrible.

2013-09-17, 12:22 AM
Trail stands from behind his cover, and looses the arrow he had prepared at the nearest crab (Using his readied action), face twisted in a silent snarl.
to hit: [roll0]
If i get sneak attack: [roll2]
.... Thats terrible.

Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahahahahahah ahahahahhaahah!!!!!

Tratil watches as the bolt he looses from his crossbow thunks harmlessly into the rail behind one of the massive crabs. Just as the hookmasters call down from the prow of the ship More climbing up the front here! We'll hold them, but their crawling all over these bloody hedrons! There's at least a dozen on our hull already! The sounds of bladed grappling hooks scything through the air punctuate the womans words as her partner begins spinning up his hooks

Karl Prosek
2013-09-17, 06:45 AM
Baz, still kneeling next to his dog, looks up at the crabs. He regards them for a second or two before- wonder of wonders!- speaking. "Scavengers. Get the men who can't move off the deck and they should scare off more easily." He moves to do exactly this, starting with the closest motionless crewman just as soon as he orders Fel to Guard him.

2013-09-17, 09:31 AM
Raor had been sleeping off last night libations when the yelling and screaming started. At first it worked itself into his dream, turning a pleasant fantasy about a buxom tavern wench he once knew into a battlefield full of the dead and dying. Yells about mists and hedrons causes Raor to wake up suddenly; he'd had past experiences with hedrons, and knew they were never simple matters.

Fumbling around for a moment, he grabs his sword before standing. Turning towards the door, Raor realizes his armor is still in a pile around his bed. Cursing to himself, he quickly drops his sword and dons his armor, cursing the entire time. Finally he finishes and races up the stairs to the deck, sword in hand.

The first thing the barbarian notices is that the strange mist everywhere. It stinks, making him want to retreat back down the stairs. However, the monstrous crabs scuttling about the deck draw his attention. Licking his lips, the man grins. "I know what I'm eating tonight."

Fort save [roll0]
Charge the nearest crab! Power attack [roll1]
Damage [roll2]

2013-09-17, 11:20 AM

Taking a quick look around at those on deck, she spots the hapless crewmember being ganged up upon by three crabs. A dangerous glint enters her eyes as she looks ready to attack any of the crabs that attempt to make off with the poor man. She charges the crabs, and as she does so, she calls out to Calar:

Calar, let's make a bet!!

Activating Iron Guard's Glare stance (swift action). All enemies Leah threatens take a -4 to hit anything but her. She wields a polearm with reach and Spiked Gauntlets, so that's a 10-foot radius.
Hoping that Leah can use a Full-round Action to Charge the furthest Crab from herself.
Attack: [roll0]
Crit (if needing confirm): [roll1]
damage: [roll2] (x3 if crit)

If she needs to stand up during her own turn, then she'll use her move action to stand up and she will use Charging Minotaur Strike as her Standard action, pushing the nearest Hedron crab in the group of 3.
(The crabs do not get AoOs against Leah for this action)
Attack: [roll3]
Opposed Strength: [roll4] (+3 with +2 because charging)
damage: [roll5]

Finally, if any of the crabs leave her polearm's threatened area with the man, she will use Stand Still as an AoO to prevent its movement.
attack: [roll6] Add 1 if she takes damage
Reflex DC (10 + [roll7] +1 if she takes damage) or that crab loses its movement

2013-09-17, 12:13 PM
Krigul grins and wheezes. "Just crabs? They're Lunch!" he exclaims. The goblin must have taught his pets that "they're lunch" means "charge," as the crabs are rushed by the yowling pack.

Krigul casts Magic Fang on Rile, and then the whole pack will rush the crabs. If possible, they'll direct their attacks towards the same target. They'll flank a crab if they can.

Rile Attack, Damage, and Trip: [roll0], [roll1], [roll2]

One Attack, Damage, and Trip: [roll3], [roll4], [roll5]

Two Attack, Damage, and Trip: [roll6], [roll7], [roll8]

Many Attack, Damage, and Trip: [roll9], [roll10], [roll11]

I doubt they're going to trip a many-legged crab, but if one somehow manages, that means the ones that come after only have to beat AC 10.

Stat Block:

Krigul: AC 16 (Cat's Grace)
HP 16/16
Dex 11/8 (Cat's Grace)
Ride +11 (Cat's Grace)
Handle Animal +14

Rile: AC 19
HP 30/30
Dex 20/16 (Beat DC 20, Cat's Grace)
+7 Bite (1d6+4) (Magic Fang)

One: AC 18
HP 13/13
Dex 12/15
+3 Bite (1d6+3)

Two: AC 19
HP 13/13
Dex 15/15 (Beat DC 20)
+3 Bite (1d6+3)

Many: AC 19
HP 13/13
Dex 14/15 (Beat DC 20)
+3 Bite (1d6+3)

2013-09-17, 12:29 PM
Cover broken, Tratil moves further from the bow, but stays withing 30f of the crabs, hopefully behind the others, and looses another arrow towards the crabs. However, he caught a particularly nasty whiff of mist on the way. and stumbled slightly.
[roll0] to hit,
[roll1] for damage.

2013-09-17, 09:02 PM

Standing tall amidst the chaos and confusion, Krev closed his eyes for a moment yet again, this time choosing to channel the raw rage and strength of the dragon. His eyes burning, he whirled to face the closest of the crabs, and launched himself at the creature, spear tip held low before him.

Changing aura to Power (+1 to damage rolls)

Fort save:

If failed:

Charge attack roll (power attack for 2):

Damage roll:

2013-09-18, 12:11 PM
Quickly posting before work. Will edit with proper bold/colors/shenanigans later ^u^

Baz starts to haul the dazed man off the deck, (4 crew men are incapacitated, 3 +1 that Baz is dragging off) The crabs snapping at but never quite engaging the large hound infront of them. Raor comes charging in at the crab, his massive sword swinging high as he crashes it into the deck where just moments ago the crab had been, the thing scuttling backwards toward Leah and its companions, only to find a spear buried in its shell, mortally wounded the crab flails wildly at the dragon shaman but is unable to reach him past the spear point and scuttles back and forth in anger and confusion, trabbed between the vicious spear and the crashing sword strokes of the barbarian.

Two of the three crabs already in front of Leah, rush at her and piling in, while the crab she charged and wounded retreats back off the deck, its shell cracked in half while the 2 remianing crabs lash out at her, massive pincers snapping viciously she parries the first crab but the second one cataches the back of her leg (2 dmg)

Leah hears the yelping and growling of dogs nearby and looks to see the pack of dogs the goblin druid had brought aboard, glancing over she seesmthe dogs quite literally pulling the crab apart between them. Krigul watches, quite pleased with his pets, but just as it seems everything is under control, the hookmasters call for help from the prow, and as Krigul looks up, he only sees the woman, her partner seemingly gone.

A pair of crabs climbing up over the rails on either side of her as she whips her hook chain into a third, knocking it back into the ocean.

Tratil finds himself joining the ranger party up at the helm, the rangers doing all they can to keep the crabs off the ship, the woman firing arrow after arrow straight down off the back of the ship, her masive companion cutting down any crab looky enough to scale up to his reach, the duao wielder however lays coughing beside the wheel of the ship. Tratil fire at the lone crab scuttling towards a downed crew man, the bolt going straight through the hard shell of the crabs back, cuasing it to shudder before it lashes out at the sailor, pincers ripping into him.

Remember, you need a fort save every turn until you beat 20. If you post and you haven't beaten the 20 i will assume you failed and roll dex dmg for you. ♥

DC17 Spot

The male hookmaster was knocked off the ship by a crab,

DC20 Nature/Arcana
The crabs are relying on this mist for their attack, removing the mist will likely cause the crabs to retreat, they are clearly more aggressive than any normal crab, the mist having perhaps corrupted them

2013-09-18, 12:41 PM
Anger clear in his eyes, Tratil fires again at the same crab. Cowards. Attacking the weak while other crabs are dying against the strong. I'll not lose those I travel with again!

Karl Prosek
2013-09-18, 01:12 PM
Baz drags the man to a door and shoves him through, Fel watching his back and keeping him from getting a claw in the leg. He turns and makes a disgusted noise as he realizes just how unnatural these crabs are acting. "The mist has maddened these creatures. If we could disperse it, somehow, they might be easier to stop."

He, unfortunately, has no way of doing this. Instead, he summons a huge ball of fire in the midst of a cluster of crabs, rolling it around the deck to cook the monsters in their shells.

Casts Flaming Sphere on the biggest concentration of giant crabs, then rolls it around deck to catch more monsters with it.

Fel is still Guarding Baz.

Grim ranger
2013-09-18, 06:07 PM

Doing his best to focus in the midst of chaos engulfing the ship, Calar focuses intently, gathering up his magical power. His spells are not all that great, but they have worked in the past... And he should be able to pacify couple of crazy crustaceans.

"What kind of bet would that be, oh wonderous lady?" he inquires calmly as he moves away from the combat raging right in front of himself, pointing at both the crabs fighting the remaining hookmaster and those still scuttling against Leah. "I am eager to hear it, but I must warn you: I rarely lose in games of chance!"

Moving in spot where Calar is not in combat and can see both the hookmaster's fight and Leah's one. Casting Sleep on both the crabs against hookmaster and those against Leah. DC is 15.

2013-09-18, 06:28 PM
Calar"What kind of bet would that be, oh wonderous lady?" ... "I am eager to hear it, but I must warn you: I rarely lose in games of chance!"[/COLOR][/B][/SPOILER]

Her eyes open wide, surprised to see what the so-called mercenary did on his own.
Fort vs. Mist: [roll0]
damage if any: [roll1]
The feeling of both the crabs claws tearing at gaps in her armor and the mists draining away her essence brings her out of her head.
I bet you five gold you can't drop more crabs than me!! she exclaims as she levels her guisarme at the crab furthest from her, drawing upon her Divine sense of Strength to do so.

2 HP damage in Delayed Damage pool: at 1-9 damage, grants +1 attack and damage.

Still in IGG stance: Enemies in a 10-foot radius near Leah get -4 to attack anything but Leah.

Mountain Hammer against the Crab within her polearm's reach. This attack ignores all DR and Hardness.
Attack: [roll2] Edit: Zealous Surge (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16052516&postcount=166) used
Damage: [roll3]
Crit x3 (if any): [roll4]
Mt. Hammer damage:[roll5]

If any crab tries to escape the reach of her Polearm, she takes a Stand Still attempt with her polearm:
[roll6] for a Reflex DC 10 + [roll7] or it cannot move this round.

2013-09-18, 11:10 PM
As the pack continues to savage the crabs, Krigul gibbers and brandishes his shield wildly.

Krigul begins casting Summon Nature's Ally II. If the deck appears to have caught fire, he's summoning a water elemental; otherwise, he'll be conjuring up a hippogriff to help out the hookmaster. Rolling concentration to cast while Rile continues to fight.

Concentration: [roll0]
Perception: [roll1]

Rile Attack, Damage, and Trip: [roll2], [roll3], [roll4]

One Attack, Damage, and Trip: [roll5], [roll6], [roll7]

Two Attack, Damage, and Trip: [roll8], [roll9], [roll10]

Many Attack, Damage, and Trip: [roll]1d20+3[roll], [roll11], [roll12]
woops...see next post to see if Many actually hits.

Stat Block:

Krigul: AC 16 (Cat's Grace)
HP 16/16
Dex 11/8 (Beat DC 20, Cat's Grace)
Ride +11 (Cat's Grace)
Handle Animal +14

Rile: AC 19
HP 30/30
Dex 20/16 (Beat DC 20, Cat's Grace)
+7 Bite (1d6+4) (Magic Fang)

One: AC 16
HP 13/13
Dex 9/15
+3 Bite (1d6+3)

Two: AC 19
HP 13/13
Dex 15/15 (Beat DC 20)
+3 Bite (1d6+3)

Many: AC 19
HP 13/13
Dex 14/15 (Beat DC 20)
+3 Bite (1d6+3)

2013-09-18, 11:14 PM
Many's actual attack roll: [roll0]

2013-09-19, 07:01 PM
Flames gouge the deck, cracklinging timbers and setting sails ablaze,crabs scurry toward the rails as the mists burn away like fog under a hot sun, meanwhile all but one of the crabs around leah falls unconscious to the ground, the hookmaster continues fighting the crabs around her and screaming out her need for help, amidst the chaos a water elemental begins chasing the flaming sphere, putting out the largest fires here and there.

2013-09-19, 10:03 PM
Raor charges towards the hookmistress. He takes a swing at the closest crab, trying to force them back.

Charge to the prow, attack a crab if its in range.

2013-09-20, 01:11 AM
the hookmaster continues fighting the crabs around her and screaming out her need for help


Looking up after dropping another crab, Leah hears the hookmaster's cries for help. Leah looks around her, and calls all the nearby people around her by name. Then, CHARGE THE CRABS SURROUNDING THE HOOKMASTER!!

Swift Action to activate Leading the Charge stance while talking. Allies gain +3 to damage on charge attacks next round.

Leah then uses Charging Minotaur Strike (std action; straight line only) to place her self in a position that threatens as many crabs around the hookmaster as possible.
Leah takes provokes no attacks of opportunity for this action.
Bull Rush: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Finally, Leah will save her move action, intending to spend it to re-activate her Iron Guard's glare after everyone that can charges in.

Grim ranger
2013-09-20, 02:27 AM

Changing his armament to his trusty quarterstaff, the bounty hunter grins slightly as he joins the charge alongside Leah. "Well, you have your divine skills with weapons, I have only little magic to my name: of course you are going to win. But I may just as well do my part also. Hoo-ah!"

Charging in after her, he selects one of the grabs assailing hookmaster as his target, and brings his staff down upon it. This fight is still going their way, somewhat... But they have to be careful. Anything can still happen.

Charging in alongside Leah with quarterstaff, since it seems to be reasonably solid choice right at the moment. Let's hope that the dice gods are smiling upon my rolls.

[roll0] (To hit)

[roll1] (Damage)

[roll2] (Crit confirmation if needed)

2013-09-20, 02:35 AM
Tratil moves to one of the loaded arbalests, and fires it into the crabs attacking the hookmaster!
"Wonder why nobody used one of these yet."
to hit (base ranged)

Karl Prosek
2013-09-20, 06:42 AM
With all the crabs on deck fled and those remaining too close to allies, Baz directs the rolling ball of fire up over the railing to hover over the sea in the direction of the crabs' retreat.

How many crabs are left?

2013-09-20, 03:27 PM
The pack panics and runs as far from the flames as they can; Krigul does his best to prevent Rile from fleeing outright as he conjures water above the worst of the flames.

"Keep that fire away from us, idiot!" Krigul snaps at Baz. He doesn't mention that he intended to cast the same spell the ship caught fire.

Sorry Karl! Any umbrage is strictly the 8-charisma goblin talking.
Krigul casts Create Water, which dumps six gallons of water onto the fire. The elemental he summoned will continue putting out the fires on deck.

You have any second-level spells left, Karl? If so, summoning another elemental probably wouldn't hurt.

2013-09-21, 08:55 PM
The crabs surrounding the hookmaster are quickly dispatched, falling as the sound of swordstrokes and the ripping thunk of the arbalest smashing through one, leaving behind a gooey mess tear through the air. As the crabs give everyone at the edge sees the highly precarious positiong the second hookmaster is in, stuck atop a hedron he is coughing and fighting a crab off with one hand while securing a grapple hook around the hedron with another, his slicked back soaking hair makes it obvious he is in the hedron as a means to escape the ocean.

2013-09-21, 09:11 PM
Tratil Calmly reloads his crossbow while moving to reduce the amount of railing in the way, and fires at the crab.
Attack [roll0]

2013-09-22, 11:10 AM

Satisfied that the battle for the ship was more or less in safe hands, the dragon shaman turned his attention to the hookmaster's plight. He considered, for a moment, what he could do to assist the beleaguered man, and lamented that he did not, yet, have the power enough to intervene on his behalf. Instead, taking stock of the wounded around him, he concentrated on the dragon's beneficence, and walked the deck, spear in hand, helping those he could.

Changing aura to vigor

2013-09-22, 11:49 AM
Leah grits her teeth, ignoring the strange feeling of her balance leaving her.
Fort save: [roll0]
dex damage: [roll1]
Dex score: 5

2013-09-22, 12:00 PM
Leah looks in surprise at the sorcerer that downed a crab near her. CALAR, if your magic is like that staff of yours, we need to work together in the future! She gives him a smile that says I never expected you to do that!!

Leah turns her head, and moves over to the next hookmaster's location, and brings her Guisarme *just* into reach of the crab he is fending off.
HANG ON friend, she says. May the angels bless you with their rejuvenating warmth as our enemies crumble before us
Still in Iron Guard's Glare stance: any enemies (only 1 this round) that she threatens take a -4 to attack anything but her.

Using Crusader's Strike against the Crab, and she will heal the Hookmaster.
Attack: [roll0]
Crit (x3, if needed) [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Healing (for the hookmaster): [roll3]

2013-09-22, 06:54 PM
The water elemental finishes putting out the last of the fires on deck as the orb of flames hovers above the ship, a beacon of power amidst the fog, burning away the last vestiges of the mists as the ship pulls past the hedron that the hookmaster was perched upon, the crab lashing out at him only to have its claw pinned to the hedron by a crossbow bolt,and then to be unceremoniously ripped from the hedron in a shower of shattered shell and flesh, the hookmasters companion flinging him a line which he crosses back to the ship with just as the ship exits the field of hedrons, the mists already fading behind you.

Almost as if on queue the shoreline of a massive craggy cliff lined island comes into view, little more than barren rocks clawing at the sky, massive stone spines and blade like jetties, somewhere behind you hear the captain whisper


Grim ranger
2013-09-23, 01:27 AM

Kicking a dead hedron crab to vent his frustration somewhat, Calar glances at Leah with a slight shrug. "Well, I did what I could, the best I could. Little more to it than that... But I am glad that it went so well" he noted, looking at the shoreline they are currently approaching. "It seems that we have made it... Somehow. "I have to say, your fighting skills are most certainly very impressive... I feel quite small and weak in comparison. If only magic would not have such hard limitations" he said with a small sigh. It really is quite annoying how magic-users like him tend to struggle with their art to no end, whilst magical bladework is a skill others advance in leaps and bounds without any apparent effort... But then again, they are two different fields of study altogether.

2013-09-23, 02:29 AM
Leah will search the deck for any that are dying but not dead. If she finds one, she will use a Crusader's Strike to heal the 3 HP damage she took.

Leah bows her head over a crab that is still twitching and smashes it with a fist. She murmers, I thank Emeria for the restoration and rejuvenation of my spirit as that of these crabs are faded. May the darkness that took them she standa up and uses the blade of her Guisarme to sweep its remains off deck ...be replaced with Light. and into the ocean.

Leah looks in the direction of Calar's gaze as she walks over to him. Perhaps we can practice on your concentration techniques. Or is it that you need some music? Or do you do art? she smiles at him kindly. we should talk to the others and make music together!! she whispers into his ear for a few seconds

And you could be a singer!! Great idea, right?

Grim ranger
2013-09-23, 03:11 AM

"I have not spent too much time in paying attention to fine art thus far... And I really don't see myself as having that much in way of musical talent" he replies with a small chuckle, leaning onto his quarterstaff again. "But I suppose we could try that. Would at least broaden my repertoire somewhat... My skill-set has been quite focused on thus far. But making music sounds like quite good idea for pasttime."

Karl Prosek
2013-09-23, 07:15 AM
Bas stares at the coastline and silently waits for the organizer of the group to tell them what they are to do next. Will they set up camp? March into the interior? Will the ship stay here or sail away? So many questions, all unspoken.

2013-09-23, 11:14 AM
Raor glares at the island like it personally insulted him. He was unhappy with the battle; he'd not even managed to injure any of the large crustaceans. He stood at the prow and helped the hookmaster pull in her companion, his sword back in its sheath across his back.

2013-09-23, 01:32 PM
Tratil looks quietly at the barren cliffs. "Nothing in zendikar is truly devoid of life. The only question is whether those cliffs will attack us."

"What will attack us next?" Is all he says.

2013-09-24, 04:38 PM

Walking slowly to the bow of the ship, spear clanking gently against the wooden deck, Krev stared at the island before him in a mixture of hope and awe. He knew little of Agadeem beyond its infamous name and some of the more horrific stories of failed adventures. He wasn't sure which emotion was winning out: fear or hope. Anything in all of Zendikar could lie on that island, and it fell to them to find out what.

Changing aura to senses

2013-09-24, 05:10 PM
she stands up and uses the blade of her Guisarme to sweep its remains off deck

"Hey! Watcha doin' that for!" Krigul wails as the carcass flies into the ocean. "We were gonna eat that!" Sparing Leah one last evil glance, he grabs a claw and rides off to calm his dogs.

Grim ranger
2013-09-24, 05:18 PM

"And are you absolutely sure that Hedron-tainted crab flesh would be exactly healthy for your pets?" the bounty hunter asks with raised eyebrow, rolling his eyes somewhat. "I'd stick to our action travel rations and dried meat if I were you. It would be a shame to lose a teammate so soon."

2013-09-24, 05:38 PM
"Ehh...maybe you're right," grumbles Krigul. "I'll magic it up tomorrow."

As soon as Calar turns his back, Krigul sneaks himself a piece.

From now on, Krigul will have Purify Food and Drink prepared as a cantrip for precisely this reason.

2013-09-26, 01:12 AM
Take the ship closer and we'll take a look at what awaits us on the island Captain Sharkala says to the older elvish man as they take the helm together, a quick head count finds all sailors accounted for and healthy, the crew however counts 3 men disabled and most still debilitated by the mists to some extent Nil Asthar, a younger sailor, is the only crewmember who seemed unaffected.

The ship circles closer to the island and the crew watches with baited breath as the ship draws nearer and shifting movement can be seen about the island

Spot 15
Even from this distance, it is easy to see that massive rocks, even whole cliffsides are moving sporadically about, smashing together, across the whole landscape, seemingly forging and reforging the entire island

Spot 20

Amidst the rocks scrabbles small groups of bearlike creatires, tusks gnashing as they scrabble about clawing at one another
We'll get a goodnights rest and land tommorow, have your gear ready and make sure you keep it light Calls the captain

2013-09-26, 02:45 PM

Scanning the shoreline, she peers into the distance to see if she can find anything.

Straining her eyes, Leah spots something. There are strange bear-creatures on the coast captain she says as she turn to address him. Anyone else see it?

After waiting for affirmation of what she saw, Leah will turn to Calar. Good sorcerer, would you mind helping me remove my armor for the evening?

2013-09-26, 02:55 PM
Tratil's Keen eyes easily pick out the details, noting the movement on the rocks.
He moves closer to the captain, and asks
"Captain, Can those things Swim?"

OOC:... Google translate activated on my name.... T-T it was random letters!

Grim ranger
2013-09-26, 03:06 PM

Having scanned the shoreline himself and seen nothing but shifting cliffs, Calar raises his eyebrow. "Mmh, bears you say? Perhaps it is best to remain armored until we are sure that they cannot reach us... But afterwards I would be more than happy to, holy warrior lady" he responds with a smile before turning to look back towards the shoreline. "It would be a pain to fight new beasts so soon after getting rid of troublesome crustaceans."

2013-09-26, 03:16 PM
"It would be a pain to fight new beasts so soon after getting rid of troublesome crustaceans."

Leah laughs, banging the pole end of her guisarme against her stomach plate. Let them come! I will stand my ground and guard you all as they die one by one.

Grim ranger
2013-09-26, 03:27 PM

Chuckling somewhat, the sorcerer bows at her. "Oh, our savior is so close then that there is no reason to fear. Nevertheless, it seems that making landfall may be difficult: the shoreline seems rather hostile."

2013-09-26, 03:40 PM

Well, the captain asked us to get a good night's rest, so I'll do the same, Calar. Rest well.

Grim ranger
2013-09-26, 04:18 PM

"Oh, I readily admit that seems like quite a good idea... Perhaps I can still help you with that armor?" he asks Leah, following her back below decks. "Not that you'd necessarily need my assistance, but I feel like being altruistic towards team members... And besides, talking with you is always time well spent."

2013-09-26, 04:48 PM
Those are Gnarlids smirks the dualwielder as his friends help him across the deck, They don't swim, that well... He chuckles quietly, But they're excellent at teaching a guy to make his first strike count, kuz if you don't... well.. They will!

2013-09-26, 10:38 PM

Those are Gnarlids smirks the dualwielder as his friends help him across the deck, They don't swim, that well... He chuckles quietly, But they're excellent at teaching a guy to make his first strike count, kuz if you don't... well.. They will!

She smiles as she hears the ranger talk about the creatures. Worries for another day she thinks as she goes below deck.


"Oh, I readily admit that seems like quite a good idea... Perhaps I can still help you with that armor?" he asks Leah, following her back below decks. "Not that you'd necessarily need my assistance, but I feel like being altruistic towards team members... And besides, talking with you is always time well spent."

Leah smiles as the door to the deck closes behind them. If you would be so willing, I'd like that. It was nice of you to step up-- She opens the door to her room, letting Calar inside, then closes the door. --step up to Krigul. I... she pauses for a second, shaking her head. I get this strange feeling of warmth from knowing you did that. I never had these things called...feelings as an Angel. We would pride each other on....I don't even know the term for it...

* * *

Thanks for your help Calar. We should gather the group and talk about that music.

Karl Prosek
2013-09-27, 06:27 AM
Those are Gnarlids smirks the dualwielder as his friends help him across the deck, They don't swim, that well... He chuckles quietly, But they're excellent at teaching a guy to make his first strike count, kuz if you don't... well.. They will!

Hearing that the gnarlids are no immediate threat, Bas sees to Fel, checking the dog for injuries and making sure his companion is fed and comfortable before seeing to his own needs.

Grim ranger
2013-09-27, 06:34 AM

Nodding, the sorcerer smiles and scratches his chin. "Mmh, perhaps there is still time for that before life-threatening dangers resume... But do you believe everyone present is musically inclined? It is long and frustrating process after all, learning to sing or play an instrument..."

2013-09-27, 09:32 PM
Krigul leads the pack belowdecks. Though uninjured, they're tired from the battle and some are sluggish from the mist. As soon as he removes the armor from his pets, they all fall asleep in heap. Krigul dreams of riding Gnarlids and eating fried crab.

2013-09-28, 06:31 PM
As the sun sets, the ship becomes calm again, the few still awake and on deck each peering silently at the islands, lost in their own thoughts. As the sunrises everyone feels slightly better from the mists (1 dex dmg heals per sunrise) the wounded are all mostly healed but the effects of the gas linger on. The perils of the island ahead only being made all the more imposing by the lingering nausea and off balancing effects.

2013-09-29, 09:59 AM
Raor spent most of the night standing at the prow, staring at the island before them. He had helped dispose of the crabs' bodies, and then taken up a position at the front of the boat. He felt guilty he'd not done more to help during the fight, and was resolved not to let it happen again.

The words of his father came to mind as he stood at the rail. "You're too reckless, son. Slow down, find your rhythm." He'd charged into the fight half-cocked and overconfident, and his companions had nearly paid the price for it. If what the others said about these gnarlids was true, there would be even less room for mistakes in the days ahead.

2013-09-29, 05:36 PM
Morning comes along with the sounds of crashing boukders, and raging waves, the island becoming if anything even more active than the night before, as if anticipating your approach, massive waves begin rocking the ship and the captain has decided that the only way to reach the island would be rowing in on 2 of the 6 long boats the ship came with, the Boson assigns the two ships as follows, The captain, Tratil Krev and Leah are taking the lead boat, while the elderly elvish Boson takes the second boat with Raor Bas Krigul accompanied as always by his pack of dogs and Calar claim the second boat all piling in as the waves pound treacherously against the small boats tossing them about like chaffe on the wind, each person desperately clinging to the ships as best they can to keep from being tossed into the raging sea, after what feels like an eternity of struggling onward both ships begin to near the shore when a massive rock plummets into the lead ship and smashes it in half

(1D10+2 dmg, Reflex 15 for half, and a DC 20 swim check to reach the second boat which is 30 feet away, roll until you reach the ship ooc)

2013-09-29, 08:07 PM
Coughing and sputtering, Tratil makes it to the other ship. Having to practice holding his breath for hunting had likely just saved his life. "Never want to take a boat again. Never want to take a boat again."

Karl Prosek
2013-09-30, 07:08 AM
Clinging tenaciously to the longboat's gunwales, Bas silently reaches out a hand to help up anyone who gets close enough to the boat.

2013-09-30, 12:03 PM
Coughing and sputtering, Tratil makes it to the other ship. Having to practice holding his breath for hunting had likely just saved his life. "Never want to take a boat again. Never want to take a boat again."


Spitting out blood from her mouth, the Aasimar claps Tratil on the back with a gauntleted hand. Take heart, Tratil! Although we lost poor Krev on the way over, his spirit is now with the Angels. We did the best we could, and Salvation and I she waves her Guisarme will male sure that we survive yet. I am firmly convinced that we will be alright, and more boat travel is in our future. You and I are survivors. Krev's spirit was strong, and we shall yet see him in the next life.

Leah gives him a brief glance of her best smile and puts a reassuring hand on his shoulder. Let's give those Gnarlids some hell.

Leah enters her Leading the Charge stance. She's going to wait for any activity with the Gnarlids.

I consulted my ToB for Leading the Charge stance: Here's what I have."While you are in this stance, al allies that hear you and make a charge attack in the [30-foot] area gain a bonus on damage rolls equal to initiator level."

2013-09-30, 12:08 PM
"He'd be fine if you guys woulda just let me summon a shark to get him," grumbles Krigul as he struggles to move his oar.

2013-09-30, 01:39 PM
"He'd be fine if you guys woulda just let me summon a shark to get him," grumbles Krigul as he struggles to move his oar.


She turns to Krigul, saying You can bring a man to water, but you can't make him swim. She furrows her brow, and says pensively He just gave up. I don't think he would have wanted the help if he'd been offered it. Let us carry him in our hearts so that he may live on forever.

Leah draws a circle in the sand with her Guisarme. She turns an intense stare to the Druid as she asks her next question. Krigul, do you know any burial rites that we can perform to honor his spirit as he passes away?

2013-09-30, 03:23 PM
Krigul blinks several times in confusion. "How're we gonna bury the guy if we don't got the body?"

2013-09-30, 03:29 PM
"Zendikar has him. Just hope he sated her appetite for now." Raor continued to stare at the island as he spoke. He'd helped the others into the boat in silence, secretly glad it wasn't him. He kept looking at the gnarlids, wondering if they were worth eating...

Grim ranger
2013-09-30, 07:18 PM

Shaking his head somewhat, the sorcerer looks rather solemn at the sudden and undeserved death of one of their comrades. "It seems that this journey begins in downright foreboding note... But it is not like we will back down now, is it? Krev might not remain the only casualty of our journey if we do not focus onto the task at hand."

2013-09-30, 11:28 PM
Gasping for air the Captain arrives at the ship, his left arm clearly broken and it swings hauntingly limp at his side, he clings to the prow with his one good arm and grunts at the boson to take the ship in, find us some land so fighting the waves the boson finally manages to land the ship on a rock strewn beach and jumps out to attend to the captains wounds.. The old elf demanding Someone drag that boat up here

2013-10-01, 11:25 AM
Raor takes a hold of the boat and begins dragging it up the shore, well above what should be high tide. This being Zendikar, of course, such things have a way of changing.

Karl Prosek
2013-10-01, 11:45 AM
Bas and Fel jump down out of the boat and onto the rocky shore. The small man points at the edge of the beach and his huge dog gallops off to investigate the spot where the bear monsters had been the day before.

Bas gives Fel the command to 'Seek', looking for anything alive or animate near the edge of the beach.

2013-10-01, 12:37 PM

Raor takes a hold of the boat and begins dragging it up the shore, well above what should be high tide. This being Zendikar, of course, such things have a way of changing.

Leah offers him a hand by picking up the back of the boat so that he doesn't have to drag its awkward bulk.

Shaking his head somewhat, the sorcerer looks rather solemn at the sudden and undeserved death of one of their comrades. "It seems that this journey begins in downright foreboding note... But it is not like we will back down now, is it? Krev might not remain the only casualty of our journey if we do not focus onto the task at hand."

As she's carrying the boat, she replies to Calar Calar, take heart! This is Zendikar testing our strength. We must fight harder and cling to life all the greater. We must be steadfast in our faith and will if we are to survive.

2013-10-02, 07:12 AM
The boson bandages the captain and leans the heavily injured man aginst the long ship, Seein as there's but one boat left, I suppose the captain and I shall stay and guard it, the crypt is at the top of the island, nestled between sone cliffs, climb'll be hard, and those gnarlids even harder, keep quiet, and keep low, you might just live to see yer hone 'gain spitting on the ground for luck the boson hands Leah his partially translated runes and nods at her, [color="darkolivegreen"] You'll know what ta do..

2013-10-02, 02:56 PM
The boson bandages the captain and leans the heavily injured man aginst the long ship, Seein as there's but one boat left, I suppose the captain and I shall stay and guard it, the crypt is at the top of the island, nestled between sone cliffs, climb'll be hard, and those gnarlids even harder, keep quiet, and keep low, you might just live to see yer hone 'gain spitting on the ground for luck the boson hands Leah his partially translated runes and nods at her, [color="darkolivegreen"] You'll know what ta do..


Captain, this boat would be the least of our worries if we die in there. Furthermore, you're of no use with that broken arm. However, I can most certainly heal you if you accompany us to battle. She steps up to him and whispers softly into his ear, Sorry, but I don't trust you yet. She speaks louder for everyone, Show us all the same hospitality and service that you did to me, captain, and please grant us your knowledge! Surely we could bring the boat in with us if it's such a concern.

2013-10-03, 01:00 AM
The captain, barely clinging to conciousness nods and brushes of the bosons worried glance, ya want me to climb a damned mountain cliff with 1 arm eh? Well, I suppose ya c'n jus' carry me then aye?! the captain glowers at Leah

2013-10-03, 09:39 AM
The captain, barely clinging to conciousness nods and brushes of the bosons worried glance, ya want me to climb a damned mountain cliff with 1 arm eh? Well, I suppose ya c'n jus' carry me then aye?! the captain glowers at Leah


Leah gives a hearty laugh, taking the scroll of runes from the captain. Captain, you have me there. I must admit, there is something I do not trust about this plan. And truly, I should not be in such a situation to do this to you, especially after having accepted both this quest and your most gracious passage. She pauses dramatically, perhaps even a little too long, before continuing, This is gut feeling: I get the idea that we would both be more safe if both you and the Elf come with us. Perhaps...perhaps I just don't trust Zendikar.

She pauses, looks to Calar, seeking a solution from him, and looks back at the Captain. I... I'm sorry if that offends you. You do seem rather short of breath and in quite a bit of pain, and that moving might make things worse. I have every reason to trust you.

Grim ranger
2013-10-03, 10:05 AM

Seeing it fit to cut in on the conversation at this juncture, Calar shakes his head somewhat at Leah. "For once, I disagree... On the point on being safe, that is. If they are to follow us, we have just more essential individuals to protect, one of whom is wounded. It would be better if they remained where they are safe so we can focus on keeping ourselves alive" the sorcerer says, not mincing words. The situation is dangerous, after all. "We are all in equal risk, and unless we trust each other, nobody will likely make it out of here alive."

2013-10-03, 10:12 AM

Leah nods. I do not feel good about this, but I will defer to your judgement on this one, Calar. She looks up at the cliff before them and chuckles again. Perhaps I shouldn't have bothered donning my armor?

Grim ranger
2013-10-03, 10:27 AM

Nodding, he grins slightly and leans closer to her, raising his eyebrows. "As interesting as seeing you go into battle against the threats of Zendikar in naught but your underwear would be, I believe you might regret that decision sooner or later. I do have a trick up my sleeve that can be used if our group finds itself in need of more armor, so we need not worry. I believe the more important question is: how do we get past the aggressive fauna without depleting our strength unduly?"

2013-10-03, 11:17 AM
Nodding, he grins slightly and leans closer to her, raising his eyebrows. [B]"As interesting as seeing you go into battle against the threats of Zendikar in naught but your underwear would be, I believe you might regret that decision sooner or later. I do have a trick up my sleeve that can be used if our group finds itself in need of more armor, so we need not worry. I believe the more important question is: how do we get past the aggressive fauna without depleting our strength unduly?"


Leave the Fauna to me, leah says confidently. As long as Salvation and I can get to them, my energy will not deplete. She turns to Raor. And you look like you could stand with me against the fauna as well she grins, almost like a friendly challenge.

Karl Prosek
2013-10-04, 07:33 AM
Bas grimaces at the cliff, glancing at his constant companion Fel. "Fel can't climb that. I'll look for another way around." With that, the small man and his oversized dog trot off down the beach to look for another way to proceed.

2013-10-04, 10:25 AM
Bas grimaces at the cliff, glancing at his constant companion Fel. "Fel can't climb that. I'll look for another way around." With that, the small man and his oversized dog trot off down the beach to look for another way to proceed.


Upon Bas' suggestion, Leah raises an eyebrow to her companions. She looks at the Halfling in particular. But if there's no guarantee to reach that cliff... She hands all 110 feet of silk rope to the halfling, saying While Bas looks for a way around, I'm certain that you can scale the cliff and tie a rope up there.

2013-10-04, 03:31 PM
"Yeah, we're not so good at climbing, either," says Krigul, flexing one of his toe-less feet. "And you can leave the gnarlids to me. Didn't I tell you guys I'm the greatest beastbreaker ever?"

I don't know about Bas, but Krigul has a bunch of spells prepared to placate the Gnarlids. I'd recommend giving him a chance to work his mojo before we get into (potentially costly) combat.

2013-10-05, 12:02 AM
As the group sits about discussing how to go about climbing the cliffs and the looming gnarlid threat a piercing scream shakes the group to their bones, only getting more chilling wheb te scream is suddenly cut short and a small cascade of rocks roll down the cliff side not far away, when suddenly, one of the rocks blinks, and begins to shake itself off, clambering onto 4sturdy legs a Huge behemoth stirs, its tusks bloodied.

Nature -18

This is a baloth, the time for running seems nigh upon us

Spot 20
Bas corpse dangles like a ragdoll from one of its massive tusks

2013-10-05, 12:05 AM
"I'm not the best climber, especially on cliffs. And besides, I'm not a Melee fighter. I'd not survive if there was a gnarlid up there." Tratil says, refusing the rope. "I'll climb if we have No other choice, but only then."

Edit: AFTER the Above post:
"Baloth! RUN or die!" Tratil shouts, while running away, very quickly.

2013-10-05, 10:57 AM
Spot [roll0]

Raor hadn't replied to the woman's friendly banter. First off, he didn't know her well enough to joke and play. Secondly, he wasn't sure how he felt about her; she seemed entirely too bossy and a little full of herself it seemed. Third, he was trying to focus on the challenges ahead. However, he was eager to redeem himself after his disappointing performance aboard the ship against the crabs.

Finally, just as he decides to say something, the avalanche appears. Only, it wasn't an avalanche, it was some kind of giant creature.

2013-10-05, 11:22 AM

Her eyes widening, she says, Y- yeah, that sounds like a good idea!! She pulls out the undershirt she'd worn for the last month--and still hadn't washed--from her pack and thinks, This shirt certainly smells like me, so let the beast be drawn to that....

Raor, I don't think this is time for contemplation! She tosses her shirt past the Barbarian field of vision to rouse him out of his thinking. An alternate route up is looking really great right now!

She turns, scanning for the Captain
Edit: Captain, we should get out of heeeerreee! Leah takes off with the others, catching up as best she can.

2013-10-05, 11:28 AM
Raor shakes his head, then turns and starts running like everyone else. He doesn't look back, he doesn't wait for anyone to catch up. He'd learned a long time ago that, when the time came to run, you did just that.

Grim ranger
2013-10-05, 12:08 PM

Deciding that others have the right idea to run from the approaching threat, Calar joins them in wild escape, knowing that there is very little they can do against threat of that magnitude. Any further plans can wait: right now he is just content if he will not be trampled or eaten within the next half an hour.

2013-10-05, 03:36 PM
Bellowing in a rage the creature barrels down the rocky beach towards the barty, idly kicking the boson aside as he gras the captain to run, and splinterrong the longboat under its massive limbs. The bosom is flung into the cliff beside the baloth, while the captains form limply hits the rocks beside the water. The baloth continues charging, and it quickly becomes clear that anything in its path is in for a thrashing,
The baloth will catch up during this turn if it is not somehow dealt with, if this occurs everyone On The Beach will need to make a 20 Reflex save or take a nice 2D10 of trampling, along with a chance of being Dazed (Secondary save, DC12 Fortitude) Krigul hasn't started running to my knowledge and should probably do so

2013-10-05, 09:15 PM
The air fills with shrill screams and panicked barking as Krigul's pack flees.
Rile has a move speed of 40 feet, and with their barding, the dogs each have a speed of 30 feet.

2013-10-07, 11:12 AM

The Aasimar did not need to glance back: a beast of that size and proportions could walk faster than she could run.

Leah swallows solidly, and calls out Raor!! You can run a bit faster than me, right?? Perhaps you could help me out over here??

2013-10-07, 05:23 PM
The baloth charges forward, its small eyes narrowed at the slow woman, its tusks lowered as it bellows, a glance behind Leah finds her staring back at the maddened creature.

2013-10-07, 07:48 PM
The baloth charges forward, its small eyes narrowed at the slow woman, its tusks lowered as it bellows, a glance behind Leah finds her staring back at the maddened creature.


She doesn't have much time to react. Leah runs as fast as she can, considering that she is weighed down by her armor. She mutters a prayer in her short breaths, praying for salvation:

Blessed are the souls of this plane, for they are made of light. Eager are they for release of their pains. Angels above, shine of your radiance and save me from death. She doesn't have time to catch

2013-10-07, 09:01 PM
Krigul grimaces as he glances back towards Leah. With a grimace, he guides Rile to slow to the baloth's pace. Totally unable to keep the fear out of his voice, the goblin begins to wordlessly swing and sway.

Krigul is going to try and cast Animal Trance. The spell fails under any of the following four conditions:

1. Krigul fails a DC 15 Concentration check to cast while riding Rile:
Concentration: [roll0]

2. The baloth has more than 2 Intelligence;

3. The baloth has more than [roll1] hit dice;

4. The baloth makes a DC 16 will save.

EDIT: and we fail right out of the gate. Unless the DM rules that it's easier to cast while atop a frightened, barely slowed wolf than it is to do so while riding a galloping horse.

2013-10-08, 12:18 AM
Kriguls attempts to calm the Baloth are cut short when the sight of the
Baloth Trampling his companion underfoot cuts his concentration as surely as a razor cutting through a taut rope, sending kriguls mind reeling as he watches his companion fall under its tucks. [roll0]

2013-10-08, 10:11 AM

Coughing and spluttering, Leah grits her teeth in pain. Moving quickly, she decides to avoid the cliffs. She takes a brief moment to stuff her rope into her pack, and decides an alternate approach. She makes her way to the ocean while the Baloth is rampaging past her, and scoops sand to cover the backside of herself with the wet material. Grumbling about how bad it is for her armor, she satisfies herself with having covered her back and legs, and starts to crawl down the beach, leaving spots of blood to wash with the tides.

Leah will proceed this way until the Baloth is no longer a threat or she reaches the other side

2013-10-08, 10:35 AM
Raor had heard Leah call for help. After only a moment or two's hesitation, he decided he was going to help the woman.

Apparently a moment or two was too long.

He turned in time to see the baloth trample the woman under its massive feet. He saw the little goblin try to help somehow, but it obviously didn't work. Shaking his head at his own foolishness, he turned and continued to run, hoping the beast would grow disinterested in chasing them and turn back before it caught him.

2013-10-08, 11:46 AM
Brandishing its tusks at the remaining trespassers the baloth bellows a challenge, DARING someone to face it down. As the party continues to flee it slows down and peels off, lumbering back up the cliffs and disappearing into the jagged moving rocks above

2013-10-08, 12:02 PM

The wounded Aasimar hurries as fast as she dares, not even willing to make a look back over her shoulder. Just keep going....don't look back...

2013-10-08, 01:34 PM
Breathing hard, Tratil stops quickly and motions for the others to do so as well. "Its stopped following us. *Inhale* either we're outside it's territory, or something worse is ahead. We really should run here."

Tratil then looks behind them, trying to see if Leah survived...


2013-10-08, 11:47 PM
Krigul appears to be on the verge of tears. "I...I just can't believe..." he trails off and wipes his nose on his sleeve. "I'm never gonna to get to ride a baloth, am I?"

2013-10-09, 05:33 PM
As the party reassembles they realize they are sans the captain and his boson, is it worth it to sneak back through the baloths territory, or do they press on and hope the men can find a place to hide out and come back once you have finished what you set out to do?

The clashing grating and thunder like roaring of the rocks above hangs heavily over the group, even as a flock of rainbow colored birds fly over head.

2013-10-10, 12:13 PM
"Ooh...pretty!" The birds have apparently made Krigul forget his distress entirely. "So, we gonna keep going or what?" The goblin takes a moment to scan the area for threats.

OOC:Yeah, Krigul's not really the sentimental type. And then there's that famous goblin attention span...
Anyway, Krigul's spot check is ostensibly to find danger, but it'd be peachy keen if he noticed that Leah is still alive and crawling towards them.


Grim ranger
2013-10-11, 09:47 AM

"Yeah, I firmly vote not to try going anywhere near that thing again" the sorcerer says, out of breath and shaking with adrenaline. "Are there...any other ways to get where we need to go?"

2013-10-11, 04:57 PM
Anyway, Krigul's spot check is ostensibly to find danger, but it'd be peachy keen if he noticed that Leah is still alive and crawling towards them.

Krigul glances about and finds a nice looking log to sit on, as he sits down he sees the broken seraph clinging to the rocks and clawing her way towards the party,

2013-10-11, 07:54 PM
Krigul, impressed, gives a low whistle. "Hey! Guys! The talky lady isn't dead yet!" When he's sure that the baloth is far enough away that he won't risk angering it, he quietly rides Rile down the beach to administer first aid.

2013-10-11, 08:34 PM
As Leah sees the party coming towards her, she looks behind herself, and spots no baloth. Instead of standing up, she rolls into the water of the beach so that she can minimize the damage that the sand might have done to her suit. As the seawater gets into her skin, she starts muttering curses that would make a sailor blush before standing up and addressing... the goblin? approaching her.

2013-10-12, 10:10 AM
Raor hurried forward to help the former angel, only to stop as she stands on her own. He could respect someone wanting to do things for themselves. He felt a twinge of guilt that he hadn't been able to help her, but then again it was a baloth that was chasing them.

He glances down the beach in the direction they'd run from, but he didn't see anything particularly encouraging that made him wish to go there. He gestures at the mountains nearby as he looks toward Leah. "You're alive. Good. We should find a way up the mountains. We still have a job to do." With that, he turns and makes his way towards the rocky cliffs, hoping to find some path up.

Not sure what skill it would be, so just going to roll a d20. Add whatever modifiers/skills are appropriate.


2013-10-12, 04:43 PM
Tratil moves to stand directly between the water and the cliffs, keeping a careful eye on both, and begins walking between them.
"I'll try to find something, but I'd reccomend not getting too close to the cliffs for too long. They're moving in places, and I don't want to see somebody get crushed by a rockslide.."
He calls to Raor.

2013-10-13, 12:17 PM
Raor calls back over his shoulder, "We won't accomplish anything standing around here."

2013-10-13, 04:42 PM
"Shhhhhh!" hisses Krigul, lifting a finger to his lips. "You trying to get that thing's attention again?"

2013-10-13, 04:43 PM

Standing up, she stops trying to rid her armor of sand with handfuls of water. She can still feel a few elusive grains. Just a few. And now the wind. Why does the wind on a beach always have to be cold?. Leah turns to Krigul, is about to ask him to make some fire, but then Raor calls to them,

Raor calls back over his shoulder, "We won't accomplish anything standing around here."

Action, of course, is a great way to warm up! Leah smiles, wondering where in the world it would be likely to find a path to the crypts from here.
Knowledge: Nature [roll0]

2013-10-13, 04:44 PM
Raor and leah searche for an easy path up the mountain, but the shifting and rolling rocks floating above make any climb difficult at best, finally after what feels like an eternity to the great warriors they find a viable option. What could have been a trail, if not for the near 80* angle of it, but the rocks seem quieter here and the way has plenty of handholds and firm rock.

DC 15 climb checks, taking 10's is fine at present. But every "turn" there is a 1/20 chance of a rock smashing into the area, knocking loose rocks and requiring DC 15 reflex saves to avoid falling. I an rolling below, a 20 means cry.
No peeking~

2013-10-13, 05:16 PM

"I'll have to wait for a rope. I don't think I can climb that." he says, eying the steep surface cautiously.

Edit:Come on people, somebody climb! I can't make that climb, I've only got a +1.

2013-10-16, 08:31 AM
Raor looks over at Tratil, smirking. "Then maybe we'll leave you here, keep an eye out for more baloths." With that, he turns and begins trying to make his way up the cliff, going slow and steady as he can.

Climb [roll0]

2013-10-16, 10:01 AM

With well-concealed frustration, the Aasimar gives up trying to find a better path. Come Tratil, let us scale these cliffs together!. She courageously steps onto the cliff-like edge with Raor.

Edit: Welp! I'm going to take 10. I didn't realize that I could just take 10. Definitely take 10.

2013-10-16, 10:05 AM
Seeing as the nat one was already taken...
"Alright, I suppose. " Tratil mutters. "But This won't end well."


2013-10-16, 03:12 PM
Scurrying about over the rocks the party members find themselves sliding back down the slop in a shower of dislodged stone. Filled with disappointment and irritation, they stand up and prepare to try again.

2013-10-16, 03:39 PM
"Sometimes, I hate this place," Raor mutters to himself as he brushes himself off. Approaching the cliff, he tries once more to ascend.

Climb [roll0]

2013-10-16, 04:04 PM

Brushing herself and her armor off, Leah decides to try again, but not until everyone else has gone by her. I'll wait for you all. I don't want to hold anyone up.

2013-10-16, 04:34 PM

Tratil begins climbing it again! and again!

2013-10-16, 04:38 PM
After a minute passes and Tratil has scrabbled near to the top of the cliff he begins to feel encouraged, and his success so far only serves to fuel the parties dying bravery,

+2 morale bonus for the next 10 rolls

2013-10-17, 10:39 AM
Raor growls to himself as Tratil climbs past him after he slips once more. Jumping up, he begins searching for hand and footholds once more, moving carefully and only after he's secure each time.

Taking 10. With the +2 morale, that's 15 exactly.

2013-10-17, 11:22 AM
Leah sees Tratil's undying determination, along with Raor's success, and decides that she, too, will give an attempt at climbing once again.

Edit: T_T The RNG hates me

2013-10-17, 12:55 PM

Breathing heavily, the Aasimar looks up to Tratil as she pulls the rope out of her bag and shakes it off. Tratil, would you mind taking this rope? She hefts the rope and gets ready to toss it. When the gnome indicates he's ready, Leah throws it up

2013-10-17, 02:23 PM

Tratil catches the rope with ease on the second toss, taking one end, then tossing the other down. He moves 10 ft from the edge, and asks: ""Raor, A little help here? I can't claim to be very strong."

(though my max lift is 172, push/drag is over 400. So I should be able to keep the rope steady.)

2013-10-17, 02:39 PM
Raor stood up from where he was sitting near the edge, nodding his head. Taking a hold of the rope, he braced his feet before slowly starting to pull, helping the armored angel climb the cliff.

Strength checks

2013-10-17, 03:34 PM
Raor stood up from where he was sitting near the edge, nodding his head. Taking a hold of the rope, he braced his feet before slowly starting to pull, helping the armored angel climb the cliff.


The former angel does what she can to help climb, scrabbling up when she can.


2013-10-17, 03:38 PM

Frakking RNG hates me

2013-10-17, 03:45 PM

Tratil is barely containing his laughter at this point.
"Just *snrk* tie it around your waist!" He calls down.

Grim ranger
2013-10-17, 03:50 PM

Having remained quiet ever since their near-escape from the Baloth, the sorcerer looks up with contemplative expression before shrugging and... just making the climb. Without rope or any assistance, not faltering once. It may be quite a sight, given he does not even look that physically powerful. Still, luck has been on his side ever since the beginning of the journey.

2013-10-17, 08:54 PM
The Divine Woman struggles to climb the cliff face even as Krigul and his pack wait at the bottom of the cliff face, the crushing of the rocks over head growing more ominous as time passes,



a 20 = Rocks crash into the cliff Leah is climbing on that turn, resulting in the above spoiled reflex save or dmg~

2013-10-17, 10:42 PM
The Divine Woman struggles to climb the cliff face even as Krigul and his pack wait at the bottom of the cliff face, the crushing of the rocks over head growing more ominous as time passes,

So that's a "no" to "can canines climb cruel cliffs?" (or make attempts to do so?)

2013-10-17, 10:49 PM
Divine Surge reroll if a fail: [roll1]

2013-10-17, 11:08 PM
So that's a "no" to "can canines climb cruel cliffs?" (or make attempts to do so?)


As she takes some rocks to the face, Leah slumps down. She has fallen unconscious.

Leah allows herself to be pulled up, and amidst a shower of rocks emerges somehow relatively unscathed.

2013-10-17, 11:33 PM
Erm you totaly had a fullturn to try and climb before rocks smooshed you~ plus sone you rolled early, we can just pretend that never happened~ (by deleting te posts) and move forward with a climb, then another climb, then reflex saves~

2013-10-24, 10:47 AM

Once settled upon the top of the ridge, she pokes her head over the top. Hey! Who's next down there?

2013-10-25, 03:32 PM

Chuckling to herself, the Aasimar unties the rope from herself and her armor, and thanks Raor for his help, and that he might want to take a break. That done, she tosses down the free end of the rope so that she may help someone else up.

2013-10-25, 03:33 PM
Think it's just us now!" calls back Notoes. Think ya can help pull the dogs up if I tie the rope to their armor?"

The goblin then does his best to convince his pack to go along with this crazy plan. Carefully, he ties the rope to One's barding, making sure that there is no risk of strangulation or the not coming loose.

Krigul will take 10 on the ropework; since the rope is silk, that's an automatic success for tying firm knots.

Krigul will be ascending last after the last of the pack has made it to the top.

Handle Animal (One): [roll0]
Climb (One): [roll1]

Handle Animal (Two): [roll2]
Climb (Two): [roll3]

Handle Animal (Many): [roll4]
Climb (Many): [roll5]

2013-10-26, 02:15 PM
"Easy!" Tratil calls down. "We were able to hold it with Leah on bottom, and now shes helping pull!"

2013-10-26, 02:19 PM

Heaving and pulling, she takes the rope hand over hand until she hears the dogs' whining and squirming nearby. Leah confidently takes a hold of each of the dogs' barding and hefts them up over the lip of the cliff.

Breathing hard, she hands the rope over to the Barbarian. Heh. Beat that time pulling someone up, Raor!

2013-10-26, 10:53 PM
After much heaving and sweating, the party heavs the dogs up and over the ledge, their resolve being strengthened by this bew progress and the bonding of having struggled up this obstacle together. Laughing and ready for what the world threw at them next they turned and found themselves face to face with a winding path that led to the nearby tomb entrance.

2013-10-28, 07:45 PM

You all look worn out! Take heart, friends, the journey has just begun!

2013-10-28, 09:25 PM
"Shh! not so loud!" Tratil whispers hotly. "Do you want to fight another Baloth? Also, we need to move. We spent to long, and made too much noise on the cliff."

As he says this, he move towards the winding path, slowly, While keeping an eye out for anything dangerous.

2013-10-29, 12:14 AM
doesn't stop my armor from making noise, Leah mutters.

2013-10-29, 12:28 AM
Picking their way carefully along the path the group of adventurers fond themselves face to face with the massive pillars of Agadeem, a faint purple light emanates from within as they gather at the entrance.

2013-10-29, 01:17 AM

The Aasimar looks to Calar expectantly as she also eyes the ruins.

Grim ranger
2013-10-29, 05:09 AM

"Well, if that doesn't look ominous at all" the bounty hunter says in very dry note, checking his crossbow. "Just a thought, but I believe the more heavily armored and generally sturdy of us lead the way. I do not particularly enjoy the possibility of getting stuck in the front lines in possibly close quarters. I work better at range."

2013-10-30, 01:20 PM
"Yeah, I like fighting at range, too. Or better yet, not fighting, at range."

2013-10-31, 12:49 PM

She clears her throat, saying No, Calar, what do these runes mean? She walks up to the pillars and points to the symbols, tracing them with her gauntlet-covered hands.

2013-11-01, 10:47 AM
They're so ancient and mysterious, like an angry warning to people that might have forgotten what these tombs hold...

What was it the captain wanted us to fetch? And how will we know when we find it?

2013-11-01, 12:01 PM
While they start with this, Tratil starts searching for traps, moving forward very slowly, until he stands directly before the entrance, and if nobody does anything of note by then/discovers something, he continues in.
Finally, A skill hes good at!
Taking 20 on search, score of 26

2013-11-12, 11:45 AM
Leah looks up from the columns that Calar is translating and into the crypts. She sees Tratil enterning and decides to follow him. Tratil, hang on and wait for the others! It is full of crystal shards and tall columns, many of them also covered with runes. Leah wanders over to a particularly large shard and points out the creature trapped inside to the halfling. It looks so much like a large, looming insect. I wonder of these savage creatures are still alive...

She turns around, looking past a haze-covered column, and looks at the others still at the entrance. C'mon, this is a huge place to explore! We made it this far....

2013-11-22, 03:41 PM
It seems that Calar is still entranced by the runes. Leah walks up to him and punches on the shoulder, maybe a little harder than she wanted to. She ignores any responses or protests as she turns around saying Look at these massive pillars inside! There are so many strange creatures encapsuled in the crystals. C'mon!

Grim ranger
2013-11-22, 06:04 PM

Shaken out of his stupor, the sorcerer rubs his shoulder with almost pouting look. "I didn't even have the time to properly make sense of those markings... Ah well, onward then! Even if this is likely to end in our doom..." he grumbles, nodding to Leah. "Lead on, I am right behind you."

2013-12-03, 10:02 PM

The Aasimar leads onwards, she passes by the others, whom are very much entranced by these crystal columns and the creatures inside. She brings Calar to a gigantic crustal formation that has trapped what seems to be fifteen giant-sized Goblins.

Hey Krigul, Tratil! Look at these goblins over here! Do you know what these Goblin-creatures are? Have you ever seen these?

Although she doesn't pause for the goblin or the gnome, she does when she sees--not far further-- a massive demon-like creature, rearing up and breathing what looks like fire, or--perhaps insects?--and it's turned to stone.
