View Full Version : Illefarn: Song of Paths and Ways [IC]

2013-09-09, 09:24 PM
Herein lie the lost lands.
Illefarn fallen,
Silver leaves turn west and fly.
The song is unsung.

New Olamn College, Waterdeep

"I'd really prefer a smaller send off, to be honest." The half-elven woman whispers to the group of you as you stand on a banner and bunter strewn platform in the New Olamn courtyard. She smiles and waves to the hundred strong crowd as Master Bard Falven continues his speech.

"...and this is just the beginning! Who knows what hidden songs our own Laurel Amathar will discover? Want to be the first to hear of her travels? Then be here each evening as Laurel sends her very memories of the days excitement to our talented phantasmists and watch as they display them for you in life like color and sound!" The crowd cheers and Laurel leans back a bit. "Don't worry, I get to choose what gets sent. I'm not thrilled about it anymore than you all likely are." She whispers and gives the high sign to the crowd.

"Care to say a few words, Laurel?" Falven says and motions for her to step foward while holding out a thin crystal rod shot through with vibrating gold flakes. "Yes, thank you Master Falven." Her voice booms across the courtyard, amplified by the magic of the crystal. "I would just like to take this opportunity to thank our patrons who have funded this expedition, House Majarra and House Thann, as well as a generous gift from the Council of Musicians, Instrument-Makers, & Choristers." Light applause is scattered throughout the crowd. "We hope to have a safe and fruitful trip and I look forward to seeing you all again in person when we return." The crowd cheers loudly again and she points to the sun, almost has high sun. "It's time we left. Thanks again, and we'll see you all soon."

She hands the crystal rod back to Master Bard Falven who begins another speech, this one about the importance of continued investment in bardic tutelage and the value of both pure research and field experience while Laurel motions her head for you to follow her off the stage.

"Follow me, we'll head inside for a bit before leaving." She says and goes through the nearby wide archway into the grand foyer of New Olamn. Luxurious divans and small tables line the walls and a huge crystal chandelier floats above rotating slowly and chiming softly in a major key. She heads straight for a sideboard and pours herself a glass of liquor and knocks it back in one.

"Still get the nerves when in front of a crowd." She says and glances over at you. "Any last preparations before we leave?" She says, motioning towards the bottle.

You all have been introduced to each other in the manner of your choosing and the basics of the expedition have been explained. You've been hired to accompany her on the trip, either for security or for your own expertise in the area. Laurel Amathar is well-known among New Olamn for her studies both historic and arcane but has little prestige outside the college. She counts herself as a scholar first, with her talents at oratory and argument being an extension of that. She will be providing transportation for the group via her spells and the trip is expected to last at least a tenday but no longer than two.

The Council of Musicians, Instrument-Makers, and Choristers has also gifted the expedition with a selection of instruments that have been crafted especially for this trip. The Council wishes for the instruments to be played at each waypoint along the song-path and returned to them once the expedition is over. Each character may choose one instrument from the list below. Each instrument is in the Magic Item Compendium.

Horn of Resilience, Ollamh Harp, Mac-Fuirmidh Cithern, Fochlucan Bandore, Drums of Marching, Dove's Harp, Doss Lute, Cli Lyre, Chime of Harmonic Agony, Canaith Mandolin, Anstruth Harp.

Fax Celestis
2013-09-09, 09:38 PM
"I wouldn't turn down a drink," Keir says with a smirk. "Who knows when we'll get good liquor again." He pours himself a drink, but before drinking any he sets it aside and rummages through his pack. "Pack, rations, bag... Looks like everything. Astra, you got yours?" he says, motioning towards the drum he has slung to the side of his pack. Not awaiting a response, he stands, picks up his drink, and takes a swallow before turning back to Laurel expectantly.

Keir will take a Drums of Marching.

Keir is currently wearing Outfit 1 of his shiftweave. He has his standard physical disguise on, which roughly makes him appear as this:

2013-09-10, 09:30 AM
"I believe I have everything I need," Nissa states simply, "but I will also have a drink before we go." She strides over and pours herself a drink, and begins checking her supplies, making sure the chime she recieved is safely packed.

One Chime of Harmonic Agony for me.

2013-09-10, 11:35 AM
"As always." Astra tapped the pouches on her belt. She had no larger pack, but Keir would know from experience that she was far more prepared than she appeared. Indeed, as none of her supplies were contained within the unassuming belt, she was pretty much ready to travel at all times.

The harp the college had given her had been carefully stowed in its own case and placed within one of the pouches, where it would be safer than if she carried it on her back.

"I can't wait to get going- this ought to be a pretty interesting little expedition."

Astra will take the Dove Harp.

2013-09-10, 09:49 PM
'Praise the Masked Lord that that's over...' Arythyn thinks as the group escapes the ceremony. Large gatherings of the magically inclined were always a dicey proposition for him. Too high a chance someone would see through his disguise with a True Seeing spell or something, and usually high-strung enough to cast spells first and get a cleric to speak with the corpse later.

Which, he had to admit, was rather sensible, and often practiced among his own people.

Arythyn shifts uneasily, nervous as always around new people, as he eyes the others. He smiles slightly at the suggested 'preparations'.

"I sometimes get them in crowds myself. But I'll pass, thank you."

He examines his gear, checking to make sure he had everything he would need. He seems fairly innocuous, a pale-skinned, black-haired elf with blue eyes; though his black clothing seems a bit somber, and he's rather heavily armed. A rapier and shortsword hang at his waist, a dagger is sheathed on his left bracer, another on his right thigh, and one on the outside of each of his boots, as well as a short bow and a quiver of arrows.

"I seem to be ready as well." He nods to the others. "I'm quite looking forward to this. Learning more of my elven heritage will be quite interesting." He smirks. "And possibly embarrassing. We've made a mistake or two over the milennia," he adds dryly.

2013-09-10, 10:55 PM
New Olamn College

"This isn't a dry trip you know." Laural says and pats a satchel hung over one shoulder. "I'm glad you all are excited to go, you wouldn't believe how much bother it was to convince him that I didn't need half a dozen apprentice rhymers tripping over themselves and me as they tried to compose their own heroic ballad - while they were still on the trip. It sounds like he's still going on out there..." She says and tilts her head slightly to hear the Master Bard break into a song, his deep baritone singing voice a surprise from his nasal speaking voice.

"Good. Then let's all hold hands. I was hoping to get out here before - " Laurel says and stops herself as two young men suddenly appear out of thin air standing on the last step of the wide stairway.

" - before we were able to say our final goodbyes?" One of the men says and you see that the two are very nearly identical twins. Aside from one being slightly taller than the other and subtle differences in their flamboyant and expensive robes the two are nearly indistinguishable. "Should I hold that as an insult, brother, that our dear sister would choose to slink away like a thief in the night rather than accept the well wishes and farewells of her only brothers?"

"Take it as you like, brother. I find that it is entirely keeping with her character..." the other twin says and glances at the group of you with a bored frown. "...and with the company she keeps. Minstrels."

Laurel narrows her eyes. "Gentlemen, ladies, allow me to introduce my half-brothers, Geth Helder..." She nods to the slightly taller twin and then to the other. "And Luth Helder." Luth and Laural glare at each other while Geth smiles with no real warmth at the group of you. "Well...we've done our familial duties which sadly cannot be said for everyone in this room. Time for sister to go, brother."

Luth finally smiles and it's not a pleasant sight, a type of smile that Arythryn instantly recognizes as meaning the exact opposite of joy and happiness. Laurel shakes her head and turns back to face you. "Please...let's leave now." She says through gritted teeth while holding out her hands for each of you to take.

If you'd like to post an IC agreement (or disagreement!) of course feel free, but it's also fine to simply say that you're going along with the teleport in the OOC.

Also, to be clear Laurel is a half-elf while the twins are most definitely human.

Also, I promise that Laurel isn't a DMPC, in case anyone was beginning to wonder.

2013-09-11, 10:48 AM
Arythyn nods and offers his hands, barely suppressing a wince as he does so. He certainly hadn't wanted to initiate physical contact with anyone this early, but he knew that smile well, had seen it on many members of his race. Far more important to get out of here and insure everyone's safety than to worry about the chance of being found out now, and it would have been required regardless.

"Yes, I think that's a good idea," he says, taking Laural's hand.

Arythyn wears gloves, but I believe that still counts as interacting with the illusion, so Laural and whoever holds his other hand get to make a will save vs this disguise check to recognize it as such:

Fax Celestis
2013-09-11, 12:37 PM
Keir wordlessly gathers his things, finishes his drink, and joins hands. His expression, busied hands, and averted eyes, says only that he does not get involved in family affairs. He seems uncomfortable, but positions himself next to Astra and waits for the others.

2013-09-12, 08:10 AM
Astra gives the twins a mocking bow, but manages to hold her tongue despite the impulse to give them some parting words. Better not to interfere with family matters. So, she simply took Laural's hand and waited for her to teleport them to their destination.

2013-09-13, 07:25 PM
New Olamn College, Waterdeep

Laurel nods to each of you and closes her eyes in concentration. "Safe travels." Geth says right before Laurel softly hums ten harmonic notes from a major scale. The world flashes bright blue and swiftly fades as you find yourselves standing next to a wide dirt road. Less than a bow shot away is a deep moat with high stone walls on the other side. A stone bridge crosses the moat to an open gateway through which you can see stone and wood buildings flanking a broad dirt avenue.

Farmers Gate, Daggerford

"Welcome to Daggerford." Laurel says as she opens her eyes and releases Arythns hand. A farmer driving an ox along the road startles and shouts "Galad!" as you suddenly appear but the ox is less impressed and lumbers on. A pair guards standing at the foot of the bridge straighten up and reach for their longspears laying on the bridges railing. Laurel holds her hands up palms out and walks a few paces towards them. "Well met. My sword is sheathed." She says and gives them a moment to look and see that yes, the dagger at her belt is firmly in its sheath. "We come from Waterdeep, from New Olamn to play at the Lady Luck. May we enter?"

One of the guardsman hitches up his pants in a losing battle between them and his ale belly and saunters over, longspear laid across his shoulders. The symbol of Daggerford - a bloody dagger on a field of blue - is blazoned upon his simple yet clean leather jerkin. He raises one eyebrow as he squints at each of you in turn before nodding. "Aye, enter freely and be welcome. Ye don't look like any Zhentarim."

Laurel gives him a brief nod and turns back to the group. "The first portal stone for the song is in the Lady Luck tavern. It's been there for years, used as a stage." She says with a sly smile. "Quite appropriate really. I managed to convinced Falven to at least keep the location a secret otherwise it'd be so crowded we'd barely have room to stand. A full crowd isn't a good atmosphere for proper fieldwork in any case."

She takes a small hip flask from her belt and takes a sip before replacing it. "Listen...I'm sorry about that scene back at the College. My brothers are...complicated, and the whole things a long story. One for later, perhaps." She says and readjusts one of the straps on her pack. "Well, we're here anyway. Have any of you been to Daggerford?" She asks as she starts towards the bridge and into the town.

2013-09-13, 08:05 PM
"No. I passed through the area once though." Nissa says, glancing briefly at the guard as she walks towards the bridge.

Knowledge (local): [roll0]

2013-09-14, 09:28 PM
Arythyn looks around, taking in the new city. The air is a bit chill today, but he closes his eyes and turns his face to the sun, letting the light warm him before turning to Laural.

"I've never been here before, no. I'm fairly new to the west, my family is from Cormanthor." He smirks. "Leave it to humans to not notice elven relics literally beneath their feet." He lowers his voice and makes sure no guards are about.

"Forgive my asking, but... If your brothers are such a problem, why not simply hire an assassin to take care of them? I can recommend a few reliable ones..."

2013-09-14, 10:30 PM
"Once or twice- it's on the same road as Waterdeep, after all. I've been into the Sorceller's Encapsulate a few times, but I haven't established a reputation here like I have in Silverymoon or Waterdeep." Astra replied cheerfully. She glanced at Arythyn as he spoke, not quite sure how he intended it. It was either a poor joke or an even worse suggestion, in her mind.

Astra gave an awkward cough, and continued speaking. "So will we wait for the tavern to clear before using it then?"

Fax Celestis
2013-09-15, 12:43 PM
"If you really need a tavern cleared, I'm sure I could arrange that for you," Keir says mockingly. He takes note of his surroundings: new places always present new and unexpected challenges.

2013-09-15, 03:37 PM
"So you grew up in Cormanthor? I think you'll find that every race can be blind to things beneath their feet, or in front of their face. We humans just get more attention because get really excited when we do notice something." Nissa says to Arythyn, while thinking to herself, 'Hm, now why would an elf from Cormanthor associate with assassins? That should give me plenty of food for thought on this trip.'

She turns to Kiel, replying "Well, clearing out a tavern is usually pretty easy. The best way is usually to let everyone leave on their own."

2013-09-15, 07:59 PM

Laurel raises an eyebrow and tsks at Arythyn's suggestion but keeps walking over the bridge and into the town. "Sounds like an idea they would have. You don't -" She says and stops herself before finishing. "No matter. Let's leave them be for now."

A trio of guards stand just inside the gate next to a well built wooden guard shack. Seated on a stool is another man wearing robes that bear the towns insignia like the guards jerkins; a wooden disk painted rosy red hangs around his neck. The three take careful notice of you as you pass while the robed man whispers an incantation and half-closes his eyes as he gazes towards you. A few moments later he nods to the three guardsman near him and one waves you on.

The buildings are mostly one and two story houses with some three story mansions further off in the city. The smell of animals is strong as you walk down the avenue and Laurel turns right towards an open area filled with mostly shuttered stalls. Laural chuckles at Keir's offer. "No, we wouldn't want it completely empty. There should be some at least to witness and enjoy the song, it is a performance after all." A man of arms, Keir notices that the majority of people that are about carry some blade or small bludgeon with them. None of them appear to be of exceptional quality, the guardsmen's weapons included, but each seems to be sturdy and of reliable craftsmanship. "Must not be a market day." Laurel says as you pass by the permanent stalls, the few that are open selling clothes, weapons, and other goods but very few food or produce.

The animal smell lessens considerably once past the market and around a very large shuttered building that was empty when Astra was here last. Laurel leads you down a smaller avenue past houses that look more like residences than business and stops in front of a warehouse with a large silver coin painted on the double doors. "Here we are, the Lady Luck!" Laurel says and takes another nip from her flask before opening the doors.

Inside is a wide open room that goes up to the second story. Balconies ring the walls on the second floor and a massive stone pillar rests in the middle of the floor, rising up to the ceiling. The pillar is covered with weapons of all types and shields bearing a dozen different heraldic devices. The far wall of the tavern is covered by a huge tapestry that displays the entire continent of Toril done in bright color. The other walls are adorned like the pillar - broken morningstars, chipped greatswords, and battered shields hang about wherever they could be placed. The bartop runs along the near wall while long tables with benches are scattered across the floor with two high backed chairs placed near the fireplace, flanking a great smooth stone set into the floor.

A dozen patrons sit in the taproom, a few at longtables while most lean against the bar. Most of them are human but a dwarf shares a table with a pair of men and a half-elf sits with a dark glass at the bar. A serving maid waves her arm at you all and smiles. "Welcome, sit where you like."

Laurel turns back towards you. "Did everyone bring their appetites? First rounds on me."

Spellcraft (DC 16): The robed guardsman cast Detect Evil.
Knowledge: Religion (DC 12): The icon around his neck was a holy symbol of Lathander.

Fax Celestis
2013-09-15, 08:56 PM
Keir sits without speaking, positioning himself so that his back is not facing the door and with as few people behind him as possible, if he can. He orders a cider and takes a quick look around the place while taking a drink, seeing what the general mood of the patrons and any gleaned snippets he can overhear.1

He also takes a quick account of the bar,2 looking specifically for possible entry and exit ways. The hung weaponry also draws his eye: perhaps some of it is not as nailed down as it looks.


2013-09-16, 02:26 PM
Nissa also chooses a seat with a good view of the tavern, habitually scanning the area.

Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

2013-09-17, 06:01 AM
Arythyn smiles at Nissa.

"True. Even elves can be blind to things. I guess what really matters in the end with such things is eventually seeing them..."

He shifts uncomfortably at Laural's reply. "Yes, leaving them would be best."


Arythyn notes the paranoid placements of the others with approval and sits by them, giving the bar a quiet appraisal. He orders some ale and nurses it while waiting for things to calm down.

Like everyone else:
Spot: [roll0]

2013-09-17, 09:20 AM
Astra took one of the remaining seats at random. "Performing in public will mean it isn't a secret anymore though, right?" She asked Laurel as she considered what to order. "People will notice if we all vanish on the spot."

2013-09-17, 08:00 PM
Lady Luck Tavern, Daggerford

A longtable near the fireplace fits everyone. "It was never meant to be a secret forever. They'll be showing illusions of my memories this evening at the College tonight, so everyone will know where it is soon enough." Laurel says after taking a hearty pull from her mug of stout. The waitress is quick with your drinks. "I just didn't want the place packed for the first performance. We're confident about what will happen but there's no way of knowing until we've sung it."

Keir notices that the arms and armaments appear to be merely hung on the walls and pillars and could be quite easily taken down. All of the weapons and armor are in less than perfect condition; scratches, dents, chips, and dark brown stains are found among the weapons. The dwarf and two mens conversation reaches Keir and Nissa's ears, some talk and wild speculation about the Zhentarim opening a school of magic in Daggerford. Neither of the men believe him but the dwarf is adamant citing a 'reliable source'.

Laurel finishes her drink and waves to the serving maid for another then reaches into a pouch on her belt and pulls out a delicate lattice of silver and crystal that she spreads on the table. "I don't recall the exact name Falven called the circlet but it's got something to do with psionic resonance or some such. I don't pretend to understand any of it, but supposedly all I've got to do is wear it and 'will' the crystals to function. We'll see." She says while shaking her head.

The balconies on the second floor are dimly lit by the light from the windows yet Keir's careful scan of the tavern shows him a figure sitting at a table up there, hidden mostly in shadow. Though she cannot see the figure Astra's mystical senses feels the figures presence as well. Aside from the stairs leading up to the balconies there is a door behind the bar and one set nearby in the corner where the map wall ends.

The serving maid refills Laurel's drink and winks at Arythyn as she passes. "Everyone have your instruments ready?" Laurel asks after she downs her mug in a single long drink. "I know the Council wanted them to accompany the elven song but I just can't imagine that sounding well. Perhaps you'd like to give them a short performance before we begin the work?" She asks and stands, moving over to the elven stone set into the floor. Elven writing in a style Astra recognizes as anicent is still visible along the surface of the stone though it is faded and the words themselves are unreadable.

You all don't have to perform if you don't wish to. Laurel's tone indicates that she is amenable to suggestions otherwise.

2013-09-18, 08:33 AM
Nissa looks curiously at the circlet while Laurel speaks about it trying to discern what it is.

After Laurel finishes talking, Nissa replies "Fine with me. I'll just have to get out the chime."

Knowledge (Psionics) for the circlet? [roll0]

Fax Celestis
2013-09-19, 10:47 AM
Keir pulls out his drum and pounds a few beats on it. He's enthusiastic, but it's pretty obvious he has no idea what he's doing. "Ready when you are, I guess."

2013-09-19, 06:45 PM
Arythyn nods.

"Yeah, something like this has a way of getting out, even without telepathic broadcasts of it." He frowns, examining the horn.

"I'm a vocalist. Instruments aren't my thing, really. I sing. This should be... Comedic at best, although I imagine it's difficult to screw up sounding a horn entirely. Still, hardly my area of expertise. I'd do much better providing harmony to the melody."

2013-09-19, 09:40 PM
"I imagine the harp would go well with your main performance. I've not mastered it, but it wouldn't tax my skill to provide accompaniment." Astra retrieved the harp from her pack and carefully picked out a few chords on it to make sure it was in tune.

After a few moments, Astra was satisfied and ceased adjusting the pins, giving the harp one more strum before she stilled the strings. "In the meantime, I suppose I can add to this medley. We'll draw some attention, if nothing else. The scholar grinned cheerfully.

2013-09-21, 08:45 PM
Lady Luck Tavern, Daggerford

The bar patrons turn their heads as you all stand on the stone. "Ladies and gentlemen, I'm pleased to announce the first performance of New Olamn College's newest group. I am Minstrel Laurel Amathar and these are my companions." Laurel says to the audience. There's weak applause but a few people nod their heads at the name of New Olamn. "We'd like to warm up with a traditional song before we begin our main piece...an elven song not heard in it's entirety in over two thousand years."

The half-elf at the bar snaps his head towards Laurel and stares at her but says nothing. He turns slowly in his seat until he's fully facing you all and doesn't seem to move afterward as he waits for your songs. Laurel seems not to notice as she takes another nip from her hip flask. "This song is called the Ballad of the Wayfarer, written by the Minstrel of Many Roads Synder Gallowglass. Keir, a beat please."

The combination of harp, chimes, horn and hand drums would normally be an odd choice for musical accompianment, but each of you plays well and Keir manages to keep a steady if simple beat. Laurel's voice is clear and powerful though the poor acoustics of the warehouse don't do justice to her contralto. The people in the bar seem to respond well and a few of the men join in on the choruses of the well known travelers song.

"Another morn brightens the rain,
And so I must travel on again
To see fresh marvels ahead.
Eating wayfarers' bread,
The leavings are my only pain."

The applause is more sincere this time as Laurel sings the last verse. One of the dwarfs companions raises his mug in salute. "I met Glallowglass one time. A fine fellow." Laurel nods her head. "Our next and final piece is a song of fallen Illefarn called Voices of the Lost, performed without accompaniment. The author is unknown and it was written and intended to be sung in the ancient language of the elves, Seldruin. Not many people speak this language today so I'll briefly describe the story told in the song." The patrons all have their attention on you, even the serving maid has taken a seat at the bar to listen. The half-elf closes his eyes for a few moments and then resumes his unnerving stare.

"The song tells of a human traveler that finds a weathered stone in grassy field. Faded elven script decorates the stone and tells the story of an ancient elven kingdom that once lived at that spot when it was once a mighty primeval forest. Overcome by the tragedy of the fallen kingdom he stays there for the night and sleeps on the stone. In his dream he travels to the kingdom and speaks with the Coronal about their impending fate."

Laurels voice seems to take on a new quality as she sings the elven song in the Seldruin tongue. There's a feeling of raw power behind her words that make the song feel more than just a beautiful and sad song, a tingling of the skin on the back of the neck normally felt when powerful magic is about. The faded writing on the stone slab immediately begins to glow with a faint light that grows stronger as she continues singing. After a few minutes the bar is completely silent aside from her voice as the patrons are fascinated by the rich, complex and strangely unsettling language.

As she approaches the end of the verse one of the men sitting with the dwarf is softly weeping while the half-elf is unfazed by her performance. The elven script in the stone begins to glow bright white as if on fire and you each feel a sudden change in the air around you; it feels like standing in a open field while heat lightning plays above you. Laurel finishes the last line of the verse and bows to the silent crowd as the spun magical energy of the song weaves itself around you all in finally visible lines of intertwined ropes of light. The weaving pulls tight and shuts out everything beyond the stone and opens up and fades a moment later.

A cool breeze plays over you as you find yourselves standing on a hilltop in the north country. The rapids where the Delimbiyr meets the Hark surge a short distance away. The sun is just past High and to the south you see the dreaded Moor stretching out as far as the horizon. Tended farmland lays to the east and you see a few barns and other farmhouses that way with lazy smoke rising from chimneys. All of that is taken in as secondary concerns as you are not the only ones on the hilltop.

An ancient and wizened Sun elf sits on a tree stump on the hilltop. He's dressed in a fine white tunic that bears no insignia and a long gnarled staff rests across his knees; a circlet of silver shaped to resemble vines sits atop his long gray hair. "Please, be at peace." He says in common and raises his hands off the staff for a moment before putting them back down. "I mean you no ill will and merely wish to speak with you. My name is Elorfindar Floshin, lately of Daggerford."

Laurel looks surprised at finding someone sitting there waiting for you all. She tries to speak but her voice is rough and sounds horrible. "Can't...talk after...sing..ing...Seldruin." She says and takes a long pull from her flask, wincing as the whiskey burns her already inflamed and swollen throat. She rolls her pack off her shoulders and drops it to the ground then promptly sits on it.

2013-09-22, 02:19 PM
"Here, see if this helps" Nissa says, walking to Laurel and saying a quick prayer over her.

Casting Cure Minor Wounds to see if that helps her throat.

2013-09-22, 04:24 PM
Arythyn stares warily at the sun elf, feeling as always slightly uncomfortable around them. He might have been taught growing up that the Masked Lord wanted the drow to reunite with the faerie elves, but sun elves frequently made him doubt the possibility of that. Still, this one had no reason to assume he wasn't what he appeared to be. He steps forward and gives a slight bow.

"My name is Arythyn. What would you speak to us of?" He asks, flashing his most charming smile at the elf.

2013-09-22, 09:28 PM
"It's good you clarified. I might have mistaken you for a frothing berserker, what with your terribly daunting appearance." Astra said with a grin. She put a reassuring hand on Laurel's shoulder, then bowed to the old elf respectfully. "Well met, Elorfindar. I am Astra."

Fax Celestis
2013-09-23, 01:07 PM
"And I'm Keir," Keir says, stepping forward and outstretching his hand. He positions himself in such a way as to be between Elorfindar and Laurel.

2013-09-23, 01:46 PM
"My name is Nissa," states Nissa, looking up from Laurel after noticing the spell didn't have the desired effect.

2013-09-23, 09:04 PM
Hilltop North of the Hill Moors

The elf merely nods at Keir's proffered hand and sighs. "Unfortunately this is not a meeting I wanted to have, but despite our best efforts your school was successful in retrieving the hidden verses." He says and settles his gaze on Laurel. His eyes are tired and his face shows the type of disappointment one might show to a young child who knows they've gotten caught. "There were many good reasons for why we did what we did and it's unfortunate that the actions of one heartstricken fool too in love with his own work may be the sparrows feather that topples the tree."

He taps his staff slowly with one thin finger. "There are many secrets that were hidden, this song path the least of them. As you were successful others may hope to be as well, not knowing or perhaps even caring that what they hold triumphantly for all to see may be something that was never meant to be revealed. There are reasons humans were not trusted with such things and those still hold true today."

A bestial howl sounds from somewhere in the rocky hills of the High Moor, a reminder of it's uncomfortably close distance to the hilltop you stand on. Elorfindar tilts his head to hear it and moments later the reply is made by a dozen more howls. "The trolls range far north this time of year. At the best of times they are a distant fear for those farms." He says and nods towards the farmsteads. Cows, pigs, and horses can be seen in their pens and in the fields but there's no hands working alongside them, no people anywhere to be seen. "During the summer months they know to keep a close eye on the Moor."

He shrugs and looks back to you all. "Forgive an old elf his ramblings. To be concise, for reasons that I cannot explain it would be to everyone's benefit and health if you all were to return with news that the song path is broken. That yes, you did leave the Inn but were taken who knows where and wouldn't advise anyone to repeat the journey. Perhaps you could lose the song lyrics as well." He says. His tone is odd as if he thinks what he's suggesting was surely the most reasonable course of action even though he's clearly offered no real incentive to do so.

Will save, DC 21. (Enchantment, Compulsion, Mind-Affecting for those with abilities versus those Descriptors)

Affected as by Suggestion: "To be concise, for reasons that I cannot explain it would be to everyone's benefit and health if you all were to return with news that the song path is broken. That yes, you did leave the Inn but were taken who knows where and wouldn't advise anyone to repeat the journey. Perhaps you could lose the song lyrics as well."

Success: No effect.

Spellcraft DC 21
Mass Suggestion

Sense Motive DC [roll0]
While it's obvious that Elorfindar isn't telling the whole truth or even offering much in the way of details or reasons you get a suspicion that his stated intentions aren't entirely honest. The feeling is something like what you might imagine a mouse would feel like while being played with by a cat; something interesting for the moment but ultimately of no consequence.

2013-09-25, 10:28 PM
Arythyn narrows his eyes as he senses something off in the elf's words and manages to resist the spell. He might have little talent for magic himself, but his drow heritage at least helped to shake off its effects. He looks around at the others and sees far too many of them looking like they agree.

"I'm sure quite a few elves would like to see our ancient history stay buried. Wouldn't want to look bad to the humans, right? Or, Seldarine forbid, let them actually near something of ours, after all, they might hurt themselves, the poor little dears." He snorts. "Secrets never truly stay buried, not forever, and honestly, I've seen both magnificent and horrific examples of nearly every race on Faerûn." He turns to the others.

"Really, what reason has he given us to do what he says? We came here for a reason. Let's continue with it." He looks thoughtful. "You know, this reminds me of a song..." He starts singing, a human ballad decrying the evils of making assumptions about people.

Suggestion and Mass Suggestion are language-dependent and not instantaneous, so Arythyn, suspecting some kind of BS here since he can do that himself with his music, will throw out some countersong. Those already affected get another save each round they hear it but have to use my Perform check, if he tries again while Arythyn is doing it everyone uses their check if higher than my Perform or can use mine if lower. So for this round:

2013-09-26, 08:12 AM
Nissa feels the wave of magic washing over her, and recognizes the elf's attempt to influence her. She smiles inwardly as she hears Arythyn strike up his song, knowing it would help the others shake off the spell. "I don't mind waiting to hear an explanation of why we should give up. Even if you don't feel you can explain, it shouldn't hurt to try."

2013-09-26, 08:55 AM
A compulsion to follow the old elf's directives came over Astra, and she almost began to follow them... but the desire lifted almost as quickly as Arythyn began his song. She didn't quite recognize the details of what had happened, but she knew enough about the power of voice to realize what Arythyn was doing, and that there was magic that could affect her in the way that she had been affected. After all, she had some of that magic herself... and could easily sense that there was magic going on, even if she didn't know the specifics.

"There are few secrets that should remain hidden." Astra said, crossing her arms and narrowing her eyes at the elf. "Why is this one an exception?"

That check result is miles above the DC 21 save, so I'm assuming Astra is broken free of the compulsion.
Now, while she failed her spellcraft and sense motive, she has Countersong herself, so she knows what it does, and can tell her that her motives and desires changed twice in a matter of moments. She also has Magic Insight, so she knows magic was in play here. Lastly, she has Devil's Whispers, which can make a suggestion effect- she knows that kind of magic exists. So though she doesn't know the precise details of what he did, she has ample evidence to determine what sort of trick he tried to pull.

Fax Celestis
2013-09-26, 01:14 PM
Realizing what has just happened, Keir quickly draws back his proffered hand and places his hand very deliberately on his spear. He says nothing, but his expression is not kind.

2013-09-27, 09:05 PM
Hilltop North of the Hill Moors

Laurel looks ashamed as the magic of the elf's words twist her will as well. She tries to choke out an apology but can't speak and holds one hand gingerly to her throat. The howling of the trolls in the nearby Moor provide an unsettling accompaniment to Arythyn's song. The power behind Arythyn's words is more than metaphorical and those swayed by the elfs spell snap out of it.

Elorfindar glares at Arythyn. "I really was trying to help you. Have it your way then." He says and lifts up off the tree stump, floating in midair high above the ground. Still in a seated position he raises his staff and points it at the ground beneath your feet. "Kemen maksa de." He says in elven and the earth shifts and tumbles, hard dirt becoming loose soil. The ground beneath you weakens only a little as the enchanted elven stone just beneath the surface you stand on resists Elorfindars transmutation but the earth around the stone is churned.

Before the soil stops moving large dirt stained hands shoot up from beneath it and claw their way out with preternatural speed. Seven trolls smelling of rank sweat and mud and dig themselves from the earth. They rear back and set to launch themselves at you all but Arythyn's song hits them like a dwarfs hammer. The trolls howl again, this time louder and while five of them scream and leap at you the other two have turned and raced across the loose soil towards Elorfindar. They jump and swipe at him but the elf sits too high in the air for them to any harm. As they ran towards him their long claws on their feet pushed aside the loose dirt with ease.

Here's a map (https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1Y1xfCIj61stffwe30gHsYoc18ABEteBl8hgP3Fn0BgI/edit)! Characters are represented by the first two letters of their name with numbers to identify the multiple trolls. No knowledge check necessary to figure that out at your level (trolls regenerate, hurt by fire & acid, have scent & darkvision).

Spellcraft DC 17: Soften Earth & Stone
Spellcraft DC 25: Overland Flight (Elofindar, spell already in effect)
Spellcraft DC 24: Mass Burrow (Trolls, spell already in effect)

Map marks: The black rectangle around where the part stands denotes the area that was relatively unaffected by the spell (the portal stone is buried just beneath it and thus not subject to the spell). The ground above it (where you stand) is a little roughed up by has no game effect. Elorfindar is 40ft up in the air.

The red rectangle designates the area of the Soften Earth & Stone spell. The ground there (except for the black rectangle) is loose dirt (creatures in the area can move at only half their normal speed and can’t run or charge over the surface). The trolls are currently ignoring this difficulty.

Surprise Round:
Enemies [Elfordinar cast, Trolls moved]

1st Round:
Party [current turn]
Enemies [...]

Fax Celestis
2013-09-27, 11:27 PM
Keir moves backwards reflexively, loosing his readied spear and making exploratory defensive stabs at one of the trolls. "Never trust a man who won't shake your hand," he mutters to himself.

Keir 5' steps one space towards Astra, then stabs Troll 7.
Combat Expertise for -2 atk/+2 AC, activating Deadly Defense.
[roll2] plus [roll3]
[roll4] plus [roll5]

Keir then designates Troll 6 as his Dodge target and Astra as his Constant Guardian target.


2013-09-28, 02:22 PM
"So much for talking like civilized people," Nissa says with an air of disgust. She then cast a spell to aid her companions, and blasts a marble of fire at the nearest troll.

Casting haste (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/haste.htm) on the party.
Casting Kaupaer's Quickblast (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/mb/20050112a) at a troll: 5 fire damage, Ref DC19 half.

Edit: Oh yeah, I auotsucced the Concentration check for defensive casting.

That reminds me. Kaupaer's Quickblast is an unupdated 3.0 spell, cast as a free action. For this game, what kind of action will it be? I've seen arguements for free, swift, and immediate.

Fax Celestis
2013-09-28, 05:01 PM
haste attack, depending on order of operations:

[roll0] for [roll1] and [roll2].

Read the spell. Seems like it should be a swift, IMO.

2013-09-30, 09:38 PM
Arythyn shakes his head in disgust. Not at the treachery, but rather that he didn't see it coming. Living as a moon elf in the Night Above was making him soft. Well, time to get back in shape. He draws his shortbow, his song changing from the languid ballad to a faster-paced, more powerful tune, an elven battle hymn to Corellon Larethian he'd picked up hanging around the temple in Waterdeep learning elven music. His voice takes on power and majesty, and both he and his companions quickly feel its effect, bolstering their power.

Standard: Activate Inspire Courage
Move: Draw shortbow
Swift: Activate Badge of Valor
Everyone on our side gets +4 to attacks and damage.

2013-10-01, 03:45 PM
Astra immediately took to the air, getting out of the way of the trolls, though she suspected Elorfindar would have spells to be able to deal with her. In truth, he seemed like the largest threat to her, and so she turned her attention towards him- then realized a quite nice way to hinder him.

She spoke a word of magic, three precise syllables that seemed to resonant and reverberate in the air. To most it might seem to do nothing else, but Elorfindar would feel his magic shudder under the strange harmonics, and perhaps even shatter dangerously from the strain.

Move Action: Fly up 30ft, keeping right above Kier, though unfortunately this puts her out of range of Constant Guardian. That said, better to just be out of range.
Standard Action: Voracious Dispelling targeting Elorfindar.
Caster Level Checks: [roll0]

In case he has more than five active spells, feel free to roll checks for me.
He will also take 1 damage for every spell level dispelled.

2013-10-03, 09:15 PM
Hilltop North of the Hill Moors

One of the trolls snarls and flings out a grasping hand towards Astra as she rises above them but Keir is there to turn aside the sharp claws and return the blow. The troll Nissa singed with her minor spell merely snarls at her as the burns quickly smooth and heal over. The trolls crowd around you all and lash out with claws and fangs, Keir taking the brunt of the attacks. The two trolls underneath the flying Elorfindar snatch up part of a tree limb and loose rocks, flinging them at the elven mage even as he winces as Astra's unweaving takes hold and snaps at him. He shakes his head and purses his lips at the floating spellslinger. "That's quite enough of that." He says and an orb of fire erupts from his open palm and flies towards Astra.

Laurel is shocked by the elf's sudden hostility and rolls on the ground to evade the trolls long claws. She comes up on a knee with a rod from her bag and points it at the nearest troll, three rays of fire blasting out from the rod without a sound, each one hurtling towards a different troll.

Damage done to Trolls (after Regenerating this turn)
Troll 4: -none-
Troll 6: 17 dmg
Troll 7: 9 dmg


Elorfindar casts Orb of Fire at Astra.

Trolls 6 & 7, full attack on Keir
Troll 5 full attack on Arythyn
Troll 4 full attack on Nissa
Troll 3 full attack on Laurel

Laurel: Draw Metamagic Rod of Silent Spell, Defensively Cast Scorching Ray (Silent).


Orb of Fire (vs Astra Touch AC)
Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1] fire damage

If it hits Astra needs to make a Fortitude save (DC 19) or be Dazed for 1 round.

Vs Keir (Troll 6, AC 33)
Claw [roll2], Damage [roll3]
Claw [roll4], Damage [roll5]
Bite [roll6], Damage [roll7]
Rend Damage (if both Claws hit) [roll8]

Vs Keir (Troll 7, AC 32)
Claw [roll9], Damage [roll10]
Claw [roll11], Damage [roll12]
Bite [roll13], Damage [roll14]
Rend Damage (if both Claws hit) [roll15]

Vs Arythyn (AC 24)
Claw [roll16], Damage [roll17]
Claw [roll18], Damage [roll19]
Bite [roll20], Damage [roll21]
Rend Damage (if both Claws hit) [roll22]

Vs Nissa (AC 32)
Claw [roll23], Damage [roll24]
Claw [roll25], Damage [roll26]
Bite [roll27], Damage [roll28]
Rend Damage (if both Claws hit) [roll29]

Vs Laurel (AC 25)
Claw [roll30], Damage [roll31]
Claw [roll32], Damage [roll33]
Bite [roll34], Damage [roll35]
Rend Damage (if both Claws hit) [roll36]

Scorching Rays
Vs Troll 3 Attack [roll37], Damage [roll38]
Vs Troll 7 Attack [roll39], Damage [roll40]
Vs Troll 4 Attack [roll41], Damage [roll42]


Map. (https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1Y1xfCIj61stffwe30gHsYoc18ABEteBl8hgP3Fn0BgI/edit)

Turn Result: Arythyn takes 12 damage, Astra takes 57 fire damage and is/is not dazed. Trolls 3 & 4 take fire damage and have converted it to vitality damage. Troll 7 did not convert it and so he took 17 Wound damage and is fatigued.

2013-10-04, 10:05 AM
Nissa takes a quick step away from the trolls, and casts a quick spell. Shuriken made of fire appear in her hands, and she immediately throws them at the trolls Laurel hit.

Taking a 5ft step into the center of the group, and casting Fire Shuriken.

Attack Rolls:
Troll 7: [roll0]
Troll 4: [roll1]
Troll 3: [roll2]

Damage Rolls:
Troll 7: [roll3]
Troll 4: [roll4]
Troll 3: [roll5]

Crit Confirm/Damage for possible 19-20:

Fax Celestis
2013-10-04, 11:44 AM
Keir makes three quick defensive jabs at Troll 6 before taking a 5' step towards Arthryn, positioning himself between Arthryn and the trolls.

Combat Expertise for -2 atk, +2 AC, triggering Deadly Defense.
[roll0], AB +13, -2 from Combat Expertise, +1 haste, +4 Inspire Courage
[roll1], AB +8, -2 from Combat Expertise, +1 haste, +4 Inspire Courage
[roll2], AB +13, -2 from Combat Expertise, +1 haste, +4 Inspire Courage

[roll3] plus [roll4]
[roll5] plus [roll6]
[roll7] plus [roll8]

Keir will then designate Troll 5 as his dodge target and Arthryn as his Constant Guardian target.

Keir's AC is currently 31 (touch 27, flat-footed 24), +2 vs Troll 5.

2013-10-07, 07:49 AM
The flaming sphere slammed into Astra, but despite the burns it dealt to her she managed to maintain her concentration and composure. Ignoring the pain, she took a deep breath and then let loose a tremendous shout, her voice focused and directed towards the elven wizard.

Astra uses Shout.
[roll0] bludgeoning damage, along with deafness. DC 19 fortitude save to halve damage and negate deafness.

2013-10-10, 07:39 AM
Arythyn - Drow Expert - 72/84 - 23 AC

Arythyn glares at the elf and wishes he'd thought to bring lantern oil or some candles. Just because he didn't need light... Well, too late for that now. He continues his song, the power of his music continuing to flow through himself and the others as he suddenly vanishes, takes a step to the northeast, and then fires arrows at the nearest troll.

No action: Sustain Inspire Courage
Swift action: Cloak of Deception, turn invisible as greater invisibility until the end of my turn
Standard/Haste vs Troll 5:
[roll0] on hit [roll1] + [roll2]
[roll3] on hit [roll4] + [roll5]
[roll6] on hit [roll7] + [roll8]

2013-10-10, 10:35 PM
Hilltop North of the Hill Moors

Elorfindar brings his hands up to cover his ears but Astra's shout still rattles him. He pinches his nose and breathes hard and his ears pop. He glances down at the two trolls still trying to reach him and smiles at Astra as he flies over the group, the trolls following him and and snarling as their way is blocked by burning trolls and Astra's companions. Elorfindar brings his hands together and throws them apart, glittering sparks flying down upon the trolls bunched together. He nods to them and snaps his head back up towards Astra and five gleaming bolts of energy fly from his hands and phase into Astra.

Arythn's arrows all find their mark piercing the troll across his neck. Thick green blood flows freely from the punctures but the troll continues to fight despite the grievous wounds. Keir likewise makes three vicious cuts at his troll that would surely bring down any lesser creature but the troll just howls louder and the lacerations begin to heal before Keirs eyes. One of Nissa's fire shurikens goes wide in the chaotic melee but her other two burn deep into the trolls flesh. By strength of will alone one manages to force his body to heal the burn while the other's body is overwhelmed by the trauma and scratches at the burn mark with fierce talons as if it could rip the fire from its skin.

The trolls close in around the stone circle and lash out with their long arms and sharp claws, either not noticing or not caring that some of them are close to the true death. Laurel looks at the rod in her hand and then at the trolls surrounding her on all sides. Dropping the rod to the ground she plucks a necklace from beneath her shirt and rips it off. As she holds it up the simple glass beads instantly transform into roiling balls of fire, seven glowing orbs in total. She looks at each of you with fear in her eyes and then turns to Nissa. 'Burn me.' She mouths in silence as she taps and points to a bronze ring on her finger moments before a troll latches on to her with both claws and rips the skin from her shoulder. She cries out in silent pain but manages to hold on to the necklace.

Trolls 5 and 6 are out of Vitality points and are thus Fatigued. Troll 6 is the worse off of the two as he's sustained a significant amount of Fire (Wound) damage that isn't healing. Troll 7 also has Fire (Wound) damage and in addition to being Fatigued he is Stunned for the round. Trolls 1, 2, & 4 have either sustained no damage or have regenerated all damage sustained.

Laurel is very clearly holding a Neclace of Fireballs: Type Unknown and apparently wants Nissa to cast some Fire spell on her to make the orbs explode.

Spellcraft DC 21: Mass Bull's Strength
Spellcraft DC 16: Magic Missile

Magic Missile: [roll0]


Troll 1 vs Nissa (AC 32)
Claw [roll1], [roll2] damage
Claw [roll3], [roll4] damage
Bite [roll5], [roll6] damage

Rend [roll7]

Troll 6 vs Keir (AC 31)
Claw [roll8], [roll9] damage
Claw [roll10], [roll11] damage
Bite [roll12], [roll13] damage

Rend [roll14]

Troll 3 vs Laurel (AC 25)
Claw [roll15], [roll16] damage
Claw [roll17], [roll18] damage
Bite [roll19], [roll20] damage

Rend [roll21]

Troll 4 vs Nissa (AC 32)
Claw [roll22], [roll23] damage
Claw [roll24], [roll25] damage
Bite [roll26], [roll27] damage

Rend [roll28]

Troll 5 vs Arythyn (AC 25)
Claw [roll29], [roll30] damage
Claw [roll31], [roll32] damage
Bite [roll33], [roll34] damage

Rend [roll35]

Edit: Map. (https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1Y1xfCIj61stffwe30gHsYoc18ABEteBl8hgP3Fn0BgI/edit)

Laurel is hit twice and rent for a total of 42 damage. Arythyn is hit once for 12 damage, and Astra takes 19 damage from the Magic Missile.

2013-10-11, 10:17 AM
Nissa'a eyes open wide in surprise for a moment, but then she nods with understanding. She mutters a short healing prayer over Laurel, and sends a marble of fire at her as soon as her wounds have stopped healing.

Cure Moderate Wounds: [roll0]
Here we go...
Kaupaer's Quickblast: 5 fire damage, Reflex DC 19 half.
Defensive casting autosucceeds.

2013-10-11, 10:42 AM
Hilltop North of the Hill Moors

Elorfindar sees what's in Laurels hands but is too slow to stop the bead of fire streaking from Nissa's hand. It hits Laurel and she closes her eyes as a single spark from Nissa's spell falls onto one of the golden orbs. The hilltop erupts in a blinding explosion of fire.

The fire burned away the dirt and scrabble that covered the massive stone set in the ground yet there's not a single scorch mark on the elven stone. Most of the trolls drop to the ground with a thud, their bodies little more than smoldering husks. Incredibly they're still alive, laying on the ground and twitching in debilitating pain. Two of them hunch down and dig their claws into the mud as they let out ear piercing shrieks. In less than a few heartbeats their charred and burned skin glistens with sweat and an thick oily secretion as they miraculously survive the conflagration.

Laurel is sprawled on the ground, her body and clothes badly burned. A meager rising of her chest shows her shallow breathing, her face hideously disfigured by the fire. She raises one limp hand and tries to wave but simply covers her face.

Map (https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1Y1xfCIj61stffwe30gHsYoc18ABEteBl8hgP3Fn0BgI/edit) is updated. Continue Initiative.

Fax Celestis
2013-10-11, 11:29 AM
The necklace explodes and Keir lets the flames wash over him, seemingly relaxed and completely focused on the trolls. Once the explosion subsides, he is remarkably (and surprisingly) untouched. Spinning around, Keir steps towards one of the trolls, taking a defensive stance over the fallen Laurel, and tries to push back one of the two remaining trolls.

5' step to the northeast, then full attack on Troll 4.

Combat Expertise for -2 atk, +2 AC, triggering Deadly Defense.

[roll0] for [roll1] plus [roll2]
[roll3] for [roll4] plus [roll5]
[roll6] for [roll7] plus [roll8]

Keir will then designate Troll 1 as his dodge target and Laurel as his Constant Guardian target.

Keir's AC is currently 31 (touch 27, flat-footed 24), +2 vs Troll 1.

2013-10-15, 10:42 AM
The fireball below exploded spectacularly, wiping out the trolls or at least leaving them incapacitated. Elorfindar was still a threat though, and the devastating attack had hit her own allies as well. Nonetheless, it was a kind of magic to intimidate and threaten almost anyone. With this in mind, she decided to make things even stranger, and perhaps buy them time to recover.

Astra whispered softly, but her words reverberated and echoed over the moor, an eerie sound that was barely noticeable, yet pervaded the background. A twisting bit of shadow magic reinforced her work, drawing suggestions and ideas from those around her.

Cracks and crevasses riddled the earth, while twisting constructs of flame grew from the flickering embers of the fireball, shaping into weird, branching spires. Dust rose up from the blasted ground and danced in disturbing patterns, revealing the stirring skeletons and remnants of past days, while a shimmering haze set over it all.

Astra uses Nightmares Made Real (invocation from Complete Mage, page 124). She can affect an area equal to 17 10ft cubes, which is exactly enough to completely surround the party without getting them in the area, cover the top, and also include Elorfindar in the effect.

The DC to disbelieve and avoid entangling (and the 1d6 damage each turn) is 22. The effect will still provide concealment though.

2013-10-16, 04:30 AM
Arythyn's song is broken for a moment by his agonized scream as the fire washes over him. He had enough forewarning to duck down and cover his face with his arms, but his arms are badly burned and his clothing and hair are badly singed. He manages to slap out the flames before they cause much further damage and continues his song of encouragement, wrapping his hands around his burned arms as he channels his magic into his own body to pull himself together.

Continue singing
Lay on Hands for 24 HP, bringing me to 36.

2013-10-17, 01:58 PM
Hilltop North of the High Moors

Elorfindar frowns at you all. "Very heroic. Some might even call your sacrifice inspiring but I hardly think-" He says then shrieks in surprise as the weird flames rise from the earth. He bats at them with his staff and shouts words of power at them but Astra's conjuration remains. The trolls weakened by the exploding necklace react with less restraint; they hobble away as fast as they can, taking odd long steps to avoid the conjured spits of flame. Elorfindar yells at the trolls as they flee but his command over them was broken by Arythyn's bard song.

The two remaining trolls slap at the flames that whip at them and stomp the ground a few times before turning their attention back to Keir. They take a step back to avoid the flames in front of them and each reaches out with their long claws trying to bring him to the ground.

Elorfindar tried and failed to Dispel the Nightmares Made Real invocations. Many trolls fled. Trolls 1 and 4 are full attacking Keir with grapple attempts from 10ft away.

Full Attack vs Keir (Touch AC 27, +2 vs Troll 1)

Troll 1 (Touch Attacks to start Grapple)

Claw 1 [roll0]
Claw 2 [roll1]

Miss Chance (High hits) [roll2]
Miss Chance (High hits) [roll3]

Grapple 1 [roll4]
Grapple 2 [roll5]

Keir Grapple [roll6]
Keir Grapple [roll7]

Damage (1st) [roll8]
Damage (2nd) [roll9]

Troll 4 (Touch Attacks to start Grapple)

Claw 1 [roll10]
Claw 2 [roll11]

Miss Chance (High hits) [roll12]
Miss Chance (High hits) [roll13]

Grapple 1 [roll14]
Grapple 2 [roll15]

Keir Grapple [roll16]
Keir Grapple [roll17]

Damage (1st) [roll18]
Damage (2nd) [roll19]

Edit: And both Trolls miss. Map (https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1Y1xfCIj61stffwe30gHsYoc18ABEteBl8hgP3Fn0BgI/edit).

Begin next round.

2013-10-17, 02:25 PM
"What's the matter elf? Your friends abandoning you?" Nissa taunts, before repeating the same words of unbinding Elorfindor uttered a few scant seconds ago.

Greater Dispel Magic: [roll0]
I just barely auotsucceed on the check to cast defensively.

2013-10-19, 02:58 PM
"This battle is turning against you." Astra hissed, her voice rising like steam from eerie terrain she had conjured. "You support is scattering, your magic is failing, and who knows what other dangers might lie in wait for you if you persist? Leave now, while escape is still possible, and while you are still unscathed."

Astra is going to move a bit higher and closer to Elorfindar while remaining inside the area of Nightmares Made Real, so she can hide in it.
Hide check: [roll0]
Move silently: [roll1]

Then as her standard action, she'll use Devil's Whispers (Cityscape, page 68). Will save DC 22 or be affected as by Suggestion. She basically just wants him to run away- given what has happened in the last couple of turns, I'm hoping that will count as a reasonable suggestion and give him a penalty.

Cool thing is that if he fails the first save, he makes another one after fulfilling the suggestion at a -5 penalty- if he fails that, he thinks it was his idea to run away, rather than Astra's suggestion.

Fax Celestis
2013-10-19, 03:43 PM
Dodging both the troll's attacks effortlessly, Keir plants his spear in the ground and roars, "Run!" at Troll 1, "Or I'll eat your eyes for breakfast! Every morning, for the rest of your short and miserable life!"

[roll0], including size penalty for being smaller than his target.

Keeping same Dodge and Guardian targets, no Combat Expertise yet but if Keir makes an AoO he'll activate it

2013-10-22, 08:07 AM
Arythn edges away from the nearest troll and tries to position himself behind the illusions to conceal himself from Elorfindar, before firing a couple of shots from his bow at the elf.

No action: Sing
Move: Five foot step one square north, attempting to hide from Elorfindar.
Hide: [roll0]
Standard: Shoot. [roll1], [roll2]. On hit: [roll3], [roll4] (Plus BS if I manage hiding, but I'll roll that if I succeed)

2013-10-24, 10:29 PM
Hilltop North of the High Moors

The trolls take a half-step back from Keir while one clutches at his eyes, thinking that maybe you've already eaten one. To save it's other one from a similar fate it starts to run away and the other troll follows.

"You overestimate your capabilities." Elorfindar says, a disembodied voice somewhere above the flames and shadows. "And underestimate mine." There's the sound of a leather drawstring followed by a low hum. He whispers some words of dark power and thick limbs of shadow burst from the muddy earth thrashing about wildly, slamming into the ground and those standing on it.

"The trolls were helpful but not necessary." He says. "That should hold your companions attentions long enough while I deal with you...and then you'll all burn, tragic victims of your own efforts to fight off the trolls. At least, that's how it will seem."

A few heartbeats pass.

"Damn you and your phantoms. Don't go far, I'll return shortly." He says and a moment later his presence in Astra's mystical sense vanishes.

Spellcraft DC 19 (Quickened Black Tentacles)
Spellcraft DC 19 (Dimension Door)

The two remaining trolls run away and Elorfindar vanishes. He left you a parting gift (taps the Concentration DC while Entangled).

I didn't describe any of his visuals because he was in the area of Nightmares Made Real and had Total Concealment with regard to all of you. The converse was also true.

Black Tentacles
[roll0] Vs Keir [roll1]
[roll2] Vs Nissa [roll3]
[roll4] Vs Arythyn [roll5]
[roll6] Vs Laurel [roll7]

Updated Map (https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1Y1xfCIj61stffwe30gHsYoc18ABEteBl8hgP3Fn0BgI/edit). Next Round.

2013-10-27, 03:30 PM
Nissa speaks a word as the tentacles reach for her, releasing the power of one of her spells. She swears under her breath and pulls out her bow, trying meanwhile to undo Elorfindor's conjuration.

Swift action to trigger Heart of Water's Freedom of Movement, move to retrieve her bow, standard to try Greater Dispel Magic one more time.

Dispel: [roll0]

2013-10-27, 05:19 PM
"We need to get out of here before he gets back. How fast can we perform the next part of the song?" Astra descended towards the others and made another attempt to dispel the magic that had them ensared, though she didn't expect much more success than Nissa had.

Voracious dispelling: [roll0]

Fax Celestis
2013-10-28, 04:54 PM
"Get her awake and she can tell you," Keir growls, gesturing at Laurel. Furious at being immobilized, Keir strains and tries to slip free.

Keir attempts to slip free. [roll0]

Success! Keir will then attempt to pick up Laurel and move outside the area. This will likely mean breaking her out, but I'm not sure what to roll for that.

2013-10-30, 09:07 AM
Arythyn improvises some rather ripe cursing into his song as he struggles against the tentacles imprisoning him.

*gets PTSD from grapple rules*
Keep singing.
Opposed grapple check: [roll0]
If successful, move the hell away. If not, herpderp.

2013-10-31, 08:48 PM
Hilltop North of the High Moors

"Too long-" Laurel says as the tentacles wrap around her and squeeze tight. Keir manages to slip free of one and reach Laurel but another shadowy pseudopod slams into him and wraps around his legs. The conjured tentacles resist all attempts at banishing and those around Arythyn constrict, squeezing the life from him. Tentacles bash at Nissa but they slide right off unable to get a hold.

Keir is grappled again, Arythyn takes 6 damage. Can everyone include a brief set of combat stats in a spoiler for each combat post? AC, VP/WP, Fort, Ref, Will, any currently active spell effects (Haste, for example).

Fax Celestis
2013-10-31, 09:43 PM
"...not again..." Keir says grimly as he sets his teeth, tries to tear himself and Laurel out of the tentacles, and get to safety.

20 WP/77 VP
haste, Evasion, Mettle, Furious Resolve (0/20 pts), AC 29, T/FF 25
[roll0], at -2 to attempt to break Laurel out as well.

2013-10-31, 09:46 PM
"I can teleport us away if we can all touch each other," Nissa calls back to Astra, before walking to Laurel and touching the periapt around her neck briefly. The periapt flares with a blue light as Nissa speaks a few slippery-sounding magic phrases and touches Laurel.

Raiment of the Four, go! I'm using the Periapt of the Sullen Sea to convert a 4th level divine spell into Freedom of Movement, then rescuing Laurel. I can Teleport us away with the Belt of the Wide Earth.

AC 31, touch 24, flat-footed 25
WP/VP 14/116
Fort/Ref/Will +14/+12/+19
Active Effects: Haste, Heart of Air, Heart of Water (Freedom of Movement active), Heart of Earth, Heart of Fire, Greater Mage Armor, Greater Magic Weapon (shortsword), Inspire Courage from Arythyn, Annoyed

Fax ninja'd my post. Redirect FoM to Arythyn if needed.

2013-10-31, 10:46 PM
Arythyn: Stuff will edit in later moving and oh gods the pain and tired and oof

Arythyn does a surprisingly good job of incorporating the strangled choking noise from being squeezed into his singing as he keeps struggling against the tentacles.

Anti-hentai: [roll0](Not sure if IC applies to grapple rolls actually, if so tack on another 4. I guess if haste lets me make two attempts: [roll1]

2013-11-03, 02:25 PM
"If I can just get rid of this spell..." Astra again attempted to shatter that sustained the magic entangling tentacles.

Dispel again. Wish I didn't have such a small bonus on this.

That might actually work.

2013-11-03, 07:57 PM
Hilltop North of the High Moors

As Keir finds himself trapped again by the shadowy tentacles Nissa weaves through them and touches Laurel. The thieves of Westgate would be jealous at how she instantly slid free of the tentacles and moments later Astra's blast of raw arcana shatteres the tentacles, the shadowy forms disintegrating into nothing.

The sudden silence on the hilltop is broken only moments later by a pair of fireballs that streak from within the woods to the north, each ball of flame slamming into a farm house and exploding. Smoke immediately starts billowing out of the windows of the huge houses as whatever is inside is caught on fire. From your vantage atop the hill you can hear the sounds of panicked screaming coming from within the distant houses.

Laurel tries to say some form of thanks to Nissa but coughs violently, blood trickling from her mouth. She's still got the rod from earlier in her hand in a near-death grip and she reaches with her other hand - horribly burned - to touch her silver tooled belt buckle. Nissa can feel magic flowing from the buckle into Laurel and some of Laurels burns begin to heal. She coughs and this time only phlegm comes out. "It's too long." She manages to croak. "The song. Take too long."

Laurel used her Belt of Healing to give herself some Vitality Points. She's still at 0 Wounds and technically still stable, I suppose, meaning she doesn't have her full complement of actions yet.

The woods that the fireballs came from is roughly [Medium] range from your current position. The farm houses that are catching fire are [Long] range from both your position and the aforementioned woods.

Still in combat rounds.

Fax Celestis
2013-11-05, 11:33 PM
Keir hoists Laurel into his arms. "No more fun for you today. Let's get the hell out of here. Astra! Nissa! Can one of you get me," Keir says authoritatively, "...over there". He points at the burning farmhouses. "There are some remarkably on-fire things, and I'd like to make them not on-fire as much as I can."

2013-11-06, 09:27 AM
"We ought to care care of Elorfindor first, or he'll just set them on fire again." Nissa responds. She then dashes towards the woods with a sudden burst of speed.

Full-round action to run 240ft.

AC 32, touch 25, flat-footed 25
WP/VP 14/116
Fort/Ref/Will +14/+13/+19
Active Effects: Haste, Heart of Air, Heart of Water (Freedom of Movement active), Heart of Earth, Heart of Fire, Greater Mage Armor, Greater Magic Weapon (shortsword), Inspire Courage from Arythyn, Annoyed

2013-11-10, 11:17 AM
"Not faster than you could run." Astra stepped over to Keir and Laurel and gently placed a hand on the burned woman. There were a few tricks she had picked up that had nothing to do with the voice, and healing was one of them- it had seemed too valuable a magic to pass up learning. Laurel's wounds began to heal over, giving her at least enough strength to stand on her own.

I'm not sure how many hit points Laurel has, but Astra will heal her up to at least half health, or to full if she only has 50 hp or so. At minimum Astra can use Lay of Hands to restore all of Laurel's wound points.

2013-11-13, 06:21 PM
Hilltop North of the High Moors

The soft pulse of energy flowing from Astra heals the worst of Laurels injuries, raw and blackened skin smoothing over in an instant. Laurel coughs once and glances at Keir and nods her head towards the ground. She tries to say something before Nissa runs away but her voice is still raw and she only gags. She glares at the burning houses and slaps the rod against her palm in frustration then tilts her head. She nods to herself and points the rod towards the woods where the fireballs came from, holding it ready. Arythyn follows Astra's lead and places a hand against his side, his own wounds healing like Laurels did.

Running faster than the wind Nissa clears the distance in the span of a few heartbeats. When she stops she sees six Elorfindars floating up in the air among the canopy watching the houses burn. All six of them turn their head and raise an eyebrow at her. "Came all this way by yourself? Not very wise." He says and six beams of silver lance out from six hands to slam her in her chest, quickly followed by 30 bolts of raw arcana that hit in the same spot.

Laurel is readying an action to counter another fireball coming from the woods, using her Metamagic Rod of Silent Spell to be able to cast Dispel Magic while her voice is gone. Astra's Lay on Hands heals all her wound damage and leaves her above 50% health.

Arythyn uses the rest of his Lay on Hands (24) to bring him up to 54 HP.

Elorfindar clearly has Mirror Image active. He is 40ft up in the air and 25ft from Nissa.

Greater Dispel Magic vs DC 25

Quickened Magic Missile

2013-11-15, 11:53 AM
"Who says I came alone?" Nissa replies, before sending a shower of stars at the Elorfindors.

"Using the Gloves of the Starry Sky to Magic Missile Elorfindor. Aiming each missile at a different one. Damage:
And if this is fine with you, miss chance: [roll5], with a 6 meaning the real Elorfindor was not hit.

AC 32, touch 25, flat-footed 25
WP/VP 14/104
Fort/Ref/Will +14/+13/+19
Active Effects: Haste, Heart of Earth, Greater Mage Armor, Greater Magic Weapon (shortsword), Annoyed

Fax Celestis
2013-11-15, 12:42 PM
Keir shakes his head quickly and holsters his spear before scooping up Laurel in his arms. "Alright, then. We'll just have to do this the old-fashioned way," he says grimly and begins jogging towards the flaming houses.

Combat Stats: 77/77 VP, 20/20 WP; AC 29 (touch 25; flat-foot 28); Fort +14, Ref +14, Will +8; Mettle, Evasion; spd 60' (haste), though Laurel probably puts him at a Medium load for 50' speed.

Special Defenses: Improved Unarmed Strike (can still threaten with arms full and unarmed) 2d6+3, 20/x2; Combat Reflexes (4/rd), Evasive Reflexes (sub 5' step for AoO), Deflect Arrows, Mettle, Evasion, Improved Uncanny Dodge (imm: flat-foot, can't be flanked except by a rogue of 16th level); Sidestep Charge (+4 dodge AC vs charge, can AoO if attacker misses); Furious Resolve (delay 20 pts of damage for 1 rd to gain bonus atk/dam); counterstrike bracers (2/d (1 remaining), immediate action to AoO when attacker misses).

Current Effects: haste, Inspire Courage, -2 to atk rolls from Constant Guardian, Medium load due to carrying Laurel, possible other effects from carrying Laurel.

Keir designates Laurel as his Constant Guardian target to give her some extra AC.

2013-11-16, 09:46 PM
Astra followed behind Keir, though she moved more slowly. Her attention was on healing her own wounds- she'd need to deal with them quickly if she wanted to survive this fight.

Astra heals herself for 76 points with her Lay On Hands, and then flies 50ft towards the flaming houses.

2013-11-17, 03:28 PM
Hilltop North of the High Moors

Elorfindar yelps in pain as Nissa's own missiles slam into him and his images. Four of them wink out of existence leaving only a pair of Elorfindar's hovering under the canopy. He glares at her and then looks behind her. "Judging from your companions running off towards those burning houses I'd say that you are indeed alone." He sneers at her as he flies directly above her and two blazing orbs of fire shoot from his hand towards her.

Arythyn hurries to catch up with Keir and Astra but points towards the woodline where the flashes of explosive magic can be seen. "What about Nissa?" He asks as the four hustle closer towards the burning houses. Three people run out from a side door of one farmhouse followed by another person, this one carrying someone slung across their shoulders.

Orb of Fire (vs Nissa Touch AC 25)
Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1] fire damage

If it hits Nissa needs to make a Fortitude save (DC 19) or be Dazed for 1 round.

He moved so Nissa doesn't know which image is the real one anymore (which she learned after successfully hitting him last turn).


Keir, Astra, and Arythyn will get within [Close] range of the farmhouses after one more round of running.

Fax Celestis
2013-11-17, 03:37 PM
"Though it pains me to say, by the time we get to Nissa, either Nissa or Elowhatshisface will be dead. All I can do at the moment is maybe do something instead of show up late," Keir says stoically. Besides,, he thinks, not vocalizing this part because he knows how unpopular and misunderstood his decision will be, Astra and Laurel are my charges, not Nissa. That guy is dangerous, and I need to get these two away from him.

2013-11-21, 06:02 AM
Arythyn looks between the houses on fire and where Nissa is fighting alone, torn. He makes his decision and grabs a wand hanging from his belt with the hand that isn't holding his bow, tossing it to Laurel before running towards Nissa.

"Help whoever's injured here. I can't leave Nissa alone with that smug elven bastard," he says, running towards the trees, pulling another wand from his pack as he does so. He'd probably end up needing it.

Arythyn is tossing one of his wands of Cure Light Wounds to Laurel to help with the injured and pulling his other from his Haversack as part of the move action to book it towards Nissa.

2013-11-22, 11:19 AM
"So are you.", Nissa says, sending a spark of lightning towards an Elorfindor before sending an sphere of magical energy hurtling towards the real one.

Swift action to cast Kaupaer's Quickblast, electricity version. If it hits, Elorfindor takes 5 damage, 2 on a DC 20 Reflex save.
The real one will be identified after that, one way or another. Standard action to Orb of Force the real one.
Touch attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

AC 32, touch 25, flat-footed 25
WP/VP 14/104
Fort/Ref/Will +14/+13/+19
Active Effects: Haste, Heart of Earth, Greater Mage Armor, Greater Magic Weapon (shortsword), Annoyed

2013-11-25, 02:47 PM
With the superior speed of her wings, Astra caught up to Keir easily and looked up at the flaming homes. "I have some water we could use, but it isn't going to be enough to put out all of that. I think we can keep the fire from spreading through."

Astra just spends the round running- it should get her in range due to her 50' fly speed.

2013-12-04, 08:44 PM
Hilltop North of the High Moors

Elorfindar looks shocked as Nissa cleaves through his illusions with her own spell. The conjured ball of force slams into the elf's body and he doubles over in pain. "This...is not the end." He says through clenched teeth and disappears from the trees. Arythyn runs up just in time to see Elorfindar vanish.

The heat from the flames engulfing the house is staggering. The escaping people see Keir, Lauren, and Astra approaching and two of them turn to run the other way but the third puts a hand on their shoulders. "Wait! They're not with the elf, I saw them fight him." He says but puts a hand to the dagger sheathed in his belt anyway. A farmer by the looks of him, he nods to Keir then looks up to Astra. "We're all out but Cathern's mother is bed-ridden." He says and jerks his head towards the house next door, smoke pouring out of the windows. "Second floor."

The young man carrying someone stops and gently lowers the girl to the ground and kneels next to her. "She won't wake up!" He shouts. Laurel worms her way out of Keir's hold and stumbles over to the girl, using her rod as an improvised cane. She near collapses to the ground herself but manages to place one hand over the girls forehead and closes her eyes. Cradling Arythyn's wand under her arm she silently mouths something - probably a prayer - and both the wand and rod glow silver for a moment before fading. The superficial burns on the girl fade but she doesn't wake up.

Spellcraft 21: Contingency/Telelport.

Fax Celestis
2013-12-05, 01:20 PM
Keir casts a disapproving look at Laurel as she minds others before herself, but drops his pack and spear (33 lbs, bringing his load down to 15.5 lbs), runs to the house, and practically vaults up the side and into the building.

[roll0], beating the DC (20 for "An uneven surface with some narrow handholds and footholds, such as a typical wall in a dungeon or ruins," 25 for "A rough surface, such as a natural rock wall or a brick wall.", +5 for quick ascent) will let him climb up to 30' (assuming haste is still active, 15' if it isn't, but that should be more than enough distance to get up to the 2nd floor [since floors are generally about 10' tall]). If he has to, Keir has no compunctions about breaking a window (probably hardness 1, 1HP (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/exploration.htm#smashinganObject)).

[roll1] bludgeoning damage, and I hit the window's AC 10 on anything except a 1.

2013-12-05, 02:12 PM
Though she could easily fly up to where the woman was, Astra knew there was no way she'd be able to lift her out of the building. She left her rescue to Keir, who she knew was far stronger and tougher.

The child, on the other hand, was something she could deal with. Her best healing was magical, but she'd picked up a few skills besides that. Astra knelt next to her, gently waving Laurel aside. "It's probably smoke inhalation. Here, let me see what I can do."

Knowledge check if that can help diagnose the issue- I think Knowledge (Local) works here, for humanoid anatomy?

Knowledge (Whatever It Is) [roll0]

And then a Heal check: [roll1]

Edit: Well I hope that knowledge check gives me a circumstance bonus...

2013-12-11, 04:04 PM
Hilltop North of the High Moors

Keir's fist smashes through the glass window and he's rewarded by a billow of smoke that rushes out of the house. After the initial blast the smoke thins somewhat and he can make out a hallway. Doors run along both sides of the hallway before it turns a corner to the left. Flames lick across the walls and dance across the ceiling, mixing with the smoke pouring from every crack and crevice. The nearest door is open and once Keir crawls inside the house he can see into the room. A man is crouched next to a large bed, coughing as he's struggling to pick up an overweight old lady that seems to be unconscious.

Outside on the ground the girl starts coughing and her eyes open wide in fear. She tries to push herself away from Astra but the young man next to her places a hand on her shoulder. "No, it's okay. They're here to help." He says to her and then looks up at Astra and Laurel. "Right? What's going on?!"

Laurel draws herself up into a sitting position and leans against her pack. "Elf song...ambushed." She manages to say before a fit of coughing overtakes her. The older woman takes a small flask from her within her robe and offers it to Laurel who takes a long pull. The farmer nods to Astra and shields his eyes from the blaze as he looks out across the fields towards where the spell battle has abuptly ended. "Is it over?" he asks.

Keir needs to make a DC 15 Fortitude save or do nothing but choke and cough for a round. The temperature is extremely hot but Keir hasn't been in there long enough to start taking damage.

Fax Celestis
2013-12-11, 04:38 PM
Keir rushes to the man and helps him hoist the old woman--if she's less than 214.5 lbs (Keir's heavy load capacity, less his current encumberance), he'll pick her up himself and try to get her downstairs; otherwise, he'll help the man carry her. Either way, he attempts to go down the stairs first, but he knows they're probably already on fire and will head for the window he entered from immediately afterwards if they prove dangerous. The current status of how 'on fire' the place is will determine his actions for escaping the burning building.

[roll0], plus Mettle

2013-12-13, 11:57 PM
Astra stepped back from the child and looked off into the distance, trying to see who won. "I think so." Alone, the elven mage would have been less of a threat, especially having used up a good deal of his magic already.

She glanced up at the burning building and then swiftly flew up to the window to see if there was any way she could assist Keir- she might not be able to sustain flight, but maybe she could drift down if necessary?

2013-12-21, 10:27 PM
Arythyn breathes a sigh of relief as Elorfindar vanishes and he sees Nissa more or less unharmed.

"Pity, I was hoping to get a shot off at him before he left... Glad you're OK. Come on, let's go check on the others and see what we can do about those fires."

He runs off back towards the houses.

2013-12-22, 08:44 AM
"Okay" nods Nissa, before following suit.

2014-01-24, 12:46 PM
Hilltop North of the High Moors

The man is surprised to see Keir but he doesn't waste breath asking question. The old lady would be a struggle for Keir to carry himself but with both him and the farmer lifting they get her up and stagger out into the hall. Thick black smoke pours up the hallway from where it turns left and flickers of bright flame can be seen within it. The man looks at Keir with fear in his eyes but starts to move down the hallway anyway. When Astra flies up to the window the beat of her wings clears away the smoke and he does a double take but quickly changes direction and struggles with Keir to lift the unconscious woman up into the window. Seeing Astra's open arms he nods to her and pushes her through.

The weight of the woman is far too much for Aria to carry and she immediately starts falling but the avariel wings on her back instinctively stiffen and glide her to the ground with a safe if not graceful landing. Holding his shirt to cover his mouth the farmer nods to Keir to get through the window and hurries after him. As Keir is climbing down and the man is halfway out of the window some part of the house shifts and timbers crack, creating a backdraft explosion that sends the man soaring from the window. He lands hard on his leg and there's a loud snap as his bone breaks.

The others on the ground rush to the old woman and injured farmer and drag them away from the burning farm house as Arythyn and Nissa arrive from over the hill.

A bit of scripted actions to get everyone out of the fire as I figured that's what Keir and Astra would do.

2014-02-20, 10:51 AM
Nissa crests the hill and rejoins the group. "I managed to chase Elorfindor off for now. Does anyone need healing?"

I just noticed this was still alive. :smalleek: