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2014-11-13, 04:01 PM
The artificer's hands fly up in the air.

Well, now, hold on. Let's not be so hasty. I'll explain everything, and if you would just be so kind as to look up at my simulation of the night sky, you might see the effects of our spell happening right now....

He arranges his right hand, still up in the air, so that only his index finger is extended and it is pointing at the ceiling of the chamber.

I'm dying to look myself but I'm afraid you are going to shoot me

Do Spellcraft checks identify spells cast from wands? If so, anyone with a Spellcraft 18 check identifies this as Dispel Magic

Stannum (IV)
2014-11-13, 05:50 PM
Sir Henry takes a moment to glare at the enemy. Seeing Curiosity has the unnamed warforged contained, he looks up.

Aura shifted to INT-based checks
Sense motive: [roll0]
I had a speech for Sir Henry, but it really didn't say anything, so he's glaring instead. This is aid another on intimidate:[roll1](=a +3 bonus for Curiosity [see CAdv])
+1 morale to will saves
+1 morale to AC
+6 to all INT-based checks
+1 to all saves

Oko and Qailee
2014-11-13, 06:05 PM
Qailee also looks upwards.

2014-11-13, 08:57 PM
Sir Henry and Qailee look up at the simulated night sky. It appears just as it did the night before. Small Sypheros, full and shining as brightly as the tiny moon is able to. Barrakas and Olarune, both putting out light even though each is little more than a crescent. Eyre and Vault nowhere to be seen, and 8 other moons in various States of waxing and waning.

Wait, 8 other moons? You count feverishly. Indeed, there is a new moon in the sky! A small, bright blood red disk, about the size of Aryth, just above the southern horizon. This illusion must be incorrect!

Is it there? It is, isn't it? I can see it in your face! I can FEEL it!

You feel the itching begin along your scar....

2014-11-13, 09:18 PM
An odd sensation begins to irritate Curiosity's chest. It was his scar. His scar was itching? Curiosity reaches for his chest and pulls the clothing from his shoulder...

2014-11-13, 09:24 PM
Both Warforged stare at the dragonmark on Curiosity's chest.

It worked! Don't you see? It worked! We are the first of the Forgotten to have a dragonmark! I can feel mine, my leg is on fire.

I'm sure your friend there sleeping has one as well. By the end of the night, all the Forgotten races of Eberron will have one! We are finally equals in this world. Our time has come!

Stannum (IV)
2014-11-13, 09:41 PM
"Dear gods..."
Sir Henry seems entranced for a moment, before regaining his composure.

"Castor, send out one of your dogs to look. This has to be fake."

Knowledge (arcana):[roll0]
Knowledge (the planes):[roll1]
Knowledge (history):[roll2]
+1 morale to will saves
+1 morale to AC
+6 to all INT-based checks
+1 to all saves

2014-11-14, 04:01 PM
By this point, the furious itching has woken Castor up.

Is this...is this a dragonmark?

He surveys the scene around him, hoping for an explanation. Noticing the many eyes focused on the ceiling, he follows their gaze.

And another moon as well? This must be an illusion, Sir Henry. Gamma, go outside and check for a red moon in the southern sky.

The guardian bolts from the room.

Legend has it that Eberron once had another moon. Or perhaps it still does; historians cannot agree if it was lost or simply dissappeared. Reasons for its dissappearance vary: Some say it dissappeared along with the manifest zone to Dal Quor during the Age of Giants. Some say it vanished when House Vol was destroyed.

And some, of course, say it never existed at all except in the minds of other historians.

There are 12 dragonmarks, 12 dragonmarked houses, 12 moons, and other planes that manifest in Eberron. The number 13 has always been an unlucky one in Eberron: The 13th plane is Dal Quor, the 13th house was the deadly House of Vol, and the 13th dragonmark was their own Mark of Death.

There have always been efforts to "restore" Eberron back to its whole, triskaidektic state. One school of thought believes this will bring death and destruction back to Eberron; another, that it will issue in a new era of peace.

The manifest zone to Dal Quor was closed thousands of years ago. Many believe that the Quori are still attempting to re-unite with Eberron to finish the destruction they started. Others believe that there are some in Eberron who are working to destroy Dal Quor once and for all.

Stannum (IV)
2014-11-17, 08:55 PM
It worked! Don't you see? It worked! We are the first of the Forgotten to have a dragonmark! I can feel mine, my leg is on fire.

I'm sure your friend there sleeping has one as well. By the end of the night, all the Forgotten races of Eberron will have one! We are finally equals in this world. Our time has come!

"That was your goal? You think you need a dragonmark? You damned fool. Galifar wasn't built by a Deneith or a Cannith, it was the work of great men whose worth was independent of any Prophecy. Indeed, you yourself seem to be quite capable of greatness, or at least you are possessed of power. But all you've wrought is destruction and a convenient reason for the mobs to blame your people.
"Not that such is yet my concern. For the moment, I offer you again the chance to surrender, so that we shall not have to deliberately and completely dismantle what little good you have all but inadvertently accomplished."

2014-11-18, 04:49 AM
Curiosity doesn't look at the illusory sky, he just keeps his gaze leveled on the enemy warforged. "So you decided you needed a Dragonmark huh? And convinced yourself that the world would be grateful for your mad grab for power. Nevermind that you've painted great big Dragonmark-shaped bullseyes on every member of these 'forgotten races' you keep going on about. You fool. Did you forget these are people whose lives you've forever altered!?!"

Curiosity shakes his head as though to toss the rage from his mind; to no avail, "I ought to put a bolt right through you. For every one of the lives you've cost. Simply because to you they were 'forgotten races' or 'the enemy'. You cold hearted bastard." Curiosity's voice is pained. More pained than you would think possible. The crossbow never wavers though.

2014-11-18, 09:45 AM
"That was your goal? You think you need a dragonmark? You damned fool. Galifar wasn't built by a Deneith or a Cannith, it was the work of great men whose worth was independent of any Prophecy. Indeed, you yourself seem to be quite capable of greatness, or at least you are possessed of power. But all you've wrought is destruction and a convenient reason for the mobs to blame your people.
"Not that such is yet my concern. For the moment, I offer you again the chance to surrender, so that we shall not have to deliberately and completely dismantle what little good you have all but inadvertently accomplished."

That's easy for you to say, human. You haven't experienced the prejudice we have. You don't have other races which aim to destroy your culture and replace it with their own. This isn't just about dragonmarks, it's about being treated as equals. And throughout history, Warforged have always been treated as lesser copies of other races. Shifters have been subject to one of the worst genocides our world has ever known. In cities, people will cross to the other side of the street when they see a Changeling approach, and the Kalashtar are often accused of being in league with the Quori.

You want me to surrender? Why, so my guilt can be decided in front of an all-human court? We know what the outcome of that sham trial would be. Spare me the humiliation and have your friend kill me now.

"So you decided you needed a Dragonmark huh? And convinced yourself that the world would be grateful for your mad grab for power. Nevermind that you've painted great big Dragonmark-shaped bullseyes on every member of these 'forgotten races' you keep going on about. You fool. Did you forget these are people whose lives you've forever altered!?!"

"I ought to put a bolt right through you. For every one of the lives you've cost. Simply because to you they were 'forgotten races' or 'the enemy'. You cold hearted bastard."

I've given them equality. I've given them what everyone else can have, and even takes for granted, but what we have forever been denied. Dragonmarks are never chosen, some people just get them, while others do not. All I have done is added our kind to the rolls of those who are eligible. I see you have been brainwashed into enjoying your servitude to the humans, but many of your brethren will not agree.

And the war? Stop kidding yourself, this truce is a farce. Karrnath has been smoldering for years after the way they came out in the treaty. They were going to lash out eventually, and who knows what destruction they would have caused. Perhaps another hundred year war? Perhaps another Cyre? This way, we have channeled their aggression towards the one country best equip to defeat them quickly, and AVOID unnecessary bloodshed.

What's worse? Allowing a nation to develop enough military strength to start a war that will again cost millions of lives? Or nudging that nation to act prematurely and get defeated before they can do any real damage? I despise bloodshed as much as you do. And if you look at the big picture you will see that we saved millions of lives by starting a war that may only take a few thousand.

2014-11-18, 11:10 AM

What's worse? Allowing a nation to develop enough military strength to start a war that will again cost millions of lives? Or nudging that nation to act prematurely and get defeated before they can do any real damage? I despise bloodshed as much as you do. And if you look at the big picture you will see that we saved millions of lives by starting a war that may only take a few thousand.

"Fine then, tell me their names. You stand there and tell me the names of the people you've 'liberated'. You speak the name of each and every one of them, prove to me that they are persons to you, and I'll lower my bow. Hell you prove that you and yours have the best interests of each of those persons in min and I'll join your cause right here and now. But you can't can you. Even if you've memorized every warforged manufactured everywhere's name and every living 'forgotten race' member you cannot tell me the names of all of the future children who will suffer because of what you've done."

Curiosity raises his weapon to eye level to take better aim, "In fact, now that the genie is out of the bottle taking you back is too dangerous. Telling anyone that creating moons to grant Dragonmarks is possible will only result in a sky too cluttered for us to survive it. You mention Kaarnath's ire. What of our immortal brothers the undead? Won't they be wanting Dragonmarks too? How about the goblins? The kobolds? The Illithid?" Curiosity stops in pure horror at the thought.

"Hells what about the other monstrosities who dwell within the Dragon Below!? You know that none of them would hesitate to draw the knowledge of how to do what you've done straight from your mind. They might even get you to do it for them. I mean you certainly had no compunctions about reprogramming me. Why would the truly monstrous sentients give pause to repurposing your mind to grant themselves a moon in the sky?"

2014-11-18, 12:10 PM
Goblins? The undead? Listen to yourself, you're speaking nonsense. This isn't about some beasts, this is about intelligent creatures with a soul who just want the same thing that is afforded to every other creature with a soul.

I did not "create" a moon, I just revealed the moon which was already there. The 13th moon of Eberron has always existed, and will always exist, it just had no use with only 12 dragonmarks and therefore never rose. It was always said that the 13th moon would coincide with the re-introduction of the 13th dragonmark, but everyone just assumed that meant the Mark of Death would be seen again. All I did was re-channel that energy into a new dragonmark instead.

You have spent far too long with the humans. They have brainwashed you. Don't worry, eventually you will see things my way.

Oko and Qailee
2014-11-18, 12:13 PM
"Goblins have souls... what is this new mark?"

Stannum (IV)
2014-11-18, 05:09 PM
That's easy for you to say, human. You haven't experienced the prejudice we have. You don't have other races which aim to destroy your culture and replace it with their own. This isn't just about dragonmarks, it's about being treated as equals. And throughout history, Warforged have always been treated as lesser copies of other races. Shifters have been subject to one of the worst genocides our world has ever known. In cities, people will cross to the other side of the street when they see a Changeling approach, and the Kalashtar are often accused of being in league with the Quori.

"History? In history, the humans of Khorvaire were the slaves and outcasts of Sarlona. In history, as few remember, lycanthropy ran wild, wiping out whole villages and devastating large swaths of Khorvaire, leaving people scared and without information. If you want to talk about history, then at least acknowledge the passage of time; not a single dwarf or halfling or gnome was regarded as normal to humans a mere generation after meeting, nor were humans normal in their lands. It took years, many years longer than your people have existed, for our society to advance and integrate all of us. So, if you wish to talk about history, at least learn from it."

You want me to surrender? Why, so my guilt can be decided in front of an all-human court? We know what the outcome of that sham trial would be. Spare me the humiliation and have your friend kill me now.

"I'm not offering you a trial. I'm offering you a surrender with your guilt well known, to be taken into custody and interrogated away from the public eye. I'm offering you a chance to remove the stain of your actions from your race's history, before I take a lens to them for all the world. A chance to not have Breland, your only advocate in Khorvaire, declare these marks aberrant, and for the stigma on your people not to be redoubled. And I'm offering it once more. Surrender."

2014-11-18, 05:24 PM
Goblins? They're not...I mean they don't.... They're just dumb beasts. Like an ox or an ass. Just because they know tricks like walking and talking doesn't make them an intelligent creature, any more than teaching a dog to sit gives it a soul.

And of course this may be seen as....abnormal now, but in a few generations, it will be bred down and will become just as common as any other dragonmark. But you want to declare the most common dragonmark in Eberron aberrant? I'd love to see you try.

What should we call this Dragonmark? That's a great question. Well, it replaced the Mark of Death, so how about the Mark of Life? It will certainly breathe new life into those who have been denied it for generations.

No, that's no good. Hey, how about the Mark of Destiny! That's what we'll call it. Because it marks the beginning of a new destiny for the Forgotten races of Eberron!

It will give us the ability to better communicate with one another, as well as protect ourselves from the humans who will no doubt be outraged that we dare consider ourselves as equals. This dragonmark will allow us to finally blend in, no longer be outsiders and second class citizens of Eberron!

This Dragonmark confers +2 to Diplomacy checks and gives the SLA's Message 1/day or Charm Person 1/day. It also confers the Least Dragonmark Feat, and allows that to be used as a prerequisite for any feats that need it, including more powerful versions of the Dragonmark.

Stannum (IV)
2014-11-18, 06:26 PM
Goblins? They're not...I mean they don't.... They're just dumb beasts. Like an ox or an ass. Just because they know tricks like walking and talking doesn't make them an intelligent creature, any more than teaching a dog to sit gives it a soul.

And of course this may be seen as....abnormal now, but in a few generations, it will be bred down and will become just as common as any other dragonmark. But you want to declare the most common dragonmark in Eberron aberrant? I'd love to see you try.

"I don't need anyone to believe it. All that needs to happen is for my nation, which sacrificed a great deal in the Treaty of Thronehold to see your kind guaranteed rights, to publicly step back from that position internationally. Thrane and Karnnath already consider your people property, and Aundair would sell you out for diplomatic gain before the papers even had a chance to note Breland's position. It might be hard to sell some of the representatives on it, but even the king will agree the mark is dangerous after hearing how the Lord of Blades tried so hard to create it."

"Yes, that will do. Of course, without you to live, who would tell them anything else? Why, you could be an agent of the demons, or under the control of Xoriat's horrors, or anything else the papers think will sell. The only way that you win is if there is someone willing to listen to you, and if you live to tell them. So what is your answer?

Behind his apparent demeanor, Sir Henry is anything but calm. This idea is all too realistic. The story must be controlled, or the people could truly turn against the warforged, and all King Boranel's work would be undone.

Diplomacy:[roll1](to convince him to surrender)

2014-11-18, 06:45 PM
I want to believe you, you know. I don't, but I want to. I have yet to meet a man who is truly good at heart, despite how many claim to be.

However, when I chose this cause, I knew that I may one day have to die to protect certain secrets, and I knew that surrender was never an option. I am just privy to too much information that can never be known by anyone else.

Looking into his eyes, you can tellhe is blatantly lying. Sir Henry's words affected him whether or not he chooses to admit it.
He turns and addresses Curiosity

However, I will never lay a finger against a fellow Forgotten. So you have two choices: let me be, or kill me where I stand.

Oko and Qailee
2014-11-19, 10:00 PM
Qailee leans forward a bit into the room from her hiding spot behind the wall, though she still remains mostly covered.

"Wait, no, what. Wait. No one else has to die. How can you just be ok with dying like that? All of this is wrong. Wars wont stop just because you make one happen earlier. People won't get over their discrimination just because of a symbol on your plating.

I can't hurt you...but-"

She glances over at Curiosity, then back at the warforged.

"you're wrong about everything. I think Curiosity is a great person, I'm sorry if person isn't the right word, and I thought he was before there was ever a dragonmark on him."

I thought it was a bit of a stretch, but I reread some IC and Curiosity has been nothing but pleasant, so it's pretty accurate.

2014-11-19, 10:20 PM
I am certain you do consider this Warforged your..... friend. But his offer to me is simply unacceptable. Were I to accept it, agents of your human friend's government would surely compel me, through magic,torture, or both, to spill secrets that I would rather take to the grave.

I do not want to die. But death would be preferable to having the secrets of the Brotherhood revealed to every government in Eberron. We would be destroyed within months.

Stannum (IV)
2014-11-19, 10:44 PM
I am certain you do consider this Warforged your..... friend. But his offer to me is simply unacceptable. Were I to accept it, agents of your human friend's government would surely compel me, through magic,torture, or both, to spill secrets that I would rather take to the grave.

I do not want to die. But death would be preferable to having the secrets of the Brotherhood revealed to every government in Eberron. We would be destroyed within months.

"On a technical point, we are acting in a mercenary capacity for a Lyrandar captain, so we could deliver you into their custody. The Twelve would certainly want details of the newest dragonmark before handing you over to the Sentinel Marshals for war crimes. They might even be able to organize something reasonable before the mobs get too large. You might be the root cause of only a few hundred innocent deaths."
A few hundred not counting how everyone is going to die from the Quori. Everyone. We're all doomed.

2014-11-19, 11:31 PM
Hearing Qailee speak to his goodness softens Curiosity's mood, and with it his stance. You can see the weight of his anger lift from his shoulders, if only slightly.

I am certain you do consider this Warforged your..... friend. But his offer to me is simply unacceptable. Were I to accept it, agents of your human friend's government would surely compel me, through magic,torture, or both, to spill secrets that I would rather take to the grave.

I do not want to die. But death would be preferable to having the secrets of the Brotherhood revealed to every government in Eberron. We would be destroyed within months.

Curiosity takes pause at this, eyes wide as though seeing the solution to a children's riddle. The crossbow tip bobs in his hand as he talks, "Then we have a case of Reciprocal Exterminatory Destruction. When each combatant has a crossbow bolt to the back of the enemy leader's skull. One leader dies then they all die. It has worked as a deterrent before, although I don't recall it ever being used on this scale. Would that suffice to mollify you? If we took you into our private custody and made certain that every nation gained access to your precious knowledge at once?"

"That or you could at the very least explain it to me; and to Castor! you have two potential disciples right here. But not if you're dead. And not if you cannot assure us that you are not a danger to us. I do not wish to murder a murderer, even now as you put so many lives at risk for your own gain. I would that you survived this ordeal."

2014-11-20, 12:05 AM
So they can unify together to defeat us? No thank you. The history and the workings of the Brotherhood must remain known only to its members.

However..... Your friend here mentioned the Twelve. A defunct organization, wouldn't you say? At least, their name is. The new House will certainly need a representative among them. And who better to represent those with a dragonmark than the one who created it?

I will come with you, on the condition that you bring me to the Twelve, and not your corrupt governments. They may all be members of races hostile to the Forgotten, but they at least understand the importance ofa dragonmark.

After all, they study the effects of arcane magic, and I did just cast a spell whose effects will be felt for generations.... yes, I think that would work or nicely indeed....

The volume of his speech slowly drops as it transitions into thought

Stannum (IV)
2014-11-20, 08:25 PM
"Fine, then. We shall delivery you intact to the captain of the Golden Dragon, presuming he shall deliver you to The Twelve, where you shall be granted the ability to disclose whatever magical knowledge you may have concerning this event, and to make basic communications to the public concerning your intentions, insofar as such will reasonably prevent violent events. After such, you will be tried for war crimes under the provisions of The Treaty of Thronehold. For the moment, you will surrender to our custody."
Sir Henry takes a breath
"All agreed?"

2014-11-20, 08:45 PM
Correction: I will be tried for war crimes only by the consent of the Twelve. And considering the magical might i wielded on this night, I doubt they will want me executed.

However, I must inquire as to what the fate of my Homunculi will be?

As if on that note, Castor's Iron Defender ran into the room and sat by his feet. Castor seemed deep in thought, as a disturbed look came over his face.

The moon is no illusion! At least, if it is, it is also copied in the night sky. Gamma saw a red moon on the southern horizon!

And, what's worse, he reports there are people outside on the terrace...

2014-11-24, 09:23 AM
... However, I must inquire as to what the fate of my Homunculi will be?[/FONT]

"As I stated before, you will have to verbally relinquish control of them to one of us. You command them to ignore all of your previous commands and to obey one of us of your choosing. If any of them prove to be free-willed they will be detained just as you are to be. This is the only method I know of to sheathe a weapon of their kind without outright destroying them."

... And, what's worse, he reports there are people outside on the terrace...

"All the more reason to resolve this quickly and secure our prisoner. Sir Henry I believe I offered up some manacles for securing Sydd and they weren't employed. We could use them here if you like."

2014-11-24, 05:45 PM
Well, it appears Scout has already taken a fancy to you

He points to the "bird", which is now curled up in a ball on Curiosity's shoulder.

Ammordara, awake, Serpetus, come here.

The pile of scrap iron again awakens and drabs a circular blade, ready to throw it. Out from under this monstrosity, the dozens of disembodied hands approach the group.

I order both of you to follow this creature's orders from here on out.

Now he points to Castor.

I hope, since you have your own homuncuuli, that you will be OK with having some more?

Castor nods, but looks very apprehensive about being the master of a dozen or so hands which were once attached to living creatures.

I am sorry to inform you, however, that Scrap's loyalty is not as easy to change. He will accept orders from no one except myself.

Stannum (IV)
2014-11-26, 04:26 AM
"Fine, then. 'Scrap' will be impounded along with the rest of your belongings. Curiosity, strip him, bind him, and gag him. He is a spellcaster, and could still benefit from escaping. Castor, Halas, see if you can gather up any notes or implements here. Whatever might be relevant to explain this later. Qailee, one of Castor's dogs, and I can meet the group on the terrace. Unless they are part of The Brotherhood, they are likely natives or our reinforcements. In any case, combat is most not a viable option. We will have to hope they are not hostile."

"Afterwards, we shall regroup and hopefully begin a more thorough search. There are likely great secrets to be unearthed here."

As always, these are suggestions, not true orders. Especially on splitting the party.

2014-11-26, 10:52 AM
The warforged begins removing his magic items for Curiosity, but balks at the idea of losing his companion.

Now just hold on. Scrap is like a son to me, and he wouldn't hurt a fly. I must insist on his staying with me, he wouldn't know what to do without me!

Halas and Castor begin searching the room. There doesn't seem to be much there except for books, but they find all the ones that look promising and pile them on the large table. Castor finds one book extremely interesting, and ends his search to sit down and read it in detail.

Oko and Qailee
2014-11-26, 12:35 PM
At the approach of a swarm of hands Qailee sinks back once again. At the warforged's comment about scraps loyalty Qailee chimes in again.

"I don't think it would be too much of an issue for him to just walk near you or on you."

Seeing the pile of books, Qailee has to fight back the urge to go immediately go and read through them, instead she simply steels herself for meeting the crowd outside.

"I'm ready when you are Sir Henry. Right after we bind... Sir Warforged? Sorry, I don't know how to address you properly. You said you didn't have a name. How do others specifically call to you?"

2014-11-26, 12:56 PM
"I'm ready when you are Sir Henry. Right after we bind... Sir Warforged? Sorry, I don't know how to address you properly. You said you didn't have a name. How do others specifically call to you?"

That desk does not have a name, yet you know how to refer to it, correct? I am not like you, humanoid. I do not require an appellation to be conversed with. In fact, I was very opposed to giving my homunculi names, but they insisted on it. I guess that shows who wrote the spell in the first place, doesn't it?

Oko and Qailee
2014-11-26, 01:06 PM
"I'm sorry. I didn't think it through. Sorry."

2014-11-26, 01:57 PM
"Your 'son' is perfectly loyal and cannot by its very nature be given free will. It stays behind and out of your reach.", Curiosity scowls. Not to worry, "The other constructed creatures will keep it company."

Curiosity commands the Constructs to ignore any previous commands from their former owner or owners before commanding them to hold the homunculus bound and then deactivate, becoming stationary and unmoving/unresponsive until Curiosity says a specific password.

As described in the OOC thread the other Constructs are being commanded to Grapple to Pin the homunculus then become dead weight so it is immobilized.
Password is "embark" for anyone curious.

"I'm ready when you are Sir Henry. Right after we bind... Sir Warforged? Sorry, I don't know how to address you properly. You said you didn't have a name. How do others specifically call to you?"
That desk does not have a name, yet you know how to refer to it, correct? I am not like you, humanoid. I do not require an appellation to be conversed with. In fact, I was very opposed to giving my homunculi names, but they insisted on it. I guess that shows who wrote the spell in the first place, doesn't it?

"Fine then, as with any transitive thing we will refer to you by your current purpose, which at present is 'prisoner'. And besides, as soulless automatons your homunculi are as deserving of unnamed status as they are of Dragonmarks correct? Strange how you can draw such easy distinctions yet still feel companionship for your blood bound slaves."

Curiosity knows full well that this enemy Warforged was just trying to get under his skin. As soon as he was disarmed he would have to be gagged thoroughly if just to save Curiosity's aching head. That he refused to relinquish one Construct made Curiosity suspect a ruse of some kind. Would that he only had a set of cages or more manacles... He'd have to consider a method of bringing such along from now on.

2014-11-26, 04:20 PM
The wooden bird, still seemingly asleep, does not stir from Curiosity's shoulder. The multitude of hands crawl mindlessly around the room, until they come from behind a bookshelf dragging the little creature. His shrill cries echo throughout the chamber as he clambers to join his master, who's face is lowered in sorrow. Eventually, they drag him under the pile of iron, which promptly collapses, trapping him. This quiets but does not silence the shrieking which everyone can barely still hear in the quiet room.

"Fine then, as with any transitive thing we will refer to you by your current purpose, which at present is 'prisoner'. And besides, as soulless automatons your homunculi are as deserving of unnamed status as they are of Dragonmarks correct? Strange how you can draw such easy distinctions yet still feel companionship for your blood bound slaves."

You idiot! You just don't realize because you have lived....
You know what? Never mind. You'll understand some day.

The artificer hands Curiosity 4 wands: 2 of iron, 1 of copper and 1 of clear glass. He also hands him a glove which appears to hold the wands.

2014-12-03, 04:06 PM
Well, that's enough chatting. Let's bring him to the proper authorities and find out who's waiting for us outside the temple. I have some things I want to discuss with our "Prisoner" anyway.

Castor takes the hands of the warforged behind his back and escorts him out of the room.

Oko and Qailee
2014-12-04, 10:48 PM
Qailee nods in agreement.

"Shall we go out to the terrace Sir Henry?"

Stannum (IV)
2014-12-04, 11:04 PM
"Right, we should. Let us hope these people aren't trying to kill us."

2014-12-04, 11:06 PM
Curiosity, with Skitter's help, uses his copious volumes of rope to tie the many smaller Constructs together before binding the enemy warforged's hands and arms with a length of spiked chain.

"Castor, if I may, could I utilize your manticore's tremendous strength to hauls these creatures to our destination? I'll try to rig the makeshift harness so that it can free itself with one claw-swipe."

All secure and ready to mobilize he turns to follow the others to the entrance.

Take 10 on as many Use Rope checks as need be to bind all of the enemy.
Curiosity Use Rope Take10: 13
Skitter Use Rope Take10: 17

Considering the above numbers I think Curiosity will assist Skitter giving the little guy a Take10 of 19.

Oko and Qailee
2014-12-04, 11:12 PM
"Right, we should. Let us hope these people aren't trying to kill us."

Qailee becomes a bit more apprehensive at that comment, but none the less nods.
"I really hope so too."

2014-12-04, 11:16 PM
Sure. Alpha would love to be of assistance.

Castor issues an unspoken command to his effigy, and soon afterwards it enters the room, and kneels down in front of the still lightly sobbing pile of constructs, ready to accept the riders.

2014-12-08, 01:21 PM
Curiosity and Sir Henry hoist the mass of deactivated creatures onto Alpha's back, and Curiosity lashes them on tight. Sir Henry leads the way out of the chamber, followed by Alpha and Castor, Curiosity keeping an eye on the prisoners, and Halas Martain trying to chat up Qailee while bringing up the rear.

As they leave the room, Goldenbrow is standing right at the entrance, with Syyd still in the bag on her back.

Will someone please explain what is going on here? I have a dragonmark! What did you guys do in there???

2014-12-08, 02:04 PM
Will someone please explain what is going on here? I have a dragonmark! What did you guys do in there???

"You'll have to ask one of them, all I know is that this enemy warforged (call it the Prisoner for now if you must call it anything, it has a religious grudge against names and genders) decided that it needed a Dragonmark and that the rest of us were getting one whether we wanted one or not. Oh and it's not just us, this racist decided that several races would get Dragonmarks, and that the rest of the undragonmarked people of the world don't have souls."

Catching himself ranting Curiosity clamps his mouth shut the goes over to make sure the Prisoner is gagged nice and tightly so it can't respond or retort. "I apologize for my ranting. The whole fiasco irritates me greatly. That one person gained power over so many others and decided who was less and who was more... It is a sore spot with me as you should know Goldenbrow."

Curiosity is sure to remind everyone about the glint in the fountain as they pass. He takes a cursory glance in to see if he can tell what it is...

Here Curiosity is alluding to the why of his leaving the Lord of Blade's service, though I cannot remember if Goldenbrow knows that specific tidbit of Curiosity's backstory or not. I remember we discussed it and I want to say that Goldenbrow was decided not to care enough to know. But I cannot be sure.

As we pass the fountain with the shiny in it Standard Action to Active Spot check then take 10 on Search. Basically he'll wal up to it and do a walkaround to see that the shiny wasn't bait for something devious, be it monster or mechanism. Skitter will help.

Curiosity Spot take 10: 13 (+2 with Skitter's assist)
Curiosity Search take 10: 21 (+2 with Skitter's assist)

Skitter Spot take 10 to assist: 11
Skitter Search take 10 to assist: 10

2014-12-08, 04:14 PM
Murth. Uhmphumph grthlmurph murthlgrmph.

"I apologize for my ranting. The whole fiasco irritates me greatly. That one person gained power over so many others and decided who was less and who was more... It is a sore spot with me as you should know Goldenbrow."

Yes, a sore spot, of course it is....
Golden brow's words drift away. She seems to be deep in thought.

The pool is too deep and dark to see anything more than a large circular glint about 30' down.

2014-12-17, 12:32 AM
Eyeing the shining thing in the pool Curiosity nods at Castor and asks, "Friend Castor would you be willing to ask one of your dogs to fetch whatever that is for me?"

Stannum (IV)
2014-12-17, 03:59 AM
"Qailee, with me, and Halas as well, in case neither of us speaks their language. The rest of you may investigate the area, and secure the prisoners. Be careful of attack; we may meet with hostility, or they may sneak past us."
Having spoken such, Sir Henry heads towards the entrance, sword sheathed and helmet held at his side.

2014-12-17, 10:20 AM
Castor gives a mental order to Gamma, and the mechanical beast runs and jumps into the pool, swimming for the bottom. As it gets close, you notice something move in the water, and the dog reacts as if struck! It struggles in the water, biting and snapping at something you cannot see in the dark water.

Outside the temple, Sir Henry emerges from the large entrance, followed by Halas and Qailee. The statues are in the same positions they were when you entered. You do not notice anyone out on the entranceway.

2014-12-17, 01:39 PM
Seeing the mechanical dog encounter some trouble Curiosity call over his shoulder, "Friend Castor! If you are one of those that can you should communicate to your canine to latch onto this length of chain as tightly as it can so I can pull it free of the water."

With that Curiosity whips a longish length of sand-colored chain from his Haversack-belly and flings one end of it into the water. He steps back from the edge of the pool waiting for the chain to pull taut, his legs braced against the floor in readiness to pull with everything he has.

2014-12-17, 02:13 PM

All the blood drains from Castor's face as he runs to the pool to check on his companion.

No! We must save him! Use the chain, please! He is telling me he is unable to come up on his own!

As the chain descends, it hits an invisible barrier about 5' above Gamma. You feel the chain grow taught, seemingly attached to the invisible barrier, and Curiosity feels something begin to tug on the chain, but he is stronger and able to keep the unknown force from pulling the chain. However, it must be enormously heavy, because Curiosity cannot budge it even an inch upward.

2014-12-17, 06:35 PM
Qailee sees a tall, burly humanoid hiding behind one of the columns of the terrace. It looks fierce, it is probably part orc.

Oko and Qailee
2014-12-17, 07:53 PM
Qailee moves up right behind Sir Henry, as if hiding behind him and points out the burly fellow.
"Over there!"

Stannum (IV)
2014-12-17, 09:07 PM
"You, there! Make yourself known; we have no intention of harm."

Caligstro Smith
2014-12-17, 10:58 PM
Four stern looking, muscular half-orcs in studded leather armor step out of hiding from behind the frozen statues as the three party members step out of the entrance. Three of them wield longbows, already drawn and pointed at the group, while the fourth, the largest of them and the one Qailee spotted, grips a greataxe in his fist. The last speaks up,

"You will come with us, Halas Martain. You betrayed the wrong people, and when you do that, you have to pay for it. Famous or not, some things are the same for everyone. We strongly suggest you cooperate... we'd prefer to keep our bonus for your capture."

He gestures to Sir Henry and Qailee, "You two are no part of this, and we will not trouble you with the consequences of his misdeeds." He jabs his greataxe in Halas's direction as he says it.

So my character's not the best talker in the world, and certainly not remotely diplomatic. He's also pretty ugly/almost scary looking and a lot less "professional bounty hunter" looking. He's still hiding behind some rubble a bit farther away, prepared to charge Halas if it's clear that he's going to try to run, or if it's clearly going to be a fight/the "nice" way of doing things has clearly failed.

I'm also doing a little bluff/having a little fun with the players hoping they mistake the largest "leader" orc for my player, since he's the only one I have speaking.

Note: If diplomacy checks matter for this, shortly before we hid and began to wait, James would've given the "leader" orc his Black Fan Talisman out of his Indispensably Haversack (150 gp single use item that gives +10 diplomacy for 1 hour). You never know when you might need to try the softer approach, and he's ALL ABOUT constantly "preparing for the journey yet to come." (major cultural aspect of shifters about always being as prepared for anything as possible -- hence his carting around the abbreviated version of the Indispensable Haversack)

Also, am I correct in assuming that my character has also recently gained a dragonmark?

2014-12-17, 11:25 PM
Ha! Besides my two loyal comrades you see here, I have a dozen other allies inside who will gladly come to my aid if they hear me attacked. I don't know who sent you, but you're over your head. Go to your employer and tell him it takes more than a few orcs to catch Halas Martain


i was exaggerating, but honestly, there probably are close to a dozen creatures in that temple by now!

I'm excited to see how this will play out. Yes, you have a dragonmark, which is probably pretty confusing for you.

Caligstro Smith
2014-12-17, 11:46 PM
"It is of no matter. If you insist on resisting us, you won't live long enough to see your allies come to your aid. If there are more who would stop us, that only forces our hand quicker. This is about carrying out a justice, and we will not shirk our mission. There was only a strong preference for your life, given what you have done. Not a requirement."

Leader Half-Orc: [roll0]
Other 3 Half-Orcs:

My Sense Motive: [roll4]

Also, really, the half-orc leader would say what he did whether he believes Halas or not. Reasoning that if he's lying, it wouldn't matter, and if he's not, then as he said, it just forces their hand sooner. If the odds become too bad, the group can always retreat and try a new approach later, likely a true ambush or sneak attack, rather than trying to do things the "right" way first. And James expressed to the group a pretty high confidence he could lay Halas out very quickly if it proved necessary, when they were planning this.

2014-12-18, 12:31 AM
Curiosity, sensing that he will never budge the hindrance at the bottom of the well, asks Castor for help from his Manticore. Alpha complies, Curiosity wraps the chain around him, and he pulls on it with all his strength to no avail!

But Curiosity does not give up on his friend's companion. He lowers another chain into the water until it, too, is caught. Then he, Castor, and the remaining two mechanical beasts pull on the chain while Alpha uses all his strength on his. Together, they slowly but surely make progress on the hindrance at the bottom.

After a few minutes of pulling with all their might, ....something... emerges. It appears to be a huge transparent cube about 10' tall , embedded in which are Gamma, the ends off the two chains, and a shiny shield.

The cube begins to slide its way along the ground towards the group.

Stannum (IV)
2014-12-18, 01:47 AM
"It is of no matter. If you insist on resisting us, you won't live long enough to see your allies come to your aid. If there are more who would stop us, that only forces our hand quicker. This is about carrying out a justice, and we will not shirk our mission. There was only a strong preference for your life, given what you have done. Not a requirement."

"Now hold on a minute. I must ask you to present some claim of your authority and the charges leveled against Halas here. Unless, of course, you should wish a Brelish regiment to block you from civilization until you can present such."

+1 morale to AC
+1 morale to will saves
+6 to INT-based checks
+1 to all saves

Caligstro Smith
2014-12-18, 08:12 AM
"Now hold on a minute. I must ask you to present some claim of your authority and the charges leveled against Halas here. Unless, of course, you should wish a Brelish regiment to block you from civilization until you can present such."

"Of course we have authority! Don't take us for bandits or assassins or something just because we're half-orcs! (...What is it with pretty rich boys always assuming the worst of us?...)" He mutters that last bit more to himself than anything else. "We are members of House Tharashk and have been hired out to bring him back."

The half-orc takes one hand off his battle axe and reaches behind him under his pack to retrieve a scroll.

"Here." He walks over to Sir Henry and hands him the scroll, all the time keeping most of his attention on Halas.

It does appear to be a legitimate bounty on one Halas Martain. Other details will need to come from LB if you want them though. Idk exactly what it would say.

Leader Half-Orc: [roll0]
Other 3 Half-Orcs:

My Sense Motive: [roll4]
Also, So... I would assume I have something like that?

Oko and Qailee
2014-12-18, 12:27 PM
Qailee, still mostly hiding behind Sir Henry whispers to him.
"I think there might be more hiding."

"Wh-what has Halas done?"

2014-12-18, 12:41 PM
I have done nothing, save for making some very powerful men lose money. They then used their power to have trumped-up charges brought against me.

Now, you can tell your dwarven bosses that THIS is what I think of their bounty!

Halas snatches the paper out of the half-orc's hands, rips it in half, and throws it to the ground.

Oko and Qailee
2014-12-18, 12:52 PM
"Halas! What are you doing?! You're going to get us all killed!

Caligstro Smith
2014-12-18, 01:28 PM
The half-orc's face tightens at Halas's words and actions.

"I'm afraid that is irrelevant. You have been charged, and we have been sent to retrieve you. If you are innocent, all the more reason to come agreeably with us. Why would an innocent man throw away his life," he nods at Sir Henry and Qailee, still his tone slightly lighter than it was for Halas, as he addresses them, "and likewise risk those of his allies, should they come to his aid, and threaten the men merely tasked with his capture? All that innocent life, at risk for nothing!" His words are tinged with a slightly sardonic, or perhaps contemptuous, tone, though it's difficult to tell which. At any rate, it's clear he at least has some doubts about Halas's claim.

"Your innocence will show you through, if the charges are false," He nods again at Sir Henry, "especially if you have powerful Brelish friends of your own that can turn the whole military of a country at their word. Please don't make this difficult for everyone involved here. Especially if your are innocent as that would make this whole situation all the more tragic.

Brelishman," he looks briefly for a third time at Sir Henry, "I could be wrong, but it might be he threw that little fit because he didn't want you to read that," gesturing at the two halves of the scroll on the ground, "but fortunately it is easy enough to hold two pieces of a paper together and read it."

Stannum (IV)
2014-12-18, 06:32 PM
Sir Henry bends to pick up the scroll.
"Halas has been of material importance in a matter concerning an ambassador's assassination, a criminal conspiracy, and a few other matters of arcane import which may well be declared state secrets. I must insist on his being allowed to testify before The Twelve and my superiors, as his expertise may be critical to understanding what occurred here. At the very least, such service should see him worth paroling, on any charge short of murder."

There's no bluff check here.Rolling forgery to authenticate the document: [roll0]
Incidentally, what are the charges?

2014-12-18, 06:38 PM
Halas is wanted on charges of Fraud, Grand Larceny, Unlawful Imprisonment, and Conspiracy to commit Murder.

Caligstro Smith
2014-12-19, 08:46 AM
"I'm not sure what it is that occurred here, but then I all the more hope that you will encourage Halas here to be reasonable, rather than throwing another fit. You can accompany us back to Graywall, our mission will be done, you can get the papers and authorization from your superiors to go over or around the courts there, and delay his trial until he has served as your witness. Everybody wins."

Oko and Qailee
2014-12-19, 12:15 PM
"That sounds reasonable enough..."

Stannum (IV)
2015-01-06, 01:39 PM
"Fine, then. You may accompany us, and keep an eye on Halas. After we reach Sharn, the issue may be handled through diplomatic channels, and you may depart for Graywall, or wait a short while to be informed by your employers that you needn't take the trouble."

Sir Henry says quieter, to Halas,
"If these charges are false, I promise you they will be overturned. If you did conspire to commit murder, you are still useful to us, and I will see that my country's diplomats are made aware. In any case, agreeing to this arrangement now is the easiest way to avoid any more ambushes by bounty hunters. Well, any more for this bounty at least."

Darn it, forgot to roll a diplomacy check.

2015-01-07, 11:35 AM
Halas reaches inside his cloak, but stops when he hears Sir Henry. He replies, also in a whisper:

If you think Breland can get me out of this mess, then I'll play long for now

Caligstro Smith
2015-01-11, 04:34 PM
"Very well then. As your destination is on the way to Graywall it makes sense. We shall all travel together then. We are ready to depart as soon as you have collected other dozen companions. We would also like to bind Halas against any deceit or escape he might attempt. We understand that he is a... resourceful man."

Leader: [roll0]
Bounty Hunter 1: [roll1]
Bounty Hunter 2: [roll2]
Bounty Hunter 3: [roll3]

2015-01-12, 09:06 AM
Some of the bounty hunters hear Halas whispering to the well-armored man, but none catch what exactly is being said. Presumably they are working out details of the surrender.

2015-01-12, 09:16 AM
Back inside...

Gamma, try to free yourself from this monster! Fight your way out!.

He thinks for a second, and adds:

Also, bring the shield, if you can.

The dog-like construct grabe the shield in its mouth and begins to struggle, fighting his way towards the side of the cube.

Gamma: [roll0]
Cube: [roll1]

2015-01-12, 07:39 PM
Curiosity rambles on for a moment or two under his breath to himself about sand, weights, and cages before shaking his head as if to scatter the thoughts from it.

He wonders for another moment about ooze surface tensions and the underpinnings behind the shape of their opponent, 'Could I maybe with enough? I'm sure even the Prisoner could avoid it while I shaped more sand... But would it work?'

Skitter take the last of my ropes and chains and weave a web-wall shape from them. Do it up high and off the ground floor.

Both IC and OOC Imma gonna try this last idea. Keeping out of the G. Cube's reach while reshaping all three doses of Shapesand Curiosity has on him into a chain net large enough to act as a barrier for the ooze's primitive senses. And if the G. Cube can/will instead move through the barrier then the metal dog and shield should be strained right out of it.

While Curiosity reshapes Shapesand Skitter will be making a similar shape with what's left of Curiosity's chains and ropes up off the floor as the floor level will be a mess of running from the ooze and leading it about for a while.

If the chain barrier works then we can herd the thing. If the strainer works then we've gotten what we came for and can return to catch the G. Cube at a later date. (It would make a heck of a waste disposal system for an airship fortress methinks. :smallwink:)

Can make three sets of Shapesand chain each sixty feet long. Do not remember how much rope I actually have left to send off with Skitter though. Might have expended all of it binding the Constructs. If that's the case Skitter can scavenge for binding material. Vines and string would even work as I just want the second net to use for herding. If the herding doesn't pan out then it'll be discarded.

Oko and Qailee
2015-01-12, 07:50 PM
Qailee lights up at a situation not exploding into violence.
"I'm sure Halas won't try anything, but I don't see the harm... other than the discomfort."

Caligstro Smith
2015-01-12, 08:12 PM
"He's an explorer, I'm sure he's used to rough living and is more than capable of dealing with a bit of discomfort. He might not like it too much, but our caution is obviously sensible in the circumstances, and as you say, it will do him no harm."

2015-01-13, 09:38 AM
A cube is 10' on a side. So a chain to go around it must be 40', plus some extra to attach it (depending on how you are planning on attaching it). So if you have 180' of chain, then you have enough to make 4 loops around the Cube. One in each direction, and an extra. If you have 3 loops around the cube, one in each direction, then only 1/8th of the cube is going to be between the chains at each corner, and I'm going to rule that 1/8th of its volume is too small a hole for the cube to amorphous itself (yes it's a verb now) out through.

Also, regardless of the cube's strength, it's pretty much delegated to pushing against things and roiling over them, not bursting out, so it won't be able to break through anyway. I will give it one strength check to try and break the rope/vines, though.

You started out with 100' of rope, so even in the beginning you didn't have enough to tie up a Cube. Considering how old this place is, he'll find enough vines.

EDIT: Also, it appears, to me, that the cube's acid only exists inside of it, not outside, so it can't dissolve the rope.

Curiosity and Skitter work together to do.....something. Curiosity taunts the monster into following him while he begins shaping sand into long chains. Meanwhile, Skitter is ignored by the creature while he starts collecting the many vines around the room and carrying them up one of the columns, tying them together into a large net.

I'm not entirely clear as to what you are planning on doing, so you can take it from here.

Oko and Qailee
2015-01-14, 07:47 PM
Qailee clasps her hands together and tries to make her best puppy face.
"Is that ok, Halas? I promise I'll make sure you don't get hurt."

Diplomacy: [roll0]

Qailee is trying to avoid confrontation and the orc has been more than reasonable. If Halas is guilty she does want justice done, but she's still wary of someone she doesn't know. So she's not lying that she's going to do her best to make sure that no one hurts him, especially since Halas is innocent until proven guilty.

Even if he's kinda a cocky buttface.

2015-01-15, 09:44 AM
Halas again considers his options. He wouldn't normally allow himself to be captured like this, but he has one ally pledging his safety and another attempting to get him clemency. He acquiesces, and holds his hands together, palms upward, awaiting the manacles.

Caligstro Smith
2015-01-16, 08:49 AM
"I am glad that we could resolve this so civilly, thank you, Halas. Thank you two, as well."

The half-orc reaches back behind him, hanging his great axe against his back and produces a pair of masterwork manacles and 50' of silk rope. He steps forward to Halas, and cuffs him before tying Halas's arms down to his side.

"I'm Darren Kad, by the way." Darren then glances over his shoulder at the three archers, who have still yet to lower their drawn bows. He says something in orcish, and while for those unfamiliar with the harsh guttural language it would be hard even to guess at his tone, one of them grunts in reply and all three relax their bowstrings, and return their arrows to their quivers.

Darren: "Give it a rest now you lot -- ain't no reason to threaten 'em when they workin' with us. Keep ready for tricks though."

Darren then calls out fairly loudly, "James, you can come on out now. Looks like your side wasn't needed this time."

Oko and Qailee
2015-01-16, 11:08 AM
Qailee comes out from partially hiding behind Sir Henry and gives a sincere curtsy to the Darren.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Qailee. Thank you for compromising with us."

2015-01-16, 11:23 AM
As everyone is discussing the matter at hand, a small mechanical spider emerges from the temple. It regards the various vines around the temple, but then notices the ropes binding Halas Martain. It climbs up his leg and begins untying the rope.

Caligstro Smith
2015-01-16, 11:28 AM
"You can't be doing that little guy. Halas here has agreed to be bound up during the trip back with us. Hey, is this one of yours?" Darren reaches over and picks up the little construct, holding it up in the direction of Sir Henry and Qailee as he asks this.

The three archers behind Darren, however, are clearly not so relaxed, and immediately draw their bows again, two aiming at the spider, and one at Halas.

Oko and Qailee
2015-01-16, 11:39 AM
Seeing the drawn bows, Qailee immediately jump behind Sir Henry again. Her voice comes out panicked.

"No! It's a friends he's probably just looking for rope and got confused!"

Caligstro Smith
2015-01-16, 11:45 AM
Seeing Qailee's reaction, Darren glances back over his shoulder, and then motions an open palm down toward the ground in the direction of the bowmen. They slowly lower their bows again and relax their strings, but do not replace their arrows or take their hands off the bowstrings yet.

Darren turns back to Sir Henry and Qailee, pausing a moment before addressing them, "... if you say so... Then here, you keep it in check." He tosses the small construct, underhanded, in Qailee's direction. "That rope isn't yours, little guy. And we're going to need you to stay away from Halas and that rope until we get back to Sharn."

Stannum (IV)
2015-01-16, 03:20 PM
"Well, we'd best head inside. I am Colonel Sir Henry ir'Narthen, of Breland, incidentally."

Oko and Qailee
2015-01-16, 03:23 PM
Qailee manages to catch Skitter.

"Oh, don't throw him! You could hurt him!"

Caligstro Smith
2015-01-16, 04:44 PM
"We would prefer to wait out here with Halas. However well things have gone so far, I believe it's a bit early to be quite so trusting. One of you could stay out here with him as well, to ensure we don't try take him away and back out of our end of the agreement either, if you like."

A new, deep, rough voice calls out from a little over a hundred feet away from behind some more rubble, "I'll follow them in. Make sure they don't plan anything, and I can handle the extra risk." As he says this, a fairly wild looking shifter with long tangled brown hair, dressed in very worn, patched explorer's clothes, seemingly unarmored and unarmed as any of his kind could ever be said to be, walks out into the open and begins to swiftly close with the rest of the group. As he reaches the group, he growls for a second at Halas, baring his teeth just slightly, and then steps past him to Sir Henry and Qailee. "James Howlett."

It's only after a few more seconds of standing motionless that he nods his head a bit at each of them, and stiffly offers his left hand out to Sir Henry, staring directly and unblinkingly into his eyes as he does so.

2015-01-21, 01:33 PM
The new arrival follows Sir Henry and Qailee inside. Once they re-enter the temple, Skitter escapes from Qailee and runs off looking for more vines.

What they see inside is...a very odd sight. Skitter has constructed the better part of what appears to be a ball of vines hanging from one of the columns, and Curiosity is running around the room dragging many feet of chains. A barely visible object, a large transparent cube containing a shield and a mechanical beast, seems to be chasing him around the room.

2015-01-25, 08:13 PM
As he rushes by avoiding the hungry cube Curiosity calls out, "Be with you in a moment! This will just take a minute! Sorry! Sorry!"

Feel free to act on my/Curiosity's plan however you wish from demanding an explanation to ruining it by killing the thing. I'm all for IC actions even when they don't match up with my character's IC goals.

Just thought I'd point that out.
You too littlebum, I'm sure Castor is about fed up with Curiosity not retrieving his metal dog. :smalleek:

Stannum (IV)
2015-01-25, 08:49 PM
Sir Henry appears entirely unprepared for this development.

Dungeoneering[roll0]30ft: +1 morale bonus to AC and to will saves
60ft: +1 to all saves, +6 to all INT-based checks
It's been so long since I wrote these out, I think I forgot one.

Caligstro Smith
2015-01-25, 09:24 PM
"You group seems... strange... You are all so different, and one of you is trying to capture a giant slime, and something of international importance happened here TOO? What is going on?"

2015-01-27, 11:03 AM
Sir Henry has never seen a creature like this before, but he has heard enough tales to know what it is. Many a traveler has told a tale of am invisible creature which swallows you then starts to digest you alive. They're not extremely deadly, but are very difficult to kill due to a lack of any internal organs, which means no weak spots. This probably explains why Curiosity is trying to capture it instead of kill it, which is now obviously becoming his intention as both his chain cage and his companion's vine cage begin to take shape.

"You group seems... strange... You are all so different, and one of you is trying to capture a giant slime, and something of international importance happened here TOO? What is going on?"

Castor replies to the shifter
Well, this Warforged fool over here cast an incantation which gave Dragonmarks to half the creatures in Eberron, as a well-intentioned but poorly thought out gesture.
And that Warforged fool over there is apparently trying to capture that ooze, although for what purpose I can't begin to guess. But once you learn how his mind works you'll see that's par for the course.

Oko and Qailee
2015-01-27, 02:25 PM
Irritated at Castors comment about Curiosity, Qailee complains at the Changeling.

"He's not a fool."

Before walking towards Curiosity, though she remains pretty far back from the ooze.

"What are you trying to do? Do...uh...you need help?

Her voice giving away that she would like to help, but doesn't want to get close to the ooze thing.

2015-01-27, 02:43 PM
Curiosity looks somewhat pained at Castor's comment but his confidence returns with Quailee's defense. Gesturing to Quailee with fistfulls of semi-solid shapesand twined about his fingers, "Ah! Ahah, yes I think I could."

Curiosity looks to the ceiling where Skitter works, "Skitter! Obey Quailee as you would me until this beast is bound." Back to Quailee, "It would seem that the bait Skitter has prepared won't be needed as such. Could you folk please replace whatever chains are binding the Prisoner's minions with vines and rope and hand the chains off to Skitter that my little friend might make a net with which to secure this gelatinous monster?"

In the time it takes him to call out his rather long winded request he's halfway back across the room. Seeing the looks of concern from his new position, "Not to worry, it will tire long before I do and one doubts the metal canine will come to too much harm in the meantime." Curiosity flashes a confident smile clearly enjoying the execution of one of his 'plans'. He doesn't seem to have noticed Halas' absence though he casts a confused gaze at the new person as he goes by.

IIRC Warforged can run practically forever and the Ooze cannot. Can't remember the details offhand though. I seem to remember us just discussing this back when we were deciding who would pedal our skycycle/rowboat.

Edit: Thanks Caligstro

Oko and Qailee
2015-01-27, 10:01 PM
Qailee makes her way about the room doing as Curiosity instructed, making sure to untie and retie each minion one at a time and keeping an eye on them throughout doing so.


Qailee catches Curiosities gaze at their new acquaintance.

"This is James Howlett, I'm sure he'll be pleased to meet you once your finished."

Caligstro Smith
2015-01-28, 12:29 AM
The wild-looking shifter just looks dubious and mutters quietly to himself under his breath, "I doubt that'll go much better here than ever before... but whatever." It's not quite clearto anyone who happens to overhear it which speaker he was responding to.

2015-01-29, 10:17 PM
Qailee unties ands reties each prisoner to the best of her ability (which,admitedly, is not very good) and gives the chain to Skitter. Between Skitter and Curiosity, they manage to create a "net" of two chains in either direction tied in a cross in the middle (like a tic tac toe board with long lines on the ends), and Curiosity still has enough shapesand-ed chain to connect the 4 ends when and if they can get the net around the ooze.

Caligstro Smith
2015-02-03, 01:33 PM
The shifter just stands a bit back near a wall and continues to observe the proceedings, still looking slightly confused.

2015-02-05, 03:38 AM
After some minutes Curiosity finishes the painstaking process of asserting his will over the shapesand. Casting about he sees the chain'net'wall is complete and claps his hands, sand chains coiled over his forearms. "Excellent! Now, to the experiment! Quailee, if you will please hang that chain net as if it were a wall along the path I've been leading this beast around. That way i can duck behind it and discover if the ooze will 'see' the chains as though they were a true wall. Once we have a means of detaining it, or at least herding it, retrieving our valuables, er, beloved ally will be simplicity itself."

"And could someone see if we can't find a metal pole with which to push or pull the metal dog free of this ooze please? I havn't found the time what with all the escaping."

If a warforged could beam with misplaced optimism Curiosity would be doing so.

a) Will the chain net contain the ooze? what should we roll to be able to tell?

b) is there a stone slab or metal door or something large enough that could be repurposed as a bottom for a sled?
the intention being to lure the ooze onto the "sled" and bind it to the sled by tying the net over it.

c) how exactly does retrieving things from the ooze work?
does someone have to dive in via joining the grapple and grapple themselves free?
could so many of us eventually overpower the oozes ability to hold onto stuff via group aid another skill checks?

Oko and Qailee
2015-02-05, 01:04 PM
Qailee does as Curiosity instructs once again while checking to see if a there is a pole or anything of the sort around.

Spot: [roll0]

2015-02-12, 11:19 AM
As Curiosity can run faster than the cube can...slide, and does not tire, he effortlessly makes his way around the room while finishing his chain net and looking for a suitable "floor". He can't find anything he thinks is suitable, until after his 5th or so trip around the room, he has an idea. Our inventive warforged friend lures the cube to the eastern side of the room, then quickly runs at full speed back to the western chamber where he successfully outsmarted Gunter Hegerin. The door to this chamber is barely hanging off its hinges, and Curiosity is able to wrest it off and lay it down, using his mind to attach the chains to one side as he does so.

But now he has a problem, how to keep the cube still while tying it up? He makes his way back to Castor, tells him of a plan, and they rush off back toward the door-turned-floor, the cube not far behind. Curiosity stands on the far side of the door-floor, tempting the cube, and once it makes its way onto the dloor, it is immediately flanked by Castor. It hesitates, unsure which foe to attack, which gives Curiosity just enough time to grab the chains and, using all his strength, throw the ends over the cube to Castor. Together, they use their collective willpower to attach the chains to the ends of the dloor while the cube struggles against them. While Castor knows that these cubes can usually squeeze through narrow openings, the fact that it is held on all sides by what it perceives to be steel must be overwhelming it, making it believe it is trapped!

As Curiosity mulls over how to get the dog and shield out, he feels someone tapping him on the shoulder. He turns around to find Qailee, who, despite her squeamish nature, felt obligated to help her determined friend enough to go picking through piles of ancient Giant bones and rusty weapons until she found a rusty, decrepit guisarme. Being sized for a troll, this weapon is about 15' long, but she dragged it using every ounce of her strength, pulled and dragged it across the floor until she finally reached Curiosity, dropping it on the floor behind her.

Qailee collapsed, sitting on the floor recovering her strength while Curiosity and Castor together penetrated the vile creature with the polearm. First, they stuck it in front of the iron guardian, who immediately bit into it and held on as it was dragged out of the cube and into the welcome arms of its owner. After Castor determined it was safe and not damaged from its time inside the cube, he again grabbed the guisarme with Curiosity. They again pierced the cube, and clipped the end of the shield, and after a few tries, pulled it free of the creature. When they pulled it free, they both examined their prize thoroughly. It was a very ornate shield, containing a bas-relief of what appeared to be a battle between elves and a dragon. Although great care was put into making this shield, it was not strictly ornamental, as it had many nicks and scratches from blocked blades from the gods only know how long ago, when its owner used it before being presumably digested by this awful creature. However, the edge of the shield has been dyed green, and has no such nicks or cuts on it at all. In fact, the green edge of the shield is as pristine as if it had been hammered out on the forge yesterday, leading the pair to believe it is the focus of a magical abdjuration on the shield, which unfortunately not powerful enough to save its previous owner.

Oko and Qailee
2015-02-12, 12:39 PM
Qailee takes a deep breathe and moves herself to somewhere where she can sit with her back leaned against a wall, taking a somewhat curled position with her arms crossed on top of her legs. Despite wanting to leave she didn't want to rush anyone, so she remains quiet while catching her breathe.

Caligstro Smith
2015-02-12, 01:43 PM
The strange shifter speaks for the first time since entering the ruins, "Are you lot going to keep that monster, now you've caught it? What do you even want with it? Anyway, are you all ready to go now? We have a bit of a journey ahead of us yet to reach Sharn, and it's been a long time tracking that guy down to begin with."

Stannum (IV)
2015-02-12, 11:57 PM
Sir Henry appears to have dozed off in a corner.

He hasn't gotten a proper night's sleep for days now.

2015-02-13, 11:08 AM
Curiosity stands before his success confounded but pleased. Rubbing his chin contemplatively he mutters, "Thought for sure it would move right on through the chains sieving out the solid masses of dog and shield."
He claps his hands together with excitement and adds to Quailee and Castor, "Thank you both for all your help! I thought I could take care of this but as usual many hands made much lighter work. At least no one was hurt in the attempt."
Scooping up Skitter he adds, "And thank you little one. We couldn't have done this without your tying expertise." He gives the little mechanical spider an affectionate tap, deactivating it before returning it to the void in his hand.

Unintentionally ignoring the newcomer Curiosity's attention is promptly consumed with explaining his plan to move the creature and take it back with them. Though he keeps adding, "...if possible.", to the end of his suggestions it is clear that he fully intends to do whatever he must to retrieve the ooze and return with it in tow.

After much muttering, and comparing of notes with Castor, Curiosity concludes with a silent sighing motion that dragging the ooze through the jungle would be too difficult for those assembled. He laughs and adds, "Well it would be easier if, say, there were half a dozen or more people willing to lend a hand dragging this thing, if possible. With enough extra hands we could even get it to a clearing where the Golden Dragon could collect it for us, if possible."

Oko and Qailee
2015-02-13, 11:34 AM
"Wouldn't bringing an ooze onto the ship be dangerous?"

2015-02-13, 12:02 PM
"Any more so than bringing the Prisoner or his menagerie? Or Halas?"

Oko and Qailee
2015-02-13, 12:11 PM
"I-... guess not. But we can't leave the warforged here and Halas hasn't hurt anyone on the Golden Dragon as far as you know right?"

2015-02-18, 12:49 PM
Curiosity stares intently at the ceiling in contemplation, "With the crew's help and a little time I'm sure we could force our gelatinous treasure into the Golden Dragon's vault or even suspend it from some chain rigging below the ship for the journey."
"More time than that and we could even fabricate a stone box from the materials to hand...", he pats a temple wall affectionately, "...which might be a good idea if the delivery of the Prisoner wasn't so time sensitive."

Curiosity does what he can to really secure the cube. He also asks Castor to either fetch their ferryman from the clifftop via metal manticore or allow someone else to do so.
His current plan for the transport of cube, Prisoner, and the Prisoner's menagerie is to have the Golden Dragon meet them here at the temple. Especially as there are more bodies than they have space for in the skiffs, or so he suspects.

Barring that, he still would prefer if a larger cargo skiff could be brought to fetch his gelatinous prize, but he admits that getting the Prisoner where they need to be takes priority so far as the Golden Dragon's movements are concerned.

If it's faster to send a skiff to the airship then have the airship come and get us then that is the plan.
If it is not faster then we load necessary personnel onto the skiffs and take the Prisoner where they need to be straight away.

TLDR: The plot train airship takes priority; I am more than willing to move the game right along leaving the ooze here to be fetched offscreen or fetching it ourselves later.

2015-02-24, 07:35 PM
Castor agrees with Curiosity's plan, and hops on his manticore and flies out of the large door, out and up into the night sky. However, it is a long trip back down and around the mountain, so he will probably be gone at least a quarter of an hour before he and the guards left behind return with the two skiffs.

The only other door Curiosity sees is the one on the opposite side of the chamber. The entrance leading to the chamber at the end of the hallway, now that the illusion covering it has dissipated, has no doors blocking the view into the warforged's improvised chamber. And, as Curiosity conjures up the image of the skiffs from memory, he realized the cube won't even manage to fit on one, regardless of whether or not it could carry its weight. And dragging it through the jungle probably isn't a valid solution, since the trees are packed far too tightly together to find a path big enough for the cube to pass between them.

2015-02-26, 01:42 PM
It's not until he's left that Curiosity remembers all of the magic items he was hoping to ask the changeling to examine for him.
Looking over at Sir Henry's sleeping form he exhausts the warforged equivalent of a sigh from his cooling tubes and asks the others, "Does anyone else have the means by which we could assess the magical properties of some trinkets I've collected? The persons I was going to ask would appear to be indisposed at the moment."

If no one can assist him Curiosity simply waits for the skiffs and tries to determine through discussion with Quailee if they'll have to bring the Golden Dragon to the temple just to collect their non-ooze passengers. Especially considering the Prisoner's menagerie.

Stannum (IV)
2015-03-04, 10:58 AM
Sir Henry flinches slightly in his sleep, and his right hand unclenches, dropping a monocle to to the floor.
Another 7.5 hours of sleep before I have detect magic to use it with. Have at it.

2015-03-10, 05:54 PM
Curiosity realized that his new prize is just too unwieldy to bring onto a skiff, and thus reluctantly leaves it behind as he heads toward the temple's front entrance. He does, however, tie the chain around the nearest column so the cube will be unable to escape. He wakes up Sir Henry, and when doing so notices Sir Henry's monocle, and after asking, is allowed to borrow it to examine his new wares.

The group gathers their belongings and prisoners, and, exhausted, exit the temple.

Thus begins
The Saga of the Golden Dragon (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?402970-Saga-of-the-Golden-Dragon&p=18938939#post18938939)

Oko and Qailee
2015-03-10, 06:09 PM
As they walk out Qailee hugs Curiosities arm and sincerely apologizes.
"I'm sorry you didn't get to keep the ooze thing..."

She gives a sigh before continuing.
"I'm happy we're heading back though."