View Full Version : story help

2013-09-10, 08:44 PM
I started a level 10 pathfinder side campaign for some of my players who are more available while keeping the "main" campaign for the my entire group can meet.

They are an evil group

11 Anti-paladin
11 Wizard (was a demoniac, but wasn't feeling it so i let him swap back into full wiz
11 Nina
11 Ranger (just joined the evil organization)

They have been trying to take over the city of Jamarfatoupe. (they wanted to name it, so i let them) So far they control about 10 sq miles of a massive trade city with their thieves guild.

They took out the power structure and absorbed a group near their territory. This group was lead by a small coven of vampires who were dealing with devil's to increase their influence. After that I wanted to have a little fun with the characters so i had a mysterious man appear and offer the Deck of Many things. Most of them are newish so i wanted to show them some of the fun/random things in the game. I know it can sometimes mess with the campaign, but this one went surprisingly well. All three drew three cards.

The Anti-paladin got Fire immunity and cold Vuln, a title(which i haven't given him yet)+15k and something else I can't remember right now.

The Ninja got Gender swapped, an uneering teleport+500lbs of goods, and a curse on him armor.

The Wiz got the enmity of an outsider, +10 cmb which destroys a nearby metal object, and was disintegrated into a soulg em worth 2500xlvl, in that order. (he was quickly resurrected, but not before his Quasit tried to destroy the gem)

And now I'm at a loss. I don't know where to go from here to keep it interesting. I can see by how they were acting that they will just try to conquer the underground piece by piece until It's all theirs and that can become monotonous for me and them after the third. How can I A.) Make this more interesting for myself and them, B.) Get them to take it over faster, and/or C.) Have them not take it over without it invalidating all they've done. I'm open to other ideas I'm just at a loss at the moment.

2013-09-10, 08:58 PM
Throw some opposition their way maybe? Perhaps a rival group wants to muscle into their territory? Perhaps some good aligned group comes to investigate what has been going on. If they've taken out the rulers of the city it means a power vacuum.

You could have them find a lost dungeon to explore maybe?

2013-09-11, 01:45 AM
I like the lost dungeon idea because it gets them out of the city and into the wild. if you dont want some secret dungeon in the city, have them do a quest so they have to leave the town to find an item in a nearby cave.

Also if you want to pad their ego's a bit, have an outsider notice their doings and either align with them, with a rival evil group, or with a good aligned group to thwart them. It will give them a look at inter-dimensional travel and you can make it stupid powerful, so they cant beat it, and have to outwit it.