View Full Version : The Best Alchemical Items For Your Pathfinder Party!

2013-09-11, 12:20 PM
Alchemical items straddle a weird, gray area in most campaigns. At lower levels they're an expensive one-shot that gets hung onto long past the point of usefulness. At higher levels they're ignored because of the increased benefits of magic. However, for the savvy players who know that every +2 counts, stacking an alchemical bonus on top of everything else is a great way to stay one step ahead of the DM. Here are some of the best items you can have to hand to even the odds, no matter who or what you're fighting.

Better Adventuring Through Alchemy! (http://voices.yahoo.com/the-best-alchemical-items-pathfinder-party-12309177.html?cat=2)