View Full Version : [IC] Red Hand of Doom (Autopsibiofeeder)

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2013-09-11, 01:20 PM
The Red Hand of Doom

Clearing out that haunted burial site was harder than it seemed at first.
Many days of literally chasing shadows. Stomping zombies. The vile rot, the
haunting echoes, the oozing flesh...two weeks later you can still smell, hear
and feel it. The best was of course kept for last. What did the sage call
it....a Mohrg? Defeating that abomination was truly a phenomenal effort in
team work. You look around and see your trusted team mates striding
alongside you. Hopefully this map lives up to its promise of treasure...

You have been traveling for twelve days now to and through the land called Elsir Vale. After crossing a large mountain range, the weather changed from comfortably warm and somewhat moist to punishingly hot and dry. The lush forests have given way to dry grasslands with scrubs and sparse woodlands. At the sparse streams and lakes you encounter you keep filling up your waterskins, as water consumption is almost double of what you are used to. Dust rises with every step and no matter what you try or do, your noses, eyes, food and bedrolls are always filled with the stuff.

It is getting better, though. Since this morning, you have been slowly descending into what appears to be a valley. Slowly, you notice the air is a bit less dry. Just a bit, though, and it is still searing hot. In the distance you can see a relatively dense and green woodland with what seems small lakes or swamps interspersed. Perhaps this is the Witchwood, where this so-called Vraath Keep is supposed to be? At the border of that forest you can see a small town. Probably Drellin's Ferry...it looks to be two or three hours more of travel before you can find an inn, fresh ale and a good bed. Dust-free even. Hopefully. You exchange a much revealing grin as you all seem to think the same and increase the pace in anticipation of what lies ahead.

One hour further, the town cannot be far, the road crests a small rise and descends into a dusty grove in a large shallow dell. An abandoned farmhouse, partially visible through the trees, stands on one side of the road. You've passed a dozen spots like this one already today, but this one feels wrong. Then you glimpse the glint of mail through the brush by the side of the road. Fierce warriors...tall, hairy humanoids with wide mouths and flat faces are lying in wait! You are sure they have noticed you, but it appears you have the initiative!

Map (https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B3cCkJpKBtmpV3czUzM1SXZJc2c/edit?usp=sharing)

Knowledge local DC 10:

2013-09-11, 02:09 PM
Jorrask was walking along on 2 legs this time, he had recently come back from a long run in his other form, one that he enjoyed, but he wouldn't take away from his other forms either, he felt them to be kindred spirits that shared the same body, his body, and they all deserved his respect and equal time.

That is, thats what he thought today, other days it would be different.

He was currently talking to Vega on the woes of arcane magic and the larger consequences it has upon the natural world, words the whole group had heard before, many times.

"But you must know, magic is not a natural part of the worlds order of things, it bends and breaks what it cannot manipulate, changing the nature of nature itself! It must be vile, for if is not natural, what is it?"

He stops short, seeing the faces and the glint of steeled mail in the bushes Jorrask blinks and smiles, whispering he says "Ah, it would seem we are being waited on!"

He starts summoning a creature from the Wildlands, Ehlonnas graceful messenger, one hand grasping the holy symbol at his throat, the other weaving the incantation through the air, leaving an ashy trail of smoke that rises and dissipates into the air above him.

Full round action to cast Summon Natures ally II (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/summonNaturesAllyII.htm)
Unless I change my mind, will be summoning a Hippogriff at square 9E, will roll attacks and stuff at the top of next round.

Size/Type: Large Magical Beast
Hit Dice: 3d10+18 (34 hp)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 50 ft. (10 squares), fly 100 ft. (average)
Armor Class: 15 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +4 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 13
Base Attack/Grapple: +3/+11
Attack: Claw +11 melee (1d4+6)
Full Attack: 2 claws +11 melee (1d4+6) and bite +6 melee (1d8+3)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: —
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent
Saves: Fort +8, Ref +5, Will +2
Abilities: Str 22, Dex 15, Con 20, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 8
Skills: Listen +4, Spot +8
Feats: Dodge, Wingover

2013-09-11, 05:03 PM
Nathan is walking beside his horse, whom he calls Saren, leading both the horse and his mule, Tom, whose lead is tied to Saren's saddle. Sweat mats his short black hair to his forehead from the heat of the day and the effort of walking in full armor. He has his greatsword drawn, his right hand on the hilt while the blade rests on his shoulder.

He spends most of his time while walking observing the road carefully, but when Jorrask starts in on the impure nature of arcane magic for the umpteenth time, he gives a rueful shake and a small smile in the direction of the druid.

"Jarrosk," he begins in what was likely to be a protest at the topic, but he stops short at the glimpse of mail through the bushes. "Ambush! To arms!" he shouts, letting go of Saren's reins; the trained warhorse immediately stops moving.

Nate sprints towards the nearest of the creatures and swings his greatsword down viciously at the foe, as he attempts to cleave him from head to toe in a single stroke.

Knowledge (local): [roll0]

I charge to C8 attacking the hobgoblin at C9, and use Power Attack for 3; my damage is 2d6+15 with a +10 attack bonus.
Attack roll: [roll1]
Damage (if hit): [roll2]

Current HP: 42/42
AC: 17 (-2 from charge)

2013-09-11, 06:04 PM
The heat hadn't bothered the party much - Vega saw to that. The dust did, though.

"Arcane? Divine?" He shrugged. "Academic at best. I daresay you agree." He grinned suddenly. "You've yet to turn down the spell that's been keeping us all cool."

Nathan began "Jarosk-" then broke off: "Ambush! To arms!"

As the hardened, heavily-armored warrior charged forward and Jorask began the mutterings of a summoning, Vega rolled his eyes.

"Why is it always 'fight first, ask later?' They could be on a bloody picnic." He sighed, then heaved a deep breath, sprinting forward ...

... And vomited forth a line of fire at the two nearest hobs!

The invocation referred to is Endure Elements (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/endureElements.htm) - something all party members will have cast every morning. The invocation, in addition to the basic effect, renders party members immune to Vega's breath. Since we've been together a while now, I expect that is standard operating procedure, as long as everyone else is cool with it!

Moving to B7 and breathing an Entangling Exhalation on the two hobs in a 30 ft. line. I believe 30 ft. of speed will get me there.

Damage is [roll]4d6/2[roll].
DC 17 Reflex save for 1/2 damage.
Targets are entangled if they take even 1 point of damage.
Entangle lasts [roll0] rounds.
Each round they are entangled, the hobs take 1d6 fire damage, starting next round.

Tally HOOO!

2013-09-11, 06:12 PM
That last roll for damage didn't work - apologies. Divide the result of this roll by 2, please!


2013-09-11, 07:00 PM
Galadren also walks down the road, leading his horse Legend by the reins with one hand, his intricately rune coated bow dangling lightly in his other hand. Since they were in no particular hurry, Galadren liked walking, as it gave him a chance to occasionally pause and examine a half-obscured footprint left in the road's dust. He liked making up stories for those footprints, too faded now to ever possibly track - this one a hero returning from battle, the other a traveler waylaid by bandits and narrowly escaping with his life.

But then something catches his eye - just the barest hint of a trail crossing the road, leading into the trees off to their left. Somewhat fresh too . . . somewhat familiar.

Knowledge Local: [roll0]

Galadren's eyes snap up to the treeline just in time to catch the glint of metal along with the rest of his companions.

"It's not a terribly good ambush. Still, they get points for trying!"

Galadren yells back as he whirls away from his horse, bringing his longbow up to his shoulder and firing off two arrows at the shape off to his left in the blink of an eye.

Initiative (in case it matters): [roll1]


Free: 5' Step to E5.
Full-Round Action: Rapid Shot on H in K4. Dunno if he's obscured or not, but I'll add sneak attack anyway. He should be within 30', and Flat-footed regardless.

1st Shot (Power Attacking for 4): [roll2]
Damage: [1d8+8] (+4 PA, +2 Ranger, +1 Magic, +1 Point-Blank)
Sneak Attack: [2d6]

2nd Shot (Power Attacking for 4): [roll3]
Damage: [1d8+8] (+4 PA, +2 Ranger, +1 Magic, +1 Point-Blank)
Sneak Attack: [2d6]

2013-09-12, 07:58 AM
Swiftly, and by now perhaps even routinely, the team jumps to action. As the druid starts chanting his summoning hymn, a soothing sound since it means reinforcements are on the way, Nate runs over to the nearest Hobgoblin. The terrain is difficult to negotiate: a small gully separates the rise of the road from the forest, which in itself is full of undergrowth. Despite his heavy armor, the warrior makes it over, but not with enough momentum to augment his attacks. Still, the hobgoblin receives more than enough punishment for whatever it has done wrong in its life: He drops his bow as well as the arm that was holding it as Nate drives his blade deep into and straight through its upper torso.

Vega had moved behind Nate and provides the hobgoblin with the world's swiftest cremation. The roaring jet of flames consumes its collapsing body and speeds for the other hobgoblin, a few feet further on. This second foe lets out a scream of agony as it curses in its own tongue: "Oh, god, het Braaandt"*. His equipment catches fire and Nate, who is closest to him can smell the burn of flesh and see the look of disbelief on the hobgoblin's face as it notices how the paladin stands in the flames unharmed. The hobgoblin bends over to, what it looks like, pray, but we'll never know. An arrow coming from the road side pierces his neck and slays it. On the road, Galadren looks happy with himself. His first arrow aimed at the left side of the road (K4) surprised his target and landed between the eyes. Thinking swiftly, he used his second attack to finish off what Vega started.

*Speak goblin:
*My god it buuuurns!

Before you can even start being happy about yourselves, you notice there were several more creatures in hiding, and it is their time to strike! Extremely well hidden were two brown to auburn furred wolf or hound like creatures that now crouch from under the undergrowth. One of them stalks towards Vega, and the other towards Jorrask. You notice a supernatural cunning in the eyes of these creatures, and perhaps something that can be described as malice. They both open their jaws and produce a cone of fire that engulf Jorrask, Nate and Vega. In the bushes, further down the road, three hobgoblins stand with drawn bows and shoot at you. Galadren manages to dodge an arrow, and Nate finds one landing at his feet. Jorrask, however, finds one of the arrows penetrating his shoulder deeply!

Knowledge (the planes) DC14:
Hell hounds. They have a breath weapon.
They are immune to fire and vulnerable to cold.

Nate and Vega:
Reflex save DC13. Fail is 11 fire damage, pass is 5 fire damage.

Reflex save DC13. Fail is 7 fire damage, pass is 3 fire damage. You also take 9 damage from the arrow. This means in order to complete your spell, you will have to pass a concentration check of DC14+half the fire damage you'll get (DC17 or DC15)

You are all up! New map (https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B3cCkJpKBtmpY2Nqek5hM3phS00/edit?usp=sharing)

2013-09-12, 08:05 AM
Vega heaves his shield - today, bearing a black field with a golden dragon rampant - in front of him, trying gamely to shelter behind Nathan's armored bulk.

Reflex save:[roll0]

He curses under his breath as he does. "Nothing more bothersome than having someone steal your thunder - as if breathing fire were an everyday talent. Bah!"

2013-09-12, 08:07 AM
Initiative Check:Wasn't mentioned, but it seemed necessary, so ...

2013-09-12, 08:12 AM
Looking leery of the fire-breathing hound that has erupted from the undergrowth, and blacked slightly with soot from the blast, Vega steps back.

"Bet you can't do THIS, then!"

A cloud of bluish gas envelops a 15 foot cone, bathing the hound.

The effect is Slow (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/slow.htm), Fort Save DC 17. Successful Save means 1 round of Slow; unsuccessful means 2 rounds.

EDIT: No entangle on the Slow breath! My mistake!

2013-09-12, 08:15 AM
Sorry for the multi-posts - this is actually my very FIRST PbP! I'll keep it short in the future - apologies!

I didn't clarify my 5 ft. step - I was moving back to C6.

2013-09-12, 09:48 AM
Nathan mutters an oath to St Cuthbert as he tries to duck out of the way of the hound's fiery breath.

Reflex: [roll0]
:smalleek: Natural 1, ouch.

"Not every day your talent is duplicated, huh?" Nate tells Vega with a grimace as he moves through the brush to engage the fire-breathing dog-like creature.

He stares down at it with malice, and his blade cuts through the air with all of his might. "Return from whence you came, foul thing!" he snarls.

Moving to B6, attacking the hell hound on A6 with full Power Attack as well as using Smite Evil. Assuming it is Evil, +8 to hit, 2d6+20 damage. If it isn't, +6 and 2d6+19.
Attack: [roll1]
Damage (if hit): [roll2]

Current HP: 31/42
AC: 19

2013-09-12, 11:34 AM
Jorrask moves through his incantation as combat blows up around him, he managed to avoid the worst of the fire damage from the unnatural dogs of some mages plaything, but couldn't hold the ritual when the arrow shaft thudded into his shoulder, the pain he could handle, he had done that before, and by Ehlonnas blessings, he would heal. But the calling ritual was almost complete, he could see the creature!

But it faded almost instantly, with a sigh and an angry grimace he took a step back and raised his arms up, releasing a column of ice from the ground attempting to launch the dog-thing into the air.

Summoning failed
Free action: 5.ft to D3
Standard action: Cast Column of Ice (http://dndtools.eu/spells/frostburn--68/column-of-ice--1236/) on A1, 25 ft tall. (10 ft burst (http://dndcounters.tripod.com/10.jpg), so it will get the hellhound) DC 19 Ref negates

Jorrask (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=653505)
M LN Human Druid (Shapeshifter), Level 5, Init +2, HP 19/31, Speed 20/40/40(good)
AC 20, Touch 12, Flat-footed 18, Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +7, Base Attack Bonus 3
Quarterstaff +5 (1d6+2, x2)
Predator Form Bite [+1] +8 (1d6+7, x2)
Aerial Form Talon [+1] +7 (1d6+5, x2)
+1 Green Dragonhide Breastplate (+8 Armor, +2 Dex)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 10

2013-09-12, 05:59 PM
As the hobgoblin's reinforcements appears from the undergrowth, Galadren grunts in begrudging respect.

"Okay, so this wasn't as poor of an ambush as I first thought."

Even as the words come out of his mouth, an arrow comes whistling out of the forest, forcing Galadren to duck out of its path just in time. As he comes back up, Galadren fires two arrows back along the arrow's path, seeking out the next nearest hobgoblin to him. With any luck, his companions would be able to handle these dog-things while he dealt with the hobgoblins personally.


Free: 5' Step to F5
Full-Round Action: Rapid Shot vs Hobgoblin in J1

1st Shot
To-Hit (Power Attack 4): [roll0] +1 Point-Blank
Damage: [roll1] (+2 Ranger, +4 PA, +1 Magic, +1 Point-Blank)

2nd Shot
To-Hit (Power Attack 4): [roll2] +1 Point-Blank
Damage: [roll3] (+2 Ranger, +4 PA, +1 Magic, +1 Point-Blank)

2013-09-13, 02:22 AM
The subtle and slow of summoning had backfired, so our druid resorts to more evocative magic. A huge column of ice forms within a split second, threatening to lift up the hound far from the ground. Unfortunately, the hound possesses not only the shape, but also the reflexes of the animals Jorrask is so familiar with. It avoids the frozen pillar and stalks towards the druid, growling viciously, and leaps at Jorrask's neck to bite him.

I am so sorry. I roll bad all over the place, but vs you I am rolling magnificently. The hound saves (23) and bites you (hits AC21, 2 damage plus 3 fire damage). Luckily my damage rolls have been low so far...

Nate tries to split the hound that's hounding him and Vega in two, just like he did to the Hobgoblin. However, he puts too much force behind the blow and the lack of accuracy shows as the powerful strike misses. Vega breathes his disruptive slowing gas at the hound and by the looks of it, it is affected by the fumes. Slowly, but steadily, it tries to retaliate and bite Vega, but the dragonkin dodges the blow with ease. Galadren is on a roll: While the second arrow misses, the first one hits the target in the chest and the Hobgoblin topples forward immediately after. The two remaining Hobgoblins have their arrows now aimed at the Elf, who finds himself an easy target alone in the middle of the road. Luckily, their aim is not that well and Galadren sees them coming and ducks out of the way with ease.

While you are doing well, your foes are now dropping at a slower rate. Moreover, it looks like your druid and lifeline is by now seriously wounded!

Round 3: Everyone is up!

NEW MAP (https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B3cCkJpKBtmpa2owT19aUGpMNlE/edit?usp=sharing)

2013-09-13, 05:33 AM
Another pair of arrows fly at Galadren, and again the nimble elf steps out of the path of the one just in the nick of time. The other thuds uselessly into the road about two feet off to Galadren's right. Emboldened, Galadren shouts something at the two remaining hobgoblin archers, his tone dripping with contempt.

"Kom op, stop met proberen me te slaan en sloeg me!"


Come on, stop trying to hit me and hit me!

Glancing back over his shoulder, however, Galadren sees a sight that makes him mutter an elven curse under his breath - Jorrask about to be done in by a dog!

"Jorrask, what are you doing my friend!? We're supposed to be saving damsels in distress, not becoming them!"

Galadren grumbles as he shoots two arrows behind him, aiming for the dog on the far side of his friend. Unlike with the hobgoblins, this time Galadren pauses to aim.


Full Round Action: Rapid Shot (No Power Attack, Full Cover from Jorrask -4, Precise Shot cancels penalty for shooting into melee)

1st Shot
To-Hit: [roll0] (+1 Point-Blank)
Damage: [roll1] (+1 Magic, +1 Point-Blank)

2nd Shot (No Power Attack, Full Cover from Jorrask -4, Point-Blank +1)
To-Hit: [roll2] (+1 Point-Blank)
Damage: [roll3] (+1 Magic, +1 Point-Blank)

2013-09-13, 08:37 AM
"Down boy. Sit. Stay!"

Vega curses. "Well, here's our chance to see what arcane magic is worth to you, Jorask!"

Stepping behind Nathan, he offers the hound a vulnerable side as he steps up to the wounded Druid. "Get behind me, man!"

Moving to D4, taking an AoO from the hound. In game request is for Jorask to use the Withdraw action!

"... As for you ..." he turns to the hellhound, once more grinning, as he takes a deep breath.


Breathing slow. Fort save DC 17 or Slowed for 2 rounds; success means slowed for one.

IMPORTANT NOTE: All allies under 1/2 HP gain fast healing 1 within 30 ft. of me!

2013-09-13, 11:22 AM
Jorrask watches as the hound easily manages to avoid his spell, the jutting spar of ice glistening in the sun as useless now as it was moments ago. He grimaces again, as the creature bites him, he wasn't liking this, he must have done something to offend the spirits, for they were not with him now...

Hearing Vega, he sighs and gives in "Of course my friend" he says giving up to the tempo of his allies, as there fortune was of a different matter.

He moved behind his friend with all haste.

Fullround action: withdraw to D5
Jorrask (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=653505)
M LN Human Druid (Shapeshifter), Level 5, Init +2, HP 14/31, Speed 20/40/40(good)
AC 20, Touch 12, Flat-footed 18, Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +7, Base Attack Bonus 3
Quarterstaff +5 (1d6+2, x2)
Predator Form Bite [+1] +8 (1d6+7, x2)
Aerial Form Talon [+1] +7 (1d6+5, x2)
+1 Green Dragonhide Breastplate (+8 Armor, +2 Dex)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 10

2013-09-13, 12:46 PM
Nathan takes a deep breath, calming himself down.

He takes a more measured swipe at the hound, after a quick glance in Jorrask's direction.

Power Attack for 3; +8 to hit, 2d6+15 damage.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage (if hit): [roll1]

Current HP: 31/42
AC: 19

2013-09-13, 01:16 PM
Vega moves over to Jorrask to provide him with a safe retreat, an offer which the druid does not reject. The hound tries to profit from Vega's lapse in defense, but aside from the snap of jaws biting air there are no consequences of his move. Once he arrives, he unleashes yet another pulse of slowing gas, this time affecting the other hound.

I need you to roll a will save DC14 versus a mind affecting compulsion paralysis effect (Hold person). If you fail, you won't be able to act next round.

Nate takes a deep breath and swings at the hound again with renewed focus. This time he is more successful. The dog yelps loudly as his sword carves deeply into his hind leg and abdomen. With the posture well known for a beaten dog, the creature decides he does not want to die for whatever reason he was here. Limping, he tries to run off westwards into the woods.

Make an AoO vs the hound (if you want).

Both hobgoblin archers try to shoot Nate, but again they fail miserably.

Galadren aims his arrows at the hound threatening Jorrask this time, and he aims true. Both arrows land in the beasts' flank, though not as deeply as the arrows penetrated the hobgoblins. Right after, the elf hears (and others can see) a new goblin enter the battle, coming from the direction of the abandoned farmhouse. "Raaaaaaawr!" Looking a far more serious physical threat than the other hobgoblins, his muscles almost burst out of his leather armor. He is wielding two short swords and charges Galadren with one of them. Forunately for the elf, the charge seems to have knocked most of the air out of him, as he totally misses his target.

New map (https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B3cCkJpKBtmpdDFmdnRsZi1XQU0/edit?usp=sharing)

Round 4: Everyone is up!


Fort: [roll0]
AoO on Vega: [roll1], [roll2], [roll3]

Hobgoblin 1 at N: [roll4], [roll5]
Hobgoblin 2 at N: [roll6], [roll7]

BB at G: [roll8], [roll9]

2013-09-13, 03:05 PM
Reacting quickly when the dog turns to flee, Nathan makes another strike at the creature. Letting it run now would only mean more innocents hurt in the future.

Taking advantage of the AoO; same to-hit and damage as before.
Attack of Opportunity: [roll0]
Damage (if hit): [roll1]

When he hears the roar, his attention is diverted immediately, however. Seeing the far more physically fit opponent tearing down on Galadren, the paladin rushes forward to meet them.

"Hey ugly, dance with me!" he yells at the strong hobgoblin, as his sword arcs straight for the goblinoid's upper torso.

Charging if possible. Otherwise, I just move to F6. Full Power Attack. +6 to hit (+8 if charging); 2d6+19 damage.
Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

Current HP: 31/42
AC: 19 (17 if charging)

2013-09-13, 03:15 PM
Jarrusk is determined to be of some help in this little dance, so staying put, he hopes he can finish this spell...

He begins casting a Summon Natures ally III with his holy symbol.

2013-09-13, 04:24 PM
Rolling Will Save:

2013-09-13, 04:26 PM
Vega stops, suddenly, a blank look in his eyes ...

2013-09-13, 09:27 PM
His back turned towards the farmhouse as he was shooting at the hound nibbing on Jorrask, Galadren doesn't realize he was in danger until it was almost too late. But with the massive hobgoblin giving a helpful roar to alert Galadren to his presence, the elf's attention snaps to this new threat just in time to twist aside as the hobgoblin's blade cleaves nothing but the air. The force of the missed blow leaves the hobgoblin off-balance, and Galadren is disappointed that he is unable to take advantage of that misstep. But as much as he loved the human stories of knights in shining armor, riding out to meet evil sword in hand, Galadren lacked the physique for that sort of thing.

Fortunately, Nate was more than enough of a knight for the two of them, and Galadren cheered as he came crashing in to join the melee.

"Yeah! Kick his ass Nate!"

Galadren shouted as he backpedaled away from the two melee combatants, getting enough distance to twist and send a pair of arrows shooting off into the forest, seeking the fleeing fire-breathing dog. While it may not be a threat to them, once the beast had caught its breath it would be looking for new victims who might not be prepared to deal with a fire-breathing dog.


(Yeah, not the most efficient use of my turn perhaps, but I really want to make sure we don't get any runners going off to go alert even more of these guys. That dog's bound to bite us in the ass - literally - sooner or later if it gets away. Going to assume the dog is too far away for Point-Blank Shot.)

Free: 5' step back to E4
Full-Round Action: Rapid Shot vs. the fleeing Hound. Redirecting the second shot to the other hound if the first shot kills the fleeing Hound. (Power Attack 2).

1st Shot:
To-Hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] (+1 Magic, +2 PA)

2nd Shot (Power Attack 2):
To-Hit: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3] (+1 Magic, +2 PA)

2013-09-14, 05:11 AM
Jorrask's bad luck has ended: He manages to complete his summoning spell without further disruption. However, his bad luck may have rubbed off on Vega, who finds himself paralyzed, unable to move. Being unable to control ones own body is an agonizing and disturbing experience, and the dragonkin tries to fight the compulsion.

Success! Let me know where you summoned what, and it can also act this round.

You are being held by Hold person. You can take a full-round action to fight off the compulsion (i.e. make a new save), if you pass it (DC14), you can act again next round.

The wolf-like creature Nate had almost killed runs with all its defenses down, making it easy for the paladin to kill it off. He then runs towards Galadren to face the hobgoblin champion. Again, charging is not possible, but Nate makes it over there. Sadly, his blow is blocked by the champion's armor. It growls and taunts you as it is happy to see the elf retreat: What? You dare to fight me? It seems this one speaks common.

Galadren takes a step back and chooses to shoot the fleeing hound, but he finds the beast already downed by Nate. Therefore, both his shots are at the other hound, who now has a nice row of four arrows sticking in its flank. It puffs a small lick of flame and some smoke before its legs give in and drops dead.

Whether this was planned or not, the whole crew is now conveniently hidden behind Nate, who is facing off with the hobgoblin champion. The archers are still trying to pierce the paladin's defenses, but again to no avail. The champion, though, weaves his two short blades with precision, indicating thorough training. While an obviously evil monster, Nate will have to admit he is likely meeting a martial equal here. Nate dodges a strike with one short sword, but is then overcome by a second strike, which follows swiftly and pierces his armor.

One attack hits (AC27), and deals 11 damage. This guy means business.

Four hobgoblins and two hounds down, with Vega (temporarily) out of commission and Jorrask still wounded. It feels like you are just on the winning side, but then you all notice that down the road another troop of six hobgoblins is charging in. They will arrive here next round! This is not just an ambush by roving hobgoblins...it is a small army!

Round 5: Everyone is up!

New map (https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B3cCkJpKBtmpbkdPMnlOY3JEZVk/edit?usp=sharing)


[roll0], [roll1]
[roll2], [roll3]
[roll4], cc [roll5], [roll6]
[roll7], cc [roll8], [roll9]

2013-09-14, 06:43 AM
Nate winces at the pain but he cannot help but smile back at the hobgoblin. "A worthy foe, for once," he says, taking half a step back and swinging his blade with all of his might at the creature.

Full Power Attack again. Can't keep rolling poorly. +6 to hit, 2d6+19 damage.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Current HP: 21/42 [Fast Healing 1 brought it from 20--below half--up to precisely half this round.]
AC: 19

2013-09-14, 09:14 AM
"What are you supposed to be - a hero to all goblinkind?"

Galadren taunts back in Common as he backs up another five feet and nocks another two arrows to his bow, sending them shooting one after another at the hobgoblin's side as he duels with Nate.

"Well you're just another target to me!"


Free: 5' Step to E4 (Strong Hobgoblin should now have no cover from Galadren's shots)
Full-Round Action: Rapid Shot (Power Attack 4)

1st Shot
To-Hit: [roll0] (+1 Point-Blank)
Damage: [roll1] (+4 PA, +2 Ranger, +1 Magic, +1 Point-Blank)

2nd Shot
To-Hit: [roll2] (+1 Point-Blank)
Damage: [roll3] (+4 PA, +2 Ranger, +1 Magic, +1 Point-Blank)

2013-09-14, 09:47 AM
Jorrask weaves his arms through the summoning of the spirit and grasps his amulet, the sacred holy symbol of his order, he smiled as he saw the giant Lion coming into existence, it's sweet animal spirit understanding its task set to it, he nodded and the graceful creature roared on its hind legs...

behind the hobgoblin champion tearing and biting with all its muster.

"That should provide enough distraction." he simply says.

He looks to his companions and sees Nate could use some help, moving up he activates his belt and touches Nate, passing the healing energy into the stalwart Paladin.

free action: 5.ft step to 6E
Standard action: Use 1 charge from belt of healing on Nate [roll0]

Summon Natures Ally III calls in a Lion in 6H-I, 7H-I
Attacks the now flanked Hob Champ



Plus grab if hits, opposed grapple [roll7]
Rake attack - (1d20+12)[16] {rolled in ooc}
Damage - (1d4+3)[7] {rolled in ooc}


Size/Type: Large Animal
Hit Dice: 5d8+25 (47 hp)
Initiative: +3
Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares)
Armor Class: 15 (-1 size, +3 Dex, +3 natural), touch 12, flat-footed 12
Base Attack/Grapple: +3/+17
Attack: Claw +12 melee (1d4+5)
Full Attack: 2 claws +12 melee (1d4+7) and bite +7 melee (1d8+3)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Pounce, improved grab, rake 1d4+2
Special Qualities: Low-light vision, scent
Saves: Fort +8, Ref +7, Will +2
Abilities: Str 25, Dex 17, Con 19, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6
Skills: Balance +7, Hide +3*, Listen +5, Move Silently +11, Spot +5

2013-09-14, 11:21 AM
Vega's brow knits in concentration as the battle rages about him ...

Full-round to resist!


Thanks for reminding me of the extra +1, Mr. DM sir! :smallsmile:

2013-09-15, 07:03 AM
With the reinforcement troops reaching the site of battle, the team hopes to swiftly deal with the threats currently at hand. Galadren finds one of his arrows pierces the hobgoblin champion's armor, ending up in his chest. Nate is again confronted by the risks of aiming to deliver overpowering attacks, as the hobgoblin dodges his swing with relative ease. That was about the extent of the champion's luck, however: A proud and fierce lion appears behind him and it mauls the poor man with a swift succession of vicious attacks that would have taken down any member of this team.

With an extra member on the team and the opponent's champion down, it looks like the tables have fully turned in your favour. Nevertheless, there are 8 hobgoblins still in action. Three of them charge the lion with longswords, while one shoots at it with his bow. Whether they are holding back, startled by the way their champion was brought down, or they are just unlucky is unclear. The fact is, all the attacks miss. There are four archers in the forest that shoot an arrow at each of you. Galadren finds that he is not the only archer that's on a roll here: One of their crude, but effective, arrows lands in his shoulder (9 damage). Vega, being paralyzed, forms a very easy target and he has to witness helplessly how he gets hit with an arrow in the chest (7 damage). Perhaps it is this event that gave him the last push to successfully fight off the compulsion, because he manages to liberate himself shortly after.

As the hobgoblins move in and attack, you hear a deep bolstering chant weaving through the forest. It is unclear where it comes from, but obviously there is one more person as of yet unseen involved. Whatever he is doing, it seems to empower the hobgoblin resolve.

Spellcraft DC16:
A Bless spell.

Round 6: Everyone is up (including Vega)

New map (https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B3cCkJpKBtmpUHRyWlp3d3pRUGs/edit?usp=sharing)

2013-09-15, 11:08 AM
Galadren grunts as one of the arrows finally catches him, striking him just at the edge of his mithril chain shirt to bite into his shoulder. With no time to treat the injury right now, he reaches up and snaps off all but the last few inches of the shaft protruding from his shoulder, and then returns fire with two arrows of his own before moving up to stand behind Nate - perhaps the warrior's bulky armor will provide him some protection as well.


Full-Round Action: Rapid Shot against Hobgoblin in M7 (redirecting second shot to Hobgoblin in M8 if the first shot kills) - Power Attack for 4
Then, 5' Step to F5

1st Shot
To-Hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] (+4 PA, +2 Ranger, + 1 Magic)

2nd Shot
To-Hit: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3] (+4 PA, +2 Ranger, + 1 Magic)

2013-09-15, 01:20 PM
Nate breathes easier after receiving the healing, and he gives Jorrask a grateful nod. He barks a laugh at the sight of the lion, as it almost tears the hobgoblin champion into shreds. "Well done!" he tells Jorrask.

When the new arrivals charge the lion, Nathan quickly runs around the lion to stand next to the nearest of the hobgoblins. He hacks upwards at the goblinoid viciously, though still much more controlled than before.

Moving to I7 and attacking the hobgoblin on I8. Power Attack for 2. +9 to hit, 2d6+13 damage.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Current HP: 28/42
AC: 19

2013-09-15, 07:11 PM
Jorrask nods to Nathan and smiles as the Lion takes the Hobgoblins essence from this world, he would have to deliver last rights to that one, he earned it.

Bringing his attention back to the present he moved slightly and then began calling upon more of his kindred spirits, he would need more to deal with these reinforcements and that...caster somewhere in the trees...

free action: 5.ft step to 6F
Full round: begin casting Summon Natures ally II

Lion Attacks the Hobs before him, starting with the one Nathan attacked (please shift attacks accordingly if he falls to the next hob and so forth)

Possible Crit:
Claw Attack - (1d20+12)[22] {Rolled in OOC}
Claw Damage - (2d4+14)[20] {Rolled in OOC}


Plus grab if hits, opposed grapple [roll6]
and rake attack if grapple succeeds


Size/Type: Large Animal
Hit Dice: 5d8+25 (47 hp)
Initiative: +3
Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares)
Armor Class: 15 (-1 size, +3 Dex, +3 natural), touch 12, flat-footed 12
Base Attack/Grapple: +3/+17
Attack: Claw +12 melee (1d4+5)
Full Attack: 2 claws +12 melee (1d4+7) and bite +7 melee (1d8+3)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Pounce, improved grab, rake 1d4+2
Special Qualities: Low-light vision, scent
Saves: Fort +8, Ref +7, Will +2
Abilities: Str 25, Dex 17, Con 19, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6
Skills: Balance +7, Hide +3*, Listen +5, Move Silently +11, Spot +5

2013-09-16, 07:38 AM
Vega grins at the arrow in his shoulder. "Finally, things get interesting!"

He steps in behind Nathan and lets a blast of fire bathe him and the two hobs lined up in front of the lion.

Moving to I6.

DC 17 Ref save.

Damage (please divide by 2): [roll0]
Entangle duration: [roll1]

A reminder - on my turn, everyone below 1/2 HP heals one!

2013-09-16, 03:32 PM
The team advances, intent on dealing with the hobgoblin threat swiftly. Galadren plants two arrows in the hobgoblin, one in the chest and one in the belly, and the target collapses. Nate plants his greatsword deep into the skull of his chosen foe as the lion lashes out at another and guts it in one single swipe. The split skull and ripped abdomen compete for being the most horrific display of overkill, and the lion delivers a nasty gash at yet another hobgoblin. Vega moves in, still emanating his restorative aura, and treats the one hobgoblin still standing in melee on a fiery buffet. The desparate cry of a man, even though it is an evil moster-man, that realizes he is burning to death is as unsettling as it always was.

Even though they are at a small distance, you can see the fear and doubt in the eyes of the four hobgoblins still standing. The same booming voice you heard earlier sounds again: "Vecht, mannen, je god is met je!"

"Fight, men, your god is with you!"

It would appear what the man says is working. With dedication, they take aim once more and shoot at the two what one might call most brutal threats: Nate and the lion. Their aim is getting better, even: Nate finds two arrows find the gaps in his armor (7 and 3 damage for a total of 10) and the lion roars as it finds one arrow piercing its flank (6 damage).

Out of nowhere, a ghostly looking claw appears behind Vega which immediately swipes at him. The claw measures two foot across, and has very long and sharp nails. It barely scrapes his armor, fortunately. However, it seems that whoever is evoking all the magic here has a certain beef with Vega...

Spellcraft DC22:
Spiritual Weapon

New map (https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B3cCkJpKBtmpcl9LalllS2FqYWM/edit?usp=sharing)

Round 7: Everyone is up!


Reflex: [roll0]
V: [roll1], [roll2]
L: [roll3], [roll4]
L: [roll5], [roll6]
N: [roll7], [roll8]
N: [roll9], [roll10]

2013-09-16, 05:23 PM
Nate staggers half a step back under the impact of the arrows, but then he runs forward with a roar, half in anger and half in pain, straight toward the hobgoblin standing in the middle of the road.

I can finally charge! :smalltongue: Moving to K9.
Full Power Attack. +8 to hit, 2d6+19 damage.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Current HP: 19
AC: 17

2013-09-16, 05:39 PM
Jorrask nods one more time as another of his spirit allies comes to fight, this time a majestic hippogriff, which spreads its wings as it fully materializes right next to two hobgoblins, its claws flash in the sun as they strike out to the unwary foe.

The Lion angered by the impudent attack and the unsatisfying fight lopes off towards the southern hobgoblins pouncing on one with all its worth.

Jorrask, follows Nate and passes some more healing into the man.

move action: move to J8
Full round: Heal nate for another [roll0] from his belt

Lion pounce-charges the Hobgoblin in H13 moving to H12 accordingly. (pounce gives him full attack + 2 rake attacks)






Hippogriff appears in squares: L9-10, M9-10, attacks closest hob and then next one when/if he dies.





Size/Type: Large Animal
Hit points: 47/41
Hit dice: 5d8
Initiative: +3
Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares)
Armor Class: 15 (-1 size, +3 Dex, +3 natural), touch 12, flat-footed 12
Base Attack/Grapple: +3/+17
Attack: Claw +12 melee (1d4+5)
Full Attack: 2 claws +12 melee (1d4+7) and bite +7 melee (1d8+3)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Pounce, improved grab, rake 1d4+2
Special Qualities: Low-light vision, scent
Saves: Fort +8, Ref +7, Will +2
Abilities: Str 25, Dex 17, Con 19, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6
Skills: Balance +7, Hide +3*, Listen +5, Move Silently +11, Spot +5


Size/Type: Large Magical Beast
Hit points: 34/34
Hit dice: 3d10
Initiative: +2
Speed: 50 ft. (10 squares), fly 100 ft. (average)
Armor Class: 15 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +4 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 13
Base Attack/Grapple: +3/+11
Attack: Claw +11 melee (1d4+4)
Full Attack: 2 claws +11 melee (1d4+6) and bite +6 melee (1d8+3)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: —
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent
Saves: Fort +8, Ref +5, Will +2
Abilities: Str 22, Dex 15, Con 20, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 8
Skills: Listen +4, Spot +8
Feats: Dodge, Wingover

2013-09-16, 08:05 PM
Hearing the voice yelling at the hobgoblins, Galadren gets the sense that it belongs to the leader of this band. Unfortunately, said leader has not revealed himself - yet. Tilting his head and trying to follow the echoes to pinpoint where the voice is coming from, Galadren scrambles up the embankment ahead to the edge of the trees.


Move: Move to E9 - should be only 30' to get there
Standard: Listen check to pinpoint the location of the voice (should be opposed by the leader's Move Silent check).
Listen: [roll0]

2013-09-17, 12:15 PM
Stepping lightly over hob corpses, Vega squares off next to the lion, facing two remaining hobs.

He winks at the lion. "Good kitty."

Then, grinning with smoke wreathing his mouth, he turns to the hobs. "As for you, don't you think you'd have been better off running?"

Before releasing a spout of flames, bathing both!

Moving to I12, 15 foot cone on the two hobs.

Reflex Save DC 17, [roll0] divided by 2 for damage. Entangle duration [roll1].

Sorry for the delay, y'all!

2013-09-17, 03:12 PM
The wave that is your team is crashing upon and almost flooding the hobgoblin marauder shore. Jorrask heals up the warrior while his hippogriph, even though it does not land any blows itself, provides Nate with a much needed flank to down the hobgoblin next to him. The lion moves up to the hobgoblins on the other side and is joined by Vega and the mysterious claw that keeps haunting him. The lion bashes a hobgoblin that is immediately after incinerated and dies. The other hobgoblin also finds himself bathing in fire, but not severely enough to kill him. The claw swings again at Vega, but this attempt is even poorer than the first one.

There is nothing now the unknown magician can say or do to stop the troops (or, what is left of it) from fleeing. Both hobgoblins still standing drop their weapons and make a run for it (the burnt one significantly slower than the other).

Nate, Hippogriph, Jorrask, Vega and Lion:
You get to make an AoO at the hobgoblin close to you as it flees through a square you threaten (see red arrows).

Galadren decides to move towards the forest and listen for the magician.

Galadren (the info here is also on the map. Obviously, Galadren is the only one that has this info):
You are at a distance from him and there's combat, so pinpointing him is hard, if not impossible. However, you get a good idea of the general location of the magician, indicated by the big circle on the map. It would appear he is casting a spell. Perhaps trying again next round somewhere in the circle will allow you to pinpoint him.

New map (https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B3cCkJpKBtmpNnE5Sk1FdXBxU2c/edit?usp=sharing) (it's getting chaotic, but we're almost there!)

Round 8: Everyone is up!

[roll0], [roll1]

2013-09-17, 04:17 PM
Nate spins around, swiping at the fleeing hobgoblin.

Hasn't been my turn yet, so still at full Power Attack; +6 to hit and 2d6+19 damage.
Attack of Opportunity: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Nate looks for any other enemies, trying hard to listen or spot anything he may have missed.

Taking two move actions to make a Spot and a Listen check, trying to pinpoint the magician.
Spot: [roll2]
Listen: [roll3]

Current HP: 27
AC: 19

2013-09-17, 04:30 PM
Vega lets the fleeing hob go, ignoring him. He turns slowly.

"I'm flattered you've grown so fond of me! Show your face and I'll return your affection!"

Wisps of flame dance about his mouth as he scans the area.

Listen: [roll0]
Spot: [roll1]

2013-09-17, 04:40 PM
Jorrask, the Lion and the Hippogriff all take a swipe at the fleeing hobgoblins.

Jorrask AOO
[roll1] with quaterstaff

Lion AOO

Hippogriff AOO


Rounds remaining: 6
Size/Type: Large Animal
Hit points: 47/41
Hit dice: 5d8
Initiative: +3
Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares)
Armor Class: 15 (-1 size, +3 Dex, +3 natural), touch 12, flat-footed 12
Base Attack/Grapple: +3/+17
Attack: Claw +12 melee (1d4+5)
Full Attack: 2 claws +12 melee (1d4+7) and bite +7 melee (1d8+3)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Pounce, improved grab, rake 1d4+3
Special Qualities: Low-light vision, scent
Saves: Fort +8, Ref +7, Will +2
Abilities: Str 25, Dex 17, Con 19, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6
Skills: Balance +7, Hide +3*, Listen +5, Move Silently +11, Spot +5


Rounds remaining: 8
Size/Type: Large Magical Beast
Hit points: 34/34
Hit dice: 3d10
Initiative: +2
Speed: 50 ft. (10 squares), fly 100 ft. (average)
Armor Class: 15 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +4 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 13
Base Attack/Grapple: +3/+11
Attack: Claw +11 melee (1d4+4)
Full Attack: 2 claws +11 melee (1d4+6) and bite +6 melee (1d8+3)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: —
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent
Saves: Fort +8, Ref +5, Will +2
Abilities: Str 22, Dex 15, Con 20, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 8
Skills: Listen +4, Spot +8
Feats: Dodge, Wingover

2013-09-17, 09:46 PM
Cautiously, Galadren advances into the forest, twisting his head this way and that as he goes, trying to locate the spellcaster by the sound of his voice despite the din of the battle.

As he goes, he speaks out loudly in the goblin tongue.

Laat jezelf zien! Bid u, van Coward?


Show yourself! Or are you a coward?


Move: Move to C11 (even with the difficult terrain I should be able to get there with a 30' move)
Standard: Listen: [roll0]

2013-09-18, 02:16 AM
The hobgoblin close to Nate and Jorrask dodges all the blows and escapes! The other one is not so lucky. Already burnt and entangled, he is now also mauled by lion and dead.

The team investigates and each member reveals different information, if any:

You don't know where the enemy spellcaster is. The hobgoblin fled. You still have a full-round worth of actions. Mind you, given your inability to communicate with your animals, you won't be able to instruct them to hunt out the invisible foe, though the fleeing hobgoblin is fair game.

With the combat and all, you are not sure where the invisible enemy is, though the ranger searching in the bushes is a clue. Your hobgoblin fled, and you have one standard action left to perform.

You can hear him casting a spell. He is somewhere in the red circle on the map. You have one standard action left this round.

You close in and find him. His chanting leads you to within 5ft of him. He is in C12. You have one standard action to perform still this round.

New map (https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B3cCkJpKBtmpY0JBQTQ0dm9Yalk/edit?usp=sharing)

Most of you still have an action in this round!

2013-09-18, 05:15 AM
Vega quickly steps between his companions and points into the distance.

"He's casting - that direction, twenty-five yards or so."

He grins. "Tally ho!"

Moving to K8!

2013-09-18, 05:34 AM
"Over here!"

Galadren shouts, hoping to attract his allies' attention as he fires an arrow point-blank at the hobgoblin.


(Taking a -5 penalty to the shot as I still can't actually see him, attacking the sound coming from C12.)
For firing from melee, I may also provoke an attack of opportunity from the hobgoblin, although he may not be able to take it given he's casting a full-round spell).

To-Hit: [roll0] (+1 Point-Blank, -5 Blind)
Damage: [roll1] (+1 Magic, +1 Point-Blank, +2 Ranger - does that count if I can't actually see the target?)

2013-09-18, 07:26 AM
Nathan nods to Vega. He immediately moves towards Galadren, his eyes on the lookout.

Moving to G9.

2013-09-18, 12:23 PM
Jorrask's form shifts into a new form, those of his that are allies and still alive are not suprised, but the dead around him would be shocked, for standing there is now a large Falcon, Cawcawing once he takes to the air, flying towards Galdren with speed.

Meanwhile, his summoned animal spirits lope towards the fleeing hobgoblin, the Lion makes good ground, and can reach him, but the Hippogriff flies true and straight getting close within a heart beat.

swift: change to Aerial Form
Move move: Move to 11D, 15 ft up.

Lion attacks

Hippogriff charge attacks


Rounds remaining: 6
Size/Type: Large Animal
Hit points: 47/41
Hit dice: 5d8
Initiative: +3
Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares)
Armor Class: 15 (-1 size, +3 Dex, +3 natural), touch 12, flat-footed 12
Base Attack/Grapple: +3/+17
Attack: Claw +12 melee (1d4+5)
Full Attack: 2 claws +12 melee (1d4+7) and bite +7 melee (1d8+3)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Pounce, improved grab, rake 1d4+3
Special Qualities: Low-light vision, scent
Saves: Fort +8, Ref +7, Will +2
Abilities: Str 25, Dex 17, Con 19, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6
Skills: Balance +7, Hide +3*, Listen +5, Move Silently +11, Spot +5


Rounds remaining: 8
Size/Type: Large Magical Beast
Hit points: 34/34
Hit dice: 3d10
Initiative: +2
Speed: 50 ft. (10 squares), fly 100 ft. (average)
Armor Class: 13 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +4 natural, charge -2), touch 11, flat-footed 13
Base Attack/Grapple: +3/+11
Attack: Claw +11 melee (1d4+4)
Full Attack: 2 claws +11 melee (1d4+6) and bite +6 melee (1d8+3)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: —
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent
Saves: Fort +8, Ref +5, Will +2
Abilities: Str 22, Dex 15, Con 20, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 8
Skills: Listen +4, Spot +8
Feats: Dodge, Wingover

2013-09-19, 10:22 AM
In the background you hear the sound of a hobgoblin trying to flee but instead getting pounded by hooves and ripped by claws. Meanwhile, most members of the team close in on the hidden magician. Galadren shoots an arrow, but sees it disappearing towards the building behind the trees. Miss. Nate and Jorrask also don't see or hear the man.

Vega gets surprised by another one of those hell hounds that suddenly appears and, in addition to the mysterious claw that keeps following him, tries to bite him. It misses, fortunately.

The man is done casting and tries to flee the scene. Those near are free to make listen and spot checks to notice where he is going.

New map (https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B3cCkJpKBtmpMUhYOE9HNlhreG8/edit?usp=sharing) (notice how Jorrask has wings :smallcool: )

2013-09-19, 11:09 AM
Jorrask turns his head to the side as he flies in a tight circle above Geladrens head, listening and looking for something, anything out of the ordinary, meanwhile more hooves and claws come from the road, his summoned spirits tearing down anything that appears on the road.


Lion 5f.t then full attacks hellhound



Hippogriff flys over and attacks (fly speed 100 ft.) hellhound


Rounds remaining: 5
Size/Type: Large Animal
Hit points: 47/41
Hit dice: 5d8
Initiative: +3
Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares)
Armor Class: 13 (-1 size, +3 Dex, +3 natural, -2 charge), touch 12, flat-footed 12
Base Attack/Grapple: +3/+17
Attack: Claw +12 melee (1d4+5)
Full Attack: 2 claws +12 melee (1d4+7) and bite +7 melee (1d8+3)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Pounce, improved grab, rake 1d4+3
Special Qualities: Low-light vision, scent
Saves: Fort +8, Ref +7, Will +2
Abilities: Str 25, Dex 17, Con 19, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6
Skills: Balance +7, Hide +3*, Listen +5, Move Silently +11, Spot +5


Rounds remaining: 7
Size/Type: Large Magical Beast
Hit points: 34/34
Hit dice: 3d10
Initiative: +2
Speed: 50 ft. (10 squares), fly 100 ft. (average)
Armor Class: 13 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +4 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 13
Base Attack/Grapple: +3/+11
Attack: Claw +11 melee (1d4+4)
Full Attack: 2 claws +11 melee (1d4+6) and bite +6 melee (1d8+3)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: —
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent
Saves: Fort +8, Ref +5, Will +2
Abilities: Str 22, Dex 15, Con 20, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 8
Skills: Listen +4, Spot +8
Feats: Dodge, Wingover

2013-09-19, 12:53 PM

You spot him in B9

2013-09-19, 02:55 PM
Vega dances back, light on his feet, and sing-songs "Somebody LOOOOOOVES mee!"

He grins merrily at the hound. "Bad doggy!"

Frost billows forth in a cone from his mouth, bathing the hound!

Reflex Save DC 17 for 1/2 damage.
[roll0] Halved, for ...
Entangling exhalation for [roll1]

2013-09-19, 02:56 PM
Unable to see the caster, and unable to reach him in time to attack him at any rate, Nate decides to attack the newly arrived hound instead. He runs straight at it, running across the bodies of downed hobgoblins.

Charging to I8. I assume Vega cannot provide flanking? Power Attacking for 3, at any rate, making it +10 to hit and 2d6+15 damage. (+12 if Vega flanks.)
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Current HP: 27/42
AC: 17

2013-09-19, 09:10 PM
Galadren grunts as the leader fails to acknowledge his taunt and instead (wisely) chooses to flee. He listens carefully for the sound of the undergrowth crunching beneath the creature's feet and tries to spot the movement of the undergrowth from the leader's passing.

Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

(These are free checks for him moving away through the undergrowth, I assume?)

2013-09-20, 01:44 AM
The hell hound gets ganged up upon from several sides. Overwhelmed by attacks, he gets the message and returns to the hells he was summoned from.

He is in B9

Galadren and Jorrask can still act on the information they gathered.

2013-09-20, 05:42 AM
Seeing that the leader has moved past him and is now trying to vanish into the woods, Galadren chases after him while nocking another arrow to his bow and letting it fly.


Galadren shouted in goblin as the arrow flew forward.




Move: Move to B10 - attacks will provoke an attack of opportunity should the leader choose to take it.
Attack: Arrow (Power Attack -4)
Miss Chance (1 is an auto miss): [roll0]
To-Hit: [roll1] (+1 PB, -4 PA)
Damage: [roll2] (+1 PB, +1 Magic, +2 Ranger, +4 PA)
CRITICAL HIT! Rolling confirm in the OOC.

2013-09-21, 04:26 AM
The elven ranger uses his keen senses and his experience as a tracker to give himself the best estimation of where the magician might be. There. The arrow flies and a split second the heavily armored hogoblin is visible, standing next to a tree. Pretty armor, even, obviously the leader. He wears some talisman, perhaps a holy symbol.

The most notable feature is a large piercing in his right ear. It is about a foot long and it extends all the way through his left ear, straight through his brain, and pins him to a tree. After two seconds, the man becomes too heavy for the arrow to hold him pinned. A trinkle of blood runs from his right ear and he collapses.

Silence returns to the forest.

2013-09-21, 05:42 AM
After vanquishing the hound, Nathan hurries over to Galadren. He grins upon seeing the slain armored hobgoblin.

"Excellent shot," he tells the ranger, clapping him on one shoulder.

"Let's gather up the bodies. See if any of them are still alive; if they are, tie them up. There's rope in Tom's pack." He nods towards the donkey still tied to the warhorse nearby.

He suits actions to words and lifts the dead spellcaster up by his armpits and drags him out onto the road.

"Check them to see if they have any valuables. They must be raiders, preying on travelers or caravans."

2013-09-21, 06:02 AM
It takes some time, but you track down 12 hobgoblin footmen, the hobgoblin champion and the spellcasting leader. Many were slain directly during combat, and many of those that did not die instantly bled out during the course of combat. You find two hobgoblin footmen that still breathe. They need medical attention soon, though, if you want them to survive and/or be able to provide you with information.

After some work, the pile of corpses is flanked by an impressive pile of loot. You find, including the equipment of the two not-quite-yet-dead hobgoblins:

This table is also in the first OoC post. I give magical properties straight away because Vega can see that anyway. The prices are listed. Without proper Appraise checks, your characters don't know this, but I like to have this information handy incase it comes up.

Magical gear
{table=head]Combat|Amount|Description|Total value|Claimed by (amount)|Unclaimed value
Hobgoblin ambush|14|Potion of Cure light wounds|350|-|350
-|2|+1 Short sword|4,000|-|4,000
-|1|+1 Banded mail|1,400|-|1,400

Mundane stuff
{table=head] Combat|Amount|Description|Total value|Claimed by (amount)|Unclaimed value
Hobgoblin ambush|12|Msw Longsword|3,780|-|3,780
-|12|Composite longbow (+1)|2,400|-|2,400
-|1|Msw Studded leather armor|175|-|175
-|1|Msw Heavy mace|312|-|312
-|1|Talisman (holy symbol?)|25|-|25


{table=head]Battle Description|XP gained|Cumulative XP|Level (next)
Hobgoblin ambush|1,125|11,125|5 (15,000)

2013-09-21, 10:08 AM
Before collecting the loot, Vega checks each of his companions. He shakes his head at Jorask.

"You need to be more careful. Arcane and divine both bleed the same, friend!" He grins and taps the wounded man lightly with his wand.

Lesser Vigor - heal 11 hp over 11 rounds.

He checks to make sure the rest are well.

Anyone above 1/2, which you'll heal to automatically, who feels they need it, I can hit you with 11 hp. Not sure about hp totals atm, holler for a charge!

Vega squares off with the pile of loot.

"Contributions to our worthy cause! Such considerate donors!"

He sketches a low, courtly bow to the charred corpses.

"I have the means to carry it to town." He taps another wand hanging from his belt. "A little something I picked up on our last stop to help me better pull my weight."

"As for these two ..." he nudges the shallowly breathing hobs with his foot. "Nate, you want to wrap them up before I wake them up? I doubt I have the muscle to make them as comfortable as you can."

2013-09-21, 10:09 AM
Jorrask sqawks loud as the leader is shot through the head, he flies down next to Geladren and nods silently to the man.

Moving back and helping move the bodies, he smiles again as his summoned spirits fade and go back to their home realm, "Thank you my friends" he says quietly underneath his breath.'

Nodding to Vega he accepts the healing, he was about to pull his own weirwood wand out to being healing everyone, but he beat him to it, he smiled at the man "Indeed, they caught me by surprise, but we are still standing!" he says, slapping Vega on the back.

When he is done, he leaves the looting of the bodies to the others while he finds the champion, laying him out he finds some herbs and roots, places a pebble on each eye smokes the herbs, blowing the smoke over the body, then he takes his knife and cuts into hobgoblin, cracking ribs and cutting cartilage, he dismembers the creatures heart, and holds it aloft.

"To the spirits of your ancestors, you fought bravely, you deserve the warriors rest and respect, I offer the earth your body and partake of your heart in the hopes that your bravery, strength and courage will live on in me. May the eternal Mother take you and give a place among her court."

He then takes a bite out of the hobgoblins heart, letting the blood filled organ squirt and drip down his chin.

To the rest of the party, this isn't the first time they have seen him do this, apparently a ritual of his woods, Jorrask will find the most valiant of opponents and perform this ritual, but only when he sees someone worthy of it. So far, he has refused to stop it, it being very sacred to him and his druidic heritage.

2013-09-21, 11:58 AM
Nate ties up the two still-living hobgoblins with his 50' silk rope. "Make sure they don't die, please," he asks Vega. "We can bring them to the nearest town and hand them over to the authorities. Without weapons and armor, they do not pose any further threat to the people around here."

He frowns slightly and turns to look in the direction of the building. "Speaking of people..." he mutters, and he hustles over to the house to see if anyone is alive in there. He passes by Jorrask on the way and winces in recognition of the ritual, then hurries even more so he doesn't have to witness the ... partaking.

2013-09-21, 02:00 PM
Vega shares a sympathetic look as Nate passes Jorask. He calls out "Next time you're hungry, I think I have some jerky left over from the trading post ..."

He turns to the hobs. "As much as I hate wasting this on you, you might be useful. At least maybe we'll get to hear why you wanted us as dance partners so desperately. Besides the obvious, I mean - I know we're good-looking."

He touches each with his wand and their wounds begin to heal rapidly.

Each will go up to 11 hp. Wasn't sure if I could willingly include them in my aura, since they're unco - who decides if they're "allies?"

2013-09-21, 11:43 PM
Galadren nods in satisfaction as the leader becomes visible, his last fired arrow still poking out of the hobgoblin's ear. Leaving his companions to deal with the looting and (in Jorrask's case desecration) of the bodies, Galadren hustles back to Legend. His faithful steed was still standing right in the middle of the room, snuffling disinterestedly at the few scraggles of grass poking out of the road's dust. Slipping his half-empty quiver off of his back, Galadren exchanges it for one that was already fully loaded hanging from his horse's saddle. Then he quickly goes over to Vega, pointing at his injured shoulder.

"I wouldn't mind one of your little pick me ups if you can spare it. Feel free to load up Legend with some of their equipment - she should be able to carry a few hundred pounds or so."

Galadren slaps his ally on the back and then hurries after Nate, planning on covering his approach to the farmhouse, and helping him search it for any captives (or further valuables for that matter).

2013-09-22, 06:11 AM
Nate and Galadren:
You can approach and enter the house safely. You find that the ruined house consists mostly of one large room. In it, you find sort of a campsite with a dozen or so bedrolls and a now doused campfire. Quite filthy and quite obviously the hobgoblin hideout. Most importantly, you find the bodies of five humans. They are very dead. Looking at their wounds, you believe they underwent the same ambush as you did, but were not as lucky. Three of them were guards of sorts, one of them looks rather wealthy judged by his clothes...a merchant? The fifth wears peasant clothes.

You also find a large satchel with a load of gold coins in it, 355 in total.

Are you noting the amount of charges used on your wand somewhere on your sheet? 50 is a lot, but this kind of wand does run out at some point. I made a comment on the ally thing in the OoC thread.

Everybody that needs it is healed up a bit, including the hobgoblins. They stare at you, and Vega in particular, with distinct and sincere hatred shooting from their eyes. One of them bites a comment at you: "Why did you not kill us? Weaklings!"

2013-09-22, 08:53 AM
After checking the bodies and being sure they were already dead when he came in, Nathan looks at Galadren. "We need to start a pyre for these people," he says in a quiet voice, as if speaking loudly could disturb them.

He bows his head and offers a prayer to St Cuthbert and the deceased, telling them that swift vengeance has been brought to their killers.

The paladin leaves the bag for Galadren, and leaves the hut to return to Vega and Jorrask, telling them what they found in the building: five bodies, likely previous victims of the hobgoblin ambush.

He looks sternly at the two now awake hobgoblins. "How many of you are there in this band of raiders?"

Nate could also use a charge; he's at 28/42 at the moment.

2013-09-22, 02:29 PM
Vega leans in on the injured hobs, and hisses low in Goblin.

"Gentlemen, you have a chance at life. It's only a very slim one - as you can see, my friend is hungry. He finds fresher meat more appealing, but we've a deal: if you prove useful, we'll treat you as useful. We don't waste things that are useful, see?"

He raises an eyebrow and smoke trails from one side of his mouth.

"Are you useful?"

Rolling Intimidate! Hoping the display Jorask made plus my clearly supernatural abilities add some kind of boost. Plus, having Nate truss'em up can't be a bad idea.


2013-09-22, 03:18 PM
The hobgoblin that spoke up before looks at Nate and spits on the ground before the warrior's feet. He then nudges at the pile of hobgoblins. "You can count, can't you?"

Then, Vega moves in and tries to intimidate the captives. The talkative one seems not impressed: "There is more honour in dying than in helping out you lot. Kill me, if you want, but stop trying to impress me with your nonsense." The other hobgoblin sits silent, watching the ground.

Sense motive DC10:
The silent hobgoblin seems uncomfortable under Vega's threats.


2013-09-22, 03:28 PM
"Okay. At least one of you ISN'T useful." Vega gives a businesslike nod to Nathan. "Nate, why don't you take our useless friend over to discuss his short-term future with Jorask?"

I'm assuming we know each other well enough for Nate to take the "wink wink" that's implied, here. As long as the mouthy gob and Jorask are out of sight, it should be a bit easier to get the remaining hob to talk.

2013-09-22, 08:09 PM
Nathan frowns at this, clearly uncomfortable with the implications. "I cannot condone Jorrask's ... appetite ... quite as readily as you," he tells Vega, "but it seems that we may have an alternative. Fetch one of their blades, please--if this goblin wishes to die honorably in combat, I will oblige him."
He turns to stare coldly down at the two trussed-up captives. "I saw what you did to the merchant and the three guards. St Cuthbert demands restitution for their deaths."

2013-09-23, 05:37 AM
Galadren watches the interrogation quietly from his perch, leaning up against a nearby tree. There wasn't much a scrawny elf could contribute to intimidating these raiders, but at the mention of honorable combat Galadren moves over to the pile of hobgoblin gear and picks up one of their swords (and armor, if we've stripped the captives as well). He tosses the gear at the hobgoblin's feet, but does not make any move to release the creature yet.

2013-09-23, 01:27 PM
The talkative hobgoblin shoots a short glance at the sword that just landed at his feet. He then stares rather fearlessly at Nate, still bound by ropes. "Sure, bring it on." The silent one keeps staring at the ground.

2013-09-23, 04:10 PM
Vega stands and shrugs. "Jorask butchers him and eats his heart - you butcher him in armor. All the same to me!"

He winks at the scared hob. "Personally, I'd rather go with Jorask. He wouldn't pretend to be noble while cutting your heart out."

"Any chance you feel like chatting while my friend hacks your honorable buddy up?"

2013-09-23, 04:18 PM
The silent hobgoblin remains silent but looks up at Vega. Then the other one speaks up. "My buddy won't talk either. None of us will lose their ticket to heaven just to help you out." The silent hobgoblin's shoulders sag as he hears this and he looks at the ground again and mumbles: "I can't help you...can we go?"


2013-09-23, 04:45 PM
"I reckon that's flat OUT. The question's really if you wanna go to heaven with your ballsy buddy here, all in pieces, or whether you want to stay breathing for a bit. Your call, really."

Vega stretches and blows a gout of flame into the air. "Look, Nate, if you want me to handle the pyre, no worries. I think I can get 'em burning without needing to cut up the local scenery."

Intimidate for our lil' buddy.


2013-09-23, 05:32 PM
When he hears the other hobgoblin ask to be allowed to leave, Nathan grits his teeth in obvious anger. "Did your victims beg you to let them go as well, goblin?" he asks, his tone as cold as ice. "You sicken me. But if you tell us what we want to know, you will simply be turned over to the authorities. I do not kill helpless beings."

He glances in Vega's direction when he mentions handling the burning. "All I ask is that you are respectful in your handling of the matter," he tells the adept with a nod.

"Untie him, please," he asks Galadren, motioning for the others to give him and the hobgoblin room to fight. He walks a bit away from his foe, then turns to face him, holding his sword loosely in one hand. He sends the hobgoblin a smirk of disdain.

As soon as the creature is free and has picked up the sword and seems ready to fight, the paladin charges at him, his sword swinging straight for the goblin's head without mercy.

Nate positions himself to be able to charge. He then readies an action to do so as soon as the hobgoblin is ready; full PA: +8 hit, 2d6+19 damage.

Attack: (1d20)[6] (rolled in OOC thread)
Damage: (2d6)[3][1](4) (rolled in OOC thread)

Current HP: 39/42
AC: 17

2013-09-24, 01:16 AM
The hobgoblin does not defend himself or resist, but he does pick up the sword, understanding that that is one of the terms Nate-kind-of people fight under: a clean death is obviously what he was after. A long and thorough gash across his whole torso is visible, and before he can start to bleed properly, he topples forward.

The silent hobgoblin does not really watch, but he knows very well what transpired. He looks at Vega: "What do you think the "authorities" will do to me? I will face the same fate, but then without sword." He ponders a moment...."I am but a soldier, I don't know much. But I will try to answer some of your questions if you promise you will let me go to see my family."

2013-09-24, 07:30 AM
"Soldier? In what army? That might be a good place to start."

Vega leans over and cuts the hob's bonds, then sits across from him.

Readying an action to breathe entangling fire at him if he bolts, which would slow him down. Vega's not, actually, a bad dude ... just CG. :smallsmile:

Diplomacy: [roll0]

He pulls out a pipe and begins to fill a bowl.

2013-09-24, 07:54 AM
Nathan stops Vega from cutting his rope, then unties the hobgoblin instead.

We might need the rope later. :smallwink: No point in cutting it into small pieces! :smalltongue:

2013-09-24, 02:43 PM
The hobgoblin looks a bit confused: "Army?" Perhaps there was a miscommunication. "I am soldier, a footman in this warband. Well, was. There are more warbands, but an army?"

2013-09-24, 03:43 PM
Vega closes one nostril with a finger and snorts a small blast of flame into his pipe. Puffing contentedly, he leans back and eyes the hob.

"Then how many warbands? Why raid here? Where do your bands hail from? Where might yon sadly deceased have hailed from, and why kill them?"

He takes a moment to savor some smoke, then lets out a cloud with a satisfied sigh. "Answer in any order, but tell us as much as you know."

2013-09-24, 04:15 PM
"I don't know how many warbands, man...do I look like someone that gets told? Two, three? And we raid here because here's the people with the money." It looks like he is telling the truth and is simply not that knowledgeable. "Our headquarters is some old castle in the forest...where those folks came from I have no clue." He points down the road in the direction you came from. "From there..."

"Will you, please, let me go now?"

2013-09-24, 05:18 PM
Vega looks totally relaxed in response to the hob's mounting anxiety.

"How far till 'there?' And if it's a town, what's it called?"

"Oh, and as for that old castle - which direction, how far, and who leads the bands? Who might the most powerful leader you've heard of be, and where might he or she spend time?"

"Again, take your time - our decisions depend on how thoughtful you are with your answers."

2013-09-25, 12:38 AM
He shrugs. "I don't know...you came from there. Where do you come from?" He considers your last question, and decides to answer. "The forest where the castle is, is called Witchwood by the humans," he points in the direction you are traveling, and the lord of our castle is called Wyrmlord Koth."

"Will you let me go now?"

This is just about the extent of the info he has.

2013-09-25, 07:30 AM
Nathan raises an eyebrow at the hobgoblin as he cleans his blade with a rag. "The Witchwood?" he asks sharply, as he recognizes the name from their map. "Is this castle of yours Vraath Keep?"
He waits for an answer, then goes on: "Who is this Wyrmlord Koth?"

2013-09-25, 01:55 PM
The hobgoblin shrugs. "Maybe...I don't know how you people call it. We call it headquarters..." He peers at the paladin almost apologetically. "I don't understand your question....The Wyrmlord is the Wyrmlord. I've only seen him once, from a distance. Charismatic man. They say he is cruel, but honest, fearless, inspiring. Some say he is the most powerful sorcerer in the world....but I don't know about that stuff. Magic and all."

"So, now I ask you, mister knight....will you let me go? I've told you all I know. They don't tell people like me a lot."

2013-09-25, 02:45 PM
Jorrask is done with his ritual and lets the corpse lay where it is.

He walks over to the others and watches as they interrogate the hobgoblin, listening to the information given, he was genuinely surprised, not by Nates chivalry, that had long been staked down, and apparently chivalry was much more accepted than his ritual...he could never understand how or why, his ways were so abhorrent to them...

He stepped up to intervene.

"Indeed, this man has upheld his part of the bargain," looking to Nate "are you going to uphold yours? Can we let this man live? run off and tell his kind that they may have trouble brewing, heros among the rabble, will his life change the course of things here?"

2013-09-25, 06:28 PM
Vega shrugs expansively. "All I said, my friend, was that we don't waste useful things and that he might go on breathing for a bit. A dragon is careful with words that bind." He grins, impishly, and winks at the hob.

"I have a few more personal questions for our friend, and it seems those with the most interest in the matter - the relatives and friends of the dead - haven't yet had the chance to satisfy their own curiosity. Perhaps he'd be best off accompanying us to town."

2013-09-25, 08:36 PM
At this point in the interrogation, Galadren finally spoke up.

"A deal's a deal, friends. We implied that he would be free to return to his family if he answered our questions. Personally, I'd be satisfied if he swore an oath to his gods that he would not raid and kill innocent people again. Then if he breaks his word that's between him and his gods. Plus, even if he does scurry back and tell them about us, well . . . maybe it'll give them pause, knowing that we're around to stop them. Besides, aren't we going to go pay this Wormlord Kosh a visit anyway? He's sitting in our keep!"

2013-09-26, 03:55 AM
Nathan hesitates. He glances at the others as they speak, then sighs softly. "Very well. Remove your armor, swear on whatever deity you believe in that you will never again harm an innocent. . . and you may leave."

He sends Vega a significant look, one the adept recognizes as his 'we need to talk'-face.

2013-09-26, 08:59 AM
Vega chuckles. "A hob with the gall to call himself 'Wyrmlord' will be given pause by four ragged adventurers?"

He shakes his head. "As you will, friends. But I do hope, Nathaniel, you'll be able to deliver that same steely gaze of justice when the families and friends of these dead ask if any of their killers went free."

He grins and waggles a finger. "Fair warning - I reserve the right to remind you of this conversation should things go ill in the future."

2013-09-26, 11:31 AM
Jorrask shakes his head at the adept, "Why would the family need to know? By all accounts justice has been served, the balance restored, I would say more so in the favor of the 'just' and 'goodly' people who suffered here, if, say, we were paying a life for a life."

"I would wager that no debt was payed, if the relatives of the deceased really had one. We were instinctively protecting ourselves, the judgment was merely happenstance. Maybe we should offer them this young specimen to the relatives for punishment, if they need such a thing..."

He stands arms crossed, a frown upon his face...."Either way, we should burn these bodies, it will only cause scavengers to feed upon them and then the villagers will turn their debt onto the animals of the forest."

He moves off to haul the bodies into a pile.

Cool, they just added a spoiler option!

Also, he is just being argumentative, I'm not doing it to hold up the game!

And we burning the bodies right?

2013-09-26, 02:59 PM
The hobgoblin is released, unarmed and unarmored. Right before he leaves he looks you in the eye and gives an awkward nod as a 'thank you', which suits the awkwardness of the situation of walking away from a group of men with whom you were engaged in lethal combat just minutes ago.

You build the pyres that allow you to provide the fallen with a worthy passing and to make sure the wild animals don't get used to a humanoid diet. The horses are loaded with treasure and you continue the road to the village called Drellin's ferry.

The forests give way to some farmland and on your left hand you see a river meandering through the landscape. When the road starts running close to the river, a cool breeze licks your faces and remembers you of the punishing heat you've endured for the past days. You can see the outline of the village on the other side of the river as the day slowly comes to an end: The promise of a good meal and a proper bed.

The road descends into the small town built mostly on the shore of the river. Six old stone piers jud from the water, marking the spot where once a bridge stood, but the span itself is long gone. Instead, a couple of long thick ropes cross the river, each secured to a flat-bottomed ferryboat. Brown fields and green orchards surround the town.

A group of armed townsfolk - three in leather, one in mail - stands guard, watching you warily. "Halt and state you business, stangers," one of the guards says.

2013-09-26, 09:23 PM
His peace said, Galadren helps as best he can with the efforts to assemble the bodies into a pyre, and watches the flames to ensure no spark goes wild until everything, hobgoblin and human, is ash. He is largely quiet the rest of the way to town, although a face-splitting grin is affixed to his face now. Rather than musty old ruins filled with bodies that should have stopped moving long ago, now they were actually having a *proper* adventure!


At the guard's hail, Galadren waves one hand in greeting.

"Hail and well met! We're, uh . . . we're . . ."

Galadren turns to his companions with a scowl, and mutters just loud enough for them to hear.

"I told you we should have picked a name to use for ourselves by now!"

Then he turns back to the guards.

"We're a band of travelers looking for safe lodging and a warm meal for the night!"

He calls, adding with another low mutter.

"See? Do you hear how bland that is? Having an actual name for ourselves would be so much more . . . appropriate."

2013-09-26, 09:39 PM
Nathan cannot stop a soft chuckle. "Relax, Galadren," he tells the elf with a smile, before he returns his attention to the guards.

"We seek a forest known as the Witchwood," he adds to them. " We were ambushed by a group of raiders a few hours from here. One of them revealed they have their headquarters in the woods, in an old castle."

2013-09-27, 01:24 AM
The burly man in scale male looks at you thoughtfully. "Raiders....what kind of raiders?" Most guard captains would be rather startled by such reports close to their town, but it seems this captain is rather unfazed by the news...

2013-09-27, 06:54 AM
"You can see for yourself from their arms." Vega nods to the loaded horses. "Hobs - a warband. They spoke of a 'Wyrmlord Koth,' and of a keep in the forest."

"We found some folk dead who had been ambushed. We thought to perhaps find those who lost them here."

"Our goals and yours seem as though they might align. Perhaps we can speak over a mug of ale, rather than the dusty road?"

Diplomacy: [roll0]

2013-09-27, 01:36 PM
The man with the curling, waxed mustache grunts. He is not in a good mood, and chances are these raids have something to do with it. "Hrm...Where? Bands of those murderous bastards have been skulking near the town for days now. You're lucky you came through in one piece!" He listens patiently to the rest of Vega's story. "Why don't you go to The Old Bridge inn, just ahead? Or, the Green Apple on the other side of the square...I fancy The Old Bridge. I am on duty, but someone will come to seek you out to talk this event over." He steps aside, as do the others, to give you room to pass. "Welcome to Drellin's ferry."

2013-09-27, 05:39 PM
"Shall we take the gentleman's suggestion? I, for one, am parched!" Vega grins rakishly at his own joke.

2013-09-27, 05:51 PM
Nathan thanks the captain, and heads into the town.

"We also need to find someone to whom we can sell the arms and armor we took from the goblins," he says to Vega. "Especially the magic items. We may even find replacements we can actually use, if they have any sort of selection at all."

He points out the magical banded mail and the two short swords.

"To be specific, I personally could use a magical full plate and a magical composite bow of the same quality as my own. What do you all need?"

He hesitates for a moment, then goes on: "That reminds me. We should divine those healing potions up between us. There are quite a few of them, but I imagine they will be gone rather quickly if we are to clear out an entire keep's worth of monstrous humanoids."

2013-09-27, 05:53 PM
After burning the bodies, Jorrask changed skins into a wolf with grey dappled fur, one of his favorites, many times he used this form to relax, and at the same time to scout and keep an eye out for the party, he never felt more freedom when he was running through the underbrush on all fours...

Now he was at Vegas side, panting like a happy dog, tongue lolling out to the side and rubbing up against the man.

He was happy to let him talk, he would have stumbled into some faux pas and causes them to be run out, he usually took this guise, it was this or the bird, he did like flying...looking up at the sky he shook his face back and forth and followed the rest of the party to the inn, wandering if it was actually an old bridge.

2013-09-27, 06:38 PM
"I would much prefer you well-armed, for certain!" Vega absentmindedly scratched Jorask behind the ears as he spoke. "That said, it's important we divvy up equally - a dragon must grow his hoard, you know." With that, he winked at Jorask.

"And I imagine Galadren might have an interest in that bow as well. Let's begin with a rest and a drink - I have a suspicion whoever comes to hear our tale will have the knowledge we need ... and more than likely, a request with it."

2013-09-28, 04:46 AM
Leaving a good impression on the town guard nets you 100 xp.

You enter the town, which is small but lively. You can see that an important trade route passes here and that some of the wealth sticks to the town: Buildings have more stone elements than the average village and, for example, the guard looked well-armed. There are some kids playing on a large green in the centre of town. They immediately stop playing and start eyeing you, three warriors and a wolf with horses laden with arms and armor. You circle the square to check out the Green Apple and notice that it is not a very fancy inn. You guess many locals and traveling peasants and farmers stay here. On the way back circling the green you see the kids again in the middle of the green. They resumed playing and you hear them claiming their roles in their new game: "I am the Knight!" "I am the Elf!" "I am the rich guy, you must protect me!" The smallest kiddo trails behind and looks a bit disappointed. Maybe he does not want to be the dog?

On the other side of the green you find the Old Bridge inn. It features stables behind the inn and this place looks a bit more classy, more aimed at traveling merchants perhaps.

1: Town guard post (you entered right bottom first time)
2: The green. A large grassy square in the centre of town. Looks like many events and markets will be organized here when they happen.
4: The Green Apple Inn (low budget)
10: The Old Bridge Inn (higher class inn)
12: Delora's livery stable

As you pass, a middle aged male halfling approaches you. "Greetings, travelers! My name is Kellin Shadowbanks, proprietor of this fine inn! You look like you could use a rest and a good meal!" He smiles widely and makes a wide gesture as he points out his fine establishment. "For a mere two gold pieces per person per day, we will provide you with a good bed and a good meal. For five silver pieces a horse, our partner Delora will provide stabling and food for the horses, and storage of your goods is included in the service." He then turns to Jorrask, his halfling face more or less level with the wolf's. "Hi, and what's your name, huh?" He then looks up at Vega. "Your puppy can stay for free, of course."

"What say you.... a bed, a stew and a brew?"

2013-09-28, 10:27 AM
"Most kind, and most fair - well met. I am Vega, the stern gentleman to my right is called Nathaniel, and our companion with the bow is Galadren. This," he gives Jorask an affectionate pat, "is Jorask, and it would be wrong to call him mine. Perhaps it would be better to say, he also travels with us." Vega grins.

"We are indeed road-weary and battle-parched, and we could use your hospitality and, if you have it, your wisdom. Lead on, goodman."

2013-09-28, 11:06 AM
Jorrask looks the Halfling man in the eyes and then shifts back into human form.

"Well met, my name is Jorrask." he says simply, "I will gladly pay for some food, my stomach has been rumbling for an hour or so", he walks inside and sits down at a table.

2013-09-28, 01:07 PM
The halfling blinks twice and then starts laughing. "Well met, Jorrask...and you all, of course. You adventurers never cease to amaze me! Follow me, if you will."

You bring away your horses and your 'luggage' (for which you receive a receipt), after which the halfling guides you inside. He has some very nice and comfortable rooms for you and once you are settled he invites you down for a drink and some food. He has a good table for the four of you in a quiet corner of the inn. There's a bar, an open area where people might dance, or perhaps a bard might perform. There are about 15 tables, which can cater for up to 40 people.

It is not very crowded. You notice about twelve people other than you. Three men sit at the bar, exchanging chits and chats, pretty much ignoring you. There are two other tables taken. At each four men sit. They are well-dressed and behave in a civil manner. Merchants, perhaps?

You have a drink while the kitchen works to provide you with some food, when a man enters the inn:
He is accompanied by a a female in armor, wearing a sword.
The balding man approaches you directly and adresses you: "Sorry to trouble you, travelers, but I'd like a few minutes of your time. My name is Norro Wiston, and I am the Town Speaker for Drellin's Ferry. This is our guard captain, Soranna. I'll get right to the point: We're in a lot of trouble, and I was hoping I could persuade you to help us out." He pauses a moment and clears his throat before carrying on.

"Our town is under attack. Hobgoblin raiders have been harrying our lands for several days now. They've attacked and killed people in the outlying homesteads, and they've been waylaying travelers along the Dawn Way." Captain Soranna adds: "We've had some trouble with them before...a quick raid on homesteads on the west side of the river, usually not that bad....but this is different. It looks like a large, agressive tribe has moved down out of the Wyrmsmoke Mountains. Frankly, I fear they might be numerous enough to sack the town."

"Beyond the threat to our homes, the road is our lifeblood," the speaker continues. "If the hobgoblins make the Dawn Way impassable to the west, trade won't come this way, and we'll be ruined. Not only do we need to repel the raiders from our town, but we've got to keep that road open. Can you help us do it?"

When the Town Speaker finishes his plea, Kellin, the halfling, comes at your table to serve dinner: A hearty stew, with bread.

2013-09-29, 04:38 PM
Vega stands when the two approach, and after a courtly bow, insists they sit before they proceed.

He listens quietly, sipping his ale, as the tale unfolds. He watches the faces of the two townspeople closely, occasionally glancing at his companions to gauge their reactions.

When they are finished, he nods. Vega gestures to the table.

"I can speak only for myself. We are as you see - few. We have goals of our own to pursue. But, again, speaking only for myself," and here, he grins, "we'd be hard-hearted sorts to refuse such a request."

"But we are hungry and road-weary. I understand your urgency, but there is little to be achieved on an empty stomach. Eat with us, tell us more, and perhaps we can come to a strategy that might best use what talents we possess to aid you."

He nods to Kellin. "A grand repast - our thanks."

Here's hoping the die-roller gives me some love for a diplomatic approach ... :smallfrown:

Diplomacy: [roll0]

2013-09-29, 04:53 PM
Nathan nods to the speaker and the captain of the guard, but he lets Vega speak for the nonce. He thanks Kellin for the stew and the bread.

He has left his armor and weapons in his room.

When Vega pauses, the paladin adds, "We have encountered these raiders for ourselves. We were heading for the Witchwood, towards a keep known as Vraath Keep. If we encounter more of the raiders, you can be certain we will make short work of them... but I do not know that we can ensure that the Dawn Way remains open, unless the road just happens to pass through the Witchwood...? I'm afraid I'm not familiar with the geography of the Vale."

He stops talking to take a bite of the bread and a spoonful of stew.

"However much we would like to be, we are not charity workers," he adds, after swallowing. "We generally do not work for free. We do have expenses to pay."

2013-09-29, 08:46 PM
Vega winces politely at his friend's words.

"You'll have to forgive Nathaniel - while he may seem the mercenary, he is a faithful man in a fight and a loyal knight of Saint Cuthbert. I assure you, he's far kinder than he'd have you think."

"It's early for details - let us discuss the matter at leisure. As I said, I'm sure we can find a mutually accommodating solution if we explore the matter fully."

Diplomacy again, sigh!


And a suggestion - can we gloss the actual conversation? Agree on some basics - what they'd like, if pay's involved, how to communicate, any suggestions they have for us, where we can sell our gear, how fixing their problem and following our goals are the same, etc. - and just get to the slaughter?

I like me some slaughter. :smallamused:

2013-09-30, 02:14 AM
Speaker Wiston and Captain Soranna gladly accept your offer to take a seat, but indicate they have already eaten and will just have a drink. Speaker Wiston listens intently to what Nathan has to say and smiles at the warrior reassuringly. "But of course...we are a town of traders, so we know all too well nothing comes for free." He adds a small wink. "Should you decide to help us out, we will cover all your expenses in this fine inn. Furthermore, if you could clear the Dawn Way in the Witchwood of threats and, ehm, 'obstacles' we will pay each of you five hundred gold pieces." He takes a small pause to let that sink in.

Reassured by Vega's words that you will be willing and able to help out, he continues. "It seems our goals are overlapping anyway: The Dawn Way runs from this town all the way through the Witchwood. Vraath Keep lies about fifteen miles along the Dawn Way. People say it is haunted, but it makes sense that the hobgoblins have seized it for their stronghold...I guess they would not care, or know."

2013-09-30, 08:16 AM
"Then we have an understanding - excellent!" Vega stretches back and lets out his belt.

"Truly, a fine meal. If we can exchange our goods and prepare, we should be able to depart quickly. I have reason to believe it would be best if we acted with haste - news of adventurers has a way of spreading quickly, and we would hate to find our foes not only out-numbering us, but also prepared for our arrival."

2013-09-30, 08:25 AM
The Town speaker nods and smiles: "Excellent! If there is anything the town can do to help you, please let me know. Kellin, the innkeeper, generally knows where to find me."

2013-09-30, 09:17 AM
"For starters, we'd like an appraisal of our ... acquisitions. If possible, it would be lovely if we could also equip ourselves and prepare for the journey at the same time - is there an establishment you could recommend for our purposes?"

2013-09-30, 01:17 PM
Speaker Wiston nods. "Sure thing. Other side of the square, take the road to the right and you'll find Morlin's Smithy. Chances are he'll buy and who knows what he currently has in store? A bit further down the road is a small shrine to Pelor. Brother Derny does not only offer wisdom and consolidation when needed, he might have a scroll for sale. Way north in the town is the house of Sertieren the Wise. He is a mage, kind of a....ehm, difficult person, but he may have some toys up for trading." He keeps moving with his finger on the table to 'draw' the town and where you can find these places. The town is simple enough to follow.

See the map in OoC post 1 for exact locations, if you're interested.

"As a matter of fact, I suggest you bring your things to Morlin tonight, so he can spend some time appraising them so you can do business in the morning and be on your way?" Captain Soranna stands up from the table. "Been a pleasure meeting you, gentlemen. Duty calls, though." She smiles and gets ready to leave and then turns around. "If you're going to be wandering around in Witchwood, I advice you to seek out Jorr. You can't find someone who knows the woods better. His cabin is out of the way, but it could be worth the walk. When you're on Dawn Way, take a right on a trail about nine miles from the forest edge...Jorr's cabin is near the Blackwater." She says goodbye again and leaves, but not before mentioning she'll alert Morlin to the pending visit of the adventurers.

2013-09-30, 01:45 PM
Vega stands and bows as the two leave, then turns to his companions.

"Shall we visit the smith? As for the other suggestions, and a preparatory shopping expedition, what say you?"

He sits, and in a slightly softer voice adds "If our friend does more than simply visit family, we may wish to speed our departure. I do not relish the thought of a well-prepared reception for our visit."

2013-09-30, 07:38 PM
After their initial conversation with the guards, Galadren is largely silent as he takes in the sights and sounds of the small town of Drellin's Ferry. It seems like a nice, if a bit quiet, place to live (although probably a little less nice now that there were hobgoblin raiders prowling about). He grins excitedly at the children playing in the square, especially when one of them announces that he is the elf.

At the mention of a warm bed for both himself and Legend, Galadren flips the man four gold pieces.

"Keep the rest. Make sure Legend here gets your finest stall and as much hey as she wants. She's earned it today."

Galadren says, giving his faithful stead a bit of a pat, causing all of the gear that she was currently loaded down with jingle and clatter.

Once in the inn Galadren is fairly silent as well, except for asking the barkeep if they had anything other than ale in stock - he never had developed a taste for that bitter stuff. He looks at the man and woman come in, sparing a few more moments of attention on the woman before looking away. She was attractive, but looked like she would be able to easily break the scrawny elf in half if she so chose - Galadren made a mental note not to get on her bad side.

While negotiations were going on, however, Galadren struggled to stay in his seat, fidgeting and literally biting his knuckle at one point - he finished more than one drink during the course of that conversation. Ever since he had blurted out that the group would do their latest job because heroism was its own reward, several jobs ago, he had been strongly advised *not* to speak up during such negotiations in the future. It was difficult not to.

When both the Captain and Norro were gone, Galadren finally spoke up.

"So . . . what did you think of the captain, eh?"

Galadren whispered, elbowing Nate in the side, feeling considerably more talkative now that he'd had about three drinks since coming in. Slapping the table loudly, Galadren pushed himself up, nearly stumbling as he did so - unfortunately a side effect of not drinking ale was that he tended to become inebriated more quickly.

"Come on, let's go find this Merlin guy and give him that stuff we found, so we can buy some more gear to kill more hobs to get more money to buy more gear to kill hobs!"

2013-09-30, 08:26 PM
Vega smiled warmly and laid a hand on his friend's shoulder, then gave a quick glance to Nate.

"I think you've gone one step further towards breaking the lad's heart, Nathan. 'Twould do you well to recall not all hearts have had the same tempering as yours."

He steered his friend by the shoulder to the door. "A breath of fresh air will do us both some good!"

Outside, he walked Galadren a bit down the road and sat with him on a overturned log. He filled a pipe and lit it with a quick breath as the elf caught his breath.

"I understand, my friend, I truly do. And I hope you'll forgive Nathaniel - there's a hurt on his heart that has left a scar that is sometimes hard for the rest of us to ignore. But rest assured, as much as he can lose himself in his bitterness, he wants as much as you and I to do right."

"You have my word - and a dragon's word is bond - I'll do my best to do right by this town and it's people."

2013-10-01, 12:40 PM
Jorrask smiled as he sat down and received his food, it was warm and it warmed his whole body, he always enjoyed a good hot stew.

Smiling he listened as the newcomers explained their dire news with the group, or more succinctly, Vega, he nodded to him and smiled, seeing Geladren biting his tongue he smiled even bigger.

Vega was in his element and he would have it no other way, his own words would only cause confusion, and in the worst case anger, he had a way with words...and so he enjoyed listening to Vega, his words rolled off like honey and almost always pleased all who heard, he always wondered if the man had some infernal draconic charm up enhancing his speech...

He stood up with the group and headed out side and walked with them to the trader. He was eager to move on, he always prefered to sleep in the woods, at the base of a tree hidden by leaves....but in a bed? no, that was not natural.

As Vega and Galadren talked he shifted into a bird and flew up to the highest building and looked out over the river and the little town.

2013-10-01, 03:13 PM
You finish up dinner (and have a dessert and even tea if you like, this inn has a wide selection of brews: One of the perks of sitting at a trade route). You then proceed to the stables where your 'cargo' is being stored. A young boy, perhaps 13 years old, is tending to the shop and does his best to help you out. He arranges a cart and a grumpy looking (but don't they always?) donkey to transport you goods to the smithy.

Once you arrive at the smithy, you see Morlin coming out the door and greeting you: "G'devening, travelers, I be Morlin." Morlin is a middle aged Dwarf, and while he is dressed properly now you can see by the strength in his hands and arms that he spends his day around an anvil. "Cap'n told me you have some goods for sale, eh?" He scratches his beard, which is short, not inconvenient given his profession. "Now the thing with you adventurers is, is that you come in with stuff worth thousands of gold pieces. I tell you up front: I am running no bank. So, we'll be trying to trade some, eh?" He shrugs and smiles (he sounds grumpy like only dwarfs can, but he seems to be a nice guy, really). "I am not saying I won't be able to afford to buy some, just giving you a heads up." He points at a door behind which is a sort-of shop: A collection of finished arms and armor. Inside, you can smell the smithy itself, which is right next door.

"Now, bring your stuff in there and I will have a look. We can do business in the morning then, eh?"

2013-10-01, 04:24 PM
"Well met! We thank you for your honesty, goodman - we are forthright ourselves. We may yet keep some of what we've brought, but the rest in trade is a generous offer - one we'd be happy to accept. We'll be visiting Brother Derny and Sertieren, for good measure, and may ask enough coin only to purchase what we may find need for there."

For good measure, Diplomacy: [roll0]

2013-10-02, 03:13 PM
Morlin nods. "Why don't you come back tomorrow and we'll do business, right?"

2013-10-03, 03:31 PM
You spend the night having a look at what the smith and the mage have on offer and then retreat to the inn. There are various games being played, some of which allow you to win (or lose) a gold piece or two. At night, there are more customers at the inn. Most of them come for the games, but some just to socialize at the bar. If you are open to it, there's plenty of opportunity for a chat here and there. The brews they have on offer are good, and so are the beds. The next morning, you wake up well rested and visit the smith.

Sorting out this whole deal turns out to be quite the lengthy operation. On the up-side, you get some insight into how community governing works. The smith does not have enough money or stuff up for trade you fancy to pay/trade you. However, Nate is smart enough to involve the town guard and get some of the community's money in play. The guards are in doubt, and have solid reasons: For example, they argue that if they could afford equipping the guard with masterwork weapons, they would have already done so. However, at some point councilmen are being involved and they know that other towns might be interested as well, and they might be able to sell some of the stuff on.

Unfortunately, the hassling is not over yet. The town does not have the cash to pay you (all the funds are reserved for your reward), and you end up fancying quite some stuff that is on offer at the mage's house. The mage has the money to buy from you, but he is not interested in the your wargear, nor is he willing to effectively lend money to the town. A break in the negotiations seems near when the mage reminds the city council that he has applied for a permit to build a tower next to his house. He is willing to donate a sizeable amount of gold to the city to obtain this permit. It turns out, however, that he was denied his permit because his tower was planned to be half a foot higher than the town church, which would upset the clergy as well as the religious community.

Negotiations with the local priest ensue and after a while a consensus is reached. The church attenders will be urged to donate one day of labour each to dig a one foot pit next to the mage's house. The mage can build his tower, which is half a foot taller than the church but to the observer appears to be half a foot shorter. The mage donates money to the town with which they buy your gear. Long story short: you get to pick up the following goodies:

Chronocharm of the Uncaring archmage
Wand of Speak with animals with 50 charges
Wand of Mass camouflage (SpC) with 9 charges
You can trade in your full plate for a fine +1 full plate with matching +1 large steel shield
You end up purchasing an Ehlonna's quiver, as well as a potion of invisibility
You buy an amulet of health +1 (+1 to con), a restful crystal and a wand of Alarm (Caster level 4) with 9 charges remaining.

It is well after lunch time when you have packed your horses, the innkeeper has told you you are always welcome to return and Speaker Wiston and Soranna wish you luck on your quest. What is the next step?

2013-10-03, 03:58 PM
"Well friends? Straight to the keep, or do we seek out this woodsman first? Given the time we've taken, we're in need of a speedy choice."

2013-10-03, 04:52 PM
Jorrask receives the new items well and seams pleased, placing the new charm around his throat and allowing his brooch to meld and almost grow roots into his chest.

He stands in human form for the moment, looking tired of waiting for his friends, "Well, lets go already, we have to find this tracker so he can help us get through the woods, whats his name? Jorr? Good name if you ask me" he says with a grin, he holds one of his new wands in his hand, a gnarled piece of wood, the grain running deep and rich, red stripes of dried sap.

He had replaced it with his quarterstaff, saying something about talking to them now, and how happy he was to talk to them...or something along those lines.

"I say straight to the keep, if we can find it, could take days to encounter more of those bandits"

Updated sheet and prepared spells

2013-10-03, 07:20 PM
"If we want to get to the Keep fast, we should probably talk to the man who knows the woods like the back of his hand. I think we should go see this Jorr fellow."

2013-10-04, 09:31 AM
"I agree, Galadren," Nathan says in his deep voice, looking resplendent in his new armor. "If this 'Jorr' can ease our passage through the forest, we should seek him out."

Updated my sheet.

2013-10-05, 06:28 AM
With all your stuff packed you head out of the village. This time, you exit on the other side, which means you will have to cross the river with the ferry. The boatsman is already expecting you and brings you to the other side free of charge. Only a couple hundred yards outside the village, the Witchwood lies, and there is no mistaking which way the Dawnway is.

The trade route cuts straight through the forest and it is in general broad, flat and well-maintained. The Witchwood is a warm forest with a mix of oaks, subtropical evergreens and plenty of undergrowth. Leaving the existing ways will result in your travel slowing down to a grind and perhaps you getting lost, that much you can see. On the up-side, the forest provides you with shelter from the punishing sun. In that respect, this is the most comfortable traveling you have done in weeks. Once every two or three miles you see a small abandoned wooden cabin. Here and there, the Dawn way crosses a small creak or bog by means of stone bridges, obviously of Dwarven make.

As promised by Captain Soranna, after about nine miles there is a trail heading to the right. It leads twoards a large swamp, or glade, and halfway past a small cabin. A ramshackle front porch is littered with fishing baskets and skinning frames. The cabin overlooks a dark bayou with old gray cedar trees draped in moss rising out of the water. An old skiff is tied up on the shore nearby, and a little smoke curls from the fieldstone chimney.

When you approach the cabin, you are surprised by two large dogs that were idling under the porch. Quite agressively they storm at you, barking madly, showing their teeth. Ten feet away from you they halt, growling, heads lowered, teeth bare, ready to charge. Every few seconds they bark.

2013-10-05, 07:33 AM
Nathan immediately calls for a halt, drawing the reins of Saren back and halting the warhorse. He is mounted, wielding his lance and with his shield strapped to his left arm.

"Jorrask, can you...?" he asks the druid, trailing off with a vague gesture of the lance's hilt at the hounds.

"No need to hurt the man's guard dogs -- we just want to talk with him, after all."

2013-10-05, 07:48 AM
"I agree - this looks like your area of expertise my friend. Perhaps they're just, er . . . lonely? You could always turn yourself into one of them - that's bound to end well."

Galadren adds with a smirk as he keeps his eyes off the dogs and on their surroundings - the dogs' owner had to be around here somewhere.

2013-10-05, 09:27 AM
Jorrask enjoys the boat ride, opting to actually ride with the group, he had been told long ago, that it 'built morale', sometimes he did things to better the group, but really had no idea as to the actual means, and usually thought they were making fun of him.

The boat ride was fun however, and he enjoyed traveling over the magnificent river.

The trek in didn't take long and he busied himself with identifying trees and plants as they went, this forest was a little different than his homes but not that much.

As the dogs came bounding out he smiled, and nodded to his companions at the mention of 'handling' the dogs. But looked to Galadren, "becoming a dog would only exacerbate the issue, this is their territory, we have trespassed."

squatting down where he was he put both his arms up and tried to convey his words through his empathy, <<be calm, we mean no harm>>


If that doesn't work, he will use a charge of his new wand and actually speak to the dogs "We mean no harm, were is your human?"

2013-10-05, 03:28 PM
Vega draws back at the sight of the dogs, catching his cloak - today, a subtle olive edged with ochre - in his hand. He raises an eyebrow as Jorask squats to chat with the hounds.

2013-10-05, 07:03 PM
Jorrask steps forward and adresses the dogs. The druid knows enough about domesticated animals not to get to near. Instead, he uses body language and soothing words. It works, the hounds sit down and calm their demeanor. However, as Jorrask knows, these beasts are well-taught. Their calmness veils their willingness to attack anyone crossing the invisible line.

Just as the team releases it's breath, the volatile situation apparently contained, you hear a voice behind you. "You have your ways with the beasts, stranger." A lean woodsman of indeterminate age has sneaked up behind you. His face looks leathery, and he has a bow in his hands. If he would have wanted to shoot you, he would have done so. "I thank you for not using your magics against them." The man eyes the team, one for one, and gives Jorrask an understanding, or maybe appreciative nod.

"What brings you here, travelers?" He is not happy to see a bunch of strangers trespassing. There is some work to be done here...

2013-10-05, 10:07 PM
Nathan turns in his saddle, before getting his horse to turn towards the woodsman. "We seek a man known as Jorr. He is supposedly familiar with these parts."
He studies the man for a moment. "Are you he? We would pay well for a guide to Vraath Keep, where we hope to find the source of the hobgoblin raiders that have been plaguing Drellin's Ferry."

2013-10-06, 12:10 AM
Vega nods. "Nathaniel speaks true - and I cannot imagine you could be anyone else. Captain Sorana spoke highly of your skill, and it was clearly well-deserved."

"I am Vega." Here, he executes a short bow. "This doughty warrior is Nathaniel, a paladin of St. Cuthbert. Jorask is a disciple of the woodland spirits, and Galadren is soft of step and quick with a bow."

"We hope to find some mutual interest in liberating the Keep. If nothing more, we seek a safe, quick passage to our destination."

He grins, suddenly. "We may even need help finding our way back again, should all go well."

Diplomacy: [roll0]

2013-10-06, 12:23 AM
Jorrask smiles as the dogs calm down from his actions, he enjoyed animals, they were much easier than humans, they were so...unpredictable.

Not being surprised when the voice cam from behind them, he knew the dogs master was somewhere, these dogs were trained, and he was assuming this person was the man talking to them now.

He nodded back to the man, he was obviously a ranger of some kind, a man of the woods, and he could appreciate that.

"Mighty fine animals you have here, did you train them yourself? I assume they are hunting companions, what with that bow of yours" he says matter of factly turning with a big grin on his face "Vega he is obviously a man of the woods, if was is this fellow we are looking for, he would say so."

2013-10-06, 06:37 AM
The man lowers his bow and makes a clicking sound with his tongue, after which the dogs transform from angry guards into good spirited companions. With wagging tails they start circling and sniffing Jorrask. "Yes, I trained them. Mostly as guard, though. These days with them blasted hobgoblins around it is too dangerous to hunt with the dogs. They tend to get excited and noisy."

The man, obviously Jorr, then turns to Vega and Nate. "Fighting hobgoblins, eh? That's a good cause if I ever heard of one." He ponders a moment, a very small one, and then concludes: "Yeah, sure, why not. For ten gold pieces a day, I will guide you through the forest, wherever you want to go. Just give me five minutes to pack and tend to the dogs." He looks at you to see how you feel about that offer.

Befriending and hiring Jorr: 375 xp

2013-10-06, 06:53 AM
"A fair offer - well met, Jorr, and our thanks." With one hand on a hound's head, Vega extends a hand.

"We have another interest as well - we've been asked to clear the Dawn Way. We though perhaps beginning with the keep and working back to town might be wise, rather than giving our foes time to prepare for our approach by starting nearer to town and working our way out."

"But enough talk of details. If our agreement is amenable, time is of the essence - could you see to your packing swiftly? We could discuss our strategy as we move."

2013-10-07, 02:42 AM
It takes Jorr only a few minutes to get ready, after which you are on your way. He tells you that the Dawn Way stretches about forty miles through the forest and is crossed by only two other, minor, roads. Otherwise, there are only a hand full of trails that can be traveled. He also tells you that with the increase in hobgoblin numbers in the forest, other monsters also surfaced from whatever hole they were resting in. Giants, evil magical beasts, and so on.

Otherwise he is not very talkative, until he finds out that he and Galadren have a lot in common. It turns out that he is also a hunter, with a special knack for hunting goblinoids. He also favours the bow and fighting tactics aimed at surprising people and hitting them where it hurts.While exchanging tips and tricks with the Elf, he leads you over the trade route and towards Vraath Keep.

Before you get there, you come across a swampy area. A wide expanse of dark water has flooded the woodland in this low valley. Trees still protrude from the calm, dark, waters here and there, but many large reaches seem to be little more than open pools of algae-choked water. The trill of frogs and the whine of insects fills the air. The forest road leads right down to the edge of the flooded section, up to a rickety-looking causeway made of thick planks of wood lashed together with mossy rope. The causeway forces you to dismount and guide your horses over it. The wooden causeway runs for several hundred feet through the boggy patch, only a foot or so above the water. Up ahead, you can make out the wreckage of a wagon, lying on its side and half-sunk in the flooded forest.

The causeway is about 10ft wide and somewhat uneven and slick (Balance checks to run or charge). Ending up in the swampy bits next to the causeway will obviously result in severely reduced movement.

Behind the cart, you notice a large reptilian head covered in moss emerging from the water. Nothing much you can do about it, as it notices you as well and immediately charges to the causeway to suprise the others. You two, however, are not flat-footed.

While you are making your way over the wooden planks, you notice Jorrask and Galadren reacting to something....but what? Then, a huge monster emerges from the water and charges in, ending up next to the causeway, just out of reach of your (melee) weapons. It is the size of an elephant...maybe two...definitely two! The most disturbing part, though, is that it has six long necks, each featuring a large reptilian head! Its small, beady eyes betray little intellect, but its teeth indicate a never-ending hunger.


It attacks once with each head, targeting Nate, who is flat-footed and Galadren who is lucky enough to be aware. Both get bitten nastily once. Galadren's horse is also under attack!

Nate, I hit AC 27 once, for 6 damage. Galadren, I hit AC 22 once for 7 damage.

Surprise round

First round
-Jorr and Vega (full-round)
-Monster (full-round)
-Everyone (full-round, from here on we're into block initiatives)

Combat map (https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B3cCkJpKBtmpdzh0VWVMVWItMjQ/edit?usp=sharing)

Vega is up!

[roll0], [roll1]
[roll2], [roll3]
[roll4], [roll5]

Galadren Horse
[roll6], [roll7]

[roll8], [roll9]
[roll10], [roll11]

2013-10-07, 03:23 PM
Vega whispers a short thanks for foresight under his breath. The rest of the party has gotten used to the short invocation he recites over each at the start of every day, and though they mostly enjoy the protection it offers from the elements, he is far more grateful for the liberty it gives him in employing his weapon in combat.

Everybody, Jorr and the horses included, would have gotten an Endure Elements - hope that's okay. When your primary weapon's a nuke, it pays to make sure the people you fight with wear Rad Suits. :smallbiggrin:

Also assuming we've spent some time getting the horses used to it - spitting to train them so they wouldn't bolt in combat. Is that fair? They still might bolt at the sight of the hydra, of course (I'm tempted to, myself!).

Stepping back and heaving a breath, he spits a line of flames at the creature, passing through the horses' square with no effect and blanketing the hideous creature! The flames seem to cling to it, licking along its body.

Stepping to
Ref save DC 18 for 1/2 damage!

I argued with myself about going for entangle or not, but I decided for it. A -4 to Dex should help everybody hit the thing, and a -2 to hit might help us survive ... it also will be 1/2 move and won't be able to run or charge - feel free to figure out how to run without being chomped, if you can!

Entangling Breath Fire Damage: [roll0]
Entangle Duration: [roll1]

2013-10-07, 03:37 PM
Jorr draws his bow and shoots an arrow at the beast, while Vega peppers the beast with his usual fiery tangling mass. The arrow hits and it looks like the beast is fully affected by the breath weapon. Much to your surprise, however, the burn wounds as well as the arrow damage heal right up in front of your eyes!

Having, at least in its eyes, displayed and confirmed his superiority, the beast roars sixfold and one after the other the heads dive in. Poor Nathaniel recieves the brunt of the agression, but on the other hand, it is his job. Be that as it may, it looks like the warrior is in dire need of some medical attention soon! Galadren's horse also gets hit badly. It is a warhorse, so it does not panick immediately, but if this keeps on it is going to require some directing.

Nate, I bite you two times (ow!)*. You take another 17 damage. Galadren, your horse gets bitten twice as well. It takes 14 damage.

*Edit: Well, not me personally. The Hydra, you know.... *awkward*

Everyone is up, combat map hasn't changed!

[roll0], [roll1]
[roll2], [roll3]

Galadren horse
[roll4], [roll5]
[roll6], [roll7]

[roll8], [roll9]
[roll10], [roll11]

Ref: [roll12]
-2AC, -2att

2013-10-07, 07:14 PM
"Keep your distance from the beast! We'll wear it down from ranged!"

Galadren shouts as he slaps Legend on the flanks. The elf and his mount wait until the hydra rears back for another round of bites, and then they scatter, the horse plunging off the side of the bridge into the water to get away from the creature, and the elf scampering back while loosing an arrow to keep the beast's attention.


Move - Direct Legend to Withdraw down off of the bridge into the swamp, moving as far through the heavy water as it can get with the double-move from Withdraw (normal speed is 60').
Free - 5' Step to K13
Standard - Shoot an arrow at the hydra
To-Hit: [roll0] (-4 PA, +1 PB)
Damage: [roll1] (+1 Magic, +1 PB, +4 PA)

2013-10-07, 07:54 PM
Jorrask sees the beast and grimaces as it gnashes and bites at his companions, he instantly begins weaving his hands summoning forth his spirit allies, he was far enough away to not be in any danger and he took advantage of it.

Begins casting Summon Natures Ally III to summon [roll0] crocodiles.
Sacrificing Column of Ice to cast it.

2013-10-08, 12:48 PM
Nathan is taken by complete surprise when the hydra appears, and he does not recover quickly enough, suffering three rather nasty bites.

He roars in pain, unsheathing his two-handed sword from his back. "This needs a more hand-on approach," he tells Galadren with a shake of his head. "Watch how it heals!"

He hops forward into the bog, ending up in marshy water almost up to his waist, but within striking distance of the great beast. He cuts straight at the creature's center of mass, hoping to strike deep into its chest.

Ouch! 23 damage before I can even react! Nasty.
Move action to draw the weapon, 5-foot step diagonally closer to the hydra to I16, then a standard action to attack.
Full power attack -- +6 to hit, 2d6+19 damage.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Current HP: 19/42

2013-10-08, 04:26 PM
Remember - heal 1 HP/round up to 1/2 full! :smallsmile:

Vega heaves a second breath - this one with more scorching heat than the last!

Ref save DC 18, [roll0] fire damage, plus [roll1] from the entangling exhalation.

He calls out to Nate: "It cannot give chase as quickly with my flames on it, and you are wounded - there's a difference between pride and foolishness, friend!"

2013-10-09, 01:26 AM
However this combat is going to end, it is bound to be short. While Galadren's arrow does not manage to penetrate the beast's hide, Jorr does shoot two arrows straight into its chest. Nate jumps into the water and dishes out a truly tremendous blow to the monster that had already delivered severe injuries to him. It screeches loudly in return as a new wave of flames engulfs its body.

Jorrask is summoning his crocodiles and realizes that with Galadren and his mount having stepped out and the paladin stepped in, Nate is pretty much on his own. All six heads flail back and forth as the beast is about to lash out with all its might at Nate. Each and every one of you knows what is about to happen as the vicious teeth dive in on the warrior one by one. A bite on the chest, one on the arm, one on the head, the other arm...and there is nothing you can do about it. "Your man is insane," Jorr whispers at Galadren as he looks at the scene with awe. "Brave....brave, but a nutcase."

As the beast is attacking, you see again that a good portion of his wounds are healing. Not all of them this time, however.

It is with great relief you all notice Nate is still standing after this flurry of bites! His armor looks well-dented, but St. Cuthbert must have a special guardian angel reserved just for him.

Only one hits out of six. 7 damage. You won't be that lucky again :smallwink: .

With renewed vigor, you prepare for a new round of attacks. If you manage to push hard again, like last round, the beast might die. It had better, it is him or Nate!

New map (https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B3cCkJpKBtmpNmN0bWI0eEVXc2c/edit?usp=sharing)

Everyone is up!

[roll0], [roll1]
[roll2], [roll3]
[roll4], [roll5]
[roll6], [roll7]
[roll8], [roll9]
[roll10], [roll11]


[roll13], [roll14]
[roll15], [roll16]

2013-10-09, 05:44 AM
Galadren flinches as the beast's array of heads all descend towards Nate, battering the warrior but thankfully not yet tearing him apart. At Jorr's comment, however, Galadren smirks.

"Yeah . . . he's always like this. You get used to it after a while."

Galadren unleashes another pair of arrows at the beast, and then does something that might be just as foolish as Nate. He shuffles forward back along the bridge towards the beast, and roars at it!

"Hey ugly! I'm over here!"

He shouts, spreading his arms wide.


Full-Round: Rapid Shot vs Hydra
1st Shot:
To-Hit: [roll0] (-2 Rapid, -4 PA, +1 PB)
Damage: [roll1] (+1 Magic, +1 PB, +4 PA)

2nd Shot:
To-Hit: [roll2] (-2 Rapid, -4 PA, +1 PB)
Damage: [roll3] (+1 Magic, +1 PB, +4 PA)

5' Foot Step: Move back to J14 where Galadren was originally
Free: Yell at hydra

2013-10-09, 08:05 AM
Vega lets loose another jet of flame, licking across the creature's already singed flesh with a crackling, searing heat. A stench of burnt marsh gas fills the air.

Ref save DC 18! [roll0] from the breath plus [roll1] from the entangling!

Hey AutoPsi - where 'dem crocs at? :smallsmile:

His breath spent, Vega sighs and grins.

"Idiocy is bad enough, but obliging us to join in ..."

Hefting his shield in front of him, he sprints past Nate to join Galadren's distraction!

Moving to J17 ... and considering what I'll say to Nate when we're done, here! :smallmad:

2013-10-09, 08:39 AM
Nate grins in exhilaration despite the pain of his wounds. "Hahaha! You will not get me, you six-headed monstrosity!" he calls defiantly up at the beast, as his sword spins in his hands, before slashing straight at the hydra again.

Whew! Hopefully the crocs'll divert the attention of at least a few of the heads now. :smallbiggrin:
Power attacking for 3, so +8 to hit, 2d6+15 damage.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Status: 14/42 [includes +2 hp from Vega's aura, one from this round and one from last.]

2013-10-09, 11:41 AM
Jorrask moves through his incantation, waving his hands, and muttering ancient lost arcane words of power, only known to the druids of the world, long lost but words that still hold power.

As he comes to the end of his summoning ritual, he bought both hands up, finally letting go of his deities charm and pulling back down with both hands clasped, at this moment, three crocodiles appear from the æther snapping and gnashing with mouths full of sharp teeth, their eyes focus on the great hyrda before them and they all swing their tail at it at once.

Crocs appearing at squares: E15, E16 and I15

All attack with flank bonuses (and provide Nate flank too)

Crocodile attack 1

Crocodile attack 2

Crocodile attack 3

Rounds: 1
Size/Type: Medium Animal
Hit Dice: 3d8+18 (31 hp)
HP: 31/31
Initiative: +1
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares), swim 30 ft.
Armor Class: 15 (+1 Dex, +4 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 14
Base Attack/Grapple: +2/+11
Attack: Bite +11 melee (1d8+8) or tail slap +11 melee (1d12+8)
Full Attack: Bite +11 melee (1d8+8) or tail slap +11 melee (1d12+8)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Improved grab
Special Qualities: Hold breath, low-light vision
Saves: Fort +8, Ref +4, Will +2
Abilities: Str 23, Dex 12, Con 21, Int 1, Wis 12, Cha 2
Skills: Hide +7*, Listen +4, Spot +4, Swim +12
Feats: Alertness, Skill Focus (Hide)

Croc 1:
HP: 31/31

Croc 2:
HP: 31/31

Croc 3:
HP: 31/31

Jorrask changes form after casting his spell and lopes down to the monster, moving swiftly even in the deep water, he bites at the thing in an attempt to take it down alongside his friends.

Swift: change form into predator shape
Move: move to I19 then to I18 next to Nate, most likely provokes, AC with mobility for aoo's is 20.
Standard: attack

AC: 16 (20 vs aoo's)
HP: 31/31

2013-10-09, 01:42 PM
Swiftly adapting to the environment you find yourselves in, you swamp the Hydra in lethal attacks. Whether it is the fire, the arrows, the cleaving sword or the slapping tails of the crocodiles, one of them provides too much for the beast and it collapses into the water. However, your battle has attracted the attention of someone:


On the other side of the water a reptilian humanoid, probably what they call a 'lizardfolk', stands, unarmored, and surprises you with a flashing display of magic. He utters a few words and draws an arcane gesture, after which a long line of cracking electricity springs forth from him to the people on the bridge.

Lightning bolt!

Jorrask, Vega, Galadren and Nate's horse (not Nate himself) need to make a DC17 reflex save or take [roll0] electricity damage (half on succesful save)

The lizard-man grins at you as he seems to lick his mouth with his rather long and narrow tongue. The biggest problem for you right now is reaching him. The bridge is slippery, and wading and swimming through the swamp and river poses its own risks.

New map! (https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B3cCkJpKBtmpd2VCOVVacU9qZ3M/edit?usp=sharing)

Everyone is up!

2013-10-09, 01:48 PM

Uh, checked map, Jorrask moved and is below Nate.

2013-10-09, 01:51 PM


EVASION! - Better luck next time, lizardbrain!

With barely a glance over his shoulder, Galadren flexes his legs and leaps straight up, high into the air, a split-second before the lightning bolt courses over the bridge. As the bolt fades, the elf lands back on the bridge with a grimace.

"Let's not let him do that again."

Galadren announces as he advances down the bridge toward the lizardman, unleashing a series of arrows as he goes.


And since I had to check my Reflex save to see whether or not Galadren survived that lightning bolt, rolls for the full attack will be in the OOC thread.
Full-Round Action - Rapid Shot vs. the lizardman wizard
5' Step back to K13

2013-10-09, 02:07 PM
Nathan lets out a cheer when the beast goes down, but it is cut short by the crackle of lightning.

Reacting as quickly as possible, the warrior drops his sword on the walkway, pulls his bow over his head, nocks an arrow from the soggy quiver at his waist, draws it to his cheek in one smooth, practiced motion and lets it fly straight at the lizardfolk.

Yikes! Poor Saren... :smalleek:
Saren's save: [roll0]
Free action to drop the sword, move action to draw the bow, and standard to attack. +7 to hit, 1d8+4 damage.
Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

Current HP: 15/42

2013-10-09, 07:14 PM
Vega leaps back as the lightning arcs towards the party.

Ref: [roll0]

Nathaniel's exuberance is catching - Vega grins wildly as he charges across the bridge at this new foe, shouldering his shield before him.

Move to K11, total defense for a +4 AC.

He shouts across to the lizardman: "Confn vur seizs sia ibafarshani, moxt ir!"

Draconic: "Come and taste my flames, little one!"

2013-10-11, 10:53 AM
Jorrask takes a bite of the hydra and shakes it like a wolf tearing at the flesh, glimpsing the flash of the lightning strike, he drops the dead thing, shifting back to human form in an instant and says the command word for the wand in his right hand.

"Vorshak!" he says, and then looks to his crocodiles [in crocodile]"Go get the fishman on the other side my friends!"

The crocodiles submerge into the water fully and swim towards the fishman at full speed.

They move to squares: K6, K7, and J7

Rounds: 2
Size/Type: Medium Animal
Hit Dice: 3d8+18 (31 hp)
HP: 31/31
Initiative: +1
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares), swim 30 ft.
Armor Class: 15 (+1 Dex, +4 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 14
Base Attack/Grapple: +2/+11
Attack: Bite +11 melee (1d8+8) or tail slap +11 melee (1d12+8)
Full Attack: Bite +11 melee (1d8+8) or tail slap +11 melee (1d12+8)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Improved grab
Special Qualities: Hold breath, low-light vision
Saves: Fort +8, Ref +4, Will +2
Abilities: Str 23, Dex 12, Con 21, Int 1, Wis 12, Cha 2
Skills: Hide +7*, Listen +4, Spot +4, Swim +12
Feats: Alertness, Skill Focus (Hide)

Croc 1:
HP: 31/31

Croc 2:
HP: 31/31

Croc 3:
HP: 31/31

2013-10-12, 05:51 AM
This new foe proves to be craftier than the multi-headed behemoth you were just facing. Nate and Jorr both shoot arrows at him, but they all miss. This guy looks like he has a thick hide, but there also appears to be an invisible layer of armor protection him. Galadren hits him with one arrow, though, which is stuck in his upper leg. Vega moves cautiously over the bridge while Jorrask instructs his reptilian pets to engage the new threat.

When Vega adresses him in Draconic, he merely grins, baring a row of sharp, pointy teeth. He utters a few arcane words, after which he slowly rises above the ground and ends this movement 20 feet up in the air. While slowly levitating, he cackles loudly, enjoying his sense of superiority. His voice sounds harsh, somewhat metallic.

Being in the back, especially Nate and Jorrask notice how team Wyrmzbäne is still for an important part lined up perfectly for another lightning strike. Some movement is in order.

Everybody is up!

New map (https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B3cCkJpKBtmpcEdTZkhQSDRMV2s/edit?usp=sharing)

2013-10-12, 08:11 AM
"Thanks for giving me a clear shot!"

Galadren calls up at the lizard man as he fires another set of arrows up at the caster.


Free: 5' Step to L12
Full-Round Action: Rapid Shot

1st Shot (Power Attack for 4)
To-Hit: [roll0] (-4 PA)
Damage: [roll1] (+1 Magic, +4 PA)

2nd Shot (Power Attack for 4)
To-Hit: [roll2] (-4 PA)
Damage: [roll3] (+1 Magic, +4 PA)

2013-10-12, 10:56 AM
Vega sprints past the crocs, takes a wide stance on the walkway, and spews a plume of flame far into the air, bathing the lizardman in scorching heat!

By my math, if I move to J5, a 30 ft. line should hit our flighty friend.

A^2 + B^2 = C^2, right?

In J5, I'm 15 ft from Scaly, since one diagonal is 5 but two is 10 (5 ft. to K4, then +10 to L3 for a 15 ft. line). Therefore, A=15.

Scaly is 20 ft. in the air - B=20.

C, my line, is 30.

15^2 + 20^2 = 225+400 = 625

30^2 = 900. In other words, 30 feet does the trick JUST FINE.

Cocky bastard didn't count on the deadly power of MATHS, DID HE NOW?! EAT IT - PYTHAGOREAN STYLE!

Ref Save: DC 18, bastard!
Damage: [roll0] divide by 2, please, for entangling!
A note: I looked up entangle (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#entangled). It makes NO REFERENCE to mode of movement - the penalty works regardless.
Duration: [roll1]

2013-10-12, 11:15 AM
Nathan grunts in irritation when his shot is deflected from something in the air in front of the lizardfolk.

"Spread out! Don't let him catch you standing in a line!" he calls out, as he pulls another arrow from his quiver. He moves up on the walkway, out of the water, before nocking the arrow, pulling it to his cheek, and firing another shot at the enemy spellcaster.

"Jorrask, could you tell that horse of mine to retreat somewhat? He's no help here and he's quite exposed," Nathan asks the druid, glancing in his direction.

Darn, a 19 didn't hit? My luck, it is getting worse! :smallfrown:
Moving back up to J16. Probably can't do it as a five-foot step, so consider that my move action. Let's hope I can roll a bit better with my second shot... still +7 to hit and 1d8+4 damage.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

After Vega moves, I'll be outside his healing aura, so this round's the last I'll up my HP until I get back under it. It's 30 ft. radius, right?

Current HP: 16/42

2013-10-12, 11:55 AM
Jorrask nods to Nate and turns to the horse:

"Your human is asking for you to move, I would suggest it as more hurt is coming this way, don't stray to far!"

He looks to the line up and grimaces "You all might want to stop lining up for him!" he yells out before changing into a large eagle and flying up.

Crocs keep moving up finishing directly below him.
Jorrask shifts into a bird and double moves 40ft in the air. (forwards and upwards, ending at J11)

2013-10-13, 06:50 AM
The lizard man is bathed in fire and then peppered by arrows, perhaps a bit more resistance than he expected. It looks like he takes the full load of the breath weapon and both Nate and Galadren hit him once with an arrow. Jorr also shoots, but does not manage to penetrate the sorcerer's armor. He casts a spell again, and you notice how he is practiced enough to work around the difficulties of casting while entangled. You see three missiles of force shooting from the palm of his hand, aimed at the three men that just managed to hurt him:

Nate, one Magic missile is aimed at you and hits you for [roll0] damage
Vega, one Magic missile is aimed at you and hits you for [roll1] damage
Galadren, one Magic missile is aimed at you and hits you for [roll2] damage

Alarmed by his sudden rather damaged state, the lizard hovers even higher and is now approximately level with Jorrask, who is enjoying the benefits of having wings.

New map (https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B3cCkJpKBtmpbDcwRWtIZ2NXLTg/edit?usp=sharing)

Everyone is up

2013-10-13, 08:56 AM
Snarling in anger at the pain, Nathan shoots another arrow at the lizardfolk, then picks up his sword and steps closer.

Standard to attack, move action to pick up the sword, five-foot step to J15.
+7 to hit, 1d8+4 damage.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Current HP: 11/42

2013-10-13, 12:13 PM
Vega moves back to within range of his wounded companions.

"He's yours now, Jorask and Galadren - he's out of my range! Friend Jor, your arrows would serve if you are willing!"

Double move to K14 to provide aura to the wounded. If we have a potion, let's get it in Nate!

Entangle damage: [roll0]

And every casting requires a DC 15 Concentration check (at least till the end of my next action - sigh!).

2013-10-13, 01:48 PM
"Working on it!"

Galadren calls as he fires two more arrows up at the wounded lizard wizard.


Rapid-Shot (No PA)
1st Shot:
To-Hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] (+1 Magic)

2nd Shot:
To-Hit: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3] (+1 Magic)

2013-10-14, 04:02 PM
Jorrask charges the spellcaster flapping his wings and aiming for his throat with his talons...

Charge spellcaster


2013-10-15, 02:08 AM
Hey, Bel, I rolled an AoO for you since it occurs during the lizard man's action. I hope you don't mind (otherwise, I'd have to hold the whole round to wait for your AoO before carrying on). You can see the roll below this post. I am sure you don't mind :smallwink:.

Nate shoots and misses, as does Jorr. Jorrask flails, wings flapping, around the lizard man's head, but by the looks of it, he is not acting like a true warbird. On a more positive note, Jorrask does see that the fiery strands he is entangled in keep searing the sorcerer's skin. Additionally, one of Galadren's arrows buries itself deep in his shoulder.

Right now, your foe has only one way to go. Seriously injured, he moves further up, opening his defenses to the bird. He probably figures it looks harmless. That is a big mistake. The bird lashes with its talons at the lizard's upper leg, creating a serious gash and apparently ripping an artery. A large amount of blood splashes down, followed by the body of your foe, whose spell just ended. If the lethal injury by Jorrask did not kill him, the drop from this height will. And, if not, there's three crocodiles waiting to bite his head of.

Combat is over.

Six headed hydra and lizard man sorcerer: 900 xp.

[roll0], [roll1]

2013-10-15, 04:33 AM
Nathan puts the bow back over his shoulder before hefting his sword in both hands. He hurries across the wooden causeway, and pokes the dead lizardfolk with a steel-toed boot.

"Dead," he mutters in a low voice. "I wonder why it attacked us."

He sheathes his sword and kneels down to examine the creature for anything it might carry. Once that is done, he goes back across the causeway to get his horse and his mule.

2013-10-15, 05:49 AM
The lizard man carries some personal items of no particular value. Then, there is his spell component pouch. He also carries a small amount of platinum pieces ( [roll0] ). On his belt you find a potion, which Vega can identify as a potion of Neutralize poison, and miraculously survived the fall and crocodile mayhem.

2013-10-15, 07:02 AM
"Hmm. There was more to this than simple banditry. The creature might well have been his ally, given the nature of the attack."

Vega carefully claps Nate on the shoulder. "You'd do well to remember you're mortal, man! Your heart may have the strength of a dragon, but your flesh is soft!" His grin falls for a moment, and his eyes are solemn. "In faith, friend, I would not have any here bear your body back. If you will not think of yourself, consider us next time."

Vega envelops his friends in his healing aura, their spirits bolstered by his good cheer. When they have sufficiently rested, he uses his wand to give them what healing his natural magic cannot.

Everybody up to 1/2 full, then holler at me for charges, y'all!

2013-10-15, 11:15 AM
Jorrask slowly flies down gliding on the thermals of the dead corpse in smooth long circles, he gracefully lands next to Nathan and shifts back into his human form as he takes a step transitioning perfectly from one form to the other.

"Yes, very dead." he looks to his spirit allies and nods "You may go back to your hunting good friends, thankyou." and with that, the crocodiles swim off into the river to disappear into the mist of the aether.

"This one was a surprise, and not a good one, he fought with no honor, leave his remains for the river animals here, they shall finish the work of my spirit brothers."

2013-10-15, 09:53 PM
As the lizardman falls to the ground with a sickening crunch, Galadren turns away and calls Legend back to him. The elf does his best to clean the swamp muck off of his faithful steed, speaking softly to it as he checks the animal's wounds. Thankfully, his horse would make a full recovery, and a few of its injuries have already resealed thanks to Vega's healing aura. But neither the elf nor his horse were feeling perfectly alright, either.

"A tap for me and one for Legend as well, if you please."

Galadren asks as he refills his quiver from the storage barrel slung across Legend's back.

2013-10-15, 10:33 PM
"Done and done."

UMD: [roll0]
UMD: [roll1]
11 hp each!

2013-10-16, 06:25 AM
Nathan raises an eyebrow at Vega. "If I had not stood between it and the rest of you, it may have attacked one of you as it did me," he says, his voice measured and even. "You are nowhere near as well armored as I am."

He smiles. "I could use some of that healing, though," he says, gesturing at the wand. "Both Saren and I could."

The knight turns to his horse, pointing out the burn wounds it suffered from the lightning bolt.

Nathan could use two charges. He's at 21/42 after spending a few minutes in Vega's aura. Saren is at 13/26, so could use one also.

2013-10-16, 12:40 PM
"Again, bravery and foolishness are two sides of the same coin. All we ask is that you retreat when the situation becomes dire - you're no good to us a corpse, my friend!"

Vega shakes his head and carefully taps both with his wand, murmuring a few soft words as he does so.

UMD rolls:

2013-10-16, 03:43 PM
Once the adrenaline of combat has settled down and everyone is healed up again, Jorr pushes you to move on. "Let's go. This is not a forest to be lingering out in the open. We're sitting ducks."

The ranger leads you further down the Dawn Way. Aside from crossing a small water here and there, the forest is monotonous. Dark, gloomy, damp and warm (but not as searing hot as outside the forest). After a few hours, Jorr halts. "We're close." He looks up at the sky, trying to figure out where the sun is. "It is late in the afternoon." He then ponders a moment while you look at the scene in front of you, some four hundred yards ahead.

Looming out of the shadowy woods ahead is a haunting sight: A ruined keep. The old castle sits on a small rocky hillock, and you can catch a glimpse of a broken tower between the trees. A moss covered stone at the side of the road you're on marks a footpath that looks like it leads up to the keep.

"I don't know what we'll find there, and how long our exploration will take. It gets dark really fast here in the woods, though. Chances are what we find there is at an advantage in the dark." He looks at you intently. "We can push it and invade the keep now, but we can also make camp here in the forest and take advantage of a full day of light tomorrow." Waiting for an answer he eyes the keep and mumbles something about goblins and then some profanities.

2013-10-16, 04:03 PM
Jorrask nods at Jorr's words and swiftly changes back into the bird to fly up above the group, keeping an eye out for anything dangerous.

Once stopped, he comes to rest on a branch near them and changes back to his human form. He silently casts a spell while squatting on the branch summoning the spirits of the forest to aid him with the knowledge that he seeked.

"Oh great protector, wise spirits of the wood, water, earth and air, heed my call, listen to my question, what awaits us if we rest the night, or shall we head onwards regardless of the plight?"

He casts Omen of Peril (http://dndtools.eu/spells/races-of-destiny--81/omen-of-peril--3037/)

79% chance of giving correct answer.

2013-10-16, 04:15 PM
OoC: I am rolling on my desk here and not on the forum, as in this case I feel it is very important nobody is tempted to have a peek.

You see an opening in a lush green forest. A deer is nibbing on some budding leafs. Then, the deer is startled. It looks up briefly, but then continues as it sees two songbirds squabbling over a female, or perhaps territory.

You have learned to interpret this as 'no immediate peril'

2013-10-16, 04:47 PM
Jorrask jumps from his perch after seeing the image, it was one of peace and calmness within the forest, one he enjoyed seeing.

As he landed on the ground he resumed his speaking form, "I have asked the spirits of the wood, it will be safe to rest the night, I would suggest doing so, especially if Nathan wants to punch fangs and claws with his face."

2013-10-17, 04:21 PM
"He's hale enough. But I agree - we could all use a rest to restore our spirits - and our health."

Vega turns to Jorr. "Before that, I suppose there is a question that bears asking. You have done more than we had a right to ask - you have fought alongside us, and for that you have our thanks. But this is what we asked of you - you may to wish to risk whatever lurks inside yonder keep."

"I, for one, would be glad of your company, and of your bow, but you would be well within your rights to return to your home. How say you? You owe us nothing, but we would welcome you as ally and friend should you choose to join in our quest."

Diplomacy: [roll0]

2013-10-17, 05:10 PM
Jorr is chewing on a leaf he just plucked while he watches the Keep. He then grunts a bit as he listens to Vega's proposition. "Hrm...I've been fighting them damned gobbo's for years. Never in such numbers in the forest, though." He scratches his head and looks around the group, his eyes linger a moment longer on Nate than the others. "You see, I can help you in the forest. But you passing by is as big an opportunity for me as I will ever get. For a fair share of goblin blood....and treasure.... I will head in there with you, no problem. Follow me."

I am assuming you're okay with this. You'll get your goodies anyway.

He heads into the forest and tries to find a good spot to camp. Discussing with Galadren, he soon finds a good spot. It is fairly comfortable, and sheltered from both heavy rain and goblin eyes. You settle in and exchange some good stories while enjoying a cold dish: Better not to light fire. When it is truly dark, you wager a visit back to the road, from where you can see the keep. There is light, and at times you hear sounds. Awkward roars of whatever beast, but also laughter you might associate with someone beating another on a game of dice or cards. The hobgoblins are surely more active at night...perhaps you did the right thing in resting for now.

Day 3

-Why is the DM keeping track of the days?
*I dunno
+Think it matters?
+I think it does
-Anyway, let's keep an eye on that
+Yes, what if something bad happens if we don't act fast enough?
*Nah, dude is just trying to scare us


The night is uneventful and you wake up as the first sunbeams penetrate the foliage. Galadren and Jorr go out to find some good nutrition in addition to the stale rations you have while Nate dons his armor aided by Vega and Jorrask meditates for his new spells. While at it, they scout out the surroundings of the keep. They find tracks leading to it. Wolfs, or worse, humanoids, probably goblinoids, but also at least one large humanoid. Later, Jorrask offers to fly over the structure to have a look. He does not spot any creatures, but his account, combined with that of Jorr and Galadren gives you an idea of the layout of the place.

You decide to stalk over to the keep. It looks like no one or nothing has noticed you creeping up the road leading to the Keep. Looking at it from perhaps thirty yards, combined with the information gathered by Galadren, Jorrask and Jorr leads you to the following conclusion:

MAP! (https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B3cCkJpKBtmpU3pOVkFRTHk3S1E/edit?usp=sharing) (You are currently ~30 yards to the east of the ruined gate.

Let me know "soon" whether you want to change something up in your standard repertoire.

2013-10-18, 07:35 AM
Vega is certain to renew the enchantment that ensures his comrades' safety from both weather and his ferocious breath before they depart.

When the party has assembled, Vega addresses them, voice soft.

"I am no scout or tactician, but the gate seems obvious as a point of entry, does it not? Perhaps we should seek out a more surprising route ... I would not like us caught inside the walls and surrounded."

"Jorr, Galadren - perhaps you can find us another way in?"

I'm not really a caster - just an at-will invocation user. Nothing to shift around even if I wanted to! Really, I'm a front-liner masquerading as a caster. :smallbiggrin:

I'll keep my wand of grease in my hand, though, just in case. :smallamused:

2013-10-18, 08:00 AM
While scouting, both of you have found that aside from the gate, the only other way in involves climbing a 20ft wall.

2013-10-18, 08:59 AM
Nathan has left his horse and his mule tied up to a tree far from the action.

He says, looking towards the keep: "How deteriorated are the walls? Entering through the front gate is not ideal."

He sighs, shaking his head. "Even if there is an additional entrance, I cannot stalk in armor," he says softly, "and my skill is nothing to speak of even without it. We may want to attack from more than one direction. If Jorrask attacks them by air, and Vega, Jorr and Galadren approach from the side, I could take up a position at the front gate."

He looks around at the others. "We can also try and lure them out of the keep."

2013-10-18, 04:25 PM
Vega nods. "If you can draw them out with some of your creatures, Jorask, we can perhaps stage a suitable ambush. I should be forward, though, with Nathaniel - I am best in close-quarters. Archers for cover, and Jorask for more support ... "

He shakes his head. "We've done well to maintain the element of surprise - I'd hate to give our foes warning to prepare, and I doubt even hobs foolish enough to imagine random forest creatures would have an interest in assaulting their keep."

"Perhaps Jorask can fly Jor and Galadren to points suitable for sniping, then take up a position from which he can call forth allies for those of us in the midst of battle?"

2013-10-18, 06:34 PM
"The hobgoblins have a defensible position - I doubt they're going to abandon that position to chase after a few animals - and even if we can lure some out, whatever they send out will not be their entire force. Meanwhile, the rest of them can fortify their position. We also have no idea how many of them are in there - I would imagine if they're confident in launching raids against a town that has a well-organized militia like Drellin's Ferry, there's more than a handful."

Galadren looks over the ruined keep again and hums to himself for a few moments.

"Unless they're complete fools, they have someone with an eye on the main gate, as it's the only logical way in. They might not have anyone watching that section of the wall though - we could potentially get in that way. Either way, once we start fighting in there, the place isn't that big - they're all going to come running from wherever they've set up camp inside. If we can be inside with them when that happens, at least they won't be able to use what's left of the keep's defenses against us."

Galadren shrugs and turns back to the rest of the group.

"If we can manage to get inside the keep before they realize we're here, that ought to be enough surprise. Then we need to strike fast and hard before they have time to rally. I say we have Jorrask fly Nate up over the wall, and then he can let down a rope or something for the rest of us to climb up. Unless anyone here is good at scrambling up a loose stone wall?"

From the scrawny elf's stance, it's clear that he doesn't nominate himself for that task.

2013-10-18, 06:42 PM
Vega nods. "You make a convincing argument, friend. I'm with you."

2013-10-18, 06:44 PM
Jorrask shakes his head "I fear I cannot lift such a heavy burden, his armor alone is too heavy, no I think going over a wall is a bad Idea, it poses the same end game, we are inside the courtyard, why not sneak up to the whole and go in, who's to say they even have a guard, or are expecting anyone at all?"

2013-10-18, 06:47 PM
Jorrask has a point. Dragging a male adult (even without armor) over a wall requires solid strength. Only Nate has that, and he can not fly.

2013-10-19, 09:59 PM
Suddenly, Vega throws his hand to his waist in a gesture of disgust. When he raises it, he's gripping a wand.

"Bah. Wisdom is fine in times of peace, but war is about courage! We have the strength of arms - where is our heart? I have seen you all fight mighty battles - Nathaniel, your sword is mighty, Galadren, your bow true, Jorask, your spirits wild and fey. Jor, lend us your arm and arrows - let us bring these creatures of ill fortune a blast of righteous fury!"

"A dragon does not falter or wait - a dragon is reckless and passionate in his fury!"

Vega grins madly at his friends, the strength of his faith in them shining like a burning brand in his eyes. As he speaks, smoke curls at the edges of his mouth, and a faint orange glow begins to build, flashing as his voice builds.


I know it don't work on characters, but what the hell - I'm feeling it:


He turns to the gate and begins to stride forward, shield hefted, ready for battle!

2013-10-20, 12:36 AM
Nathan stares at Vega, utterly bemused. "What are you talking...?" he begins asking in a low voice, but Vega has already strode off towards the gate.

The paladin cannot help but cover his face with a gauntlet-clad palm. "So much for strategy... that just leaves tactics," he mutters with a sigh.

"Let's back him up. Bar any doors to the buildings in there as best you can; we do not want them to swarm us at once. We'll root out the goblins one building at a time," he tells the others in a firm tone.

2013-10-20, 11:37 AM
As a matter of fact, and that is assuming you don't charge in with loud warcries, you can enter the gate and go to the courtyard without trouble. Nobody notices you. You have to either call out, or open a door and see what is behind... It looks like the residents of this place are rather confident.

I did not draw them, but each structure has a door...

2013-10-20, 09:33 PM
Muttering in elven something along the lines of "So now he feels like being heroic" under his breath, only with impressively coarser language, Galadren follows after his companion, sweeping out to keep the wall in between him and the interior of the courtyard. When it becomes clear that nothing is awaiting them in the courtyard, Galadren peeks out from around the side of the open gate.

"We should clear these guardhouses first - no sense in letting anyone get behind us!"

Galadren hisses to Vega, and anyone else within earshot.

2013-10-20, 10:54 PM
"Many are the faults I'll own, but when have I lacked in courage or heroism?" Vega pulls a mock-pout, punching Galadren in the arm. "Our only difference is in our convictions - you'll have to forgive me, but we dragons are a greedy lot. We'll aid the weak, defend the helpless, and rescue those in need, but we're not above a bit of profit in the process."

Vega grins at his friend. "As for doors - here's a chance to take the lead! You're the one who specializes in opening doors." He indicates the options with a grand sweep of his hand. "I suggest the tower, myself - it's a more dramatic choice - but you're the man with the lock picks!"

2013-10-21, 01:40 PM
Jorrask frowns but follows them, he stops to activate his wand and then transforms into a bird and flies above them.

Ready when you guys are, I suggest building 7

2013-10-21, 03:46 PM
Vega moves to the Tower door and tries the latch.

2013-10-23, 01:21 PM
You open the door and see a large room that was once decorated that has by now been trashed to form one big open space with a crude fire place. In the far corner, you see two sleeping individuals, likely hobgoblins. A bit closer, you see two hobgoblins basically loitering, but as soon as the door opens, their attention turns to you. Right in front of your nose is the largest creature in the room. Half giant, half....cow (?), this muscled, horned creature slowly turns his gaze towards you. He is not armored, allowing you to notice how furry and strong he is. His pitch dark eyes have, you notice now he looks at you, bright red pupils, giving this creature a decidedly evil look.

All conscious souls in the room react immediately, grabbing for their weapons: Swords and a monstrous axe.

All of you may make one move action and had better roll initiative. Jorrask, you only get to roll initiative and can not act before any of your team members do, because you are not seeing this.

MAP (https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B3cCkJpKBtmpdXVDSEJ4cEhoNVU/edit?usp=sharing)

2013-10-23, 01:28 PM
Rollin rollin

2013-10-23, 03:15 PM
Nathan moves over to the minotaur, his sword drawn.

Moving to D6.

Initiative: [roll0]

2013-10-23, 05:08 PM
Darting in behind Nathan, Vega takes position in the corner, his back to the wall and shield in front, grinning with apparent delight at the challenge presented by the room's occupants.


2013-10-23, 06:40 PM
Trailing behind his companions to cover them, Galadren moves up to the edge of the doorway as they rush in. He gives it a count of three as he pulls an arrow out and nocks it to his bow, and then prepares himself to lean around the edge of the doorway and fire.

Stealth Check:

(If Galadren needs to move 15' or less to the edge of the doorway, he gets effectively a +5 bonus to these stealth rolls since I'm giving him the -5 penalty for moving at full speed)
Hide: [roll0]
Move Silent: [roll1]


Initiative: [roll2]

2013-10-24, 03:07 PM
Jorrask sees that Nate and Vega move in, while Jorr and Galadren gather close to the entrance. Weapons are drawn, and combat is about to happen. Galadren has the fastest reflexes of all.

Initiative order

Galadren is up! (you can sneak attack if you please)

Map (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3cCkJpKBtmpRVE0ZnphSUFzZEk/edit?usp=sharing)

2013-10-25, 05:41 AM
Ready for action, Galadren swings out into the open doorway and unleashes a pair of arrows into the minotaur, trying to fire over Nate & Vega's heads!

(Going to still take the Cover penalty that they are providing though. Still versus his flatfooted AC!)


5' Step - Into the open doorway
Full-Round Action: Rapid Shot v.s. Minotaur (Flatfooted) (-4 Cover)
1st Shot:
To-Hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] (+1 PB, +1 Magic)
Sneak Attack: [roll2]

2nd Shot:
To-Hit: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4] (+1 PB, +1 Magic)
Sneak Attack: [roll5]

2013-10-25, 01:02 PM
The hobgoblins and the minotaur are completely caught off-guard and absolutely flabbergasted by Galadren's sudden appearance and even more so by his horrible aim. In response, one of the hobgoblins heads towards the door and strikes at the Elf with his longsword.

I hit AC 11, so you're lucky ;)

The other hobgoblin runs up to Vega and corners him. He lashes out with his sword and does so quite sucessfully. A nasty gash appears in the Dragonkin's shoulder.

Rolled a crit, but missed the confirmation. Lucky you. 10 damage by longsword.

The minotaur looks down upon Nate and grins. Not even the least bit of respect for his foe can be found in his expression. Twice his huge axe hammers down on the Paladin's armor. The onlookers are unsure whether there was serious damage, or just some bruises inflicted. Nate feels the serious force behind the blows and knows he has his work cut out for him.

I hit AC 18 once, for 18 damage. I guess that just misses, eh?

New map (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3cCkJpKBtmpejJ2dDYwMHZSbHc/edit?usp=sharing)

Everyone is up!

2013-10-25, 04:04 PM
Jorrask hears and sees the commotion, he knew instantly there was trouble, tucking in his wings to drop immediately, he bought them back up at the last moment and shifted into his human form already casting a spell. With a wisp of smoke and crack of thunder in the sky a ashy Lion appears before the bullman, ready to pounce with bared teeth.

Move to H4 (or wherever would allow me to see inside the room properly)
Swift change shape
Standard cast Summon Natures ally III (augmented with Chronocharm of the Uncaring archmage)



Lion full attacks Mino
Plus grab if hits, opposed grapple [roll2]
and rake attack if grapple succeeds

Rounds: 1
Size/Type: Large Animal
Hit Dice: 5d8+25 47/47 hp
Initiative: +3
Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares)
Armor Class: 15 (-1 size, +3 Dex, +3 natural), touch 12, flat-footed 12
Base Attack/Grapple: +3/+17
Attack: Claw +12 melee (1d4+7)
Full Attack: 2 claws +12 melee (1d4+7) and bite +7 melee (1d8+3)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Pounce, improved grab, rake 1d4+3
Special Qualities: Low-light vision, scent
Saves: Fort +8, Ref +7, Will +2
Abilities: Str 25, Dex 17, Con 19, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6
Skills: Balance +7, Hide +3*, Listen +5, Move Silently +11, Spot +5

2013-10-25, 04:51 PM
Nathan grunts when the minotaur's axe hits him, but he moves seemingly without injury--clearly, the armor protected him from the cut.

"You're a big one," he says, with a grin. "Dance with me, cow-man."

He steps in as he swings his sword upwards with all of his might.

Full Power Attack, Smite Evil. Assuming the minotaur is Evil, +8 to hit, 2d6+20 damage.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2013-10-25, 05:26 PM
Vega grins at the gash, heaving a breath. Both hobs and the minotaur are wreathed in flames!

15 ft. cone, DC 18 for 1/2, entangled for [roll0]

[roll1] fire damage.

2013-10-26, 12:49 AM
Grinning at his opponent, Galadren pirouettes away from the blow, spinning around until he is five feet back from the door - and another arrow is already nocked to his bow. He unleashes another pair of arrows and then bows at the hobgoblin while taunting him in his own tongue.

"Ik zou blij zijn om deze dans hebben!"

"I'd be happy to have this dance!"


5' Step to G6
Rapid Shot versus Hob in E6 (-4 PA, +1 PB)
1st Shot
To-Hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2nd Shot
To-Hit: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

2013-10-27, 03:44 PM
Roaring flames envelop and momentarily obscure most of the combatants in the small room as Vega does his thing. However, they can not hide the fact that both Nate and Galadren are unable to pierce the defenses of their direct opponents. The lion, called in by Jorrask, is doing much better. Mighty claws and a powerful jaw rend the Minotaur's tough hide, after which the lion establishes a firm hold on the cow-man. Jorr is moving back into the courtyard, covering your backs, aiming his bow to shoot for anything that might appear.

The Minotaur gathers his strength and breaks free from the lion's grapple. Vega finds one hogoblin lifting his sword and attack him. The other hobgoblin steps towards Galadren. Fortunately, his efforts are not enough to hit the Elf

I hit AC 22, and do 5 damage.

Everyone is up.

New map (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3cCkJpKBtmpVkV3eEdjTHJSRkE/edit?usp=sharing)

Grapple: M , L [roll1]

Attacks: M [roll2], [roll3]
[roll4], [roll5]
[roll6], [roll7]

Vs V [roll8], [roll1d8+2
Vs G , [roll1d8+2

2013-10-27, 09:40 PM
The flames leap and sizzle on the hobs and minotaur, searing their flesh and slowing their movements.


Vega winces as the hob hacks into him, but hefts his shield and heaves for a second breath. This time, the flames that wash over his foes carry a searing, furnace blast of heat!

A 15 ft. cone should still catch all three!

DC 18 Ref for 1/2, but this one's full damage, thanks.


2013-10-28, 03:00 AM
Nathan grins widely when the lion grapples with the minotaur. "Good one, Jorrask!" he calls out over his shoulder in the direction of the door.

When the minotaur frees himself, Nathan steps closer, swinging again with all of his strength.

Five-foot step to D5. Still full PA; +6 to hit, and 2d6+19 damage.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Current HP: 42/42

2013-10-28, 05:32 AM
Galadren dances back yet again, fake laughter coming out of his lips as he launches another two arrows at the hobgoblin attacking him.

Te langzaam! Te langzaam!

Too Slow! Too slow!


5' Step back to H7
Rapid Shot versus hobgoblin in F5 (-4 PA)

1st Shot:
To-Hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2nd Shot:
To-Hit: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

2013-10-30, 03:37 PM
I decided to act for you. Jorrask does nothing, and the lion mauls the Minotaur.

All of a sudden a lot is happening. Vega belches fire, as per usual. The hobgoblin inside succumbs to the burn wounds, but the minotaur still stands. Sadly for said minotaur, Jorrask's lion finishes what it started the previous round and the cow man dies. Galadren shoots at the other hobgoblin, finishing that one off. Nate is swinging his really big sword around, but to little avail. It appears he was aiming at the minotaur, though.

Both sleeping hobgoblins are now awake. One disappears into the room north of this one, and slams the door shut behind him. The other one charges Nate, see below.

Another hobgoblin enters the scene. While unarmored, he has a sword and charges Nate. Even though the 'clunk' is impressive when it hits the paladin's armor, it does not hurt the warrior one bit.

"Oh, crap. Incoming!" Jorr noticed something you all missed, but he does not have time to respond beyond alerting you. A large spiked dragon puma...thing lands on the courtyard. On its back is a Bugbear. Opposed to the other goblinoids you faced so far, this one is well-dressed. A nice blue silk vest with matching shawl enhances his already impressive appearance. The mount slams his long spiked tail on the ground, after which five nasty 10 inch long spikes fly through the air at Jorr, Jorrask, Nate, Galadren and the Lion. Most people avoid the impact, but Jorr has a spike buried deep into his shoulder. The bugbear makes some weird arcane gestures you may remember from earlier. A fierce burst of lightning lights up part of the courtyard, stretching all the way to inside the room.

Make a reflex save DC15. Fail and take [roll0] electricity damage, save and take half.


Everyone is up!

New map (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3cCkJpKBtmpZ1EtQ3BoV1UwX2s/edit?usp=sharing)

2013-10-31, 08:08 AM
Vega hears the commotion outside and dodges out the door, stepping past the remaining hob in the room without so much as looking back over his shoulder.

How much damage have I taken at this point? Moving to F6 and taking the AOO.

The hob whirls to face Vega, leaning close to snarl ... and Vega grins merrily before vomiting a straight line of flames into his face!

Hitting hob, hob leader, and Mr. Spikes.

DC 18 Ref save for 1/2.

Fire: [roll0]

Entangle Duration: [roll1]

2013-11-01, 12:59 AM
Nathan turns from the dead minotaur to face the incoming hobgoblin. He grins wickedly when the attack hits his armor uselessly, before returning the attack.

When the bugbear lands on the manticore and shoots lightning at them, the paladin tries to dodge.

Full PA on the goblin. +6 to hit, 2d6+19 damage.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Reflex save: [roll2]

Current HP: 27/42

2013-11-01, 07:53 AM
As the creature and its rider descend to the ground to make their entrance, Galadren is already turning around to face them. This allows him to see the mount's attacks coming, tucking into a fast shoulder-roll that takes him under the path of the spike flying towards him. As he springs back up to his feet, he curses under his breath before ducking into another shoulder-roll, trying to repeat his feat moments ago on the bolt of lightning.

Save vs. Lightning Bolt (DC15)

Save: [roll0]

As he comes back up to his feet Galadren's hands are already going to the quiver of his back. Pulling two arrows he fires them in rapid succession at the Bugbear.

"My turn!"


5' Step to I7
Rapid Shot vs. Bugbear (PA -4)
1st Shot
To-Hit: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

2nd Shot
To-Hit: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4]

2013-11-01, 12:49 PM
Jorrask's seems to be a in a daze, a specific leaf blowing by had caught his attention and he was enwraptured by it, the flow of the wind, the buoyant nature of the discarded leaf, like....



He leaped to the side, seeing the....the...he couldn't tell, but it was natural, and therefore needed to suffer his wrath!

Go ahead and finish up in there, we have a larger, worthier prey out here.

Taking a step back he looks to the unnatural beast and its riders, ancient eldritch words upon his mouth, dripping with power, green moss flows from his hands and streaks towards the beast and its rider, covering the ground with verdant green color, it wraps around them and then blooms in a torrent of briars and undergrowth, grabbing and grappling, wrenching and slashing with the power of the ancient forest.

5 ft step to H4.
Casting Briar Web (http://dndtools.eu/spells/complete-divine--56/briar-web--733/) on the manticore and rider so as not to hit anyone else. DC Ref 18 negates

Lion 5ft step and full attacks


Plus grab if hits, [roll6]
and rake attack if grapple succeeds

Rounds: 3
Size/Type: Large Animal
Hit Dice: 5d8+25 47/47 hp
Initiative: +3
Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares)
Armor Class: 15 (-1 size, +3 Dex, +3 natural), touch 12, flat-footed 12
Base Attack/Grapple: +3/+17
Attack: Claw +12 melee (1d4+7)
Full Attack: 2 claws +12 melee (1d4+7) and bite +7 melee (1d8+3)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Pounce, improved grab, rake 1d4+3
Special Qualities: Low-light vision, scent
Saves: Fort +8, Ref +7, Will +2
Abilities: Str 25, Dex 17, Con 19, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6
Skills: Balance +7, Hide +3*, Listen +5, Move Silently +11, Spot +5

2013-11-02, 05:52 AM
Inside, the hobgoblin is having his most unlucky day. Sure, having an angry paladin miss his powerful swing at you, again, might be a sign of good fortune, but then getting eaten by a lion was never part of the plan. The unarmored man is completely helpless as the lion rips him to pieces. When it is done, it licks the blood from his lips while looking Nate in the eye. Then it burps, wagging its tail.

Vega runs out, risking an attack by the hobgoblin, an opportunity he does not pass. Trying to dodge the sword, Vega ends up next to yet another hobgoblin and decides to belch forth a line of fire, which hits the hobgoblin, the manticore and the bugbear.

Both Galadren and Jorr shoot a volley of arrows at the bugbear. All arrows deflect before even hitting his body: This magician must have some powerful force armor up!

Jorrask finds this keep partly overgrown by the jungle. Usually, one cannot use such magic in a building, but in this case he uses his force over nature to command the plants to entangle the manticore and its rider. The bugbear evades the plants, though, and, slowly, flies up: Magical flight! The manticore, however, is entangled.

Not being the sharpest manticore on the block, it decides to act: it shoots, again, spikes from its tail at everyone in sight and then, slowly because he is hampered by the plants and strands of fire, moves towards Galadren. The bugbear, now flying, shoots a dull grey ray of negative energy at Galadren. Whatever that is, it can't be good! The hobgoblin next to Vega strikes at the dragonkin with his longsword.

One manticore spike goes in your direction: [roll0], [roll1], critconfirm: [roll2], [roll3]

Attack of opportunity: [roll4], [roll5], critconfirm: [roll6], [roll7]
One manticore spike goes in your direction: [roll8], [roll9], critconfirm: [roll10], [roll11]
Attack by hobgoblin in G6: [roll12], [roll13], critconfirm: [roll14], [roll15]

One manticore spike goes in your direction: [roll16], [roll17], critconfirm: [roll18], [roll19]
Your entangle does [roll20] damage to the manticore.

One manticore spike goes in your direction: [roll21], [roll22], critconfirm: [roll23], [roll24]
The dull grey ray of negative energy: [roll25] touch. If hit, take [roll26] strength penalty. Critconfrim:[roll27], [roll28]

Everyone is up!

New map (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3cCkJpKBtmpNnZ5Uk1yMUZfVGs/edit?usp=sharing)

2013-11-02, 10:24 AM
Jorrask grins as he watches the plant life entangle the evil creature, he ducks only moments before the barbs of its tale come whistling by his head, that one was going to be tricky...

looking back to the building If your done in there, we have things out here that need your attention my friend.

The lion pokes his head out of the door and then squeezes through seeing the downed prey helpless and others besides.

Lion will squeeze through the door per these rules (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/combat/movementPositionAndDistance.htm), he'll end up at J5-4, K5-4 with a double move in reach of the manticore.

Jorrask turns his attention to the bugbear, what was it about flying with these fools? They only ever used it to get away, it was so much more than that, he would have to teach this one a lesson.

Calling upon the ancient magiks of the oerth one more time, his lips turned purple as tiny eldritch lightning bolts sparked off his tongue and lashed out to the bugbear disappearing from sight as they got closer to the target, a sudden gravitus took over the flying thing...and the Lion was ready to enact an appropriate toll.

Casting Earthbind (http://dndtools.eu/spells/draconomicon--92/earthbind--1037/) on the bugbear.
Fort save DC 18 or fly speed is reduced to 0 and he falls as if feather fall, if he succeeds his speed is reduced to 10 ft. for 90 minutes. If he is using levitate, then nothing happens.

The lion will trigger an aoo if he falls per feather fall on his turn:
Plus grab if hits, [roll2]
and rake attack if grapple succeeds

Rounds: 4
Size/Type: Large Animal
Hit Dice: 5d8+25 47/47 hp
Initiative: +3
Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares)
Armor Class: 15 (-1 size, +3 Dex, +3 natural), touch 12, flat-footed 12
Base Attack/Grapple: +3/+17
Attack: Claw +12 melee (1d4+7)
Full Attack: 2 claws +12 melee (1d4+7) and bite +7 melee (1d8+3)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Pounce, improved grab, rake 1d4+3
Special Qualities: Low-light vision, scent
Saves: Fort +8, Ref +7, Will +2
Abilities: Str 25, Dex 17, Con 19, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6
Skills: Balance +7, Hide +3*, Listen +5, Move Silently +11, Spot +5
Jorrask (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=653505)

HP 23/31, Speed 20/40/40(good)
AC 18, Touch 12, Flat-footed 16, Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +7, Base Attack Bonus 3
Abilities Str 14, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 10
Condition +4 bonus on saving throws against the spell-like abilities of fey.
Leaves no tracks at will
Not impeded by natural overgrowth

2013-11-02, 01:51 PM
Vega's at 23 - 24 now, as of healing aura this round. Don't forget FH 1, y'all!

Vega is bleeding from a number of cuts, the manticore's spike sunk into his shoulder. The hob he faces misses, his blade clashing on Vega's shield - today, a bright golden dragon on a purple field.

Vega lets loose another line of flame, again bathing both the hob and manticore.

DC 18 Ref save for half. [roll0] damage.

Both, and the flyer, take [roll1] from the napalm.

2013-11-03, 08:20 AM
Nate grits his teeth in pain as a spike burrows itself into his upper arm. He yanks it out as he moves out of the building, up next to the hobgoblin. He swings, probably completely ineffectually given the current trend but still with great enthusiasm, hoping to decapitate the creature.

"Jorrask, any chance of a flying mount?" the paladin asks over his shoulder after glancing up at the bugbear.

Moving to G5 through F4, so I don't provoke an AoO. Full PA again. No, I'm not giving up, dangit! :smalltongue: +6 to hit, 2d6+19 damage.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Current HP: 18/42
Note: Fast Healing 1

2013-11-04, 08:45 AM
Grunting as a spike goes into his shoulder, Galadren backs away from the onrushing beast and continues doggedly firing at the flying bugbear, this time taking his time to line up his shots properly.

(I believe the bugbear will still be within 30' of Galadren from H8. And because he is flying, the manticore might not provide him with cover - adjudicate as you will though! :smallsmile: )


5' Step back to H8
Full Round - Rapid Shot (0 PA)
1st Shot
To-Hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] (+1 Magic, +1 PB, +2 Ranger)
2nd Shot
To-Hit: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3] (+1 Magic, +1 PB, +2 Ranger)

2013-11-04, 03:02 PM
Nate charges out and swings at the hobgoblin. He is obviously practicing and setting up his aim for the ultimate crushing blow...which has yet to come. Galadren manages to shoot the Bugbear once, and it seems as though Jorr also got two arrows to pierce his magical protection. Things get even worse for the bugbear, though: As he witnesses how Vega peppers two of his allies with yet more fire he is struck by Jorrask's earth-binding magicks! Slowly, he falls to the ground, cursing loudly. The lion delivers a very nasty bite in his upper leg, and you see pulses of blood gushing out of his artery.

The Goblins don't give up, though. The hobgoblin that just dodged Nate's blow, lashes out at Vega with his sword and connects (8 damage for Vega)! The manticore has his eyes fixed on Galadren. It approaches the Elf and lashes out with both claws and a fierce bite. One of the claws strikes true and delivers a nasty blow to his left arm (9 damage for Galadren)! The bugbear stumbles a few feet away from the lion and unleashes yet again his powerful evocation magic: A line of cracking electrical energy buzzes forth from him. It fells the hobgoblin fighting Vega. It collapses while his fur, already singed by Vega's assaults, catches fire. Jorr also fails to duck away in time: The jolt of electricity goes straight through where he is standing, and with heavy burn wounds on his face, Jorr sinks to his knees, coughing and cursing. They are not the only ones in the path of the electricity, though: Only Galadren and the manticore are safe from the magical energy!

Make a reflex save vs DC 15 for half damage. If fail, [roll0] electricity damage.

EDIT: ye gods, I am so sorry for that ridiculously high damage roll...

In the meanwhile, somewhere in the building north of you, you hear wolves barking and howling....

New map! (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3cCkJpKBtmpZGhmTThSU3hTQWM/edit?usp=sharing)

Everyone is up!

2013-11-04, 04:24 PM
Reflex save...


2013-11-04, 04:28 PM
Nathan manages to move mostly out of the way of the magical energy, but he is still badly singed, and with some trepidation, he moves back inside the building, taking cover from further fire.

Moving to E1, where he should be out of sight of both the manticore and the bugbear sorcerer.

Current HP: 4/42

2013-11-04, 06:17 PM
rolling ref save of death
jorrask [roll0]
lion [roll1]

Jorrask falls to the floor unconscious. (-6)

(lion actions pending)

2013-11-05, 06:38 AM
A low growl escapes Galadren's throat as the bugbear unleashes another bolt of lightning. These casters are damn cheaters, one and all! Unfortunately, Galadren had his own issues now, and with a series of hasty backsteps Galadren whirls away from the winged beast and unleashes a pair of arrows into its maw!


HP: 14/27 (was at 13, got one back from Vega's aura)
5' Step back to G9
Full-Round: Rapid shot vs Manticore (4 PA)
1st Shot
To-Hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] (+1 Magic, +1 PB, +4 PA)
2nd Shot
To-Hit: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3] (+1 Magic, +1 PB, +4 PA)

2013-11-05, 12:53 PM
As Jorrask crumples to the floor, the lightning bolt too much for him to stand, electricity jerking and fluttering over his skin he slumps into unconsciousness as his summoned ashbound spirit warrior turns to the bugbear and lashes out with everything.

Will attack the Bugbear and then the Manticore if he drops



Plus grab if hits, [roll6]
and rake attack if grapple succeeds

Rounds: 5
Size/Type: Large Animal
Hit Dice: 5d8+25 10/47 hp
Initiative: +3
Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares)
Armor Class: 15 (-1 size, +3 Dex, +3 natural), touch 12, flat-footed 12
Base Attack/Grapple: +3/+17
Attack: Claw +12 melee (1d4+7)
Full Attack: 2 claws +12 melee (1d4+7) and bite +7 melee (1d8+3)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Pounce, improved grab, rake 1d4+3
Special Qualities: Low-light vision, scent
Saves: Fort +8, Ref +7, Will +2
Abilities: Str 25, Dex 17, Con 19, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6
Skills: Balance +7, Hide +3*, Listen +5, Move Silently +11, Spot +5
Jorrask (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=653505)

HP -6/31, Speed 20/40/40(good)
AC 18, Touch 12, Flat-footed 16, Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +7, Base Attack Bonus 3
Abilities Str 14, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 10
Condition +4 bonus on saving throws against the spell-like abilities of fey.
Leaves no tracks at will
Not impeded by natural overgrowth

2013-11-07, 08:44 AM
Vega shoulders his shield to the blast, hunkering behind it as he's bathed in lightning!


Crossing my fingers - if I go down, y'all don't stabilize ... :smallfrown:

And crumples to the ground, twitching.

-5 HP. Ow.

2013-11-07, 03:57 PM
Combat reaches its climax, and it does so with a bang! The lightning bolt takes down Jorr, Jorrask and Vega and forces Nathan to retreat! The lion Jorrask had summoned steps towards the bugbear and lashes out viciously, slaying the sorcerer. Then the beast walks over to Jorrask's corpse, and stands over it, eyeing and growling at everything and everyone approaching his friend.

Galadren shoots one arrow in the chest of the winged creature. It does not go down yet, but as it witnesses its master die, it appears it can talk: "No. Help!" It turns around and tries to run away from Galadren and fly away. However, it is still entangled by the barbed plants. They tear into its flesh and pull the last bit of life energy out of it as it takes off and immediately crashes to the ground.

Silence returns to the courtyard only briefly. From the north building two hobgoblins mounted on worgs storm out into the courtyard. Both have shortbows drawn and wear hastily donned leather armors. They are obviously surprised by the scene.

Galadren adapts swifter to the new situation than the worg riders and may act first.

New map (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3cCkJpKBtmpNWtnV3NTM1lOcms/edit?usp=sharing)

Roll a stabilization check

Nate, behind the door next to you, you hear some sounds of someone shuffling and *doing stuff*. You remember one of the sleeping hobgoblins darting off into this room. You also smell something burning. Paper?

2013-11-07, 04:11 PM
Jorrasks murmors as his wounds from the electric blast overcome him...

2013-11-08, 12:49 AM
Frowning, Nathan opens the door and peers inside.

Assuming we split at least some of the potions to each of us, Nate will quaff one.

Current HP: 4/42

2013-11-08, 01:53 AM
Opening the door and peering in was a standard action. Since you don't have any potions as far as I know (see OoC), you still have a move action left.

You see a large table. The hobgoblin is unarmed and unarmored, and is shoving papers from the table into a fire he started in the corner of the room. Pinned with daggers and large nails on the table is also a huge map of, you guess, these surrounding lands. There are some notes on the map as well. You need some time close-up, though, to figure out what area the map represents and what the annotations are about.

The hobgoblin startles as it notices the door opening and you peeking in. For a moment, he stands still and stares at you.

2013-11-08, 06:14 AM
Seeing the two riders with their mounts appear, Galadren's eyes widen. Thinking quickly, he snaps a shot off at one of the riders while yelling, ""Sic 'em, Kitty!"

Bluff check (assuming it's a free action - ignore if it's not)

Bluff: [roll0]

Then, the elf turns and flees into the building, reluctantly abandoning his friends (but only for the moment)!


Shot at Hobgoblin in N2 (-4 PA, vs Flatfooted)
To-Hit: [roll1] (-4 PA)
Damage: [roll2] (+1 Magic, +4 PA, +2 Goblin)

Move to D4
by way of - G7, G6, F5, E5, D4

2013-11-08, 04:11 PM
Nathan ducks back behind the doorframe, leaving the door open. He stands at the ready, waiting.

He stays at E1, skipping the move action and getting ready to attack as soon as it's his turn again.

Current HP: 4/42

2013-11-09, 06:23 AM
Galadren's arrow hits, but only because his foe was caught off-guard. The Elf moves into the building and for a short moment loses oversight over the situation. There is some shuffling outside, and one of the hobgoblins barks a command. "Rijden, man, ga hulp halen! Ik pak die Elf wel."

Ride, go get help! I'll get that Elf.

Some more shuffling and one of the hobgoblins, not the one you just hit appears in your line of sight through the door opening, some 20 feet away. He shoots an arrow at Galadren.

Shortbow: [roll0], [roll1]. Crit confirm: [roll2], [roll3]

Nate hears the hobgoblin in the room working frantically. By the sound of it, he is pulling the daggers and nails out of the table to retrieve that map. Whether he wants to hide or destroy it is unclear.

New map (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3cCkJpKBtmpR3poWXJ4NXZRdms/edit?usp=sharing)

Everyone is up, those that are unstable may roll for stabilization.

2013-11-09, 08:36 AM
Nate runs inside, up to the goblin and strikes at once.

Assuming, of course, that the goblin is within reach of his speed. Power Attack for 2. +9 to hit, 2d6+13 damage.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Current HP: 4/42

2013-11-09, 09:10 AM
(Pretty sure mount and rider are 30' away from Galadren now).

Galadren struggles to keep a smile off his face as the hobgoblin yells for the other to go get help. Unless there was a patrol of even more hobgoblins right outside, that rider was going to take a long time to get back. Long enough that this would hopefully be over before they all got back. Which left just one rider and his mount for Galadren to deal with.

Unfortunately, this rider wasn't too bad of a shot unlike the rest of the goblin archers Galadren had been dealing with, and it's only his quick reflexes that turn a shot directly into his chest merely into one that slices past his upper right arm. Ignoring the pain for the moment, the elf raises his bow and fires a pair of shots into the rider's mount, hoping to take away the mounted archer's mobility.

And then the elf steps back further into the building again out of the hobgoblin's line of sight(?).

Rapid Shot versus Worg (-4 PA, +1 PB)
1st Shot
To-Hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2nd Shot
To-Hit: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

5' Step to E3 - (what square would I have to be in, in order to fire into the room that Nate and the hobgoblin are fighting in?)

2013-11-09, 11:42 AM
Vega's breathing comes shallow as the blood pools around him ...

Rolling to stabilize: [roll0]
19-20 and I'm stabilized - otherwise, I'm down to -6.

2013-11-09, 01:51 PM
rolling fer that sweet stabilize

Jorrask murmors some more and then begins twitching slightly almost as if he was having a seizure.


2013-11-10, 04:03 PM
Outside, Vega stabilizes but remains unconscious. The condition of Jorrask and Jorr keeps deteriorating, however. Galadren shoots two arrows at the mount, one of which hits. It yelps as the arrow strikes its flank. Then, Galadren moves so he can see into the other room. There, Nate has charged the unarmored hobgoblin. Much to the surprise of the Paladin, and perhaps of Galadren and for sure of the forces that be and behold this scene from far away places, his blade connects! The hobgoblin grunts at Nathan, but is determined enough that he does not give up. He steps away from Nate and aims to toss the map he is now carrying in the fire!

You may make an AoO on the hobgoblin. Just a reminder: This also a PA 2 attack.

The other hobgoblin has dismounted and storms inside. He takes up a position in which he can take a shot at Galadren and shoots once.

You can look and shoot into the other room, but Nate is giving the hobgoblin cover.

One shortbow attack is directed at you:
, damage [roll1]. Critfconfirm: [roll1d20+9, bonus damage: [roll2]

Everyone is up.

New map (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3cCkJpKBtmpQm9abUdqRzhkMTg/edit?usp=sharing)

2013-11-10, 05:07 PM
This time, the elf is prepared for the hobgoblin's attack, and as it storms into the room and lets loose another arrow the elf leans up against the nearby wall and then kicks off it, the sudden back-and-forth motion throwing off the archer's aim.

"Ik heb genoeg van je!"

"I've had enough of you!"

The elf cries out in goblinoid as he unleashes another two arrows of his own at the archer.


Rapid Shot versus Hobgoblin Archer (-4 PA)
1st Shot
To-Hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
2nd Shot
To-Hit: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

2013-11-10, 05:18 PM
Reacting quickly, Nathan attacks the hobgoblin again as the creature tries to get past him.

Attack of Opportunity. +9 to hit, 2d6+13 damage.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

If I miss again, I may be forced to tear out my hair in frustration. Just a warning. :smallwink:

If the hobgoblin remains standing, he attacks it again.

Otherwise, he tries to save the map from the flames, sheathes his sword on his back, and readies his bow, then returns to the other chamber.

If and only if the goblin is still standing... 5-foot step to B2, same PA and damage as previously.

Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

Current HP: 4/42

2013-11-10, 05:21 PM
Vega coughs on the ground, his breathing shallow but steady, and whispers something in his sleep ...

"Owrnauk ..."

Draconic: (http://draconic.twilightrealm.com/) CONFIRM! CONFIRM!

And add in your mods to your rolls, won't you? Just put 2d6+13 within the roll tags - it'll auto-add it for you!

Yay for well-earned crits!

2013-11-12, 02:39 AM
Nate lunges at the arm reaching out for the fire and swings his sword at it. A high pitched *zing* accompanies the gush of blood that half douses the fire. The arm drops dead on the ground and the hobgoblin topples backwards. Just in time, Nate manages to retrieve the map. Only the edges are a bit singed.

Nate sheathes his sword and draws his bow while he moves into the other room, where he sees that Galadren shoots one arrow firmly into the chest of the hobgoblin. The hobgoblin whistles and slowly but growling, the worg enters the room. They are pretty big, up close like this. The hobgoblin seeks cover behind his mount and shoots an arrow at Galadren.

[roll0], [roll1]. Critconfirm: [roll2], bonus damage [roll3]

The worg stays put, defending its master. His tail hangs low and his ears lie flat against its head as it growls and looks at you menacingly. You can shoot at the hobgoblin, but it has cover against you. You can also shoot the worg, but you have a feeling that will result in the beast leaping forward at your throat...

Everyone is up.

New map (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3cCkJpKBtmpMXlpOE9acUh3TVk/edit?usp=sharing)

2013-11-12, 06:10 AM
Backpedaling rapidly to stand behind and off to one side of his well-armored friend, Galadren fires an arrow at the worg.

"Come get me, you ugly bastard."

Galadren growls as the arrow flies.

Move - Move to D6 by way of E8 to D7 to D6
Standard - Shoot the worg (PA -4)
To-Hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2013-11-12, 09:03 AM
Nathan circles around the worg, close to the wall, until he gets a better shot at the hobgoblin. He fires straight at the creature, hoping he got far enough out of the worg's way.

Moving to A10 through B8 and A9. From what I can see, I should have a straight line of sight to the hobgoblin from there.
Point Blank Shot, since it's within 30 ft, so +1 to hit and damage.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Current HP: 4/42

2013-11-12, 02:05 PM
Rolling stabilize check

Jorrask spasms turn into a full out seizure as the giant lion above him whines.


2013-11-13, 03:03 PM
Galadren shoots and kills the worg, while Nate takes a shot at the Goblin (and hits). With his mount, and all his allies, down the Goblin becomes desparate. He does not give up, however!

"Ik neem in ieder geval een van jullie mee!"

"Ill be taking at least one of me with you!"

He looks at you both and decides that Nate is most badly wounded and aims his bow at the Paladin.

He shoots an arrow: [roll0], damage [roll1]. critconfirm [roll2], bonus damage [roll3]

You guys are up. The Goblin is alone, and cornered. Does not look like he is going to surrender, though. We won't be needing the map now.