View Full Version : Fighting One's Self

2013-09-11, 10:18 PM
My PCs tend to have many characters in a couple different parties at the same time. These parties meet up for the really tough dungeons and help eachother out.

The only problem is that these characters do not get along and will in-fact start to fight eachother. I am okay with PvP but how should I do PvS? (Player VS Self)

If the player has one favorite in mind that they would rather have win then they will fight harder for that one to win.

I need a way to ensure that both characters belonging to one player fight eachother unbiased and as tooth-and-nail as possible.

2013-09-11, 10:33 PM
3rd party or DMPC one/two/however-many-you-must and know, in well know words, "You asked for it!"

2013-09-12, 02:37 PM
Probably but it's already been done. I am considering taking control of one of them myself :I But I dunno.. Then I would have to ask them to pick one outright

EDIT: Oh wait I just misunderstood what you said... Yeah I suppose. Thanks