View Full Version : Disposable Assets

2013-09-12, 06:44 AM
You're all sitting round a corner table in Kayashi Fountain in Touristville, Redmond. A few ragged street folks are scattered around the place, nursing what beer they can afford. The tables are cracked and the seats creak when you move. Nothing's been cleaned since the Shultz administration. It's a dingy scumhole, but it's a cheap dingy scumhole.

Each runner has been hitting up their contacts for the last couple of days, trying to find some work. Some came back with solid offers, some came back with rumors, some didn't pick up the phone.

BB Hobbes has a Johnson who wants a parcel. A specific parcel, and he’s willing to pay ¥25000 for it.

Email from Vlad Nabokov
Hey Chris

Got some juicy. Bear Doctor Society are after all the Croatian Entmusk they can get. Cleared me out.

Thought it might be worth something to ya.

Don't forget me when purchasing your choice of magical reagants at amazing value!

Larry Stein knows several clients willing to pay for “quick fixes” to their legal problems.

Email from Lucky

Johnson at the K-Rom Grill tomorrow 21:30. Smash-n-grab.

Limited time offer.


Doc Liu has a lead on some tainted Push that’s being sold.

Tammy Parker wants you to know that a flasher gang is seriously bothering the female co-eds on campus.

Shoe told you he has a Johnson who needs a thingie taken from a place at short notice. That is literally what he told you.

aC got a beatdown for being a little too interested in a really cool antique car. He can’t pay to get revenge on the owner, but the car itself is worth over ¥85000...

Officer Ralph knows the Crimson Crush want some work doing. He can set up a meet if you give him a couple of days.

Email from Kara
Hey Alice, long time no see

Bumped into an old friend today not so accidentally >:( He’s telling everyone there’s some triad war coming up. Yellow Lotus versus Varied Lotus, Varied Lotus mean anything to you :?

Hopefully theres some cash in it for ya ;)

Pedro can set up a meet with a Johnson who wants a Knight Errant station in Downtown "completely distracted" for a couple of hours.

Officer Hank Johnson knows the details of a corp manager who’s making a nuisance of himself. His daughter ran off with some Leather Devil, he wants her back, Knight Errant doesn’t care. He has started offering money for her return and Hank would appreciate it if the problem went away.

Email from Ralph
You still looking for work?

Someone's putting out hits on go-gangers. I have the list if you want it.

Ludovich knows a man who knows a man, etc, who wants a particular piece of art liberating from it’s current owner. The pay is ¥35000, although it may be difficult to transport the large painting.

Brayden has heard a rumour that Mercury Express is hiring gangers to attack competing delivery vehicles.

Calliope wants you to seize a narcotics shipment and get it off the street. KE aren't in a position to deal with the traffickers, so she's reaching out to the shadows. You'll receive ¥25000 from an untracable account.

Thirrin is willing to sub-contract a job out to you for ¥20000. Although she won't reveal details until you say yes.

Vinny has a lead on some untraceable Steyr AUG-CSL assault rifles.

Skinny knows where this scumbag ex-Troll-Killer hangs out. And where to collect the bounty.

2013-09-13, 10:08 AM
Chris Anderson

Chris leaned back in his chair and moved to rub his eyes, then shifted at the last second and massaged his temples. He'd needed to get his cybereyes realigned after the last time.

"Hey guys, I'm working on a few leads right now, quick smash-n-grab, Johnson is at 21:30 tomorrow, might be good for something immediate. Also, a specific parcel grab for 25k, not sure of the time frame."

"It looks like Croatian Entmusk is hot right now, too. Anyone got any info on that?" Chris said, "also, anyone want to look into tainted Push hitting the street?"


BB: Interested. What's the security? How big is the parcel? Deadline?
Larry: What kind of 'quick fix' are we talking about, do we need to talk face-to-face?
Lucky: Interested. What's the payoff, and the security?
Tammy: Hey Tammy! Which gang is it, want me to see if I can pull some strings?
Dr. Liu: Any additional info? Are you looking to buy/sell, or just keeping me current?

Henry the 57th
2013-09-13, 12:06 PM
Az is sitting back, looking as relaxed as a heavily-cybered ork can. Just from the sound of it, Officer Johnson's offer looks more up his alley. But he'll need more details.

"I've got somethin' too." Az says. "Some guy wants a KE station downtown "kept busy" for a few hours. Also, some corp guy wants his daughter back from a Leather Devil."

Message to Johnson:
"Hey man, thanks for the tip. You think you could give me a few more details. Who's the guy? What's he offering?"

2013-09-13, 05:25 PM
Alice rests her cheek on her palm, her eyes half-open, barely paying attention to the group around her as she tugs on the AROs representing the ad-laden message services she's managed to gain access to.

Upon noticing Kara's email, she immediately begins a matrix search for information on this Varied Lotus syndicate, practically by reflex. There's probably something buried in some news report somewhere, and her complex form can sometimes pick up related patterns where they're not specifically mentioned. This has more to do with answering her friend's question than with finding work, though.

It's Shoe's message that really catches her attention.

"oh, hey..." Alice perks up and catches the attention of her real-life company in turn as she composes her response.

Short Notice, you say?
How convenient!
It just so happens that, at this very moment, I have with me a pre-assembled team of experts in the field of taking Thingies from Places.

2013-09-13, 05:59 PM
Corian sits at the table, looking as boring as an individual can in such a locale. He pulls up his offers, and lays them out for the group, after messaging Ralph for the list.

"I have a few interesting proposals. There's a hit on some go-gangers that we could look more into, a hit on some delivery vehicles, and an art heist that could pay quite well. I have a currently unknown job from a trusted source, if you think that sounds good. There is also a narcotics shipment that someone wants seized.What do you think?"

2013-09-14, 05:14 AM
Froggy is rocking back dangerously on two legs, listening as the legs squeak under his frame.
"I have a lead on some untraceable assault rifles if we need any heavy firepower, we can sell off what we don't use. Otherwise I'm open to anything that makes me money."

2013-09-15, 06:19 AM

From: BB
I'll ask.


Don't know. Probably negotiable. Probably light.

I'm just the messenger here.


From: Dr. Liu
I'm just saying that I've had too many junkies in here lately, all with the same damn problem.

It's exhausting to deal with them.

From: BB
Just a normal small package. Light security.

Johnson says to bring any other questions with you to the Sun Bar 10pm tonight.

Tammy and Larry have not yet replied.

Message from Johnson:
You're looking for a Mr. Kikuchi of Renraku. I'm attaching his contact details. The bounty's up to ¥20000.

Better move fast Az. The more money he offers, the more people hear about it.Az now has Mr Kikuchi's contact details. He can be called or messaged directly, there is no Johnson on this one.

From: Shoe
Hells yeah :smallbiggrin:
Your man in black wants a time and place to meet :smallcool:

2013-09-15, 10:12 AM
send a message to skinny asking how big the bounty on the troll killer is

2013-09-15, 07:06 PM
Chris Anderson

"Johnson at Sun Bar tonight 10pm for a quick parcel snatch, 25k, light security," Chris said, looking at his commlink, "Another one 9:30 at K-Rom Grill tomorrow night for a smash-n-grab, c'mon guys, two quick ones to get things going?"

2013-09-15, 07:11 PM
Corian looks up from his commlink and turns toward Chris. "A couple quick and simple jobs wouldn't go amiss, we can look into the rest of the jobs after that, I suppose."

2013-09-15, 07:28 PM
Froggy grunts "I'm in guys, lets go. "

Henry the 57th
2013-09-15, 08:11 PM
Az thinks for a bit. "Yeah, sounds a bit too easy, but I still think I'm up for it."

2013-09-15, 10:39 PM
Froggy laughs in a course voice," Its never as easy as the Johnsons claim it will be. If he says light security, expect snipers. "

2013-09-16, 08:07 AM
Checks for Sun Bar and K-Rom grill
AreaKnowledge Seattle(4) +Int(4)[roll0]

Bars and clubs(biker)(4)+Int(4)[roll1]

2013-09-16, 10:13 AM
Froggy knows the Sun Bar. It's a charming "vaguely Asian" bar in the International District, Downtown.

It's understood to be a cynical attempt by some corp or another to start a chain that appealed to the Asian demographic. It clearly failed, since the place is never busy, often empty and there are no other Sun Bars springing up around town.

2013-09-17, 02:13 AM
Knowledge check on K-Rom Grill


2013-09-17, 12:14 PM
Froggy knows the K-Rom Grill.

It is a converted mechanic's workshop in Auburn. It retains it's industrial feel, although the "real action" happens in VR. No security is provided for whilst you're in VR, so most people come with friends. The "grill" is actually three oil drum barbecues lined up behind the bar. Lukewarm beer is the only drink on offer.

The K-Rom Grill is a hangout for both low-paid technicians who work/live in Auburn and some small-fry hackers.

2013-09-17, 01:11 PM
The elf shakes her head a bit to look past her AR windows after reading Shoe's reply.

"that all sounds good. there is also another prospective employer that says that we get to decide when and where to meet... no details yet, but it apparently needs to be on short notice. can you guys make another appointment at the sun bar a couple of hours before the ten-o-clock?"

2013-09-17, 05:52 PM
"I don't see why not." Corian shuffles slightly. "Another offer can only be good for business."

2013-09-17, 07:09 PM

Does 8:00 at the Sun Bar downtown work for Him? How will we know Him when he arrives?

2013-09-17, 07:12 PM
Chris Anderson

"Always good to have options," Chris replied, "Let's schedule the three of them then."

2013-09-17, 07:28 PM
"Works for me"

2013-09-17, 08:35 PM

"If anyone needs a ride I have space in the van"

2013-09-17, 10:40 PM
"okay, good. thanks, froggy."

Alice pushes some of the first few search results for the Varied Lotus around on her filthy place mat. By all appearances, she could well be counting the stains.

"actually, how much time do we have?"

2013-09-18, 11:42 AM
It is currently 5:10pm.


From: Shoe
8 is good for Johnson
Told him to enter through the kitchen so you know who he is :smallsmile:

Varied Lotus
Alice's data search doesn't turn up anything. Well, it brings up results for Yellow Lotus but that's not the triad she wanted.

2013-09-18, 07:31 PM
Chris Anderson

"I need a lift too Froggy," Chris said, "thanks."

2013-09-18, 08:24 PM
Another message is pulled across the threads of the matrix. Heehee! That works. Thanks.
I can't be sure of what will come of it, but whatever does, I will make sure that you get a piece.

Alice looks back down at her placemat with an unsatisfied look. She'll have to come back to that.

Okay, so a few questions:

- The thus-far unsuccessful data search is an indication that three successes isn't enough, but I do recall that it's an extended test... can she continue the search later and add her successes together, or will she have to start over, or are you doing these data searches as single-test efforts to begin with?

- How long does it take for a technomancer to change up her access ID? I remember it being defined somewhere as a little meditation thing, but I can't seem to find it.

- Can she get any information about the Sun Bar's layout? They probably have a public seating chart or something, though that probably assumes that they take reservations, which it sounds like they don't. At any rate, browse + data search: [roll0]

2013-09-18, 08:55 PM

"Lets go, you can do your hacker stuff in the truck on the way." Froggy streches as he rises and heads for the door.

2013-09-18, 09:22 PM
Corian rises from his seat and makes to follow. A ride would certainly be helpful. Vehicles cost nuyen, and he's a bit scarce.

2013-09-18, 10:00 PM
The Elf briefly shoots The Frog an annoyed look, trying to think of how best to say, 'Ixnay,' without actually resorting to pig latin... but, she still can't pass up the ride. She can't even afford bus fare reliably.

"right. sorry." Alice scooches across the booth's ripped upholstery and gets up to file out with everyone else.

2013-09-19, 04:27 AM
- Can she get any information about the Sun Bar's layout? They probably have a public seating chart or something, though that probably assumes that they take reservations, which it sounds like they don't. At any rate, browse + data search: [roll0]

Alice easily tracks down an architectural plan filed with the city and some old pictures from social networks. Tthe place looks roughly like this:


There's twelve tables spread equidistant around the room. Each has four chairs.
Stools are fixed in place along the bar. The bar itself looks very nice, with genuine wood-effect and a generous array of bottles on the wall behind.

(This was not an Extended test.)

Henry the 57th
2013-09-19, 09:23 PM
"I'll come along on my bike." Az says.

He files out with all the others, eager to get to work. As promised, he makes an immediate beeline for his bike, with which he follows the others.

2013-09-19, 10:23 PM
Alice distributes the map to her colleagues as they start their trip.
-- Our first appointment will be coming in through the kitchen.
-- Which is kind of a combination of secretive and ridiculous, but I don't think it bodes poorly for us, really.
-- The preference for promptness should put us in a pretty profitable position.

2013-09-21, 01:35 AM
Froggy talks as he drives, "As our appointment is at 1030pm, and it should be around 6pm now, I say we drive around till 9:30 and then scope out the bar to look for extra comany until go time. "

2013-09-21, 05:25 AM
Froggy talks as he drives, "As our appointment is at 1030pm, and it should be around 6pm now, I say we drive around till 9:30 and then scope out the bar to look for extra comany until go time. "

"no it isn't."

Alice forwards the conversation on commchat, so as not to leave out Az.

-- Our first appointment is scheduled for 8:00 PM, as per my most recent communique with the fixer who set it up.
-- If there is anything anyone would like to do that takes no more than an hour, now would be the time to do it.
-- Maybe I could get a haircut on the way.

She runs her fingers through the scraggly and faded pink ponytail trailing from her otherwise blond head to punctuate the joke.

2013-09-21, 07:01 AM
K, no worries.

2013-09-21, 11:15 PM

"If im not mistaken Az has some drones, I'd like to scout the place out before we go in. With his and my drones we should make quick work of it. "

2013-09-22, 06:35 AM
43 minutes later... (5:53pm)
The Sun Bar is down a short side street that connects two other, much busier streets. Only two businesses are even open, the Sun Bar and a Japanese tea shop.

The front is fading and in need of replacement. The sign is modelled after the rising sun motif, with "Sun Bar" listed in several languages. The front right window is gone and boarded up from the inside.

Stepping inside, the place isn't too unpleasant. The tables are cheap and plasticky, but everything is clean. Most of the lights work. The decor is an awkward mix of elements from various far east cultures all jumbled together, like the decorator didn't know what they were doing. The side windows look out across a meter across of alleyway to the walls of the neighbouring buildings.

Over at the bar, a slightly chubby man in his thirties looks surprised to have customers.

"Oh. Yes, come... come in gentlemen! Gentlemen and ladies. Lady.

...Please come in."

2013-09-22, 06:59 AM

Froggy sends his two mico-drones to cover the front and back entrances.

"Our next appointment is out back right?", quietly over the com link.

2013-09-23, 06:04 PM
Alice nods politely to the greeting server and indulges her habit of not using her real voice at all when conversing over the squad network.

-- Probably not yet, but if you want to keep an eye on the entrance, I certainly won't object.

2013-09-23, 10:12 PM

"eye's are open"

2013-09-26, 04:30 AM
Peeking into the Sun Bar node, Alice can see that she can indeed order food through AR. A handy little menu app pops ups in the upper right of the user's vision that can be scrolled through.

At this point in time, there are only four mains on the menu: Stewed SoyBeef Brisket in Chu Hou Sauce, Tteokbokki Platter, SoyChicken Sinigang and SoyKobi Burger.

Looks like you can also order various dim sum, puto or some sort of spiced boiled peanuts as bar snacks.

Drinks are either a bottle of Rising Tiger beer or one of various teas.

Jumping into VR, Alice finds that the node looks like a very clean and shiny version of the Sun Bar. The "bar" is empty, but only because it is the icon for the ordering system she just looked at in AR. She doesn't have access to the VR kitchen, which is where the other end of the ordering system is. It's also where the admin functions are.

One nice touch is that the front door is the icon for a program that connects you to a cab company.

Alice has seen enough to get a feel for the system's security - it's ok for a small business. Slightly outdated. (System 3, Firewall 3)

2013-09-27, 05:30 PM
Alice drifts off into VR briefly as the group sits down, but bolts back awake almost immediately to avoid being both suspicious and rude.

For now, it'll suffice to just be rude.

"so we have two hours. if anyone volunteers to order drinks, i could use a coke."

In the meantime, she decides to start multitasking, first by getting a sprite to work on Kara's Lotus War thing.

Reasoning that the subroutine won't need to stick around for very long once that task is done, she makes a point of getting one of the best ones that she can come up with, so as to get the best possible information. This is easier said than done. She quickly doodles several deformed AR icons in the air, banishing each with a wave of her hand, unsatisfied. She soon settles on one design, a puppy with a Sherlock Holmes outfit, but it bites her finger as she's putting on the finishing touches and she bats it away in frustration. Finally, she gathers up a handful of the organic webbing of the matrix and massages it into her last effort before expanding it to size, revealing a shirtless Bishonen Anime sort of character with a glowing blue symbiote covering most of his head and back.

Silently, Alice conveys the living icon its first instructions and sends it off to do its whole Cryptic Oracle thing before leaning back in her chair and rejoining the conversation.

2013-09-27, 08:31 PM
Chris Anderson

Chris sat down at the table and scanned the Astral for anything that looked out of place.

intuition + assensing: [roll0]

2013-09-28, 06:45 AM
OracleSprite is off "sleepwalking" through data. He'll check back in at a later point.

There is a spirit just to the right of the door into the kitchen. It has the distinctive "cloaked man" shape of a Spirit of Man. The spirit is not doing anything, just looking over at the group.

Az, Froggy and Chris, however, are marked with small, identical astral signatures on different parts of their bodies - someone, possibly the spirit, has been casting spells at the group.

Maren and Corian seem to be unmarked. As Chris looks, he notices that the astral signature on him seems to actually be on his gun.

(Less importantly, thin dark lines in bartender's aura suggest to Chris that he may have skillwires and an implanted commlink, which seems unlikely for a bar rodent.)

2013-09-28, 07:22 AM
Chris Anderson

"Don't look now," Chris mumbled, "but someone's lighting us up on Astral."

He leaned back in his seat and attempted to determine the nature of the spells, and to watch out for any more being cast.

Intuition + Assensing: [roll0]

2013-09-28, 07:47 AM
Froggy starts swearing under his breath. "It's never easy"
Perception tests
roll 1 for the room were in.
roll 2 for drone watching front door.
roll 3 for back door

2013-09-28, 08:21 AM
Chris is pretty sure it's a Detect [Object] spell. No telling on the Force.

Froggy can't see anything unusual, nor can he see anything unusual with his drones.

2013-10-01, 11:58 AM
After a few more seconds, the spirit turns, and drifts away through the wall.

2013-10-01, 05:10 PM
Since we dont seem to be doing anythin I'm still on lookout watch.

2013-10-03, 01:36 PM
"lighting us up."

Alice raises an eyebrow and tilts her head slightly. Apparently the monotone sentence fragment was supposed to be a question.

"what are you talking about. was one of our appointments just astrally projecting here to check us out, maybe?"

2013-10-03, 10:50 PM
"Making another visual sweep", quietly over the comlink.

Front Door Sensor(3)+Perception(5)[roll0] 2 hits

Back Door Sensor(3)+Perception(5)[roll1] 2 hits

2013-10-03, 10:57 PM
Room Int(5)+Perception(5) [roll0] 0 hits

2013-10-03, 11:01 PM
spending 1 edge for reroll
Room Int(5)+Perception(5) [roll0] 3 hits

2013-10-05, 06:00 AM

A black SUV pulls up out front, followed by a black car. They both have tinted windows. An elf in a black suit and red tie gets out, donning his shades as he does so. He is joined by two men in similar suits. The elf starts for the door, but stops when one of the heavies mutters something to him. The elf then furiously wheels round and starts marching down the side of the bar, round to the back, ranting the whole way about incompetents and what he's going to do to Shoe when he gets his hands on him.

He doesn't seem to clock that you guys can see the entire show through the windows.

Froggy's drone shows him the Johnson making his way round to the back door, where he has to knock and get let in.

A few minutes later, the Johnson enters through the door to the kitchen and approaches the lot of you. He's smiling and trying to be friendly.

"Good evening, my friends."

He reaches the table and one of the heavies pulls a chair over for him. The other is behind the bar, loading his arms with bottles of beer. The barman just looks on helplessly.

Johnson tries to draw your attention back to him. "I'm thrilled you took up the offer, I need this handling quickly.

Ever watched a trid station called NewsCastThirty? They're a little independent op, fell through the cracks in the second Crash. They think they're putting together a great story on new covert enhancements being used by some... notable athletes. They are wrong. They are going to embarrass themselves in public and in court with this erroneous story based on faulty evidence.

My employer wants you to stop them from embarrassing themselves. And, to prevent any possible future embarrassment, take the evidence away permanently and return it to it's rightful owners."

The second heavy places the opened bottles of Rising Tiger on the table. Johnson takes one.

"Forty grand for a night's work. Interested?"

2013-10-05, 06:13 AM
"Do you have any info on current security?"

2013-10-05, 06:46 AM
"Mmm. Cameras, maybe a couple of guards. They're not wealthy."

2013-10-05, 07:52 AM
Chris Anderson

Chris leaned back in his seat. He wasn't very good with negotiations, so he preferred to let the experts handle it. He did, however, keep an eye out on the Astral Plane to make sure nobody surprised them.

2013-10-05, 01:59 PM
"you probably know it isn't as simple as that," Alice smiles at the snazzily-dressed Johnson, "after all, when has a lack of evidence stopped the news from running a story? the anecdote is also going to have to disappear, and that can take some real convincing."

"also, are they hoarding something physical, or are they trying to sell the idea that these poor, hard-working players were caught on trideo red-handed?"

Knowledge(journalism) for who NewsCastThirty is and how they operate. [roll0]

Negotiation to help out Az if he wants to take this further and try to get an advance (she hints at how it would benefit the mission, but she's not about to hold out for more money herself at this point): [roll1]

2013-10-06, 04:25 AM
Johnson leans in towards Alice. "They don't need evidence to run the story. They need it to not get eviscerated in court afterwards.

They've got five blood samples and an example... enhancement. We need them back."

He sits back in his chair and thinks for a moment.

"Actually, if you could trash the place that might help. Smash the cameras, steal their stories, that kind of thing. I'd pay you an extra ten grand."

NCT are a small, kinda cheap looking trid broadcaster based in Seattle. They focus on news, mostly regional to the Seattle area. When they have empty news slots, they fill in with international stories.

They also fill airtime (Matrixtime?) with documentaries and current affairs programs, a few of which they make but most of which they buy in. They have a weekly panel show which some (very) small time entertainers and politicians have appeared on.

2013-10-07, 01:55 AM
Alice can't argue with that logic. Wrecking more stuff will send a message. That message can be interpreted as either, "you have messed with the wrong people," or, "someone in this town has no idea how to do a proper burglary," but either way works for our purposes.

"there is one more thing we will need to know," Alice asks before letting Az get down to business, "does this, 'example,' come in a vial, or an aquarium?"

Bioware and symbiont enhancements are harder to cover up than drugs, but they're a possibility nonetheless, and it's important to know what exactly one is moving.

2013-10-07, 10:57 AM
"Good catch Alice", quietly over the commlink as he reaches for and opens a beer.

2013-10-07, 03:18 PM
Johnson dismisses Alice's concerns with a little wave of his hand.

"It's carry-able in one hand. Shouldn't be a problem."

An insufferably smug smile creeps across his face.

"Is there anything else you wanted to ask before you say yes?"

2013-10-09, 01:08 AM
- Az, you are missing everything.
- You are also the last person on Earth who still considers himself too dignified to answer messages from the bathroom.
- How long have you been in there anyway?
- Like, half an hour?
- Alright, whatever, don't rush yourself. We can handle it.
Alice mirrors the Johnson's cockiness, resting her head on her fingertips. "you came in through the kitchen for us, right? of course we'll help you. we just need to work out the details."

She draws a target, a telephone receiver, and a Nuyen symbol in the air with her finger, and they quickly start floating around as little AR icons. "now, what exactly are we getting, how are we going to arrange to get it back to you, and how exactly were you planning on remitting payment?"

- Am I forgetting anything?

2013-10-09, 03:59 AM
"twenty percent up front", Froggy grunts, after opening another beer.

2013-10-09, 02:52 PM
Johnson tugs at his collar.

"It's just an example enhancement, you'll know it when you see it.

Get in touch with me once you have the evidence. I'll come pick it up and have the money sent to an account you nominate. It's our standard procedure."

2013-10-09, 07:40 PM
"very well, then i can probably assume that you aren't especially worried about the example being, say, contaminated in transport..."

Her expression becomes more serious. If the team needs to make any special preparations, she wants to give him a chance to interject with a correction.

"actually, we could put an initial investment of five thousand nuyen towards expediting this operation... but if your procedure doesn't account for it, i suppose that we can make do..."

Remember that negotiation roll from before? This is that. Giving us a little up front could actually work to his benefit by giving us bribery options, so it's not even that manipulative.

Whether the Johnson takes the bait on either of these hooks or just moves to wrap this up, Alice has him exchange direct contact information with Froggy and lets him get on with his day.

2013-10-13, 04:19 AM
"very well, then i can probably assume that you aren't especially worried about the example being, say, contaminated in transport..."
"Not massively. We just want NCT not to have it."

"actually, we could put an initial investment of five thousand nuyen towards expediting this operation... but if your procedure doesn't account for it, i suppose that we can make do..."

"You'll have to. I can't give an advance to an asset with no track record. It's not personal, I assure you.

Now look, I have other business."

Johnson stands, exchanges the info with Froggy and leaves with his heavies (via the front door).

2013-10-14, 01:17 AM
"Works for me, I want time to scope the place out. How long till the second meeting?"

2013-10-14, 04:25 AM
That would be Chris's appointment, in about an hour and a half. If nobody minds, I would like to get some matrix legwork done regarding the studio in the meantime.

Is anyone else hungry, by the way?

2013-10-15, 04:02 PM
Is anyone else hungry, by the way?

Is that a hint for me to order food :smallbiggrin:

2013-10-16, 08:58 AM
Chris Anderson

"I could go for some nibbles," Chris replied.

2013-10-16, 02:40 PM
Caorian leans back slightly. "I wouldn't mind some food myself."

2013-10-17, 06:36 PM
Froggy jumps on the AR menu and order 4 SoyKobi Burger."I hope they don't expect me to pay for the beer".

2013-10-18, 08:53 PM
- Where did you even get all of that beer anyway?

Alice speaks in her AR voice as she looks at the menu. Practically everything has tofu in it.

Just for fun, here's a vanilla edge roll to see whether she how much she has with her dining options: [roll0]

2013-10-18, 09:27 PM
Froggyspeaks quietly over AR, "The mook with the last johnson grabed them and brought them over. "