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2013-11-18, 02:15 AM
each source of income needs 20 people that just do that. 5 sources = 100 peoples

ok so I need one more barracks another dinning room and two more kitchens so my new total is 130,400cp

2013-11-18, 02:17 AM
so based on what was posted earlier costs are
1,304 GP (base)
* 1.58

2,060 GP

and income will be 5 sources totaling
65GP 2SP per month (from all 5 sources)
13GP 4CP per income source per month

2013-11-18, 02:23 AM
so based on what was posted earlier costs are
1,304 GP (base)
* 1.58

2,060 GP

and income will be 5 sources totaling
65GP 2SP per month (from all 5 sources)
13GP 4CP per income source per month

ok I can pay for that myself also Sissy wants to know if she can retrain her dodge feat for Leadership
see you guys after school tomarrow

2013-11-18, 02:35 AM
ok I can pay for that myself also Sissy wants to know if she can retrain her dodge feat for Leadership
see you guys after school tomarrow

ya I said she could but it takes time. usually a week

2013-11-18, 02:39 AM
so are we going to gloss this over and give a week or two's exp or are we going to Rp each day and have that run in the back ground

2013-11-18, 04:43 AM
so are we going to gloss this over and give a week or two's exp or are we going to Rp each day and have that run in the back ground

well nana is retraining this week to get that other feat.

the elf is having stuff built/recruiting npcs which will take most of her time.

you are just doing the arena things plus whatever they had on the side.

will post more later on that

2013-11-18, 10:18 AM
underground excavation would have normally taken a very long time, however house stel has a number of capable druids, psions and other casters. the subterranean excavation will take less then a single week, the house doesn't charge you at all for this, as they don't waste any of the stone producing several thousand small/tiny stone statuettes of Hamanu, to be sold as objects of art, many are made of clay some stone even some bits of quartz or aquamarine. even beyond this hundreds of weapons many of stone or even bone are crafted.

with the excavation gone by so quickly you can begin to hire crafters, assuming you keep things with the recommended artisans you can trust them to keep their secrets as they are family Stel.

2013-11-18, 11:21 AM
ok that's not a problem and I fully trust house stel so yah I will hire their stone and wood workers

2013-11-18, 11:41 AM
Drakoen you have your 9th level feat slot open so you don't need to retrain your dodge but if you do take side kick and leadership

as 6th level is the lowest level you can get these feats

{Side kick 1 (8th level)} feats: minions
[Cohort 1 (7th level)] feats: minions

and when they hit 9th level as they earn 1/2 your exp you have them take sidekick and the levels continue

in one of the threads here is a mastermind build the DM can give you more information on it if he will allow the build

2013-11-18, 02:36 PM
Drakoen you have your 9th level feat slot open so you don't need to retrain your dodge but if you do take side kick and leadership

as 6th level is the lowest level you can get these feats

{Side kick 1 (8th level)} feats: minions
[Cohort 1 (7th level)] feats: minions

and when they hit 9th level as they earn 1/2 your exp you have them take sidekick and the levels continue

in one of the threads here is a mastermind build the DM can give you more information on it if he will allow the build

can you link me the thread and would the build be useful?

2013-11-18, 07:32 PM
if you want to have a crap ton of NPC minions yes it is the way to go really one set of leadership side kick and minions is enough if Felmeir dose it as well between the two of you you could have about 110 people give or take 10

2013-11-18, 11:18 PM
No DM? today? we have class tomarrow

2013-11-19, 09:26 AM
No DM? today? we have class tomarrow

I'm here mostly. fell sleep early last night :\

alright so what is everyone doing during the few weeks of construction(helping, fighting matches etc)

2013-11-19, 09:58 AM
I'm here mostly. fell sleep early last night :\

alright so what is everyone doing during the few weeks of construction(helping, fighting matches etc)

Nana is retraining her dodge feat for leadership and my 9th level feat will be Sidekick.

2013-11-19, 10:01 AM
I'm here mostly. fell sleep early last night :\

alright so what is everyone doing during the few weeks of construction(helping, fighting matches etc)

I will fight my daily matches then I head to the work sight to over see it

2013-11-19, 04:37 PM
Minion Feat
You have access to guards, thugs, or other subordinates who
follow your orders.
Prerequisite: 6th level.
Benefit: You attract loyal followers, according to Table 2–1:
Minion Table.
Minions are generally loyal, but aren’t fanatical and won’t do
anything obviously suicidal. Minions who die or leave the character
are replaced with new recruits within a month’s time.
Leader Score: Your leader score is equal to the sum of your
character level, your Reputation score, and your Charisma modifier,
modified by the factors listed in the next column
TABLE 2–1: MINION TABLE Number of Minions by level
Leader Score 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
1 or less — — — — — —
2 — — — — — —
3 — — — — — —
4 — — — — — —
5 — — — — — —
6 — — — — — —
7 — — — — — —
8 — — — — — —
9 — — — — — —
10 5 — — — — —
11 6 — — — — —
12 8 — — — — —
13 10 1 — — — —
14 15 1 — — — —
15 20 2 1 — — —
16 25 2 1 — — —
17 30 3 1 1 — —
18 35 3 1 1 — —
19 40 4 2 1 1 —
20 50 5 3 2 1 —
21 60 6 3 2 1 1
22 75 7 4 2 2 1
23 90 9 5 3 2 1
24 110 11 6 3 2 1
25+ 135 13 7 4 2 2

Leadership Attribute Modifier
Considered fair and generous +1
Displays special power +1
Has had well-publicized failure –1
Considered aloof or cruel –1
Known for unsurpassed megalomania +3
Has a secret base +2
Moves around a lot –1
Provides uniforms +1

You have an individual follower of some ability.
Prerequisite: 6th level.
Benefit: Just as with the Minion feat above, you use your Leader score to determine the exact benefit of this feat. But rather than receiving a group of low-level GM characters, you receive a single higher-level GM character. However, your sidekick must always be at least one level lower than the level
of your character.
Leader Sidekick Leader Sidekick
Score Level Score Level
1 or lower — 14 10th
2 1st 15 10th
3 2nd 16 11th
4 3rd 17 12th
5 3rd 18 12th
6 4th 19 13th
7 5th 20 14th
8 5th 21 15th
9 6th 22 15th
10 7th 23 16th
11 7th 24 17th
12 8th 25 or higher 17th
13 9th
Leadership Score: Your leader score is equal to the sum of your character level, your Reputation score, and your Charisma modifier, modified by the factors listed below:

Leadership Attribute Modifier
Considered fair and generous +1
Displays special power +1
Has had well-publicized failure –1
Considered aloof or cruel –1
Known for unsurpassed megalomania +3
Has a secret base +2
Moves around a lot –1
Provides uniforms +1

Just like minions, sidekicks are considered loyal, and they might even sacrifice themselves for their leader if asked. It takes about three months to recruit a new sidekick if one dies or leaves.

2013-11-19, 06:49 PM
Nana is retraining her dodge feat for leadership and my 9th level feat will be Sidekick.

at the end of your matches your aid tells you that a single pink rose had arrived in a brass vase from several of your fans. a group of 2 families chipped in for it. obsidian inlaid on the vase in a fairly intricate knotwork pattern. the stone pattern forms a bit of a web like pattern, the brass vase can be lifted from the obsidian network or sit neatly on it. a carved emblem of a volcano is on the bottom of the brass. these fans are from the common district.

2013-11-19, 06:51 PM
I will fight my daily matches then I head to the work sight to over see it

the work will continue.

aiur warns you that there might be trouble at the tavern, he overheard a rumor that a rival gang might be planning something. the source is unreliable but better to warn you just in case.

2013-11-19, 07:05 PM
the work will continue.

aiur warns you that there might be trouble at the tavern, he overheard a rumor that a rival gang might be planning something. the source is unreliable but better to warn you just in case.

If gantz is free or drakoen while I do my fight have them watch over the tavern (ooc gantz are you Cryo yet or lernian?)

2013-11-19, 07:16 PM
Yah gantz fights between 11am-2pm (hottest part of the day) so I can watch over it durring the mornings

2013-11-20, 12:16 AM
so looks like the DM is only posting while we are at school or asleep...

these are my actions for the week 1) find out who sent me the flower and vase, 2) listen for any rumors going around the nobles during the privet party's I attend, 3) Speak with Master Stel and Auir abut the guild/ and my gaining followers

2013-11-20, 04:01 AM
Gantz dosen't change his day to day never stops fighting and with the endurance and his fast heal with the ring of sustunance he can stay awake for about a week and then crashes for like 4 hours and he will get like 52.5k exp

2013-11-20, 11:21 AM
rumors on the street (even at dc10) are that a largescale war is in the works
between 10 noble houses

sides are drawn up there are 4 major houses involved and 6 minor houses.


house stel although not involved as a noble house, stands to make a lot of profit arming all sides of this conflict.

house stel is likely responsible for this conflict, but it has progressed too far for the involved sides to stop now, as the nobles have all taken actions which would fuel this conflict for decades.

2013-11-20, 01:03 PM
rumors on the street (even at dc10) are that a largescale war is in the works
between 10 noble houses

sides are drawn up there are 4 major houses involved and 6 minor houses.


house stel although not involved as a noble house, stands to make a lot of profit arming all sides of this conflict.

house stel is likely responsible for this conflict, but it has progressed too far for the involved sides to stop now, as the nobles have all taken actions which would fuel this conflict for decades.

well I can make a DC 30 taking ten and I will let everyone know what I do, also can I find out who is attempting something on my tavern? (Gather information [31] taking ten)

2013-11-20, 03:26 PM
well I can make a DC 30 taking ten and I will let everyone know what I do, also can I find out who is attempting something on my tavern? (Gather information [31] taking ten)

from what you are able to tell it isn't exactly "directed" at your tavern, but your tavern appears to be at a midpoint between 2 noble houses known for squabbling in public. it makes you wonder what might have happened in the past to this location's inn. your inn is far more glorious then anything that has stood here in the past

2013-11-20, 03:35 PM
so looks like the DM is only posting while we are at school or asleep...

these are my actions for the week 1) find out who sent me the flower and vase, 2) listen for any rumors going around the nobles during the privet party's I attend, 3) Speak with Master Stel and Auir abut the guild/ and my gaining followers

the followers will show up when the guild is finished (usually takes a month)

the flower/vase were sent by some common citizens. they own shops that were saved when the golem rampage was halted by the group. one of the shops is a workshop which manufactures glass. they buy silicate/quartz and make glass of all sorts from windows to vials and beakers. another of the shops was a chandler.(they make candles from beeswax). another shop made blankets.

(ooc I know it was the bard, but normal people would remember your 'fame' as a gladiator. bards are kinda secretive(usually) ;))

2013-11-20, 03:47 PM
take some time and dig into the history of the area and my tavern. Set up my Tavern as a neutral area if they fight in my taverns I will poison them (only going to make them sick not kill then and the poisoning will be out side of my tavern) just tell me what checks to do

2013-11-20, 05:59 PM
take some time and dig into the history of the area and my tavern. Set up my Tavern as a neutral area if they fight in my taverns I will poison them (only going to make them sick not kill then and the poisoning will be out side of my tavern) just tell me what checks to do

a knowledge(history), a knowledge local (urik) those will provide the most information

2013-11-20, 06:07 PM
a knowledge(history), a knowledge local (urik) those will provide the most information

I have knowledge local urik taking 10 (32)

2013-11-20, 06:55 PM
Gantz will ask Auir about a magic iteam or a spell or two to increase his smarts (int)

ooc if i spend every thing i can get 4 +5 to stats [Int, Str, Dex, Con]

2013-11-20, 07:05 PM
I have knowledge local urik taking 10 (32)

the two families were fighting over an underground river that produced a very specific type of clay.

the former owner of the tavern disappeared mysteriously. no corpse was ever recovered, nor were they heard from again. the former owner's son shut down the tavern/inn and let it go into disrepair. he later went on to become an adventurer, rumor has it he went to Tyr to study magic.

the two families were vying for favor to "mint" the CP of the city, each hoped to gain hamanu's favor by controlling this special clay and controlling the production of the CP.

the clay has some kind of magical properties. it is believed that the river dried up.

the "river" wasn't a river at all simply a decanter of endless water that blessed all of the water which came out of it and made it clear. a minor artifact

2013-11-20, 07:14 PM
the two families were fighting over an underground river that produced a very specific type of clay.

the former owner of the tavern disappeared mysteriously. no corpse was ever recovered, nor were they heard from again. the former owner's son shut down the tavern/inn and let it go into disrepair. he later went on to become an adventurer, rumor has it he went to Tyr to study magic.

the two families were vying for favor to "mint" the CP of the city, each hoped to gain hamanu's favor by controlling this special clay and controlling the production of the CP.

the clay has some kind of magical properties. it is believed that the river dried up.

the "river" wasn't a river at all simply a decanter of endless water that blessed all of the water which came out of it and made it clear. a minor artifact

sounds like we need to carefully sift through the dirt and clay we are digging threw for that decantor I will issue orders as such to the workers

2013-11-20, 09:33 PM
sounds like we need to carefully sift through the dirt and clay we are digging threw for that decantor I will issue orders as such to the workers

gantz with his halfling druid will help you search for the decanter but if yor not there when he finds it he will give it to Master Stel in your name or Auir

2013-11-21, 02:28 PM
whoever has the highest average search check modifier

add+5 from helpers

2013-11-21, 04:02 PM
that would be me I will take ten [26] 9 ranks + 2 mod +5 from helpers

2013-11-21, 05:29 PM
that would be me I will take ten [26] 9 ranks + 2 mod +5 from helpers

if the other two pcs help that will get you a 30

you will uncover a minor artifact in your search. it is a delicate clay material. it doesn't look very special nor does it look very valuable, if placed with other clay type pots it could easily be misplaced.

2013-11-21, 05:41 PM
yes i'll help with prep (cutting off each head in turn untill i have 10 heads to aid in the search)

2013-11-21, 05:43 PM
if I take 10 I get a 15 on a search check

2013-11-21, 05:48 PM
rolling a bardic knowledge check on the decanter also going to make a use magical device after the knowledge check [I will spend an action point not to botch the umd check 1d6,[roll2]

2013-11-21, 08:22 PM
wow botched the bard knowledge and nat 20ed the umd

2013-11-22, 11:11 AM
activating blindly?

2013-11-22, 12:06 PM
yes i'll help with prep (cutting off each head in turn untill i have 10 heads to aid in the search)

you can't grow more then 4 heads. (twice the starting number with the template which is 2 heads for medium)

2013-11-22, 12:07 PM
if I take 10 I get a 15 on a search check

this is enough to aid her and give a +2 to her search. with combined with gantz's help and yours will get her the 30 that she needed to find it :)

2013-11-22, 01:26 PM
I was using bardic knowledge so I wouldn't be using it blindly but I rolled a natural 1 so yes I guess I am

2013-11-22, 05:13 PM
I was using bardic knowledge so I wouldn't be using it blindly but I rolled a natural 1 so yes I guess I am

I just need to know where you are while making the UMD. (at the tavern, at the pens etc)

2013-11-22, 05:24 PM
I was doing that at the pens (Gantz could use a bath lol)

2013-11-22, 07:26 PM
I was doing that at the pens (Gantz could use a bath lol)

as you focus on the urn, it begins pouring out at geyser rates. equal parts earth and water. the earth is clay.

2013-11-22, 08:37 PM
as you focus on the urn, it begins pouring out at geyser rates. equal parts earth and water. the earth is clay.

I will attempt to shut it down [roll0]

2013-11-22, 09:09 PM
lol lets hope you can get that shut down other wise you will have a big mess to clean up

2013-11-23, 12:50 AM
I will attempt to shut it down [roll0]

activate blindly is a DC 25. you do get a special +2 for having activated it before.

so that's a modified 21. still 4 points short.

2013-11-23, 09:40 AM
activate blindly is a DC 25. you do get a special +2 for having activated it before.

so that's a modified 21. still 4 points short.

trying again?

(will resolve late Saturday)

2013-11-24, 11:26 AM
just let me know when you two are here.

2013-12-01, 12:26 PM
just let me know when you two are here.

well sissy and I are back

2013-12-01, 12:26 PM
just let me know when you two are here.

We Are Back I have my own computer now :)

2013-12-01, 12:27 PM
Good for you two glad you are back

2013-12-01, 01:51 PM
welcome back, missed all 3 of you :))

2013-12-01, 04:08 PM
well we missed you guys too I hate my uncle

2013-12-01, 04:09 PM
you don't like him because he got me my computer and didn't get you a new one

2013-12-01, 11:35 PM
trying again?

(will resolve late Saturday)

yes I will try again[roll0]

2013-12-02, 01:32 AM
yes I will try again[roll0]

looks like gantz is gonna be hosed down pretty good.

2013-12-02, 04:56 PM
story of my life lol will send my cleric to shut down the magic iteam

2013-12-02, 06:04 PM
story of my life lol will send my cleric to shut down the magic iteam

the cleric can operate the device without a roll. she will shut it downharmlessly although she will chuckle at you all being covered in wet clay

2013-12-02, 09:00 PM
Nana laughs at Gantz and Felmeir "I am not cleaning this up this is all you Felmeir" laughs a gain before headding into her cell

2013-12-02, 09:02 PM
I will use cantrip gather on the wet clay "I am sure house stell can find a use for the clay"

2013-12-03, 01:13 PM
I will use cantrip gather on the wet clay "I am sure house stell can find a use for the clay"

there is about 8 gallons of water and similar quantity of this very fine clay.

consider them to be blessed elements

25CP / vial

2013-12-06, 05:39 AM
hen i'll buy the vials from house stell and sell them or have house stell sell them for 25% (to me)

2013-12-08, 01:49 PM
hen i'll buy the vials from house stell and sell them or have house stell sell them for 25% (to me)

usually the churches sell them at cost (25cp) and appearently don't charge for the vials either (weird).

so you want to sell them for 5cp to the house, and the house keeps the rest?

2013-12-08, 05:40 PM
yes I will sell the vials to House stell for 5 cp