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2013-09-12, 03:13 PM
You return to the city of Delthontil, emboldened by you great victory over the goblins. Confident in a job well done.

It is a beautiful summer morning, a few clouds drift across the sky and the sun shines down on all, though it is not late enough for it to become uncomfortably hot.

You enter city and head to the market at the central square to spend your money, pushing through the crowds, as many want to do there shopping before the heat. You pass by many heading out to the mines to work as well.

After purchasing a partially charged wand of lesser vigor*, you wonder what to do next. You have little time to wonder however before a series of bangs from an alchemist's shop a little ahead, the glass shattering outwards as the blast from an explosion hitting it, the sign landing on the street, smoking and burnt, reading Azvo's Alchemical Supplies. Several more bangs, louder this time come from within as smoke billows out and a vial of acid shatters on the pavement in front, burning a passing merchant. People begin to panic, screaming as they try to get away from the dangerous shop.

*If you wish to change what item you purchase, that is fine. Tell me OoC and I'll change it.

Recruitment (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=301959)
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2013-09-12, 04:02 PM
General Angwyn Arthurson

Angwyn looks with shock at the alchemist's shop as he hears the noises coming from within before drawing his sword and approaching cautiously. What villainy is this? It is wrong for buildings to explode! The noble General Angwyn Arthurson shall get to the bottom of this! Onwards comrades I shall lead you on another successful campaign.

2013-09-12, 04:06 PM

What the...? He utters silently to himself before drawing his bow. Believing that there might trouble ahead, he motions for the rest of the group to come, following Angwyn's lead.

2013-09-12, 04:19 PM

Lubrin follows, very interested in what could be causing this commotion and wondering if there is some way he can turn it to his advantage. He yells at passerby's and townsfolk to move quickly and swiftly from the area. They do nothing but slow him down and get in the way...

2013-09-12, 04:26 PM

Leon walks up and copies Lubrin in telling all the passersby to move quickly away from the area, helping anyone up who falls on the ground as he does it.

2013-09-12, 04:45 PM
No hesitation. No question. Anyone who is down and not moving, take heal action to stabilize. If she can pull her healer kit and blessed bandages out some time in between, she will.

She shouts out to others in the crowd running to tend to bodies:

No water! Use any cloth or powder you have to sop up the chemicals! Bring me to anyone who's not moving!

Heal check rolls to stabilize (dc 15, not needed if she uses blessed bandage (first choice), and add +2 if she has time to get her healer kit):
first victim: [roll0]
2nd, 3rd, etc: [roll1], [roll2], [roll3], [roll4], [roll5]

2013-09-12, 04:52 PM
Windhome Starfield

Nods to Kwinn.

I'll see if I can figure out what caused this.

Looking around, Windhome casts detect magic and looks for signs of a magical trigger to this disaster. (Though, he wont ignore anything else he finds.)

2013-09-12, 05:05 PM
You approach the building as everyone else backs away. No-one appears seriously injured (negative health) that you can see, though presumably at least one person was inside. Possibly more.

The smoke is thick, to thick to see far inside. It is beginning to clear, but still is very, very thick. The question, do you risk going in?

Windhome Starfield:
Magic is present. Four (forgot detect magic goes through up too 3 ft of wood) 15 auras, strongest is moderate in the shop that you detect. Make spellcraft for further information.

2013-09-12, 05:08 PM
Spellcraft (going from the strongest to the weakest):

Check 1: [roll0]
Check 2: [roll1]
Check 3: [roll2]
Check 4: [roll3]

2013-09-12, 05:13 PM
At the sound of the first explosion, Gavyn turns to find its source. At the sound of the second, he's moving toward the shop. By the time he reaches it, the smoke is too thick to see anything. "We need more information." He pulls a small crystal out of a pocket on his robe. 'Go on, Gamma. I need you to find out what's happening in there.' He places the crystal on the ground, and it sprouts spidery legs and moves forward into the smoke, keeping close to the wall.

Sending my psicrystal, Gamma, into the shop to gather some additional information. Because of its Sighted ability, it can see clearly through the smoke, to a distance of 40'. The Telepathic Link ability will let it instantly relay information back to Gavyn.

2013-09-12, 05:18 PM

Good idea, Gavyn. Gamma should be unaffected by the smoke.

2013-09-12, 05:39 PM
1) Moderate Divination.
2) Faint Illusion
3) Faint Evocation
4) Faint Evocation

Gamma sees the scene of carnage. The counter display is shattered, as are various shelves, display cases, and alchemical instruments. Several alchemist fires have shattered and started fires, including lighting a bunch of smokesticks, which is the source of the heavy smoke. Two people lie on the floor, one is climbing slowly to his feet. The other is unmoving. The door to the back room is blown open, though all you see there is a wall about 5 ft away. A everburning torch is behind the counter, another on the floor by a display case. Several used thunderstones litter the floor.

What do you have him do?

2013-09-12, 05:54 PM

As he surveys the scene of the disaster, he observes everyone standing around staring at the shop. Too scared to go in yourselves huh? Well good. More for me then...

He bravely enters the shop while Detecting Good, to see if there are any powerful holy items for him to get his hands on. He takes a deep breath before entering the shop so that he doesn't have to breath in the acrid smoke, and swiftly makes his way through, trying to both figure out the nature of the explosion and to find the most valuable things in the store.

(If/When) he finds any people in the shop, he'll carry them swiftly out to the street and urge his comrades to look after them... Less witnesses means less problems... besides, I saved their lives so it's not really stealing. I'm just taking a reward for helping them survive...

2013-09-12, 06:00 PM
Lubrin: You stumble into the smoke. You hear a coughing nearby and a confused, somewhat singed man stumbles into view, looking for a way out. You see little of value, most things are smashed, though you pass by an Everburning torch. You guide him out.

You also find a unconscious, bleeding woman nearby a a case of potions. Her hand closed around one marked Invisibility.

Others: Lubrin guides a singed man out of the shop.

2013-09-12, 06:03 PM
Angwyn climbs into the shop with his sword at the ready. Remain calm! I am here to help!

2013-09-12, 06:03 PM

Lubrin passes off the man, and says "Hold on, there's another woman in there... I'll be back in a second."

He rushes back into the shop and finds the woman again...
...and brings her back out sans-potion to the others.

2013-09-12, 06:10 PM
Angwyn: Lubrin rushes past you with a man, and then a woman, out from the shop. You plunge in, the smoke is thick. You cannot see far, and see almost nothing besides broken merchandise. You go deeper. You find a shelf of smokesticks and a few vials of alchemist fire, most broken. They seem to be the source of the smoke.

Lubrin: Do you return into the shop?

2013-09-12, 06:17 PM

"That was it for people that I saw in there... you guys can stay out here looking after them if you want, that woman doesn't look too good... I wanna see more of what's in the back. There might be a heist going on in the back that is using this as a distraction. Feel free to join me inside, or to look after the injured if you want... seems a silly waste though. Someone else will probably be along to help them shortly."

He rushes back in and grabs the Everburning torch and starts searching the shop, starting with the back room.

Elf automatic search check when passing within 5ft of a concealed door and junk. Can I take 20 in here if I take my time? If so, yes. If not, whatever is relevant:

Search [roll0]
Spot [roll1]

2013-09-12, 06:22 PM
Windhome nods to Lubrin, then enters the shop while maintaining concentration on his detect magic.

More spellcraft rolls:


2013-09-12, 06:32 PM
Angwyn goes deeper into the store, hoping to find the source of this. Surrender. I am a officer of the Risen Empire!

2013-09-12, 06:51 PM
Chilingsworth: You can't make those checks because you don't have line of sight to the source.

Lubrin and Angwyn: Together you enter the back room. To the left is a staircase, ahead of you smoke and shattered glass.

There aren't secret doors or anything. The smoke is thick, so you can't see very far though.

2013-09-12, 07:06 PM

"UP (down..?) THE STAIRS! Come, let us find out what the cause of this! The anticipation is killing me!"

At this point, Lubrin honestly is really excited to know what's happening here. He's clearly not interested in actually helping people because they need help... but he is FASCINATED that something so exciting is happening and he is the first person around to get to react to it. This is the sort of thing that gets people a little bit of fame after all...

2013-09-12, 07:08 PM
Charge! Angwyn follows Lubrin up the staircase, happy to be on the front lines directing the response to these events.

2013-09-12, 07:13 PM
Windhome investigates each aura he finds, attempting to determine their item(s) of origin.

2013-09-12, 07:18 PM
Windhome follows, through the smoky main shop into the back room.

(the stairs lead up).

In the back room you find two moderate divination auras and a faint evocation.

As the three of you ascend the staircase, you find it is less smoky, the smoke being clustered in the main shop. As you reach the top, you can see find, but the smoke still hands in the room. You see a simple bed, shelf of books, a wardrobe, dresser, and a table with the remains of some shattered device by the window. Things seem to be scattered about the floor and the window's glass has shattered, but nothing seems to be wrong other than that. A door leads further back.

Where the device was has a lingering divination aura. The other aura is faint evocation from an everburning torch.

2013-09-12, 08:50 PM
Gavyn attempts to speak up as the others begin rushing in and out with people, then in again. Closing his mouth before any sound can escape, he shrugs and heads inside after the others. 'Gamma, back with me now.' The psicrystal scuttles over to him and climbs up the side of his cloak, settling into a perch on his shoulder. Seeing them head up a set of stairs in the back, he follows.

2013-09-12, 09:25 PM

Lubrin does a quick check around the room. If the shattered device looks at all like it was still worth anything he takes it... if it's just a mangled mess of material, he leaves it and heads on to the next room!


2013-09-13, 01:10 AM
Windhome gathers as many of the device fragments as possible and then leaves the building.

2013-09-13, 02:23 AM
Kwinn stabilizes the woman on hearing Angwyn's call. On seeing the rest of the group run inside, she gives a quick tactical in Elven, then in Common:

<<I can clear the smoke when you need it, but only once, so make it count.>> Give a yell -- I'll investigate below.

Kwinn then checks over the wounds of those inside the shop, looking for anything... unexpected. She also calls over the merchant outside the shop who was injured, if they are still around. She then begins her investigation with a simple:

What happened?

Take 10 on Heal to stabilize and to investigate wounds. Sense motive check for what they say and how they say it -- is it odd? I'll roll once, then rweird, you can roll for me as necessary.
SenseMotive: [roll0]

2013-09-13, 04:17 AM
Kasalyn is put at ease as two people are saved by Lubrin from the burning building. He rushes past him and follows Angwyn up the stairs. He takes his camouflage mask (the one he uses when hunting to cover his face) and puts it over his face to make breathing easier. He nocks an arrow on the string of his bow and silently follows Angwyn, ready to back him up if necessary.

Be careful Angwyn. He tells him quietly.

2013-09-13, 04:58 AM
Angwyn follows Lubrin into the next room. Turning to Kasalyn he says Don't worry, I'm always careful.

2013-09-13, 05:14 AM
Kasalyn nods in approval at Angwyn. He raises his bow slightly and raises his left elbow as if he's about to pull on his bow, clearly showing Angwyn that he's got his back.

2013-09-13, 05:56 AM
Those outside:
The man sits down weakly. "Whaa-what happened?" He says looking around. Seeming oblivious to your question.

Those inside:
Windhome: You gather various shards and leave the building.

Lubrin: While this room may contain something of value to some, likely some of the books and papers, you do not understand alchemy enough to know without spending hours reading through it. The everburning torch may be of value, but nothing else.

Everyone: Then you continue to the next room. The remnants of an alchemist's lab meet your eyes, smashed beakers, open supply drawers, smashed tables. On the floor lies a middle aged man in alchemist's clothing, bleeding. The smoke hasn't reached here yet, and an everburning torch rests by the door.

2013-09-13, 06:30 AM
Angwyn walks up to the bleeding man and heals his wounds with a spell. Do note fear, we will keep you safe!

Converting a Light to cure minor wounds. This wil stabilize him and heal 1 HP.

2013-09-13, 07:29 AM
Gavyn looks around the destroyed lab. "So was this just an accident? Or was someone trying to rob the place in broad daylight?"

2013-09-13, 11:13 AM
Kwinn notes to Angwyn what she yelled to the elves, just for his info. She also notes that the woman could use a CMW more than him.

Upon hearing the merchant's response, she ponders for a moment, then asks the best question she thinks the merchant may be able to answer:

What is the most valuable item in your shop -- one worth all this to steal?

OoC: If the answer is useless, take them aside to rest, then burn a Detect Magic and go around to scan the crowd and the area for the first minute. The next two minutes are tbd, depending on what she finds.

2013-09-13, 01:54 PM
I found smoke fire and broken stuff. An injured man as well. Angwyn replies to Kwinn.

2013-09-13, 02:01 PM
Those outside:
"What? I can't hear you!" The man says loudly, looking at you, seeing your mouth move, but evidently not hearing.

The town watch is pushing there way in, and seeing the smoke try to start setting up a bucket brigade as others push towards you.

Those outside:
The man now is safe, but unconscious.

2013-09-13, 04:02 PM
Kasalyn notes that the town watch is making their way inside the shop. Let's take the man out, there's too much smoke here, he should be getting fresh air. He hurls the unconscious man over his shoulder and starts making his way out. Hopefully the town watch can provide more help for him.

2013-09-13, 05:08 PM

Leon silently joins in on the bucket brigade, seeing somewhere he can help out without blindly charging into a burning building (why didn't he do that too? augh). He looks slightly out of place with his weapons and armor but assumes they'll just be grateful for all the help they can get.

2013-09-14, 02:19 PM
Kasalyn emerges from the building, carrying a middle-aged man in alchemist's clothing, covered in ash, glass, and blood. He is unconscious.

2013-09-14, 03:07 PM
Kasalyn (outside the shop now, carrying the wounded man over his shoulder)

Kwinn, I need you here! The man needs help! he shouts out to Kwinn, knowing that she won't hesitate to help him.

2013-09-14, 03:25 PM
The watch has now reached you. "What's going on?" one of them shouts. "Do you know if anyone still is inside?"

2013-09-14, 04:33 PM

Rolling first... use if needed.
Bluff [roll0]

Bluff in case he needs to convince the guards that nothing shifty was going on for his part, diplomacy to make himself look brave and respectable for rushing into the building first, and to gain some attention and fame...

Lubrin hurries out of the burning building, and upon finding the guards, explains to them what he found inside and how he and his associates rushed inside bravely to take care of any injured or dying people, and how they had only arrived seconds after the initial explosion because they had just happened to be in the area etc. etc. etc. all the reasons they weren't the culprits here and have done a great service to them and the community.

"...And really, this community is just lucky that such brave and regal figures such as myself are here!

2013-09-14, 04:52 PM
Considering that the crowd all did see you rush into the building, and the others stay outside to help, the guards are convinced you are not to blame. They thank you for your heroic efforts, and ask your names so upon awaking, the people you rescued could learn the names of those who rescued them.

2013-09-14, 05:07 PM
Without any more words, Kwinn moves to stabilize the alchemist coming out. Upon stabilizing (if successful), she finally casts Gust of Wind to blow as much smoke out of the building as possible, in case they missed any more victims.

OOC: Take 10 on Heal (17), then cast, then check on the unconscious alchemist if there are any suspicious or possible pestering wounds (Heal, take 10). Finally, go to the unconscious bodies (the alchemist, the merchant, and the woman, yes?) -- she'll use her Lesser Vigor wand (unless Angwyn thinks he can spare a CureLightWounds) on anybody at negative hp. All this has to be done at some point before this scene ends.

If any Heal checks require more than 17, use the Healer kit (+2) and ask Angwyn for help (+2 if he beats 10, I think).

And after she finishes all that, she'll run around with a Detect Magic. I think I wanted her to cast that before, but the conditions changed.

She also will have to make sure that the victims have family or a place to rest, and that she knows where this is. You know, doctor/patient stuff, and also so that they can re-visit if they remember anything about what happened. If the merchant's place of residence was the shop, she'll pay for an inn bed for him. All this can be done off-scene as needed.

2013-09-14, 05:23 PM

My name... It is Lubrin."

He says as coolly as possible.

2013-09-14, 05:36 PM
Well done, Kwinn. He should be fine now. Angwyn, could you spare a healing spell for those who have sustained greater injuries? They look like they could use it.

Addressing the guards, Kasalyn replies My name is Kasalyn. There's no need to thank me. I just did what I could, though my friends here did the most with their healing. He points to Kwinn and Angwyn. It's them you should be thanking.

Let Angwyn use a CLW spell to bring their HP up. No need to waste charges since Angwyn can always rest to recover spells.

2013-09-14, 06:25 PM
Gavyn follows the others out of the shop, and stands aside to let the guards do their collective job.

2013-09-14, 09:42 PM
You blow the smoke out to reveal the carnage of the alchemist's shop. It seems the smoke was caused by smokesticks more than fire, however the shelves are in disarray, and many things seem broken.

The guards turn towards the one Kasalyn addresses as Angwyn too see if he will heal the two unconscious people.

A few guards make there way into the shop to inspect the damage.

2013-09-14, 09:53 PM
Of course I will he the injured people. I am an officer of the risen empire so it is my duty to help its citizens. Angwyn casts a spell on each of the uncouncious people to close their wounds.

2 cure light wounds
Person 1
Person 2

2013-09-14, 09:57 PM
Both stir. The woman looks around confused. "Where am I? What happened?"

The alchemist mumbles "They're surging. They're all surging. Must be a malfunction." He opens his eyes, gets shakily too his feet, looks at his shop. "Good gods. I didn't think that was possible." He shakily makes his way towards the shop.

2013-09-14, 10:57 PM
Gavyn steps partway into the alchemist's path. "What was surging? What happened in there?"

2013-09-14, 11:37 PM
Nodding to the watchman,

I'm Windhome Starfield, sir. I took magical readings while inside and would gladly cooperate with your investigation. Unfortunately, I didn't have the luxury of searching the place more thoroughly for evidence. But I believe I found the proximate cause of the fire.

2013-09-15, 05:04 AM
Give him a moment to recuperate Gavyn. I'm sure he'll tell us soon enough. The two are fine for now, and that's what matters. Angwyn did a good job healing them. he nods at Angwyn.

2013-09-15, 08:17 AM
The alchemist turns towards you, stopping to take in the scene, then he slowly turns back too the shop. "My sensors. They all surged?" He pauses, and realizes that you are not alchemists, haven't been in his shop, and wouldn't have the slightest clue what he's talking about. "I constructed various sensors to pick up the power of magical discharges. Suddenly they all surged, showing a massive reading, the type you'd only expect two see if two of this worlds greatest wizards were dueling right outside. Apparently the magical buildup was too sudden for the sensors to handle and they exploded. Did anything obviously magical happen around here?"

2013-09-15, 08:30 AM

"Nothing that we have seen other than your shop exploding... unless you and the other people in your shop consider it magical that we were here to save all of you so quickly."

2013-09-15, 08:45 AM
That's curious... he responds to the merchant. Such a huge magical buildup. If it was anywhere in the vicinity, I think we would have noticed. Do your sensors only pick up magical readings in the vicinity or can they also detect magical build up that's happening further away?

2013-09-15, 09:30 AM
"It could pick up far off magical buildup, though not all that far, unless the magic was extremely powerful, though that wouldn't register very strongly, for readings like that, I'm not sure if every caster in the world casting from there current position could show. Might be a malfunction, or sabotage, the mystic aura spell can fool it."

OoC: This is the alchemist, not merchant.

2013-09-15, 09:42 AM

"Do uhh... Do ya have any way to umm... to point us in the direction that magic surge came from by any chance? I mean I don't really understand how all these things work but do you remember there being... I don't know... half-second differences in which devices went off first? Like did they all go off in the northwest part of the store before they went off in the south-east?

I just think maybe someone should go see what's so magical. You know... in case it was a threat to other people or something. So really any advice you have about where that surge might've come from could be extremely beneficial..."

Lubrin tries to hide his greed and excitement but it's not very well hidden; he clearly is VERY interested in what the alchemist is saying.

2013-09-15, 09:44 AM
Why is there magical build up? Why did your shop explode? Do your think it could be a god, they are very magical? Angwyn is confused by the alchemist's comments and wants to know what is going on. To avoid seeming utterly clueless he suggests that the magic could be from a god.

2013-09-15, 10:21 AM
"I'm afraid I can't, the magical fluctuations aren't slow enough, if they aren't instantaneous. Considering all the sensors are destroyed, I can't try to analyze it. I don't know what would cause it, unless some sort of spell was cast on the shop which isn't noticeable. It could be a deity performing some divine feat, though the surge was from multiple schools of magic, meaning it is probable that multiple casters were involved. I saw transmutation, universal, abjuration, and illusion surge, necromancy didn't that I noticed, though I presume it got destroyed in the explosion of the others. I believe the explosions were due to the sensors not being able to handle the magical buildup and exploding."

2013-09-15, 10:31 AM

Sounds to me like either some mages were fighting against each other, or some wizard was engaging in a very serious experiment. Whatever the case, the magic was obviously powerful. Let's hope it doesn't get used for anything harmful. And hopefully, someone who is better versed in the art of magic can tell us more.

2013-09-15, 10:32 AM
"Magic isn't really my field, but is it possible they were natural, if extremely powerful, surges? Just regular fluctuations in the, what's the word, flow? of magical energy through the world?"

2013-09-15, 10:42 AM
"If they were natural, it still would have massive effect. Planar breaches and the like can occur, but they would have a visible effect. If breaches to a wild magic plane formed, that would explain it, though breaches still would exist. If magic was an ocean, and fluctuations were waves, this would be a Tsunami."

2013-09-15, 11:23 AM
"Is there anyone who would be more well-versed in this stuff? Anyone around who would have also noticed massive surges..? If nothing else, it sounds like everyone should be looking out for magical breaches or surges of some sort..."

2013-09-15, 12:46 PM
"I'm unsure. In this city I don't know of anyone else who tried to make sensors like this, though others know some stuff. The priesthoods would know about deities to an extent, though sages may know more about planar breaches. You can find the sages in the archive behind city hall." The alchemist motions to city hall on the north side of the square. "They also might have other theories."

2013-09-15, 12:55 PM
Gavyn nods. "To the archives, then, I suppose. Unless anyone else has any better ideas?"

2013-09-15, 12:56 PM

Lubrin calls his associates over when they are free, and has a hurriedly whispered conversation with them...
"We need to act on this information FAST, before anyone else does. We need to figure out what is going on and find the origin of that surge... What do you guys think about splitting up? Some people could go talk to the clerics about any religious activity that has occurred. I want to go talk to those sages... and if anyone else has any idea of where we might get more info, that'd be helpful too. So what do you guys think, split up to do some research then meet back together in a few hours so we can share what we find?

These are the kinds of moments that Legends are born, fellas... And I want to be the person in that legend!"

2013-09-15, 01:08 PM
You are right. We must investigate this. I propose that one group talks to priests and the other talks to sages. We will meet up tonight in front of the exploded alchemist shop. I want to talk to the sages.

2013-09-15, 02:27 PM

I guess we could do some research. I'm up for vising the sages. I don't know much about religion, so talking to the priests might be better suited for someone else. I will go with Angwyn and Lubrin to the sages. Let's see what they have to say about this. Let's meet up in front of the shop as soon as the sun sets.

2013-09-15, 10:56 PM

Leon, after taking in everyone's words, finally responds. "Think you could make another sensor? But stronger this time? Whatever happened might still be on going."

2013-09-16, 01:41 AM
Kwinn furrows her brow a bit.

"We checked high and low for magic auras in the area, and an exploding alchemy shop is not exactly an unheard-of occurrence... nor is a delusional alchemist, for that matter. Let's maintain skepticism."

She pauses and takes a breath. There is something more to this -- she feels it.

"... Yet still be thorough."

She nods at Angwyn's suggestion: "I'll help check with the priesthoods, then."

2013-09-16, 03:46 AM

*turns towards the alchemist*

Sensors, you say? Might these pieces be the remains of one?

*pulls the pieces of the device he found in the shop out and shows them to the alchemist*

I found this inside while looking for clues. It, or at least the area it had been before its destruction, registered a signature of divination magic. I hypothesized that it might have something to do with the fire. The fire seems to have been caused by the spontaneous destruction of a supply of smokesticks and alchemist's fire. Do you suppose this magical disturbance could have increased the volatility of alchemical substances?

2013-09-16, 05:38 AM
Angwyn thinks a bit more. Sine he suggested that they magical disturbance was from a god it would be more consistent to check with the priests.Did I say "sages" earlier? I meant priesthood.

2013-09-16, 06:31 AM
"Yes, I could build another given time. Stronger... well, we'd see. It'd require my lab to be rebuilt and a few days, whether that one is would be stronger is yet to be seen. Yes, those probably are pieces of one."

2013-09-16, 01:29 PM

Great Angwyn, I do believe you're the man to talk to the priests. I will make my way to the sages now. Anyone else who wants to come along - let's go. Let's not waste any more time. I'll be here in an hour or so, it shouldn't take long to talk to the sages. Hopefully we can all meet up by then.

Kasalyn doesn't waste time, and rushes off to talk to the sages and see what they have to say about this occurrence. See you soon everyone.

2013-09-16, 01:47 PM
Gavyn turns and follows Kasalyn. "What I said to do five minutes ago..." he mutters under his breath.

2013-09-16, 02:07 PM
Angwyn walks off to talk to the priests.

Any information about what temples are in this town?

2013-09-16, 02:15 PM
Different Temples in the city, Knowledge (Local or Religion) DC 10:
This town has several temples. Major ones include to Heironeous, Pelor, Moradin (due to the smiths), Cuthbert, and Farlagan (sp?). There are lesser ones to other racial gods (Garl Glittergold, Yondolla, etc). A small temple to Boccob also exists.

2013-09-16, 02:20 PM
Angwyn goes to the temple of Heironeous first.

2013-09-16, 02:31 PM
Angwyn: The temple is a medium sized, rather plainly built building. You find it with no problem. Inside some people are quietly praying, others are studying. A man oversees several younger people training with wooden swords.

2013-09-16, 02:41 PM

Lubrin leads the other group to go speak to the sages...

2013-09-16, 02:59 PM
You arrive at the archive. An elderly man approaches you. "May I be of assistance?"

2013-09-16, 03:26 PM

"You very well maybe. My name is Lubrin and I am leading these brave adventurers. Others in our party are currently speaking to some of the temples around here about a matter most serious and urgent. A wave of magical energy more powerful than anything that has been seen before has ripped through this city, destroying one shop that was filled with sensors for such magical disturbances.

We need your wisdom. Have you any knowledge of something that has happened recently, or do you have any idea what could have caused such a reaction from sensors like this?

Please. This is urgent. If there is some great power source that could harm the people of this city, we need to make sure it doesn't fall into wrong hands!"

2013-09-16, 03:32 PM

"We were not aware of this. Why did the wave target said shop, while leaving the rest of the city unharmed and none the wiser? Do you know?"

2013-09-16, 03:42 PM
Angwyn walks into the temple and approaches an important looking priest. Hello good sir, I am wondering if your god has recently appeared before you. This is a very important issue it is necessary that I know of it. I am a general of the Risen Empire, you can trust me.

2013-09-16, 03:43 PM

Kasalyn responds to the sage's question - The shop contained sensors that could sense magical energy and give information on how powerful that energy is. A huge wave of magical energy caused the sensors to explode since they could apparently not handle such magical readings, thus damaging the shop. It was the sensors that caused the damage, though the energy caused the sensors to blow up. Though the sudden surge of energy didn't cause any other damage, the amount of it still very disturbing. Such magical energies are rare. Rare enough to warrant serious attention. Hence why we are investigating

2013-09-16, 03:44 PM

"No, Heironeous has not appeared directly to me at all." He says, his look making it known that he clearly thinks this is non-sequitor, and he half expects you to make it a joke. "Why is this so important?"

EDIT: Sorry, Swordprince Ninja'd me.


"Well, various things could cause that. Seeing the design of the sensors could help, but seeing as they are destroyed, that would not be possible. Do you have anything else you think to be important to add?"

2013-09-16, 03:54 PM

Kasalyn ponders for a moment, then responds to the sage. The man who owns the shop could perhaps show you what the device looked like, if one is still at least partially intact. We could also ask the man to come to you and explain whatever you want to know about these devices. I believe we could get better answers that way. I will make my leave now and ask for the shop owner's assistance in this matter. I will be quick.

Kasalyn runs off to find the owner of the shop in order to have him explain the situation to the sages. Wanting to do this as soon as possible, he runs like the wind in the direction of the shop, hoping to find the owner.

2013-09-16, 04:03 PM
Kasalyn: The owner is trying to clean up his shop, currently sweeping up glass. A few others are helping to clean up too. He looks up as Kasalyn approaches.

2013-09-16, 04:05 PM
Surprised by the priests response Angwyn continues explaining what happened and his train of thought. An alchemist shop just exploded and one of my mages detected a great magical presence. Naturally I suspect divine retribution for some act committed by the alchemist, is this not the case? Has heironious or some other deity not recently descend from the heavens -or risen from the hells- and done something in this city?

2013-09-16, 04:12 PM

"Umm, not that we know of. Even if that was an act of divine retribution for something, it is unlikely a god would directly manifest to take it as opposed to sending a servant, and I don't see why Heironious would have quarrel with an alchemist." The priest looks mildly shocked that you would have such an outrageous idea.

2013-09-16, 04:15 PM

He approaches the owner of the shop as soon as he sees him. My apologies, I know this may not be the best moment, but the sages require your help as soon as possible. They say that they might be able to help us determine what happened. If you have at least a partially whole device, that could help as well. You know, the one that can pick up magical readings, or anything you could muster in that regard. Your expertise may also help us get some answers. Once again, my apologies for bothering you, but we need your assistance.

2013-09-16, 04:17 PM
Do you have a high priest of some sort I could talk to? Someone who keeps reads on all the magic in the town? If so them I request to speak to them.

2013-09-16, 04:23 PM

"Very well. I shall go and collect my notes on the devices." He goes into the shop and returns a few minutes later with several sheets of paper. "Are you ready?"


"Power like that rests only with the gods. No-one could possibly keep track of that. We didn't notice anything unusual. Do you know of anyone who does?" The priest seems to be getting more confused by the moment.

2013-09-16, 04:27 PM
Kasalyn waits for a few minutes for the alchemist to collect what he needs. Once the man is ready, Kasalyn nods at him.I'm ready, let's go. Kasalyn rushes back to the sages along with the alchemist. I wonder what we'll find out... he thinks to himself along the way.

2013-09-16, 04:30 PM
Of anyone who does? Who noticed the magical disturbances? If so then as I have previously mentioned one of my mages noticed the incredible magic levels. Or... do you mean keep track of magical levels? If so then then many philosophical guilds and societies of learning would have reason to observe the magical levels of the area. Do you know where any philosophical guilds or societies of learning are. If so they I request you to direct me to them. I am a General of the Risen empire and this is very important!

2013-09-16, 06:52 PM

The alchemist returns with Kasalyn shortly thereafter.


The priest looks slightly alarmed, and rather confused. "To my knowledge. No magical surge was detected, and besides that alchemist, I don't think anyone here tried to develop a way to monitor magic levels. The sages at the archives might know, but in all honesty, I think it is much more likely to have been some accident on the alchemist's part than any massive surge of magic that went completely unnoticed by everyone else."

2013-09-16, 07:46 PM
Very well. Perhaps my mage was wrong. Angwyn leaves the temple and travels acrossthe street to the Temple of Bocab.

2013-09-16, 08:49 PM
Windhome accompanies the alchemist to the sages, carrying the remains of the broken sensor.

2013-09-17, 05:57 AM

After walking for around ten minutes you reach the shrine to Boccob. It is a smaller building with far fewer people.


Upon seeing the remains the alchemist motions for you to spread those out on the table he puts down his notes on.

He explains that the sensors rely on enchanted fluid that responds to the changes of magic in a particular school in the area, though more powerful magic shows up further away, though progressively weaker. The problem is when there is too sudden a increase, the fluid explodes. He explains that such a powerful reading is very surprising, and probably would be even more powerful but far-off if there wasn't a visible magical effect directly in the area.

2013-09-17, 06:10 AM
Windhome nods, then turns to the alchemist:

To which school was this one attuned?

2013-09-17, 06:36 AM

I see. Kasalyn responds to the alchemist. In other words, the sudden surge of magical energy happened somewhere probably much further away from us, but still had the power to make your devices explode despite that. So we're dealing with immensely powerful magic.

2013-09-17, 09:41 AM
"I'll handle the priests this time," Kwinn says to her companions as they enter the temple of Boccob. She had taken a bit of amusement at Angwyn's conversation at the temple of Heironeous, effective though it was.

"This morning a number of magic sensors were overloaded in town, but we found little to no trace of auras or physical interference. We are limited in our abilities and experience, however -- might you have noticed any type of surge or divine presence lately that may help explain what has happened?"

OOC: Kwinn is going to try to sense motive. She will also keep her eyes open for any odd movement or people peeking in.
Sense motive: [roll0]
Spot: [roll1]

2013-09-17, 02:02 PM

"I can't tell from looking at shards. If you told me were it was I could narrow it down though."

"That is likely, if it wasn't a malfunction. It could be multiple spells, all less powerful but powerful. We can't tell exactly what. Thats the problem with my sensor, it only displays total magical energy levels, so if a dozen people stood next to an evocation one and cast magic missile, it'd read higher than if someone cast meteor swarm."


"We have not noticed any divine presence or magical surge."

You think he is telling the truth.

2013-09-17, 02:11 PM

Perhaps. Kasalyn replies to what the alchemist said to the elders. But that wave of magical energy was not just someone casting a few magic missiles.

2013-09-17, 02:14 PM
Why didn't you notice magical surges? Did you forget to look or did you look but not see them?

2013-09-17, 02:25 PM

"How exactly would one go about looking for magical surges? We did not detect any today, though we do not put effort into detecting massive magical surges because they don't happen, much the way we don't watch for sandstorms here. If one did happen, I'd think the effect would be obvious."


"Of course not, the number of spells that would need to be cast in the immediate vicinity without anyone noticing would be absurd for a single sensor, much less at least four schools at once."

"There is no obvious cause of the surge. Perhaps a bunch of mages happened to cast powerful spells at the same time, or an unknown group cast a great number as if there was a battle. We don't know if the surge is still going on because the sensors broke. We could try to divine an answer though that would take some time."

2013-09-17, 02:41 PM
"If you'd be willing to do that, we'd appreciate it. One of the alchemist's sensors exploding due to malfunction I can see, but all of them?" Gavyn shakes his head. "That's too much coincidence."

2013-09-17, 02:47 PM
Priesthood Sages

"What should the exact question be? We only can make one divination today? We're thinking 'Will the perceived surge in magical energy have an effect on this city besides the explosions in the alchemist's shop"'"

2013-09-17, 04:16 PM
Priesthood Sages

"What should the exact question be? We only can make one divination today? We're thinking 'Will the perceived surge in magical energy have an effect on this city besides the explosions in the alchemist's shop"'"

"How about 'Where should these adventurers go to find the source of a major magical surge?'"

2013-09-17, 04:24 PM

"If you're sure you can deal with it?" The sage looks around, hoping another option presents itself.

2013-09-17, 04:33 PM
I can assure you, we are the most able to handle ANYTHING you will find for miles and miles..." Lubrin decries with a mix of bravado, and slight outrage that someone would question him.

"If you have even the slightest thought that there is something dangerous out there that could destroy you and everything you love, I think you know deep down that we are your best bet. Do it now."

He says the last part as both a request and a demand.

2013-09-17, 04:42 PM

"Very well. This will take about fifteen minutes." He moves further into the archives.

2013-09-17, 04:44 PM
Could you not cast a detect magic spell? Is this a feat to great for the power of Bocab? I do not understand.

2013-09-17, 04:45 PM

Kasalyn ponders for a moment. Sounds like a good idea to me Lubrin. We will have to be careful though. With magic such as that, we will have to take precaution. Kasalyn turns to the sages before they make their leave. It would help us greatly if you could use your divination spells to get us some answers. We would be willing to investigate and, in due time, inform you of anything we may find, if it is in your interest to know.

2013-09-17, 04:49 PM

"We can. We do not detect magic without reason however. When we did however, I was not aware of a massive magical surge. I am confused why you believe that we ceaselessly monitor magic in an absurdly inefficient way, and the only reason we wouldn't is we 'forget'."


He nods to Kasalyn.

2013-09-17, 04:57 PM
You god is the god of magic, how else would you monitor his infinite wisdom. "If one does not look to themselves then they must always look to the gods." If you personally were not monitoring everything then could you directly me to someone who could?

2013-09-17, 05:06 PM

The priest seems thoroughly ged up with your disrespect to him by now. "Do worshippers of Pelor look constantly at the sun for advice? Do the worshippers of Heironeous constantly follow around valiant knights in hope his will becomes clear through their chivalry. Do the followers of Oban-Hai look for there master's will in every leaf that falls, every movement of the clouds or chirping of the birds? Of course not? Why do you assume we do that for Boccob then? Save for the gods themselves, I do not know of anyone that would know this. Monitoring magic over large areas for long periods of time is beyond the reach of all but the greatest mortals, perhaps even they. Now, are you done with this insulting line of questioning?"

2013-09-17, 05:27 PM
I have a great respect for Pelor and I believe that repeated sun gazing is one of the most enlightening ways to receive information from the sun god. Do not insult my religious beliefs! I have no farther questions to ask though I believe Kwinn might have some. She is less offended when her religious beliefs are insulted and will consent to continuing the conversation. Angwyn exits the temple, mentally kicking himself for messing up another conversation.

2013-09-17, 05:42 PM

Sighing at Lubrin's bravado.

Yes, we should be capable of a reconnaissance mission. Though I think my comrade may be overstating things. Though weather there's anyone better suited to the task, I have no idea. I do know we're available.

2013-09-17, 07:13 PM
Angwyn goes to the temple of Moradin, repeating under his breath: I will not offend these people. I will be respectful to them despite their incompetence. I will be polite under all circumstances. I will not offend these people. I will not offend these people... Upon reaching the temple Angwyn greets the priests. Hello Dwarf Brothers! There is an issue of major impotence and I and my companion he gestures to Kwinn humbly seek your help in compliance with the teachings of your God. An alchemists shop exploded and a great magical presence was detected. The cause of explosion is unknown and I think it may be divine intervention. I humbly demand your guidance in this matter.

2013-09-17, 07:20 PM
Kwinn decides to be helpful. "*Psst* -- You sort of implied that the 'divine intervention' was Moradin himself, i.e., that we suspect their god of purposefully blowing up the alchemist's shop."

OOC: Sense motive and spot as before. And I think now, rweird, you're the one who rolls those in private, either in the ooc or by yourself (we trust you).

2013-09-17, 07:24 PM
By "divine intervention" I mean on the part of Moradin's enemies. Not of course on the part of Moradin -Just and Exalted is his name- himself. Angwyn whispers to Kwinn It is fortunate that you told me that.

2013-09-17, 07:37 PM

The priest looks up at you. "We were unaware of any explosion in an alchemist's shop, and do not believe it was caused by divine intervention. Our prayers go out to the alchemist, he is a good craftsman, may Moradin bless him and allow him to quickly repair his shop."

He seems to be telling the truth. You're beginning to suspect a lack of divine intervention. No-one seems to be watching save some other priests at this man's strange words.

2013-09-18, 05:56 AM

After about 15 minutes they return. "We have an answer, though not one that is all that helpful... 'Wait were you first found it, by the the morrow the moment shall rise...'"

2013-09-18, 06:51 AM
Wait where you first found it? Hmmm...that would be the alchemists shop I guess. And by the morrow the moment shall rise. I guess that's all we have right now. So...go back to the shop, find a place to rest, and just wait til tomorrow? It sounds like that's all we can do for now. If we don't have an answer by tomorrow, we can investigate further I guess. And tomorrow another divination will also be possible. I suggest we meet up with the rest of the group. If nothing else, by tomorrow we can try again, and see if we can get more information.

2013-09-18, 08:07 AM
Gavyn nods his assent to Kasalyn's suggestion. "Sounds good to me." He turned back to the sages. "Thank you for your assistance, sirs."

2013-09-18, 02:32 PM
Windhome likewise bows to the sages.

Indeed. Well, let's be off fellows.

2013-09-18, 03:29 PM
"...that's it guys? 'Thanks see you later'..? No. Look here, he says turning to the sages"Now we know that there is at least SOMETHING coming. Get the authorities to clear the area. Last thing we need are a ton of civilians getting in our way. At least the block needs to be cordoned off for us to properly prepare for whatever is coming. Can you do that for us?" Again, everything he says is both a request and a demand...

2013-09-18, 03:54 PM

Lubrin makes a good point. Perhaps clearing the immediate area of the shop is not be a bad idea. Last time civilians got hurt. We wouldn't want that to happen again. Who knows what will happen tomorrow, if the divination is true.

2013-09-18, 04:04 PM

The wizard's mouth nearly falls open as he smacks his forehead.

Well, Lubrin... that's a very good suggestion. I'm sorry it didn't occur to me.

2013-09-18, 04:08 PM
Yes, may Moradin bless his most sacred shop. Would it be possible for him to also provide your priesthood with information as to what happened or anything of that sort?

2013-09-18, 04:18 PM
Think nothing of it. A knight must learn patience in the face of any adversity to be successful... Incompetence is not yet a crime!"

His smile belies the inner-doucheyness of his words.

2013-09-18, 04:19 PM

"We could try, though it is a market square right by town hall, so you'd need some pretty firm evidence. We could set up an appointment with the Mayor, and will notify the captain of the watch, though unless you can convince the mayor that the danger outweighs the cost of closing our main market for a day for the watch to be able to close the market."


"Unfortunately not. Moradin only speaks directly to the greatest, and the only one that can do that, the head of our order is currently away spreading Moradin's holy words to smaller communities. The high priest of Pelor has the ability to contact Pelor however and may be able to be of assistance."

2013-09-18, 04:26 PM
"THEN LET ME SEE THE MAYOR. We shall see what costs more... A market closed for the day, or a market full of dead bodies!"

Let me know if a diplo-timidate is needed for any of this. I'll gladly just go fear-monger the square into being empty...

2013-09-18, 04:30 PM
I thank you for you information dwarf brothers. I shall talk to the high priest of Pelor. Angwyn heads out to the temple of Pelor, congratulating himself for not provoking the dwarves.

2013-09-18, 04:41 PM

The sage looks taken aback as you shout. Pauses, then speaks, slowly, and clearly annoyed. He takes a piece of paper, writes something on it, puts it in an envelop, and seals it. "As I said before, we can set up a meeting. Go to the mayors office and give this letter to the clerk to give the mayor. Tell the clerk it is from the sages, and he will see you once he has time."

For the mayor, you might want to try something like that, though for the sage who already mentioned how he'd set up a meeting, he would, and yelling would just make him resent that.


"Hail brother." A priest greets you.

2013-09-18, 04:49 PM

Relax, Lubrin. he tells him. Sorry about my friend. He can be...odd at times. But he does make a good point once again. Your market closed for a day won't impact the economy that much. But if people are endangered and lose their lives, it will be an even greater loss, and I'm not just talking about economical ramifications, of course. Kasalyn then turns to his group. Let's get an audience with the mayor. I'm sure he will agree to close down the market for a day if he cares about his people.

2013-09-18, 04:53 PM
Take me to your leader! Anwyn demands There is something important regarding the High Priest.

2013-09-18, 05:12 PM

You know, one of us should try to update the others. I could do that.

2013-09-18, 05:16 PM

Why not. It would be good if they knew. he responds to Windhome. He goes on to meet the mayor and says goodbye to Windhome - for now - as he makes his leave.

2013-09-18, 05:27 PM

Lubrin also makes his way to the Mayor with the paper in hand...

2013-09-18, 05:36 PM
Windhome makes his way to the temple district. Once there, he begins asking the various priests if they had seen his companions (describing them as best he can, naturally.)

2013-09-18, 06:28 PM

The clerk looks up. "Yes?" he inquires mildly.


You reach the temple of Boccob. "Yes, I saw him. He left just a bit ago. Good riddance. Probably going to bother other temples about monitoring magic. Maybe Pelor's he mentioned being a worshipper."


"What do you want to talk to him about?" The priest asks, looking a little surprised and worried, people come and ask the priests to heal a loved one or the like often enough such a demand isn't surprising.

2013-09-18, 06:35 PM

"I have a note here from the sages... and it is most urgent that we speak to the Mayor immediately. This is a matter of safety for the entire town! Is he here and available?"

2013-09-18, 06:44 PM

"May I see the note?" The clerk says holding out his hand.

2013-09-18, 06:45 PM

He sighs at the evidence of Angwyn's toe stomping.

Thank you, Father. I'll inquire there. Great Mage guide you. *bows*

He then heads to the temple of Pelor.

*after finding someone to ask*

Pardon, I'm looking for a couple of associates of mine, named Angwyn, and Kwinn. I was told they may have come here.

2013-09-18, 06:54 PM
Windhome: You see Angywn and Kwinn at the entrance as well.

Angywn & Kwinn: You see Windhome approaching.

2013-09-18, 06:59 PM
Lubrin hands the note over with a look of great impatience on his face...

2013-09-18, 07:05 PM
The clerk rises, goes down a hallway, and returns after a few minutes. "The mayor will see you now." He says, motioning for you to follow him. He leads you to the mayor's office and motions for you to enter before returning to his desk.

2013-09-18, 07:11 PM
Angwyn turns as Windhome approaches. Hey Windhome! The hight priest is going to ask his god what happened. I have demanded to talk to him and will see him soon. turning back to the priest he says An alchemist shop exploded! I think it was God! I need your high priest to ask your god what happened. I am a general of the Risen Empire, you can trust me.

2013-09-18, 07:11 PM

Angywn, Kwinn I've got news! The sages performed a divination. Lubrin and the others are at the mayor's office discussing the ramifications with him. I suggest we join them poste haste, and can bring you up to date along the way.

Then, realizing that he and Angywn talked at the same time.


Well, I suppose a second divination would help prove our case to the mayor.

*To the priest*

Father, would your temple be willing and able to lend us your patron's power for this purpose?

*bows politely*

2013-09-18, 07:16 PM
But, the High Priest? I need to talk to him! After a second he says Oh, I know. The High Priest of Pelor will come with us too. We can explain to him on the way. Turning back to the priest he says Your High Priest must follow us, it is important!

2013-09-18, 07:20 PM
Windhome sighs.

*whispers in elven*
M'agradaria poder fer el silenci

I wish I could cast silence. *Translated from Catalan via Google Translate*

Umm, I don't think the High Priest has the time, Angywn.

I know, how about you head to the mayor's office to share the vital news of our additional divination. Meanwhile, Kwinn and I will see to collecting said divination.

2013-09-18, 07:21 PM

The priest looks confused. He goes and exchanges words with an older man. After a bit the man comes to follow, smiling, though seeming slightly lost. "I heard I was needed for something very important. Could you explain what exactly it is?"

Bluff for being a general of the risen empire? Or do you truly believe you are?

2013-09-18, 07:22 PM

Speaking up before Angywn can open his mouth:

Father, forgive our intrusion on your usual duties. However, my companions and I were witnesses to a recent explosion of an alchemists' shop in the market district. In consultation with the sages in the archive, we have found strong evidence that this event may have been caused by an as yet unknown significant magical anomaly. We were hoping you could lend us some of your divinatory expertise to learn more of this and determine our best actions.

2013-09-18, 07:33 PM

Approaching the mayor, Lubrin starts "Mayor? We have a problem... there is a magical problem coming that we NEED to be prepared for. Earlier today an alchemists shop exploded after his equipment picked up a way-too-strong magical emanation. After meeting with the sages, they have divined that whatever was the cause of it, will show itself before tomorrow in the same place.

WE NEED TO CLEAR THAT AREA. For the safety of your citizens, we need that whole block cleared lest any harm befall the people who would inevitably be in the way of our investigations. It'll just be for one day, and we already have heard that closing such a busy market for a day will cost the city some money... but what will it cost the city to deal with a block-full of dead people?"

2013-09-18, 07:36 PM
Angwyn listens to Windhome. He sounds so intelligent, and the priest isn't getting enraged. Maybe I could learn something from him? Probably not, but maybe?

I do not actually believe I am a general. Could you roll the bluff checks for me so I don't change my behavior based off how well I think I do?

2013-09-18, 07:37 PM

Leon has been silently following Lubrin the entire time (good thing too, following the crazy Cleric around might've ended up bad for his or the Cleric's health). He enters the mayors office and takes a seat, nodding to the mayor in acknowledgement as he enters.
So far he's decided that Lubrin isn't that bad to hang around with... though he's definitely exaggerating, but probably with good reason.

2013-09-18, 07:49 PM
Kwinn's been standing about, again being carefully observant of the goings-on in the temple, all while enjoying the show. She smiles that Windhome and co. have made more progress than her and Angwyn.

*Kwinn whispers back in bad-accent Elven: Bhuel, ar a laghad an am seo ní bheidh sé a bheith maslach, ó tá sé a deity féin ... I mo thuairimse.
Well, at least this time he won't be sacrilegious, since it's his own deity... I think. (Translated into Irish)

She sighs with relief (but maybe a little disappointment that the fun's over) when Windhome concisely summarizes the situation. Back to business -- though she's also monitoring Windhome's speech. She hasn't known the group too long, after all.

2013-09-18, 07:54 PM
Gavyn, having followed Lubrin and Leon to the mayor's office, hangs back and listens to Lubrin explain his take on the situation.

2013-09-18, 08:04 PM

"If this is true, why should I trust the defense of my city too a few people I don't know? Thank you for the information, though I place my trust in the designated law enforcement and military agencies. I will be meeting with them to discuss your proposal. Is there anything else?"


"I could attempt several divinations, though they would take time. You mentioned wanting me to go somewhere?"

2013-09-18, 08:10 PM

Well, the problem is that the sages' divination indicated that whatever caused the explosion will more fully manifest in the market square sometime tomorrow. We'd like to be there when it happens, but are concerned that innocents might be harmed by whatever it is. If you could confirm the sages' divination I'm sure that would help convince the mayor of the seriousness of the danger. If you have the time, I'm also sure that he'd trust your word more than relative unknowns like us. But, if you don't maybe you could send someone known to him? Or even a sealed affidavit stating your findings?

2013-09-19, 06:10 AM

He listens to the mayor and nods. Indeed, it is only fair you place your trust in your own men. But I am one of you as well, or at least consider myself such. I grew up in a small village not far from here. And if there is any danger here, it might very well reach the village as well. I would like to stand watch with your men. You don't have to worry, I won't be in the way. I am skilled with the bow and I can be of assistance to your men, as well as the rest of my group. After all, we will be better prepared for any danger if we are in greater number.

2013-09-19, 06:26 AM

"I will attempt to do just that, and send word when I am finished. Divinations take time." With that he turns to return to the temple unless you have further words.


"Accepted on the condition that you obey the officers of the watch as any volunteer is expected to obey superior officers."

2013-09-19, 06:35 AM


Thank you, Father. Shall we await your word at the mayor's office with our companions, or here?

2013-09-19, 02:05 PM
"With your companions I'd think, though either is fine."

2013-09-19, 02:15 PM

Kasalyn responds to the mayor: Of course. We will obey the officers, and comply with their orders. Thank you. I guess the next step is to get prepared for tomorrow. When you contact the watch, please tell them that we will be present there as well.

2013-09-19, 02:21 PM

"Very well." He says, writing something. Folding it he hands it to Kasalyn "If that is all, could you give this to the clerk on the way out?"

2013-09-19, 02:59 PM

Bowing again to the High Priest.

Alright guys, let's rejoin the others, shall we?

2013-09-19, 03:15 PM

Kasalyn takes the note from the mayor, nodding in approval Of course. I will take my leave now, and prepare as best as I can for tomorrow. He takes off and hands to note to the clerk on the way out. The mayor told me to give you this note.

2013-09-19, 04:21 PM
The clerk takes the note, thanks you, and bids you a good day.

2013-09-19, 05:33 PM

Kasalyn bids the clerk a good day as well, and leaves the mayor's house. He moves towards the alchemist's shop in order to meet up with the rest of the group, as planned.

2013-09-19, 06:30 PM
Lubrin also heads to rendezvous...

2013-09-19, 07:57 PM
Kwinn follows to the alchemist's shop. She wants to get a layout of the area in and around the shop, noting down good places to hide or take cover, and possible entry and escape routes.

2013-09-19, 09:09 PM

On meeting his companions:

We talked with Pelor's high priest. He's agreed to perform some more divinations to confirm our evidence. He'll be sending the results to the mayor. We're to await word there. How did you guys do?

2013-09-20, 12:39 AM

We talked to the mayor. He agreed to have this area emptied for tomorrow, as the sages' divination told us that something would be going down tomorrow. Now all that is left is to prepare. It's a good thing you managed to convince the priests to make a divination as well. That should help also.

2013-09-20, 05:39 AM
The Pelor priests were nice to me, the others priests are jerks.

2013-09-20, 05:46 AM

An aside to Kasalyn in Elven:

El que vol dir és que va enfurir al tot sacerdot parlava més que un grapat de paraules a. Em vaig presentar a l'església de Pelor abans que pogués parlar tant.

"What he means is he angered every priest he spoke more than a handful of words to. I showed up at the temple of Pelor before he could talk that much." Translated to Catalan via Google translate


We should wait near the mayor's office, as that's where the head priest's messenger will expect to find us.

2013-09-20, 05:51 AM
Alchemist Shop (I assume everyone is there and I can stop titling locations)

The alchemist soon returns and works on cleaning up his shop. He invites you to stick around if you want, and apologizes for the mess. The windows are being boarded up until the glass can be replaced.

2013-09-20, 06:21 AM
Gavyn nods at Windhome's suggestion. "Agreed. And we can discuss what we plan to do about whatever is supposed to happen tomorrow. Perhaps later we should return to the archives and look into prophecies, as well. There may be something concerning what's going to happen tomorrow."

2013-09-20, 10:05 AM

"Actually, I think the divination said it would happen before tomorrow. Which leads me to believe we should be prepared for right now through... sometime tomorrow. In which case I think it might be best if we take some watches, and others try to get some early sleep in so that they can watch at night.

Alchemist, do you have any spare bedding that I might sleep in right now so that I can take the night-watch in keeping your property safe?"

2013-09-20, 02:32 PM
"There is just the one bed you saw earlier."

2013-09-20, 04:40 PM

Kasalyn smiles at Windhome's remark and responds to Windhome in elven: Ja veig. Però no hauríem de parlar de tal manera sobre els nostres companys quan no poden entendre. Jo crec que no és apropiat.

"I see. But we should not talk in such a way about our companions when they cannot understand us. I believe it is not appropriate."

Kasalyn takes a look around to find a place to position himself, preferably a place on high ground. He turn to the rest of the group. I will stand watch tonight. I only need 4 hours of meditation in order to rest appropriately. I will try to find a place on high ground from which I can easily observe the battlefield - if there is to be one, that is.

2013-09-20, 05:00 PM

"Hmph yes I suppose some meditation would be ether than THAT bed... "

2013-09-20, 05:20 PM
A general will always make sacrifices for his men. I shall sleep on the floor!

2013-09-20, 05:25 PM

I'm going outside town and track around the area with Bubsy. We'll be on the lookout for anything unusual. Of course, we can find some food for the evening as well, considering somebody wanted to clear the market before we could get anything fresh for the evening.

Any of you may join if you like -- just give Bubsy room to work.

2013-09-20, 05:38 PM

I'm with you, Kwinn. If anything needs to be done before we leave, then do it and let's head off. Dinner would be good, I haven't eaten much today. And I'd rather eat fresh food that I find myself than pay for it.

2013-09-20, 06:41 PM
Soon you notice the high priest of Pelor making his way towards city hall. People also seem to be coming and going from town hall with more rapidity and urgency.

I'm waiting for you patrolling until this is over. Partially because I am unsure exactly who is going.

2013-09-20, 09:43 PM
Windhome is waiting for the Priest.

Father! What news?

2013-09-21, 09:12 AM
"Grave news. My divinations confirmed the magical disturbance, and that we will see sign of it by tomorrow. The explosion was not intentional, it was merely because the event was strong enough to overload the devices."

2013-09-21, 09:58 AM

Was it confirmed to be around the exact time, early morning, tomorrow? And did you get any sense of the nature of the disturbance?

2013-09-21, 10:49 AM

Now I'm even more disturbed. We had one divination say the same, but your divination confirmed it now. This sounds bad. I'd also like to know the answers to Kwinn's question. Will there be danger? I ask this even though I have a feeling there might be.

2013-09-21, 12:09 PM
But, what causes the disturbance? Does Pelor not know that? I need information!

2013-09-21, 12:16 PM
"I did not get an exact time. My divinations told me there is danger. For what the threat is, I got no answer. My divination either failed or was blocked."

Commune is yes or no, so it doesn't work, and Divination has a failure chance.

2013-09-21, 01:54 PM

Please calm down, Lubrin.

*to the high priest*

Thank you, Your Eminence.


The mayor appears to be moving to evacuate the square. However, if you could tell him the news, I'm sure that would help if he's getting resistance.
Since the sages' divination seemed to indicate that we should be the ones to face this, we should be getting back to ground zero.

2013-09-21, 02:12 PM

Indeed Windhome. I doubt the mayor needs our help with the evacuation though. If someone does not want to evacuate, the town watch will handle that. It shouldn't be a problem. Kasalyn then turns to Kwinn. Well then Kwinn, shall we? I'm starving, and I could use a good meal. Hopefully the wilds can offer us something today.

2013-09-21, 02:19 PM
"While you two do that, I'm going to head back to the archives. I'd still like a chance to look into any prophecies that may be related to this upcoming event." He turns to leave, takes two steps, stops, and turns his head back to face the rest of the group. "If anyone wants to come with me, I'd certainly appreciate the help. Regardless of who is going where, we should meet back here by sundown." With that, he continues on his way to the archives.

2013-09-21, 02:23 PM

I'll go with you, Gavin. Gods' willing, we'll see you at sundown.

2013-09-21, 02:39 PM

In that case, I'll see you later guys. Good luck in the archives Gavin, I hope you find some information that we could use. Me and Kwinn will scout the outside of the city for anything unusual, maybe even hunt down some food. We'll try to make it a fast reconnaissance mission, but we'll be back by sundown in any case.

2013-09-21, 02:52 PM
"What brings you to return?" asks a sage.

To research something in the archives, make a knowledge check with a +4 circumstance bonus, you can make untrained knowledge checks trained in such a way, but only to DC 20. Researching takes 1d4 hours per question.

"May we endure. Thank you." With that he heads towards town hall.

Scouts: Do you just wander around? Or do you try to investigate the market for hidden entrances or something more specific?

2013-09-21, 03:23 PM

After formulating the code about the belltower and districts, Lubrin makes his way to the belltower to convince the people inside it of his urgency in being there.

"...There is a great threat coming tonight, and I am here to inform you that I will be sitting up in the belltower to observe any dangerous activities that might appear. Could you show me how to get to the highest point that allows for the best observation?"

Diplomacy [roll0]

2013-09-21, 03:33 PM
"Really. You think that you're some sort of hero, the only one to save the day? Well, there are authorities for that, more qualified than some elf with a big idea."

2013-09-21, 03:56 PM
"See. Now. Thats where you're wrong. While there are authorities who would like to deal with this, they are in fact not as capable of dealing with threats as I am. Who do you think can handle this... You? You insignificant mouth-breather. Do you have ANY idea how quickly I could end you??

But no. I come in here, ready to help... Lending my assistance to save the pitiful putridity that is your weakness. To which, by the way, you should have responded with nothing but PRAISE and WORSHIP at my benevolence.

No. No. Instead you think you even have the privilege of addressing me like this. You... You pathetic weakling. Here's what's going to happen. You are going to escort me to where I want to go, you are going to come back down here, and you are going to guard the entrance to this tower so that nothing disturbs me.

You have exactly one alternative to that: if you believe I am so weak that I can not save your town, you can try to stop me. And I will put you on the ground in more pain than you have ever known. Now. What will it be?"

intimidate [roll0]

2013-09-21, 04:48 PM
The bell keeper looks worried, but holds his ground. "No. If you don't have permission, you can't. Threatening me won't help. The authorities will deal with this, they know best, not some threatening bastard like you." He steps back to close the door.

2013-09-21, 05:24 PM
You patrol around the city. You find the gates are the only obvious entrance, though some houses were set up outside nearby, including one that is built with the wall being one of the house's walls, though there still are 10-15 ft of climbing to get over.

2013-09-21, 05:27 PM

"What're you talking about? I HAVE permission. That's what I spent the entire morning talking to the mayor and the ages about."
.... Casting detect good while arguing. Also was that a bluff or did we in fact get permission to help..?


And if he's good aligned, this might end with a non-lethal fist fight...

2013-09-21, 05:34 PM
Faint good aura. Second good aura also inside, faint.

Bell Tower

"Then show me." He replies skeptically.

You were given permission to join the guards at the square to defend. He did not say "do whatever you think would be helpful" or anything.

2013-09-21, 05:41 PM

"Okay... I'll come back with orders. If something happens before I return, then pray for mercy from whatever god you worship... As there is no way any harm that befalls anyone here isn't your fault solely."

Lubrin then walks away from the bell tower and makes his way back to the alchemists shop. He goes to the roof of that building instead. If any of the party is around he tells them to cancel the bell idea, as the jerk guards won't let him in for some reason.

2013-09-21, 05:50 PM
Angwyn tries to think of a way that he can help the town prepared for the mysterious impending magical thing. Suddenly it hits him: He could raise an army to oppose whatever might happen. Think of it, General Anwyn Arthurson leading an army to protect the city of his father, it would be marvelous!

Assuming his most important looking stance Anwyn marches through Delthontil attempting to recruit an army, bellowing retoric such as:

The Risen Empire needs you!
General Anwyn Authorson, Exalted of the Empire, request loyal soldiers!
Who shall be strong in the face of impending magical catastrophe?
Three gold for the patriots! Three gold for those who shall fight!
As impending catastrophe looms General Anwyn Authorson is in control and He Needs Loyal Soldiers
As long as you serve, Delthontil cannot fall!

2013-09-21, 06:28 PM
Questions at the archives:

Looking for information on similar events (not sure how to phrase that)

[roll0] Takes [roll1] hours

Are there any prophecies that mention similar events?
[roll2] (untrained) Takes [roll3] hours

2013-09-21, 08:04 PM
You find no prophecies about a magical surge in the archives.

For similar events, you find several, a demonic invasion triggered a surge, as did several major planar breaches to wild magic planes in local areas. The other event happened in the shattered desert, a long time ago, it is said ancient mages created wards for there city so strong it sent shockwaves through magic from its creation.

Angwyn: Some 38 people volunteer to serve this 'general', though all seem poorly trained and even worse equipped. They mainly seem interested in the 3 GP.

2013-09-21, 08:12 PM
Anwyn pays them. Thank you my loyal soldiers! Follow me, we are going to camp out in the square near the alchemists. I shall stop a mysterious magical thing!

2013-09-21, 08:18 PM

*Windhome shows Gavin the passages he finds.*
(look at the spoiler)

2013-09-21, 08:28 PM
The people, ill equipped make there way into the market square, which is already very crowded. As they practice swinging clubs and staves, people start to eye them curiously, as it appears a mob is gathering around the alchemist's shop.

2013-09-21, 08:42 PM
Using Psionics to search for similar phenomena of psionic origin, or else creatures of entities capable of causing surge a surge: [roll0] takes [roll1] hours.

"I'm glad you came. I appreciate the help, but moreso the company." Gavyn settles in and begins his research. As Windhome starts investigating similar events in history, Gavyn looks into psionic creatures that might be capable of causing disturbances like this.

Some time later, Gavyn looks over what Windhome has managed to find. "Interesting. So, no prophecies speak of surges of wild magic, but there have been similar events throughout history. A demonic incursion, various planar breaches, and... something in the Shattered Desert? See if you can find anything about what became of that city, would you? I'll look into those planar breaches."

Second knowledge check uses the Planes to investigate the signs of an impending planar breach, what happens during such a breach, and how one can be prevented. [roll2] takes [roll3] hours.

2013-09-21, 08:50 PM


History: What happened to the City in the Shattered Desert?
[roll0] (untrained)

2013-09-21, 08:51 PM
Taking [roll0] hours

Oops, derp-ty derp... :smallredface:

2013-09-22, 06:32 AM
Kwinn finds food for herself and seven others.


The city is still their, and seems too well protected for the empire to reach. What happened back then besides raising a ward you do not know.

Psionics: It seems psionic powers have smaller ripples, and such magical disturbances are uncommon. A planar breach to a plane with wild or boosted psionics could cause fluctuations. It also has been theorized that a powerful enough psionic ability could massively alter the world, potentially even reformatting magic itself. This has only been theorized, and nothing powerful enough to do it is known of.

Planar Breaches: You read that planar breaches grow, so they'd start more mildly, though what exactly it is escapes you.

2013-09-22, 06:45 AM
Hmm... looks like the city survived. Not only that, the ward worked just fine, if the empire's inability to conquer it is any indication. See here?
*Shows Gavin the passages he found.*

Hmm... it has to be getting near sunset by now. We should probably rejoin the others.

2013-09-22, 07:23 AM
Gavyn gives an exasperated sigh. "Yeah, you're right. This hasn't been as helpful as I'd hoped. Thanks again for the help."

Gavyn gets up, puts away the books he had pulled from the shelves, thanks the sages for their assistance, and leads the way back to the meeting place.

2013-09-22, 07:41 AM
Windhome likewise returns his research materials, gives the sages his gratitude, and follows Gavyn.

Sure, any time.

2013-09-22, 08:08 AM

As Kasalyn returns with Kwinn, he takes his share of the food and eats the majority of it since he was quite hungry. He keeps the rest for later. He meets up with rest of the group as sunset approaches. Well, guys, I see we're all here, unless I'm mistaken. It's time for us to get prepared. I'll take a position on the roof of the alchemists shop. I can use my bow best from that position if need be. Kasalyn takes his bow, and gives it a quick look to make sure everything is in place. He places a couple of quivers near his hips, on the same side as the hand he uses for holding his bow, so that he has easier access to arrows. Well, I'm ready. Nothing to do now but wait I guess.

2013-09-22, 03:35 PM
Anwyn divides his "troops" into 3 squadron of 12 people each with one person in each squad being a servant. He also chooses two people to be "special forces" though he is not entirely sure what they will do yet.

2013-09-22, 03:36 PM
Day wanes into night. A notice is posted that the market will be closed tomorrow due to an expected threat. Guards patrol the square as you take your positions about. Angwyn's horde paces the square, drilling and alert. A few people make their way across the market. Shopkeepers gaze angrily from the windows of their shops, knowing that this exploit will cost them a day's profit. Nothing out of the ordinary yet, but the night is young.

What is the order you're taking watch (if you are)?

2013-09-22, 04:31 PM

Kasalyn, leaning on his backpack and relaxing atop the alchemist's shop, is paying attention to his surroundings. Though nothing is happening yet, he is well aware what the divinations have foretold, and is on his guard.

2013-09-25, 03:36 PM
The night passes slowly and quietly. As the sky begins to lighten, you see a shape in the sky. When it got there, you don't know. It is a metallic disc, very large, and some 200 ft up. As city life begins, people start to comment on it.

The disc does not seem to be moving, yet it hangs, defying gravity, silently. You estimate it is about 30 ft across.

Guards go to alert the officials.

Four winged creatures resembling pterodactyls, though much much larger, each a greenish grey, each with two humanoid riders circle above the disc slowly. Each of the pterodactyl-esque creatures has a saddle, reigns, and a leather barding.

Sorry, I meant to preview but posted.

2013-09-25, 03:56 PM

"...huh. Well look at that..."

And then he waits for... Something.

2013-09-25, 03:59 PM

By the gods, what is this... he muttered silently to himself. He didn't make a move, but was patiently awaiting what would happen next. Kasalyn then decides it would be better to move from the roof to the first floor. If he gets attacked from above, the roof will provide no cover, but the first floor would have plenty of that if needed.

2013-09-25, 06:11 PM
Kwinn steps out of the alchemist's shop to take a long look at the phenomenon. She's traveled quite a bit and seen some weird stuff in the past decade, but this a new one.

OOC skill checks: Are the animals or riders anything natural that she'd seen in a the wild, or more importantly, are they not natural creatures? Are there spells being cast or any familiar magic so far? (She isn't casting Detect Magic yet)
Kn(Nature): [roll0]
Spellcraft: [roll1]

2013-09-25, 06:15 PM
You cannot identify what the creatures or riders are, or any magic they possess.

2013-09-25, 06:59 PM
Windhome exits the alchemist's shop.

El que en el món?
What in the worlds?

He wracks his brain, trying to figure out what he's seeing:


Arcana: [roll0]
Dungeoneering: [roll1]
History: [roll2]
Martial Lore: [roll3]
Nature: [roll4]
Planes: [roll5]
Psionics: [roll6]
Religion: [roll7]
Spellcraft: [roll8]

Not sure which apply, so using a "shotgun"

2013-09-25, 07:27 PM
You cannot tell what holds the disc in the air, though you do recognize the winged creatures.

You believe they are yrthaks, a mysterious creature, that has powerful sonic attacks and formidable physical power, and excellent hearing, though is blind. The origin of the yrthak has always been a mystery to scholars, it is typically thought that a group of them got stranded on this world in some magical event, separated from wherever they came from, where they dwelt in mountains and thrived. Few people have the bravery and skill to train and ride such creatures.

The disc you believe to be a construct of some sort, a enchanted object given life, though what exactly it is, you do not know.

2013-09-25, 07:41 PM
Windhome's eyes go wide.

We mustn't fight these people and their mounts!

2013-09-25, 08:13 PM
"Why not? Still, they don't seem hostile, wish I knew what the hell they're doing." One of the guards comments as the captain of the guard comes out of town hall and other guards rush to fill him in.

2013-09-25, 08:15 PM
Well, I certainly wasn't expecting anything like this.

Kwinn turns at Windhome's shocked expression at something that otherwise looks benign to her.

Windhome, do you know what this is? Have you seen something like it before?

2013-09-25, 08:23 PM
Well, the flying creatures are yrthaks. They can blast things to bits with sonic attacks, or rip things apart with teeth and claws. Also, they have excellent hearing and can sense their surroundings with sound. Only very brave and skilled people can tame them.

As for that disk... it's some sort of construct. Since the creation of any construct generally requires significant magical resources, I'd assume it's the creation of an entity we should have no desire to fight.

2013-09-25, 08:37 PM
What the hell is going on?!? I must command my troops to resist these mysterious flying things! Anwyn tries to organize his soldiers into a defensive formation.

2013-09-26, 03:41 AM

A construct, huh? Well, let's hope they have no ill intention. Though I wonder about the reason of their appearance. Kasalyn tries to remain calm, although it's very hard, even for him, in this kind of situation. Though his bow is lowered, he is still very much on edge.

2013-09-26, 06:28 AM
The soldiers scramble to get into defensive formations, though without shields, armor, or training, the defensive formation you find somewhat lacking in defense.

"Someone get the mayor. Has anyone tried talking to them?" The captain asks, after being brought up to speed.

2013-09-26, 08:07 AM
Making my own battery of knowledge checks, in case Gavyn can identify the construct or the yrthak riders:
Arcana: [roll0]
Dungeoneering: [roll1]
Local: [roll2]
Nature: [roll3]
Psionics: [roll4]
Religion: [roll5]
The Planes: [roll6]
Gavyn emerges from the alchemist's shop, where he had spent the night wrapped in his bedroll on the floor, and looks up. "Well, glad to know that closing the market square seems to have been worthwhile." Hearing Windhome's explanation of what the winged creatures are, he vocalizes his acknowledgement. As he continues to look up, studying the strange floating disk, he hears Angwyn rallying his "troops." "Angwyn, stand down! Those people will get slaughtered if they try to go up against those things!"

2013-09-26, 02:49 PM
You conclude the "construct" is a construct, though cannot tell what it is in any greater detail The riders appear humanoid, having no real noticeable different that humans, though from over 200 ft up in poor light while they wear cloaks, it does not mean much.

"No sir!" replies a guard to the captains question as someone runs off to get the Mayor.

2013-09-26, 02:51 PM
Hold your fire! Do not attack until you or the town is attack. If they are not specifically attacking you than wait till you have a good throw. Make every club count!

2013-09-26, 03:27 PM
The soldiers nod there compliance, looking scared.

As this happens, the disc begins to descend, slowly, and the Yrthaks spiral downwards at about the same speed (30 ft/round), still no

2013-09-26, 03:31 PM
Seeing them descend, Lubrin hurries to the doorway and hides within it, poking just enough head out to watch their actions as he keeps himself out of direct line of sight...

Hide check? Not sure if I'm really hiding but eh. [roll0]

2013-09-26, 04:15 PM

Kasalyn hurries to the doorway of the alchemists shop as well as soon as he sees the disc descend. He makes sure he is well hidden, and does not draw his bow yet, but rather keeps it at the ready.

Hide check, if needed: [roll0]

2013-09-26, 06:49 PM
Angwyn stands with his troop in plain view.

2013-09-26, 07:16 PM

Leon's just been hanging around with Lubrin, since he seems to be the most interesting guy here and all. He follows the dude inside the shop and goes up the stairs to find a nice window to get a vantage point from, but he doesn't bother with the hiding thing.

How high up is the second story window?