View Full Version : Death of a City (IC)

2013-09-12, 04:07 PM
The palace district, nestled at the heart of the city and surrounded by the Guild district. Marble and gold are the building materials of choice. The palace rises majestically from the center of the district, its spires lording over the entire city. Headquarters for every government organization encircle the palace. It is one such building that you have all been called to.

Though sudden, the invitation to the palace district was hardly unexpected. Each of you had been approached with the prospect of employment for the Spymaster. Your reasons for accepting varied, but the theme was the same: he had something you wanted. Blackmail, information, a step up in society; whatever brought you to his attention, he could offer.

Upon entering the district you were each escorted to the Intelligence building. Unlike the grander of the district, the offices here are much more subdued, instead made for practical use. Thick walls to block sound, few windows to hide their activities. You were instructed to meet with a Lieutenant Finnhin and receive your assignment. The benches outside his office would hardly be described as comfortable, but an assurance that the wait would be short makes it bearable. It was suggested that you take this time to introduce yourselves.

2013-09-12, 05:19 PM

Walking into the room is a simple clothed Mul, toting a very brutal looking craghammer - runes adorn the handle and the wear of time on the weapon is obvious.... but it still looks about as menacing as its owner. Definitely someone from the Church of the Gods, he wears a rough full-robe over what looks like some hide armor but no symbolism of a god is seen on him. Dark black hair clasped behind his head with a simple golden ring, his eyes and mannerisms seem lost in thought as he looks around the waiting room. Instead of removing his heavy shield strapped to his back, he leans against the wall with a loud but short screech of metal grinding on stone. He gives no appearance to care to the fact he probably damaged the wall or that people might be staring at him for his heritage....and seems to wait for others to speak first.

This had better be worth my time...

Irish Musician
2013-09-12, 06:11 PM
Odin Proudhammer (http://iplay4e.appspot.com/characters/agdpcGxheTRlchQLEgtDaGFyYWN0ZXJWMhj46OQIDA), Cleric of Moradin
Odin walked through the city, keeping an observant eye on the things going on around him as best he could. It was always interesting for Odin, now, to walk through the city. Some of his past deeds had been forgiven, but a lot of them were still remembered by, especially, the half-elven population. He has done his best, and done well, to try and repair the relationship between him and the half-elves. It has been slow going, but a good portion of the population has seen that he is truly sorry. So, he got quite a few interesting looks walking through the streets. He kept a smile on, though, and wave to many a people, large, dwarven Mordenkrad slung over one shoulder.

He arrived at the district, and escorted to a building. Once there he is brought to a room, where an interesting looking man (looked more like a Mul to Odin) standing there in the waiting room. "Oi, how ye be son? I'm Odin, what be yer name?", he asked the man, hand out in front of him as a welcoming gesture.

2013-09-12, 10:19 PM

Standing in a shadowed end of the hall is a human wearing simple merchant clothing. He appears to be light on his feet and also is attempting to watch the entire room at once. The only thing that places him outside the other teaming masses of humans is the well worn rapier on his belt and the glint in his dark green eyes.

By the gods.... A Mul that looks just as likely to say a prayer as he does to bash in someones head with that hammer of his... A freaking elf that looks like he is going to a damn midsummer's ball and he wont quit humming.... and of the Two dwarves I cant decide which one is worse the giant(well big for a dwarf) preacher or the warden that looks like he just walked in off the farm.... What did I do to deserve this group of ragamuffins.... A damn blind beggar will see them coming from a mile away.

As he steps from the shadows he says "Good afternoon, my name is Tontik a city boy born and raised right here in Ashmoor. You need something or someone found, well Tontik is your man...You need something or someone lost, well Tontik can help you out with that also. *cough* and in a barely audible whisper "We are about to meet up with Finn, the halfing and the big boss man's #2. Don't stare at his damaged ear, and for the sake of the gods don't make any short jokes... Last ******* that did that, well lets just say the city kids still play Find All of Jems Parts."

After the greeting he looks down the hall, tapping his foot like he is waiting on someone.

2013-09-13, 10:49 AM

With a quick glance, Sacer notices the markings of Moradin on one and the markings of the Market district on the other... a dwarf and a merchant, both of which give him caution for such open friendliness to a Mul - with a small raise of his craghammer to return a greeting, Sacer answers plainly "Name's Sacer and I'm doing what we're all doing... waiting it seems on a man named Finn." Nothing rude but short and to the point.

Iron Penguin
2013-09-13, 12:26 PM
The tall elf in the fine clothes gets langorously to his feet. White-gold hair spills down over his brocaded red coat.

"I suppose I ought to introduce myself," he says, with a slight smile and an unhurried wave of one elegant hand. "For those of you who don't know of me already. I am Lithiel, a captain of the Raven's Claw - some call me Red Lithiel. No idea why," he drawls, glancing down at his scarlet coat, the scarlet brocade on his shirt, his scarlet breeches, and the scarlet slippers on his feet.

He sits again, that slight smile still on his lips, his uncanny pupil-less eyes half-lidded.

2013-09-15, 03:39 PM

He begins pacing and after a few minutes he cranes his neck to listen down the hall.

"Where is this hill-whomp dwarf at, If he makes us late we will all pay the price."

After another few minutes of pacing.

"We can just say he died before he got here, this is Ashmoor it happens all the time. And if the fool happens to show up after the meeting I am sure me and Red have a fifty-fifty chance of getting him out of the city alive."

He continues pacing and staring down the hall.

2013-09-16, 12:26 PM

A young page runs up to TomTom and whispers in his ear.

Damn it, damn it, damn it.....who should I get....Shardum is dead....Riddel is in jail..... I can't believe I am saying this, go get me the zealot.

The boys face blanched and he starts shaking his head.

Damn it I know he is crazy but only some of the time just go get him right now and tell him to get here right now.

The boy stalls another moment.

I said go get the damm zealot right NOW!

The boy turns on his heels and runs off.

Tontik looks at everyone else.

The hill dwarf got arrested for sodomy with a animal and then broke a city guards arm, he won't be out anytime soon if ever. I know another dwarf, he is half crazy but on this short of notice he is the best we can do. And he will fit right in with you lot, didn't think I could ever say it but he may even stick out more than you Red.

***(ooc wow the color jacked all up on my phone, but you can figure it out back to work for me)

2013-09-16, 03:17 PM
It is some time later before the doors at the far end of the hall open again. They admit a dwarf of about average height and somewhat slight of build. He wears a tattered brown cloak - frayed around the edges by age and use - over a set of rune-inscribed armor of a dull copper color. The staff he carries with him seems well-used.

His skin is a deep tan, almost brown, with blonde hair kept long and untamed. His beard is likewise long and unkempt. His face is dirty and wrinkled, both by age and the multitude of scars lining it. Everything about this particular dwarf could be summed up in a word: worn.

His eyes, however, tell a different story. They are a brilliant gold in color, clear and strong. They burn with fervor and purpose, not unlike a fire determined to consume all in its path. As he approaches the assembly, he opens his mouth and a deep, strong voice echoes forth.

"Who are you to presume that you may summon me?!" his burning eyes survey those gathered before him, "I am the voice of the Gods! Their word made flesh! I am chosen to bring Their glorious light to the far reaches of this land, whether by holy word or righteous condemnation! I have battled the evils of this world and those far removed from it, and I alone have prevailed!" spittle flies from his lips and his face grows redder with each word he speaks, "I ask again, who among you dares summon me?!"

2013-09-16, 07:45 PM
Almost in response to dwarfs demands the door to the office opens and a halfling beckons you enter. Once the last of you enter the door shuts itself. Seated behind a massive desk covered in papers sits the halfling.

“So you're the new group of adventurers,” he says, eying up each of you. Shrugging he sighs. “Well at least you look more competent then the last group. My name is Finnhin and I'll be your handler. Now then, I don't have a lot of time for you so try to keep this brief. I have reason to be suspicious of the sole charity group working in the outcast district. Something to do with demon summoning or such nonsense. Unlikely as it may, that's something I can't ignore and I'm running short handed right now. This is where you come in. You will travel to the outcast district and meet with a contact by the name Jeran. He will be waiting for you in the Bottomless Pit, a bar a short ways into the district. He will have more information for you, since the lazy bastard hasn't bothered on filing his report yet. Any questions?”

2013-09-16, 08:21 PM

No questions lieutenant Finn, we won't take up any more time than we already have, I will get us to the bar.

***Tontik motions for you all to leave and gives you all a look like lets get the hell out of here before he decides to murder us for fun***

After he steps into the hall and waits for the door to close.

************************************************** *****

I know the bar well, well as good as you can know a bar in the outcast district. I even have a few contacts in the area. I will go ahead and check it out, and make sure we aren't followed.

Yeah like a five year old in the outcast district wont see us coming from a mile away.

Just take your time walking to the square I will send a runner to pick you up and lead you into the bar. When you get there ask for Missy, she is a big bossumed red head, can't miss her. Ask her for the usual. If she brings you food it means the meet is delayed but still on. If she brings you ale it means the meet is on time and safe as far as I can see. If she brings you whiskey.... well then its bad, get your weapons ready and be set for a fight. If we got separated just head for the merchant district on the far side of the river I will pick you up.

2013-09-16, 09:34 PM

An audible *ugh* escapes Sacer when there's mention of the outcast district. As they quickly get shuffled out of the room before any questions can be asked, Sacer shoves Tontik a bit in a friendly but not-so-friendly manner and glares at him as he says "You had better have the means to get us out if we're goin' in or it could prove unhealthy... for you." Sacer doesn't seem to like joking around about the outcast district. As they exit onto the main road, Sacer looks around a bit debating if there's much to do before they enter into the land of filth... and begins to doubt if this was worth it. Not exactly a step up from the market district... what did I get myself into?

"So, any stops or we just gonna get this over with."

Irish Musician
2013-09-17, 11:19 AM
Odin Proudhammer (http://iplay4e.appspot.com/characters/agdpcGxheTRlchQLEgtDaGFyYWN0ZXJWMhj46OQIDA), Cleric of Moradin
Odin walks over to and slaps the halfing on the shoulder and gives a hearty chuckle, "No problem my wee friend! We will be takin' care o' these demon summoners or whatever the hell they be. Don' you fret! Only one question I be havin' though. What group be tha one you mean?" With that Odin leave the room with a spring in his step and a smile on his face.

Once out of the room he listens to Tontik's explanation. "That be fine wit me. I know tha place as well, as I spend a lot of time in that district. I'll lead us over while we be waitin fer ya to be don with yer lookin' 'round." Then he turns to the rest of the party, "Well chaps, lets be gettin' a move on! Got some demons to be killin'!" He then turns to Sacer, "And we don't be needin' yet attitude about it. Tha district ain't so bad, lots 'o nice folk there.....just be gettin' over yerself son."

Iron Penguin
2013-09-17, 05:01 PM
Lithiel manages to suppress a groan at the mention of the outcast district. Only the half-breed dwarf - Sacer, was that his name? - expresses anything approaching the same response, lowering Lithiel's opinion of his companions somewhat.

As they are ushered quickly out of the office, Lithiel takes the chance to mutter to the rapier-carrying human: "You may not have had any questions, but I can think of a great many. The first of which is, who put you in charge?"

Then the cheery dwarf priest addresses them all, and Lithiel finds himself shaking his head in disbelief. It seems everyone is in charge here. Too many generals.

"Let us be clear on one thing," he says, in a ringing voice that commands attention. "I was chosen for this task because I am an officer - a captain of the Raven's Claw with no little experience of commanding soldiers in battle. I know little of the outcast district, so in this, I will follow you, cleric." He makes a little bow towards Odin, just enough to show a grudging respect. "But know this - in battle, I expect to be obeyed. Not because I am superior, or because I am an officer, but because it will keep you alive. The rest of the time, you may do as you will - I have no sway over you - but in battle, my every word is your command. In battle, my voice is your only bugle, my words your only orders, and this is your banner." He stamps the haft of his spear on the ground and the tip bursts into incandescent fire. His eyes blaze with reflected flame as he raises the weapon above his head. The flames die down, and he resumes his usual insouciant posture. "Just, y'know... bear that in mind."

Irish Musician
2013-09-17, 05:13 PM
Odin Proudhammer (http://iplay4e.appspot.com/characters/agdpcGxheTRlchQLEgtDaGFyYWN0ZXJWMhj46OQIDA), Cleric of Moradin
Odin looks at the Eladrin and waits until he is done speaking. He then walks over to him, only reaching to about the Eladrin's chest, and pokes him in the chest, as though he is scolding a child, "Don be givin me any lip, ya damned pointy-ear. I be a very gentle and kind soul, but ya poke me too much wit yer damned "holier-than-thou" horse-honkey, and you'n I will be havin' words....and not tha kind ones. I be listenin' to me lads in battle when they be earnin' me respect.....you have yet to be gettin' that. Respect ain't something you can be gettin' fer free, elf.....so don be thinkin' ya can boss yourself into it! Now, will you knock yerself a couple of rungs down the high ladder you be placin' yerself to work with us lowly soldiers?" Odin ads a nice little bow to illustrate his point, then turns his back on the Eladrin and walks off. If there is one thing in this world that will rub Odin the wrong way, it is the superiority of the Elves. He has smashed quite a few in the head for less.

Odin and Lithiel's interactions are going to be fuuuuuuuuuuuun :smallbiggrin:

Iron Penguin
2013-09-17, 06:01 PM
"You seem to have misheard me," Lithiel says, very coldly, to the dwarf's back. "I do not ask for respect, though yours would mean little to me indeed. I do not ask for respect, or for friendship, or even for courtesy. I ask for obedience in battle. A good soldier obeys the orders of an experienced officer. I led the charge at Ul-Arat. I broke the Bluesteel Line. I held Brokenmaw Pass with a hundred soldiers against ten times as many." He looks at the rag-tag bunch around him, then switches abrutply back to his usual urbane style. "Of course, if any of you have commanded troops in battle more times than I have, or won more victories, I will cede this command here and now. Anyone?"

2013-09-17, 06:54 PM

"The only charge where I'd be following anyone is out of the damn outcast district. You may think its all warm and cuddly, but that hell hole is nowhere the same to me than any of you. We're going in but I plan on getting out." With a muttered glare at Odin for being called "son", Sacer turns away from him noting he's done talking about it and faces Lithiel. "Just realize the guy holding the banner usually dies first... and don't forget I'm the wall before that rushing tide that ends your life." With a playful grin, Sacer raises his craghammer onto his shoulder and starts walking down the road a bit to try and see if anything is edible before they enter the outcast district.

If I'm going to die, I'll die with decent food in my belly and not that rat filth from the OD...

If there's any food anywhere on the way I can snag like a bread loaf or anything decent enough and travels well, I'll pay for it and take it along.

2013-09-17, 07:22 PM

He groans once they get outside.

He then says to Lithiel "I am not in charge, but I was chosen because I know the city and the players....who do you think suggested to the spymaster this rag tag crew, I did because it was the best I could find on short notice, and trust me notice is short.

And then he says to everyone "The reason we did not stay for questions is because Finn and the spymaster have killed nine people this week for bringing bad news, and for asking to many questions. That is the reason the meeting was delayed, he had to finish up torturing the last one the brought in this morning. They seem to be compromised somewhere and they treat anyone asking to many questions as a spy."

He turns around to Odin "That's fine that you know the outcast district but take the long way around, the lot of you might as well walk around carrying banners the way you are dressed, its my job to keep you all safe in the city and I intended to do it.

And finally he sighs and turns back to Lithiel "Trust me Red I know who you are the guild has quite the file on you. I know ALL about you. You can lead in battle if you wish, but if I say its time to run, its time to go.

"Can we get moving, we have been here way to long as it is already."

He yells at the Mul moving off "Next block over and three blocks north, best beef stew in the city"

2013-09-18, 03:28 PM
The aroma of beef hits you a block away, it seems Tontik was spot on in his recommendation. In short order you're squared away with a steaming bowl of stew and on your way to the Outcast District.

The sole entrance to the district is, unsurprisingly, nearly deserted of anyone except guards. 40ft tall walls insure not only that no one can get out but also serve to block it from most districts sight. On this side the gates are open and led into the customs office.

There is no restriction on entering the district, only on leaving. However there is a staggering amount of paperwork one must fill out before being admitted. Thankfully Finnhin had notified the officials of your coming and the passes were already prepared. It only took a few minutes to have them magically imprinted, insuring that even if you were killed the passes would be useless for anyone else. One brief warning to not lose your pass and you were through customs.

Nearly 30 ft high, the massive iron doors blocking access out of the district were, as always, tightly shut. One final check of your passes and the guards opened a small door cut into the gate. The Outcast District awaits.

I need to know your marching order and whether or not you are all traveling as a group.

2013-09-18, 05:24 PM
I went ahead first to try and scope the way out also tried to make sure no one was following, then I will ask in the bar if the meet is on and notify missy on how to serve the group then I will try and keep track of them as they enter and make sure the are not followed or ambushed I will try to be a block or so ahead of them and a block or two over, not scared to hit the rooftops if the terrian allows it or if it is needed to keep track of them.

I will also have changed clothes to that of a sea farer.

2013-09-19, 02:58 PM

Strolling through the gates with Odin, Sacer takes his pass and puts it directly on his chest underneath his robe. If I'm gonna lose my pass, the punishment to the thief is gonna be havin' to strip me naked! Sacer laughs for a bit to himself then suddenly realized no one else heard his "amazing" joke. Looking over to answer Odin's quizzical look, Sacer shrugs slightly and says "Ah, nothing... let's move on." Leading the group to the square, Sacer ignores the glares from others and has a menacing scowl after a short time of being in the outcast district.

This thief better show up soon...

Irish Musician
2013-09-19, 03:04 PM
Odin Proudhammer (http://iplay4e.appspot.com/characters/agdpcGxheTRlchQLEgtDaGFyYWN0ZXJWMhj46OQIDA), Cleric of Moradin
Odin shakes his head at the Mul, Goofy boy, he thinks to himself. Odin takes the lead, no one really having been here before other than himself and the thief. He walks through the streets, waving to some and saying hi to others. Of course not all the looks are good, but that doesn't stop him from being civil with people. He is bound and determined to repent for his past wrongs and the only way he can do that is to build his trust back up with these people. Considering some of the awful things he did, it will take some time. But dwarves are long-lived and if he had to, he would take his entire lifetime trying to get the trust back from these people. Some he had.....but he still had much work to do. "This be the way, lads. Stay close, don want your passes bein' lifted offa ya!" Odin didn't have too much fear about his being taken, but he put it in a safe place just in case.

2013-09-21, 04:34 PM
As you make your way towards the bar, you have plenty of time to become acquainted with the distinct traits of the Outcast District. The first thing you notice is the smell; a mix of rot, decay, and disease that permeates the district. Ancient buildings covered in grime line the streets, barely held together by years of patchwork fixes. The streets themselves run in haphazard lines, branching off and intersecting in seemingly random patterns.

But the saddest sight of all is the inhabitants of the district. Few dare to even eye contact with your group, much less reply to Odin's greetings. Your party is given a wide berth, no one wants to be near the outsiders less they get caught up in whatever trouble they bring. Dirty and clothed in much mended clothes, the people hurry by shooting furtive glances at all they pass.

Thankfully you arrive at the bar without incident or being followed. The inside the Bottomless Pit looks much the same as the outside: dirty, dark, and unwelcoming. Despite it being only an hour after noon the bar is full of people drowning their misery.

2013-09-22, 04:20 PM

Walking straight up to the bar, finding a space where he won't touch another filthy patron, Sacer taps on the bar with his palm and makes eye contact with the red-head they call Missy. With a smirk, he asks "We'll..." motioning to his groupmates "... have the usual."

2013-09-23, 01:08 AM
Missy walks you over to a large table in the corner. The only reason it is not taken is the large amount of broken glassware on it which she sweeps off onto the floor.

You sit yourself around the table.

MIssy comes over carrying a large tray and on it is Ale. According to Tontik this means the meet is on and safe.

A filthy human in laborer clothing crowds in behind her, he staggers his way to your table and sits down drunkenly. Then you notice this fitlh encrusted human is actually Tontik.

In a slurred voice Tontik says "The meet is on, The jackass Jeran is that half-elf in the far corner, the one that is falling down drunk. It seems safe enough here for now, but this is the OD that can change in a second, we should probably go over there and you guys can try and find out what is going on, I will keep watch." then he leans forwards and says in a perfectly clear unslurred voice "nothing seems out of place, but that worries me almost as much as anything". As he staggers to his feet he hiccups loudly and says even louder "You should all come meet my friend and buy us a drink" Hiccup.

He staggers you over to the table then fades back into the crowd.

Iron Penguin
2013-09-24, 02:46 AM
An expression of disgust flits over Lithiel's face, and he checks his chair carefully for broken glass or sticky stains before sitting. He is intensely aware that he sticks out like... well, like a red-and-gold-brocade-wearing elf in a scummy tavern in the outcast district.

He sighs inwardly. I sincerely hope our so-called guide is only feigning drunkenness. I have no such hopes of our contact. He glances over at the half-elf, and cannot suppress a small sneer. Such a one wouldn't know a demon-summoner if they called up a glabrezu right in front of him.

"Well - shall we get this over with?" he says, to no-one in particular.

2013-09-26, 11:09 AM
The party heads over to table where Jaren sits while Tontik keeps watch. The half-elf is a disheveled mess, his breath reeks of cheap beer. It takes him a minute to comprehend why several dwarfs and an elf have joined him, but eventually the pieces click together.
"So your ta poor bastards they dragged in ta carry this damned job? Jaren slurs. He trails off into silence, forgetting where he was going with it. Just as you are about to prod him to continue he suddenly begins speaking again.

"Oh, ya wanted something from me. Err, missions details or some such? Right." He sits up and tries his best to concentrate. "Ya all supposed to investigate the Open Hands Society. They be ta one charity group working out of here. Course we suspect them of financing their operation with smuggling, but who doesn't in tis district? But that's not ta issue, no not by a long shot. See there's rumors that somewhere beneath their base they've been summoning something evil. Well at least that's as much as the last group got before tey ended up in pieces. So we need you to infiltrate tem and see if ya can't figure out what tey be up to." Satisifed that he'd managed to do his job he goes straight back to his booze.

Irish Musician
2013-09-26, 02:55 PM
Odin Proudhammer (http://iplay4e.appspot.com/characters/agdpcGxheTRlchQLEgtDaGFyYWN0ZXJWMhj46OQIDA), Cleric of Moradin
Odin mulls over this new information while sipping on an ale he acquired. "If this charity be usin' tha people they tryin' to help as sacrifices.....then they need to be stopped. And I don't see why we shouldn't be tha ones ta do it."

Emyln - Has Odin ever heard of this charity before? And does he know anything about their shadier practices?

Iron Penguin
2013-09-29, 06:57 AM
Lithiel stands, pushing back his chair, and leans both hands on the table.

"You drunken, spineless little mongrel." His voice is low, cold, bubbling with anger. "If they really are summoning demons we shall stop them, but I refuse to wander blindly into such a place without proper intelligence. Tell us everything you know about the Open Hands - where this compound is, what defences they have, how many men. And until you have, you can leave off that." He knocks the half-elf's hand away from his beer mug and tips the ale out onto the floor.

Intimidate to get Jaren to tell us more: [roll0]