View Full Version : I need to destory my DM for 6 sessions

2013-09-12, 06:59 PM
My current DM has threatened us with grisly deaths if he decides we've optimized to much in our upcoming campaign so after we got to talking we both kind of settled on a gentleman's agreement that I could would a new character for each of the 6 sessions he was going to DM and completely wreck his plans and he in would turn be kind enough to kill that character in a most gruesome manner.

I need help making 6 relatively different character builds that can basically break the game and "win" D&D.

He's pretty much ok with using all first party published material so thats not a problem. Stats are 4d6dtl, everything else is standard for character creation including wbl. We'll be 12th level I'll assume for the whole campaign so that's where I have to max out. I'll say cheeky shenanigans and munkinery are encouraged but leave out the obvious wish loops/ice assassin/etc etc. builds.

The only benchmark I have for what to expect is that he said (jokingly) in his world balors rode around on ancient red dragons looking for optimized players to kill.

So, given that, what suggestions does the playground have?

2013-09-12, 07:02 PM
Wu Jen 5/Incantatrix 10/Archmage 5

Every spell up all the time, protecting you. Have a measly Wu Jen transform into a 100ft tall Giant (with 9 others) and just punch them into nothingness thanks to having costless Dark Chaos Shuffles.

2013-09-12, 07:06 PM
Wu Jen 5/Incantatrix 10/Archmage 5

Every spell up all the time, protecting you. Have a measly Wu Jen transform into a 100ft tall Giant (with 9 others) and just punch them into nothingness thanks to having costless Dark Chaos Shuffles.

He siad 12th level.

I think it would be easier to make a list of level 20 characters who would not b"win the game".

2013-09-12, 07:08 PM
The classic punpun, the UberCharger, An ironheart surge user, Druid (just about anything you do will be game breaking), Candle of Invocation/anything and warhulk/hulkinghurler build (tough to do only at level 12 though). If the straight druid does not catch your fancy you can use a psion trick to never run out of a pp.

2013-09-12, 07:21 PM
And of course don't forget the Omnificer, one of the few things that can take on PunPun so long as he wins rocket-tag initiative.

2013-09-12, 07:21 PM
Depending on certain interpretations, an Idiot Crusader build with unlimited White Raven Tactics on self is possible before level 12. Infinite turns is a lot like winning D&D... or at least all the combats.

John Longarrow
2013-09-12, 07:45 PM
Just use the CHEESE.

Take 4 polls 12 ft long. Have a hoop around the end so they make a 6' circle. Spread heavy canvas across the hoop and make it taut.

Place portable hole over taut canvas. Carry contraption and charge target. Target goes into hole. Cohort tosses bag of holding into hole after monster goes in.

Both portable hole and bag are gone. You are out 22,500 gp (using smallest bag). big creature should be "Forever Lost" on the astral, just like the magic items.

Alternate option is to just drop it on top of the target. If target is small or medium, they suffocate eventually.

EVIL option is to use said deal to drop 100 lbs rocks from 20' on top of target. Each rock does its own damage. Now you just need to figure out the volume of a 100lbs rock to find out how many fit in the hole.

2013-09-12, 08:00 PM
carry around a few auto reset magic spell traps like ironman. blast and laugh

craft > trap


2013-09-12, 08:22 PM
Dust of Sneezing and Choking. Throw one at a monster, and it's either screwed, or it's screwed.

Explosive Runes. Fill up a book over the course of weeks or months, throw it at an enemy, and cast Dispel Magic on it. If you'd prefer, you can do this one with Eternal Wands, so it's usable by non-spellcasters.

2013-09-12, 09:20 PM
Cleric of Mystra 6/Runecaster 8. Traipse around the countryside with your entire party sporting Divine Power, Wraithstrike, Greater Invisibility, Righteous Wrath of the Faithful, Haste and True Strike as permanent, at-will abilities activated at literally the touch of a button.

Oh, and have six grey ioun stones triggered to "when anything of an Evil alignment passes" activation, each with a rune of Fell Drained Magic Missile. Anything coming within 30 feet of you that is an enemy loses six levels unless it's got really good DR or Shield.

EDIT: Damn, it's level 12. You can probably get into Runecaster at Cleric 3 by using Dusk Giant polymorph and Psychic Reformation cheese, though.

2013-09-13, 01:05 PM
I'd be careful with this... even if you and the DM have fun with this, it may annoy the other players in your group. Make sure they're ok, before you get too carried away.

Or your whole party could build your characters specifically to defeat a balor and ancient red dragon... that would probably be pretty hard at EL12, considering they are CR20 and 23, but with very specific planning might be possible. And would be pretty funny if you do just enough to set off his "What, you're all power gaming?? You all die now!" reaction and then pull out all the stops and defeat his punishment. Of course that assume he actually does send that combination of enemies and not something else horrible. And he can just keep sending stuff to kill you, so you will eventually die...

2013-09-13, 02:34 PM
I'd be careful with this... even I f you and the DM have fun with this, it may annoy the other players in your group. Make sure they're ok, before you get too carried away.

Or your whole party could build your characters specifically to defeat a balor and ancient red dragon... that would probably be pretty hard at EL12, considering they are CR20 and 23, but with very specific planning might be possible. And would be pretty funny if you do just enough to set off his "What, you're all power gaming?? You all die now!" reaction and then pull out all the stops and defeat his punishment. Of course that assume he actually does send that combination of enemies and not something else horrible. And he can just keep sending stuff to kill you, so you will eventually die...

Well the experiment is for me to actually die every session. I have a regular non optimized character I'll be playing as well. This is more so just for fun :smallwink:r

2013-09-13, 02:45 PM
Ruby Knight Vindicator works wonders at 12.

Tim Proctor
2013-09-13, 02:50 PM
Here is my suggestion:

With WBL (DMG pg 135) you get 88,000 gp for 12th level.

If your DM allows for the 3 natural 20 roll.

Hireling, Trained: 3 sp per day
The amount given is the typical daily wage for mercenary warriors, masons, craftsmen, scribes, teamsters, and other trained hirelings. This value represents a minimum wage; many such hirelings require significantly higher pay.

1 gold = 10 silver so you have 880,000 silver, that is 293,333 Mercenaries, going to presume they have Slings although Long Bows would be feasible also. With a range of 500ft, or 1,000ft with long bows.

With "A natural 20 (the d20 comes up 20) is always a hit. A natural 20 is also a threat—a possible critical hit."

14,666.65 will hit with 20s, 733.33 will be critical strikes,36.67 will be 3 consecutive natural 20s. If not then the amount of damage should be (733 1d4x2 = 3,665 +13,933 1d4 = 34,832.5) totaling 38,497.5 damage, but damage reduction stops all that and ditch this idea.

But at a cyclic rate of 1 round to launch and 1 round to fire you have 10 dead Balors and Elder Dragons a minute, 600 an hour and after 4 hours 2400 dead Balors and Elder Dragons in which case the forces of Light will have invaded the 9-hells due to their weakened forces.

If not dump all your skills into Knowledge: Religion, spend all your gold on untrained hirelings that's 880,000 hirelings. Have them pray all day to a benevolent god that is dependent on Worshippers and is about to die (you'll have the ranks to not fail at knowing of one). That god will get a boost of power from the near million of people praying to the god and will personally come down and destroy every single Balor and Dragon (because otherwise all their followers die and they die too). After that loot the Demons and Dragons and continue to pay for more hirelings to start a religion that pays people to pray.

2013-09-13, 03:59 PM
Bloodline levels (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/races/bloodlines.htm) cost only 1,000 xp apiece as long as they're taken before 2nd level, as they do not increase your character level. (At 1st level, gain 1,000 xp, gain a level, take a bloodline level, you're still 1st level and need to gain 1,000 xp to gain another level.) They increase your max skill ranks, caster level, and level-dependent effects of class features. With Item Familiar (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/magic/itemFamiliars.htm) you'll have an extra 6,600 xp starting out, so this is your xp spending budget to still be 12th level.

+0 LA Aasimar (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/sp/20040213a) (you can indefinitely delay gaining the racial level (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/sp/20030824a)), Major Titan Bloodline, Least Celestial Bloodline, Ritual of Alignment [Evil] subtype, character is good aligned and exalted, Druid 1/ Bloodline 4/ This Bard (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/variantCharacterClasses.htm#bard) 1/ This Sorcerer (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/variantCharacterClasses.htm#sorcererWizard) 1/ Wizard (same as Sorcerer plus the one below) 1/ Abolisher 1/ Beastmaster 1/ Fiend of Possession 6 (no actual alignment prerequisites!); Specialist Conjurer with Abrupt Jaunt, Improved Toughness instead of Scribe Scroll.
Exalted Companion, Item Familiar, any feat prerequisites he needs.
Effective Druid level for animal companion: Druid 5 + Bard 5 + Sorcerer 5/2 + Wizard 5/2 + Abolisher 5 + Beastmaster 8 = 28, -3 Fleshraker -1 Celestial = 24, which is +4 HD and natural armor and +2 Str, Dex, and tricks (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/epic/classProgressions.htm#epicDruid) above the PHB Druid table.
Always possessing the animal companion, always giving it a +4 Profane bonus to all six ability scores, and always giving it +10 worth of magic weapon properties to every natural weapon: Speed +3, Wrathful Healing +3, Wounding +2, Magebane +1, Keen +1. You can instantly switch what you grant at will, so for example you can switch Keen to Ghost Touch vs incorporeal opponents, or switch it to the Bane property for whatever your current opponents are.
Edit: You can cast personal range spells on your animal companion while possessing it as though you and it were the same creature. Good spells to have on hand include Shield, Expeditious Retreat, Jump, Benign Transposition, Camouflage, Nerveskitter, Ebon Eyes, etc.

Animal Companion Stats:
Celestial Fleshraker Dinosaur
Medium Magical Beast (Augmented Animal)
Hit Dice: 20d8+160 (250 hp)
Initiative: +13
Speed: 50 ft. (10 squares)
Armor Class: 60 (+13 Dex, +24 natural, +10 exalted armor, +3 deflection), touch 26, incorporeal touch 36, flat-footed 47
Base Attack/Grapple: +15/+34
Attack: Claw +29 melee (1d6+34 and poison) (Power Attacking for -10)
Full Attack: 2 claws each +29/+29/+24 melee (1d6+34 plus poison) and bite
+27/+27 melee (1d6+24) and tail +27/+27 melee (1d6+24 plus poison) (Power Attacking for -10)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Leaping pounce, poison, rake 1d6+14, Exalted Strike +5 (good), Golden Ice, Weapon Enhancements
Special Qualities: Low-light vision, Darkvision 60 ft., Scent, Improved Evasion, Devotion, Endure Elements, Mind Shielding, Greater Sustenance (eat/drink/breathe), Freedom of Movement, Regeneration (heal 20 hp/hour), True Seeing, DR 10/Evil and Magic, Resist Acid Cold Electricity Fire Sonic 15, SR 25
Saves: Fort +23, Ref +28, Will +17 (+21 vs enchantment)
Abilities: Str 38, Dex 36, Con 26, Int 8, Wis 20, Cha 16
Skills: Hide +21*, Jump +41, Spot +28, Listen +20
Feats: (Flaw: Love of Nature; Nymph's Kiss), Improved Natural Attack (claw), Track, Multiattack, Sacred Vow, Vow of Poverty, Power Attack, Leap Attack, Rapidstrike (claws), Touch of Golden Ice, Sanctify Natural Attack
Alignment: Neutral Good

Leaping Pounce (Ex): Per Dinosaur, Fleshraker in Monster Manual 3. With the above attacks, he gains an additional +10 damage per hit from Leap Attack when delivering a Leaping Pounce. It makes two Rake attacks on a Leaping Pounce per the Speed property on its Rake.

Rake (Ex): Attack bonus +27/+27 melee, damage 1d6+24 (or 1d6+34 with Leap Attack). (Power Attacking for -10)

Poison (Ex): Injury, Fortitude DC 28, initial damage 1d6 Dex, secondary damage 1d6 Dex. The save DC is Constitution-based. Note that while poison may be associated with evil by default per BoED, a naturally occurring celestial fleshraker will never risk an alignment shift toward evil for using its involuntary, natural poison, and a good aligned druid of a good aligned deity can cast the spell poison without risking an alignment shift. Choosing to use poison may go against being exalted, but not involuntarily delivering your own natural poison.

Golden Ice (Su): Delivered every time he touches an evil creature, including every successful natural attack. Contact, Fortitude DC 14, initial damage 1d6 Dex, secondary damage 2d6 Dex.

Weapon Enhancements (Su): Every one of its natural weapons possesses the Speed, Wrathful Healing, Wounding, Magebane, and Keen magic weapon properties. Every natural weapon gets an additional attack at the highest bonus on a full attack. Every hit heals him for half the natural weapon damage dealt. Every attack that deals damage also deals one point of Constitution damage from bleeding. Against opponents capable of casting arcane spells or using spell-like abilities of spells that appear on an arcane spell list, every natural weapon gains an additional +2 Enhancement bonus to attack and damage and deals an additional 2d6 natural weapon damage. Every natural weapon has its threat range doubled, to 19-20/x2.

2013-09-13, 04:16 PM
Here is my suggestion:

With WBL (DMG pg 135) you get 88,000 gp for 12th level.

If your DM allows for the 3 natural 20 roll.

Hireling, Trained: 3 sp per day
The amount given is the typical daily wage for mercenary warriors, masons, craftsmen, scribes, teamsters, and other trained hirelings. This value represents a minimum wage; many such hirelings require significantly higher pay.

1 gold = 10 silver so you have 880,000 silver, that is 293,333 Mercenaries, going to presume they have Slings although Long Bows would be feasible also. With a range of 500ft, or 1,000ft with long bows.

With "A natural 20 (the d20 comes up 20) is always a hit. A natural 20 is also a threat—a possible critical hit."

14,666.65 will hit with 20s, 733.33 will be critical strikes,36.67 will be 3 consecutive natural 20s. If not then the amount of damage should be (733 1d4x2 = 3,665 +13,933 1d4 = 34,832.5) totaling 38,497.5 damage, but damage reduction stops all that and ditch this idea.

But at a cyclic rate of 1 round to launch and 1 round to fire you have 10 dead Balors and Elder Dragons a minute, 600 an hour and after 4 hours 2400 dead Balors and Elder Dragons in which case the forces of Light will have invaded the 9-hells due to their weakened forces.

If not dump all your skills into Knowledge: Religion, spend all your gold on untrained hirelings that's 880,000 hirelings. Have them pray all day to a benevolent god that is dependent on Worshippers and is about to die (you'll have the ranks to not fail at knowing of one). That god will get a boost of power from the near million of people praying to the god and will personally come down and destroy every single Balor and Dragon (because otherwise all their followers die and they die too). After that loot the Demons and Dragons and continue to pay for more hirelings to start a religion that pays people to pray.

I like the way you think my friend :smallamused:

2013-09-13, 05:25 PM
I highly recommend a Jumplomancer. Get the ancient red dragons to eat the balors after you impress them with your mad hopz.

2013-09-13, 05:28 PM
Depending on certain interpretations, an Idiot Crusader build with unlimited White Raven Tactics on self is possible before level 12. Infinite turns is a lot like winning D&D... or at least all the combats.

You could also do a 1d2 Crusader.

2013-09-13, 10:39 PM
The only benchmark I have for what to expect is that he said (jokingly) in his world balors rode around on ancient red dragons looking for optimized players to kill.

Personally I'd look for something that can kill a Balor riding a Red Dragon. :D

2013-09-13, 10:52 PM
1. Get a frenzied berzerker with deathless frenzy
2. Find a Berzerking sword
3. Trap your enemy in a room, glue the sword to your berzerkets hand, and lock him in there with the enemy.

Your berserker literally cannot die until he stops raging, and he literally cannot stop raging until everything around them is dead. You can lock him in a room with 10 great wyrm dragons and he'll come out 2 years later at -100,000 HP and ten dead dragons

2013-09-13, 11:34 PM
1. Get a frenzied berzerker with deathless frenzy
2. Find a Berzerking sword
3. Trap your enemy in a room, glue the sword to your berzerkets hand, and lock him in there with the enemy.

Your berserker literally cannot die until he stops raging, and he literally cannot stop raging until everything around them is dead. You can lock him in a room with 10 great wyrm dragons and he'll come out 2 years later at -100,000 HP and ten dead dragons

That idea is hilarious. I love it

2013-09-14, 12:21 AM
Go spell-to-power erudite 3/ghost (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/sp/20040117a) 5/erudite 6/thrallherd 1, using LA buyoff to immediately pay off the LA for each level of ghost you take (which should cost 15,000 xp, or less than two levels at level 12). Make sure you take Telekinesis and Malevolence as your ghostly powers. Now take Draconic Leadership and find the nastiest 9th level creature you can find as your thrall (and something similarly nasty as your draconic follower), and possess it. Every time the DM kills one of your underlings, you get a new one the next day; in the meantime, you get to escape that body and possess a new one (preferably an enemy's, until such a time as you run out). Even better if you can manage to possess a balor that's after you. And if your ghostly body is somehow destroyed, it won't be long before you're back again due to being a complete bastard. Make sure your attachment to the world is something really difficult to do, such as as, "I can't rest until I bring Dantalion back from being a vestige."

[edit] For extra nastiness, go dvati ghost just so you can possess two things at once.

Just to Browse
2013-09-14, 12:54 AM
Biff, you posted the wrong savage progression link (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/sp/20040213a).