View Full Version : Making non-Area spells into Area spells; Possible?

2013-09-12, 09:38 PM
Can a non-area spell be made into an Area spell by any means? Even 3rd party?

I know there's a 3rd party way via feats to make nearly any spell into a Ray spell. (Of course it's been years since I knew where to find that info.)
So it stands to reason there might be some way to make a normally targeted spell an Area spell.

Specifically I'm looking to modify the Binding (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/binding.htm) spell to affect an Area. Ultimately for it to qualify for an Arcane Archer (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/prestigeClasses/arcaneArcher.htm)'s Imbue Arrow ability.

2013-09-12, 11:13 PM
Well, one way is to tie it to a Hallow or Unhallow spell. But that only works for a specific list, which doesn't include the case you're looking for.

2013-09-12, 11:16 PM
Well, one way is to tie it to a Hallow or Unhallow spell. But that only works for a specific list, which doesn't include the case you're looking for.

Speaking of tying one spell to another reminded me, would Elder Glyph of Warding (LoM) work?

2013-09-13, 02:25 PM
Lens of Ray Widening (LoM 46) will do it if you are a Beholder, feel like figuring out how large the resulting cone should be, and are willing to squint at the rules long enough for such an item to work with Arcane Archer.

The Ocular Spell metamagic and the Spellwarp Sniper prestige class come to mind for turning spells into rays.